I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1987 Lois, the tyrant who tore Darkseid apart

"Oh my God, this is the Apokolips?!" All the heroes exclaimed.

They have followed the Forge to the Bad Guy Story Memory.

The whole process was not complicated. Although they did not understand the specific principle, the caster only stamped his feet, and their position suddenly rose up, away from the reality of the New World of Justice, and arrived in front of a huge planet that emitted dark red light.

They were all very familiar with that giant planet. It was the Apokolips!

"The villain story memory is Apokolips? This is Limbo? Are we back to the fifth dimensional world?" Barry murmured.

"No, we have not returned to the fifth dimension. We are still in the sixth creator space." Wonder Woman said flatly.

Harley glanced at them, "What's all the fuss about? The sixth dimension even has the Dark Multiverse, and there are countless Apokolips phantoms and Darkseid clones in the Dark Multiverse!"

"Well, that's true. It's just that Apokolips becoming the 'Evil Story Memory' is too unexpected." Da Chao turned his head and glanced at the caster, and asked: "Isn't the story memory a giant database? Why does it have to look like Apokolips? ?”

The Forger asked back: "Do you know the status and role of Apokolips in the multiverse?"

Dachao recalled for a moment and said: "Harry once said that Darkseid is the embodiment of evil and darkness, while Heavenly Father is the embodiment of justice and light.

Although the ‘justice’ of the Heavenly Father is highly questionable, the Heavenly Father and the Creation Star do represent the justice and light of the multiverse, and they reach a balance between justice and evil with the Apokolips Star. "

A look of enlightenment appeared on his face, "You chose Apokolips as the villain's story memory because Apokolips represents the evil beliefs of the multiverse?"

"Yes, the eight divine realms of Limbo each have their own responsibilities. Heaven and hell do not represent good and evil, but the road to salvation under God's teachings.

The heavens and underworld created by the gods are the Optimus Prime of the sea of ​​laws of the multiverse.

The Apokolips Genesis is the stabilizer of good and evil in the multiverse.

Most of the time, the multiverse maintains a balance between good and evil, with Heavenly Father and Darkseid being equally powerful.

When the age of superheroes comes and good in the world prevails over evil, Darkseid's power will increase in order to maintain balance.

Of course, the superhero era is also a product of the balance mechanism between justice and evil. "

The Forger looked at the giants of Zhenglian and asked: "Why did you join forces to create the Justice League? Do you still remember the reason?"

Dachao said with a complex expression: "The direct reason is that Darkseid invaded the earth, and a single hero is not powerful enough to deal with the crisis."

The caster said: "Balance is not absolute, but a dynamic process. After one thing decreases and the other increases, there will be another increase and another decrease.

The old gods of Heaven and Hades were responsible for creating and maintaining the stability of the laws.

The divinity of the new gods comes from "God-given". They do not necessarily have to create new rules to become gods, but they will definitely maintain the balance of justice and evil in the multiverse.

And Apokolips is the physical manifestation of the concept of evil in the balance mechanism of good and evil.

At this time, the evil people in the parallel universe have become the data of the evil concept. Naturally, it must be stored in the "Apocalypse Big Database" to keep it fresh and stable. "

"It's like putting meat in the refrigerator to freeze?" Barry said with a weird expression.

"Well, it's just like putting vegetables in the refrigerator and hanging ham in a cool and ventilated place. Different ingredients have different preservation methods. Evil Story Information is not an ingredient, but it also has a special preservation method, which is to store it on Apokolips. "The caster said.

Diana looked around and asked, "Why is there only the Apokolips Star, the creation star that maintains the balance between justice and evil?"

The caster gave her a look of disdain, "If there really is a creation star of equal size, how can we maintain the balance between justice and evil?"

Cyborg said: "The New World of Justice already represents justice, there is no need for a Genesis Star."

"Hey, look, there are spaceships entering Apokolips! Why are there spaceships? Oh my god, there are so many spaceships, tens of thousands of them." Da Chao pointed in the direction of Apokolips and said in surprise.

