I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1959 Starting today, DC extraordinary people will also go through the tribulation.

"What did Witch Harley say to you?" Zeus couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I said I was going to visit my daughters in the back mountain of Mount Li, and she said yes; I told her again that I planned to lead the gods to rebuild the heaven, and she nodded again and said 'yes'.

I went to the back mountain and saw a group of celestial goddesses like textile workers in a sweatshop, sitting in front of textile machines weaving regular silk threads that are rich in rules and sparkle in colorful colors.

They had worked very hard and were so busy that they had no time to say hello to me, but Athena was still like an inhumane foreman, loudly urging them not to stop, not to be distracted, and to speed up and work hard.

Finally, I said to Witch Harley"

At this point, Hera paused hesitantly.

The hood that blocks the detection of divine consciousness obscures her expression, but Zeus next to him is very familiar with his wife, and he can guess from her tone and micro-movements that she is not only hesitant, but also a little embarrassed, as if she has suffered some humiliation. ?

"You told Witch Harley not to suppress the Heavenly Goddess too much, but she refused and scolded you to stay out of your own business?" he asked.

"No." Hera denied it flatly at first, and then hesitated, "I asked Sister Harley to be her magical textile worker, but she said 'no'."

If you lift the hood on her head, you can definitely see her blushing cheeks.

Zeus's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "I thought you were against Witch Harley's sweatshop and criticized Athena's behavior as a contractor.

Unexpectedly, you are not against or criticizing, but you want to join in and become a female textile worker who is squeezed by the sweatshop and bullied by the foreman. Hera, you are the first queen of heaven!

Where has your dignity and majesty gone? "

Hera retorted rudely: "What's wrong with the Queen of Heaven? You are still the former No. 1 God King. Don't you want to be a weaver?"

Zeus opened his mouth and wanted to say loudly: Go to hell with the weaver, Witch Harley is not worthy!

But he just imagined the scene of working as a weaver in the "Lishan Sweatshop" in his mind, and his heart beat faster, he felt slightly excited, and the words came to his lips and he could not speak at all.

"That's weaving magic spells!" Hera exclaimed: "As long as nothing happens, the spells they weave will be the textbooks for mages for countless years to come, and they will be the standard answer to basic magic.

Whoever adapts to the new textbooks will flourish, and whoever cannot adapt will be eliminated.

If you can personally participate in the editing of textbooks and write textbooks in your own style, it will undoubtedly be the most suitable for you.

What's more important is to participate in textbook compilation. Sister Harley will directly put her 'grammar' to rewrite the underlying magic into the minds of weavers. "

"Alas, except for Athena, who is full of energy and aura, and seems to be condensing a new 'goddess of magic' godhead, the other goddesses only have tired faces. What a waste of a great opportunity!" She sighed sadly.

"So, Witch Harley only said three words to you: 'Okay', 'Okay', and 'No'?

Hera, even if you are shameless, you cannot be so low!

She also took the initiative to call her ‘Sister Hallie’. Could it be that you called her ‘Sister Hallie’ but she didn’t acknowledge it? "

Zeus also regretted that he did not have the opportunity to participate in the writing of magic spells that was rare in tens of billions of years, but his ridicule towards his wife did not diminish at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Hera was so embarrassed that she pushed her husband so hard that she almost broke the ribs of Zeus, who had lost all the power of the God King.

"I'm just summarizing the conversation to facilitate your understanding. How could it be possible that I really only said a few words?

Or, in your mind, am I really so low that I want to repeat every word, every little movement, micro-expression, and tone of every sentence of Sister Harley, to proudly show off my pride?

I'm not that low!

I chatted with her for a long time, at least three minutes!

We talked about the current situation and future of Tianjing, and she supported my plan to rebuild Tianjing.

I took the initiative to apologize to her again about her teacher Asal.

She waved her hand and asked me to find Ashar himself.

The story about Assal has definitely not changed, but I just need to reassure Assal himself that Sister Halle will not hold grudges against me or target me because of this matter.

As long as Asal doesn't blame us for being too enthusiastic about her, which caused her to be targeted by the complainer, the matter will be completely revealed.

