I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1925 The case of joint psychics was finally solved

Apart from the speculation that "sending Twilight away is equivalent to sending away Hecate, which is equivalent to sending away the fate of the resentful 'Mother of Magic'", Harley did not hide any secrets from everyone.

But the ease she showed was no pretense.

So far, she has seen both the Upside Down and Hecate, the two biggest thorns in the magic debt crisis, and they have fought against each other several times. Every time, Harley had the upper hand and gained a lot of benefits.

The powers of the Upside Down and Hecate should not have reached their limit yet, but the methods they have shown are almost all they can do, and there will be no new tricks.

Of course, being relaxed does not mean letting down your guard, nor does it mean barbecuing, drinking, and getting together with friends at home every day.

Even when she was drinking and gossiping with everyone, her movements did not completely stop.

One tenth of the mind is used to relax, the other three is used to study the "Ivy Trunk" around him, and the remaining six is ​​used to modify the basic laws of the earth within Gotham with the power of the monarch and the power of Barbatos' creation.

Harley wants to use the power of the King and the Creator to distort the basic law system of the earth that originally belonged to the God of Order in Gotham and is now divided between the Upside Down and Hecate.

Ultimately, a realm is created that belongs to the Holy Light and the Creator, and is also a realm where the laws and energy are completely controlled by Harley.

The basic law system created by the Order God System over millions of years is very powerful, but after all, it is an artifact of the magic side, not the original basic law of the DC universe.

If it can be created by magic, it can be modified by "magic".

If it can be usurped by the Upside Down and Hecate, it can be taken back by Harley's counterattack.

Competing with Hecate for the basic system of laws created by magic is like competing with Guan Gong with swords.

There's definitely no chance of winning.

Harley only ensures that the basic laws within Gotham are not controlled by others.

It would be best if she could control the basic laws within a 100-kilometer radius around Lishan.

If she succeeds, she will have an advantage if future battles occur within Gotham.

If she can't control it, then flip the table and directly use the power of the monarch combined with the defensive expertise to destroy or paralyze the "artificial" basic laws within a 100-kilometer range. No one has home field advantage, and it's a fair fight.

For example, the earth’s life system consists of the green of all things, the red of all living beings, and the black of decay.

Even the flowers, plants and trees on Lishan Mountain are connected to the green space of all things.

Gotham's animals and humans are connected to the deepest life energy of the bloodline and the Red of All Beings.

In fact, the earth's life system is no longer limited to the earth.

After the earth became the center of the material universe, the earth's life system began to spread to the entire universe.

Previously, Ivy could listen to the sounds of all the flowers, plants and trees on the earth by communicating with the green of all things. She could also use the flowers, plants and trees to sense and listen to the world around the green plants.

Now Ivy could vaguely hear the sounds of plants from the alien planet.

When she focused on a certain alien plant, she could even hear the aliens talking around the plant.

If the plant is spiritual enough, you can even feel the emotions of aliens.

The same is true for the Red of All Beings. Before, Animal Man could only transform existing animals on the earth, but now he can transform into alien beasts after carefully observing and becoming familiar with alien animals.

His most powerful state is to transform into a star beast, a star beast that can cross galaxies and destroy planets. Even advanced civilizations call it a "natural disaster".

This had never happened before the diversity reboot crisis.

Well, in the Multiverse Reboot Crisis, Superboy-Prime accelerated the Earth to become the center of the main universe in terms of matter and energy by pushing the position of the planet within the universe.

This process was not initiated by Superboy-Prime and Alexander Luthor Jr., they just took advantage of the situation and accelerated the process of the earth becoming the center of the universe.

The event that truly made Earth the center of the physical universe was Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, the center of the universe was Green Lantern's headquarters, Oa.

When the earth becomes the center of mass and energy in the universe, the power and laws of the God of Order will be greatly improved.

This is also the reason why Nabu can sense the "darkness and weirdness" outside of reality.

To a certain extent, the basic law system established by the Order God System is gradually becoming a veil covering the reality of the main universe.

Just like a piece of gauze covering the globe, the globe under the gauze is reality, and above the gauze is outside reality. When the darkness is strangely close to reality, it casts a thick black shadow on the gauze. The owner of the gauze is the first Know and locate accurately at once.

If there was really no other choice, Harry really didn't want to burn a hole in such a beautiful "gauze".

Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away.

