I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1992 respective preparations

An unknown area in the realm of Heavenly Blood.

Fortress of Doom.

Test area, in front of the console.

Luther was wearing a white coat, frowning and staring at the experimental data on the screen, like a statue, not moving for a long time.

"Buzz~~" Suddenly, a 13-inch window popped up in the upper left corner of the 50-inch screen.

In the center of the window is the headshot of a middle-aged man with glasses.

Before he could speak, Luther said angrily: "Calculator, I have warned you more than once not to disturb me while I am working.

Especially don't pop up in my lab.

My inspiration is only not as rare and precious as myself. If you disturb even half of your inspiration, you will be punished by death, and even death will be hard to atone for your sin. "

"BOSS, I swear to you, I really listened to your warning and will always keep it in my heart."

The calculator in the video raised his right hand and swore with a very serious expression, "Actually, half an hour ago, the 'Heavenly Tribulation Girl' begged me to come and find you.

I could have called you immediately, but I remembered your prohibition and refrained from disturbing you.

I have been watching you from the side, and I didn’t come out to meet you until you looked sad, your thoughts were divergent, and you were in a daze. It was obvious that you were not in a state of inspiration or even thinking. "

"What do you mean, you think of me as a third-rate researcher? I will be in a daze?" Luther shouted angrily: "I simulated the experimental process in my mind and looked for the reasons for the wrong data. Do you understand?"

"You definitely don't understand. If you don't understand, don't pretend to know everything."

The calculator was lifeless, and he looked like a bitch researcher in a movie with a look of concern on his face.

"BOSS, are you in big trouble with your experiment? With your wisdom, you can't find any clue after thinking hard for a long time?" he asked softly.

Luther was even more ashamed and angry.

But before he could explode, the calculator hurriedly persuaded him softly: "BOSS, who among us doesn't understand anyone? No matter how many difficulties you encounter, you are the smartest person in the universe in our minds.

The inability of the most intelligent man in the universe to solve a certain scientific research problem only proves that the difficulty is indeed serious, but cannot explain anything more.

I guess you have been in the laboratory for a long time, and your mind and body have become a little rigid, so you are temporarily troubled by this problem.

Communicate with others, or go out and practice the way of destruction. Once people are active and their brains become tired, no problem will be difficult for you. "

Luther let out a long sigh of relief and threw his entire body heavily into the leather armchair.

While pressing his temples with a tired look, he said: "You are right, the difficulties I encountered are 'transcendence-level problems' that have never appeared since the birth of the multiverse. Don't worry about some setbacks."

"Transcendence level problem?" The mathematician's face seemed to twitch slightly, and asked: "BOSS, what are you studying? Ever since we unsealed the Wind of Nothingness, no, we are actually opening the Tomb of the Gods and unsealing it. Before Tears of Death, you had already started asking me to help you collect instruments and experimental materials.

Shouldn't the Legion of Destruction's current mission focus on unlocking the remaining negative base powers?

Everyone is looking forward to the next plan. "

"I'm not distracted, I want to clone Papetua." Luther said.

"Clone Pape - what? BOSS, who do you want to clone? Did the Mother of Creation ask you to clone someone?" the computerist yelled out of control.

His gaffe somewhat pleased Luther, and his tone became lighter, and there was obvious complacency and arrogance.

"You heard it right, the one I want to clone is the Mother of Creation.

If the Mother of Creation gave me a task, this can be considered one of the tasks, and it is no less urgent than unblocking the negative base power.

In fact, when unsealing the ‘Black Apple’, we must prepare the physical body of the Mother of Creation in advance.

According to my previous plan, the next target is ‘Black Apple’, so what I am doing now is business. "

"Can the Mother of Creation be cloned?" The calculator was still a little unbelievable, "It's unimaginable! I thought that the body of a god was already unique and could not be copied or cloned.

The Mother of Creation is even more sacred and great, and cannot be desecrated by "low-energy tricks of the material universe" such as scientific research. "

“For mortals, the physical body is the most important reality. Losing the physical body means losing the ability to exist in reality and interfere with reality.

For the Mother of Creation, the physical body is not necessary for her to exist in reality.

The physical body is simply the medium through which she directly affects the fabric of the multiverse. "Luther said.

The calculator thought thoughtfully: "You mean, the existence of the Mother of Creation is too advanced, and our multiverse itself is a bit low-level. In order to adapt to the low-level multiverse, we need a low-level physical body?"

