"I'm that woman's daughter?!"

Diana almost couldn't help shouting excitedly: Impossible, absolutely impossible, mother, don't talk nonsense!

Now she was still very excited, but finally she didn't lose her temper and roar.

"Mother, you are still you now. Your soul, your will, and your body are all completely your own!"

If she only heard the conclusion "You are Hecate's daughter", she would sneer and think the person who said this must be crazy.

Hippolyta's few words made her understand the theoretical derivation of this conclusion.

Hippolyta was harvested by Hecate before she was born. According to the "Harvest of Hecate" she has experienced, the witch's soul will be integrated into the collective consciousness, and the body and consciousness space will be occupied by Hecate's will. It is indeed considered a part of Hecate. If she gives birth to a child with this body , can really be said to be the child of Hecate.

At this time, Xuanlan and Enduo were still soaking in Harley's "thick-skinned holy power". They did not try to give birth to a good child like Wu Huo, and 18 years later they had another good daughter. Because the bodies of Xuanlan and Endo were not destroyed, they were occupied by Hecate's will and became Hecate's flesh and blood. They first plundered the earth, harvested the earth's basic law system, and then harvested the heavens and the world.

If Harley defeats Hecate and completely kills Hecate's will in Xuanlan and Endo's bodies, the two heroines can return to their own bodies without giving up their achievements and bonds in this life.

If it were not for Harley, the last obsessions of Xuan Lan, Endo, and Wu Huo would have completely disappeared into the spiritual space of the moon exterior. Hecate had completely digested and absorbed them, and then extracted their memories and thoughts from the collective consciousness. Leave, throw yourself into the body of Xuanlan or Enduo, perfectly disguise yourself as Xuanlan and Enduo, and give birth to a child with a certain male hero. Will the child belong to Enduo, Xuanlan, or Hecate?

It must belong to Hecate, because theoretically, Endo and Xuanlan no longer exist.

The idea that this was the case with Hippolyta made Diana tremble, unwilling to accept it, unwilling to face it.

And she also had reasons to question it, Hippolyta obviously had her own independent will.

She is not Hecate.

"Yes, I am still me, I have my own soul and independent will, but this does not mean that my soul, body and independent will are completely mine.

My soul and independent will were given to me by the goddess Hecate.

She can harvest my soul and integrate it into the collective consciousness, or she can harvest it and put it back into my body so that I can still live the same life as before, but at a critical moment I can become the 'Goddess Hecate'. "

Hippolyta is also clearly in pain and grief and has a hard time accepting this fact.

She hugged her daughter and buried her head in her daughter's hair - after absorbing the magic of Chaos, Diana had no hair, and her head could glow like a real light bulb, but "Chaos Diana" was like Shazam's transformation, and could release the state of chaos afterwards. , can also continue to be maintained. Diana cannot accept her ugly appearance after incarnating into Chaos, and returns the Chaos magic power to Xiao Zha while searching for Circe.

"Have you noticed that the priest you met at the Forest Crossroads Festival never saw you again?

They were all dead, killed by 'I', completely harvested, and turned into ashes.

After coaxing you to leave, I asked them sternly to tell them honestly what they had done to you.

Because Paradise Island does not prohibit belief and sacrifice to the goddess Hecate, and this is not the first time they have held a ceremony in the forest. Although I have never participated in it, and I know very well about their behavior, I have never interfered or stopped it.

So they thought this time was no different from before, and told me what happened at that time very frankly.

Then they were frightened and looked at me with complex emotions such as fear, closeness, and longing.

That was not me. My own consciousness had sunk into the lake of my heart. The will of the goddess Hecate awakened in me without any obstacles, and even directly showed the illusion of three heads and six arms.

What they saw was the angry goddess Hecate.

They knelt down and begged for mercy, but they didn't understand what mistake they had made, and were harvested by the goddess Hecate on the spot.

A complete harvest, the strength, soul and body all disappeared.

Now you should be able to understand why she is so angry, right? "

Diana's voice was muffled and her throat was dry, "That woman didn't mind the content of the ritual being exposed to others at other times, but my situation was very different that time.

She must never let anyone know that I have her power and soul fragments stored in my body.

