I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 200 Before killing people, kill your heart first

The raid on the old city police station was the first large-scale performance of the "Arkham Kings" after their debut.

Harry couldn't even remember how many times the GCPD had been taken over by everyone.

The boss of Sasse only shouted "Police wash the floor" and electrocuted the policemen to stun them, but the lunatic gang went to commit massacre.

The GCPD was so incompetent that several lunatics pretended to be police officers without even noticing, and allowed the lunatic gang to carry heavy weapons and easily enter the police station.

The Arkham gang even took their time kidnapping acting director Sarah Eisen before launching into a massacre of unsuspecting police officers in the lobby.

Machine guns fired, grenades flew randomly, tables, chairs, light bulbs, windows and doors were smashed. More than thirty GCPD officers were killed on the spot, and more police officers were shot and injured.

The entire police station became a slaughterhouse, with rivers of blood and dead and injured people.

The "Arkham Kings" also recorded the entire murder process and sent the videotape to the TV station.

For the sake of ratings, the TV station actually broadcast it.

"It's so crazy, they, they're so crazy, even the police chief was publicly executed."

Watching the evening news on TV, Ivy's scalp felt numb and her voice trembled.

Harley also frowned, looking solemn.

But she and Ivy have different concerns.

She didn't care how many people died in the GCPD, or whether the Gotham Police Department was singled out again.

The Gotham Police Department is the novice village for "Gotham XX people".

If you don't pick up a lot of GCPD votes, you are not qualified to be called "XX person", let alone join the "Batman fan group".

What Harley cares about is the lead singer and frontman of "Arkham".

Handsome boy Jerome.

That guy's crazy temperament reminded her of a person, the leader of the Batman fan club - the Joker!

First of all, Jerome's first letter is "J".

Secondly, his infectious laughter is so magical.

"Hahahaha." He laughed as he massacred the GCPD.

"Hahahaha." He grinned again when he publicly executed Acting Director Sarah Eisen.

The corners of his mouth almost split to the base of his ears, the kind of madness that comes from the heart.

Of course, if he is just crazy, he is not a clown.

The clown represents chaos.

But his thinking is actually very rational.

This Jerome is a fool who is being used by those behind the scenes to spread chaos and fear.

In terms of ideology and purpose, he is far from "Mr. J".

The real clown has never been used as a weapon by anyone.

But Harley recognized his potential, too, when he laughed at the screen and said, "I'm going to go viral in Gotham because laughter is the most contagious."

That night, as soon as the news was broadcast, his carnage and crazy laughter topped the list of hot topics on Gotham Forum.

Hundreds of Gothamites posted audio and video clips of themselves laughing in imitation of Jerome.

Like Harley, they don't care about the life or death of the GCPD.

Anyway, the GCPD didn't make much contribution to the people of Gotham when they were alive.

"Witch Harley 2" and "Witch Successor", they gave him very high praise.

Well, it was the "Witch Harley" who massacred the GCPD in Bali Street in the early days and occupied the BBC TV station, not the current Godfather Harley.

At that time, countless fans rushed into the mercenary supermarket to buy the same "shirt" and weapons of the witch.

So, how much more fans can the "young clown" who once again stirs up the depressed and dull hearts of Gotham people do?

"Harry, have you seen the news last night?"

The next afternoon, Cobot took the initiative to call.

"Crazy gang?" Harley asked.

"Just last night, I convened a discussion meeting with the 'Cobot Family', and they didn't even know who robbed the Mad Men Gang.

Before attacking the police station, Jerome and his gang of lunatics stopped the Gotham High School cheerleading bus on Seventh Street, preparing to use gasoline to burn the group of young girls to ashes.

Many of them are your former classmates!

Fortunately, Jim Gordon arrived in time and once again proved to the citizens that the 'heroic detective' was by no means in vain. "Cobot said tentatively.

"Haha, am I that low?" Harley said amusedly.

Cobot's tone became serious, "It's not me, and it's not you, so who is he? What does he want to do with the chaos and panic caused by the Madman Gang?

Harley, I think we have a powerful and mysterious challenger. "

Harley glanced at the Gotham Economic Journal on her desk.

The cover shows a half-length photo of a handsome middle-aged man in a suit: The Raptors are crossing the river, and billionaire Theo Galavan has made another move, spending US$1.8 billion to acquire the Hanhai Building in Midtown, and has decided to settle in Gotham.

"Who do you think he is?" she asked.

"Perhaps, the Heibang family from outside? They think that we are just inexperienced young people who have a chance to take our place.

Perhaps a rich and powerful man is mentally ill?

One day, he will show up. "Cobot said.

Harley nodded slightly and asked again: "Have you found the whereabouts of the Mad Men Gang?"

"I'm checking, what about you?"

"I'm also investigating, and I don't have any clues yet." Harley said.

Speaking of this, she felt something in her heart and said with a smile: "Cobot, can you do me a little favor.

Many people in Gotham, including the news media, were shocked by Jerome's madness, and then they called him the "Second Witch."

I don't like this statement very much. "

"I'm willing to help, but I don't quite know how to do it." Cobot said doubtfully.

