I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1989 Abandoning Martial Arts

"Could it be that Bateman's home universe is experiencing a crisis of annihilation?"

Harley didn't pay attention to the "justice coming" spoken by the caster, but focused on the crisis anvil behind him, and said thoughtfully: "When a crisis occurs, the structure of the universe collapses, and the real world cannot continue to be maintained. In normal times, the anvil of crisis is struck.

A new cosmic egg falls, inputting the story of the world, replacing the previous broken universe. "

The caster hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said frankly: "You guessed it right, the reality of Earth-3131 was destroyed by an out-of-control little devil.

The universe restart mechanism has been triggered, and the righteous new world replacing the dilapidated old world is completely in line with the normal operating rules of the sixth dimension.

Even if reality is greatly rewritten, it will not do any harm to the multiverse itself. "

Dachao asked in surprise: "The little devil refers to a fifth-dimensional person like a troublemaker?"

The caster said: "He is the troublemaker. He used magic to completely erase the earth in universe 3131. The whole process was like a painter erasing the scenery on the scroll with an eraser.

The earth is the core of the universe. The earth has been completely erased from the picture of reality, which is enough to trigger the restart mechanism of the crisis anvil.

So the story written by Batman naturally enters the Cosmic Egg, and the new world replaces the old world, perfect! "

At the end of the sentence, there was a proud look on his metallic cheeks.

When Dachao heard this, he became excited and angry.

"How could Troubleman enter the real world and wreak havoc? Although he often behaves like a super villain, he only makes trouble and likes to play with others, and never really hurts anyone.

And it’s such a coincidence that just when you want to replace the reality of Universe 3131, the troublemaker accidentally breaks into Earth 3131 and wipes out the reality wantonly.

Are you up to something? "

Bateman also stared at the Forger and said: "We were still discussing why the Justice League on Earth 3131 believed that the sixth dimension had the answer to the crisis.

Is it also related to the little devil?

Troublemaker often torments Superman, but the reason why he torments Superman is because of his extreme admiration for Superman.

He likes Superman, and Superman trusts him.

If the troublemaker tells Superman that the answer to the crisis lies in the sixth dimension, Superman will not doubt it.

And it is almost impossible for ordinary people to enter the sixth dimension.

Superman can survive in the sixth dimension, but entering the sixth dimension requires a medium.

You authorized Troublemaker to open the door to the sixth dimension for him? "

The caster looked surprised. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly frowned and said, "I'll show you something."

He held the handle of the hammer and let the hammer head touch the ground lightly.

Just like Sage Aoqi used the power of creation to change the surrounding environment, in an instant, everyone came to the seaside, or in other words, the forge where they were located became an island environment.

The forging platform is on an isolated island, surrounded by a vast ocean. There is no sunlight or starlight, only heavy darkness.

"Crash!" Waves of waves drifted toward the shore from a distance.

They were all standing on the shore, and they could see a ball of light the size of a washbasin in the waves.

The ball of light had the texture of glass, and thin lines lit up on its surface. Those thin lines actually formed an umbrella—almost a mirror image of the Mark of Destruction.

The mark of destruction is a "straight-handled umbrella" outlined with lines. The pattern lit on the light ball is also a straight-handled umbrella, but it is a mirror image of the mark of destruction.

If the two imprints are pieced together, they will form a complete structural diagram of the DC multiverse.

The Eight Divine Realms, the Wall of Speed ​​Force, the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments, the Sixth Dimension, etc. can all be found on simple line patterns.

"Did you see it? It is the universe 3131 that just died." The caster pointed at the ball of light approaching the shore quickly with the waves, and said solemnly: "After death, it will automatically return to the sixth dimension.

At this time, there is no living person inside, and all the life energy has been transferred to the cosmic egg just now.

You can simply understand that the souls of all living beings in the previous universe have entered the new story world.

Of course, only half of the people, good guys and bad guys who stand in the righteous camp after being screened by Bateman, are stored in the Apokolips database. "

In a few words, the big-faced Death Universe has arrived at the shore.

