I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2005 Sliding into the galaxy of the omnipotent universe

"Hey, look, that's Harley, right? Why is she so small?" Louise pointed forward and exclaimed in confusion.

In fact, the Dome is not close to Papetua.

However, Pam is too huge at this time, and the main universe is like a basketball next to her. Even if the incarnation of justice on the Qiongji doesn't want to take the initiative to approach the battlefield, it is still shrouded in the palm of God falling from the sky.

When the two giant palms came together to seal Papetua, the Qiongji also suffered a disaster. In fact, long before the two giant palms came together, the Mother of Creation searched for DC's "public" divine power and used transcendence. During the magical spell, the "divine water splash" splashing outward has spread to the front of Qiongji.

Harley has level 15 magic (divine power) defense expertise, so she can easily crush Pam's ultimate move. But Pam is the mother of creation after all. The power of the magic she exerts by controlling her divine power has exceeded the limit of the multiverse - —In addition to the high level of Pammu, it is also because the origin wall is broken at this time and the DC extreme suppression is weakened.

If the Qiongji is really hit by the "divine water splash", the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die. Presumably powerful heroes such as Injustice Superman and Miraculous Mary can survive, while Lois and Sam Lane are just ordinary people.

At that time, Qiongji had been turned upside down again and left the range of the palm.

Moved away from the battlefield by Harley.

When their palms gradually closed and Papetua was held in their palms, they found Harry outside their palms.

Not what some might have expected, but a "super giant Harley" with a size to match her giant hands.

All they saw was Harley, a normal person.

"The giant palm just now was not her palm, she didn't get bigger."

Sensing the vast magical aura on Harley, Injustice Superman changed his words: "Maybe she can become extremely huge, but she obviously doesn't intend to do that, and it's not necessary for her.

At this time, Papetua has not yet merged his soul and divine body, but is just a consciousness. Harley's size has become extremely huge, and it is impossible to engage in physical hand-to-hand combat with him.

The only thing that can seal Papetua's will is powerful divine magic. Physical attacks are ineffective, and his huge size is useless. "

He could see more than Louise and the others.

Harley now clasped her hands together, and both palms turned into Tai Chi with clear lights and dark colors. The surface of Tai Chi was covered with the "Seal of DC" with gold lines on a black background. There seemed to be a small person in the center of the two palms.

Could it be Pappetua?

The Injustice Superman was surprised and looked up and down, left and right, and saw that there was nothing around them. The huge palm, Pappetua, and even the main universe that looked like a basketball were nowhere to be seen.

Could it be that Harley didn't get bigger, but that they all got smaller? The main universe and Papetua were no bigger than her hand, and they were as tiny as dust?

"Harry is so holy now, as if she has become a real saint in heaven." Magical Mary murmured.

"When I met Halle before, she was not dressed like this, nor did she have such a holy and elegant temperament."

Animal Man's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sacred and noble "Saint Sister in Heaven" in front of him.

"What was Harley dressed like before?" Louise asked.

"She is wearing a white training uniform, her hair is tied into long braids. She is very capable and simple. She doesn't even put on makeup. She looks very fresh now."

Now Harry's long hair that almost reaches her calf is spread out. Every strand of hair seems to be shining. Her thick long hair falls behind her like a golden waterfall. Although there is no wind, it does not look messy at all. .

The clothes on her body were also changed into gorgeous robes. They couldn't understand it. They only felt that the few ribbons surrounding her body were very elegant, and the skirt and sleeves embroidered with gold thread patterns were also swaying in the wind. It was obvious that there was no wind at all around the edges of Taixu. .

And her shoes were gone, so she stood there barefoot, half of her round and shiny calves looming under her skirt.

In addition to the changes in hairstyle and clothing, her exposed skin was also so bright that it seemed to be glowing, and her aura was as powerful as a physical mountain.

Even though they knew she was Harley and their old friend, they felt that she was sacred and noble and could not be blasphemed, and they were subconsciously cautious even when approaching or speaking to her.

"Harry is showing off again." Louise whispered: "With her current strength and realm, she can change her image in a matter of seconds.

But the origin wall collapsed and the situation was urgent, so she had little time to think about it.

Why change the look?

She knew that the battle with Papetua would definitely attract the attention of the whole universe, and I happened to be on the Dome, and I also created the New 52 TV station to broadcast live programs to countless parallel universes.

As the protagonist on the battlefield, she not only wants to be beautiful, but also wants to be beautiful, elegant, sacred, and full of style. "

In fact, Harley is in a very special state at the moment and is not completely showing off.