Since the priests can freely confess everything to you, they may also tell others about it.

If outsiders were to let the gods know, they might become suspicious.

At least he would examine my body and soul from the inside out as carefully as Harley did.

When that woman killed them, she was killing Chi Guoguo and silencing them. "

"Yes, kill and silence! You are too young. I am part of the goddess Hecate. Kill all those Amazon priestesses. No one will know what happened that night. Until now, there is no need to keep it secret. You Recovering your memory, I also revived my memory, and the extremely terrible truth was revealed."

Although Hippolyta stopped whimpering, she could not help but choke up and cry silently.

It's no wonder that she, a battle-hardened female warrior who has lived for millions of years, would cry.

Her life experiences and emotions, and even her most cherished and precious daughter, may not be hers. She is just a shadow, a puppet put on the stage by others. It is not even a puppet, it can only be regarded as a puppet's face. makeup on.

This cruel fact is enough to defeat any strong-willed warrior.

"Mother, don't panic, don't cry." Diana held back the tears that came out of her eyes, suppressed the panic and fear gushing out of her heart, and comforted her mother: "Hecate is just threatening us with lies, can you? Now, if you can express this kind of thought, it proves that you have your own independent will.

Independent will cannot be given by others.

All others can do is blind you and deceive you, making you believe that your independent will is not independent. "

"This is a ritual, a ritual to store the fragments of power and soul split by the goddess Hecate."

Hippolyta shook her head gently, and finally there was no more crying in her voice.

Feeling her daughter's panic and fear, the panic and fear in her heart disappeared or maybe not disappeared, but were suppressed by the courage of being a mother.

“Not only you, but other witches who were personally branded with the March Seal by the goddess Hecate are in a similar situation, and they are all her daughters.

If you weren't her daughter, why were you chosen?

How could ordinary witches withstand the fragments of her soul and power? They were immediately overwhelmed.

Or the soul is split open, the aura of power leaks out, and someone discovers something abnormal. "

Diana said eagerly: “No, that’s not the case, there are only weird things in the world that we can’t imagine.

Our specialness does not need to be given by the identity of ‘daughter of Hecate’.

Mother, think about it, the magic debt crisis started recently.

Because it was only recently that Hecate completely released her seal and returned to the real universe.

Previously, she could only passively harvest the souls of dead witches with nowhere to go.

The search for witches to store the divided consciousness fragments and powers has continued for billions of years.

She had just been sealed at that time, so how could she harvest a witch, take over her body and give birth to a child? "

"Being sealed does not mean that she cannot affect the real universe. The goddess Hecate cannot harvest the entire magical world. It is not too difficult to only affect a few ordinary women with fragile souls, weak wills, and unawakened magic who only have the power of blood.

You may be able to investigate the few witches who also have fragments of souls and powers stored in them.

Their mothers must not be strong. They may have powerful ancestors, but their own talents are not strong, and they can even be called weak. Hippolyta said.

Wu Huo is an orphan, and his mother is definitely not a wizard. Most likely, she is not even a normal person with a family and a job.

Xuanlan was born in a middle-class family, but neither her parents were wizards. Her magic power came from the "Magic Experiment" of the Shadow Bureau.

Only Endo's family has some connection to the power of miracles: her parents' tribe has priests.

However, the old priest has only been a magic apprentice his whole life, and Endo's parents are not priests themselves.

All seem to be in line with Hippolyta's statement.

"But you are not an ordinary woman who is born weak!" Diana said excitedly: "You are Hippolyta!

You are the Queen of the Amazons in myths and historical legends. You have powerful divine power and unyielding will.

Moreover, your life and battles have always been under the watchful eye of the gods. As powerful as Father God Zeus, he will definitely not be able to detect any abnormality in you, if there is really any abnormality in you.

He found nothing, which means you are fine. "

Hippolyta said bitterly: "Under normal circumstances, before the seal is officially lifted, it is indeed difficult for the goddess Hecate to influence me, let alone harvest me, but the situation on Paradise Island is abnormal.

We have never renounced our belief in the goddess Hecate.

Devout faith means devoting one's body and soul to the gods and letting the gods' will become one's course of action.

