I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2000 The Year of the Villain

Earth-44, Metal Hall.

"Buzz buzz~~~"

A two-meter-high white-gold light flashed at high frequency, and a figure gradually transformed from nothingness into reality.

As soon as he appeared, several metal heroes who had been waiting for a long time and whose faces were getting impatient immediately stood up from their chairs, took a few steps closer, and asked eagerly: "Flash, can you see over there in the main universe?" Justice League? What did they say? By the way, will Harley Quinn, whom they have always admired so much, appear this time?"

These heroes are all metal men. Their appearance and abilities are almost the same as the heroes of the Justice League, but they are not living people, but artificial intelligence with metal bodies.

The same goes for The Flash, who uses the Speed ​​Force to change his own frequency and travel across the universe.

He is the "Mercury Flash" built with metallic mercury as its core material.

When his teammates asked, his metallic mercury face showed the same helpless expression as a human, "I not only met the heroes of the main universe, but also talked with the hero representatives of the node universe.

Like us, they all recently discovered that Luthor of their own world suddenly returned, and then approached the heroes of the main universe to discuss countermeasures.

Barry Allen is the Flash of the main universe. He said that the 'story' of each world is different, the situation is different, Luthor is different, and the response strategies are also different.

Just like the Luther in our universe is just an old shoemaker who graduated from the music school.

His experiences in this life are quite colorful for ordinary people, but they are not beyond the scope of ordinary people at all.

He's not a supervillain, and we don't even have a reason to capture him. "

Green Arrow glared and said, "Are we going to let him go? He is obviously abnormal. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is no ordinary person.

There's more evil in him than any villain I've ever seen. "

Mercury Flash said: "We are the Metal Team, and the Metal Team can never violate the law and human ethics.

This rule is recorded in our underlying code, and no one can or should violate it.

Luther has committed no crime, so he must be released immediately.

Otherwise, do we really follow Harley Quinn's suggestion and kill all the arrested Luthers without letting him say a word, let alone do anything freely? "

"Oh my God!" Superman Jin changed his expression and exclaimed: "That Harley Quinn really said that? She is simply scarier than the 'Iron-Armed Harley' in our world."

"We can't kill, and neither can the heroes of the Justice League. Doesn't Harley Quinn know?" said the shiny platinum Wonder Woman.

Mercury Flash said: "Harley Quinn is not a superhero, she never abides by the concept of absolute justice.

In addition, she only responds to the request of the heroes of the main universe and gives what she thinks is the right advice, and does not necessarily require us to do so. "

“Given the admiration of Harley Quinn from the Justice League of the Main Universe and Superman and Batman in the Heroes’ Paradise, there is certainly no need to doubt her wisdom and judgment.

Before dismissing her, we'd better figure out why she wants us to kill all Luthors. "Black Iron Batman said in a low but not hoarse voice.

"No matter what the reason, we cannot kill anyone!" Golden Superman shouted.

Dark Iron Batman looked at Mercury Flash.

Mercury Flash shook his head, "She didn't give a complete reason, or even a logical reasoning process.

Not even the Justice League of the main universe advises us to follow her advice.

Well, the heroes of the main universe don't have this problem. Their Luthor is the main culprit and there is no sign of his return.

Although we are not advised to kill Luther directly, they also warn us very seriously - Harley Quinn's judgment is rarely wrong, and her feelings and predictions are often very accurate.

If she said that all Luthors must be killed immediately, it must mean that not killing Luthor will definitely bring big trouble to the world. "

"Looking at the entire multiverse, there should only be a very small number of Luthors arrested, right? Even if Universe 44 follows her advice, there will still be no decisive change in the overall situation." Platinum Wonder Woman said.

"If you catch Luther, kill him. If you don't catch him, put down your work temporarily and search for Luther with all your strength. Don't let him have the chance to do anything.

All the heroes of the universe act together and have the same attitude, which will definitely affect the overall situation. "Mercury Flash said.

"We can't kill people." Golden Superman emphasized again.