The caster said: "Since we want to store villain stories, of course there must be data transmission.

That Batman has already begun sifting through villain stories, and the Apokolips Guards are escorting the deleted evil people into Apokolips. "

He took the heroes one step forward, crossing tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and arrived at a huge platform on the surface of Apokolips.

Like the real Apokolips, this "storyline Apokolips" is also covered with magma lakes on the surface.

Some people build tall buildings and various machines on the magma lake to extract "magma energy".

The huge platform they were on was more than 300 meters high, with a length and width of more than 100 kilometers. There were more than a dozen 10-kilometer-long interstellar battleships parked on it.

At this time, the door of the battleship was wide open, the gangway was lowered, and the "Apocalypse Guards" wearing uniform space suits escorted the shackled "ordinary people" out of the battleship, and followed the gangway away from the "Space Terminal".

The battle uniforms of Apokolips Guards are very sci-fi, covering every part of their bodies, and they also have weapons on their waists or behind their backs.

There are also Apokolips guards who directly hold the electromagnetic gun in their hands and yell at the "ordinary people" with shackled wrists.

The so-called "ordinary people" are only relative to the guards of Apokolips with uniform uniforms and loaded guns.

The guards of Apokolips have weapons and uniform uniforms, and the "ordinary people" have different appearances and races, wearing various clothes and dressing up in ordinary ways.

If you look closely at their appearance and temperament, these ordinary people are anything but ordinary.

Each of them had a ferocious look and a violent look on their face, as if they had "I am a villain" written in four big words on their faces.

Even if there are normal-looking people, they still exude a sinister and vicious temperament.

"Yeah, look over there, they are Penguin and Riddler, right?" Cyborg suddenly pointed in one direction and shouted in surprise.

"Yes, they are the Penguin and the Riddler. They should be the 'Penguin' and 'The Riddler' in the alternate world of Bateman, right? They seem to be younger than the two guys in our universe." Dachao said.

"The Penguin in our universe is not old. He is still the new god of darkness!" Diana said.

"Hey, look, is that a violent wolf?" Martian Manhunter also pointed in one direction and said strangely: "He seems to be still yelling at the Apokolips guards."

"They are real people! Aren't they telling story data?" Barry turned his doubtful eyes to the caster.

The caster looked impatient, "Where do you think you are now?"

He didn't have the intention to explain, so he turned to Harley and said, "Take your time and communicate with them directly. There is no problem. I have said hello to the warden of Apokolips, and the guards of Apokolips will not embarrass you.

After visiting the story memory, you can take them to the World Forge to find me.

Surely you can leave the story and find the real world of the sixth dimension, right?

I am a caster and I am very busy at work. I cannot waste time with you all the time. "

After leaving this sentence, he disappeared.

Harley looked around and said, "Xiao Zhou has already greeted the Apokolips guards. Whatever you want to see, go and see for yourselves."

She stretched out her hand and pulled forward, and the barrier that blocked the reality of the story disappeared. They all appeared directly on the platform and were directly visible to everyone.

There was a commotion among the Apokolips guards in space suits, but they quickly regained their composure and only looked at them for a while, without taking the initiative to disturb them.

The villains who were escorted off the spacecraft reacted violently.

"Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are indeed your Justice League. What have you done to us?!" The alien leopard woman roared at the heroes.

She roared and struggled hard.

The equipment of the guards of Apokolips is very sci-fi. The shackles worn on the prisoners are not physical metal chains, but purple-red energy lightning.

Chains made of pure energy.

As soon as Leopard Girl struggled, the energy chain was immediately activated, and purple-red electric light spread all over Leopard Girl's body, causing her whole body to twitch violently and a lot of foam to spit out from the corners of her mouth.

From a distance, the heroes could smell the burnt smell.

"They are all real people. I can even smell the paste, and they have independent will and real memory." Barry was puzzled. "What kind of world are we in?"