Your father God Zeus is indeed very powerful, but the influence of the goddess Hecate on me comes from the deepest magic mark. If he could detect the abnormality, he would not have to abandon his family and run away alone. "

"No, I still can't believe it. That woman must have influenced you, but not to completely harvest you, but to distort your thoughts and will.

Mother, you come with me, and we go to Lishan to find Hallie. Halley will definitely be able to expose that woman’s deception and eliminate the distortion of her thoughts on you. "Diana said firmly.

After hearing this, Hippolyta let go of her daughter, took two steps back, and gently touched her daughter's cheek. Her eyes were extremely gentle, full of nostalgia and reluctance.

"Negation cannot change the facts, nor can it affect the facts. Diana, I am telling you this not to deny the fact that you are my daughter.

You will always be my most cherished and precious daughter!

No one can change my perception, not even facts.

I only say this because I know what you have been doing lately, and you need to know this secret of the goddess Hecate. "

"I don't care about this secret. This secret is a lie and it won't do me any good! I just want your best, and I just hope that you and your sisters on Paradise Island are safe and sound." Diana grabbed her mother's shoulders and said excitedly.

"I am fine, and so are the sisters." Hippolyta smiled bitterly, "I am already the 'shadow' of the goddess Hecate, and she will not change my way of existence in a short time.

No need.

She was very busy and didn't even have time to pay attention to our conversation at this time, otherwise I wouldn't have come out to see you.

Many sisters on the island are her believers. They have believed in her for countless years and have long belonged to her. There is no need for her to harvest them all.

This is our method of overcoming calamity.

The Amazons plan to avoid the final harvest by worshiping the goddess Hecate. Your father Zeus and Queen Hera also know this, and they have no objection.

When they can't promise to protect us through the magic debt crisis, they can't stop us from practicing our own way through it.

But all miracles have a price, and we paid a heavy price for our own way of overcoming the disaster. "

After saying that, she pushed Diana away hard and pushed her several hundred meters away.

Hippolyta herself quickly retreated, and as she retreated to Paradise Island, she loudly gave her final advice to her daughter, “Don’t go back to Paradise Island again, it’s for everyone’s good.

I love you, Diana, and no matter what happens in the future, remember that. "

Diana got up from the sea and wanted to continue chasing. Harley's voice suddenly came into her mind, "Your mother is right. Hecate has not paid attention to Paradise Island. Don't provoke her. Don't pay attention to her anymore." Paradise Island, good for you, good for your mother, good for the Amazons on Paradise Island, good for everyone.”

"Did you hear what my mother said?" Diana asked.

Harley was silent for a while and said, "You come back first and we will talk face to face."

"Zha and John"

With Diana's current mood, she really couldn't continue to implement the original plan, but she couldn't ignore her companions.

"They won't mind waiting an extra hour or two."

Diana jumped out of the sea, flew dozens of kilometers into the distance, found her own small airship, and then crossed the European continent and the Atlantic Ocean in one go to Lishan on the east coast of the United States.

"I was not directly present at the scene, but there was always a trace of consciousness on you, and you should be able to detect it. I heard the conversation between you and your mother.

To be honest, the idea that the Witch Fire was the daughter of Hecate was really shocking when I first heard about it.

After carefully analyzing your mother's explanation, it seems that it makes sense in theory, but I still think she is overly worried. "

The sorrow and hesitation on Diana's face were wiped away, and her eyes were bright, full of joy, anxiety and expectation, "I said that the grudge was deceiving my mother and distorting her thinking.

Harley, please tell me where my mother went wrong and what was the flaw in her lies. "

Harry shook his head and said, "Your mother's analysis is correct, and the complainer didn't leave any lies with any flaws."

Diana's smile froze and she said anxiously: "Didn't you say that my mother was wrong?"

"I just said that she was worrying too much. It's not that what she said was wrong, nor that there were any logical flaws in her analysis."

Harley pointed at her and said: "Actually, you are the most typical example. You don't need to explain at all. You should not have taken advantage of the situation like your mother.

Magic mark and magic harvest are not exclusive to Hecate.

You weren't the only one harvested by Hecate, either.

