I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1998 Pam wakes up

There is a Superman in almost every parallel universe, and as long as there is a Superman in the world, there must be Luthor.

In different parallel universes, Superman's story will be different, and correspondingly Luthor will also change.

Earth-38 can be called the "second-age world".

Superman and Batman have appeared in front of the world as early as the 1930s. By the 21st century, the world already belongs to their descendants.

Well, there's Batman and Superman in the story, but the story is about their children and grandchildren.

Corresponding to the old Superman is the old Luthor, and the new generation Lex Luthor is just an 11-year-old boy.

He was still in junior high school at Smallville.

Today is a special day for Smallville Township Middle School, because the hero's son "Superboy" will come to their school to participate in the "Art and Science Creation Activity".

Superboy is the son of "Superman" who is still active in the hero world today. He is the grandson of the old Superman who has retired for many years and is known as "the embodiment of hope and justice."

The old Superman's reputation in the world today is comparable to Guo Jing's reputation in the martial arts world at his peak.

His grandson "Superboy" inherited the mantle and reputation of his father and grandfather from the previous two generations. He is more famous than the superstar and more popular than the biggest Internet celebrity.

His arrival filled the entire school, from the principal to the students, with joyous anticipation. Even the Kansas TV station was at the "art and science creation event" early.

But the reporters did not focus on the students playing with their scientific instruments or art works at the activity table.

The camera is pointed at the empty sky, waiting for the arrival of the real big star.

"Ah, Superboy, it's Superboy, he's here, Superboy, look here!"

A red light flashed in the blue sky, and all the reporters and teachers on the scene began to cheer.

"Wow, Superboy is so handsome. He is so young. I heard that he is not much older than us, but he is already so powerful, so famous, and famous all over the world!" The students also stopped what they were doing, with envy and joy on their faces. Looking in awe at the young hero who was slowly landing with a smile as bright as the sun on his face.

"Superboy, please say a few words for us! Your father is the spiritual totem of our generation, and I believe you have become the belief of the children."

The smile on the principal's face was a bit flattering, and he bent down and handed the microphone to Superboy's mouth.

Superboy, who looked exactly like Superboy in his youth, politely thanked the principal, with a brighter and gentler smile on his face.

"The event has started now? Are all the students here?"

"We have been waiting for a long time." The principal smiled.

"Then let's get started." Superboy frowned slightly. He had already seen an empty table in the last row, and there was a "Lex Luthor" sign on the table.

There was a sign, but there was no one at the table, and there were no competition exhibits on the table, indicating that this "Lex Luthor" had not arrived at the venue.

Superboy remembered this name. If the plot proceeds normally, today's "Art and Science Creation Activity" will be the beginning of the lifelong entanglement between Superboy and Little Luthor.

Unfortunately, the world is no longer normal.

Earth-38 belongs to the Node Universe.

There are countless parallel universes in the Wantian Yi, and there are 52 most critical universes. They are equivalent to the skeleton fulcrums of the Wantian Yi, and are very important for stabilizing the structure of the parallel universes.

Therefore, when the old Superman of Hero Paradise held a "Superhero Conference" to discuss the crisis of destruction, he must have informed all node universes except Earth-3.

Earth-3 is too special. The Criminal Syndicate is more villainous than the villains, and they are not even qualified to enter the hero's paradise.

Superboy's "Superhero" grandfather and "Superhero" father both went to Hero Paradise to attend the superhero convention.

So the plot between Superboy and young Lex Luthor hasn't officially begun yet, and he already knows in advance that Lex Luthor is not a good guy.

He was concerned about the "Lex Luthor" nametag on the empty table.

"Is Lex Luthor late?"

He was just wondering in his heart, but still had a bright smile on his face, and spoke impassioned words of encouragement to the students.

Lex Luthor wasn't late, he didn't get a chance to make it to the event.

His father withdrew his exhibits and criticized and educated him while drinking, "Shit Superman, shit Superboy, their family are all hypocritical, dirty liars.

They say nice things on their lips, but in their hearts they are jealous of your creative talent and integrity.

The so-called exhibitions, competitions, and even scholarships and grants are all bait to weaken you and corrupt you.

My son, I am not trying to stop you from rising to fame and glory.

At this stage, money and praise will only blunt and destroy your potential.

Believe it or not, when you bring your works to an exhibition, the son of Superman will definitely praise you and turn your mentor into an opponent who hates you and is jealous of you.