Luther nodded and said: "That's pretty much what it means. From the analysis of energy level and dimension level of existence, the body is lower than the soul, and the soul is lower than the will.

This is what people often say, "When a person dies, his soul remains," or "When the body dies, the soul disappears, but the will remains forever."

At this time, the mother of creation sealed in the wall of origin is a thinking consciousness that is higher than will.

Let alone a physical body, the Mother of Creation does not even have a soul at the moment.

Her soul had long been dispersed by the Origin Judge.

We must first clone the body of the God of Creation for her, and then use the 'Black Apple' to enlighten her wisdom and help her give birth to a soul.

Only when the soul, body, and mind are integrated into one can we exist in the multiverse like us and master the creation power of the multiverse.

For a being like her, the body and soul are also considered two layers of armor to avoid directly exposing the mind to the enemy. "

Calculator said: "Harley Quinn likes to create all kinds of magical secrets, everyone knows this.

I heard rumors that Harley Quinn created a unique skill called "Thinking Sutra", which can transform people from a mortal body into a thinking life form.

Is the Mother of Creation the ultimate goal of the Sutra of Thinking—thinking life? "

Luther hesitated and said: "I have also heard of the "Thinking Sutra", but I have not read the content in it, and I don't know much about the "thinking life" that Harley pursues.

Moreover, like you, I have never seen the Mother of Creation.

My understanding of her is limited to the information obtained from the aggregate, and I cannot compare her and Harley's thinking life. "

"Did you know that in the final crisis, Superman combined with the thinking robot from Taixu to completely kill the fallen creator?" asked the calculator.

"I have watched Louise's "From Monitor to Mandrake" series." Luther mused: "Even Harley herself only has a very vague and conjectural understanding of thinking life.

Watching Louise's series can increase your knowledge, but if you want to do theoretical analysis through her program, forget it. "

After a pause, he continued: "No matter what connection there is between Harley's thinking life and the thinking consciousness of the Mother of Creation, it doesn't mean much to us.

As long as we understand that the Mother of Creation is a great being that transcends the multiverse, and we have to have the highest respect for her, that's OK. "

The mathematician said quietly: "Luthor, you have opened the eyes of all of us and allowed us to see a higher existence.

With vision comes ambition.

The Way of Destruction encourages ambition, doesn't it?

But we have empty ambitions, but we have no path to becoming a higher being.

Harley Quinn's "The Mind Book" at least provides a clear path. "

"You are an ordinary person who is not even a magic apprentice, but if you want to start practicing, you need the God King's "Thinking Sutra"?" Luther sneered and said impatiently: "Stop thinking nonsense, the Mother of Creation has already prepared it for us. Prepare the road, we are going to be cutting edge predators, have you forgotten?

Reaching the sky in one step and becoming a top predator is much better than the path of ascetic training that may not cross a large realm even after tens of thousands of years of training. "

"What I mean is, give the "Thinking Sutra" to the Mother of Creation and ask her to help modify it, or modify it for us. In short, we can quickly practice the "Thinking Sutra".

The calculator hesitated for a while and whispered: "If the Mother of Creation is also a thinking life, then most likely the cutting-edge predator is not a thinking life.

A very simple truth is that God will only create "people" who are lower than himself, but will not create "gods" who are equal to himself, let alone "supergods" who surpass himself.

This has something to do with God’s power, and also with God’s unwillingness to let himself be forgotten by everyone.

What's more, the cutting-edge predator is obviously an industrial product produced on an assembly line. "

Luther said coldly: "Wait until you become a cutting-edge predator, then become ambitious and dream of a higher realm!"

The mathematician looked strange, "Aren't we in the same group?

I am ambitious, which can only make your boss more ambitious. You should be happy.

What you say sounds like you and the Mother of Creation are the same."

"I need my little brother to be ambitious, but I hope his ambition is based on wisdom and reason, rather than being stupid and involving me, making the great mother of creation think that I don't want to be with her." Luther He said calmly.

The calculator opened his mouth, and finally sighed and said: "You are right, we are on the same side as the Mother of Creation. She is our mother and our ideological program. We are her children and her arms. And a sharp sword.”

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want from me? Girl of Heavenly Tribulation, you mean Circe?" Luther asked.