She is using the "Palm of God".

The main function of the "God's Palm" is to borrow some of the breath of the complete God for its own use, and this bit of God's breath changes her shape and breath.

"You are thinking too much. Harley is concentrating on her work right now. Although I don't know what she is doing, I am very sure that she has no time to be distracted at this time." Simon Baz said.

Louise said: "I just want to ask you, is Hallie beautiful now?"

"She has always been beautiful." After a pause, Simon Baz added: "But she is especially beautiful today. Not only is she beautiful, she also has the holiness and dignity of a saint in heaven."

"That's it! Her usual appearance is about the same as mine. It's not as exaggerated as it is now. Who would believe that she's not dressing up carefully and is just going to take the opportunity to show off?" Louise said.

Old Sam glanced at his daughter. Louise was now fully stocked with lipstick, foundation, eye shadow, earrings, necklaces, and hair accessories. Her makeup was still thick and her jewelry was exquisite.

"Aren't you dressed up carefully now and put on makeup specially? Harley is younger than you, what's the problem with dressing up?"

"If I want to be on a show, of course I have to put on good makeup. Hallie is not on a show but a battlefield! Of course, I'm not saying that she shouldn't put on makeup. I'm just saying that she's showing off again," Louise said.

"She still has the mind to show off, which shows that she is able to do it with ease. This is a good thing!" Sam Lane said.

Louise looked around and said: "Everyone, please take Commander Ryan out of this corridor. You can go to the next room or enter the bridge to see more clearly and conveniently.

If you have anything to ask me, you can also communicate through telepathy. "

"Why are you leaving? We are fine as we are now. We can see clearly. Even the general expression on Harley's face is vaguely visible." Sam Lane wondered.

"I'm going to start a live broadcast. I have promoted the story of 'Galactic Admiral' to the audience of the parallel universe countless times before, but the effect was not very good.

They are accustomed to thinking of Harley Quinn in their own universe, and then don't have much expectations for the 'Galaxy Admiral' of the main universe.

Now I am broadcasting the scene of the Galaxy Admiral sealing the sky with his hand for everyone to see. I will explain the battle process to everyone, which will definitely inspire people and make justice become the mainstream again. "

Finally, Louise added: "No matter what, we can't waste Harley's outfit.

Although she is a bit pretentious, she is indeed elegant and noble at the moment, and she looks like a holy aunt. It is easy to intimidate ordinary people who are not familiar with her. "

Sam Lane pointed at Harley who was still shining brightly in the distance, with fluttering clothes and flying long hair, "Isn't she suppressing Papetua now?

It was as if Pappetua was in the palm of her hand.

You see, her palms are still rubbing together, like playing cards.

Do you want to crush the Pappetua in the palm of your hand?

Superman, is Pappetua really in her hand? It's hard to imagine. "

He himself was not able to see the details of the palm movements clearly.

At this time, the Martian Manhunter on the Dome has built a spiritual space network, connecting everyone's thoughts together, and also passing on the perceptions of powerful people such as Injustice Superman to everyone.

Well, most of the heroes who are not the Martian Manhunters of the main universe but the "Incarnate Justice" on the Dome come from the parallel universe. There are Superman and Martian Manhunters in the parallel universe.

"I saw it, so I want to broadcast this scene live to all the hesitant and fearful people in the multiverse." Louise looked excited and said with a smile: "Although Harley is suspected of showing off, as long as she If you are qualified and able to show off, even if you are just pretending.

The more she shows off at this time, the more she can show her courage and confidence, and the more confident she can make the audience. "

"I mean, Harley has suppressed Papetua, the crisis is over, and the Year of the Villain doesn't matter anymore. Do we still need to continue to cheer for the people of the parallel universe?" Sam Lane said.

Louise's smile froze and she murmured: "It's over so soon, I still don't feel anything."

It was a good thing that the crisis was over, but why did she feel such lingering regret and reluctance?

Papetua was suppressed, at least the Year of the Villain crisis was over, the New 52 TV station was closed, and she was about to say goodbye to the multiverse audience.


Louise was thinking wildly when a sharp, soul-rending howl came from her mind again.

While their heads were spinning, the vision in front of everyone also changed again.

They once again saw the giant palm that covered the sky and the sun, and saw Papetua, which was even bigger than the main universe.

Pam was pressed in the middle by two giant palms, kneaded and squeezed like dough, and her human form was no longer visible.

