I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1964 The evil people in the world are going to be in trouble

The third day of the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference.

Harley faced the surviving magicians and said, "The culprit, the Demon Lord, is dead!"

She spread her right hand and shot a beam of holy light into the air from her palm. The holy light opened like a scroll, revealing a 3D projected picture.

Just by glancing at the scroll, more than half of the audience at the scene shivered subconsciously.

It's not that the 3D projection is playing some horror movie.

Many gods and demons themselves are the prototypes of terror in the eyes of mortals. They can only intimidate others and will not be frightened by any horrific scenes. Of course, that was before, and now the 3D projection only shows the scenes of the demon governor failing to escape the tribulation and dying. They were frightened.

As real as any mortal's fear when faced with them.

It's not a certain person who brings them fear, it's just the calamity.

Seeing the Demon Governor screaming and rushing towards the crowd in the 3D projection, and seeing the tribulation cloud above the Demon Governor's head like a fire starter, igniting raging flames in the flammable and explosive crowd, those magicians who had just struggled to survive the catastrophe seemed like Feeling the breath of heavenly calamity again, his body and soul began to suffer and tremble.

Those extraordinary beings who are very lucky and have fast reactions and speed have never experienced the catastrophe personally, but they have seen with their own eyes the fate of those who have overcome the tribulation from a distance. At this time, when they saw the catastrophe in the 3D projection, their scalps were also numb, as if they were being chased by the "catastrophe firecrackers" again.

But they are not ordinary people after all.

Even if ordinary people see something scary, they will not immediately turn around and run away in fear.

The divine magician endured the throbbing in his heart and stared at the picture in the 3D projection of the Holy Light.

The picture shows the ending of the person they hate the most.

Well, at least at this moment, Demon Governor has completely surpassed "Witch Harley" and has become the most hated person by all magicians, because he took the initiative to cause this disaster.

"You guys die with me, hahaha, hahaha - uh, no, that's not right, why haven't I died yet, why haven't my catastrophes appeared yet? Ah, I was wrong, no, I was really wrong La!

I regret, I hate, I am unwilling!

I had hoped to be the first person to survive the catastrophe. Why should I be so cruel, so vicious, and so heartless? No, don't, give me another chance. Destiny, don't leave me, woo woo Woo"

When the Demon Governor brought his own calamity to pursue the divine magician, calamity clouds appeared one after another. Everyone either screamed in fear under their calamity clouds, or ran away like wolves, crying for their fathers and mothers, and there was no sense at all. Pay attention to the situation of the Demon Governor.

The Demon Governor is using his own calamity cloud as a detonator, chasing everyone to ignite the "fire of calamity". Who dares to stop and watch him?

At that time, everyone did not pay attention to the Demon Governor. After the natural disaster, they also thought that the Demon Governor caused "the first disaster in the supernatural world". The cause and effect deepened immediately, and he was killed by the natural disaster in an instant. Well, after experiencing a natural disaster, they I have a very intuitive feeling about the Heavenly Tribulation, which can almost be called "rich in experience".

Now they were surprised to find that the Demon Governor was not killed immediately.

He was still howling miserably for a long time.

"Uuuuuuuuah, I'm guilty, I'm a bastard, no, don't do this, ah, don't."

The Demon Governor was wailing and scratching everywhere on his face and body with his fingers.

The fingers wrapped around the chaotic magic power, like sharp daggers, constantly maiming his own body.

The 3D projection picture is very weird.

Seeing this, everyone was confused and a little scared.

They didn't know why, but they felt that something was wrong with the Demon Governor.

"Is the Demon Governor crazy?"

"The Demon Governor is actually crying. Moreover, what he says is very strange and crazy."

"Crying is not the point. Who doesn't want to cry in the face of a catastrophe? But the Demon Governor is repenting. He seems to regret detonating the catastrophe very much."

"That's nonsense. He is the most evil villain in the world. How can he be remorseful?"

"Hey, you see, the calamity cloud above the Demon Governor's head is still there, but no calamity has fallen. It has been so long, and he should have been killed by his sins long ago.

Just like those people who realize that they cannot overcome the tribulation and rush towards other extraordinary beings madly.

Almost as soon as they detonated the calamity of others, the calamity that could have resisted a little bit killed them first. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"If you don't tell me that I didn't notice it, why didn't Heavenly Tribulation find him?"

After waiting for another five minutes, the Demon Governor scratched away all the flesh, organs and brain on his body, leaving only a bloody skeleton, with his soul looming on the skeleton.

Then without any warning, his soul dispersed naturally like smoke in a strong wind.

The skeleton lost its blood color and magic luster, and collapsed into a pile of broken bones with a "poof".

Everyone looked inexplicably and shocked.

If the Demon Governor was struck to death by the divine thunder and burned into cokes, they would just shout loudly as a matter of course.

But the death of the Demon Governor was too weird.

They cast doubtful eyes on Harry who put away the 3D projection of the Holy Light.

Harley didn't speak immediately after turning off the 3D projection.

She first waved towards the distance and shouted: "Why are you hiding so far away? You three are extraordinary representatives. You want to communicate with me on behalf of everyone."