The caster's hammer has a handle more than two meters long, and the hammer head is also more than two meters long. The top of the hammer head is a sharp long horn, like an ox horn.

At this time, the caster used the sharp end of the hammer to hook up the dead universe.

Just like the farmer uncle using a rake to pull out the pig manure from the pig house.

"The only things that can be recycled now are rules and energy, and let it decompose naturally. The Dragon of Barbatos can chew it but there is no need, just like people can eat garbage but there is no need to do that."

The caster pulled it aside and didn't look at it again.

"If you refuse to carry out my plan of destruction and salvation, our multiverse will inevitably end up like this."

His eyes are sharp, scanning the eyes of a certain hero, as if he wants to penetrate into their hearts and imprint his thoughts on their souls.

"Don't say you can resist. You have seen with your own eyes, who among the sentient beings in Universe 3131 resisted?

They don't even know how to resist.

In other words, they didn't know what was happening at all.

In a daze, their world was gone, and so were they.

Their resistance before me, the Creator, is so ridiculous and pathetic.

In the face of greater beings, your situation is no better than that of ordinary people in Universe 3131.

You just know more, not you can do more. "

The Forger finally placed his gaze on Harley's face, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Harry shrugged and raised his chin towards Zheng Lian beside him, "I won't make decisions for them, and don't expect me to help you persuade them."

Dachao pursed his lips and said: "Forger, we already knew what you want to express before, you don't need to reiterate it again.

Now please answer our previous question, what did you do to universe 3131? "

"Didn't you all guess what I did?" The caster glanced at him and said frankly: "Yes, I arranged the troublemakers.

To you mortals in the four-dimensional material universe, the group of magical elves in the fifth dimension are like gods, almost omnipotent and without any weaknesses.

You can only trick them into reading your name backwards to expel them from your world.

But to the Creator of the sixth dimension, those magical elves are not even qualified to be our servants.

They dare not refuse the order I gave them, and have no reason to refuse.

In fact, I didn't give them any direct orders.

It is a disqualifying act for the Creator to directly interfere with the normal functioning of the world.

I am different from Marnou and Mobius, I always maintain the isolation and glory of the Creator! "

He raised his chin slightly, with a proud look on his face, "Just like I did to you, I just told the truth to the magic elves. In order to save themselves and save the world, they took the initiative to complete the tasks I needed them to complete."

"Earth-3131 shouldn't be the first parallel universe you enforce justice, right? Are other universes following the same routine?" Bateman asked.

The caster said: “When the technology matures, it will be very easy to expand production and increase output.

To be honest, I can no longer remember which universe No. 3131 is to complete the transformation of justice.

Too many.

During Harley Quinn's original battle in the Garden of Destiny, only dozens of hours had passed on the battlefield, but dozens of days had passed in the material universe.

Barbatos did something wrong, it adjusted the time flow rate ratio between the sixth dimension and the material universe.

The Garden of Destiny is not its territory yet.

It's not even me. "

He tapped his temple with his finger, "The upper limit of the speed at which I can build a new world of justice depends on the limit of the intensity of my thinking.

Every time I waste a little energy on you people, the reproduction rate of the new world of justice will be slowed down a lot. "

The Forger lowered his right hand, looked at Batman and continued: "Every parallel universe with Superman has troublemakers.

Every parallel universe that has a Batman has a Bat-Mite.

You call them ‘little devils’ because they like to cause trouble and are keen on playing tricks on you, like naughty but harmless little devils.

In fact, they are magic elves, and magic elves can become guardian spirits for mortals.

Troublemaker is Superman's guardian spirit, and Bat Mite is your guardian spirit.

I don’t know if you have discovered that there are many mortal powers in the multiverse.

The most typical ones are Darkseid's Omega Rays and Black Death's Death Scythe.

Omega rays contain the power of a law that must kill, and the death scythe has the power of a law that must send souls to the realm of death.

Both of you have been directly hit by omega rays, and you have also touched the Black Death Emperor's scythe.

You are not dead.

Because you have a protective spell on your body that is immune to the power of the rule of mortality.

At least until the power of harm transcends the fifth dimension, the Guardian Spell remains powerful.