I once harvested you. During the battle in the spiritual space on the moon's exterior, I activated the thick-skin mark, suppressed the activated March mark with a more advanced thick-skin mark, and forcibly removed your sunken soul from Hecate. Grab it back.

At that time, your soul was occupied by my will, and you could be said to have become a part of me.

If after the war in the spiritual space is over, I don't let you go free, but continue to control your soul with my own will, return to your sea of ​​consciousness, control your body, and finally use your body to give birth to a child, wouldn't it be with you? Is it the same as what mother said? "

"Ah, am I really Hecate's daughter? No~~~"

Diana's face turned pale with despair, she clenched her fists and cried out sadly.

Harley said quickly: "Don't be so excited, I am proving that you are not Hecate's daughter.

Think about it carefully with your brain. If I really gave birth to a daughter by occupying your soul and body, wouldn't you know it?

Your soul is just silent at the bottom of the heart lake and has not been completely erased.

If it weren't for your own feelings and experiences, would you have the same affection for that daughter as your own daughter?

Simply rewriting memories and distorting thoughts will not have the effect of your mother's love for you.


Even if they are completely digested and absorbed, the witch's obsessions will remain in Hecate's spiritual space for a period of time. From a certain perspective, the obsessions will not really disappear, they will have a lasting impact on the complainer.

Memories and thoughts can be distorted, but the final obsession cannot be distorted or modified.

Instead, the obsession of the witches continued to change Hecate, turning her from the mother of light and magic into a corrupted wretch.

Your mother was once blinded by her memory and thoughts, but now she has awakened like you, awakened, and recalled the memory of the past.

It can be said that the memory that truly belongs to Hippolyta in 'Last Obsession' has awakened.

And in the memory of 'Last Obsession', you are still the crystallization of her and Zeus' love.

What did you say? Do you need me to elaborate?

Your birth has nothing to do with Hecate.

Your birth was entirely a choice made by the independent wills of Hippolyta and Zeus.

Hecate just needs 'Hippolyta's daughter', not necessarily 'Wonder Woman Diana'.

She is not targeting you, but your mother. "

"You're right! Harley, you're so right."

The confusion and pain on Diana's face gradually dissipated, as if the sky that had been rainy for several days was gradually clearing up.

"I have personally entered Hecate's mind space. Even now, she still cannot be completely erased. The witches' last obsession will disappear, but that is not directly eradicated. It is the witches who can no longer hold on and then dissolve it in their hearts. space.

The last obsession is essentially the core of the core of the soul, the ‘immortal true self’ at the bottom of the heart lake.

The resentful woman can usurp the witch's body, consciousness, and even soul.

But the ‘last obsession’ cannot be taken away, nor can it be changed.

So my mother's recent awakening memory was not about a grieving woman trying to make her understand what was going on.

After the power of the resentful woman came to Paradise Island, the true self at the bottom of her heart was stimulated to awaken, and the memories that had been deceived by the resentful woman came back.

My mother made a big mistake. I don’t blame her. I just blame the magic debt crisis and Hecate for being too terrifying. She was inevitably frightened and restless, and then she had wrong perceptions in the fear and confusion.

To put it bluntly, you are scaring yourself. "

At the end of the sentence, she even had a bright smile on her face and she felt visibly relaxed.

Selena didn't understand, and said with a tangled expression: "I don't quite understand what you are talking about, and I don't understand why Diana is panicking.

Even if you are indeed Hecate's daughter, so what?

Harley has a biological mother, and she is still alive. Aren't the two of them living their own lives now?

I also have a biological mother who is still a skilled woman and a bastard, and she is still alive. I only opened a private account for her, paid her regularly every month, and never contacted her. She has her own life and social circle, and she never comes to see me.

It's true that Hecate is a villain, but as a mother, she is at best a child who doesn't care for herself and eats her children. She is not necessarily more of a bastard than some vicious human mothers.

I'm not saying that biological mothers are not important.

Who doesn’t envy a normal family with both parents and a loving father and mother?

But if not, we cannot abandon ourselves, give up our own lives, and give up the pursuit of our own happiness.

Those relatives and friends who raised us and stayed with us are truly worth cherishing and caring about. "

"For ordinary people, what you said is correct, but Hecate is not an ordinary person." Diana shook her head and sighed: "If I were really her daughter, the meaning of my birth and existence in the world would be completely rewritten.