She was twisted into a long strip, and with a sharp-toothed mouth that screamed, she looked a bit like a long venomous snake.

With the rubbing of the giant palm, "Snake Strip" Pam's belly gradually swelled into a big round lump.

Like a pregnant female snake.

But what she was carrying was not a snake fetus, but a colorful little sun.

A bright light emerged from the bulging belly.

That light gives people a feeling that it is more majestic, sacred and noble than the divine power of Pam and the holy power of Hali in her saintly state.

"No~~~" Papetua howled in pain and anger like an expectant mother who was about to lose her fetus.

The two giant palms pressing on her were also a little unstable, like a huge mountain range experiencing an earthquake, undulating and shaking violently.

Injustice Superman's feelings are more intuitive, because he has a similar experience: many times when he was solving bomb crises in the city, he directly held the bomb in his hand or in his arms.

Let the bomb explode in your palms, in your arms.

The explosion would not hurt his palms or body, but would violently vibrate the skin of his palms. The force of the explosion would not disappear, but would simply be transmitted through his body.

He felt that the situation in God's Palm at this time was very similar to that of himself when holding the bomb.

There is no doubt that the mother of creation has a powerful and supreme "baby" in her belly. She wants to rub the "baby" out of her belly with her palms. The "baby" spontaneously fights back and explodes with the "most powerful magic" than before. "Also a powerful shock wave.

Originally, the shock wave erupted by "Baby" could destroy the world - this was the sense of crisis that came from his spiritual sense, but the huge "God's Palm" was not affected at all. It was just like "Superman holding a bomb", with violent vibrations. No real harm.

It was also because God's palm was slightly unstable and the breath leaked that they sensed the battlefield scene again, fell into the battlefield again, and "saw" the scene of Papetua being rubbed by the palm.

"Ah~~~" Pam's bitter and painful howl became high-pitched and sharp.

"Ah~~~" Everyone on the Qiongji couldn't help but exclaim.

"Papetua was squeezed out by Harley's giant palm?!" Animal Man's exclamation was particularly "flavorful".

Being pinched between two palms and rubbing hard, Pam finally couldn't bear it any longer, and her belly burst open, and a dazzling and eye-catching thing flowed out.

"That's not shit, only what spurts out from the back of the butt is shit. There is no shit in the mother of creation's belly. Her belly was squeezed by the giant palm, and what came out should be the internal organs." Sam Lane covered his eyes, his face full of excitement. Analyzed.

The things flowing out emitted an energy aura so powerful that it solidified their souls, and a light so bright that it burned their eyes.

Sam Lane could only bathe in the radiating light from a distance, and then he felt uncomfortable all over, as if every cell was screaming in pain.

But he was very happy and very excited.

Pam screamed so miserably and was obviously seriously injured. Harley was going to win. How could he not be happy or excited?

"Papetua has no body at all, not even a soul, only a will, where do the internal organs come from?

It was supposed to be pure energy, and I sensed waves of emotional energy from the light. "Simon Baz said.

Miraculous Mary immediately said: "I also sensed the aura of divine power, but I am certain that it is more advanced than divine power and countless times greater than the God King. It should not be a simple energy."

"It's strange that something squeezed out of the belly of the Creation Mother can be simple. Obviously, Harley's old habit has returned." Louise said with emotion.

"What's wrong with Harley? Do you know what it is?" Injustice Superman asked in confusion.

He has turned on his super vision, but his field of vision still cannot penetrate the extremely bright colorful light.

At this moment, because the light was so strong, he couldn't even clearly see Papetua's expression and state.

"Witch Harley is greedy and ruthless. Hehe, as long as she encounters the source of the crisis and gains the upper hand in the battle, Harley can't help but start to plunder the opponent's origin.

The energy flowing out of Papetua's belly is her creation source.

Like squeezing out toothpaste, Harley squeezed out all the energy from her body, which not only robbed the source, but also made Papetua lose its power, so that it could be re-sealed later. Louise said quickly.

She also had a smile and relaxation on her face when she spoke, feeling very happy and excited about the current situation.

"But the seven-colored brilliance that flowed out has not been swallowed up and has no trace of disappearing." Injustice Superman said.

"Although Harry is greedy, he is not impatient. He works slowly and carefully, and cooks well with patience," Louise said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Papetua's resentful voice came again, "Witch Harley, today is just the beginning, you wait, when I regain my strength, I swear, I will not let you and anyone you care about go. , a dog.”