Mercury Flash nodded and said: "All the hero representatives attending the meeting in Heroes Paradise said they would not accept Harley Quinn's suggestion.

We are superheroes, and killing someone violates our idea of ​​absolute justice.

At this critical moment in the battle of ideas, breaking one's own ideas is undoubtedly a self-defeating martial arts.

Superman in the main universe and the old Superman in the Hero's Paradise both firmly believe that the fundamental way to win the battle of ideas is the idea of ​​justice. As long as we persist in the idea of ​​justice unwaveringly, no one can defeat us. "

"That's right, no matter what Luthor does or what tricks he has, as long as we remain firm in our ideals of justice, we will eventually become the final winner!" Golden Superman waved his fist vigorously, and his already golden face became even brighter. , like a little sun that warms people's hearts.

Lead Green Arrow said: "Then should we release Luther? His family has been here several times, and they also brought lawyers and reporters. After all, Luther in our universe is just an honest shoemaker."

Mercury Flash said: "Not only can we not kill people, we can't break the law, but this is not inconsistent with closely monitoring Luther's every word and deed."

Golden Superman nodded and was about to say something when Iron Batman said in a deep voice: "We can deceive Luther."

"How to cheat?" Mercury Flash asked doubtfully.

"Tell him Harley Quinn's suggestion and see how he reacts." Iron Batman said.

A moment later, the high-tech confinement room on the second floor of the Metal Team headquarters.

"We have met Harley Quinn, the Harley Quinn of the main universe, and she suggested that we kill you immediately." Iron Batman said expressionlessly.

Shoemaker Luther smiled strangely, "Maybe you should listen to her."

The platinum Wonder Woman was stunned, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If you can become a sacrifice for the path of destruction to reach the top of the world, why should you fear death?"

The smile on Shoemaker Luther's face became even brighter, "To be honest, I really hope you kill me with your own hands.

If you kill me, my mission in this world will be completed ahead of schedule. "

"You mean, if we kill you, your ways of destruction will defeat our ideas of justice?" Platinum Wonder Woman asked.

Shoemaker Luther tilted his head and looked at her, smiling brightly and said: "Do you understand the way of destruction?

The way of destruction is not to destroy anyone.

The way of destruction destroys all unnatural restraints placed on individuals by society and outsiders.

All actions that follow instinctive desires are practicing the path of destruction.

For example, now, you are afraid of what I will do to you and the world, so you imprison me in the Metal Team headquarters.

This kind of behavior driven by instinctive desire or some purpose is also practicing the path of destruction. "

Seeing that Platinum Wonder Woman was about to retort, Shoemaker raised her right hand, "I understand how you feel after hearing these words, but please let me finish my words first.

Although you have been listening to the Superman of the main universe telling you the way of justice, you have also heard them explain the way of destruction.

After all, knowing your enemy and knowing yourself is enough to win a hundred battles. To win the battle of ideas, you not only need to master your own way, but also understand the other party's way.

In other words, deepening the understanding of the concept of justice by understanding the way of destruction. "

He placed his hands on the table, stretched his neck, and leaned forward, his face closer to the metal hero across the table.

Then a strange, proud, and slightly sarcastic smile broke out on his face, "To be honest, your understanding of the concept of justice is not as good as mine.

You only know the superficial knowledge of the way of destruction, and you resist the way of destruction from the bottom of your heart.

Not to mention going deep into it, you can't even abandon personal emotions and think objectively and calmly. "

"You don't let me speak just to talk nonsense about myself?" Platinum Wonder Woman said coldly.

Shoemaker Luther sat back in his chair and said lazily: "Sorry, I'm a little over-excited.

Let's get straight to the point. I actually want to explain to you the true meaning of the path of destruction and the concept of justice.

Just like I met the cutting-edge predator and obtained infinite wisdom and core secrets of the universe from him, you must have also obtained a lot of truth about the multiverse from the main universe or the hero's paradise.

Such as the balance between justice and evil.

For example, positive and negative basic forces, and the corresponding positive and negative universes.

Have you ever thought about it, justice and destruction are both ideological concepts, why can ideological concepts determine the structure of the multiverse?