The Magic Debt Crisis went from a crisis in my life to the sole purpose of my existence.

I went from being the "Wonder Woman of Paradise Island" to being the "troublemaker" who stores the source of disaster.

Even if my mother says that I was picked up from outside the island, I will be depressed for a while at most, and my life will not change much. The relationship between me and my mother will only become closer without any hesitation. .

Well now, Hallie used me as a living example to prove that my mother had gone astray. She didn’t need to be hesitant, didn’t need to worry that she was just Hecate’s shadow, and didn’t need to panic that the mother-daughter relationship between her and me originated from Hecate. .

She truly exists, and her past with me is real and cannot be distorted by anyone.

The past was affirmed, and my future life and hers were saved. "

Xanadu hesitated and said: "I also agree with Harley's 'True Self Obsession' theory. You, Wuhuo, Endo, and Xuanlan are all examples.

But Hecate doesn't do useless work. She harvested your mother before you were born.

Maybe the mothers of Enduo, Wuhuo and Xuanlan were secretly harvested by Hecate before they became pregnant.

What is her purpose? "

"Harry, what is her purpose?"

Without any hesitation, Diana immediately turned her nervous and doubtful eyes to Harry.

It's not that she doesn't have the ability to think for herself, it's just that she doesn't dare to think about this matter, she just wants to get accurate and beautiful answers from Harley immediately.

Harley pondered: "We have discussed before, why did the resentful woman choose Wuhuo, Enduo, Diana and Xuanlan?

Why don’t the resentful women worry about the power hidden in their bodies being activated by them and discovered by outsiders?

The Grudge must have had some influence on the nature of Diana's life through Hippolyta.

But those effects are not about complaining about having children on your own.

She only manipulated her mother to ensure that the daughter her mother would give birth to in the future would become a suitable storage point - she would not take away her magical power, would not merge with the soul fragments she stored, and would never be able to resist her arrival and arrival in the future. plunder.

The methods of magic mark and magic power are far more sophisticated and advanced than just conceiving and giving birth to a baby yourself.

In other words, only low-level evil gods with insufficient abilities would use their own blood relatives as sacrifices for their own ambitions.

For example, the Three Palace Demons and Rachel.

Hecate is not lowly at all. In other words, the magic mark and magical power are awesome, omnipotent, and there is no need to use lowly means.

There is only one magic mark, and even I am extremely afraid of it.

Why does the resentful woman need to come to the mother's body in person and give birth to the blood of her closest relatives?

You must know that the resentful woman is not the original 'Light Hecate'.

The grudge hates men very much. Of course, she also hates women.

It is impossible for her to pretend to be a mortal woman every few decades and truly fall in love with a man who disgusts her - false love cannot deceive an experienced driver like Zeus, and she also has to give birth to a man's baby, and this process will last for how many years. A billion years, hundreds of millions of times.

The grudge just wants to torture others.

She is not a masochist and will not torture herself for nothing. "

"Well, it makes sense, it makes perfect sense." Diana nodded repeatedly with a smile on her face.

Shandu glanced at her and thought: Harry's principles may apply to ordinary witches like Wu Huo, Xuan Lan, and Endo. You, the daughter of Zeus, may not be worthy of your personal fate.

But she understood that even if the grudge really controlled Hippolyta's body and consciousness and seduced Zeus into having sex and got pregnant, she would still have to firmly agree with Harley's explanation in order for Diana to have clear ideas.

It wasn't that she was denying Harley's statement.

I just feel that Diana is a special case and there is a certain chance that Harley’s explanation does not apply.

Half an hour later, the Mediterranean island of Ayo.

".My mother completely misunderstood, and I was also confused by her. Fortunately, Harley was a clear observer."

With a smile on her face, Diana took some time to explain to Xiao Zha and Zha Kang the reason for her two-hour delay.

"It turns out that woman harvested the mothers of the 'Witch Fires' in advance, which is equivalent to the mothers of the 'Witch Fires'." Zha Kang was also shocked.