The energy lumps emitting bright and colorful brilliance separated from Papetua. It was not that the energy lumps flew away, nor that Papetua immediately left the palm.

The lump of energy was still suspended there, and Papetua was still lying on the palm "below".

But her body suddenly became separated from the energy Tuotuo, and it seemed that she was still infinitely far away.

The two mortals, Louise and Sam Lane, covered their foreheads, feeling that their eyes, head and body were all very uncomfortable, and they could no longer watch.

Other superheroes are having a hard time, too.

Only Injustice Superman was vaguely aware of something.

Soon he shouted, "No, Papetua is lowering her dimension. She has dropped from the sixth dimension to the fifth dimension. So fast, she has dropped to the third dimension. She is about to escape the seal. Harlequin Yin, hurry up—"

Before he finished shouting, Magic Mary also saw something was wrong: Pappetua changed from a three-dimensional structure to a "painting" - Pappetua was still there, but she only had two dimensions left.

The next moment, Papetua, who had only two dimensions left, dropped another dimension and turned into a line. Miraculous Mary couldn't bear the reduction in spiritual dimension. She covered her forehead and moaned lowly. She also closed her eyes tightly and couldn't continue watching. .

Injustice Superman is extremely adaptable, and his mind and eyes followed Papetua all the way down to dimensionality, and eventually lost all dimensions and traces.

Then their vision spun again, leaving the divine palm space again, and came to Harley.

This time, Hallie changed her look again. Her hair was tied into a long ponytail, which was also tied into a bun. Her complicated and gorgeous robe was replaced by ordinary white sportswear, and her smooth feet were put on flat shoes.

"Fake, let her run away. The majestic mother of creation is so worthless. She can't defeat a mortal like me, but she still escapes through a 'rat hole'. It's too low."

Harry was unwilling to curse, but there was a happy smile on his face, and even his eyes turned into crescent moons.

Injustice Superman lowered his head and looked at her right hand. She seemed to be holding something in her palm, and there was a faint fluctuation of supreme energy coming out.

He thought of the thing squeezed out of Papetua's belly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face: Witch Harley really likes to rob other people's origins!

"Harry." Magical Mary blinked a few times and asked in a daze, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? The battle is over. I'm coming to see you." Harley said.

Not only did she come to see them, she also turned on the defensive force field, quietly helping them repair the wounds that tore their souls and clearing their bodies of contamination with their combined powers.

Well, the "energy block" dug out from Pam's belly is the core of the overall body that seals Pam.

The energy emitted by the total body is too powerful and the energy level is too high, and it has a very strong impact on life forms, especially life forms in the main universe.

If you don't clean them up for them, it may cause undesirable mutations. The Qiongji is too close to the battlefield. It's not surprising that they approached actively. This battle is really too special, completely transcending the conventional concept of time and space. Distance and volume are determined by will rather than by will. Space determines.

"Although the Dome is the most advanced spacecraft in the multiverse, it is somewhat insufficient at this time."

Harley glanced around and said, "If you still want to watch a battle at the level of a creation god, try taking the Archimedes airship next time."

As the defensive force field took effect, all the extraordinary heroes and the two Ryans quickly returned to normal.

My head no longer hurts, my chaotic consciousness has returned to clarity, and my body feels inexplicably lighter and more relaxed.

"The technology on Archimedes is all imitated from the Dome. The Dome is not working, so why can't the Dome?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"You can't feel it yourself? You're still asking what's wrong with the Qiongji."

The Qiongji was clearly watching from a distance, but it suddenly entered between the divine palms. After Harley took the initiative to pull it out, a gap appeared between the palms, leaking Pam's breath, and the entire spacecraft fell back into the space between the two palms. battlefield.

Fortunately, they were acquaintances, so Harry was always careful not to hurt them.

If it were other gods, demons or strangers, she wouldn't care. They would have been wiped out into nothingness long before Pam ran away.

The reason why the state is so unstable is because the Qiongji, as a blood domain mothership, can only adapt to the environment in the universe and cannot stand in the ether.

In the final crisis, when the Thinking Superman battled Mandrake, the Qiongji did not enter the Taixu. They only waited on the edge, waiting for the Thinking Superman battle in the Taixu to end.

Taixu is also called "Taixu Illusion" because it is too nihilistic, even if it is just the fantasy and longing in human minds, it is a very important "existence" to Taixu.

Escaped thoughts will form an illusory world in Taixu.