Before Naboo took refuge with Weird, he was the creator of the Dynasty of Order, and he was also very impatient during his tenure. It was impossible for Harley to risk the disapproval of the world to seize the basic law system of the earth established by the Dynasty of Order.

But now Naboo has become a traitor, and even the dynasty has been divided between two alien races. When she, Harley, cleans up the old mountains and rivers and restores peace to the world, she will naturally be the co-owner of the world and take charge of the basic law system of the earth.

At this time, a "Gotham hole" was burned in the web of power, and it was she who suffered the loss!

"What are you doing? I feel that the laws around Lishan are speeding up." Xanadu thought for a while and said, "It seems to be disappearing, gone?"

The barbecue party lasted until 11pm and ended.

Father Time, Frankenstein, Bateman and others left Lishan. Cleo and Calliope returned to the "Fairy Villa" in the back mountain. The "young heroes" of the Teen Titans also dispersed, leaving only Seth. Linna and Mrs. Xanadu cleared away the debris and cleaned the scene.

"Well, I poked a hole in the basic law system of the earth. The hole is Gotham. Within 100 kilometers around Lishan, there is no longer a life system of green of all things, red of all living things, and black of decay, as well as earth, water, wind and fire. The elemental system and all the 'basic laws of divine creation' related to the God of Order system have been cut off." Harley sighed.

She also tried to twist them and make them come under her control.

After several attempts, Harley discovered that she had overestimated herself.

To twist a fundamental law requires at least some understanding of it.

Harley once had the power of creation and had a certain understanding of the basic laws. However, after comparing the basic laws of the earth, she found that the basic laws she mastered were only superficial and even unsightly garbage.

The earth's basic law system is too subtle and perfect.

It wasn't Naboo's understanding of the basic laws that overwhelmed Harley or even made her feel ashamed.

It was the law system created by Nabu, and it has grown to be perfect now.

For example, the green of all things, which represents the life energy of plants, was originally the embryo of the plant-based demon.

If it absorbs the essence of the entire plane and grows normally, it may not be able to become another "Demon King of the Three Palaces".

Naboo took away its embryo and transformed it into a part of the earth's life system, becoming the incarnation and collection of green plant life - the green of all things.

Naboo's understanding of plant life energy didn't have to be profound.

The green of all things can grow on its own, infinitely, with almost no upper limit.

It was originally strong in origin, extremely talented, and even had the destiny to become a plant demon. Coupled with the cultivation of the earth's acquired environment, it is now in a state of plant life that makes it impossible for Harley to distort and transform it.

"Now, no matter whether the Upside Down, Hecate, or the God of Order has returned, they can no longer use the power of the basic laws of the earth to suppress you within Gotham?" Selina asked.

"Yes, at least Lishan's home field advantage is back in my hands." Harley nodded.

Xanadu stared at her face and asked doubtfully: "This is a good thing worth celebrating. Why are you not very excited?"

"It is easy to destroy it today, but it will be very difficult to repair it tomorrow." Harley said.

"This has nothing to do with you. Naboo and the God of Order betrayed the earth's supernatural world. They deserved their efforts to repair the basic laws around Gotham." Selina said.

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "When did I say that I would return the earth's basic law system to those traitors in Naboo?"

"Uh, are you planning to occupy the magpie's nest? No wonder you look like you've suffered a huge loss." Selina suddenly realized, and then her expression turned very strange, "Now that you're targeting Naboo, Naboo is really going to be unlucky this time. "

Xanadu said: "Harley doesn't count as a magpie's nest. Nabu himself gave up the authority of the God of Order to the Upside Down. Is it possible that after Harley risked her life to get it back, she still has to hand it over to the betrayer?"

"Alas, Naboo was really wrong this time. The tens of millions of years of foundation of the God of Order were lost in one day. What's the point?

If he had been the same as during the Dark Nights from the beginning, resolutely fighting against the invaders and standing unswervingly on Harley's side, based on his merits, he would probably have been assigned part of the magic power like Diana, and would have repaid the debt. own magic debt. "She sighed with a complicated expression.

Selena asked: "Harry, will you distribute your magical power to everyone? Or, will you integrate all the magical power yourself and become the new 'Mother of Magic'?"

Xanadu's expression changed slightly, and he stared at Harley's face nervously.

Harry looked up at the full moon, which was like a silver plate in the sky, and muttered: "I probably won't become the 'Mother of Magic,' but I won't easily give away the magical power in my hands to others."

"If you don't give your power to others, you are the mother of magic." Xanadu said.

