"Well, it's me. At least Bo Twilight used to be Bo Twilight."

There was a hint of joy in the voice coming from below the frozen heart lake.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Harry vaguely felt that there was a glimmer of light at the bottom of the endless darkness in his heart.

"Twilight, what's your state now?" Harley asked.

She wasn't the first to discover Twilight.

She didn't even take the initiative to wake up Mu Mu, it was Mu Mu who took the initiative to greet her.

Now Huo Mu communicates with her very smoothly without showing any difficulty.

This shows that Bo Mu's condition is very good, at least much better than what she expected when she used to wake up Bo Mu as her trump card. Well, if she goes deep into the deepest spiritual space of the soul, or the deepest lake of the spiritual space, she still cannot wake up. "Hecate's last kindness", then Dusk's trump card probably won't be used anymore.

"I'm probably going to disappear soon." Bo Mu hesitated for a moment and sighed.

——Sister, are you kidding me? I feel like you are in better shape than me right now.

Harley couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Harley's situation is indeed a bit bad at this time.

In order to attack the enemy and rescue her, the soul body of "Diana Harley" plunged its whole head into the lake of heart, but the lake of heart solidified into solid ice.

She struggled hard but couldn't break free, leaving only small cracks on the ice of Dark Heart Lake.

And Hecate would not be in a daze.

While her head was frozen at the bottom of the Heart Lake, her tail was stuck in the mental space barrier, her two ends were bound, and her body was unable to move, Hecate crazily crushed her torso again.

With Hecate's majestic consciousness, it crushed Harley's soul body that was unable to resist and struggle.

Harley couldn't hold on.

The "two dangling little legs" stuck outside the spiritual space are gradually being pulled into the lunar exterior.

When her entire body enters the lunar exterior scene, it means that the soul of "Diana Harley" has been completely harvested by Hecate.

The harvesting of "Diana Harley's" soul can only be regarded as an extremely bad situation, not a completely hopeless situation. The key is that the harvesting of "Diana Harley's" soul body is complete, and the "outside" Diana's sea of ​​consciousness and body Just completely under Hecate's control.

At this time, in the courtyard of Lishan Manor, Diana's body was kneeling on the ground, and Harley's body was squatting next to her. Diana's sea of ​​consciousness space had been occupied by Hecate's will, and the miraculous elements in her body had also been harvested. Most of it.

If Hecate is allowed to fully control Diana's body, Lishan and Gotham will face a catastrophe.

Only the most basic instinctive consciousness is left in Harley's body, which cannot suppress "Diana Hecate", the god of war and the god of magic.

Of course, the above are only the results that will occur after the worst-case scenario occurs.

Harry would rather send away Xuan Lan, Enduo, and even his teacher (Goddess Asal has actually escaped from trouble and does not need Harry's help), rather than allow himself to fall into the worst possible situation.

Especially now, when she contacted Bo Mu in her heart, she was full of confidence and energy. If Bo Mu didn't say that she was about to die.

"Wure, you are full of energy now. There is no difficulty in communicating with me, and your methods are very clever. There are no mental fluctuations, but your voice is clearly audible. How could it disappear?" Harley asked.

——And you are the highest kind of kindness, Stranger said, it is difficult for you to truly disappear.

"The heart lake is me. You are 'inside' me. Of course, I don't need special spiritual transmission to communicate with you. We are making the most fundamental spiritual connection.

However, you have also seen that the lake in my heart is dark and I have no place to stay.

The resentful woman first completely cut me off from my body and soul, and then sealed and suppressed me in the deepest and darkest place in my heart. The darkness and coldness were dissolving the spiritual light in me every moment.

Maybe I would leave a 'body' behind, but my consciousness really couldn't hold on. "Bo Mu said quietly.

Harley wondered: "For countless billions of years before, the resentful woman has been using projections in the multiverse to mark the March Seal on witches who have just awakened their magic power.

That is to say, a long time ago, the resentful woman had dominated 'your' body and sealed the kind-hearted you. At that time, you did not die. Instead, you broke free from the sealed body during the Sun-Eating Beast crisis ten years ago. , appearing in the material universe in the form of dusk.

‘Twilight’ has finally completed its sublimation, so why can’t it persist in just over ten years? "

Bo Mu said: "Grudge was born much later than me. After I was sealed by the gods and human mages, the endless resentment in my heart condensed into the consciousness of 'Grudge'.

But before the birth of the resentful woman, the Seal of March already existed.

The Seal of March was then a blessing rather than a curse.

The humans and ancient gods who were left with the Seal of March by me, even if they were originally unable to perceive magic and did not know how to use the miraculous power of creation and imagination, could still grasp the secret of magic instantly and awaken the huge magic power from the blood in their bodies.