I also tentatively called Sister Hallie the God of the Gods, but she smiled and refused. I called her "Sister Hallie" again, and she agreed with a smile.

I talked to her a lot, but do I need to repeat every sentence to you? "

"It's only three minutes in total. How much can you say?"

Zeus spoke with disdain, but in his heart he actually envied his wife.

Although he only spoke for three minutes, there might be some silence in between. At least Hera's hidden dangers were eliminated, and she no longer had to worry about the Witch Harley getting mad at her for some reason.

"Ashar is resurrected? Where is she?" he asked.

He lacks the courage to face the witch Harley directly, but he is full of confidence in persuading Asal and gaining Asal's understanding and favor.

"Asal's situation is a bit complicated. She has been harvested, and there is only a residual soul that is obsessed with life. It is difficult to resurrect. I don't know the details. Sister Harley seems to be planning to send her to reincarnation."

Speaking of this, Hera stopped hesitantly again. When "Sister Harley" talked about sending Asal to reincarnation, she looked at her with a strange look. Looking back now, she still feels uncomfortable.

It seems that there is deep meaning in that look?

But what does Asal's reincarnation have to do with her?

Could it be that "Sister Harley" is implying that Asal still holds a grudge against her and refuses to forgive her?

Well, she thinks too much and also thinks too little. Harley is still thinking about letting Asal reincarnate in her belly to repay the cause and effect of his death in his previous life!

Asar became the child of Hera, and his status and talents were as noble as those of ordinary ancient gods.

Hera became Asael's mother, and the cause and effect between the two of them could be settled. One stone was used to achieve multiple benefits, and everyone benefited except Hera who was a little tired of having a baby.

Because of this idea, Harley did not pursue the grudges between Hera and Asael, and even allowed her to call herself "Sister Harley". Although when she called her Sister Harley, Athena and Diana beside her The faces of the girls, Clio, and Calliope were dark and very ugly.

Hera shook her head, shook away the distracting thoughts, and continued: "Sister Harley wants to send Asal to reincarnate, but Asal is unwilling to give up his noble status as the ancient god of the earth. He has been delaying until today with no results."

Zeus hesitated again and again, but still put on a shy face and said softly: "Hera, when you were chatting with Witch Harley, did you mention me? What is her attitude towards me now?

We husband and wife are one and the same. If she can forgive you, she must not have much hatred for me anymore, right? "

Hera glanced at him, "I finally managed to talk to her, how could I take the initiative to mention you, a loser?

Moreover, I have never offended her or had any conflicts with her. All the misunderstandings in the past also originated from you.

I am just a queen, following you, as innocent as Athena and the others. "

Zeus said angrily: "Don't you feel guilty for saying such a thing? While I'm not at home, you almost announced that you are the new generation of Olympus God King and the head of the Heaven Realm God King. You still have the face. Act innocent here!"

"Let's discuss the matter, one thing after another!" Hera strangled her neck and went straight to showdown with her husband, "Yes, I will be the God King now, but with the end of the magic debt crisis as the dividing point, before the dividing point , did I steal your throne of God King?

Isn't it because you stick to your word? No matter what you say or decide to do, the other gods in Olympus can only follow behind you?

When have I, the diva, made a major decision on my own before?

The things that offended Sister Hallie all happened before the dividing point.

After the dividing point, you don’t even have a divine law. If I don’t want to be a divine king, how can I let you, a mortal, do it?

Even if you are made a god king, will you be able to shoulder the responsibility of a god king? "

"You are an idiot, you don't have the wisdom to be a god king at all." During the spiritual transmission process, Zeus did not need to suppress his anger and directly yelled: "Now there are millions and tens of millions of people gathered near the gate of heaven. If you pick any extraordinary person at random and ask him, "What will happen next in the multiverse," he will say without hesitation that the "giant thing" sealed in the Origin Wall is about to be born.

Although Witch Harley didn't say it publicly, she almost made it clear to Odin and the others.

That’s why Odin took the Asgardian pantheon of millions of gods and hung himself on the Wall of Origin.

Now even mortals in the material world know about this, don’t you know?

Why did you announce the return of the Olympus Gods with great fanfare, and also announced the rebuilding of the Kingdom of Heaven?