Why can the balance of ideas affect the balance of energy and structure in the universe?

Justice and destruction, what exactly are they? "

He didn’t expect to get an answer from Team Metal. After asking the question, he immediately continued to talk, “Raising the perspective from civilized society to the level of the multiverse, the essence of justice is actually a binding force, the power of restraint and contraction.

Destruction is unbridled expansion and expansion, and it is also an extremely soothing state of indulgence.

Justice is tight, destruction is loose, you can understand it this way.

Everyone, including you heroes of justice. Well, you guys can barely be considered human beings.

Everyone has a side of justice and a side of destruction. People cannot be tight all the time, nor are they allowed to relax all the time.

In other words, even you heroes of justice will sometimes practice the path of destruction.

There is no need to feel ashamed or fearful of having your ideas collapsed.

This is the true face of the world. Even the universe needs to relax and breathe to maintain a dynamic balance of good and evil. How can humans disobey the way of heaven? "

He looked at Wonder Woman again, "Are you going to refute me now? As we just said, imprisoning me here is also practicing the method of destruction.

You are complying with your own emotions and desires and no longer restrain yourself with morality, law or even ideas of justice.

Detaining me can make you feel at ease. Your goal is to gain emotional value, and you finally achieve your goal.

There is no essential difference between this and a villain kidnapping a woman and then raping her to satisfy his sexual desires.

The desire for money and the sense of safety and security are all instinctive emotions of human beings, and there is no distinction between high and low.

What really makes this kind of emotion derived from life instinct noble is restraint.

Of course, the 'nobility' here is not an absolute value. It is society and the collective that created the concepts of 'glory' and 'honor'.

If there was only one person in the world, no one would get praise for anything he did right, and no one would criticize him for anything he did wrong, so there would be no glory or despicability.

Everybody comes together and sets a standard, it doesn't matter what kind of law or morality that standard is.

In short, with a unified standard, allowing one's emotions and desires derived from life instinct to be bound by this rule is considered 'just'.

If you do not restrain yourself by unified standards, but indulge your emotions and desires, it is considered a sin.

Justice is noble, sin is shameful. "

The shoemaker Luther shrugged and said with a helpless expression: "In this way, originally free lives are stuffed into neatly arranged grids, and together they form a large group. This group is also called 'society' or 'civilization'.

In civilized society, in addition to ordinary justice that binds itself near the standard line and ordinary evil that is slightly below the standard line, there are two special groups.

That is, you who pursue absolute justice, and the ‘Supreme Luther’ who pursues the path of destruction.

Well, I'm just an ordinary 'little Luther', and my evolutionary direction is Supreme Luther.

Heroes of justice will not be bound by rules. You take the initiative to bind yourself to higher standards and feel happy and satisfied within the constraints. Then you want to share your happiness and satisfaction with everyone.

In a way, you are also on the road to solving the problem.

If everyone feels happy and satisfied within the constraints, and the bigger the constraints, the happier and more contented they will be. Naturally, they will no longer suffer from the constraints, and they will no longer want to break the constraints and violate the rules.

It's a pity that your path is ultimately vain. "

Shoemaker Luther shook his head, "The way of destruction and absolute justice are like negative basic force to positive basic force.

In fact, the energized expression of the idea of ​​the Way of Destruction - Year of the Villain - is a negative base force.

The energy corresponding to the concept of absolute justice is positive basic force.

I heard that the Heroes' Paradise is created by the heroes of the main universe extracting the power of justice from their own ideas?

You should understand that positive and negative basic forces have opposite properties, but have basically the same effect in creating the universe.

If the force of justice is the tiles on the roof, the Year of the Villain is also a tile that protects against wind and rain.

Our purpose is the same.

You gain happiness by enjoying the constraints, and the way to destruction is to break all constraints and release your emotions and desires to gain happiness. "

Shoemaker Luther raised his index finger and said with a smile: "There is only one question, is it easier for everyone in the group to enjoy restraint, or is it easier to release emotions and desires?