This kind of protection is not exclusive to Batman and Superman in the main universe.

Every Batman has his own Bat-Mite, and every Superman has his own Troublemaker.

All bat-mites and troublemakers in the multiverse are part of the magical elves of the fifth dimension.

Not a peer, but a part of them, equivalent to a clone.

So I don't need to tell each bat mite or troublemaker my plan one by one.

I only have to tell the magic elf once, and the story repeats itself over and over again, like a process step on an assembly line. "

"As expected of the Creator, he has restarted the world and turned it into an assembly line mass production. The production capacity is so huge, but it is so easy to do. This method is really appalling." Louise was both amazed and a little scared.

The caster has always emphasized that he must maintain the isolation and glory of the Creator and must not directly interfere with the operation of the material universe or affect the fate of all living beings.

But what is he doing?

He seems to have done nothing, but every minute and every second, countless universes are forcibly formatted by justice.

In each universe, half of the people's lives and destiny were completely rewritten, and the other half simply disappeared.

From the time he began to implement the plan to destroy the world and save the world, until now, how many people have been controlled like puppets throughout their lives?

He is the Creator, but there are so many that the Creator cannot even remember them.

In his eyes, the lives and thoughts of ordinary people are inferior to the bacteria on ants.

He terrifies her.

"Why didn't you come to us immediately? If the main universe completed the justice transformation, you wouldn't have to be so busy.

Assembly line work sounds tiring and extremely boring. "Poseidon said.

Then he added: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you come to us anytime, we refuse, we firmly reject your bad plan!"

The Forger glanced at Sage Oz and sneered: "If the Dragon of Barbatos hadn't revealed my plan to Harley Quinn through the dream dimension, I'm not sure whether I would have come to you.

You don’t agree with my plan to destroy the world and save the world, I know.

Even in a parallel universe, I have to pull Bateman out alone.

If I persuade him to join my plan in public, he will most likely be influenced by his companions.

As long as you are brought together, you will influence each other, some good and some bad.

What's more, the main universe has Harley Quinn. It's not that other universes don't have Harley Quinn.

You can definitely see what I mean.

With Harley Quinn's countless experiences of defeating the weak and creating great miracles in the past, you will never understand the despair of the parallel universe's Justice League.

You want to persuade Bateman from another world, have you succeeded?

Haha, you can't understand his thoughts and experiences, his despair and helplessness at all.

Just like the eldest son of a capitalist, he cannot understand his classmates who come from poor backgrounds and only have 200 yuan a month for living expenses.

What made the poor classmate even more desperate was that the eldest young master used condescending compassion and justice to persuade him that "the body is the capital of the revolution" and asked him to eat more and better, and never touch the big body of the caster. Free junk food, bad plans from bad guys. "

Dachao took a step forward, looked directly into the Forger's eyes, and said seriously: "Your Excellency, Forger, mocking us does not make you smarter.

We reject your plan, of course there is the ‘miracle element’ of Harley that cannot be ignored.

She is our partner, and we are not ashamed to join forces with our partners to solve crises.

But the fundamental reason why we reject your plan is because your plan doesn't work and is completely wrong.

There are no shortcuts in the war of ideas. There is only and only the way to defeat destruction with absolute justice.

You can defeat your opponent by using heresy, but you cannot defeat the debater's reasoning. "

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you."

The caster waved his hand in disgust and turned his head to avoid looking at him.

Dachao was a little embarrassed and a little angry, "You made us watch the whole process of the world-destruction and salvation plan, isn't it just to gain our approval or let us find out the problems?

I am now discussing with you the loopholes in the world-destroying salvation plan!

I also have a truly perfect plan for you to follow.

I intend to convince you with our reasoning.

But you won't let me speak, what should I say? "

"I've heard your bullshit so many times that I'm tired of it," the Forger said.

Louise was also angry, "What Superman says are true insights that are logical and reasonable. Why do you call it bullshit?"

"Isn't it nonsense if it has no practical meaning?" The caster said angrily: "He said it countless times, and I gave him countless opportunities. In the end, even you gave up on him and didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore. I insist. It’s been longer than you!”