"The Mother of Magic is a power within the multiverse. It has power and responsibility. I only want power. I don't want to be responsible for the multiverse, and I don't want to be bound to the multiverse.

I will still live on the earth all year round in the future, but my eyes and plans are set on the omnipotent universe.

So, if I were to seize power enough to become the Mother of Magic, I would not be the Mother of Magic myself, but would hand over the power to a debtor of the Thick-skinned Way, like Diana.

Didn’t she lose her position as the Olympian God of War? Maybe she can change her job to become the Mother of Magic.

She takes on the responsibility, and I get a lot of benefits. Hehe, this is the joy of being a creditor. " Harley said with a smile.

Shangdu's lips twitched a few times, and he wanted to say: Why haven't you considered me? I might be more suitable to be the mother of magic!

If she becomes the Mother of Magic and returns to Avalon Fairy Lake again, how should her eldest sister, second sister, and even many other hometown fairies envy her and praise her?

That feeling, just thinking about it in my mind will make me confused by beauty.

"What are you giggling about?" Harley looked at her strangely and asked.

"I" was about to speak when the cell phone placed on the barbecue table suddenly rang.

"It's my phone number. Who would call me at this time?"

Xiandu picked up his phone in surprise, and the caller ID showed an unknown number from China.

"Xanadu, it's me, 'Dead Man' Boston!"

"Boston? Why did you go to the Celestial Empire? Omaika, you couldn't have participated in the battle for the fall of Nanda Peak in the afternoon, right? You are seeking death. A little ghost dared to fight against Hecate."

Xanadu was stunned for a moment and then immediately realized that "Dead Man" Boston was a favored person of the goddess Moro Kushner, and he was also a possessed ghost.

Boston didn't respond to her cry, but said anxiously: "Is Harley here? I'm with Goddess Moro Kushner now, and our situation is very dangerous!"

"Harry is here" Shangdu immediately handed the phone to Harley.

"Why don't you just call me?" Harley asked.

"I don't dare. Goddess Moro Kushner said that it is too dangerous to contact you directly, and that woman may notice it. I don't understand. In short, our situation is very bad. We finally found the phone number, and now I only dare to contact you indirectly. .”

After a quick explanation, Boston asked pleadingly: "Harry, are you convenient now? Can you come over immediately and take us to Lishan?"

Harry first raised his head and scanned the surroundings to make sure that he was not being targeted by Hecate at the moment. Then the holy light flashed on his body and he took a step forward. The feet in cotton slippers had already moved from the flat keel floor to the uneven mountain path. superior.

There is a group of sheep in front of them. There is a small slope next to the sheep. On the small slope, squatting is an old Chinese herdsman in a sheepskin coat.

The old shepherd had a pipe in his mouth and was looking at the goats foraging for grass in the cracks of the rocks with a look of contentment.

In the corner of the peaceful and harmonious scene, there are two sneaky, gray-faced guys looming among the sheep.

They were almost lying on the ground, shielding themselves with a gray-haired ewe.

One of the middle-aged men was holding a mate80 mobile phone in his hand and was talking quietly - Harley could still hear the sound from the phone.

Another middle-aged woman with a beautiful face looked around nervously like a cheating mistress who heard her husband's voice.

It is the "Dead Man" Boston and the goddess Moro Kushner. Well, she should be called "Ms. Moro Kushner" at this time. She is no longer a goddess. She has no miraculous elements on her body, even worse than Harley's face at this time. clean.

Harry had just enjoyed barbecue and drinking wine, and there was a little oil on his cheeks, while Moro Kushner didn't have even a trace of magic on his body.

"Boston, this way!" Harley shouted and waved to them.

They were hiding among the sheep, and Harry didn't want to squeeze through.

"God bless us, we are finally safe!" Boston shouted excitedly, then grabbed the woman next to him and said excitedly: "Harley is here, no one can hurt us."

Moro Kushner nodded, then turned to look at Harley awkwardly.

Harley said: "Let's get out of here."

"Well, this is indeed not the place to talk." Boston pulled Moro Kushner and trotted towards Harley.

"Where are you going? Have you used up my mobile phone?" The old man squatting on the small slope shouted.

"Sorry, sorry." Boston immediately ran back, bowing and thanking him repeatedly.

"It seems that Father Jacques didn't see you?"

Boston wondered after returning to Harley.

"A simple magic trick to hide my whereabouts. That old man even has a mate80, so he must know me."