The answer is obvious, isn't it?

Even you yourself will practice the path of destruction at some point, let alone the general public? "

Platinum Wonder Woman sneered: "I finally understand. You talked a lot of nonsense, just for one purpose - to let us let you out."

The shoemaker shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "If you let me out, you will lose. If you don't let me out, it will not affect the result."

He turned to Black Iron Bateman and said, "By the way, you just told me that Harley Quinn from the main universe asked you to kill me? Did she give a reason?"

Black Iron Bateman hadn't spoken yet, and he didn't show any expression on his face, but the shoemaker smiled thoughtfully, "As expected of Witch Harley, you and her are really not in the same realm.

She didn't give a reason, and couldn't give a reason, but she understood the fact that when I took the initiative, no matter what you did, you would lose.

To be honest, you should really listen to her, just kill 'Luthor' without asking any questions when you see him, and maybe you can have a last ditch effort.

It's a pity that you are superheroes after all, not the decisive and ruthless witch Harley.

Of course, if the opponent were her, 'Luthor' would not use this method to start a battle of ideas. "

"Who are you? You were just an ordinary shoemaker. Such words should never have come out of your mouth." Black Iron Bateman said.

Shoemaker Luther said: "I shouldn't be the only Luther who disappeared and reappeared and was caught by you, right?

You can go and see them.

Or share information about the trial against ‘Luthor’ with your fellow Justice.

You will find that every Luther who is captured is very similar to me. They are no longer their past selves and are evolving towards Supreme Luther. "

A weird smile appeared on his face, "Guess, why are we like this? Or, what did Supreme Luther do to us?"

"He killed you!" Black Iron Bateman said with certainty: "Lex Luthor of the main universe used a powerful energy weapon.

It should be possible to split the human body from its molecular and even atomic structure.

You are just an ordinary person who was directly disintegrated into nothingness by an energy ray.

But in the parallel universe, there are Luthers who wear mechas, and there are even Luthers who are cybernetics, and there are Luthers who have powers or magic.

They are more powerful.

The same weapon has the same killing effect when facing them, but it no longer makes the victim completely disappear.

At some crime scenes, the Justice League found parts of Dead Luthor. "

"Bah!" Shoemaker Luther clapped softly, "It's not easy for you to become Luther's enemy.

Yes, Luthor-Prime killed and absorbed us.

Not every Luther cares about the path of destruction, and not every Luther who embarks on the path of destruction can understand the true meaning of destruction like Supreme Luther.

Just like you group of artificial intelligence heroes, your understanding of the concept of justice is not as good as mine, let alone the Superman of the main universe.

Superman is telling all the heroes about justice, as if he has become a preacher, so busy that he never touches the ground.

Luther, as the leader of the Legion of Destruction, wants to do the same thing.

The purpose is the same, but the means are more consistent with the doctrine of destruction.

He forcibly assimilates us, making us a cell in his body and a thought in his soul.

You who have received Superman’s preaching and approved of his thoughts can be called the ‘incarnation of Superman’.

We are the proper incarnations of Luther.

Well, Supreme Luthor is the embodiment of destruction, and we are his embodiment. "

Platinum Diana said excitedly: "He killed you and twisted your mind. You don't hate him? You were definitely a good person before."

Shoemaker Luther sighed: "Of course I am not grateful to him, but he did broaden our horizons.

As you just said, I would never have been able to say these words before.

And my words reveal universal truths, don’t they?

Destruction is the true face of the world, and justice is an unnatural illusion under forced distortion. "

Platinum Wonder Woman turned her head to look at Iron Batman and said: "This guy is hopeless, just keep him locked up."

Luther the shoemaker smiled broadly and looked very relaxed, as if he was not worried about being imprisoned forever.

Black Iron Bateman looked at him steadily for a while and said, "Mr. Luther, you can go back.

At least before today, you have not been involved in any criminal incidents. "

"Batman!" Platinum Wonder Woman was shocked and looked at him with very uncomprehending eyes.

Black Iron Bateman said nothing, just opened the door and signaled the shoemaker Luther to leave.