"We are in the story! There are story characters in the story world. For the story characters, the story world is of course real. We have become story characters now, instead of simply observing the story." Harley said.

"Didn't you say that all the villains have left is story data?" Dachao pointed to the tower in the distance, "I used my super vision to observe the surrounding environment. Each tower is a giant prison filled with super villains.

I found 175 clowns alone.

Almost all the villains in the main universe can be seen here, and there are more than one.

They are living people, people in cells, not a string of data. "

Harley said: "You read the novel as a reader, and the characters in the novel are of course virtual data, a string of text.

But now you are no longer a reader, you have become a character in the story.

In order to observe the ‘Evil Story File Cabinet’ more intuitively, we went directly into the story.

For the characters in the story, the people they see are real living people, not a bunch of data.

The world they see is also real.

Apokolips is Apokolips, not a computer host as you imagine.

If it breaks away from the story and regains its identity as a reader or even an author, the Apokolips becomes a mastermind that stores a large amount of information about evil people's stories.

The villain imprisoned on Apokolips is a string of data.

The towers where villains are imprisoned on the land of Apokolips are disk sectors. "

Dachao looked dazed and said: "In the story, the incident at this time may only be one sentence, 'The data of the evil people is stored in Apokolips.'

But once you get into the story, one sentence turns into a real-life scenario where the information is so huge that it’s hard to measure. It’s simply unbelievable! "

Harley said: “The biggest difference between novels and movies is that novels give readers endless space for imagination, while movies directly display the director’s imagination in front of the audience.

The endless imagination space can be filled with countless information, as long as you have enough thinking ability.

There is no doubt that normal people cannot do this.

But this story comes from the Forger, and the Forger is the Creator.

Not to mention creating this story space, he has forged countless universes. "

Dachao sighed with emotion: "The power of the Creator is indeed beyond the imagination of mortals."

Bateman came over and said: "I just asked the Riddler and Penguin, and they didn't know why they appeared on Apokolips.

One second they were living a normal life in Gotham, Penguin was teaching his subordinates, and Riddler was setting up 'puzzles' to lure Batman from another world into a trap.

Then the next second, they entered a huge space battleship, with their hands shackled, and sat with a group of aliens.

They asked loudly, but no one paid any attention to them.

They struggled hard, and the energy shackles could calm them down without the guards of Apokolips taking action. "

"This is normal." Harley nodded and said, "If they have a complete story line, it means that their story is still in the main plot of the other world.

It's like an actor in a movie who is participating in a certain role and completing a certain plot, and is suddenly fired from the crew. His role is completely deleted and he will not appear in the plot of the movie at all.

Suppose Cobot (Penguin) is scolding his younger brother for failing to meet KPI standards at the Iceberg Bar, and a group of Apokolips guards suddenly descend from the sky, knock down the younger brother who wants to protect him, and handcuff him up and take him away.

This formed a complete plot - Cobot, who was scolding his younger brother in the Iceberg Bar, was captured by Apokolips guards.

And this plot is in the movie "New World of Justice".

Cobot was not removed from the storyline, but received a lunch box.

Only by participating in a movie will you have the opportunity to receive a lunch box. Receiving a lunch box means that you participated in the filming of the movie.

But in fact, Cobot's plot was deleted by the director, and there was no role for him at all. There was no need to hire Cobot to play the Penguin. "

Bateman suddenly realized, "They didn't have a plot in the new story, so it just disappeared. It was confusing and unclear."

Then he asked: "Even if the space battleships are large and numerous, they can't carry half of the population of the entire universe, right? Apokolips can't hold so many people."

Harley sighed: "Cobot and the Riddler are more or less supporting roles, and they are prime supporting roles in Batman, so their names are worthy of being included in the cast list.

But when you watch a Hollywood movie, when do you see the names of passersby A, B, B, D and D on the movie screen?