Do you stupidly think that after the ‘giant thing’ is born, it will not focus on the heavens? "

"You're the one who's stupid. Do you think you can escape?"

Hera's angry roar was mixed with a hint of helplessness, "Or are you pretending not to know the true identity of the 'giant thing', thinking that nothing will happen if you bury your head in the snowdrift?

Have you forgotten the true mission of the ‘Essence Club’?

We cannot avoid it, and the more we avoid it, the worse the outcome will be. "

Under the hood of the "Essence Society", Zeus's face changed several times, and he whispered: "Someone from the Essence Society will contact you? How much do you know about the core secrets of the Essence Society?"

Hera said slowly: "After the magic debt crisis was over, I received an invitation from Heavenly Father and quietly went to the Creation Star.

He looked very uneasy, his anxiety and worry were directly reflected on his face, and he was pacing back and forth in front of me like an ant on a hot pot.

He said that the 'giant' was about to escape from trouble, and it was time for the Essence to fulfill its responsibilities.

But now the form of the multiverse is not under the control of the Essence Society, and he is not even sure whether to restart the Essence Society. "

"So, do you really know the core secret of the Essence Society?" Zeus cursed angrily: "What is that guy Isaya (the name of Heavenly Father) doing?

We swore to the ‘Judge of Origin’ that we would absolutely stick to our positions and strictly keep secrets. No matter who we were, we would not reveal the ultimate mission of the Essence Society to anyone. "

"Heavenly Father did tell me all the secrets, but he did not break his oath. Because now I have replaced you and become a new member of the Essence Society." Hera's expression was still heavy, but there was a little pride in her tone.

"Why are you replacing me? Isaya is not qualified to decide on the appointment and dismissal of members of the Essence Society." Zeus said angrily.

"This is not the decision of Heavenly Father alone, so don't complain. Look at what you are like now. You don't even have the laws of the gods, and you can't even be considered a god.

How can a 'mortal' without the laws of the God-King join the Essence Society on behalf of the gods? "

Hera looked at her furious husband with a smile and said: "Each of the six giants of the Essence Society represents a force in the multiverse and a major force.

The seats of the Big Six are fixed, but the ‘power representatives’ occupying the seats can be changed.

You are an old member of the Essence Club, so you must understand this rule.

The 'giant' is about to escape from trouble, and the 'giant crisis' will soon break out. The multiverse needs the power and wisdom of the Essence Society. As a result, you died at the critical moment and lost the power of the God King. If I don't step up, who else will you have? "

"Don't think that becoming a giant is a great honor. You will definitely regret it." Zeus said coldly.

"At other times, the Essence Society would only need to record and observe major events in the universe to complete its mission. In the past, it was indeed a great honor to become a 'Cosmic Councilor' personally appointed by the 'Judge of Origin'.

Now that the 'giant' is about to escape from the trap, the Essence Society has begun to prepare its troops. They may go to the battlefield and lose their lives at any time. It is really not a good job.

If you have a choice, I would rather save your seat for you, you become a giant of the Essence Society, and I enjoy the blessings of being a queen in heaven, but we don’t have a choice!

If they hadn't contacted me proactively, how would I have known the secret of the Essence Club? They have contacted me and even told me their core secrets. How can they still allow me to refuse? "Hera sighed helplessly.

Zeus also sighed softly, "The fact that you can say these words shows that you are not too complacent or forgetful about yourself. But if you join the Essence Society yourself, why do you have to drag the entire Olympus God System into trouble?

You can quietly become the giant of the Essence Society and leave the heaven alone. The gods of Olympus are still scattered throughout the universe. "

"If I don't rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven, summon the gods back, and gather the power of the entire divine system, how can I complete the ultimate mission of the Essence Society? I don't want to die!" Hera said lightly.

"Faced with the 'giant' within the Origin Wall, even if you gather the power of the Olympus God System, it will not change the result much." Zeus said.

"I don't need to greatly rewrite the outcome of the ultimate mission of the Essence Society. I have a clear conscience whether it succeeds or fails.

As long as my own ending changes from a near-death encounter to a lucky one and a good fortune, I will be satisfied. "Hera said.

"Even if you just want to save your own life, the Olympus God System can't help you." Zeus said.