"This distance does not affect our spiritual communication. I am the queen of heaven, and the inner dragon is the devil. Our mental power can cover the entire field. It does not matter where we stand." Hera shouted from a distance.

She was very lucky, strong enough, and determined enough. Faced with the devil's pursuit, she directly activated the power of the God King and rushed out with all her strength. She killed and injured countless magicians on the road, but she ignored it and finally escaped. The scope of sea robbery.

"We are representatives and we should be standing by Harley Quinn's side."

Neilong hesitated for a moment, but did not stay far away. He took the initiative to approach Harley until he came to her.

Seeing this, the orangutan detective BoBo also floated over.

BoBo's luck is not very good.

He was just an orangutan whose wisdom was enlightened by the "divine spring" and whose life span was extended. He did not have the realm of a master and should not have suffered from heavenly calamity. However, he was too slow and fell into the sea of ​​calamity, and the calamity of cause and effect was forcibly activated in him.

But he is a good gorilla after all and has been a superhero for many years.

If the identity of "Master of the Dark Night" hadn't involved too many causes and effects related to the Maia plane, he would hardly have been struck by lightning.

He received two blows, which scorched the orangutan's black hair, and he was still wrapped in bandages, like a mummy.

"Inner Dragon, are you really not afraid of natural disaster?" Hera asked in shock.

Neilong glanced back at her and said with a wooden face: "I have survived the catastrophe."

"What, the inner dragon has passed the tribulation?"

"The inner dragon is a demon king. He has done evil all his life, and his body should be stained with the consequences of sin. Why should he survive the catastrophe? My brother is a grandmaster in the Lei Gang plane. He has only lived for two hundred years. He is a well-known good and honest man. , even he didn’t survive the thunderbolt bombardment.”

"That's not right. The inner dragon was just a clone before. Can the clone survive the tribulation?"

Everyone was shocked and a little skeptical.

"Where did you survive the catastrophe?" Hera was also surprised and uncertain. "With the sins on your body, if the disaster comes, can you survive? And you seem to be in good condition now."

There was helplessness and a hint of pride on Neilong's dull face, but he did not explain in detail.

"Now I want to know more about what happened to the Demon Governor. Why wasn't the culprit killed immediately by the lightning?" He looked at Harley and said.

Harley said with a strange expression: "You all saw the scene where the Demon Governor passed through the tribulation just now.

Think back to the scene of your own tribulation.

There must be many of you who have survived the ‘multiple tribulations’, right?

Then compare the whole process of Demon Governor's tribulation.

In fact, the answer is obvious. Like the Demon Governor, you have entered into a misunderstanding that should not occur. "

Neilong's heart moved, and he said: "My heavenly tribulation is the 'little perfection tribulation', a total of six levels.

After surviving the first tribulation, my mind seemed to have completed a test. I could soar into the tribulation cloud and instantly understood the information of the tribulation cloud. I knew how many tribulations I was about to pass and what the name of the tribulation was. .

The first level of Heavenly Tribulation ended. Although there was a pause during the period, the pause time did not exceed 10 seconds. The new Heavenly Tribulation was brewing and was completed. The Demon Governor immediately fell down and completed the Zeus God's Thunder Tribulation. It seemed that the second level of Heavenly Tribulation had not started for a long time. "

"No, the second heavenly tribulation should have already started, but we can't see it." Neilong said thoughtfully.

"I am also in the Tribulation of Small Perfection, with a total of six levels, but I am just an evil god from another world, and my sins should not be as bad as those of the Demon King of Hell." An evil god looked at the inner dragon with doubtful eyes, murmured something in a low voice, and then said loudly: "That's right. My tribulations of Small Perfection came one after another, and the duration did not exceed 10 seconds.

If there is no bug in Demon Governor’s Heavenly Tribulation, why can’t we see it? "

Harry sighed: "Are there still few god-king-level magics in this world that cannot be seen by the naked eye?

The catastrophic attacks you have experienced are all the effects of the laws comprehended by extraordinary beings being triggered.

As long as an extraordinary person understands and imprints the laws of the Sea of ​​Laws, he can cause a heavenly catastrophe.

Zeus has the Thunder of Zeus, the Evil God has the spiritual ‘Whisper of the Evil God’, and the God of Destiny has the ‘Curse of Doom’.

Most of the Demon Governor's second level of calamity is a spiritual attack.

After triggering the natural disaster and adding countless sins, the reason why he was not killed by the natural disaster immediately was because he was undergoing the second level of spiritual attack.

The psychic attack must have been enhanced, but we can't see it, only the Demon Governor himself can feel it.

Psychic attacks cannot have a direct killing effect like divine thunder.

So he persisted for a long time, until his soul couldn't bear it anymore, collapsed completely, and finally died. "

"Well, being struck to death by lightning is at least clean and tidy, while being attacked by the mind can destroy your soul. I can't even imagine how painful and uncomfortable it must be.

It may only be a second in reality, but tens of thousands of years have passed in the Demon Governor's mental space.

The Demon Lord must have felt the most extreme pain in the multiverse before he died.

If not, how could he repent and cry with his character? "A happy smile appeared on Harley's face.

"It turns out to be a spiritual forbidden spell attack. No wonder the Demon Governor is mentally disordered and as crazy as a demon." All the extraordinary people were stunned at first, and then their expressions became extremely ugly.