Not only does Passerby A have no name in the movie, the actor's name will not be included in the 'cast'.

They don't even have a plot, no scenes, and no chance to show their faces.

Since they don't show their faces in the movie, of course you can't see them in Apokolips' Villain's Landing.

Alas, this is the fate of passers-by. "

"Forgeable One promises to keep the data of all villains." Da Chao said.

"Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean there isn't that person. Just like everyone on earth knows 'Superman', but does Superman know each of them? If Superman doesn't know so-and-so, doesn't so-and-so exist?" Harley said.

Dachao scratched the back of his head and said with a tangled expression: "I understand what you mean, but I still don't understand where those people have gone."

Harley pointed to the distance and said: "They are there, at another space terminal outside our sight, locked into a tower that we didn't notice by another group of space guards outside our sight.

It's just that you can't see them. They actually exist as real as the Penguin and the Riddler here and now. "

Dachao activated his super vision, stood on tiptoes and looked in the direction she pointed, "I saw many platforms and many people. I don't know if there are those people you mentioned."

Harley rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "I said it's 'out of sight', so how can you see? If you can see it, it's not out of sight."

"Why are you out of my sight? Isn't this just fooling people!" Da Chao said.

Harley said calmly: "They also want to ask why, why are we all human beings, and why some people can be active in the spotlight, become the protagonists of life and society, attract the attention of the world, and be known to everyone for their words and deeds.

More people are doing nothing, obviously existing in the world, but it is no different from not existing.

Even the people around them are not included in their attention. "

"Hey, don't be so philosophical, I just want to know where they are!" Dachao said helplessly.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Harley said.

"Don't I know if I want to know? Are you me, or am I me?" Dachao frowned.

"You think you want it, but actually you don't. If you really want it, you can find them nearby. If you can't find them, it means you don't want to pay attention to them, even if you mean it, it's useless." Harley said.

Dachao thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I didn't notice them in the past, but I really care about them now."

"Don't you think your words are very problematic? Suppose 'they' are an individual named 'Xiaohong'. You never pay attention to Xiaohong, don't know Xiaohong, and don't know the name 'Xiaohong'. There is no idea of ​​Xiaohong as a person at all.

Now you say you care about Xiaohong.

But how can you care about an existence that is not within your knowledge? "

Seeing that Da Chao frowned and wanted to continue, Harley waved her hand, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, it's pointless.

You can wander around and I guarantee you that every evil person you can remember will be found here. "

"Harley, Superman, something happened, Lois was beaten." Barry came to them with a "swish", his expression anxious and weird.

Dachao didn't even ask, and disappeared at the space dock with a "swish".

Harry smiled and asked: "Who beat Louise?"


Harley raised her eyebrows, "I know Louise was beaten by someone. I asked her who was beaten by someone. Who is so bold and dares to beat Louise."

"Lois was beaten by Louise, two Louises, one from another world, and one from our universe." Barry shouted.

"Well, there is actually another Louise. Could it be that 'Louise' is also a villain?" Harley asked in surprise.

"No, that Louise is not a villain, she -"

Before Barry could finish his words, Harley had already taken him to change time and space and arrived at the prison tower hundreds of kilometers away.

After the prisoners were driven away from the mothership dock by Apokolips guards, they did not walk directly to the prison with their legs.

Apokolips is too big, and prison towers are scattered all over the place, far apart, and light airships are needed to transport different groups of villains to different tower prisons.

Every four Apokolips guards form a group, and the evildoers they escort will enter the same cell.

After the Penguin, Riddler and other Earth villains were sent away, the main heroes followed.

They plan to watch the whole process of the villains being imprisoned, and Lois Lane, the famous diary of the gods, also plans to record the whole process.

Then she meets and conflicts with another Louise.

When Harley arrived at the "battlefield" with Barry, the two Louises were still struggling together.

To be more precise, it was Louise from the main universe who was being pushed to the ground and beaten by another Louise.