Louise was stunned and asked: "You are not talking about us, but the tyrant Louise of Apokolips and her Superman, right?"

"There is no difference between you and them, or in other words, they are you. I want to write the story of 'Superman saves the crisis of destruction', and the setting must be based on the Superman of the main universe.

The same goes for everyone else, who are exactly the same as the people in the main universe.

In addition to not having Harley Quinn, her life experience is somewhat different. Even the history of Crisis is based on the main universe as much as possible, and her personality and abilities have not changed at all. "

The Forger looked at Louise who was shocked and stunned, and said calmly: "So you understand? The tyrant Louise you met on Apokolips is not your peer at all, she is you."

"I, I, I" Louise's face turned pale and her body became weak. She took two trembling steps back and shook her head: "It's not me, she is not me. She can tear Darkseid apart with her hands. I can't even defeat ordinary villains." .”

"What's weird about this?" The caster glanced at her disapprovingly and said, "Even the most desperate writer can write a plot in which the protagonist destroys the world and is invincible.

Regardless of writing skills and imagination, they can at least write the sentence "Louise defeats the villain Invincible".

It's just that ordinary writers can only write stories on paper, and the plot and settings are full of loopholes and bugs.

But I can make the stories I write become a true reality.

As long as I set up the identity of the cell leader of Apokolips for Louise, not to mention one Darkseid, ten thousand Darkseids plus ten thousand Superman can't defeat her.

How do the characters in the story resist the author who writes the setting? Do you really think everyone is the Witch Harley? "

Neptune asked curiously: "You wrote about Harley, but was beaten by her?"

Harley shook her head and said, "I am not in his story. If he had written it, his plan to destroy the world and save the world would have been exposed long ago."

The caster looked at her with complicated eyes and said: "I'm not an idiot. In the early years when you were not the God King, you used your identity as a story character to beat up Dr. Manhattan who was writing stories with a pen.

You are not even the protagonist in his story, just a passerby - your hometown is in the same community as the protagonist and his wife.

And the story written by Dr. Manhattan has become reality.

It's not just a revision stage on the draft paper. The script has been completed and the movie has officially started shooting. In fact, the movie is almost over, but a passerby jumps up and kills the protagonist, taking away the protagonist's Manhattan roots.

What’s even more ridiculous is that you didn’t just rely on luck or ‘destiny’ to get to that point.

Destiny is not in you.

You relied on your wisdom to deduce that you were a character in the book. You knew that Dr. Black Manhattan was both the author and the male protagonist, but you still took advantage of the fire and used conspiracy and tricks to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, kill all the big and small, and become the biggest winner. "

With a proud smile on her face, Harley turned to the heroes beside her and said, "Did you hear it? Did you see it? This is the real expert!"

Then she turned back to the caster and sighed: "'Capturing Manhattan' is definitely the most glorious and dazzling achievement in my life, but they don't have enough realm and experience to understand my awesomeness at all.

Most people think that my stealing the origins from Dr. Manhattan is not as exciting as the shootout with the GCPD when I first debuted.

They couldn't understand it, and I couldn't show it off.

If you want to show your holiness in front of others, you can't do it even if you yell loudly.

Xiao Zhou, you are great, you are worthy of being the Creator.

When I outsmarted Manhattan, you should have been bitten to death by Barbatos, leaving no trace of your body.

You didn't see it with your own eyes, you only analyzed it afterwards, and you understood my excellence and were in awe of me.

Alas, I won’t talk anymore. You go on and say more.

What you just said was so nice. It made me very happy to hear it, and it made me even more happy. "

The caster glanced at her expressionlessly, then lightly stamped the ground with his hammer, and the surrounding environment changed again.

From an isolated island in the boundless black ocean, it was transformed back into the lava forging workshop it once was.

"Now I have put all the facts and truth before you.

If you still choose to be stubborn, I can't give you any more reasons to convince you.

You are too stubborn and too conceited. You all think that you can face the Transcendent Organization head-on, and you don’t regard the Mother of Creation as the final boss at all. What else can I do?