"Haha, we'll see you in a few days." The shoemaker was not overjoyed. He still had a calm and confident smile and a relaxed expression. He greeted Bateman and then walked out.

After his back disappeared around the corner, Black Iron Bateman sighed: "He was not talking nonsense before, he left a seed of doubt in our hearts, doubt about his own concept of absolute justice.

No matter how we find reasons for detaining him, we cannot deny the fact that Luther is definitely not a criminal at this time.

He is just a shoemaker, even if we all know that if we let him go, he will definitely become our most terrible enemy.

Even human laws must pay attention to procedural justice, and absolute justice has higher requirements for justice. "

"Even if I detain him, I will not doubt my belief in justice, because everything he tells is lies, I firmly believe it." Platinum Wonder Woman said.

"What he said was not entirely a lie. He really understood the essence of justice and destruction, and he understood it better than we do."

Black Iron Bateman sighed bitterly, "Perhaps it has something to do with us being artificial intelligence. We are always a little inferior to real human heroes."

"Don't believe Luther's lies, he's talking nonsense!" Platinum Wonder Woman said anxiously.

Black Iron Bateman shook his head slightly, "The battle between the concepts of justice and destruction is not limited to a certain city, nor is it limited to a certain universe.

The battleground for the war of ideas is the entire multiverse.

If there is a scale, with justice and destruction placed on both ends of the scale, our Universe 44 is just one of countless weights.

Luther of Universe 44 does not need to consider other battlefield situations, he only needs to defeat us.

If we can't even understand what he just said, it means we have a poor understanding of justice, and he can just sit back and win.

Even if he remains imprisoned, we cannot add weight to the pallet of justice in the scales.

Let him go, wait until he makes a mistake, and then judge him with absolute justice. Only then will we truly win. "

"But what if," Platinum Wonder Woman hesitated and worried, her voice was soft, "what if we fail, fail to catch him, and cause the path of destruction to spread?"

Black Iron Batman looked at her deeply, "A hero of justice shouldn't have such worries."

——A hero who grasps the true meaning of absolute justice will not worry, nor will he fail in a head-on confrontation.

Platinum Wonder Woman was a little embarrassed and shouted: "Even if the shoemaker is right, my understanding of the concept of justice is not as good as that of a human hero, or even as a villain.

As long as there is no him in this world and no Legion of Destruction causing trouble, we can still add a weight of victory for justice in the balance of the battle of ideas! "

Black Iron Batman sighed: "Just because the world remains unchanged, we will definitely win the battle of ideas.

What we have to do is not to remain unchanged, but to amplify the righteous side in people's hearts.

If all worlds remained unchanged, justice and evil would basically remain in balance.

But the Legion of Destruction, the Advanced Predator, and Papetua are all new weights. When they are added to the tray of destruction, the balance will tilt towards the path of destruction. "

"If our concept of justice is not as good as Luther's, how can we be proactive? It's better to be self-aware and choose to stick to the rules."

When it comes to this matter, the platinum Wonder Woman has no scruples and speaks freely.

Black Iron Batman said: "Which of these two thoughts and behaviors is more harmful to the concept of justice, or do it despite knowing it is wrong, or try hard but fail?"

The platinum Wonder Woman was silent.

Black Iron Batman raised his voice and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Diana, we are never alone, Metal Team is a whole.

We stand with the people of the universe.

All the heroes of justice in the multiverse are one big unit, and all heroes choose to stand together with all sentient beings in the universe.

This is the real advantage of the way of justice!

We are all united, but the path to destruction is destined to be a lone wolf's path.

They break all constraints and pursue their instinctive desires. They are the most extreme selfish people and will never have a true partner.

A group of people VS one person, who can win in the end? The answer is obvious. "

Having said that, he immediately asked Mercury Flash to inform Heroes Paradise of the release of shoemaker Luther from Universe 44.

Heroes' Paradise is now the "Hall of Justice" for all the Justice League across the multiverse.

"You did the right thing!"