"The forbidden curse of the gods that can be observed with the naked eye is already very scary. If it is mixed with a spiritual attack on the soul and mind, it will be too scary and impossible to guard against."

Neilong pondered: "In the scene just now, it is obvious that the Demon Governor is regretting. He said that he could be the first person to successfully overcome the tribulation. Is the 'Three Nine Heavenly Tribulation' just an illusion caused by the mental shock?

His Heavenly Tribulation is not the Three-Nine Heavenly Tribulation at all.

The second heavenly tribulation had already fallen. His brain was broken and he was misled by spiritual illusions, mistakenly believing that he was going through the third and ninth heavenly tribulations.

When he caused a catastrophe, infinite sins were added to his body, and death approached, his spiritual sense suddenly woke up in the flashback, and he realized that he had made a mistake, so he cried bitterly and wailed miserably. "

"Well, the Demon Governor won't be so bad, right?"

"That's probably true. The Demon Governor must have been stunned by the psychic attack. Even a demon king like Neilong who is full of evil is only a 'little perfection'. How can the Demon Governor be worthy of surviving the Three-Nine Heavenly Tribulation?"

"I was still confused when I saw the 3D projection screen. The words the Demon Governor shouted sounded strange.

But if it was really a misunderstanding, it would be very reasonable.

Think about it, if it were you, you were originally extremely powerful and had hopes of surviving the first catastrophe of the multiverse. However, you were misled by the catastrophe and thought you were doomed, so you dragged others along to survive the tribulation.

As a result, the cause of sin is deepened, calamity is added to calamity, one person is crying, do you regret it, do you cry? "

Everyone whispered, communicated mentally, and gradually accepted Neilong's statement.

"If the Demon Governor is misled, then what does the great catastrophe we encountered mean? More than ten million people have survived the catastrophe, and there are not even one survivor out of ten. The tens of thousands of dead masters of gods and demons all died in a battle. Ridiculous misunderstanding, meaningless death?!" Suddenly a god and demon cried out in grief and anger.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

The catastrophe that affected tens of thousands of gods and demon masters, caused tens of thousands of extraordinary people to die, and was destined to be remembered by the magic world as "the first magical disaster in history" was caused by the Demon Governor.

If the Demon Governor's madness stemmed from a misunderstanding, then the Demon Governor himself died in a ridiculous, low and stupid death.

But wouldn't these "innocent" victims who were implicated by the Demon Lord die in a more ridiculous, low-level and stupid way?

The natural disaster has happened, so many people have died, and everyone is miserable. But it turns out that their miserable life is still ridiculous and ridiculous, and has no value other than being funny. Are they too miserable?

"Hahaha, it's so absurd. This is a god who claims to be superior to others. His death is lighter than a goose feather and more ridiculous than a farce, hahaha."

There are gods and demons who cannot accept this fact, and laugh like crazy, with tears all over their faces and bleeding from all their orifices. Well, he is a tribulation survivor. He barely survives the tribulation. His breath is weak, his body is disabled and his will is not strong. At this time, his mind Collapse, the already scarred and mutilated divine body could not hold on and cracked again.

"No, I can't accept this reality. Such a huge disaster is more terrifying than the magic debt crisis, and it turned out to be just a ridiculous misunderstanding. No, I don't - pfft~~~"

The other god roared angrily, spurted blood from his mouth, and fell to the sky.

These two are not special cases.

Too many extraordinary beings cannot accept this reality. The disaster that they will remember and fear for their entire lives is just a ridiculous joke.

"Neilong, you are wrong. Demon Governor is only awake at the beginning. His catastrophe is indeed the 'Three Nine Supreme Tribulations', but his second catastrophe is a spiritual attack."

Some gods and demons collapsed, crying and laughing wildly.

There are also gods and demons with strong wills. Even if they find that the biggest disaster in their lives stems from a ridiculous misunderstanding and they have become part of a ridiculous joke, they just keep their faces livid, grit their teeth, bulge their cheeks, and clench their fists. Silent.

There are also gods and demons who begin to deceive themselves and others, trying to reverse the truth and comfort themselves.

"The Demon Governor's will collapsed during the psychic attack, and his sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos. He mistakenly thought that he had misunderstood the intensity of the catastrophe, so he wailed miserably and talked nonsense.

This is the terrible thing about the catastrophe of the soul!

Not only does it want to kill people, but it also kills your heart. Just killing you will not satisfy the calamity. It clearly wants to kill you, but it also misleads you at the same time, making you think that you have made a mistake and unfortunately missed the chance to survive.

In the end, before you die physically, you must die of despair.

As the saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than the death of your heart. The calamity will first make you die of your heart, and then kill your people. "

The guy became more energetic and confident as he spoke. Finally, his face was full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth and sighed: "What a cruel calamity, we were almost played by it!"

Neilong looked at him with a stupefied expression. He originally wanted to say something sarcastic, but when he saw many gods and devils around him nodding in agreement, he fell silent again.

Intellectually he knew that his judgment was correct, but emotionally he could not accept that he was a demon king and had become part of a real joke.

If possible, he would rather make a mistake in his judgment once.

