I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1949 Flood Fighting and Rescue

When the high-level chaotic magic power outside the multiverse pours into the strange mother nest like a flood that breaks a dam, the first thing to bear the brunt is the strange and true body.

When she first got into the chaotic magic sea, Harley also thought that there might be "sea water" flowing into the multiverse along the hole in the wall of the world.

At that time, she just thought about it and didn't care. She didn't think that this might become a major crisis that threatened the multiverse, because there was a weird and real body behind the hole.

The upside-down person will use his strong body to block the gap.

The huge size of the weird and real body once put so much pressure on Harley, but now such a huge and weird and real body can bring her the same sense of security.

The Upside Down comes from the Chaos Magic Sea, and what it said - originally it and the unused Chaos Magic Sea were thrown away, and it was it that dragged the Chaos Magic Sea closer to DC. It got into the DC universe, and the Chaos Magic Sea was left behind. behind.

At first it could pull the chaotic magic sea, but now it shouldn't be a big problem if it uses its real body as a sandbag and blocks it behind the hole in the wall of the world.

This is Harley's consideration.

Whether the Upside Down wants it or not, its true body is behind the hole, and it must be a sandbag to block the flood of the multiverse.

When it couldn't hold on anymore, she had almost absorbed the magic power and raised the magic defense expertise to the highest level that could be improved at this time.

With this expertise, she can easily build a flood embankment with magic and block the tide of chaos.

But her calculations were very good, and people didn't want to let her take pleasure in it.

The Upside Down simply gave up resistance. Not only did it wait for death and the flood to submerge itself, it even took the initiative to open the door to the thieves and open its arms to welcome the flood, allowing the source of dark magic in the strange motherland to be washed away and swallowed by the flood.

If it tries its best to block it, even if the chaotic magic energy level is very high, it is far higher than its own dark magic power.

It will take a lot of time to completely return it to chaos.

It can even persist until the broken wall of the world heals, forming new scars, and finally survives, saving a small life.

But if it voluntarily dies, the strange and real body that should have become a solid embankment of the multiverse will become a thousand-mile plain, where tsunamis and flood waves can flow unimpeded and wash away at will.

The Upside Down is very decisive. Even if it tries its best to block it, it will only serve as cannon fodder for "Witch Harley". All its efforts will ensure her peace and prosperity.

It is not cheap, it would rather bring the world to its death and give "Witch Harley" a big comeuppance.

Not only did it give up resistance, it also actively integrated its dark magic power into the surging chaotic magic power.

Dark it plus light Hecate, light and darkness reverse chaos, easier than melting a smoothie in scalding boiling water.

Now it's Harley's turn.

The flood rushed into the strange mother's nest and began to form huge waves. The huge waves rolled and roared into an indestructible tsunami of chaotic magic. The reality of the multiverse was about to be annihilated. Can she continue to bathe in the sea of ​​chaos?

"Whoosh~~~" Harley activated her level 12 magic defense expertise to the limit. The violent chaotic magic around her immediately became docile like a tame horse, accepting her control and leading her forward quickly.

Her speed is faster than the tsunami. If the Upside Down hadn't decomposed itself and actively dragged the Chaos Tsunami forward, she would have been able to rush back before the Chaos Tsunami got close to Dr. Destiny, Lao Zha and the others.

Even if the Inverted Man returns to Chaos on his own will and takes the initiative to lead the way, Harley is only one step behind.

When she arrived, the golden "God of Order Body" Nabu was still struggling and howling miserably.

The golden cloak of order is like a tattered bed sheet that has been eroded by time, with only a few strands of "cotton wool" attached to it.

The golden Breastplate of Order lost its former majesty and became a piece of rusted iron.

The Arm Armor of Order, Gloves of Order, Boots of Order, Leggings of Order and other parts have disappeared. It is unknown whether they were completely eroded by the magic of Chaos or were washed away by the huge waves.

Naboo's golden helmet, on the other hand, is still shining and still struggling. There are only seven or eight corroded holes in it. The largest hole can fit a child's fist. It is also very miserable, but compared to his Order brothers, his condition most.