I don't care about you, don't bother me, just go back.

Let the facts prove who is right and who is wrong. "

Da Chao said sternly: "Your Excellency the Founder, we are not arrogant people.

In the battle between the ideals of justice and destruction, we don't expect Harley to perform miracles.

Perhaps we were once naive and had unrealistic fantasies, but everything we have experienced in the sixth dimension has made us mature.

We are not denying your plan outright, we are also discussing the real way out of the war of ideas.

If you want to deny your plan, you must give reasonable reasons and provide a better alternative.

We have reasons and alternatives. "

"Do you think I was joking just now?" The Forger sneered: "Are you trying to say that the war of ideas is a war for everyone, and there is no savior.

We must regard everyone as a savior, mobilize the masses of the people, and mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone.

As long as the people know their power and know that they can change the direction of the world, they can make the right choice? "

Dachao looked surprised, "You use your psychic ability to peek into my thoughts?"

"Do I need to peek? You have repeated it to me countless times." The caster sighed, "To be honest, you convinced me at the time, and I was also infected by your enthusiasm and ideas.

Like everyone, we see hope in you.

But you can never convert the light of hope into a realistic victory.

I changed the 'protagonist' to Bateman because he doesn't chase vain hopes, he cares more about the final victory.

You bring hope to me and hope to everyone, that’s true.

Batman can bring victory to me and victory to everyone.

So this becomes a multiple choice question, do we choose hope or victory?

I made a choice, Louise and everyone made a choice. "

He took a deep look at Da Chao, "We always trust you, but we need victory more, do you understand?"

Diana glanced at the faces of Batman and Superman over and over again, and said: "Your Excellency the Forger, I admit that what you said makes sense.

Compared to Superman and us, Batman can bring victory to everyone, but this is the result of his wisdom.

He is smarter and more strategic than us, so he can find the key to victory for us.

But this doesn't mean that Batman has less justice in his heart than we do. "

"Why do you insist on the concept of justice? Isn't it for better results? If the concept of absolute justice cannot bring good results, why don't you give up something a little bit?" asked the caster.

Diana opened her mouth to speak, but the Forger raised his hand to stop her and said: "Forget it, stop talking, we have had countless conversations.

Do you want to say, 'Because you firmly believe that the concept of absolute justice will never let down everyone's belief, and it is the only answer to a good outcome'? "

Diana was startled, "Although it's not 100% accurate, the meaning is pretty much the same. Did you also choose me as the 'protagonist' and let me try to save the world countless times?"

The caster shook his head, "Don't be too pretentious. You don't look like the protagonist. I only chose two protagonists, Superman and Batman. It won't matter without you."

You just appeared as a supporting role, just like now, standing next to the protagonist and shouting excitedly at me.

I am a polite person, even if you are just a supporting role, I will not respond to you seriously. "

The supporting heroes are unhappy.

Diana was particularly angry, "I admit that I am not as good as Superman in bringing hope to everyone, and I am not as good as Batman in providing everyone with strategies, but I also have my own characteristics.

I have strategies and ideas, and I can also become the hope of others.

I also have a fighting spirit that will never compromise. "

The Forger waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying your role and status in the Justice League.

I'm just saying that on the battlefield of justice vs. destruction, you don't have the temperament of a protagonist.

You all have your own characteristics, but your characteristics are not as good as Superman's hope in promoting the concept of justice.

It's not as effective as Batman's method of victory for achieving perfect results. "

Neptune sighed and said: "Harley, you better do it. God knows how many times the Forger has simulated it in the story. What we can say, it seems that we in the story have already said it.

Now I am completely at a disadvantage facing him.

You, like us, believe that artificial justice is not real justice.

You also said that the same reason would have different effects on him.

Now it's your turn to make a stunning appearance. "

Harley smiled and said, "Actually, you haven't seen the entire process of the world-destroying and salvation plan."

"What other secrets does the caster hide?" Neptune asked in surprise.

Harley shook her head and said: "He didn't hide it, nor did he want to hide it, but you all subconsciously ignored some key information."