It’s not the fault of main universe Louise’s weak combat power, it’s really the other Louise who cheated.

She is not a prisoner of evil people, but a "cell leader" who manages evil people. She wears the "Apocalypse Guard Armor".

"Louise, stop, don't fight anymore." Dachao shouted anxiously from the side.

He wanted to step forward and pull away Louise, who was wearing armor, but a group of Apokolips guards rushed over and blocked him and the heroes.

"I know you are the Justice League, but the Omega electromagnetic gun in our hands comes from the Creator and can knock down even 'Superman'."

The Apokolips guard who was suspected to be the squad leader even waved the weapon in his hand at Da Chao.

"I don't want to fight you, I just want to stop Louise from continuing - Hey, you are..." Da Chao's eyes flashed red, and his super vision had seen through the opponent's alloy mask.

He saw a familiar face behind his visor, "Jimmy, is that you?"

The Apokolips guard opposite hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and took off his helmet, revealing a weathered and scarred face.

"Hello, Superman, I'm Jimmy Olsen, but I'm not the one from your world."

"Jimmy, why are you here? Why are you doing this?" Dachao was still reminiscing with his "old friends", but the miserable howls in his ears reminded him: Louise was still being beaten by Louise!

"Why are you hitting Louise? Pull Louise away quickly, or I will be rude."

Jimmy Olsen looked back at the two Louises and said, "What are you worrying about? You still don't understand Louise, how could she really hurt others?"

"Louis was beaten and bleeding, and you said that Louise won't hurt anyone-" Dachao screamed excitedly, but felt something was wrong: Jimmy was right, no one knows Louise better than him. Louise, if he was too excited, wouldn't it be a public display of distrust of Louise's kindness?

But Louise was really miserable. The bridge of her nose was broken, blood was flowing, her left eye became a panda's eye, and her face was bruised and red.

She was still screaming.

But his Lois didn't call for "help" or "Superman".

Although she screamed after being beaten, she just cursed Louise, who was riding on her with crazy output, as a "crazy woman" and a "psycho".

Dachao hesitated again and again, then opened his mouth and blew in front of him.

"Hoo, ho--boom!"

The exhaled gas formed a fierce wind, blowing Jimmy and other Apokolips guards back continuously, and also knocked Louise who was riding on Louise to the ground.

"Whoosh!" Da Chao moved as fast as teleporting. Before anyone could react, he rushed to Louise and carried the princess back to the main team.

"Superman." Louise from another world got up from the ground and looked at Superman with an extremely complicated expression.

Dachao looked at Louise from another world who looked exactly like his wife, with very complicated moods and expressions.

"Louise, why did you hit her?"

"Ask her yourself." Louise from another world said coldly.

Da Chao turned to look at Louise in his arms.

Louise bared her teeth and wiped the blood under her nose, climbed down from her husband's arms, and glared at "herself" across from her, "How could I know why you are so crazy?"

Then she said to Harley and Zheng Lian Hero, who were watching the excitement: "I saw Louise here, and I was very curious, so I went over to chat with her. After just a few words, her face suddenly changed. Knock me out with one punch.”

"Just chatting for a few words?" Louise from the other world opposite became angry, pointed at Louise and cursed: "No one knows your thoughts and moral character better than me.

You regard our suffering as news material to satisfy your own desire for novelty. You want to find and dig out news elements in me, and plan to make the deepest secret emotions of my heart public.

You're smugly planning to turn my story into a special series, right?

If I didn't knock you down with one punch, you would definitely use your words to gain my trust and let me be your exclusive interview guest, right?

What do you think this is? What do you think we are?

Your frivolous, vain, stupid and insensitive behavior, even if I hit you lightly, you should be treated as a villain and imprisoned in the "Tower of Evil". "

Barry murmured: "I thought Louise was very powerful by exposing the secrets of Darkseid, Black Death, God King and Queen, but I didn't expect that she would be so ruthless that she wouldn't even let herself go.