The family is very good at this.

Hum, as long as I still have breath, I will not let their conspiracy succeed.

You are Luther, and you have been burdened with hiccups since you were born, eh."

Old Luther put down the empty wine glass and yelled at his frustrated son who was huddled in the corner: "Are you a piece of wood? Why don't you hurry up and get me another bottle of whiskey when you see the wine glass is empty!"

Little Luther quickly trotted to the kitchen next door to get a bottle of wine.

When he ran back "thump thump thump", he ran into a wall of flesh out of thin air.

Green light flashed, and a tall figure appeared in front of him.

Little Luther was caught off guard and bumped into him, and he fell on his butt with an "ouch".

The wine bottle in his hand flew into the air and was caught firmly by a big hand.

"What a bottle of strong liquor, such a familiar taste." Luther looked at the whiskey in his hand with a complicated expression.

He has seen similar scenes many times, and he has seen and smelled the same brand of cheap whiskey countless times.

"You're so weird, I can feel you, our minds seem to be connected."

Little Luther got up from the ground and looked at the bald Luther in a suit and tie in surprise, "You and I seem to be exactly the same. Did you come from the future? Are you me?"

"This kind of keen insight and intelligent brain is worthy of Lex Luthor." Luthor praised "himself" expressionlessly, shook his head coldly and said: "Maybe it was before, but it is no longer the case.

Looking at the entire multiverse, Lex Luthor is already the top existence, but I have transcended the level of 'Lex Luthor', and I have surpassed you. "

"Ah, you come from a parallel universe. I didn't expect that the multiverse actually exists!" The younger Luther was a little surprised, but there was a hint of fear in the eyes of the older Luther.

"You and I can still sense some of your emotions, sir. You are not here to observe the parallel universe peers. You want to eliminate us, right?" He asked tremblingly.

Luther nodded slightly, "Even if I have transcended you, you are still Luther after all, and you may threaten my plan in the next incident.

Well, the only one who can defeat Luther is Luther, I always firmly believe this.

If the Justice League uses your wisdom against me, it may cause me a lot of trouble. "

After a pause, Big Luther hesitantly added: "Also, I heard a suggestion from another person.

He told me that only by understanding the lives of all Batmans and absorbing the wisdom and experience of all Batmans can we truly transcend Batman. "

"Batman?" Little Luther was a little confused.

"The man who gave me advice was Batman, a super Batman who had fallen into darkness.

After gaining the ability to freely travel through parallel universes, the first thing he did was to fill his suddenly broadened horizons with greater insight and wisdom.

If the horizons are simply raised, but the wisdom and experience are not, then the ideological realm will not be sublimated with the horizons.

He visits every world where Batman exists, doing nothing but observing and learning.

Observe Batman and his enemies in the current universe and learn from his experience and wisdom.

Gradually, his thoughts, his spirit, his soul will, and even his cultivation realm have been greatly sublimated.

I thought it made sense, so I left home and came to you.

You were not the first Luther I met, but you gave me the deepest feeling. "

Luther looked down at the red-haired boy Luther, with a complicated tone and expression, "It would be difficult to find another Luther in the multiverse who is as miserable as you.

But it's not your fault, you haven't started to prosper yet.

The script you got reminds me of the male protagonist of Tianchao.com, who always fails in a mess at the beginning, and then relies on wisdom to turn things around step by step——"

"Chinese Internet article?" Little Luther's eyes were full of doubts.

But Big Luthor saw through his doubts and saw even more disdain: Oh my god, Lex Luthor, who claims to have been elevated to transcendence, actually still reads online novels! It seems that I have read a lot, otherwise I would not be able to summarize the common settings of male protagonists in novels.

There was no embarrassment in Big Luther's heart or face, but his tone was more eager, "You don't understand! I usually only read top academic journals such as "Science" and "Nature".

However, there is a rule-maker in our world. She likes to read online articles and makes world rules by studying the content of online articles.

Do you know about the catastrophe?

There must be a catastrophe in your world, but it's a pity that you haven't even left the small town of Smallville.

Not only do I need to read online articles to study the catastrophe, but also the gods, magicians and supreme beings of the multiverse need to read it.

Because of the Heavenly Tribulation system, the online literary circle has recently begun to practice immortality, all of which are plots related to the Heavenly Tribulation.