Harley said something casually and then the holy light flashed and led the two of them back to Lishan.

"Boston, you're alive again!"

Xanadu looked the two of them up and down, surprised and confused, "What is your situation now? Your Majesty the Goddess Morakushna, didn't you have a battle with Hecate on Nanda Peak in the afternoon?"

——Why are you still alive?

The goddess of death said quickly: "Please don't call me 'Your Majesty the Goddess', just call me by my name."

After saying that, she quietly tilted her head and gave Harry a friendly (more like ingratiating) smile.

"Hecate harvested Nanda Peak, Xanadu, Harry, did you know?" Boston said excitedly: "The holy land of Nanda is gone and turned into a desolate ice field with no grass growing!

All the monks and gods in the holy land were brutally killed, and Her Majesty the Goddess and I were almost the only survivors. "

"How did you survive?" Selina asked.

Boston tugged on the Tibetan sheepskin jacket on his body and said: "We disguised ourselves as ordinary mortals and escaped from the battlefield while Hecate was still harvesting the power of miracles at Nanda Peak. We hid in Tibet all the way and were almost caught by her.

Hecate did not leave the Nanda Holy Land after harvesting it, and was still patrolling near Nanda Peak.

We see her flying through the sky at high speed several times.

Once it even flew over our heads. "

Boston is a middle-aged white man with a handsome appearance and a strong and strong figure. At the moment, wearing Tibetan clothes is a bit nondescript.

Moro Kushner is almost the same as a Tibetan girl. Her temperament, appearance, dress, and even the two rough patches of plateau red on her cheeks make her a proper local ordinary person.

Noticing the gaze cast by Harley, the Death Goddess explained in more detail: "Hecate is very powerful, but the holy land 'below' Nanda Peak has been built by us into a kingdom of God on earth.

The elemental power and legal authority of the Holy Land are blessing me, and there are many Buddhas and gods assisting me, so I can be with Hecate."

After a pause, she hesitated and said: "The Hecate at that time was not the Hecate during the War in Heaven. She had a real physical body, but her will seemed incomplete and could be affected by my ghost possession magic. "

Xanadu told the story of the "Witch Fires" and the battle in the spiritual space.

"If it hadn't been for what happened in the evening, Harley would definitely have rescued you."

In the end, she didn't forget to explain for Harley.

The goddess of death suddenly said: "So that's it, that body came from a mortal, and Hecate didn't put her main consciousness into it.

Alas, with only a small part of his mind dedicated to the contest with His Majesty the Martial God King, he easily harvested the Holy Land of Nandal. "

At the end of the sentence, there was obvious disappointment on her face.

She had naively thought that she could have contact with Hecate and fight her to the bitter end.

In the end, he failed dozens of moves because his magic power was too invincible.

"I fought with Hecate's 'Endo clone' until the 'Buddha's power' dried up, the laws collapsed, all the Buddhas perished, the holy land was torn apart, and the real ammunition and food were exhausted, and the oil and lamp dried up.

In the end, my followers launched a desperate charge against Endo's clone. They rushed into Endo's body and seized control of the body and soul. They delayed Hecate for more than ten seconds, allowing me to take Boston to escape from Nanda Peak. .

Hecate did not pursue us at that time, but continued to harvest the magic and power in the Holy Land.

At first, I was only seriously injured, but I still retained some supernatural powers and could control the laws of my death. Boston was also a ghost.

When Hecate took possession of my temple, she deprived me of all my miraculous powers directly from the source.

If it weren't for Boston's protection, even if I wasn't found by Hecate, I would freeze to death and starve to death in the mountains. "

"What is Fuli? It can fight against Hecate." Selina asked curiously.

“The power of Buddha is a combination of life energy, spiritual energy and faith energy, and contains almost no magical elements.

After the death of Buddhist practitioners in the past generations, they would sink their life essence and spiritual energy into the land of Nandal Holy Land.

If the state is high enough and the memory is restored after reincarnation, the "Buddha Power" stored in the land can be collected from the land, reincarnated ten or hundreds of times, or become a Buddha, or completely dissipate.

Over thousands of years, the Holy Land has accumulated a large amount of 'Buddha Power', but it still cannot escape the category of miraculous energy and cannot resist Hecate's harvest. "The goddess of death sighed.