"No, Harley Quinn, I'm not Spooky, I'm Naboo, save me, please."

He could still hear Harley's teasing and call out to Harley for help.

Harley released her semi-detached mental power and scanned everywhere in the tsunami of chaos, carefully searching for traces of Xiao Zha and Zha Kang. She said casually: "It's hopeless. Look at your appearance now. It's been eroded to the point where there's only a broken piece left." It’s just scrap metal. Saving it is just a waste of food. Rest in peace!”

"I'm still useful and can be saved. Harley Quinn, please, I have now joined Heaven and become a supernumerary angel. I even offered my Law of Order to Silver City and transformed the power of Order into the Holy Power of Order. We It's a colleague!" Nabu wailed.

"Colleagues? Sorry, I don't know. I really don't know about this. I'm looking for my real companions and colleagues."

Harley said nonchalantly, mentally scanning around and failing to find Xiao Zha and the others, only focusing on one of her real colleagues.

She stood in front of the waves without moving. Only a ray of spiritual power penetrated the chaotic magic sea and came to her colleagues.

"Ulie, you don't seem to be in good condition?"

As powerful as Uriel, even if his mental power comes into contact with the magic of chaos, he will be eroded by its beyond-limit energy level and the twisted characteristics of chaos.

At this moment, he was directly submerged by the tsunami of chaos. His holy power, soul power, and even the power of the king were like rock candy dropped into smoking tea, quickly digested and disappeared.

But Uriel himself did not disappear entirely.

At least there is still a faint shadow left, and there is a mysterious holy light mark at the core of the shadow.

Harley stared at the mark, thoughtfully.

Just looking at it, she felt a kind of pressure that was even "higher" than that of the Maharaja.

Although the coercion is not strong, the level is very high.

Harley guessed that it was probably evidence of the "Tongue of God", the most original imprint left by God when he created Uriel.

"Ulie, can you still speak? I want to ask you something, where are my friends Xiao Zha and John? I searched around and found no trace of them."

"Harley Quinn? Save me, save me quickly, my soul is going to completely dissipate, real death, the soul will not exist, I'm so scared, help me" Uriel said intermittently, it was very difficult.

"I'm asking you something."

"They left, they left early, please save me!" Uriel shouted repeatedly.

"No wonder they can't be found anywhere." Harry was relieved a little, and then deliberately doubted: "You couldn't have told lies on purpose to prevent me from continuing to look for them in order to get me to stay and save you, right?"

"I swear to the Lord, they are really gone. Harley Quinn, stop looking for them and save me quickly."

"I can't save you. Your soul is gone now. All that's left is the original mark left by Brother God. Is that mark left by Brother God? What is it specifically?"

Although she is only a mental projection now, her knowledge will not be reduced.

She couldn't even leave Kui's reincarnation mark on Uriel because he no longer had a soul, not even a remnant soul.

The seal of reincarnation can only be stamped on the soul.

“The mark you see is the ‘name’ given to me by God, which represents the ‘tongue of God.’ The name is our true core.

Take me back to heaven, go back immediately, Your Majesty can save me, hurry, I must go back to heaven immediately. Uriel said eagerly.

Harley said: "I can't go back now. Can't you see the tsunami of chaotic magic around me? I have to stay here to block the tsunami."

"Tsunami is not important, save me first, hurry, hurry."

"You are nothing in my eyes, and I want to save you first."

Harry curled his lips and said unceremoniously: "Even if there is no tsunami, Holy Aunt, I will immediately go to the end of the Chaos Magic Sea to have a feast.

To send you back to heaven, you have to completely leave the strange nest. Who knows if you will be able to enter the chaotic magic sea again in the future after leaving this time. "

"You, you and I are tongues of fire! You have also seen that I have a 'name' given and written by God himself." Uriel began to get excited.

"Crack~~" A crack appeared in the plate-sized "God's Tongue Seal" in the center of the phantom.