"What should we do now? You are not Hecate's daughter, but your mother was indeed harvested by that woman. When you returned to Paradise Island, did you relay Harley's explanation to your mother and tell her not to think wildly?" he asked. .

Diana shook her head, "I originally planned to do that, and I also wanted to take my mother to Lishan and let Harley imprint a thick-skin mark on her soul, but Harley dissuaded me.

Harley said that the woman did not regard my mother as a pawn to deal with us. At this time, she and Paradise Island were in the safest state.

I did too much and my mother changed too much, which attracted the woman's attention.

Maybe I can take my mother to Lishan, but it is impossible for thousands of Amazons on Paradise Island to move quietly. There are even followers of the woman among the Amazons, and they may tip off the news.

Finally, Harley promised me that if Master Zatara's plan still doesn't work within three days, she will take the initiative to end this magic debt crisis as soon as possible.

As long as the crisis is ended with lightning speed, my mother and the Amazon sisters on Paradise Island will be safe. "

"Haley has a plan to take the initiative?" Zatanna asked in surprise.

"Didn't she say before that she has a way to attack the enemy and save him?" Diana said.

"I thought she was there. Maybe Harley wasn't telling lies, but that woman doesn't seem to be in a critical situation that needs to be saved." Zatanna said doubtfully.

"I don't know. Let's summon Circe quickly. The unicorns are ready. If we don't see Circe again, your father's plan can only be put aside for now." Diana said, taking the initiative to carry the unicorn. The horned beast walked towards the center of the island.

Xiao Zha trotted over and asked puzzledly: "Aren't you going to Aria Island? What are you doing?"

"Aria Island is the place where she was exiled, and it has been her home base for thousands of years. It should be the most suitable place to summon her, so that it would be easier for her to hear our call.

But the problem now is not that we can't contact her, but that she is deliberately avoiding us.

She must have heard us yelling on Ariah Island, but she just didn't respond.

Now we are going to use Force Summon. Force Summon is to force her to respond to us. "

After walking to the center of the island, Diana placed the unicorn on the ground, whispered a few words into its ear, and then took the initiative to untie the rope that bound its mouth and hooves.

"I thought we had to kill it." Zha Kang said.

"Sacrifice does not necessarily require bloodshed. Circe loves the purity of the unicorn, not its blood or soul."

Circe is not even a god, she is just a "Greek legendary monster" similar to the Gorgon Medusa.

Medusa was originally just an ordinary girl. After being raped by Poseidon in front of the statue of Athena, she was cursed according to the theory of "the victim is guilty" and became an undead monster.

Since it is not a god, it is natural that it has never established a divine kingdom. Without a divine kingdom, there is not even a place to place the soul of a unicorn.

"In the past, when someone sacrificed a unicorn to Circe, she would come in person, kiss and caress the unicorn, ride it on the sea for a few laps, and then release it again. If she really liked it, she could Keep it on the island where you live.”

After explaining, Diana turned her gaze to Constantine and asked, "John, can you adapt the spell for forced summoning?"

Zha Kang spit out the cigarette butt and said confidently: "As long as Circe responds to the believer's 'unicorn sacrifice', my spell will definitely work.

If Circe had only the strength she had shown in the past, I would have made her fall down hard - falling directly from the top of the summoning circle and falling hard to the stone ground beside it. "

"Do you suspect that she hid her strength in the past? No way. She hated me so much that she gritted her teeth and her expression was twisted. She shouldn't have held back," Diana said.

"She has provoked trouble many times in the past, but you were able to turn defeat into victory with greater strength even though you were inferior to her in terms of strategy and spectacle, right?" Zha Kang asked.

“It’s true that she started the trouble first, but I’m also smarter and more resourceful than her.

I am not a reckless man with only strength. I am to the city of Boston what Bateman is to the city of Gotham.

Bateman is a Gotham detective, Dachao is a Metropolitan detective, and I am also a Boston detective! "Diana said seriously.

If Harley were here, she would definitely have to complain a bit.

In fact, Zha Kang also wanted to complain.

“In past battles, you have shown strength that surpassed Cirsi, but can you continue the unfinished ‘Zatara Project’?

You must know that Sersi is the last link of the plan, and theoretically has a higher status than the Demon Governor.