She is indeed the most famous person in the world, even Iris regards her as her idol. "

His wife Iris is also a reporter, but she is completely incomparable to Louise.

Not to mention being famous all over the world, Iris is a bit reluctant to even be named in Central City.

Harley was also very emotional, "With Louise's business ability and professionalism, whenever she tries to take the path of a mage, she will definitely understand the 'law of famous names'."

Louise's ears twitched, and she glanced at her from the corner of her eye. There was no trace of embarrassment on her face, and she spoke confidently to Louise across from her, "I am a reporter, and exploring the truth is a reporter's gift.

You have also been a reporter yourself. When investigating news targets, do you regard their suffering as nourishment to satisfy your own dark desires?

If you were that kind of person, I would only be ashamed to have a peer like you.

I want to interview you and many people here because I have the expectations of countless ordinary people and have the responsibility to clarify the truth about the Forger's "Evil Story Storage" for them. "

Louise from another world said coldly: "You can be as high-sounding as you like. The condescending feeling of superiority I feel from you is correct. I also understand your vanity of wanting to make big news and win everyone's approval.

You can even hide some emotions and thoughts from yourself, but you can't hide them from me. "

Louise said angrily: "You are truly arrogant and arrogant. You judge others by yourself and think that others are as shameless and vain as you."

Dachao pulled her arm with some embarrassment and whispered: "It's just some minor misunderstandings during the communication process. There is no need to quarrel in public."

Louise glared at her husband, "Do I want to quarrel? This guy has too bad intentions and is too dirty."

Da Chao glanced at Harry and others who were watching with great interest, and said helplessly: "She is also Louise, your peer. You two scold each other, no matter she scolds you or you scold her, no matter who wins the scold No, you are exposing your own shortcomings and bringing humiliation to yourself!"

Louise also glanced around and said stubbornly: "I am a unique firework. Apart from being peers, I have no connection or similarity with her. Her filth and filth cannot tarnish my integrity. "

Opposite the "shameless splatterer", Lois from another world couldn't help but not only couldn't bear the humiliation that Louise brought to her, but also couldn't bear the "Superman and Lois" acting like shit in public.

"Di di di~~~" Just after she cursed, the communicator bound to her wrist suddenly flashed red at a high frequency.

"General Lane, B098 β sector discovered the 'Freedom Alliance' spacecraft, and it is pre-assessed to have a Class A security vulnerability. If left unchecked, it may escalate to an SSS Class safety accident within five minutes.

How should we respond? General, please give me instructions. "

The voice on the communicator sounded familiar to Dachao. It was an old man with a mellow voice. He quickly thought of Perry, the editor-in-chief of Daily Planet.

"Arrange two space squadrons to intercept them. Just slow down their actions. This time I will do it myself."

Louise from the other world said something to the communicator, took a deep look at Louise, put on her mask, jumped up and flew into the sky.

Jimmy Olsen and the group of Apokolips guards either used their mechas to take off like Louise, or they quickly ran to the nearby space dock and started the spacecraft to follow.

"What kind of alliance is the Free Alliance? They seem to attach great importance to it, but isn't this a database of villain stories?" Diana asked strangely.

Cyborg glanced at Louise and said, "Your peer seems to have a high status."

"She is the boss of Apokolips' guards, 'General Ryan'!" There was pride in Louise's tone that she was not even aware of. "If she hadn't been in a special position, why would I have pursued her to interview her?"

"Alas, it's a pity that apart from having the same name and appearance as me, she doesn't have a humble and sincere character at all." She lamented.

"Louise, don't blow yourself up again." Da Chao covered his face.

He was a little ashamed for her.

"What does self-destruction mean? She and I are not the same person at all. It's not her character that I have. We are different!" Louise said excitedly.

Bateman glanced at her, then turned to Harley, "Can we go see the 'Freedom Alliance' on site?"

"Dachao, Louise, are you going?" Harley asked.