"Gathering the power of the entire divine system to bless me, my strength can be increased five times. How can I say that I can't help you?"

Hera looked at her husband and said coldly: "You just don't care about my life or death, you only care about yourself.

The Olympus pantheon will still be there after I die, and you can go back and continue to be the god king.

You feel at ease.

If I and the Olympus Gods are buried in the hands of the "giant", you will never be able to recover as before.

So now you are complaining. "

"I don't want to quarrel with you." Zeus waved his hand, "Why is Isaya hesitant or uneasy? What did you talk about?"

"I want to remind you that you are no longer a member of the Essence Society." Hera said angrily.

"I also want to remind you that none of the six giants of the Essence Club are easy to get along with. If they can survive by selling you at the critical moment, none of them will hesitate." Zeus sneered.

Hera hesitated for a while and said: "You don't know what the current situation in the multiverse is? Do you still need to guess what Heavenly Father is thinking?"

Zeus thought for a while and said in surprise: "Isn't that idiot wondering whether to tell Witch Harley about the Essence Society?"

"In a way, tell Sister Harley——"

Zeus interrupted her with an annoyed wave of his hand and shouted: "Don't call her 'Sister Harley' in front of me again, unless she is right in front of me.

Now that she's gone, she can't feel it if you flatter her, so what's the point? "

"Sister Harley is the god of gods. Gods can sense mortals chanting their true names. Sister Harley is in Silver City right now, separated from us by a gate to heaven, and her perception is clearer and more acute." Hera said seriously.

Zeus sighed feebly, "You continue."

“In today’s multiverse, Sister Harley is the undisputed boss, she is the strongest and the most ruthless.

Although the Essence will have its own plan to deal with the "giant", that plan was formulated by the "Origin Judge" billions of years ago. It is a bit outdated today. The plan prepared by the Origin Judge must be good. , but did not take into account the variable of Sister Harley.

As long as it is a major event on a cosmic level, what can get past Sister Hallie, avoid her and allow her to have no interference or involvement at all?

Heavenly Father’s intention is to bring Sister Hallie into the Essence Society and let her be the ‘head of the giants’ and lead us to complete the Origin Judge’s plan. "

"It's a good idea, but it's just a wishful fantasy." Zeus sneered: "Witch Harley is more capable. If she wholeheartedly implements the ultimate defense plan of the 'Origin Judge', of course it will be the best.

But can Witch Harley withstand the temptation of 'transcending her origin'?

If she swallows the origin of the Judge of Origin, all of us giants will become decapitated ghosts. The Judge will not let us go, and the 'Giant Hand' family will tear apart our multiverse. "

"The Heavenly Father you mentioned has also considered it, so he is very hesitant and agitated." Hera sighed: "Tell Sister Harley the truth. Sister Harley may become evil and give us the capital that the Origin Judge left us." Swallowed.

With her attitude and awareness towards the ‘Visitor from the Almighty Universe’, it is really possible for her to break up with the Judge of Origin.

From this aspect, the Essence Society, as the 'servant' of the Origin Judge, is actually her potential enemy, although none of us dare or want to be her enemy.

But if it was hidden from her, it was completely impossible to hide it.

When the 'giant' breaks out, sooner or later the Essence Society will take action, and sooner or later she will discover the secret of the Essence Society.

By that time, we will not only annoy her, but she will also be even more ruthless and directly plunder the 'transcendence origin' left by the Origin Judge. "

"What does Heavenly Father plan to do?" Zeus asked.

"He couldn't make up his mind, and I couldn't give any better advice. We decided to take it one step at a time, and wait until the 'Giant' is completely out of trouble and all members of the Essence Association gather together to discuss it together.

I went to Lishan in person to meet Sister Hallie in person, which was also paving the way for the future ‘ultimate defense plan’.

If everyone decides to confess to Sister Harley, I can get closer to her; if everyone decides to hide it from her, based on our relationship today, if she gets mad in the future, she won’t slap me to death. "

After a pause, she whispered to herself and comforted herself, "I don't think she will get angry. There is no reason. We are not targeting her."