"Who else could it be if she wasn't her? Heavenly catastrophes are triggered every now and then, without any warning. Not only is she unlucky, but she also involves us.

We worked hard to recruit more than 3,000 destruction elites from the parallel universe, but before we could even start special training, seven or eighty-eight of them died, all of them died in the catastrophe.

Their deaths are inexplicable. Most super villains don't know why they died, and their deaths are extremely frustrating.

Their deaths also caused the Legion of Destruction to panic and lose momentum. "The mathematician's tone was full of resentment.

In addition to resentment, there is also a touch of fear.

Circe, the tribulation girl, is simply the "sin buster".

Even if ordinary people are affected by disaster and are suddenly pulled into the scope of tribulation, the catastrophe will not be fatal.

Only villains can trigger horrific catastrophes that kill people. Once enveloped by the Sersi catastrophe, there are basically no survivors.

They all ended up miserable, with no body intact and their souls scattered.

“Her mission is simple, she just needs to guard the door of the Wind Nest of Nothingness.

We don’t need to mess with her, and she shouldn’t mess with us.

As long as she doesn't mess around with anything, she won't suddenly cause a catastrophe, and we will be safe. "Luther said.

"It's not that she wants to cause trouble, she can't bear it anymore! The wind of nothingness is eroding her body and soul every moment, which is more painful than going through the heavenly tribulation."

The mathematician said with lingering fear: "I saw her through the distance, and her situation was indeed very bad.

She was blocked at the door of the Wind Nest of Nothingness, like a strip of flesh soaked in strong acid.

Corrupted to the point of being disfigured by the wind of nothingness, she screamed so miserably that she even started crying and shouting "Mom, help me", which made my hair stand on end. "

Luther sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it. Except for her, no one else can block the Wind Nest of Nothingness.

And just because she calls "Mom" doesn't mean she is miserable. The mother she refers to is not her real mother, but Mother Pappetua.

She also has the heart to call on the Mother of Creation to act coquettishly and miserably, which shows that she can still persevere. "

"Why must we block the entrance to the Wind Nest?" The mathematician asked puzzledly: "Isn't the mission of the Destruction Legion to unblock the negative base power?"

"Unblocking the negative base force does not mean sending the negative base force into the multiverse. Before the Legion of Destruction was established, didn't the main universe have stasis force and trace amounts of tears of death?" Luther said.

"I know that unblocking the negative basic force is to introduce the negative basic force into the total body, but we don't mind the negative basic force pouring into the multiverse! Allowing the negative basic force to flow into the material universe will be more beneficial to destroying the foundation of the world." Calculation family financial situation.

Luther asked: "Do you know what Harley did after we opened the door to the Tomb of the Gods and unsealed the Tears of Destruction?"

The mathematician was a little confused, but he still said: "You synthesized the information collected from the earth and analyzed it for us.

You said that she may have manipulated fate through trickery, and used the Great Karma and Destiny Technique to trick the alien Poseidon and Poseidon to death, making Poseidon the "protagonist" of the story who became auspicious in disaster, and got a huge advantage.

Could it be that you guessed wrong at the time and now you have made a new discovery? "

Luther said: "I hold the aggregate in my hand and have Papetua's will as my inspiration. How could I make a wrong judgment?

It's not like Harley lied to the Justice League and Aliens, she just didn't tell the whole truth.

Maybe she didn't take the initiative to distort the fate of the four sea gods, and she probably couldn't do it with her strength.

But she must have known that Poseidon was hiding nearby and peeping, and she was also very sure that the three alien sea gods had triggered the catastrophe.

There is no need for divination, as long as you have a brain, you can know what will happen when Poseidon confronts the alien Poseidon.

She took advantage of the situation and used her wisdom and decisiveness to indirectly arrange for their tragic death. "

Before Harley returned, he had already run away with the Legion of Destruction, and they should have known nothing about what happened to Earth and Blood Reef afterwards.

Even if you secretly collect information afterwards, you won't be able to find out the details and secrets that many heroes don't know.

Luther was able to fully understand what happened at that time because Papetua's consciousness had been paying attention to Harley.

She knew immediately that Harley was back.

She can also understand everything about what Harley did.

"It is indeed not difficult to trick them to death by taking advantage of the hatred between the Four Sea Gods and their ignorance of the catastrophe.

But while trapping the Four Sea Gods to death, they also retain all their divine essence, and let the Poseidon take the initiative to help the King of the Sea. It is definitely not something that wisdom and decisiveness can do. "Calculate family wealth.