Of course, ordinary people have been decomposed into nothingness before they enter Taixu, and they have no chance to think and fantasize at all.

Those who can form a fantasy world in Taixu are the most powerful.

Pappetua is stronger than any supreme being, and her will is a world unto itself.

Harley is also stronger than the Supreme. God's Palm is the crystallization of her thoughts, laws, magic, and part of God's will. It can also form a real world in the void.

Divine Palm and Papetua are both "worlds", while Qiongji is "nothingness".

"Nothingness" cannot compete with "the world".

When a person can see the world, he must be within the world.

When they perceive Pam, they have been pulled into the "real and illusory realm" created by Pam.

It is true that most of the technology on the Archimedes airship is inferior to that of the Dome, but the core engine of the Archimedes was built by Dr. Manhattan in his prime.

Back then, the Pharaoh also traveled across the Omniverse in the Archimedes airship, from the Guardians universe to the DC multiverse.

This shows that it can adapt to the Taixu environment and can form its own "world".

Having its own "world" can at least somewhat resist the "real and illusory realm" of Pam or other creation gods.

Regarding the adaptability of the Archimedes airship to the ethereal environment, Harley didn't explain much. She looked around and saw that everyone had regained their energy. She said, "Go back and don't get close to the Origin Wall again.

Now that the origin wall is gone, it is easy to stray into the depths of Taixu.

Taixu is at least the foundation of the multiverse. If it slips farther and completely enters the omnipotent universe, the environment will only become worse.

There is probably no return. "

"What about you?" Sam Lane asked, "Are you going to hunt down Pappetua immediately?"

Harley shook her head slightly and said helplessly: "She is the mother of creation after all, and the entire multiverse was created by her. She wants to hide, but no one can find her.

Even if she wants to run away, it's hard for me to stop her at the moment. "

First of all, through the trick of reducing dimensionality and escaping, Harley has not yet found a way to restrain herself.

It is only Pam's will that reduces dimensions and escapes, not her body and soul.

If Pammu had a divine body, she wouldn't have thought of escaping so easily.

In addition, her DC shield has flaws. So far, the stasis defense specialty has not been activated. There are also several basic power levels that are too low and far from the top.

"Since we are not going to hunt down Papetua immediately, we can talk slowly. I still have many questions that I haven't figured out yet," Louise said.

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "Do you know what will happen to the world after the Origin Wall collapses?"

Louise was puzzled, "The wall of origin collapsed and Pappetua escaped?"

"I'll take you somewhere."

Harley's hands were hanging by her sides. She didn't see anything she did, nor did any energy fluctuations come out. But in the next moment, the Blood Territory Mothership moved to the edge of a giant "planet".

The planet below is extremely huge, seemingly larger than a star, but it is bare and uneven, just a cold rock.

"Oh my god, we traveled five trillion light years in an instant?!" Injustice Superman stared at the dashboard and exclaimed.

"Five trillion light years? The diameter of the entire universe is not that large." Louise shouted.

Harley frowned and said: "The Dome is just the 'second ring' that has been moved from the old site of the Origin Wall to the outside. The distance is meaningless and not the point. You guys look at the front."

"Front." They didn't know where the front was, but after scanning the surroundings, they immediately found the target - a huge sun, like a meteor, sliding silently through the dark void at extremely fast speeds, and then it passed by them It quickly extinguished within the field of vision, turned into illusory bubbles, and finally disappeared completely.

They could see nothing but darkness.

"Is it an illusion?" Louise murmured.

"Ah, another planet is coming, God, it is a habitable planet, and there are people on it, many people." Injustice Superman looked at the "rear" and shouted in shock.

They couldn't determine the front and back before, but after seeing the process of the sun extinguishing and disappearing, at least Injustice Superman could vaguely distinguish the front and back.

In addition to the huge meteorite planet below them, there are other meteorites at an even greater distance. It seems that all the meteorites form a huge ring.

Inside the ring, Superman sensed a familiar aura, which was the fluctuation of the multiverse; outside the ring, there was coldness and nothingness that made him tremble.

Therefore, taking the meteorite planet as the coordinates, the back is the direction close to the multiverse, and the front is the direction of the omnipotent universe.

Now he turns on his super vision and sees a habitable planet flying like a meteor "behind".

There are huge buildings on the surface of the planet. They are human cities. But now the cities and the planet have fallen into complete silence, and the hustle and bustle of life is no longer seen.

"Don't go, there's no one alive up there."