"Harry, is the Heavenly Tribulation too powerful, too weird, too cunning?" Hera said hesitantly from a distance.

Although she luckily escaped the natural disaster, a monk could not escape from the temple!

Not surviving the tribulation today does not mean that you will not survive the tribulation in the future.

If we survive the catastrophe today, there will be no catastrophe for a long time in the future.

She will definitely survive the tribulation in the future. If, like the Demon Governor, she is able to withstand the catastrophe, but is misled by the spiritual catastrophe and gives up her own way of life, then wouldn't she die worse than the Demon Governor and the tens of thousands of gods and demons present? Want to be ridiculous?

She had clearly learned from the past, yet she made the same mistake again.

"What does this have to do with the Heavenly Tribulation system?" Harley said lightly: "The law attacks activated by the Heavenly Tribulation all come from everyone.

If you didn’t study Jujie’s ruthless mind spells and whispers of evil gods, there wouldn’t be any mind-bewitching catastrophe attacks! "

——You mean we brought it upon ourselves? The reason why the Heavenly Tribulation is too powerful and vicious is because we are too ruthless and evil?

Hera's expression twisted.

She wanted to argue a few words for the extraordinary being, but when she opened her mouth, she found that what she wanted to say couldn't convince even herself.

"Which bastard's psychic attack came from the Demon Lord's second calamity?" She couldn't find fault with Harley and the calamity, so she vented her anger on the gods and demons who developed psychic attacks.

"Stand up for yourself and expose your curse to the public."

Her cry immediately made all the gods and demons suddenly realize, "Yes, the spiritual curse that even the Demon Governor fell upon is so terrifying, the Demon Governor cannot handle it, and we probably can't handle it either.

But if the gods who created this spiritual law take the initiative to fully disclose their curses, we can develop defense methods against the spiritual curses.

Next time we encounter the same calamity, at least we won't be like the Demon Governor, who didn't even know we were hit. "

At that moment, some gods and demons stood up and shouted loudly: "Which god or demon developed the 'Demon Governor's Second Heavenly Tribulation'?

Even if it is for your own sake, in order to prevent the victims of the tribulation from going crazy and causing a second 'natural disaster', please stand up.

The law is established and we will not harm you.

Even if I beat you to death, the law will still exist.

We only ask that you disclose the details of your spells and laws. "

His shout immediately attracted a crowd of echoes, "For the sake of the transcendent world, for the overall situation, for all living beings, and for yourself, please take the initiative to stand up."

For a while, no one stood up to claim the "Second Heavenly Tribulation of Demon Governor".

I’m not sure whether the person involved didn’t know it or didn’t want to come forward.

Or maybe the person involved died in the previous catastrophe and has no way to stand up again?

"Holy Aunt, do you know which god and demon the Demon Governor's second catastrophe came from?" They had no choice but to turn their attention to Harley.

"How did I know? After activating the Heavenly Tribulation System, all my magic powers were handed over to the Law Sea to help you redeem your magic debts. I am no longer the master of magic.

I'm not even sure if the Demon Lord was under a psychic attack, a whisper from an evil god, or a curse of doom. " Harley shook her head.

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, finding the gods and demons who created the corresponding rules for the 'Demon Governor's Second Heavenly Tribulation' cannot solve the problem from the root.

You have just experienced a 'super catastrophe'. There are hundreds of types of divine thunder, and Zeus's divine thunder is just one of them, right?

The same goes for mind-distorting spells, which many gods and demons have studied.

Especially evil gods and demons like to use spiritual guidance to confuse mortals.

Even if the demon god who bewitches the demon governor is found, there are still thousands of spiritual laws imprinted in the sea of ​​laws! "

"Thousands and thousands of them!" All the gods and magicians wailed together, with deep despair in their howls.

BoBo couldn't bear it and asked: "Harry, don't we have any solution?"

"Of course there is. The reason why Demon Governor was attacked is not only because of the powerful calamity, but also because he is not good at psychic attacks.

If it were an expert who was proficient in the laws of the mind, he would definitely be able to immediately discover the nature of the second heavenly tribulation.

With vigilance and precautions, it is not difficult to survive a spiritual attack. " Harley said.

"Alas, it seems that we will have to increase spiritual practice in the future." The gods and demons sighed.

BoBo frowned and shouted: "That's not right, the tribulation attack comes from the laws cultivated by the gods.

Now that everyone is practicing spiritual laws, won't the spiritual attacks of the Heavenly Tribulation become even more weird and powerful? "

"Uh~~~" The magicians of the gods were dumbfounded.

If you don't study it, you won't know it if you are infected, harming others, harming yourself, and hurting all living beings.

Careful research has led to stronger and more complete laws related to the multiverse, and ultimately stronger and weirder catastrophes, making them even more miserable. They have all formed a desperate death spiral.

Thinking of the despair, many extraordinary people with weak will almost cried.

"Why are we so miserable? We don't even have a way to survive. We are all dead ends."

"Ahem, it's not that desperate." Harley coughed lightly, attracting a lot of expectant eyes.

"According to the rules of the transcendent world in the past, everyone fought bravely and studied attack spells in order to kill the enemy more efficiently, so the calamity became stronger and stronger.