Why should she?

Just relying on the magic trick she has shown in the past to turn people into small animals? "

Circe's signature skill is turning people into animals.

This skill even appears many times in Greek mythology and legends.

"I really can't figure out how Circe can help us." Diana frowned.

Zha Kang's eyes flashed and he said, "It should be the 'new power' she had in the past but only recently awakened."

"What new power?"

Zha Kang took two steps back and said, "We'll know soon."

He began to recite "Kang's new" forced summoning magic - "Cersei's Curse".

"The great first witch Circe, offers you the unicorn representing the purest and purest, come here!"


A pure white magic aperture appeared on the ground under the unicorn. The light traveled and quickly outlined a complex magic summoning array within the aperture.

"Buzzing buzzing" Ten meters above the unicorn, the sound of high-frequency vibrations of cicada wings came out, and a translucent space vortex slowly appeared.

"How dare you force me to show up, you bastard man!" A woman yelled angrily from the whirlpool.

"Whoosh~" A beam of green light shot out from the vortex and landed on Zha Kang's forehead at a speed that no one could react.


A cloud of green mist exploded, and Zha Kang disappeared, leaving behind a croaking green vegetable frog.

"Cersei, come out and see me. You should understand why we are looking for you!"

Zatanna only glanced at her frog husband before activating the magic of chaos and shouting towards the vortex.

A ball of red light exploded in the center of the vortex, and the vortex disappeared, leaving behind a red-haired sorceress.

He has thick red hair combed into a slicked back, and wears a slightly neutral striped suit. He has a slender figure, narrow shoulders and waist, and a dashing temperament and heroic appearance.

"You are not the real body!" Xiao Zha said with purple eyes flashing.

"I don't want to see you at all. Your damn dad did discuss a plan with me, but that was all decades ago. The changes in the world in recent decades have been greater than those in the past thousands of years. .

His plan was somewhat whimsical decades ago, but now it's downright absurd. "The big-backed Sersi said disdainfully.

Xiao Zha frowned and said: "You must at least keep your promise and tell me the full content of the plan."

"Do you know your father's ultimate goal? It is magical power! He wants to divide the magical power with me and the Demon Lord! Look at the current situation, Witch Harley almost said 'I want to dominate the world and be the new master of magic' The words are engraved on your forehead, how can you compete with her? You have such ambitions, but I don’t have the courage."

Xiao Zha pursed his lips and said stubbornly: "Tell me the full content of the plan."

Circe stared at her for a while and said, "When you get the Chaos Magic Power, I will take you to Hecate.

I am a believer in the Moon Goddess and can summon her to come as you are doing now.

The rest is up to you. Whether you negotiate with her or fight with her, it has nothing to do with me. "

"Is it that simple?" Xiao Zha looked suspicious.

"It's a little more complicated than I said." Circe turned to Diana, "Of course your father won't expect you to challenge Hecate alone. He plans to use chaos magic to arm the witch who possesses the fragments and powers of Hecate's soul.

The ruby ​​of life is in your hand, you are their leader and their creditor.

When the Chaos Magic Power is taken back, the fragments of Hecate's soul and magical power can also be taken away from them.

My main task is to train witches who possess fragments of Hecate's soul and power, and teach them how to activate and use the magic of chaos to resist Hecate's harvest. "

"Did you know I had that woman's magical power?" Diana frowned.

"I just live in seclusion from the world, not close the door and ignore what is happening outside the window. Even if there are some things that I didn't know before, I should know them now."

Circe knelt down, kissed the unicorn's forehead, and said, "I have said what needs to be said. Please don't pester me anymore."

"Bang~~" Her body exploded into a ball of magic light and completely disappeared from Ayo Island.

Xiao Zha frowned and looked at Diana and asked, "You have been rivals for many years and are very familiar with each other's character. Do you think she lied?"

"To be honest, I feel like she's so strange now." Diana shook her head slightly and sighed: "Let's go back to Lishan to find Harley. I hope Harley's plan will work."

"What to do with the unicorn? Do you want me to send it back?" Xiao Zha asked.

"It can go back on its own."

Neither Zha nor Diana, who was holding the green cabbage frog, knew that Circe had not really left.