Not only foreigners read relevant online articles, but even aliens began to repost them. Writers - well, forget it, what's the use of telling you this, anyway."

Seeing the curiosity in little Luther's eyes, Luther's cold heart as a top predator also wavered a little.

"Do you have to kill me? The fallen Batman was just observing and learning, and did not kill other Batmans." Little Luther asked.

Luther sighed: "It's not easy for me to go out. I can't just learn the wisdom and experience of 'Luthers'.

I will also devour everything from you.

Devouring your destiny, I can become you, with thousands of clones, operating in countless parallel worlds at the same time.

This will serve him well for the Year of the Villain ahead.

Maybe swallowing your life and soul essence can help me gain some wisdom? "

A look of uneasiness quickly flashed across Luther's face, "My personal intelligence was already number one at the time, but 'number one' is only relatively the strongest, not absolutely the strongest.

There is still a lot of room for improvement above first place.

Lex Luthor not only wants to be the best in the world, but also needs to keep making progress and become the number one who can crush the second place countless times! "

He said it grandly, but in fact he suffered a severe blow to his intelligence and began to look for ways to "replenish his brain."

Whether cloning Papetua or enlightening Papetua's soul, "black apple innate intelligence" is required.

Luther could not complete the task of cloning Pappetua alone, but Brainiac did what he said. While helping him to regenerate with blood, he also cloned Pappetua's body.

Luther was successfully reborn through blood transfusion, and Papetua's physical body also appeared in the next door culture tank.

Brainiac's ability made Luther jealous, and made him feel threatened and unwilling.

Once you have a physical body, you should use the "Black Apple" to enlighten your soul. Unfortunately, Luther, the incarnation of the power of the "Black Apple", has proven that he is not the only incarnation.

He alone could not enlighten Papetua's soul.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, Brainiac was no longer able to survive this time.

Brainiac was also unable to complete the enlightenment of Papetua's soul alone.

The two of them may need to join forces.

Papetua's advice to Luther was also to join forces with Brainiac.

But Luther didn't want to join forces with Brainiac.

If the two of them join forces, it means that Luther is no longer the "only special being."

With Luther's pride, he would not want to stand side by side with her if there was any chance of surpassing Harley. What's more, the other party was not Harley, but Brainiac?

As for whether the "black apple's innate wisdom" can be improved by devouring peers.

There was no precedent before, and Luther had no very clear theoretical basis, but he never minded killing people for a certain experiment, even if the person killed was "himself".

"No, don't kill him." Old Luther stood up with his hands on the table.

Luther never thought of avoiding him. The old Luther heard all the conversations between him and the younger Luther.

If other people heard words like "parallel universe" and "peotopic body", they would definitely think that the person who said these words was crazy.

The elder Luther, like the younger Luther, immediately understood and accepted the elder Luther's words.

Little Luther could understand quickly, partly because he and Big Luther had ideological resonance.

Old Luther knew more of the secrets of the world, and had enough wisdom and experience to understand Luther's words.

"Please, he's just a kid, a stupid kid with no use, but I can help you."

Old Luther looked at Big Luther with drunken eyes. His expression was not only fear, but also an unspeakable complex emotion. "If you are really Lex Luthor from another world, you should understand that Lionel Luther is not just an alcoholic, I am willing to do anything. If you are willing to spare my life, that would be even better."

"You call yourself 'Lionel' in front of me, do you want to remind me that you are my 'father'? Are you worthy of it?"

Luther's face was indifferent, and his eyes were covered in red light.

No thermonuclear rays shot out, as if heated by a microwave, directly igniting the old Luther opposite him from his internal organs to his skin at the same time.

"Boom!" Old Luther turned into a huge torch, burning all his flesh and blood in a few seconds, leaving only half of his charred skeleton.

Little Luther watched the whole process of his father's murder without any expression on his face.

When Luther looked over again, he lowered his head and asked in a numb voice: "I want to live. See what else you need in me. I will pay any price."

Luther tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then said: "Honestly, I don't mind killing people, killing people never makes me feel guilty.

It is because of this talent that I can become the leader of villains.

But I'm not a pervert, and I never get pleasure from killing people, especially in the process of killing 'myself'. I don't have any sense of accomplishment, and I feel a little disgusted.

Perhaps, you can help me kill the next Luther. "

"Whoa!" With a flash of green light, Big Luther took Little Luther away from Earth-38.