Madam Xanadu said: "When you faced Hecate, she failed to deprive you of your miraculous power. When you escaped, she just entered your temple and saw your statue, but instead deprived you of your miraculous power? "

The goddess of death shook her head, looking a little confused, "I'm not sure, it's the first time I saw Hecate today. If you hadn't explained it, I would have thought I was facing the mother of perfect magic."

Harley said: "Depriving me of the power of miracles is not completed in an instant, it requires a process that consumes my mind. At that time, Hecate's main consciousness was confronting me, and the spirit Endo did not have much consciousness in his body.

The fierce battle consumed part of her mind, and she was unable to complete the harvest immediately.

In fact, harvesting does not need to be done face to face. Face to face is just more convenient for Hecate to grasp the foundation of our practice.

Simply put, if I were face to face with Hecate, she could simply strip me of all the miraculous elements.

If I keep hiding and not showing up, Hecate knows that I am the Thick-skinned God King, and can search the Thick-skinned God King one by one in the sea of ​​laws to find the Thick-skinned God King's law that is suspected of mine.

If I erase it, I will lose the power of the thick-skinned god-king no matter where I hide.

Of course, with my level, I can sense danger, and when Hecate is investigating the defensive laws, I can hide my thick-skinned God King Law so that she cannot grasp my foundation.

The relationship between temple statues and gods is extremely close, especially in ancestral temples in holy places. Seeing the statues is like seeing the deity. "

Harley also has an idol. Her idol is the "Martial God King", not even the Thick-skinned God King.

"The God of War" is only a small part of the complete Harley.

The "Goddess of Death" in the Lair of the Goddess of Death in the Nandal Holy Land is almost equal to the complete Moro Kushna.

Of course, Hecate had met Morokushna and was already familiar with the power and divinity of the goddess of death. Going to the temple only shortened the harvesting time, but it did not mean that harvesting would be impossible without the temple.

After chatting for a while, Harley asked: "Boston, what are your plans next?"

Boston glanced at Moro Kushner, the goddess of death looked a little embarrassed.

He hesitated for a while and then asked cautiously: "Can we stay in Lishan?"

Harley gave Xanadu a look.

Xanadu immediately stood up, smiled and pulled Boston to the kitchen to find dinner.

Selena glanced at the faces of Harley and Moro Kushner, and then made excuses to leave.

"His Majesty the King of Martial God——"

Harry waved his hand and said: "Just call me by my name, Moro Kushner. Everything has a price. We have never met before. If I protect you now, what can you provide me?"

Moro Kushner thought for a while and said reluctantly: "I can dance Tibetan dance."

"You can go head-to-head with Hecate, even if you borrow the power of the Holy Land, even if Hecate is multi-tasking and doesn't put too much will into Endo, the goddess of the "Lishan Song and Dance Troupe" can't compare with you.

You are different from them. They can only dance and sing. You are the goddess of death and occupy an important position in the earth's cycle of life and death. "

Moro Kushner's face looked better and his tone became more natural, "What do you want me to do?"

Harley said: "First, let's talk about your death priesthood, the role you play in the Holy Land and in the earth's law system."

Moro Kushner's expression became more confident and calm, with a faint flash of pride in his eyes, and he said: "My duty is to guard the door of death on the earth.

With your knowledge, you must understand that death is not as simple as mortals think.

Sometimes the body is completely decomposed, which does not mean that the person is dead.

Sometimes the body is alive and the person is dead.

The key is for the soul to set foot in the realm of death!

The boundary between the realm of death and the real world is the door of death. It is my responsibility and my realm! "

It sounds cool, but is it necessary to separate the Door of Death separately?

"Is it possible that the door of death is closed, preventing all living beings from dying?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"So far, the inability to die has not happened yet."

——Then what is the meaning of your existence?

Harley complained in her heart and asked again: "Can you close the door of death so that souls within the scope of the earth cannot enter the realm of death?"

Moro Kushner shook his head, "This is against the Endless Lady Death. How can I do it?"

Harley asked with a dull face: "You can't close the door of death, and the door of death doesn't need anyone to guard it, so what do you do, the goddess of death?"

"The Door of Death needs to be guarded!" Moro Kushner said seriously: "The Door of Death is difficult to seal, but it may be blocked, or become congested, and then I will be needed."

The guard at the gate sweeps the gate and is very professional.

"Has there been any door blocking in the past? I don't think I've seen it before. What does it look like?" Harley asked curiously.

Moro Kushner said: "The passages between the Blackness of Decay and the Realm of Death are often blocked, or even cause major malfunctions.