Luther glanced at him and said impatiently: "Of course she used means to interfere with Neptune's fate, but the point is not her great cause and effect technique, but her wisdom. Alas, the point is not what Harley did to interfere with Neptune's fate. .

What I want to say has nothing to do with Poseidon or Poseidon.

The point is what she did in front of the gates of the Tomb of the Gods. "

"What did she do?" The mathematician just asked, and then said thoughtfully: "She has arrived a long time ago, but after pressing the Blood Reef back with a slap, she disappeared. She will definitely find the Tomb of the Gods. The location of the gate, otherwise the blood reef would not be used to block the gate.

Could it be that when the Poseidons were having a conflict, she not only hid on the sidelines watching the show, but also did something at the gate of the tomb of the gods? "

"You finally reacted." Luther sighed and smiled bitterly: "If the Mother of Creation hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have reacted.

I never expected that her greed for the source of energy would have no bottom line and no limit.

Even the Tears of Destruction leaked from the Tomb of the Gods, she was extremely greedy.

We all thought that she didn't show up immediately after her return and was hiding on the side plotting the Four Seas Gods.

But in fact everyone underestimated her.

Controlling the Gods of the Four Seas with the Great Karma and Destiny Technique is just a small game she plays in her spare time from work.

Her main job is to open her mouth and plunder the tombs of the gods with their doors wide open.

After we unsealed the Tears of Death, the Tomb of the Gods has entered reality and is under the Blood Reef. The Blood Reef is under the earth. The earth is equivalent to the stopper blocking the mouth of the magic bottle.

As a result, after such a long time, no tears of death appeared on the earth.

Even the earth does not have tears of death, let alone the main universe and other parallel universes. "

The mathematician said with a shocked expression: "At the beginning, we were worried that opening the door to the Tomb of the Gods would cause the tears of death to flow into the earth, causing the destruction of all life. We don't care about all living beings on the earth, but no one jumps out of the cracks in the rocks. There are always one or two who care. Family and friends.

We are worried about hurting our friends and family. You advised you to believe in Harley Quinn's ability. You even left your own sister in Metropolis without caring about it."

Luther sighed: "When I advise you to believe in Harley's ability, I mean that she can return in time to prevent the Tears of Destruction from spreading on the earth.

Even if the Tomb of the Gods is opened, the Tears of Death are not a flood that bursts its banks and will not flood the earth instantly. After all, it is separated by several dimensions and will slowly penetrate.

But I really didn’t expect Harley’s way of solving the Tears of Death crisis to be so brutal.

She treated the Tomb of the Gods like a can of fruit jam, stuck her tongue in and licked up all the jam.

Although we have unlocked the negative foundation, Papetua has not broken free from the origin wall and has neither soul nor body.

The negative basic forces poured into the total body are only enough to relieve the suppression of Papetua by the corresponding positive basic forces.

When Papetua returns, and when I clone a new body for her and enlighten her soul, she needs to instill negative base power into the new body to restore the past creation power. "

The mathematician finally understood, "The Tribulation Girl blocked the opening of the Wind Nest of Nothingness in order to prevent the Wind Nest of Nothingness from repeating the same mistakes as the Tomb of the Gods, and to prevent Harley Quinn from destroying the Wind of Nothingness." Drained.”

Luther nodded slightly, "The order for Cirsi to block the door of the Wind Nest of Nothingness came from Papetua.

If she hadn't found me in a hurry, I wouldn't have known that Harley could be so ruthless and suck the Tomb of the Gods dry.

But Harley didn't drain the Tomb of the Gods that day.

It took Harley several days to complete the process.

By the time Papetua reacted, Circe had already pulled the Wind Nest of Nothingness to the edge of reality with the cooperation of Leopard Girl.

There is no way to postpone the time to unblock the Wind of Nothingness, we can only close the hole immediately after unblocking it.

Anyway, Hecate has been sealed in the Wind Nest of Nothingness for billions of years. Circe calls herself the 'Mother of New Magic', so it is her destiny to be sealed in the Wind Nest. She should be fine if she persists for a few months. "

"How could Harley Quinn absorb so much energy? The negative base force that was sealed at this time was originally used by the Mother of Creation to create the world.