There are Superman and Luthor on Earth-44, but the Luthor of this world is not Superman's lifelong enemy.

Because all the main heroes in this world are artificial intelligences, including Gold Superman, Iron Batman, Platinum Wonder Woman, and Mercury Flash. They call themselves the "Metal Alliance."

"This is impossible, Luther shouldn't be here!" Little Luther, who was on his first killing mission, said in disbelief.

After leaving Universe 38, they appeared in a street shop that mixed leather and foot odor, a small leather shoe shop covering an area of ​​less than thirty square meters.

The owner of the shoe repair shop is the target of their trip - Lex Luthor.

The man repairing the shoes is indeed Bald Luther, who looks exactly like Big Luther.

But this Luther turned out to be a shoe repairman.

"Interesting." The shoemaker Luther stopped his work and looked at Luther for about 5 seconds. Then he turned back and continued to nail the broken leather shoes. "Honestly, you shouldn't see me like this. Do you applaud? Finally, there is a Luther who can truly have and enjoy life, instead of just wandering around for other rotten purposes."

"I just want to completely erase you from the timeline, just like using clean silk to wipe away the snot that shouldn't exist on the glass window of 'King Luther's Glory Booth.'" Luther said calmly.

"Then do it quickly. My little daughter is coming to have dinner with me. Alas, I don't want to break the appointment, but I don't want her to see what you do next." Shoemaker Luther said calmly.

As he spoke, he was still tapping the spikes lightly.

Luther winked at Little Luther.

Little Luther tremblingly took out the "Molecular Bond Dissociator" and pressed the switch on the shoemaker Luther.


Luther the Shoemaker exploded into a ball of blue light, leaving not even a drop of blood behind.

Little Luther's eyes were moist and he whispered softly: "I'm sorry."

Luther glanced at him and said, "If you can't bear it, you can hit yourself. Of course, you can also give me a hard blow with maximum power while I'm not paying attention."

Little Luther lowered his head and said softly: "Although killing people makes me very uncomfortable, especially killing 'myself'.

But you have proven to me, and to all 'Luthors', that you are the ultimate form of Lex Luthor.

Luthers never give up on progress, and I'm a Luther! "

"Haha, that's a good realization!" Luther smiled happily.

"Whoa!" With a flash of green light, the two Luthers came to Luther in the next world.

With the exception of Earth-3, Luthor killed all Luthors in the remaining Node Universes.

But he didn't stop. He took little Luther and continued to travel rapidly through the parallel universe.

When peers meet peers, there will be interference in thinking and memory, especially for people with strong mental powers.

Back then, little Alexander Luthor just peeked at Luthor in the Heroes' Paradise, which made him feel uncomfortable, always feeling like he was being watched by someone.

By this time Luther had "evolved" into an apex predator.

Not to mention other abilities, the apex predator's psychic power is stronger than that of a Martian.

So Luther doesn't need to do anything special. As long as he appears in front of a peer in the parallel universe, he can instantly steal a lifetime of life wisdom from the peer through the resonance of the peer's thoughts.

To absorb the essence of life and soul, you don’t need to open your mouth to chew it directly.

He did not chew roughly when merging with Martians, and now he has become a cutting-edge predator. With the experience of blood transfusion and rebirth, he can easily extract the pure earthling "original blood" from his body.

The essence of his soul was also integrated into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

The ultimate effect was uncertain, but his journey to wisdom sublimation went extremely smoothly, with few obstacles encountered until Brainiac contacted him urgently.

At that time, Luther was experiencing his third gaffe. The first gaffe was when he killed "himself" for the first time, and the second gaffe was when he met little Luther, who was "a certain male protagonist's life template". Life is so similar to him (his new life after being modified by Pappetua).

"Why do you allow this to happen and why do you humble yourself so much?"

Luther in the Earth-31990 universe has become a vegetative state, slumped on the hospital bed, with a satisfied smile on his lips, as if he was sleeping peacefully.

Luther became angry when he saw him.

In other words, after gaining all the "wisdom" and experience of the other person through the resonance of his peers' thoughts, Luther began to get frustrated.

"Look at what you look like now. What's the difference between you and a piece of rotten meat? Are you actually extremely satisfied?"

Luther can not only gain the "wisdom" of the other party, but also know Luther's mood in the hospital bed.