"Sandwiched between three monsters, the 'Giant', the Origin Judge, and the Witch Harley, there are no human beings on the left and right. Hey, now is just the beginning. Next, get ready to enjoy the pleasure of dancing on the tip of the knife!" Zeus gloated.

Hera sarcastically said: "When the people saw that the boss was helpless in the power game, they laughed at them for entertaining guests today and the building collapse tomorrow, but they didn't think about it, if the boss was in danger, they would live like mud at the boss's feet, wouldn't they? Will it collapse faster and end more tragically?"

Zeus was about to reply when there was a sudden noise in the distance.

Limbo has no direction, no space, and no air or sound, but the mage's mental waves can replace sound, which is more convenient and messier than sound.

"Look, Harley Quinn is coming out of the gates of heaven!"

"After one month, you will see the truth outside the gate of heaven. It is finally about to begin."

"Do you think 'Saint Aunt' Harley will fulfill her promise and forgive our magic debt?"

"She is a merciful saint in heaven who rescues those in need. She is the embodiment of holiness and mercy. Of course she will keep her promise and save us."

"The Holy Aunt is merciful, the Holy Aunt is always present, justice is eternal, and love is boundless!" Many mages began to shout in unison.

"Fake, the treacherous, ruthless and vicious witch Harley can be praised like this, in this world." Zeus cursed in a low voice, hesitated for a while, and followed the crowd behind him to shout emotionally numb slogans.

Slogans may not really redeem magic debt.

But if you are still cursing and being sensed by the witch Harley who has become the mother of magic, you will definitely lose the chance of magic redemption, and you may not be harvested by her quietly.

He is now in his true form!

Hera glanced at her husband, squeezed a distance into the crowd, then lifted her cloak, released the queen's pressure, forced the crowd back, and shouted loudly, "Harry, Harley, you are finally here!"

Zeus was frightened for a while, especially when "Witch Harley" heard the sound and looked over.

When he saw Harley smiling and nodding to the arrogant mother-in-law, the worry and fear in his heart were immediately replaced by the outpouring of envy and jealousy.

——This bitch really didn’t lie. All the past grudges between her and Witch Harley were really wiped out. Witch Harley not only responded to her, but also smiled at her, a smile that was completely free of hostility and murderous intent!

"Everyone, please listen to me."

When Zeus was boiling with emotion, Harley raised her body so that everyone could see her, and her voice clearly reached the minds of everyone present.

"A month ago, I promised you that the Magic Debt Crisis would become history, and today I will keep my promise."

"Holy Aunt Halle, compassionate and kind, a thousand pieces of gold and a promise!" All the magicians at the scene shouted excitedly.

Even Zeus couldn't help himself, and had some sincere expectations and gratitude for Harley.

Harley smiled slightly, but was not excited by their excitement.

"But all miracles have a price. This is a rule that also applies to the omnipotent universe."

Just this sentence was like cold rain falling on a forest fire. The flames were not completely extinguished, but the fire was obviously weakened.

"Holy Aunt, what price do you want us to pay?"

"Martial God King, what do you mean?"

"Since you promised to cancel the magic debt, why do you need to make other demands?"

Harley pressed down her hands to stop them all from shouting, and said, "I am willing to communicate with you, and I need your suggestions in the process of establishing a new order, but there are too many of you."

She glanced around the crowd and said: "Let's do this, you choose a representative. I am the protagonist of today's 'Heaven's Gate Magic Conference', but I can't sing a one-man show. Let's communicate together and discuss openly."

After speaking, she pointed one finger at the powerful and shining Queen Hera, who occupies a large area by herself, "Hera, are you willing to become the representative of the heaven realm?"

Hera was overjoyed, almost losing the cold and noble dignity of the Queen of Heaven, and burst into laughter.

She held back her laughter, but she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

"Harry, of course I am willing. This is my honor and my responsibility. Who else is qualified to represent the gods in heaven besides me?"

She was beaming with joy and held her head high, passing through the mages and gods and demons, and came to Harry.

Harley pointed to the back of the crowd again and shouted: "BoBo, BoBo, the 'Ape Detective' from the Forgotten Bar, come here quickly."

The orangutan detective floated over with a coy expression and whispered: "Harry, I'm just an orangutan——"

"But you can represent the mages of all heavens and realms."