The huge energy that is enough to create the multiverse was absorbed by Harley Quinn alone? ! "

After understanding the reason, the calculator became more shocked and excited, "Not only can she absorb a negative basic force, she is also extracting invisible light, and she can continue to absorb more negative basic force, and even compete with Papetua. No, Papetua is not as good as her.

The negative base power Papetua used to create the world has reached the upper limit of what she can control and endure.

If there are 100 points of Tears of Death in the multiverse, it's because Pappetua can only hold 100 points.

And Harley Quinn is insatiable, and has never shown that she is unable to do what she wants, has a weak will, and has an appetite but no appetite.

No one knows where her limits are, and the size of the multiverse seems completely insufficient to force her to show her limits.

God, who is the mother of creation? "

He cried out uncontrollably, with a frightened vibrato in his cry.

Luther comforted: "Harry can only eat. Being able to eat does not mean that he is strong, nor does it mean that he is at a high level.

After all, she is not a transcendent person, far inferior to the Mother of Creation, and even inferior to a cutting-edge predator. "

"Being able to eat is indeed not a superpower. Maybe it's wrong to eat to the extent she did!" Halfway through his emotional words, the calculator suddenly came to his senses and shouted: "You said that Earthlings are the perfect race created by Pappetua. , we were supposed to be the creation gods of the combat genre—the cutting-edge predators.

The cutting-edge predator, like the God of Creation, can freely control any energy and absorb any energy in an unlimited amount. The magic power will no longer be too strong. The human body cannot withstand the erosion force and can only transfer the essence of life and soul. to the situation in the artifact.

Harley Quinn hasn't awakened her talent as a cutting-edge predator yet. She has already surpassed Pappetua itself. This is completely unscientific and unmagical! "

Luther said: "Absorbing a kind of energy and using a kind of energy are not the same concepts.

Harley Quinn has almost drained the Tears of Death, but she doesn't know how to use them.

It's like she absorbed a lot of the Speed ​​Force but couldn't run like the Flash.

You'll understand when you become an apex predator.

Harley is not controlling the basic powers of positive and negative. She is just a big sack and can stuff anything into her stomach. "

"What should I tell the Heavenly Tribulation Girl? She is really miserable right now. Her screams are unbearable to listen to, and her miserable state is unbearable to witness." Calculator Jiadao.

"If you can't bear to hear it, don't listen to it. If you can't bear to see it, don't watch it. What does it have to do with you that she's miserable?" Luther said disapprovingly.

"I don't care how miserable she is, I'm just afraid that in despair she will turn into 'Sersi the Resentful Woman' and run to us to survive the catastrophe." The Calculator said honestly.

Luther sneered and said: "Don't worry, she can't escape! I used the combined power to build her at the entrance of the Wind Nest of Nothingness, which is equivalent to a wall. How can the wall escape? She can't even struggle."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be so cruel. I thought she had always voluntarily endured inhuman suffering for the sake of the overall situation." The mathematician was a little frightened.

Even if everyone is a super villain, even if there is no friendship and mutual help between super villains, if the villains cooperate, they must adhere to the most basic moral principles to maintain mutual trust and ensure the interests of everyone. Otherwise, who will mess with you?

Villains are just bad, not stupid.

"I'm actually helping her." Luther glanced at him and said calmly: "If she doesn't have a strong will and ruins the overall situation, Papetua will be furious. The angry Papetua will not use his own power again." Strength helps her overcome the disaster.

Secondly, by delaying Papetua's plan to regain control of creation, our expectations of becoming a cutting-edge predator may come to naught, and our efforts and her previous hardships will be wasted.

She won't die, but the pain will be a little more unbearable.

Hecate lasted for billions of years, but she only lasted a few months.

In the end, her reward will be worth far more than any suffering. "

"I understand. I will comfort her with good words and tell her that victory is close at hand." Calculator said.

Within a few days, the calculator hurriedly found Luther in the laboratory again.

Once again, when Luther was staring at the experimental data with a gloomy face and a depressed expression, he jumped out from the upper left corner of the screen.

"BOSS, something big happened! Our people found conclusive evidence of the Justice League's activities in the three parallel universes of Earth-34, Earth-21, and Earth-7.

The Justice League I'm talking about is not the Justice League of the parallel universe.

It’s the Justice League of the main universe, it’s the heroic giants like Superman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. "

Luther's experiment didn't go well and he was in a very bad mood. He wanted to take the opportunity to vent his anger, but when he heard the Zhenglian action, his angry brain immediately calmed down.