"Of course, I also want to know what the 'Freedom Alliance' is that makes that woman care so much." Louise said immediately.

"~~~" There was no sound, and the space and environment around them changed instantly.

"No, 'Tyrant' Louise, you can't kill me, my story must be kept intact, ah~~~~~"

As soon as they arrived, they heard a miserable wail coming from the sky.

Looking up to the place where the howl came from, everyone, including Harry, widened their eyes and almost dropped their jaws.

The howling person was suddenly their old acquaintance, Dark Lord Darkseid.

It's definitely not Darkseid's true form, even if it's just a copycat in the story, he's still Darkseid!

But Louise from another world held Darkseid's head in her hands, stepped on his shoulders with her feet, and pulled out his head like a carrot.

At this time, the skin and flesh on the neck had been torn, and most of the spine had been pulled out.

The scene was extremely horrific.

"Your story ends at this moment." Louise from another world twisted her hands.

"Crack!" The spine was broken in two, and Darkseid could no longer make a sound.

"Boom!" His body fell from the sky and hit the Zhenglian hero hard. Dark red blood flowed out from the severed neck.

Alien Louise did not stop after throwing away Darkseid's head.

In addition to the Apokolips Guards and Darkseid, there were also a group of old acquaintances of the main heroes.

For example, Cheetah, Sinestro, and Gorilla Grodd.

They were all in rags and looked miserable.

Obviously, the so-called "Freedom Alliance" is this group of super villains who successfully escaped from prison.

As Lois rips Darkseid apart, the Apokolips guards siege the remaining villains.

"No, tyrant Louise, don't come here, I surrender!" Seeing the alien Louise flying toward him, the somewhat bald alien Sinestro's expression changed drastically, and he backed away with fear in his eyes.

"Put down your weapons and surrender. I'll give you a chance to surrender." Louise from another world said coldly.

Several super villains looked at each other and stood with their hands down with bitter expressions on their faces, allowing the guards of Apokolips to put energy handcuffs on them.

"Put them in the Kryptonian education cabin." Louise from another world said.

The face of the shackled villain changed drastically. He struggled hard and yelled angrily, "Kill us, tyrant Louise. If you have the guts, just kill us. Come on, kill us!"

Louise from another world had cold eyes, "It's too easy to kill you. I want to train you to be the most obedient dogs! Jimmy, take them to the Kryptonian education cabin."

"No, no, Superman, save me. Hal Jordan, you are Hal Jordan, help me relieve my pain, please, kill me. Flash, come and save me, you are a superhero, you cannot die without mercy." Save. Wonder Woman, you can’t just watch from the side, stop her quickly and stop the tyrant Lois~~~”

While being dragged away by the guards of Apokolips, the group of super villains also noticed the enthusiastic Zhenglian heroes watching on the side. Each of them seemed to have found a savior, and watched helplessly as they shouted for help.

"Louise, what are you going to do to them? What is the Kryptonian education cabin?" Dachao asked hesitantly.

Tyrant Louise said calmly: "It's the super sleep system in the Kryptonian rocket that sent you to Earth.

The rocket has been flying in outer space for many years. You are always in an infant state, but your consciousness is constantly receiving education from Kryptonian knowledge and culture.

I have improved the super sleep system. In reality, in just one second, people who enter the education cabin will spend a thousand or ten thousand years in their minds.

For a thousand or ten thousand years, they will be taught to be good people.

Of course, they can't stay in the education cabin for just a second. They have to be imprisoned for at least a hundred years.

There will be a period of education longer than the life of the universe to help them correct their evil nature. "

"They will go crazy." Dachao said excitedly.

"This Louise is so scary." Barry's face was a little pale, and his voice was low and vibrating.

"What on earth has this guy gone through to become so perverted?" Louise murmured.

Tyrant Louise glanced at Da Chao, her eyes seemed to be shining with tears, and her voice was full of resentment, "You really haven't changed at all, you wanted to save everyone, but in the end you became the source of all disasters.