But if everyone only studies defensive magic and creates defense and recovery laws, even if the laws of the multiverse become more and more powerful, the catastrophe will not increase by one and a half cents. "

"It seems feasible." Everyone was thinking.

BoBo clapped his hands excitedly and shouted: "Very good, very good. We will no longer fight fiercely, and no longer study the laws of mass destruction. Hello, I am good, everyone. Hello is what is really good!

Harley, the transcendent world in the future will be peaceful and peaceful, and everyone will be free from harm and destruction. This is so exciting! "

Harley smiled and nodded, "If everyone studies the art of thick skin like me, the world will definitely be more peaceful and beautiful."

"Could it be that she did it on purpose? She became the Thick-skin God King, so she wants everyone to join her thick-skin way?" Some people doubted Harley's intentions and whispered to the people around her.

"You think so, her thick-skinned way and the thick-skinned way she asked us to walk are not the same path at all! She is indeed the thick-skinned god king, and she mainly studies the thick-skinned way, but the people she killed are still Isn’t that too little? Her thick-skinned ways are more powerful than our attack spells!"

Harry ignored everyone's murmurs and said with a smile on his face: "The execution of the Demon Lord is very satisfying, and it also provides an explanation for the dead in the disaster.

Let’s move on to the second link, Magic Bank. "

"Is the natural disaster just over like this? I still have something to say!" A shout came from the crowd.

Harley raised her eyebrows, her smile faded slightly, and said, "You have seen the death of the Demon Lord with your own eyes. The death process of the Demon Lord has also been studied clearly by everyone. What else is going on?"

The god hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "When the disaster happened, you were right there, why didn't you stop it?"

Harry said calmly: "I have been shouting from the side, telling you not to despair and not to support others. If you don't listen, who can you blame?"

"There are indeed desperate people who are shameless, rush into the crowd, and force everyone to start the catastrophe, but you can stop him."

Harley said: "I can only use my voice to dissuade him, but I can't leave him directly.

Just like you, I am an extraordinary person and have suffered from heavenly calamity.

Everyone who pulls someone else's back out of desperation has already started a catastrophe.

As long as I lean over, my own heavenly tribulation will immediately open.

If I get close to those who have not activated the Heavenly Tribulation, I will also turn into an igniter and detonate all of you.

It's okay to detonate it on you, you are in doom anyway.

But I didn’t have much crime in the first place, and I shouldn’t have survived the tribulation, but because I did bad things with good intentions, I got karma all over me. Why should I?

Isn't my life more valuable than yours? How can you take risks at will? "

"How can you say that you are a holy aunt?" The god murmured.

Before Harry could speak, the people beside him began to sneer disapprovingly.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Even if she is a saint, it does not affect her having the heart of a witch!"

"Honestly, she is willing to give up all her magic power to help us complete magic redemption. She is definitely qualified to be called the 'Saint Aunt who saves the suffering.'

But if you expect her to sacrifice herself for others from now on, even giving up her own life for others, then you are really overthinking. "

"This guy is too involved in the drama. If you expect her to sacrifice her life for righteousness and accept death as home, you might as well expect the heroes of Zhenglian to help you!"

"Well, forget about the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance, they are also unreliable. Isn't the Green Arrow, who is known as 'Dead Eyes', not a veteran superhero?

He also claimed to adhere to the concept of justice of never killing and absolutely rescuing people in need.

Why don't you still ignore our calls for help and escape alone with Louise, the 'Name of the Heavens'? "

"What's so special about Green Arrow? Why do you call for help from him? I've seen Superman. Not long after he rushed into the sea of ​​​​tribulation, he was blown into a burning pile by God's thunder, and he was still crying for help from others! "

"Don't you know? Green Arrow has a pile of good deeds the size of a washbasin. Oh my God, it's so easy to ward off evil and immune to all calamities, it's so terrifying!"

As they chatted, they started to twist the building.

From the disdain for the Saint Aunt's expectation of sacrificing his life for righteousness, he has misunderstood the miraculous effect of good deeds to avoid disasters.

"We three representatives are here, please don't make any noise!"

Hera let go of the queen's majesty and shouted, making the scene quiet.

Then she turned to Harley and said: "The Magic Bank is indeed a magic reform project that we are very concerned about.

But the disaster is not over yet, and the meeting may need to be adjourned one or two more times. "

Having just experienced a tragic disaster, all the living magicians, whether they were those who successfully survived the disaster or those who avoided it, wanted to go home immediately.

Those who had avoided natural disasters before were afraid of another large-scale natural disaster.

Those who successfully survive the catastrophe will not need to worry about the catastrophe for a long time, but their bodies and souls will be severely damaged during the tribulation and need to go home to rest.

The reason why they didn't leave and got together again for a meeting less than half a day after the disaster was because Harley stopped them and told them about the "Magic Bank".

The calamity system is related to their current magic debt.

The Magic Galaxy is related to their future magic debt.

Even the God King and Demon King with strong magic power is very concerned about the magic power bank, let alone the low-level extraordinary beings?

Those extraordinary beings with lower realms will need a lot of magic power to stabilize their realm after their realm is improved. Where will the future magic power come from? Then ask the magic giant for a loan and turn yourself into a miserable debtor?