Harley said disapprovingly: "I'm still God's sister, you, a has-been Fire Tongue, don't look good enough in front of me.

If I can save you easily, I don't mind getting some credit, but there is no way I can save you at a huge cost to myself. "


The God's Tongue mark once again appeared with two cracks running through it on the left and right, and the shadow began to flicker.

"Witch Hallie, you refused to save me. Aren't you afraid that the Lord and the Lord will blame you? If you don't want others to know, you can't hide it from the Lord unless you do it yourself." Uriel's weak voice had obvious traces of struggling.

Although he struggled hard, his voice was still so weak that Harley almost couldn't hear it.

"Haha, it's the first day you met me? I'm afraid that the king will blame you? Don't worry, there is no need for the king and the Lord to use omniscience. I will take the initiative to tell them your situation. They will definitely not punish me. If they dare to punish me, I got mad.

Damn it, you are stupid, even after I fished you out, you still refuse to leave. If you stay here and encounter a big flood, I will fight the flood and provide disaster relief. I am honorable and just. You deserve to die!

Anyone who dares to blame me will be criticized by me even if God comes. " Harley said.


I don’t know whether it was stimulated by her words or the effect of the tsunami of chaotic magic power around him. The Tongue of God mark split into two pieces, and Uriel was silent again.

"Stay well, don't give up, learn from Xiao Zha's father, have an indestructible will to survive, and hold on until the flood is over. I'm leaving first!"

Harley said something to the slowly disappearing shadow, and then moved to the next place happily.

It's Lao Zha!

Ha Li really admired Lao Zha if he talked about nothing else but his will to survive.

Uriel is gone, but Lao Zha still has one last mental afterimage left behind.

His soul completely dissipated, but his last thoughts remained in the form of echoes.

"Giovanni?" Harley called, but there was no response.

It has no sense of self anymore, only echo.

Harley touched it lightly with her spiritual tentacles and received his last cry: Hate hate hate, I hate, I won't give in, I have been planning for decades, even my favorite daughter has left me, and I have overcome thousands of difficulties. Despite the danger, I finally reached the finish line and crossed the finish line to hold my trophy. Why did the tsunami of chaotic magic suddenly come? Why? I have already won. This ending is unreasonable, too abrupt, unmagical, and illogical. I refuse to accept it. Xiao Zha, Xiao Zha, dad will never see you again. I hate hate hate. I hate it. I will not accept it.

"Lao Zha, it's not easy for you to get to this point. It's a pity that you are not lucky. I'm sorry."

Harley sighed first, and then said to herself: "Old Zha said that he would never see Xiao Zha again, which means that without the tsunami of chaotic magic power, he could see Xiao Zhaulie. He didn't lie. Xiao Zha really left!

If Xiao Zha was also present, Lao Zha's emotion should be 'My poor Xiao Zha, I'm sorry for you'. "

She was completely relieved, and immediately took back the mental power she was scanning around to her body, and concentrated all her strength on dealing with the tsunami of chaotic magic.

Her primary purpose is to save Xiao Zha and Zha Kang, but her core purpose is to block the tide of chaotic magic and not let it wash away DC's reality.

It is better to block than to remove, and to control is worse than sparse.

Harley couldn't even block the huge tide of chaotic magic power.

Within the multiverse, there is nowhere to divert the floods. If the floods are diverted elsewhere, it will only be a beggar-thy-neighbor approach, which cannot solve the flood disaster.

There is only one way to control.

Harley does have the ability to control the tide of chaotic magic.

Even that little piece of trash like the Upside Down Man can pull the Chaos Magic Sea with his own will, and Harley is no worse than him.

Although they are called tsunamis, they are actually magic power, chaotic magic power that has no owner and no will of its own.

As long as it is magic power, it can leave a spiritual imprint and then be controlled by the mage. The key is whether the spiritual imprint can be successfully imprinted.

As powerful as Uriel, but unable to even touch the chaotic magic power, Harley has level 12 magic defense expertise, which not only prevents her from being eroded, but can also use her weak mental power to pry away the huge chaotic magic water under her body.