The old Superman patted Mercury Flash on the shoulder with a face full of relief, and the joy on his face was real and natural.

He was certainly not rejoicing that Luther the Shoemaker was free.

He is happy because this group of artificial intelligence heroes, like normal human heroes, truly possess the idea of ​​absolute justice, rather than a just procedure.

"As long as we firmly believe in our own ideals of justice, let alone Luther the shoemaker, even if the Year of the Villain really comes, and even if Papetua gains the faith of all living beings, we can still achieve the final victory.

But if we give up our beliefs for the sake of victory, we will lose now, completely. "

"Superman." Mercury Flash's "Mercury body shook", and a warmth surged out of his metal heart inexplicably. For the first time, he was moved to tears.

He experienced firsthand the "superhuman appeal."

"You are right. As long as you have firm faith, even if the war situation is unfavorable for a moment, justice will eventually win." The artificial intelligence man's voice was sonorous and powerful, full of endless confidence.

Old Batman beside him also patted him on the shoulder and said: "Looking at the entire multiverse, shoemaker Luther is also a very special case.

The vast majority of Luthors are supervillains, and if caught, we have countless reasons to hold him captive until the crisis is over.

Your decisions will not affect other parallel universes.

And you are only temporarily releasing Luther, not giving him the privilege to run wild.

If you let him go, you can still keep an eye on his every move and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else. "

Mercury Flash felt more relieved after hearing this.

One day later, the Mercury Flash from Earth 44 came to the Heroes' Paradise again.

"Luther the shoemaker immediately reopened his old business after returning home and opened a shoe shop again to repair other people's shoes. It was so strange."

"Aside from repairing shoes, didn't he do anything extraordinary?" Old Batman asked doubtfully.

Mercury Flash said: "It's not that he didn't do anything, it's just that he didn't go too far. He invested all his savings in the stock market, going in and out quickly, and made three million US dollars that day."

"For an old shoemaker, this is very abnormal." Old Superman said.

"But he didn't break the law." Old Batman frowned.

Mercury Flash asked: "The Iron Batman of our world wants to know about Luthor in other parallel worlds."

"The flow rate of time is different in each world. Earth 44 flows faster. No news has been sent back from other worlds yet." Old Superman said.

The day after Shoemaker Luthor was freed, Mercury Flash returned.

"Luther, the shoemaker, took the money he earned from the stock market to register a technology company, and applied for 300 patents that day, all of which are super patents that affect social development. They also involve various aspects, such as medical care, electronic technology, and materials science. He wants to do it. What?"

Neither old Batman nor old Superman could give an answer.

On the fifth day after Shoemaker Luthor was freed, Mercury Flash came to Heroes' Paradise.

"Can you believe it? In just a few days, shoemaker Luther has become the 'richest man Luther'. He raised tens of billions of dollars in investment through high-tech patents, and then used the money to buy dozens of high-tech companies , hundreds of laboratories. Then 'Super Lex Technology Company' was established.

Lex Technology is engaged in almost all businesses, including electronic products and arms production. Even Twitter and Fox TV were acquired by him. "

Old Batman said: "Similar news has come from other universes. The Luthors are expanding crazily in multiple fields, including business, finance, and media. I think they are accumulating original capital for the real plan."

"The real plan is to promote destruction?" Mercury Flash asked.

Old Batman looked solemn and nodded slightly, "I don't know exactly what he is going to do, but I have a sense of crisis in my heart."

The seventh day after Luther the Shoemaker was freed.

"Luthor, the richest man, made a public speech and used his media group. He indeed began to promote the way of destruction, but he still did not break the law." Mercury Flash gritted his teeth.

Old Superman asked: "What did he say?"

Mercury Flash's eyes flickered, and a picture was projected in mid-air, a picture of Luther's speech.

"Yes, Metallica has told us many things, the Wall of Origin, the Legion of Doom, and the War of Ideas. But they have been avoiding one thing: telling us the specific consequences of the failure of justice, and what the Legion of Doom wants.

By now, many cosmic concepts that are extremely important to us are dead.