Harley faced everyone and said: "Hera represents the gods, and she is very clear about the demands of the gods.

BoBo's strength is not top-notch but he is active in the Forgotten Bar. He has communicated with many mages in the bar and understands the demands and difficulties of the mages very well, so he can represent the mages.

Their questions and suggestions should cover most of the questions and thoughts in the minds of the magicians present.

If there are any omissions, you can wait until the adjournment to discuss it with them. "

"If there's no problem, let's get started." Harley turned her attention to the two representatives.

BoBo was still a little nervous and didn't speak.

Naturally, Hera acted as if this was a personal stage prepared for her, and immediately said calmly and generously: "No matter what questions we have, at least we have to wait for Harley to finish speaking and explain the new rules and the new magic price clearly.

So, Harley, go ahead and let's be the serious listeners first and the questioners last. "

Harley nodded and said: "Currently, the magical power of our multiverse is divided into two parts. A small part is in the hands of Circe, and more than 90% is in my hands.

Sirsi, don't worry, I'm just too lazy to waste time and energy looking for her in the 'gutter corner'.

It can be said that now I am the new master of magic.

But I'm actually a little confused about how to use magic power.

Could it be that after going through so many things and so many people paying a huge price, just to start a new reincarnation?

Becoming another Hecate, once again overtaking the gods and magicians, frightening everyone, setting off a magic debt crisis again when they are unhappy, and causing a bloody storm in the supernatural world?

Do I need magical power over you?

I don't need it, I'm above you now.

Even if you are not the master of magic, you are still afraid of me and dare not provoke me. "

Everyone's expressions were a little distorted.

I really wanted to complain, but I really couldn't think of a retort.

What she said didn't sound nice, but it was the truth. Magical power was the icing on the cake for her.

"And I am not Hecate at all. After re-extracting all magical power from the magic of Chaos, I found that it did not fit me.

Perhaps only Hecate herself could harness its power to perfection.

It's just the icing on the cake, but it's not easy to use. It's better to do something meaningful with it than to keep it around.

This is why I announced the complete cancellation of magic debt. "

Harry glanced at the thoughtful magicians, "I have said so much, I just want to tell you that there is no conspiracy in this magic conference.

My thoughts were simple, to allow magical powers to be used in the most meaningful way. "

"OK, now that the preface is over, let's get to the point. I will use my magic power to repay your magic debt, but I don't want to be taken advantage of by the bastard.

Long before the magic debt crisis ended, my friend basically completed the magic debt redemption.

They are my friends, good people, heroes who save the world.

I am content and happy to hand over the power of magic to them.

But ask yourselves, what kind of rubbish and junk are you? "

Harley stretched out her hand and swept her fingers across their faces, "Most of you are bastards. I'm not targeting anyone, I'm talking about all of you, your entire transcendent world.

The supernatural world on the magic side is a huge garbage dump, filled with garbage.

The transcendental world is also a huge cesspit, and you are all excrement.

No, you are worse than excrement, which can fertilize fields. Your existence itself is a mistake, and your negative effects on the world far outweigh your benefits.

In other words, the world would be a better place without mages and gods and demons. "

All the magicians present, including Hera but not BoBo, all had ugly faces, and their eyes contained suppressed emotions, including anger, shame, dissatisfaction, and hatred.

But everyone is like a wood carving and clay sculpture, only suppressing their emotions there, and no one jumps out to directly vent their emotions.

No one moved or spoke.

On the contrary, BoBo was only shocked for a moment, and then hesitantly said: "Harley, are you going too far by saying that? There are good people and heroes in the supernatural world."

"I didn't say they were all rubbish. A very few of them were indeed good people." Harley said.

"No, there may be garbage among them, and there are also many good and normal people. They are not just excrement as you said." BoBo said seriously.

Harley waved her hand, "What percentage of mages are garbage and excrement? This issue can be discussed, but it is not the focus at this time.

Let’s get back to the topic. There are so many magicians in front of us, most of them are garbage and excrement. Why should I give you the magic power I have earned so hard? "

"Harry, do you want to distinguish between good guys and bad guys, and only help the good guys complete magic redemption?" Hera asked.