Harley's spiritual power swept through the violent tide of chaotic magic, easily imprinting the mark of the Thick-skinned Way on it.

From now on, these tides belong to her, and they serve her as the Queen of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Harley released all her semi-detached soul power, and used the way a mage controls magic to control as many waves of chaos as possible, and control them to block the "back wave" that surged behind and was not controlled by her.

The weird and real body is behind the DC reality, and beyond that is the reality of the weird world, which is the dividing line.

Breaking through this dividing line, the tide of chaotic magic will erode the reality of the DC multiverse and destroy the laws of the multiverse.

If left alone, Harley was not sure whether it could directly flood and destroy the entire multiverse in the end, but the tragedy of killing countless parallel universes and killing all living things in the parallel universes would definitely happen.

So Harley's bottom line is not to let the tide of chaos enter the real world in the strange motherland.

She wants to control the ocean tide within the scope of the original weird and real body, and slowly push it in the direction outside the multiverse, slowly push the waves out, push out the scope of the weird mother nest, and let it return to the chaotic sea outside the multiverse.

Now she just hopes that before she can control the tsunami of chaos and push out the incoming chaotic sea water, the strange mother's nest, which serves as a temporary reservoir, will not leak or have any gaps, otherwise the trouble will be really big.

Although she focused her energy on the tide of chaos and no longer actively searched for survivors, in the process of gradually controlling the tide of chaos, Harley still managed to save an "expected and unexpected person" - the Fire Angel Udon.

Harley was a little surprised to see Udon floating in the tide and howling miserably, but after thinking about it carefully, it was natural.

"Ah, ah, it hurts so much, my soul is about to burst. Ah, Lord, I pray to you, please save me from the sea of ​​suffering~~"

Among the survivors that Harley encountered, the most complete was Udon, the Fire Angel, whose cry was louder than Naboo's.

She stood on the tide of chaos without moving. With a thought, the tide of chaos under her control came to her carrying Udon's remaining soul.

The speed is faster than light. One second, Udon was still struggling in darkness, chaos, and distortion. The next moment Harley sensed him, the soft holy light dispelled the darkness, fear, and eliminated the pain that tore apart the soul.

"Lord, you have appeared. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Lord, I repent to you. I have never given you 100% sincerity and piety in the past. Today, you~~~er, Lord Guard?"

He was sobbing and sincerely repenting in the direction of the hazy holy light. Suddenly the hazy holy light dispersed, and a familiar face, occupying most of the "sky", came towards him.

Although the face was very familiar and he recognized it immediately, he was still in a daze for a while, thinking that Lord Guard had become God.

Harley looked at her right palm, and there was only a fragment of Udon's soul the size of her fingertip, kneeling in her palm.

If you don't get closer, you can hardly see his expression clearly.

His expression was dull, as if he hadn't come back to his senses yet.

"You are lucky. Among the group of archangels, including Uriel, you are the only one who survived." Harley said with emotion.

Udon was the first angel she encountered in her strange homeland.

He was actually very unlucky when he was first rescued by her.

In order to fight for his remaining soul from the Upside Down, Harley had no choice but to infiltrate his soul with the power of the Thick-skin War God, imprinting the Thick-skin mark on his soul.

Udon thought that the foundation of the Seal of Thick Skin was God descending to earth, a purer and more original power of God, but Harley knew that this unlucky guy had become impure.

When he returns to Silver City, even if the superiors don't investigate him, they will tacitly exclude him from the core of power. Uriel will not treat him well, and even hates him. He will look for opportunities to "send him to the frontier" in the future - Arrangement A drudgery, put it away, and leave heaven forever.

But including Uriel, there are more than 20,000 angels (including fallen angels), and only Udon can struggle and howl in the tsunami of chaotic magic power.

Even if she doesn't come to save him, he can persist for a long, long time because he has the mark of thick skin on his soul.

The seal of thick skin is not fixed and remains unchanged forever.