In the past, being a magic debtor allowed you to lose your conscience and shame. As long as you were smart enough, you had a chance of survival.

Now that the Heavenly Tribulation System has been loaded, losing one's conscience is almost equivalent to losing one's life. Being smart is not enough.

"Are you applying for an adjournment now?" Harley asked.

"No, I have a few questions now." Hera shook her head and asked: "You were not far from us at the time, why didn't you cause a natural disaster?"

Harley smiled faintly, "You think that because of the sins of 'Witch Harley', there will be lightning strikes from the sky, and the crime should be punished.

But I've told you before, don't judge the Heavenly Tribulation System with your self-righteous moral values.

Heavenly Tribulation only cares about the cause of evil in cause and effect.

Yes, I stole a lot of people's magic.

The problem is that before I grabbed the source of my magic power, the other party had already formed a relationship with me.

For example, in Crisis on Infinite Earths twenty years ago, I stole the Anti-Monitor's antimatter origin.

Anti-monitor invades the multiverse, destroys countless parallel universes, and also destroys the main universe. I have 10,000 reasons to do anything to him.

My robbing him was not the cause of his sin, but the result of his sin.

He did evil to me, and I robbed him of his origin. There is a cause and effect, and I will not be happy with the retribution.

Other times, it is a similar situation. Offending me, threatening me, or harming the earth is the cause of their sins. Me robbing them of their origin is the evil consequence of completing their sins.

Therefore, no matter how much you talk about me behind my back, calling me ‘Witch Harley, greedy and vicious’, I am not affected by your views, and there is not much evil in me at all.

There are certainly sinful elements in me, I admit that, but not as many as you.

In the same position, you have set yourself on fire and provoked heavenly catastrophe, but I have retreated peacefully without suffering any catastrophe.

There are many divine magicians in a similar situation to me.

Although the catastrophe has spread widely, at least 10 million divine magicians have triggered the catastrophe.

A large number of the mages have not reached the master level.

But look around you, there are still countless spectators at the scene, and there are thousands of gods, demons and wizards.

It's not just the distance that makes them survive.

At that time, there were people who were closer to the catastrophe than me, but they still escaped the catastrophe. "

Speaking of this, Harley looked at Hera with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Hera, on the other hand, I thought you were doomed! You have more karma than the Neilong and the Demon Governor, but you were not forcibly activated. Do you have destiny to protect you?"

Hera was very excited, "Harry, how can you say this about me? I am a just and merciful 'God of Justice', different from evil gods and demons such as Demon Governor and Neilong."

Neilong said disdainfully: "It's true that I am a demon, but I only torture humans who have the qualifications to fall into hell.

Apart from hell, heaven and earth, apart from humans, demons and angels, I don’t pay attention to any other places or things.

And just because of what you did to Hecate, you are stained with sin.

Hecate has fallen from the bright and pure mother of magic into a dark resentment. Although she has her own character flaws, you, the ancient gods of the earth, bear at least 80% of the responsibility.

I blame you for the sins I have committed over the years, and 80% of the causes of the evil will be shared with you.

So when it comes to the causes of sin, I'm really not qualified to compare with you. "

Seeing Hera opening her mouth to argue, Neilong quickly added: "If you are not convinced, we can experiment on the spot.

My heavenly tribulation is just ‘little perfection’.

My main body is in hell, and my clone came here. As a result, only my clone came close to the calamity cloud, which brought disaster to my real body.

My body is going through a tribulation in hell, and there is a lot of movement. There are many first-timers watching around me. They can testify that I am only at the sixth level.

If the causes of your sins are less than mine, the heavenly tribulation must be lower than the sixth level.

Do you dare to give it a try?

As long as your catastrophe does not exceed the 'Small Perfection' and there is no external interference, with your strength, I guarantee that you will be 100% successful.

With Harley Quinn and me here, you can go through the disaster with confidence and no one can mess it up. "

Immediately, a first-time fallen person shouted: "I can testify for Neilong that his heavenly tribulation is only six levels, although each level of heavenly tribulation forms a small-scale calamity sea with a radius of ten kilometers, which is more terrifying than the Demon Governor's."

"Queen Hera, give it a try. You are a righteous god, not an evil god, and you are not a demon. The cause of your evil must be smaller than that of the inner dragon." There were gods and demons booing below.

Hera's face was frosty, her voice was cold, and she said: "Do you really think I am a fool? Even a fool would not take the initiative to cause a catastrophe just because of a little quarrel."

Neilong curled his lips and looked at her with a bit of contempt.

"Harley Quinn, destiny can block the catastrophe? What destiny does Hera have?" he asked.

Harley asked: "What is the function of the Heavenly Tribulation System in our world?"

Neilong was startled and said: "I understand that to eliminate those who have made a negative contribution to the multiverse, the 'contribution' in the Heavenly Tribulation System is a comprehensive indicator.

It includes not only the number of evil causes on the person who has overcome the tribulation, but also the contribution of the person who has overcome the tribulation to the ‘origin’.

Hera's body is full of evil, and her contribution is reduced by 8,000, but if she is of great use to 'Origin'.