She did not continue to talk about it and said directly: "Have you seen the new world of justice after the story has been rewritten?"

"When we first came here, didn't we just appear in the New World of Justice?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"The parallel universe in reality and the story world are different after all." Harley said.

"Exactly the same," the Forger said firmly.

He stretched out his right hand and touched it lightly in front of him, and a mirror as big as a basketball court appeared in the air.

The mirror was erected above everyone's heads and divided into dozens of smaller screens.

The images on each screen are very familiar to the heroes, and they are indeed exactly the same as the new world of justice they have experienced before.

"You can see for yourself, this is the reality of Universe 3131 at this time. Use your thoughts to control the screen, you can change the perspective at will, and you can see anyone and any scene.

Look carefully, what is the difference from the previous story world? "

The caster looked at Harley and said, "You should know better than them. The reality at this time comes from the story world."

Harley shook her head, "What's the value of the flowers on the surface? Even the most mediocre politicians know how to whitewash peace. To see it, you have to see through the essence of the world."

She also stretched out her hand and lightly touched the giant screen opposite.

"Wow~~~" It seemed like the sound of a rushing river came from above everyone's heads, but if you listened carefully, there was no sound at all.

Looking up, you can actually see a big river emerging out of thin air, with countless images flashing across the river every moment.

"It's the River of Time!" Dachao said in surprise.

The river of time is like a video tape. As the river flows, the picture on the giant screen changes.

"Where is this?" A Superman appeared on the screen.

Superman passed through the gate of the sixth dimension and fell into endless darkness, sinking continuously in the darkness.

He looked around blankly, looking a little nervous.

"This Superman is the Superman who disappeared in the 3131 world?" Everyone seemed to have some realization.

"Harry, where is he?" Dachao asked.

"In the story dump." Harley glanced at the Forger.

He looked a little shocked, "It's okay if you find the river of time in universe 3131, but how come you also found Superman's timeline? The story world he lives in has long been destroyed."

Harley said calmly: "Every story that has happened in the multiverse—whether the story takes place in reality, on the river of time, or in the sixth dimension—will leave its own story line in the super-time flow.

The mother river of time has collapsed, and the existing section of the time river is completely supported by me. It is very simple to find the river of time in universe 3131.

It’s not difficult for me to follow Superman’s personal timeline in Universe 3131 and find the trash heap of your story. "

She turned her head and explained to the surprised heroes: "Xiao Zhou experimented countless times in the sixth dimension and discarded countless drafts.

Those scraps were thrown into the trash, which is what you see now.

On the surface it is pitch black and has nothing, but in fact it is a sea of ​​ruins, an endless ocean composed of countless ruins of the world. "

In the picture, Superman fell infinitely and finally landed heavily on a dark and lightless planet.

But above his head, there was an illusory bright spot, like a distant sun.

He shouted loudly, and he jumped hard, trying to fly to the distant sun in the sky.

His cry received no response. Every time he took off, he would fall heavily and fall back to the lightless planet before.

Because there is darkness in the Ruin Sea, there is no sun, and there is no sunlight to recharge Superman, so he cannot continue to fly.

When he is exhausted, the huge gravity of the lightless planet will pull him back again, causing him to fall heavily to the ground, making a big crater in the earth.

Harley's river of time projection began to speed up.

Superman on the screen began to feel tired, and despair even appeared on his face.

But he did not give up hope. He took off again and again, trying to break out of the darkness and rush towards the sun.

Even if he fell back hard from exhaustion, he would still struggle to climb out of the pit, gasp for air, gather strength, and take off again.

He grew thinner and thinner, losing his shape, and eventually only skin and bones were left, becoming a mummy floating in the void. The last energy in his cells was exhausted during the flight. After death, the mummy finally fell back to the ground heavily.

"The Superman of Universe 3131 is dead. He exhausted all his power and died of exhaustion?" Louise was about to cry.

Even if that Superman was not her husband, witnessing the entire process of his tragic death still made her extremely uncomfortable.

The caster said calmly: "This is the real situation of Superman's Way of Hope.