For example, in the past few years, the host of the Black of Decay, Abidal Akane, has refused to return, causing the power of death in the earth's life system to go out of control (ps), and the connection between the Black of Decay and the Realm of Death was almost broken.

It was I who cleared the passage from the Blackness of Decay to the Realm of Death and kept the Earth’s life system functioning normally. "

Harry somewhat understood that the Door of Death itself did not need to be guarded or unblocked, but the Divine Kingdom of Death needed to be connected to the Door of Death, and the connection needed to be guarded.

"When the magic debt crisis comes, are you confident that you can regain control of the Law of Death and become the guard of Death's Door again?" Harley asked.

"Of course, I am confident! Hecate only deprived me of the power of miracles. In fact, the Law of Death I condensed and the Door of Death realm I built are still there today.

As long as you can defeat Hecate and seal her again, I will definitely be able to get back my godhead and realm. ” Moro Kushner said confidently.

"In this case, the price for my protecting you is that you must surrender to me. Naboo has become a traitor. The basic law system of the earth established by the Order God System will be controlled by me in the future. You continue your work and help me guard the Door of Death." Harley said.

"Does King Naboo agree?" Moro Kushner hesitated.

"I definitely don't agree, but I need his consent? Now that the basic law system of the earth has been divided between Hecate and the Upside Down, will the country I conquered be handed over to the traitors?" Harley said lightly.

"Okay, I'll be your god."

In fact, even without the vocation of "Sanitary Cleaner at the Gate of Death," Moro Kushner still has certain win-win value.

"Dead Man" Boston's ghost possession technique is still a bug-like magic to Harley now.

Mere mortals can be possessed by almost all living things, and there are almost no side effects.

"What is the principle of your ghost possession magic? Can you tell me about it?" Harley asked directly.

Moro Kushner hesitated for a moment and said tactfully: "This is my natal curse, the core mystery of my death godhead."

"I am already your 'god king', but I still can't know your core secrets?" Harley said lightly.

The goddess of death felt helpless and sad, but she could only say honestly: "The core of the computer is the cup, and the soul is the cup of the human body.

There is a special cup slot in the computer, and there is also a mysterious place in the human body where the core of the soul is inserted.

Ostensibly, the soul is present in every part of the human body.

That is to say, the soul looks exactly like a human being, but in fact this is just an appearance.

It is human thought and cognition that make the soul appear this way.

The slot of the human soul's CPU is also the entrance for the original soul to enter the body.

The original soul is the soul that is about to be born but has not yet entered the physical body.

Everyone can see Lady Death twice, once during birth, when Lady Death leads the original soul to the fetus and helps him embark on a new life.

At the time of death, the soul of the deceased will see the Lady of Death who comes to greet it after entering the Door of Death, so Lady Death can also be called the 'Lady of Life'.

The original soul is a beam of light, and that beam of light will enter the 'CPU socket' and then slowly expand in the physical body.

The core of ghost possession is the mysterious place equivalent to the CPU socket."

Boston was very happy. Harley not only accepted his goddess, but also got along very happily with her. They chatted until two or three in the morning that night.

After breakfast the next day, Harley enthusiastically called the goddess to the villa halfway up the mountain.

Well, he and Goddess Moro Kushner stayed in a front-yard VIP suite at the bottom of the mountain.

Even living in the front yard with a bunch of mages, Boston and the Goddess Moro Kushner are perfectly content.

Because from early the next morning, countless goddesses and gods, and even famous gods in mythological stories, quietly came to the foot of Lishan Mountain and expressed their desire to join the "acting king" and only wanted to be in the back mountain. Have a place to live.

Except for the goddesses recommended by acquaintances, such as Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Harley didn't see any of the other "wild gods" and rejected them directly.

It’s no wonder that the gods gave up their pride and came to join Harley. It was because the rules had changed and times had changed. Their pride had all been shattered by Hecate.

Hecate did not stop after harvesting the Holy Land of Nandal.

In other words, Hecate controls the basic law system of the earth just to better harvest the entire supernatural world.

Not long after Harley "burned through" the Earth's foundational law system that enveloped Gotham, Hecate began rewriting magic.

Gods and wizards still have magic and divinity, but they can no longer use magic because magic has been rewritten.

The most direct manifestation is that all existing magic spells and magic circles are ineffective.

They can no longer bend the rules to create magical miracles.

It is not that the world has entered the "Age of Ending Dharma" and that we have not become Laozi and Zhuangzi who have realm but no power in the real world.