"What are they doing? Have they discovered our arrangement? The Origin Wall is on the verge of collapse, and the Speed ​​Force Wall is crumbling. Aren't they afraid that frequent travel will cause greater trauma to the multiverse?"

"From the information I have received so far, it seems that the heroes of the Justice League have not directly entered the parallel universe.

According to the time of the main universe, about a week ago, the old Superman in Hero Paradise convened the Zhenglian of the parallel universe to hold a ‘superhero conference’.

At the meeting, The Flash shared all the information about the ‘Doom Crisis’ with hundreds of thousands of superheroes.

Well, they call this crisis the ‘Crisis of Destruction’.

From unsealing the seven negative basic powers, to Papetua regaining his freedom, to Papetua taking away the faith of all living beings, and finally defeating Papetua completely, how to face the transcendent clan."

The calculator's expression became very strange, "Barry Allen was too candid. He even made public his plan on how to judge the Legion of Destruction after the crisis is over.

Pappetua was not at the center of their concerns.

Papetua is only the first half of the entire ‘Crisis of Destruction’, not the whole thing.

It seems that 'Papetua is vulnerable and will not be an obstacle to great victory' has become common sense recognized by all superheroes. "


Luther roared angrily, then quickly calmed down and sneered: "This is Harley's mind-attacking skill, and it is also a skill to inspire people.

She knew what they were going to face next.

Pappetua not only represents a powerful enemy that can never be defeated, but also represents the unacceptable truth of false justice.

The truth is even scarier.

They have been promoting various beautiful virtues and advocating hypocritical kindness and justice. When the true face of the world is revealed as the truth of "destruction", their ideas of justice will collapse like a sandcastle under the waves.

This was their biggest fear. Harley was very smart and gave everyone a "fearless" buff before the truth was revealed.

At the same time, Harley is still using her tricks.

As the saying goes, the top is to attack the heart, and the bottom is to attack the city; the top is to attack the heart, and the bottom is to fight with soldiers.

There have been two major trials before, the adultery trial of the Dark Night, and the order trial after the end of the magic debt crisis.

Hehehe, what a strategy and scheming, as expected of Harley, starting to warm up so early.

In the previous two major trials, every judge met a miserable end. Their dignity and honor were trampled under the feet of everyone in public, and they were criticized, scorned and ridiculed by countless people at the scene. It was more terrible than death.

Even a super villain will shudder and start to feel frightened when he hears "The Great Judgment" again. "

The calculator was shocked: "Are you saying that the previous two major trials were part of Harley Quinn's grand plan?"

"Maybe it's not deliberate, but it's definitely planned." Luther said.

"What now? To be honest, even I am a little afraid of the trial."

The mathematician worried: "If the news spreads, the Legion of Destruction will surely lose morale and lose momentum.

Moreover, the Justice League does more than intimidate us, and it does more than just talk empty talk. It only uses arrogant victory slogans to inspire the bravery of the Justice League from another world.

They came up with a set of solid plans.

Not only do they want to fight a battle of ideas with us themselves, but they also want to bring all the parallel universes together and involve all the people in the universe. "

Luther frowned and asked, "What is their detailed plan?"

Calculator said: "The detailed plan is not clear, I can only speculate based on their current actions.

For example, we strengthen the understanding of the concept of absolute justice among heroes, and also organize a training class on the "Way of Destruction" to study our way of destruction. While knowing our enemies and ourselves, we can also strengthen our own concept of absolute justice by studying the way of destruction.

Then Superman, who has the deepest understanding of justice, came forward. With the help of Lois, he gradually revealed the 'crisis of destruction' to the people of the earth and the universe.

Then, Superman tells everyone about his philosophy and explains his insights on the way to your destruction. According to my follow-up observation of Superman, he is a bit like a presidential candidate in an election year.

Very much like the late former commander-in-chief Abao.

Do you dare to imagine, 'Each of you is important, important to me, and even more important to the world. We are all the masters of the universe, and we must not let some crazy woman destroy our reality' and 'we must vote for justice' One vote, even if you die in a crisis, it's worth it', 'Let justice continue to be great'. Such words can actually come out of Superman's mouth? "

Luther opened his mouth wide and could not close it for a long time.

"Are you sure these words were said by Superman? They are so un-Superman." After a while, he asked with a distorted expression.