Never give up hope, no matter how many times you fail, you have to struggle to take off, again and again. It is very touching, but completely meaningless.

Hope is just an illusory shadow, and he can never truly reach the other side of hope.

In other words, it is impossible to escape the ultimate darkness with just the light of hope in your heart. "

"You bastard, you just want to kill Superman!" Hal Jordan yelled angrily.

"The one who killed him was himself. As long as he made a little choice, gave up unrealistic hopes, huddled in the darkness, and waited for Batman to complete the new story, maybe he could return to his own world." said the caster. .

"But you know, Superman will never give up hope." Diana murmured.

The camera zoomed up on Superman's withered corpse, and one Superman appeared on the screen one after another, all shaped like mummies, lying on the ground, countless and densely packed.

In every parallel universe that has completed the transformation of the new world of justice, Superman has died in the ruins of the story.

All the heroes felt their hands and feet feel cold and their hair stood on end.

"You are a pervert, you actually killed so many supermen!" Lois roared at the Forger.

"It's not me who kills them, it's themselves." After a pause, the caster continued: "What are you struggling with? It's not like there are no supermen in the new world."

He wanted to control his high-dimensional observation window, but failed.

He could only glare at Harley and recreate a screen.

Turning the camera on the white-haired old Superman in the holy uniform of the Justice League, he said: "Look, this Superman is not pretending to be me. Superman has been restarted in the new world."

Everyone only glanced at his screen, then immediately turned back and continued staring at Harley's River of Time projection.

Superman's story is over, now it's Bateman's turn.

After Bateman finished rewriting the story of the New World of Justice, he picked up the pistol, put it to his temple and pulled the trigger.


These were his last words, full of pain and despair.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded, and Batman's story ended.

There is no longer Batman in the new world of justice. There is only an illusory history that the world remembers: Batman died heroically in the war against the Legion of Destruction.

Exactly what the fake Superman said to Batman from another world.

"It turns out that this is how Bateman died."

Bateman's story is very short, but it makes the heroes unable to calm down for a long time.

"Baitman is dead, but he has completed his mission, and he died extremely gloriously!

Because of him, the world has entered eternal justice and peace, and heroes can retire. "The Forger said loudly.

"This is not justice!" Dachao said with a sad and angry expression.

"This is the price you should pay in the process of moving towards pure justice!" The caster pumped his fist vigorously, his eyes firm.

"Then what?" Harley asked softly.

"Then?" The caster was stunned and asked doubtfully: "We have achieved absolute justice and won, so what else is there to do?"

"You win a hammer." Harley pointed at him and scolded: "You are a fool! Before the war starts, you must first destroy all your main forces.

When Papetua breaks the wall of origin, and when the Legion of Destruction arrives, you will use these beautiful soap bubbles as a wall to resist the invasion of destruction?

What a funny brain show! "

The Forger said angrily: "Why did I abolish my main force? Except for Batman, who has no fighting ability, the entire Justice League is here!

And isn’t there you?

You and I are worth countless Justice Leaguers. "

"You really don't understand!" Harley shook her head gently, "The main alliance of the New World of Justice is just the Justice League you just wrote.

Apart from their experiences in fantasy stories, they are just a bunch of newborn babies.

On the surface, their hair has turned white, and each of them should be strong and experienced.

In fact, they have never experienced the tempering of the way of destruction, and have never polished their spiritual will on the whetstone of crisis.

Just a bunch of beautiful scrap metal.

Forget about Pappetua, just pick any villain from the main universe and put it on Earth 3131, and you can easily destroy your man-made Justice League.

From the physical body to the mental realm, it was crushed in all directions.

Use the method of destruction to kill them and destroy the world; use the method of destruction to destroy their concept of justice and collapse the belief in justice of all living beings.

The Zhenglian in the story, their experiences and experience are all written by you with a pen, they are not true.

Even their ideas of justice are not pure.

Only the flames of war can temper a heroic lion, and only setbacks and suffering can strengthen one's faith.

As a result, you destroyed all the veterans and created a group of beautiful vases.

Apart from leveling up and gaining experience for the Legion of Destruction, it has no use at all. "

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