As Harley's magic (divine power) defense expertise increases, the Seal of Thick Skin's resistance to high-level magic will also increase simultaneously.

Therefore, only the parts of Udon's body that were not branded with the thick-skin mark were instantly annihilated in the tide of chaotic magic power, but the core of his soul could be preserved.

"Master Guard, Master Ulie, where are Wu Neng and Wu Hai? They are stronger than me, and can they persist longer than me?" Even in the current situation, Udon still cares about his old master.

"It's gone. Not even a shadow of Wu Neng or Wu Hai can be found. Uriel only has half a cracked obsession left. The core of his soul is completely annihilated. There is no hope." Harley said.

Udon was about to ask what and where the "Cracked Obsession" was when suddenly Nabu's weak and angry voice came from the side, "No, I'm not dead yet. I can still save people. I'm also an archangel." Ah! Udon, you have seen with your own eyes that I have the Holy Glory of Order, I am the Angel of Order, please help me bear witness."

Udon glanced at Harley and stopped nodding. His lips moved a few times but he didn't say a word.

Nabu is next to the Lord Guard.

By now, the helmet was full of holes. The guard looked kind and gentle while talking to him, but he didn't seem to notice the rotten helmet on the side.

Her attitude towards Naboo was already clear.

Although he sympathized with Naboo, he knew that he could not twist the will of the Lord Guard.

"Save me, please, Holy Aunt Harley, save me. As long as you save me, I can do anything you want." Nabu was still wailing.

Udon was a little surprised and wondered: "Why can Nabu persist for so long? Master Uriel has the power of a king, and his strength, identity, status, and realm are much greater than him, but he can't persist as long as me."

"Didn't you find something strange about yourself? Except when you were first immersed in the sea of ​​chaotic magic power, part of your soul power and all the holy power had a magic annihilation reaction, and were forcibly transformed into a part of the chaotic magic power. After that, your soul There is just pain in the core and no real damage.”

Udon was not stupid and immediately thought of the differences between himself and other angel souls.

"Is it the thick-skinned God of War mark that you stamped on my soul with the power of God?"

Harley nodded slightly, "That's why I said you were lucky. I just wanted to save you from the Upside Down and leave a mark on your soul. I didn't expect that it would save you from the Upside Down again in the end."

She quietly put the tsunami of chaotic magic power on the head of the upside-down man who was unable to cry out for his injustice, and glanced at the rapidly corroding rotten helmet from the corner of her eye, and continued: "Nabu's realm and power are not as good as Uriel's, but he Is it an entity, his body is still the ninth divine gold.

It is considered normal for the Ninth God Jin to persist in the chaotic magic until now.

But there was only a remnant of Uriel's soul left, and even the remnant soul was cut into flesh and bones by the Upside Down, and all his pure and powerful soul power was harvested.

Said to be a remnant soul, it is actually the last obsession.

Even the remnant soul is not as good as the remnant soul. Even with the blessing of the power of the monarch, it is just an interstellar cannon made of tofu. It has high output but is extremely fragile. Especially when facing the tsunami of chaotic magic power, he directly uses the remnant soul to hard anal annihilation reaction, not for Die? "

"Sir Uriel definitely doesn't want to use his remnant soul to fight against the annihilation reaction of chaotic magic. He immediately wants Zatara to open the transmission channel." Udon shook his head and said: "No, Lord Uriel had it earlier. I have a sense of crisis. Alas, it’s just that the magic of chaos came too quickly.”

"If he really has a dangerous spiritual sense, he shouldn't stay in the strange motherland for a long time as a remnant soul." Harry waved his hands half-heartedly, "Forget it, I don't care about your bad things. I will wait until I return to Silver Cheng, you can explain it to the king yourself."

Uriel was speechless.

"Witch Harley, you should think carefully about how you want to explain to the king!"

When his pleas received no response, Nabu was completely desperate and no longer concealed the hatred in his heart, "I revealed my identity as an archangel, but you refused to save me.

Udon knows about this, and both the Maharaja and God will know about it.