She stood quietly on the top of the cliff on the east side of Ayo Island, watching them climb onto the airship and disappear beyond the horizon in the blink of an eye.

An hour later, the sun set and darkness gradually enveloped the island, and Circe still stood there motionless.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Suddenly, behind her to the left, a twisted gap opened in the sky, a trace of dark breath came out, and the Upside Down slowly fell from the gap.

"Don't come near me!" Circe didn't even look back at it. "You are not worthy of my caution."

"Well, I understand, it's Witch Harley."

The Upside Down laughed, "You are worried that she has been paying attention to Zatanna and the others, and after you showed up, she has already focused on you and your consciousness.

So you don't dare to go back, for fear that she will follow the clues and seize your true body. "

"I'm not afraid of anyone, I just treat every enemy with caution." Circe said lightly.

"I don't think you need to be so cautious. Even if you meet Witch Harley in her true form, there won't be any risk. She is a ruthless guy, but her viciousness and cunning are only aimed at her enemies.

Towards her friends, her methods are gentler than those of the heroes of the Justice League. She is gentle enough to give up her own principles and let her thoughts become unclear. "Inverting humanity.

"What do you mean?" Circe finally turned around and looked at it with questioning eyes.

"Naboo, the Demon Governor, and Giovanni Zatara are all examples." The Upside Down clapped his fingers and said, "The Demon Governor successfully extorted the power of magic. Naboo betrayed the world and helped me to trap her, but he was still forgiven. , she knew Giovanni was a bastard, but she was still helping him complete his plan.

You don't need to be her friend, as long as you can be her friend's friend, even if you are a bastard, you can still have a chance to turn around.

She doesn't hate the bastard any more than she values ​​friendship. "

"Haha, you know the Witch Harley very well, but you still don't know her well enough." Circe smiled.

The Upside Down Man seemed to raise his eyebrows and said, "I don't need to know her in depth, I just want the 'final battle of witchcraft' you promised me."

Circe put her hands on her hips and said with a slight smile: "I did promise you a magic war to end that woman, and I planned to lead them to complete the war myself.

But as you can see with the current situation, I simply cannot control those whimsical mortal heroes like puppets as planned.

I couldn't fulfill my promise to Zatara, I couldn't be the first to appear, be their mentor, and guide them.

If I did that, Witch Harley would cut me into tens of thousands of pieces and put me under a microscope to study carefully, deeply and thoroughly. "

"I don't care what you think or plan, you promised me that I want the final battle of witchcraft, and I want Giovanni Zatara's plan to be fully realized.

Circe, you can play tricks on Giovanni, but you can't break your promise to me.

Just like Naboo, never really betray me. You cannot bear the consequences of betrayal. "

The Upside Down slowly approached her. The more he spoke, the more excited he became. The more excited he became, the wider his mouth opened.

When he came to Circe, his mouth was so big that he almost swallowed her in one gulp.

Circe still looked calm and watched it approach quietly.

Just when its mouth stretched towards its head, "Buzz buzz~~~"

Her waist suddenly lit up with golden magic light, and it was a huge Seal of March!

It is exactly the same as the March Seal that appeared on the foreheads of Wu Huo, Diana, Enduo, and Xuanlan when they were "seized" by the resentful woman.

It's just that Diana and the others only passively revealed the Seal of March on their foreheads, but Circe was obviously able to control it freely.

"Eh~~~" The light of the Seal of March fell on the Upside Down Man, burning large areas of blisters, and it couldn't help but scream.

"I thought you were far smarter than your 'brothers', but it seems I was wrong."

Circe stretched out her finger and lightly swiped at the Upside Down.

"Stab!" The dark crack above the upside-down man's feet closed like a zipper, and the figure of the upside-down man quickly became blurred and disappeared into the real world.

"You are that woman's nemesis, and the Seal of March is also your nemesis - as long as you are still in this world, as long as I still have the power of magic in my hands.

However, you don’t have to be impatient, my promise will definitely be fulfilled, and Witch Harley will help me realize your plan.

Witch Harley prevented me from directly controlling those mortal heroes like puppets, but she took the initiative to become my pawn, hahaha~~~"

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