"Instead of working hard to improve yourself and achieve self-sublimation, you let the other party. Let Superman fall? For this, you do it at all costs, even if you just make the other party humiliated, are you satisfied?

How could such a barren, low-level and well-known goal satisfy Luther's desires and ambitions? "

Well, the third gaffe is kind of like the second gaffe.

Little Luther has his life experience as a boy, and Luther, who is in a vegetative state on the hospital bed, has his ideals as a youth.

Seeing them, Luther seemed to see his past self.

Luthor, who has now fully improved his mind, body and soul, looks down upon his ideal self, "As long as he can drag Superman to death together, even if he is ruined and dies immediately, it is worth it."


When Luther was almost dry with his words about his "former self" on the hospital bed, little Luther looked down at the "Molecular Bond Dissociator" in his hand and hesitantly shouted: "This energy weapon you gave me seems It’s sending out some kind of signal.”

At this moment, Big Luther not only cursed until his mouth was almost dry, but he also took action: lying on the vegetative Luther, holding his big bald head with one hand, and pinching the other person's face with the other hand.

Because the vegetative Luther had a faint smile of satisfaction on his face.

This made Luther feel extremely ashamed.

He wanted to rub the smile off his face.

"What?" Big Luther turned around and saw an instrument the size of a pencil case flashing green light.

The Molecular Bond Dissociator was his protective weapon before he became an apex predator.

It is not only a weapon, but also has certain communication functions.

Otherwise, he wouldn't still be carrying it after becoming an apex predator.

"The Fortress of Doom is sending me an urgent message?"

He took the instrument from Little Luther, first fired a wire to blast the vegetative Luther into a molecular state, and then began to check the information received by the dissociator.

Even the Creator cannot transmit information over a large area within the Heavenly Blood Domain, so Luther cannot break the rules.

At this time, no one can do this unless the Fortress of Doom sends a message to a target in the Heavenly Blood Domain.

The key is that Luther's location at this time is not in the Heavenly Blood Realm.

He is in a parallel universe!

It is relatively simple for the blood domain mothership to send information to the parallel universe within Wantianyi.

Of course, even Luthor himself is not sure which parallel universe he will go to next, and the Doomsday Fortress will certainly not be able to pinpoint his specific location.

Unable to lock down a specific target, he cast a wide net and sent information to every parallel universe that only Luther could receive.

If you pass the message this way, you won't be able to load too much content.

"The Fortress of Doom is in danger? Why is it in danger?"

Luther didn't get much information, but he didn't delay. He immediately took little Luther back to the Sky Blood Realm.

Arriving at the outskirts of the Doomsday Fortress, he was in no hurry to enter.

"Hello, Brainiac?" He connected to the communication terminal of the Fortress of Doom.

Within visual distance, there are no technical difficulties in exchanging blood domain information.

"Luthor? You should be back, right? Come in quickly. We didn't meet the Witch Harley, but the Joker betrayed us." Brainiac's voice was a little labored, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

Luther not only did not move, but instead looked around, looking even more alert, "The Joker rebelled? What did he do? Are you injured?"

"Hahaha. Falk, I was hit by the clown gas, but I wasn't hurt. Hahaha." Brainiac finally couldn't hold it in anymore and began to laugh wildly intermittently.

"Can the clown gas hurt you? You are a cyber soul and a body of steel." Luther said.

Brainiac in the main universe is completely dead.

However, Brainiac mastered the technology of digitizing souls and left soul data archives in the database.

Luther extracted the soul factor from Brainiac in the parallel universe - the artificial body organ that carries the soul, combined the different organs into a complete body of Brainiac, and then input the soul data of Brainiac in the main universe. Finally, with the help of the creation power of the total body, he was barely resurrected.

It cannot be said that it is exactly the same as before, at least it is equivalent to restarting Brainiac.

"I am a data soul, but the Joker is not an ordinary person. Have you forgotten? When I invaded the earth decades ago, the Witch Harley used the souls of Gotham villains to create a virus that contaminated my data soul.

The Joker used a similar trick, he created the Cyber ​​Joker virus specifically to target me. "

While speaking, Brainiac couldn't help but laugh several times.

"Where is the clown? Where are the others?" Luther frowned.

"The clown ran away. Anyway, he was not found in the fortress of doom. The others are the same as me. No, they are not as good as me. I can at least slowly regain consciousness by formatting the soul data. They are still laughing and making trouble at the moment. ."