"How can I have such free time." Harley shook her head, "Besides, BoBo and I have different views. I always insist that everything in front of me is shit, and even if there are some good people, they are like pearls that accidentally fell into the pit.

Even if I knew there were pearls in the latrine, I would not dig through the manure to look for them. "

The calmness on Hera's face was naturally almost unbearable.

Damn it, I’m standing right in front of you, are you worthy of me saying “Sister Harley” after you say this?

Harley raised two fingers and said: "First of all, I will redeem all of you, whether you are here to participate in the magic convention, or you have not received the message, or you have no intention of coming.

Throughout the multiverse, all mages with magical powers, whether now or in the future, will no longer be troubled by the magic debt crisis.

This is my promise to you, and it will definitely come true. "

If there hadn't been the "shit theory" before, everyone would have bright eyes and expectations written on their faces right now.

But she just made it clear that she didn't want to be taken advantage of by the bastard, and she didn't intend to save "dung water".

Now she says she will definitely fulfill her promise. What does that mean?

There was only deep doubt on their faces, eyes, and hearts.

Although Harley didn't intend to show off, she didn't interrupt her rhythm and immediately answered their questions.

She continued: “Secondly, I will not only redeem you, but I will also provide you with the opportunity for complete redemption.

"You" not only refers to you at this time, but the future magicians will no longer suffer from the harvest of magic power.

Even if I forgive your magic debt, you may not completely escape the magic debt crisis.

If the Mother of Magic does not harvest you, your souls will still have the marks of other ‘magic giants’.

The magic power of the multiverse is limited, and the old timers are not dead, but they occupy all the resources.

The rising star can only borrow magic power from them, and in the end the price of magic power paid is no less than being harvested by Hecate.

I have forgiven all magic debts in the multiverse, and only the giants will benefit. You are still the miserable debtors.

What am I picturing? What are you happy about? "

These words were like ice water pouring down their heads. They shivered, and their minds suddenly came to their senses: Yes, even if the Mother of Magic no longer comes to us to collect debts, she is not the only creditor in our lives!

She used all her magic power to cancel the magic debt, but the multiverse-level magic debt crisis no longer occurs, which does not mean that they will no longer be harvested.

"The Mother of Magic, Holy Aunt Halle, is so compassionate and makes the decision for us!"

The gods and demons above the main god could still sit still, but the other gods, demons and mages knelt down. They even forgot about the two representatives and directly wailed at Harley.

There may be a lot of garbage and excrement here, but there are certainly no idiots.

Since Harley said she could completely cancel all of their magic debts, she would definitely do it.

At least there's a plan.

Their hearts were burning again, and their eyes were once again filled with eager anticipation.

Even if she calls them trash and excrement, it doesn't matter.

Just because she can consider the exploitation of them by the "magic giant", she is their benefactor and a true saint with great mercy!

In the tens of billions of years since the universe was born, no one has ever thought of completely canceling magic debt for all mages.

Even if God. A few years ago, during the crisis of the end of the Ninth Magical Era, the Dog God still sent ghosts to harvest them!

"Everyone, get up and stop shouting. You have representatives!" Harley said.

The mage representative BoBo immediately asked in surprise: "Harry, how can we completely eliminate the magic harvest?"

Harley said: "Don't worry, listen to me one by one. I will use my magic power to help all the mages in the multiverse relieve their magic debts.

But I also said that I am willing to help friends and good people; I am not happy to help bastards and bastards who scold me in my heart.

I won't do anything that makes my mind wander.

It is impossible for me to distinguish between your good and evil one by one, let alone keep an eye on you, punish you immediately when you change your character, and reward you immediately when you repent.

But I can make magic rules to filter out those who meet the criteria. "

"It turns out to be a magic rule." Hera was surprised and asked quickly: "How to filter?"

"Have you ever read the fairy tale novels written by people from the Celestial Dynasty?" Harley said with emotion: "Even if I am 'Witch Harley', I rise from chaos and darkness, but when I become successful, when I reach the top, I begin to look forward to it. ——How wonderful it would be if our magical world could be as indifferent to fame and wealth as the fairy world in fairy tale novels, with no desires and desires, with a higher body and a higher heart, and a lower mind for the people's livelihood!"