"Just this morning, a stupid journalist from the BBC came to the 'Number One Fighting Arena in the World' and asked me what I thought of 'Jerome, the Second Witch'.

Hahaha, I asked someone to take off his pants and throw the naked boy in the middle of the road. " Harley laughed.

Cobot frowned and thought for a long time before tentatively asking: "If a reporter interviews me, should I vigorously refute the comparison between Jerome and you?"

The little penguin brain is really useful!

Harry secretly praised and said with a smile: "Cobot, we know that Jerome is a chess piece, but does he know his position?

I think Jerome is a smart guy, but he has little experience. We should wake him up. "

"The fate of the chess piece, after completing the master's mission," Cobot frowned: "You are so optimistic about him, do you think he can bite back the master?"

"Even if he fails, we have no loss." Harley said with a smile.

If Jerome is really a clown, he will definitely be able to devour the Lord!

Midtown at night.

Hanhai Building, a high-end apartment on the 17th floor.

The Mad Men Gang had just successfully done something big that caused a sensation in Gotham, and the members were all in a good mood.

Some people were listening to music with earplugs, some were polishing a dagger with a whetstone, and some were watching TV.

Barbara took a shower, put on comfortable coral velvet pajamas, and sat on the sofa, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Wow, Jerome, you are famous. Almost every news article compares you with Witch Harley! They even call you 'The Second Witch'." She said with a smile.

Jerome was playing with a revolver. Not only did he not show joy when he heard this, but he said angrily: "Don't compare her with me, she doesn't deserve it!

Maybe we will blow up a few newspaper offices tomorrow to make them understand how big of a mistake they have made. "

"I remember you said that it was the Witch Harley who opened the door to a new world for you so that you would no longer be confused." Barbara asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I used to admire her very much because she was smart and could see through the falsehoods and hypocrisy of this world.

Because she is free, ignores laws and theories, is unscrupulous and does everything.

Because she is brave, she dares to challenge the human-skinned demon who rules Gotham alone.

But then and now, look what she did?

She compromised with reality and was recruited by an old and outdated Heibang family.

The former exorcist nun lost her spirit and ideals and became a withered skeleton in the grave. Jerome said with disdain.

"She is the Godfather of Gotham and our role model!" Big Aaron shouted.

Jerome sneered: "This is the difference between us. You will never understand my realm."

"Jerome? He's a brainless little brat. Calling him the second witch is simply insulting me!"

Just then, a high-pitched sneer came from the TV.

The depth of sarcasm and contempt in it was ten times greater than what Jerome had seen before.

Jerome put down the revolver and looked at the TV screen with a gloomy expression.

"It's Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot. Do you want to change the channel?" the bearded man in front of the TV asked.

"I want to hear what this idiot has to say."

Jerome waved his hands and also sat on the sofa, with a sneer on his face again.

"Why are you insulting me?" Copot looked surprised on the TV, "Isn't it obvious? My life is already legendary enough, but compared with Harley, it is still far behind.

You idiot reporters, by using idiots Jerome and Hallibi, aren't you implying that I'm not as good as that idiot? What is this if not humiliation? "

"Why do you think Jerome is a fool and mentally retarded? In just a few days, he has already committed three legendary crimes with careful planning, clever thinking, and ruthless means."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Cobot waved his hands with an unbearable look on his face, "Let me ask you a question, how did Jerome leave Arkham Asylum?"

"According to GCPD investigation, Jerome's biological father, Cicero, seems to have a motive for committing the crime. He wanted to rescue his son," the reporter said.

Well, the people behind the scenes are not brainless.

They used forged letters and postcards to put the blame on Jerome's biological father.

But Harley and Copper didn't believe it at all.

"Arkham Asylum is not an ordinary mental hospital, it is a prison for serious offenders."

Cobot laughed and said: "Compared with breaking through the defenses of Arkham Asylum and kidnapping six lunatic criminals, robbing the National Bank of the United States must be easier.

After all, there is only one idiot in the National Bank, "Three Generations of Dollars", who is useless except for taking advantage of Harley's popularity. He was so frightened by two robbers that he called his mother, hahaha."

"Fake Squid Penguin, we didn't provoke you, nor did we take advantage of you."

In front of the TV, the director of the National Bank of China, who was thinking about re-selecting the "fourth generation hundred dollar bill", cursed loudly.

"Cicero is just an ordinary person. If he really has the ability to rob a prison, he might as well use the money to hire a good lawyer to get a reduced sentence for his son.

But in fact, Jerome's defense lawyer that day came from a legal aid agency and was free. "

Cobot sneered again and again: "So, the Lunatic Gang is just a bunch of puppets, and above them, there is a conspirator master!"

The disapproving sneer on Jerome's face gradually disappeared, and a shadow fell over his eyes.

On the TV, Cobot continued: "Why do I say he is not even worthy of licking Harley's shoes?

Harley is no one's puppet at any time.

In fact, we all know that she played all the big shots to applause and then walked away unscathed.

This is called wisdom!

Jerome is just a vase with a pretty face, a mad dog with a mush in his head, and is only qualified to be his master. Does he have his own thoughts? "

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