You failed to do things well, failed to save the angels of the Angel Legion, and even murdered the dignified Angel of the Holy Order. Just wait, your punishment and retribution will come soon. "

"From the beginning of the magic debt crisis to now, you have made many choices. If you had considered karma when making a decision once, you would not have ended up in the situation you are in today."

Harley glanced at him, her expression calm, not very angry, not very happy about his miserable wails.

“All choices that don’t put you first, don’t rely on you, cooperate with you, and don’t fully stand on your side are all wrong choices?

Do you think you are the daughter of destiny and the whole world revolves around you?

Phew, there was nothing wrong with my choice.

I won't be your vassal.

I despise those mages who revolve around you and lose their personality and self-esteem.

I only hate that fate is unfair and God is unfair. "

The more Nab spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the more unwilling and angry he became, "My plans, my choices, every step I took along the way were full of wisdom and determination. I even played tricks on the upside-down man and you.

I deceived the origin of the transcendent level from the Upside Down Man (the Upside Down Man's level 10 magic power), and improved my divine power of order to something close to transcendence without leaving any sequelae.

I use the no-kill principle of a righteous hero to make you hate me so much that you can’t even do anything to me.

I finally entered the strange nest, letting you weather the thunder in front while I enjoy the joy of the harvest in the back. I have done my best to ensure perfection.

It's a shame that nature has tricked people. Why did the upside-down man go so crazy that he actually released the chaotic magic power of the omnipotent universe into the multiverse?

Did you seize its vitals and leave it with no choice but to perish with you and the world?

But why didn't you die?

It must be a super god descending to earth, right?

Dog God, I have sold myself to you and dedicated millions of years of accumulation to you, but you are not willing to take care of me even a little bit?

Why do all the benefits go only to the shameless bastard Witch Harley?

If there really is retribution in the world, she should inflict retribution!

Dog God, have you heard and responded to me, even if you use divine punishment to sanction my accusations and my blasphemy against you? "

Udon was very angry, "Master Guards, please punish him on behalf of the Lord and sanction his blasphemy."

"He's almost dead, why do you care what he does?" Harley said disapprovingly.

Udon shouted to the rotten helmet: "Nabu, His Majesty the God of War in heaven has a lot of people. I won't care about you, but I will definitely take your blasphemous words back. I want all the angels in heaven to know that you are not guilty. It’s pardonable, and you deserve to die!”

Nabu cursed loudly, "Fuck you Mad Paradise, heaven is the most filthy place in the world! Fuck you angels, angels are just a bunch of bastards of male thieves and female prostitutes! It's all you who forced me to be where I am today."

Harley said in surprise: "You seem to have a point in your words? Who forced you, and what did you force you to do?"

"They forced me to enter the Weird Motherland to mine! Obviously you have handed over your magic power to Heaven and let the Holy Power of Heaven complete the magic redemption. There is no shortage of power in Heaven, but they refused to give it to me.

Although they had already accepted me as the ‘Angel of Order’, they refused to give me the benefits of an archangel and only let me figure it out on my own.

They even refused to make the decision for me to cancel the ‘Magical Traitor Trial’ after the magic debt crisis ended.

How can I, the majestic God King of Order and the guardian of human civilization, be tried as a traitor?

Why are you judging me? Who is qualified to judge me?

They are just forcing me, forcing me to work hard to gain benefits for them. "

"Oh, you must follow me into the strange motherland and dig hard to escape the great judgment."

If Harry realized something, he shook his head and said, "I don't know who you mean by 'them', and I'm not interested in knowing.

But I can give you a 100% sure answer - God himself comes and finds me personally, and there is no way he can revoke the great judgment against you.

Even if you really get rich from mining, using your magical power to bribe the archangels will have no effect.

Even if you are completely dead now, I tell you, the big trial about you will still be held on the earth later.

The news has been released, the victims are gearing up, and the judge has been selected, and it is impossible to cancel it.

It is even grander than the Great Judgment of Mankind in the Dark Night of Judgment.