They still have magic power, can still meditate, and practice, but the rules of practice have been fundamentally modified, and the past realms of practice and achievements are gone.

To readjust to the new magic rules, re-create magic spells, and re-learn magic spells.

Hecate is not targeting anyone.

She is playing a real, real magic debt crisis, targeting everyone who uses magic.

"So, everyone will fall into the same fate as us and have to start practicing again?"

Shangdu, who had been deactivated, had a strange expression on his face. He couldn't tell whether he was frightened and worried, or secretly excited and happy.

"In fact, it is not difficult to adapt to newly written magic. Our magic, experience and even power are still there, and we can quickly write new magic spells according to the new rules.

In fact, it only took me half an hour to re-edit a basic set of dream magic spells, which is enough for daily needs. " Rachel said.

"Is it necessary to practice again now? Hecate can change the magic rules to this today, and change it to that tomorrow. No matter how talented you are, or how fast you practice again, it will never be faster than Hecate's changes every day." Harley sighed.

She wasn't afraid.

Even when the power of the Thick-skinned God King was still there, she didn't master a few magics.

After gaining the power of the monarch, she also tried her best to avoid using miraculous techniques that would disturb the rules.

Now that Hecate has changed the magic rules, it has almost no impact on her, so she discovered that the magic rules were beginning to change last night, but she didn't care at all and continued to drag Moro Kushner to study the "Invincible Reincarnation Technique".

Well, Harley plans to possess Moro Kushner's ghost and integrate it into her own reincarnation seal to become an "invincible reincarnation technique."

The biggest problem with the reincarnation seal is that without the blessing of the God of Death, the reincarnated soul will immediately be discovered by the "Heaven" (origin) as a stowaway.

Ghost possession cannot solve the problem of the power of death, but it can greatly hide the identity of the stowaway and achieve the effect of concealing it from the outside world.

The reason why the identity of the stowaway was discovered by "Origin" is because the seal of reincarnation of life and death must send the soul to the "realm of death".

If you are in the world of classical immortals, you are entering the six-path reincarnation system of the Palace of Hell.

If you want to enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you will definitely be discovered by the King of Hell. If the King of Hell knows about it, the identity of the stowaway will also be exposed.

However, ghost possession can avoid the six paths of reincarnation and directly enter the body of the fetus before the soul has arrived.

That is to say, the soul is regarded as a CPU and inserted into the CPU slot in the fetus.

There is already a CPU in the fetus, so the Six Paths of Reincarnation system will naturally not insert the "genuine" CPU into it.

Because he has not entered the Hall of the King of Hell at all and has not taken the six paths of reincarnation, the King of Hell will not notice anything unusual.

However, the "Invincible Reincarnation Technique" also has an unsolvable shortcoming: it can never be reincarnated into a person of destiny.

For example, Li Jing's wife was pregnant, and the baby was supposed to give birth to Nezha, the reincarnation of the spirit bead. However, Harley took the lead and stuffed the ghost from the DC universe into Li Jing's wife.

The soul of the DC universe did not seize Nezha's body. After all, the soul of Lingzhu has not entered the six paths of reincarnation!

However, Lingzhu's position has been occupied and he can no longer be the "Third Prince". No matter how slow the reaction of the big boss behind him is, he will immediately notice that something is wrong.

Magic was rewritten by Hecate, which not only brought disaster to the extraordinary beings in the multiverse, but also greatly affected the mages outside reality who had become lonely ghosts.

The dark Gobi Desert smells of rotting corpses in the air.

A male mage had his hands and feet trapped by several deformed tentacles with rotting mouths, hanging more than thirty meters above the ground. Three other tentacles with sharp nails were already close to his mouth, lower abdomen and lower body.

"Ahhh!" He clamped his legs and shouted loudly: "! I'm letting go."

The mage is in his forties. He wears a black bowler hat, a black tuxedo and a white shirt, with two mustaches on his upper lip. He is dressed like a magician.

He seemed to be talking backwards, just like Zatanna.

"Pfft!" But what he said in reverse seemed to have no effect. The deformed tentacles with nails like daggers penetrated his mouth, blood spattered, and the nails protruded from the back of his head.

He also received blows on his lower abdomen and lower body, which were very painful.

"Damn it, how could my magic fail?" But the strange thing is that he only felt cold sweat on his forehead in pain and did not die.