"See for yourself, not only the Superman in the parallel universe is saying it, but the Superman in the main universe is also shouting."

The calculator opens a video.

From the perspective of landscape, the video content takes place in a classical-style metropolis, that is, a "modern metropolis" before the star era.

The Metropolitan National Mall is crowded with people.

Superman was floating in the air, his voice loud and clear, reaching every corner.

Although his tone, expression, and demeanor were very sincere and gave people a simple appeal, his speech was indeed very inflammatory, much like a presidential campaign.

After the Superman from another world finished his speech, he turned on the 3D holographic projection and played part of Barry's speech in the main universe.

It is the scene of the speech in the Heroes' Paradise, and the "Lecture on the Way of Justice and Hope" given by the Superman of the main universe.

Well, just like Harley's public sermon in "The War of Three-Body Problems", the main job of the Master of the Main Universe at present is to incarnate as the "Pope of Justice" and constantly hold large-scale lectures on the way of justice.

This is a suggestion from Harley: "Didn't you say that you want to infect everyone with your own ideas of justice? This is not a red-mouthed white-fanged sentence. You must learn from Tang Monk's spirit of not fearing all difficulties and dangers to go to the West to obtain the true scriptures. , take a modern 'journey of preaching scriptures', and use your principles and ideas as the scriptures of the "Justice Sutra" to tell everyone.

Faith, like belief, cannot be adulterated at all.

Only when everyone understands your thoughts and concepts can they truly provide you with the power of faith and hope. "

"A normal Superman would never be able to do such a thing. It must be Harley. This is her arrangement!" Luthor murmured.

"No matter whose arrangement it is, we have to find a way to deal with it." The calculator said looking into his eyes.

Luthor looked at the video on the screen and frowned: "Superman even publicly explained my method of destruction. What a scheming idea!"

“To be honest, it has the strongest impact on ordinary people’s outlook only when they first hear about the Tao of Destruction.

After hearing it too much and being criticized point by point by Superman, everyone may become desensitized to the path of destruction.

Just like both men and women are lustful, desire is human instinct and should not be rejected or denied.

But everyone will only be sexually active behind the scenes and will not put their dark desires on the table.

Even desire, a body instinct that tends to be neutral, will be suppressed by morality.

Will the path of destruction fail before it flourishes? "The calculator said worriedly.

Luther smiled slightly and said: "If the way of destruction is just an idea, in a pure battle of ideas, we have lost the opportunity and there is a high chance of failure.

But the Way of Destruction is not just an idea, it is truth, reality.

When all sentient beings in the universe see Papetua in person, they will gaze upon the physical incarnation of destruction. "

"But we have to win the battle of ideas and start the Year of the Villain before Pappetua will appear." Calculator Jiadao.

"Don't forget, I am the apostle of Papetua. Seeing me is like seeing destruction." Luther said proudly.

The mathematician stared at him for a while and said, "You are just a mortal. I don't see any divine vision in you."

"That's because I haven't awakened the apostle's true form yet."

Luther's eyes flickered and he said: "Computer, you continue to keep an eye on the movements of the Justice League. I am going to prepare a big operation."

Without waiting for the calculator to respond, he turned off the computer screen, stared at the huge skeleton in the culture tank for a long time, took out the assembly in his pocket, and chanted the name of Pepatua.

Gradually, his will extended infinitely, and finally entered a world of light that exuded endless divine light and vast aura.

"Mother, you have been observing Harley. You must know the current situation, right?"

"What is the situation? I am indeed observing the Witch Harley, but she has been sitting in the middle of the crack in the Origin Wall. She seems to be communicating with the power and rules outside the Origin Wall to enhance her realm of thorns and black vortex."

Papetua's tone was serious, and a hint of worry could be heard vaguely.

Luther told all the news he knew and his own analysis, and said: "I must complete the transformation immediately. Only by transforming into a cutting-edge predator can I give the Legion of Destruction confidence and confront the concept of justice head-on."

"You can transform into an apex predator at any time, as long as you can find Brainiac and Martian Manhunter." Pappetua said.

"Why is there still Brainiac? Didn't the energy to complete the Predator genes come from the Martians?" Luther asked doubtfully.

"Your cloning technology is too rubbish and you need Brainiac to provide technical and intellectual assistance."

Luther blushed, "No, I don't need any intellectual assistance."

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