'Origin' even gave her a destiny and had other plans for her future, which required her to put in a lot of effort. Then her contribution to 'Origin' might exceed 8,000. All in all, she is still a useful person to the multiverse and does not need to undergo a catastrophe. "

"So that's it." Looks of surprise appeared on the faces of the people around.

"Given Queen Hera's sins, what kind of destiny can protect her?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Harley was also very curious and confused.

"Hera, you are the Queen of the First Heaven Realm. With your level of strength, if there is destiny attached to you, you will be able to sense it. At this special time, you suddenly have a huge destiny on your body. I am very curious."

The magic debt crisis is over, and the biggest crisis in a short period of time is only Papetua within the Origin Wall.

Is Hera’s destiny related to the Mother of Creation?

After the first day in the mere heaven realm, is it worthy?

Harley's consciousness sank into the river of destiny. She searched carefully for a long time, but found nothing.

Hera's expression was blank, "What great destiny can I have? Does reviving the heavenly realm and rebuilding the divine kingdom of the heavenly realm count?"

As soon as she said these words, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something: not long ago, she received an invitation from Heavenly Father and officially joined the "Essence Club".

The "Essence of the Multiverse" shoulders a very important mission: to guide all sentient beings to protect the multiverse when the wall of origin completely collapses and the "giant thing" escapes.

She really has a destiny, and it is the greatest destiny in the world!

She must not die in a calamity like this at this time.

Even if the main target of the Demon Governor's pursuit is her, "Origin" will not allow the Heavenly Tribulation to find her.

Based on the scale of the previous catastrophe, and the many catastrophes stacked together, if she really activates the catastrophe, she will probably fail.

With this realization, Hera couldn't help but look happy.

"What do you seem to have thought of?" Harley asked, staring at her.

"I am very sure that I really have a destiny. I want to rebuild the heaven. I want to replace my dead ghost husband and become the new head of the gods." Hera's eyes were firm, her expression was firm, and there was no hesitation in her tone.

She didn't lie, she just didn't finish her sentence.

Harley looked at her for a while and said: "Destiny is only temporary and will eventually disappear, but cause and effect will be with you for a lifetime. Don't be careless."

"Uh, you're saying that if I work hard for 'Origin' and accomplish the difficult things that 'Origin' wants to do, I will lose my destiny and my catastrophe will come as scheduled and it won't be weakened?" Hera was dumbfounded.

When the Demon Governor approached her, she was not like Harley in that she could not sense her own calamity at all.

She had a great fear of impending disaster, so she ran with all her strength and energy.

In other words, even though she is now in charge of destiny, she is still in a state of equilibrium where her "contribution" hovers near the zero point.

The greater the destiny she has now, the more it shows that the cause of her evil may be equally huge.

When her destiny is lost, she will bear all the consequences of her sins alone.

Then consider the price of fulfilling your destiny: the "giant thing" inside the origin wall of the hard anus.

"No, you can't do this 'Origin', it's not fair, it's too cruel!"

Thinking of the horror, Hera couldn't help but howl at the top of her lungs.

"It's just a matter of rebuilding the heaven. What's cruel about it? Regardless of whether 'Origin' gives you destiny or not, you must rebuild the Kingdom of God." Harley said.

——No, if I just rebuild the heaven, how could I lose my temper and cry?

"Origin" wants me to confront the "monster" of the Origin Wall!

Hera roared inwardly.

First, the "giant thing" on the origin wall was anally fucked, and if she survived by chance, she would continue to be hacked by the catastrophe. "Origin" wanted to squeeze her to the limit! Even more cruel than capitalists treating social animals.

"I have fulfilled my destiny, and Origin will not give me any reward?" Hera asked unwillingly.

Ha Liqi said: "You are a veteran queen, do you still need to ask me about this kind of common sense? When you are blessed with destiny, you will definitely get a lot of benefits, such as improving your realm and understanding the laws. This is the reward given to you by 'Origin'."

"I'm talking about rewards for the Heavenly Tribulation and reducing the power of the Heavenly Tribulation." Hera said.

"You can communicate with the 'origin' yourself. The law of the God King is above the sea of ​​laws and is very close to the consciousness of the universe. You can pray to the 'origin' through the law of the God King every day like chanting sutras, and let it help you eliminate the evil. Because." Harley said.

"'Origin' can eliminate the cause of evil? Can't cause and effect only be completed in a closed loop and cannot be eliminated in a single chain?" Neilong said in surprise.

Harley glanced at him and asked, "Do you know why your calamity is only at the sixth level?"

"Is the sixth level rare? I almost vomited blood." Neilong shouted.

"You almost vomited blood." Harley raised her chin towards the tribulation survivors in the crowd, "Look at them, which one didn't vomit blood."

"Don't talk about vomiting blood, the blood in my divine body was burned dry in the fourth level of raging flames." A god with only a head left shouted.

There are also miserable gods, full of doubts and grievances, shouting: "Why does the inner dragon only have six heavenly tribulations? I am a nameless person. I have not lived as long as him, and I have committed fewer sins than him, but I have eight heavenly calamities." Tribulation.”

Harley said: "It can be seen that you are an evil god of death.