"Sargon, help me, Sargon, Sargon~~~" He shouted for help to another mage on the Gobi Desert.

Not getting any response, Sargon's expression was as numb as a zombie, lying on the ground and wriggling meaninglessly like maggots.

"I'll let it go, I'll let it go." The wizard with the bowler hat had to repeat his irony spell over and over again.

Finally, "Buzz~~"

A circle of dark light flashed across his body, and the tentacles that wrapped around his body and inserted into his body seemed to be electrocuted. They let go tremblingly, and he regained his freedom.

He was like a wooden stake, falling straight from the sky and hitting the hard rocky ground of the Gobi Desert.

"Crack!" His neck was broken and his spine came out of his body.

But the bowler hat wizard didn't take it seriously and just struggled and shouted: "! Cure!"

His body once again shone with black magical light, and the injuries on his body healed instantly, and even the tattered and dirty clothes were clean.

The wizard stood up and tied his tie gracefully.

"!Destroy Annihilation"

With just one word, the aberrant tentacle monster that attacked again exploded into a puddle of flesh.

"Sargon, you" the wizard in the bowler hat walked up to the squirming Sargon.

Seeing that his skin and flesh were withered and resembled a mummy, and the two eyeballs in his eye sockets were cloudy and numb, like a corpse, the wizard sighed, "! Cure!"

"! Come and wake up!"

The mummy Sargon has returned to the appearance of a middle-aged man with plump cheeks, and his eyes have become somewhat brighter.

"Sorry, Zatara, I, I probably can't hold on any longer." Sargon lay on the ground tiredly, with deep exhaustion and despair on his face.

"If you can hold on, you, like me, have completed the magical infusion."

Zatala knelt down, helped Sargon up, put her hands on his shoulders, her tone and eyes were a little fanatical, "That's a giant beast! Remember, the crisis of giant beasts happened three hundred years ago. Thirty years ago, time lost its meaning here, and I don’t know how much time has passed in the outside world.”

Zatara sighed and continued to help his companions recall the great plan "hundreds of years ago", "We quietly pulled the original power of the giant beast through joint channeling.

In the end, we succeeded in using the origin of the giant beast to qualitatively transform our magic power.

The giant beast is the opposite of God and the highest level of magic in the multiverse.

Remember the philosophy of the Black Witch Cult?

Use a more powerful creditor to suppress the weaker magic creditor. God is the strongest creditor!

Hahaha, although we have always been against the Black Witch Cult, we actually agree with their ideas from the bottom of our hearts.

It's a bit ridiculous, but facts have proven that my plan is perfect.

Although our souls and magic are harvested by the strange, it cannot completely consume us.

As long as we are determined, we will be able to persist until the magic debt crisis actually breaks out.

When the magic debt crisis breaks out, our great plan will really start. "

"When did the magic debt crisis start? Did we come too early? The magic mark of the giant ferocious beast can indeed resist the weird magic digestion, but the magic is still there, but my soul can't hold on." Sargon was helpless. road.

"We have no choice. There is only one crisis of the giant beast. The Black Witch Cult has been planning for this opportunity for hundreds of millions of years."

Zatara looked up at the dark and empty sky, "I feel that the magic debt crisis has broken out, maybe our plan can be started."

ps: Abidal is the lover of the swamp monster Alec, Alec is the incarnation of the green of all things, and Abidal is the intended host of the blackness of decay.

Abby doesn't want to leave Alec, doesn't want to be the incarnation of the Black Darkness, and stays with Swamp Thing.

Because the position of the Black Incarnation of Decay has been vacant for a long time, the energy of the earth's life system was imbalanced, which eventually triggered the major DC event "The Arrival of the Corruption".

In fact, the host of the Red of All Living Beings has always been vacant. Animal Man's daughter Ma Kexin was supposed to be the host, but her mother always refused to let her daughter come into contact with extraordinary things. In the end, Ma Kexin died tragically, and her mother also died tragically.

Originally, I planned to write The Coming of the Rotten Kingdom, but later I found that this novel was already too long. Events such as "The Coming of the Rotten Kingdom" and "The Horrible Man" that were very exciting but not directly related to the main plot were cut out. Write.

It is only mentioned in passing here that Abby has returned to her position, and before the arrival of the Kingdom of Corruption could fully occur, it was casually handled by Harley's daily tasks that were not worth mentioning.

In fact, with Harley's current state, the arrival of the Rotten Kingdom is really easy to handle without any effort.

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