Brainiac also passed him a video.

The doomsday fortress that was once tidy and orderly with a very sci-fi layout has turned into a mess.

All the villains seemed to be going crazy, laughing like the Joker, jumping up and down hysterically, or attacking each other.

The attack method is very savage, with no moves. They hug each other, wrestle or bite, like wild beasts that have lost their minds.

But they are not completely unconscious. Their wills are distorted by the clown virus, and they are all as crazy and disordered as clowns. It is not that they have truly become beasts without intelligence.

"Damn it, is the Joker crazy? Why would he do this?!" Luther was furious.

Brainiac said: "I'm not very familiar with the clowns on your Earth, but I have heard many villains on Earth say that clowns are never qualified partners."

There was deep resentment in his tone, "They all know that as long as there are team activities involving clowns, there will always be incredible and inexplicable chaos.

So in the past, whenever secret societies took action, those in charge would always avoid clowns.

Anyone who knows the clown, no matter how arrogant he is, dare not think that he can control the clown. "

Luther gritted his teeth for a while, then teleported back to the Fortress of Doom in silence.

After spending half a day, Luther finally teamed up with Brainiac to prepare the antidote for the Joker virus.

"No, I'm too tired. My cheeks are swollen from smiling. I'm going to take a nap and wait until I regain my energy to talk about anything else. But Luther, we won't just let it go. You have to give us an explanation."

After regaining consciousness, all the villains - even the Leopard Girl with divine power, were exhausted and felt extremely tired. Every part of their body - especially their cheeks, was still sore and weak, and they wanted to lie down on the bed and fall asleep immediately.

Luther's face was livid, and his stomach was full of anger. "I admit that I am responsible for the Joker's rebellion. I trust his wisdom and magnanimity too much.

But don’t you have any responsibility?

There are so many of you, and the calculator is still in charge of the mastermind of the Doomsday Fortress. You have an absolute advantage. Why did you let a mere ordinary person be wiped out by the group? "

"It is true that the clown has no superpowers, but anyone who treats the clown as an ordinary person is a fool!" The calculator also looked unlucky, "I am very grateful that you handed over the management of the main control room to me.

But this matter is not a secret at all. If the clown wants to rebel, he will definitely be the first to attack me.

How could I have imagined that he would rebel at such a time?

You have evolved into a cutting-edge predator, and the Legion of Destruction is doing well. Why would he rebel?

I can't figure it out now, but I didn't have any doubts at that time, so I opened the door for him.

Then he gave me a weird smile and sprayed me with the clown virus.

Once I fell, the main control room immediately fell into his control, and the rest was easy.

Even Brainiac was tricked, who can you blame? "

Brainiac said: "The reason for the Joker's rebellion is very simple. Just like what he said to Luther that day, either the Laughing Bat or choose him. As a result, everyone knows that Luthor did not kill the Laughing Bat."

"Oh, he is indeed a lunatic for such a trivial matter." Leopard Girl shouted.

The calculator glanced at Luther and said, "I understand the clown's style, but I thought you had convinced him."

"I" Luther just showed his embarrassment, then his expression suddenly changed, he looked around and said, "Where is the Laughing Bat?"

"Isn't he in the bottom prison?"

The mathematician was startled, and then his expression changed slightly after calling up the surveillance video of the prison, "The Laughing Bat is gone. Was he killed by the clown?"

Brainiac glanced at the empty prison on the screen and said, "The Joker left the Doomsday Fortress on the third day after releasing the Joker virus.

He stayed for two full days. Why?

We can't wait for Luther to return. The cutting-edge predator is not afraid of the clown virus. "

"He definitely wants to kill the Laughing Bat." Luther's face became even more ugly, "The Laughing Bat also betrayed us.

He even predicted the clown's rebellion and guessed that the clown wanted to kill him, so he ran away in advance.

Maybe we even played hide-and-seek with the clown in the Fortress of Doom for two days.

Fake, what do those two bastards think of me and the Fortress of Doom? ! "

"Oh, you might as well have listened to the Joker and killed the Laughing Bat." Gorilla Grodd complained: "It's better now. You lost your wife and lost your troops. You didn't get any benefits. Instead, you destroyed the Legion." The group was almost wiped out!"