Representatives of all heavens and realms will be invited, and the sins of you and the God of Order will be inscribed on the Tower of Destiny.

The Tower of Destiny looks like an obelisk, which can record your crimes. It will be erected in Limbo and become a monument to sinners. It will be stinking for eternity and will be immortal.

A statue of you kneeling in repentance will be placed at the gate of each victimized plane, and will be reviled by the local people for generations to come. "

"Witch Harley, you are so cruel~~" Nabu's voice was full of grief and anger.

It's as if Harley is the dog judge who wrongly convicted the case, and he is Dou E who made June snow fall.

Ha Liqi said: "Let's not talk about the evil things you did and whether they should be punished. Those who judge you and accuse you are all the victims who were harmed by you in the first place. Even the organizers are strangers. How can you What do you mean I'm cruel?

At most I can be a witness to prove the evil things you have done.

You can rest assured that I will never commit perjury or slander you.

No need for any slander, your sins are countless. "

"The Stranger didn't even think about trying me at first. It was you who forced him to give you an explanation or beat me to death, so he proposed to replace lynching based on personal emotions with a fair trial." Neb shouted.

He shouted excitedly, but his voice was very weak. His mental fluctuations were like a candle in the wind, and it seemed that it would be completely extinguished in the next moment.

Harley was a little hesitant. Since he reacted so violently to the Great Trial, should he keep his last obsession, participate in the entire trial, and then seal his obsession in the Tower of Destiny. After the Tower of Destiny became the Monument of Sinners, It seems more enjoyable to be placed in Limbo Prison and receive the condolences of gods and magicians from other worlds. Nabu Cannian listens to everyone's eternal curses in the monument?

Udon said with contempt on his face: "Master Guards, please stop talking nonsense with him, Nabu is no longer the God King of Order.

He is no different from a scoundrel. He only knows how to curse and complain, and has no magnanimity or heart.

Even if a mage dies, he should retain the elegance and dignity of the mage, and do not yell. I remember this was a famous saying left by Giovanni Zatara during the joint channeling, which is widely circulated in the earth's mage circles.

Nabu's current performance is not even considered a top powerhouse. "

We really can't blame Nabu for his lack of magnanimity. During the magic annihilation reaction, his spirit, will, thoughts, and divinity were all disappearing rapidly. He had quickly changed from a tall giant to a short, stooped "villain".

He is no longer the God-King Nabu, he is the survival instinct left by the former God-King Nabu.

Harley came back to her senses and said: "You don't understand, I like him the most now. The lower he is, the happier I am."

"He is too lowly and does not deserve your attention! As noble as you are, it is a waste to give him even a glance, let alone your attention." Udon said excitedly.

"This is true, but low can also be used in low." Harry taught earnestly: "Think about it, on the day of judgment, the victim will only know that Naboo is dead, and the resentment in his heart will definitely not be completely dissipated, and there will be regrets.

If I told them how miserable and low Neb was before his death, they would definitely feel better. "

"You tell them one by one, how troublesome it is."

"You don't need to tell them one by one. I can extract the memories, make a video, give it to Lois Lane, and make it into a series of special programs - "The End of Naboo", so that people in the entire multiverse can watch it. Laugh while watching, and feel happy while laughing.

Speaking of which, Naboo seems to be a bit great, making everyone in the world happy and dying a valuable death. " Harley said.

Udon's expression was a little twisted.

"Witch Ha——" Before he even finished calling his name, Nabu suddenly lost his breath.

"Oops, Naboo's helmet is cracked," cried Harley.

Udon turned his head to look, and saw that the helmet, which had been eroded to the point where only a frame was left, was indeed torn apart.

"Naboo, Naboo, can you still breathe?" Harry shouted several times, but there was no response.

"Sir, Naboo is gone. We..." Udon hesitated for a moment and then asked: "You said before that Sir Uriel still has his last obsession."

"It was cracked and gone. I chatted with him for a few words, but he couldn't hold on. The sacred mark fell into pieces, just like the Naboo helmet at this time. In the end, the obsession also fell apart and disappeared."

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