Hera on the other side couldn't control her expression at all.

mmp, you still know that you rise from darkness and chaos!

Before you rose up, you were greedy, cunning and vicious, which had nothing to do with the "Oriental Immortal" who was indifferent to fame and wealth and had no desires.

Now that you have reached the top, monopolizing most of the power and interests of the universe, you begin to expect that other people and future extraordinary beings will have no desires or desires, and that there will never be another "Witch Harley" who overturns the chessboard.

Do you want face?

How could you say such shameless remarks in public?

"Why are immortals so 'immortal'? First of all, they don't need to actively work for magic power. Now that I have waived the magic power debt, you don't need to work hard or abandon the bottom line of human nature.

Secondly, immortals dare not be indifferent to fame and wealth, and be less involved in karma, because they have a heavenly calamity on their heads! "

"My dear, you don't want to create a natural disaster rule for everyone, do you?" BoBo exclaimed.

Hera's expression changed greatly.

The countless divine magicians below either looked blank (people who didn’t understand the Heavenly Tribulation and the Eastern Immortals), or looked horrified (those who knew about the Heavenly Tribulation).

"Yes, you all know that I am writing magic rules recently. Not long ago, I had a few words with my friend, Lex Luthor, and I was deeply touched by his words. I feel that now we Now that you have the ability, you should find a way to regulate the daily behavior of extraordinary people."

Harley said with emotion: "It is impossible for a person to live a lifetime without making mistakes, but there is a big difference between ordinary people making mistakes and extraordinary people making mistakes.

Mortals are bound by law, and laws and institutions also have the power to punish criminal behavior.

But the extraordinary ones are outside the law and have no one to manage them. There are no rules to check and balance them.

BoBo just said that there are good people among you. If you think you are good people, ask yourself, have you ever served justice for every innocent person you met who was harmed by the mage?

Even though there are superheroes among mages, their number is very small. They only focus on big events and have no concern for ordinary murder cases.

Maybe some mages who are defined as good people and normal people feel from the bottom of their hearts that extraordinary people are more noble. The stronger and higher the realm, the more noble they are, and the more they can trample on the weak at will.

Ordinary people deserve to die for killing people, but a sentence of condemnation from a god for killing someone is considered just and unyielding.

Alas, these words seem a little inappropriate coming from my mouth, because I am not a good person in setting my own standards.

But I thought and looked and looked, and it seems that no one else in the multiverse is qualified except me.

Anyway, I am awesome now and will no longer do black or dirty work in the future. Just treat my past as holy, flawless, noble and majestic as my future. "

After sighing with emotion, she continued: "Even if the mage is guilty of serious crimes, as long as he is smart enough to find a compatible evil god or demon before death, use innocent people as sacrifices, and perform blood sacrifices to win favor and commitment, the soul will also be with him after death. If you can avoid the punishment of hell, you can even continue to enjoy yourself and do evil.

This is extremely unfair and unjust, and it is also the root cause of the magic debt crisis.

Cause and effect will never disappear, they will only be linked one after another. The calamity gradually accumulates and finally breaks out completely, forming a catastrophe that affects the entire magical world. All extraordinary people must pay the price for those bastards who created the "cause of evil". fruit'. "

"What I have to do now is to bring justice into the magic world. I will accept the punishment for my own sins. An honest and prudent mage can always be alone and live a life of peace and happiness without disaster.

This should be good news for all mages who are not scumbags and hate their scumbag life for the first half of their lives, right? Harley asked, looking around at everyone.

"This is good news, great news!" BoBo nodded repeatedly, and the orangutan's face was full of excitement, and he even danced with excitement, "Harry, you are my friend. I didn't want to use too exaggerated words to praise you, so as not to You misunderstood that I was flattering you, but I was so excited that I couldn’t help it. I had to praise you loudly, you are so great, Hallelujah~ oh oh oh!!!”

It raised its neck and let out a series of gorilla calls.

Harry smiled and said, "You are just telling the truth. It's not even a compliment, let alone flattery?"

Hera frowned and asked in an unnatural tone: "Harry, what are the specific rules of the Heavenly Tribulation?"

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