If you accepted the sacrifice of a sinful person in the past and allowed his soul to ascend to bliss after death, you would be responsible for the sins committed on him, and your catastrophe would be aggravated.

We've said this before, and this may be the case for you. "

After a pause, she continued: "If you carefully screen your believers, accept the souls of believers with good causes in them into the Kingdom of God, and make them happy and peaceful, you can inherit part of their good causes.

If the believer only has the cause of sin, and you punish him and help him complete the karma of good and evil, so that his evil will be rewarded with evil, you have a certain chance of getting the cause of good from the person he hurts.

For example, your believer is an evil politician in the United States who harmed many people on earth while he was alive.

You become the evil politician's "heavenly calamity" and use reciprocal punishment to help him eliminate the cause of his sin.

Then, there will be some kind of kindness between the people on earth who were hurt by him and you. "

"Is there such a good thing?" Immediately, a group of evil gods' eyes lit up, their faces full of excitement.

"The earth lacks everything except the rich and powerful who are guilty of sin but try to escape the punishment after death by sacrificing to evil gods.

Especially the United States, they grab a lot of them.

Using the fruits of punishment to remove the cause of their sins is to torture their souls and make them wail miserably, right? It's too simple. "

Harry waved his hand, "If simply causing the souls of sinners to suffer can gain the cause of kindness, then the inner dragon has already gained merit and will be immune to all calamities.

Neilong has been a demon king for tens of billions of years and only has six heavenly tribulations, which shows that some of the evil spirits he tortured in the past met the above conditions and created a certain amount of good causes for him. "

She glanced at Neilong, "Do you think God demoted you as fallen angels just to punish you?

The Lord has given you the opportunity for redemption.

You are a kind of 'sin punishment mechanism' in hell, which can eliminate the cause and effect of sinful souls to a certain extent. "

"Hell also has a special mechanism to eliminate cause and effect? ​​Are you overthinking it?" Neilong was a little doubtful.

"Alas, if you could understand the Lord, you would no longer be a fallen angel." Harley sighed.

Neilong's expression changed.

Harley looked at Hera and continued: "Simply eliminating the chain of cause and effect will definitely not work, but in addition to the catastrophe, you can also create the 'fruit of reward and punishment' to eliminate the causes of good and evil in others.

You can all do it, and ‘Origin’ is no exception.

The key is whether ‘Origin’ is willing or not. "

Hera murmured: "Listening to what you said, I feel that being the God of Death has a far better future than any 'destiny'.

Instead of working hard for 'Origin', it is better to run a 'Kingdom of Death' well. "

An evil god nodded with emotion, "Indeed, I want to change my job as a god of death now.

I know the earth well and am good at distinguishing between good believers and bastards.

It's easy for a good person to be in bliss; it's even easier for a bad person to torture him hard.

Even if there are slight mistakes, it doesn't matter. Even the inner dragon can reduce the calamity to six levels. If we work hard, concentrate and be serious, our results will only be better.

At least it won’t be worse than now. I have survived seven levels of ‘great heavenly tribulation’ before! "

Neilong frowned and said: "If you all change jobs as Death Gods, no matter how many bastards there are on earth, they won't be able to withstand your torture!

And when the news comes out, how can any bastard still believe in you?

The reason why the bastard believed in you before was because you were an evil god who had the same affinity with them and was willing to accept them.

Now you treat them as meat sheep, but they are not stupid. "

Every death kingdom is competing for business with hell demons.

If everyone changes their profession to the God of Death and establishes a Kingdom of the God of Death, where will those who have first fallen from hell go to find their fallen souls?

Unlike the evil gods, hell demons do not like pure and good spirits.

They only like to lure good people to become evil spirits.

The sins in fallen spirits are like poppies, making them intoxicated and obsessed. Maybe the Witch Harley is right, and the devil in hell is a mechanism created by the Dog God to balance cause and effect.

"Hey, Neilong, everyone knows what you are thinking. But I'm sorry, evil people have become a precious resource now. We can't just leave them to you hell demons to torture them. We also have to deal with them properly.

They are not stupid, but we are smarter and we can cheat.

Earth guys can't even handle telecom fraud, but can they handle evil god fraud?

Hey hey hey, we may not necessarily be able to create a 'good people's paradise' that is better than heaven.

But it is easy to create a ‘Hell of Bad Guys’ that is more terrifying than Hell.

What evil gods like us lack most is the means and ideas to torture people. "The evil god chuckled.

Immediately, an evil god echoed expectantly: "Yes, every evil person in the world is equal to a big pile of good fruits!

Perhaps one day, like Green Arrow of the Justice League, we can gather a ‘Plate of Good Fruits’ above our heads. "

"It's over, the evil people in the world are about to face the greatest catastrophe!" Louise had a weird expression and turned to a group of superheroes who also looked strange. "I thought Harley's catastrophe system was only aimed at evil people in the supernatural world, but I didn't expect it. The entire physical universe will be greatly affected, and even you superheroes will become victims."

"What's wrong with us? Aren't evil people the only ones who suffer misfortune?" Da Chao was puzzled.

"Evil people are miserable. Don't dare to do evil again. You will all lose your jobs." Louise said.

Today is a big chapter. If you have a monthly pass, please give me one. Thank you!

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