Harley sighed and called to Injustice Superman who was about to fly out of the cabin.

"Not a single living person? Even if the star is lost and the world is frozen, some life should still survive." Injustice Superman shouted.

Harley said: "The reason why they lost their lives was not the cold or the loss of stars.

This is already the second outer ring.

If the old site of the Origin Wall is the 0th ring, then the fragments of the Origin Wall and the planets that have left the universe form the first outer ring.

There is also a meteorite belt outside the first outer ring forming the second ring.

They were all brought to the second ring. Even matter cannot exist here, so how can life survive?

Not everyone is a ‘superman’ and can adapt quickly to any environment.

Ordinary people who fall into Limbo without any protection will quickly decompose and dissipate. What's more, this is the omnipotent universe, a place with more emptiness and a harsher environment than the depths of Taixu. "

As she spoke, the civilized planet with a population of tens of billions had crossed the "border line" of the second ring.

Like the previous stars, it quickly decomposed into foamy "conceptual matter" in the dark void, and then completely disappeared within ten seconds.

"This is the crisis of destruction. The crisis comes not only from the Legion of Destruction and Papetua, but also from changes in the cosmic environment.

The origin wall collapsed, and the multiverse was like a sand pile with the fence removed. The main structure collapsed, and the sand spread rapidly outward. Gradually, the sand pile disappeared, the sand merged into the earth, and the multiverse completely dissipated into the infinite void. " Harley sighed.

The unjust Superman said with an ugly face: "At this time, the galaxy at the edge of the universe is rapidly collapsing. Without the protection of the multiverse environment, will it gradually be swallowed by the omnipotent universe?

Harley, we must do something, we must act immediately to prevent the planet where civilization was born from slipping into the Omniverse.

Even if you push them with both hands, you still have to push them back to the inside of the universe. "

"I'm already doing it." Harley pointed at the huge rock planet below and said with a strange expression: "I built the second ring, and now I am controlling the meteorite-woven defense network of the second ring."

The rocky planet below looks like a rock, but is actually a rock. It is actually one of her cells, evolved from a broken cell.

If it is a complete cell, the surface will be relatively smooth.

If it were a body tissue composed of more cells, it would be larger, like a wall, and the sun would be as small as an ordinary planet in front of it.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but Harley used tens of billions of small units of chaotic magic to create the world, and the magic plane created was enough to hold the entire DC multiverse.

Although she failed without any surprise, and the magic plane of the omnipotent universe collapsed into pieces, the volume of the remains of the magic plane would not be reduced.

The magic power that Harley invested did not disappear, it was all retained.

The God King used a few units of divine power to create the Kingdom of God, which would be as big as the solar system, with stars and moons.

Harley has invested tens of billions of units of chaos magic power.

Even if she fails, the unfinished building left behind will definitely be huge.

"Why can you control the meteorites in the second ring?" Injustice Superman asked doubtfully.

"Because Harley created the second ring."

Before Harley could speak, Sam Lane shouted with excitement, "Oh my God, Harley, you are so awesome. I have heard before that you created a magical world outside the Origin Wall.

The magical world collapsed and became a meteorite belt surrounding the multiverse.

But I never expected that the meteorite belt could be so majestic. The rocky planet below is just a meteorite in the belt!

Incredibly, a meteorite is larger than the stars in our solar system. "

"The meteorite belt is the ruins of the magical world you created?" The heroes of the parallel universe on the Dome were shocked.

Sam Lane chuckled and said, "Do you know who Harley's teacher is?

Goddess Asal's best hiding technique is to steal other people's magic power and convert it into the power of her own blood.

Stealing countless magic powers until the power of the bloodline is so great that the body cannot bear it, it naturally disintegrates in Limbo and evolves into an 'artificial natural plane'.

Harley absorbed a large amount of Chaos magic during the Magic Debt Crisis, enough to create a magical plane containing the multiverse.

It's a pity that Goddess Asal's concealment technique is not suitable for the environment of the omnipotent universe, and the magical world collapsed.

Even if it collapses into a mass of meteorites, they are still under Harley's control.

Harley can weave them into a web to stop planets at the edge of the universe from slipping into the Omniverse. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Injustice Superman shouted again, "Another planet is coming. Oh my God, it's also a livable planet, and there are people on it!"

He turned his head and shouted anxiously to Harley: "Why doesn't your meteorite protective belt work?"

"Without the protection of the second ring, what you see now are not just a few fish that have slipped through the net, but large tracts of galaxies." Harley said.

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