"It's meaningless to say this now." The calculator shook his head, looked at Luther and asked: "Should we change places to hide? If the Joker returns to the main universe, he will definitely fall into the hands of the Zhenglian Alliance at this time, and then we All the secrets are exposed.”

Luther said: "Don't worry, our position has not been exposed. The clown had left long before I returned.

When I came back, Zheng Lian and Ha Li still hadn't come to find them, which means we are now——"

His expression suddenly changed, he lowered his head and took out the glittering assembly from his pocket, and saw another line of the mark of destruction on the surface of the assembly lit up.

Luther raised the total body and said with a smile: "Look, another negative base force has been unlocked.

The clown's defection was just a small accident, don't worry about it. In the overall situation, we are still steadily gaining a greater advantage. "

"Is it invisible light?" Brainiac looked around, "Sinestro doesn't seem to be in the Fortress of Doom."

Luther said: "Invisible light, like colored light energy, is a kind of emotional energy that comes from all living beings in the universe.

Obviously, the material universe is more suitable for absorbing invisible light and is more efficient.

So Sinestro has been hiding in his home universe, deep in the cracks in the Origin Wall, and will directly give the absorbed invisible light to Mother Papetua.

Hehehe, Harley may have guessed that we are looking for Sinestro from the parallel universe to unblock the invisible light, but no one knows which universe's Sinestro has joined the Legion of Destruction. "

Brainiac leaned close to his ear and said mentally: "The turmoil did not affect the experimental area. The clown never came close to Pappetua's mother's body."

Luther looked hesitant.

There was more impatience and impatience in Brainiac's voice, "The mother's body has been cloned long ago. As long as we instill black apples into her brain, she will be able to give birth to a soul.

If you had listened to me earlier and worked with me to unblock Black Apple, this turmoil would never have happened.

With body and soul, even if only a trace of will comes into the body, Mother Pappetua is the most powerful existence in the universe today.

With her in charge of the fortress of doom, even if ten thousand clowns cause trouble, they won't be able to make any waves. "

He then looked at the little Luther who was silent next to the big Luther and only listened curiously, and asked: "Next, you have to go to the parallel universe to eliminate your peers, right?"

Luther said: "I want to seize their destiny, then incarnate into billions, and control the legions of destruction in countless parallel universes at the same time."

"I don't care what your purpose is. After you leave, there must be strong people guarding this place." Brainiac stared into his eyes and said seriously: "The Joker can leave, or he may take Zheng Lian and Witch Harley with him. Return.

The Laughing Bat doesn't even necessarily leave.

Maybe we've been targeted by the Dark Knights. "

Luther looked hesitant and said nothing for a long time.

"Luthor, listen to him and unblock the Black Apple immediately. An accident like this must never happen again." Papetua's voice appeared directly in his mind, with a stern tone, "I told you a long time ago, you are the only one who can Man, it is impossible to unseal the Black Apple. You must join forces with Brainiac. This is your destiny!

You are the smartest person on earth, and he is the smartest person in the universe.

Together you form the embodiment of enlightened wisdom. "

"Okay, now unseal the Black Apple." There was reluctance and annoyance in Luther's voice.

Doomsday Fortress Experimental Zone.

A 10-meter-high cylindrical culture tank was erected in the center. Light green liquid was injected into it, and a tall woman was sleeping quietly in it.

At this time, there was a seat on each side of the culture tank. Luther and Brainiac were sitting on the chairs wearing strange helmets, their eyes closed, and they seemed to be asleep.

There is a metal wire at the top of the helmet that goes all the way to the central incubator.

The laboratory was quiet except for the sound of small bubbles coming out of the culture tank.

Two hours later, Luther and Brainiac had tired looks on their faces. The five-meter-tall woman in the culture tank made movement, and her eyelids trembled slightly.

There is no need to find a special energy source to unlock the Black Apple. Luther and Brainiac's minds are connected to the power of the Black Apple.

In other words, they can have wisdom far beyond ordinary people because they have a special status and are the embodiment of enlightened wisdom.

"Gudong, Gudong." Suddenly the culture tank seemed to be boiling, with a large number of bubbles floating. The giant woman's hands were moving and her body was twisting.

She opened her eyes, and there was a huge mark of destruction in her eyes. "It feels like having a soul and a body. It's so good!"

As soon as a few syllables were spoken, the veil of reality in the DC multiverse was like a curtain in a strong wind, almost torn into countless pieces in an instant.

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