Such as time, such as the soul. Everyone should be very aware of the recent wave of fetal deaths around the world, right?

After my research, I found that the world is composed of seven basic forces. Every time the Legion of Destruction unblocks a negative basic force, one-seventh of the universe will die.

All that's left now is the Year of the Villain. That's right, that's what Metallica has been promoting.

They say that if we stand on the side of destruction, the Year of the Villain will come and the world will be destroyed; on the contrary, as long as we stick to the path of justice, the Year of the Villain will never come.

But now six-sevenths of the universe is dead, it is dead!

In this time of rapid collapse of the multiverse, the heroes just let us stick to justice, keep good thoughts, and continue to live an upright and kind life. To be honest, they are right, justice is always right, and integrity and kindness are always good. of.

But deep inside, fear and despair were screaming hysterically.

I'm scared, so scared.

Then I asked myself a question: At this time, should I smile and look forward to a better future where the crisis is completely over, or should I face the fear in my heart?

I told my little granddaughter Lena the truth about the world, and she cried when she learned that our universe was dying. "

Luther's eyes in the picture were red and moist, his voice was choked, and he lowered his head as if to hide the emotions on his face.

"Lena was everything to me and I had to do something for her and then you see, I created a miracle in a matter of days and became the richest man in the world.

I used to have the smartest brain in the world, but I was content with the status quo and had no ambition. I just lived my own life and left the outside world to the superheroes. They did live up to my trust in the past, but the current crisis They can't solve it at all.

I can't just rely on them anymore. I want to build a super fortress for Lina and myself to avoid crises.

Whether it will work or not, I'm not sure, but I can't do nothing.

This is why Lex Technologies emerged, and why shareholders are willing to support me and invest in me. They are all afraid and want to do something for themselves.

Now that I have achieved what I wanted, I have enough resources to build my own super fortress.

I still have room to help you. "

Lena, the granddaughter of shoemaker Luther, appears in the camera, smiling and nestling in Luther's arms.

“I announce that the ‘Lina’s Wish Charitable Fund’ is officially established today. Everyone can tell me their wishes and I will try my best to fulfill them.

You can @me on social media or send me an email. My artificial intelligence assistant will help me filter out useful information, and I will try my best to help each of you.

I believe that crises can stimulate my potential and allow me to create miracles in just a few days. You can too, God bless you! "

This ends the video of Luther's speech.

Mercury Flash turned off the projection screen and asked, "What does Luthor want to do?"

Old Superman murmured: "He wants to do charity?"

"Will Luther sincerely do charity?" Old Batman asked.

The old Superman was silent.

After a long moment, he shook his head and said, "I can't understand."

Shoemaker Luther's 15th day of freedom.

"Luthors in other universes have also made similar moves, either setting up charities and spreading money to others, or fulfilling other people's wishes anonymously." The old Batman pressed his temple tiredly and asked, "No. 44 How is the earth doing now?"

Mercury Flash looked very depressed, "The whole world is in chaos."

A beam of light shot out of his eyes and projected into the air again.

On the screen, a man wearing a T-shirt with "Long Live Luther" printed on it, holding a big gun in each hand, rushed into the office, stood on his desk, laughed crazily and shouted, "Hahaha, I'm rich!" , there is no need to endure 996 anymore, there is no need to force a smile to deal with the workplace bullying of Jackass Jack (his boss), and there is no need to worry about getting a car loan, long live Luther!

Now I can do whatever I want.

Colleagues, friends, you don’t need to panic, I won’t hurt you shit Jack, you don’t need to tremble, I won’t hit you.

I just endured it for too long, and today I can finally fulfill the fantasy that I have only dreamed of countless times - sweeping across the office.

After I finish venting, I will compensate you. I swear, I have a lot of money now, hahaha! "

"Fuck, I finally understand." The old Batman slapped his forehead. There was no joy after realization on his face, only deep despair. "Inform the Justice League of the Node Universe that the Year of the Villain is coming, or in other words, some parallel universes." We have entered the Year of the Villain. Get ready for the shock of the complete collapse of the Wall of Origin."

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