Not only did you fail to save anyone, you plunged everyone into the most desperate misery. "

Da Chao was startled and said softly: "Louise, what happened? Why are you here? Do you know the true face of this Apokolips prison?"

"I know everything. I am not the Louise of your universe, or even the Louise of any parallel universe."

Tyrant Louise lowered her head, her voice was soft but powerful, "The world I was born in is an experimental universe originally created by the Forger for the purpose of justice.

The Forger must find a way to create a 'perfect world of justice'.

The current 'method of destroying the world and saving the world' did not appear out of thin air. It was born after countless failed experiments.

He has never hidden the truth from us. In fact, he needs us to cooperate with him to complete the experiment.

We all know the past failure experience and the expected goals of the next experiment.

I watched him create countless universes, over and over again, countless times, and we, under your leadership, tried to save everyone. "

She raised her head again and looked at Dachao with her big tearful blue eyes, "The results of the experiment have explained everything, but you just refuse to give in.

You will never see the truth, or rather, you will never accept the truth.

Every failure is because of you, and you are obsessed with saving everyone.

Every time we failed, and every time we failed I had to watch our son die in the most miserable way.

Once, twice, countless times, I can't go on like this, I must win this war. "

"How to win? You are just characters in the story written by the caster. Your reality does not exist in Wantianyi." Louise shouted.

Tyrant Louise said coldly: "You can think so arrogantly! For us, this is our world, and our people and our emotions are real realities."

Louise had thousands of words and countless emotions in her heart, but facing the indifferent eyes of the tyrant Louise, she opened her mouth and could only swallow all the words in her heart together with bitterness.

"Let's go, we've already seen what we need to see." Harley sighed.

Dachao said excitedly: "But Louise -"

Harley interrupted him and said, "She is not your Louise, and you will never be her 'Rip Man'."

The next moment, she led them out of the "Apocalypse Evil Information Storage".

"We have just seen the last part of the world-destruction and salvation plan. What we have to face next is not only the Forger himself, but also the choices he gave you. What do you want to say?" Harley asked .

"That Louise, tyrant Louise, she is just a by-product of the Forger's experiment on the world-destruction and salvation plan. When everything is over, will she be cleared away?" Dachao asked softly.

Louise said excitedly: "She has given everything for her world. Even if I don't agree with her thoughts and actions, I can directly wipe out her full expectation to manage Apokolips Prison and everything she cares about." Except, it’s too cruel and unfair.”

"Didn't she beat you up just now and make you scream? Why are you speaking for her now?" Diana asked curiously.

Louise glanced at her husband, lowered her head and said in a dull voice: "I don't agree with what she did, but I completely understand her.

I know very well how difficult and painful it is for 'Lois' to turn her back on 'Superman'.

She accompanied Superman countless times, but ultimately failed to persist until the end. The justice in Superman's heart will never fall, but she is not a superhero, she cares more about her family.

When she gave up Superman, she didn't do it all for her son, she gave up Superman for Superman.

She didn't want to see her son die again, but she couldn't bear to see Superman fail again and again.

I think that letting Superman escape from the reincarnation of failure and completely return to tranquility is the main reason why she became the 'Tyrant of Apokolips'.

I admire her very much. She has shouldered everything on behalf of Superman. I may not have this kind of courage and courage."

Her voice was low at the last sentence, and a little frustration and bitterness appeared on her face.

"Are you thinking too much? Tyrant Louise is a pervert with a miserable experience. Although pitiful, she is not as great as you say!" Diana doubted.

Louise glanced at her husband again, her tone was sour and slightly resentful, "Didn't you see the way she looked at Superman? Tears flowed out. How could that kind of forbearing emotion be true resentment of Superman?"

If I hadn't been there, she would have thrown herself into his arms and cried.

She is not great to the world at all, and she has no intention of becoming a great person in the world.

If anyone thinks she is great, her greatness only lies in her and her tearful relationship. "

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