After I was sealed, I fell into sadness and confusion, and no longer cared about the outside world or the people outside. The resentful woman gradually took over from me and became the master of the body, taking charge of the authority of the 'Seal of March'.

In the 'twilight period', the resentful woman and I waxed and waned, she became the dominant consciousness, and I was about to perish.

It was she who took the initiative to abandon me, just like you, the Master, abandoned me.

Of course, I am not a fantasy person. I used the fantasy person as an example just to illustrate the situation at that time.

In fact, I am the real ‘Hecate’, not simply ‘Hecate’s kindness’. "

Harley was surprised and confused. What Twilight said now was different from Stranger's earlier analysis of Twilight.

Bo Mu continued: "The mage threw the illusory person into the bottom of Limbo Prison, and allowed it to be digested into nothingness by the power of Limbo Prison, and could no longer affect him.

I blame my wife for throwing me out of my body and hope that I will die naturally.

In the process of preventing the sun-eating beast from devouring stars, I was also wrapped in despair and resentment, and almost felt as if I was dead. If I were beaten to death by you at that time, I would really be dead.

Fortunately, although the planet I went to rescue eventually regarded me as the bad guy who caused the disaster, they also tried to kill me, but failed every time. "

——You were already being targeted by "Heaven", and strangers have been tracking you, even if you want to die, it will be difficult to achieve.

"But you finally sublimated and returned to your true form. You should return as a king and regain some control of your body and consciousness. We all thought so at the time." Harley said.

Bo Mu sighed softly: "I am no longer the same person. Since I was sealed, after the death of all witches who were branded with the March Seal, if their souls are not harvested by others, they will return to 'me' with the March Seal. .

Their souls are digested in the lunar exterior space you see and absorbed by ‘me’.

My soul is growing larger and more cluttered.

My proportion in the complex collection of consciousness is getting smaller and smaller, but the blame is getting stronger and stronger.

Even if I complete a sublimation and return to my true form, I still cannot resist the weariness of the resentful woman.

You see, the inner lake is dark and cold.

This is what the grudge did intentionally.

How could a witch whose soul was harvested not feel resentful?

Their resentment is the nourishment for the growth of resentment, and resentment itself is born out of resentment.

But the resentment and dark thoughts they left behind were my poison.

The resentful woman can draw energy from the huge residual consciousness of resentment of the witch, and can also control those resentments and use them to eliminate the last spiritual brilliance in me. "

"It turns out that the side effects of merging the witch's soul were all passed on to you by the grudge. No wonder the grudge is so unscrupulous." Harry suddenly realized it, and then asked eagerly: "Can you still control this lake of heart now? I don't know why." It wasn’t me who was in a bad situation, but my two friends. They were about to—by the way, why do these friends of mine have Hecate’s magical power in their bodies?”

"You want me to help you, right? I can indeed help you. I took the initiative to contact you because I intend to use my last strength to do the most meaningful thing - to help you get out of trouble!"

There was excitement and joy in Mu Mu's tone.

It seems that she is not using her last strength to do the last thing in her life, but starting a new life with the help of Harley.

"Those friends of yours do possess my magical powers. Rather than possessing them, they are more like living storage cabinets of magical powers.

I don’t know if you have ever come into contact with my dark side now. It is my biggest enemy, but it is also restrained by me, because I am the light accepted by the multiverse, but it is the darkness hated and rejected by the multiverse.”

"Hey, Dusk, what are you doing? Calm down, don't be impulsive yet!" Harley shouted hurriedly.

She actually really wanted to hear Twilight explain her relationship with the Upside Down, but Twilight was very powerful and did what she was told. While transmitting messages to Harley's mind, she started to make the final struggle.

The bottom of the heart lake lights up with a golden light visible to the naked eye, which is dusk.

She is activating the last of her power.

"I'm not impulsive, I know what I'm doing."

The dusk did not stop, and the light at the bottom quickly approached Harley, vaguely like a human-shaped light source.

"I only have this little strength left. Instead of dying alone in the erosion of darkness and coldness, it is better to help my friends get out of the predicament caused by 'me'."

"My dear, you are really Hecate, the first Hecate, the real Hecate!"

Harley sees "Twilight", and she is the humanoid light source.

Her long hair was flowing, her figure was slender and graceful, and her whole body exuded a soft and pure golden light, including every hair strand.

It was exactly the same as the Hecate who had just come to the world when he saw it in the consciousness of the World Tree.

It seems to be completely composed of pure light, extremely clean, pure, and very beautiful. To be honest, Bo Mu's appearance before can only be regarded as Zhou Zheng, a little beauty, far less dazzling than the "luminous person" at this time.

Not every inch of her body's skin is glowing to be dazzling.

Her appearance, her temperament, and her aura fluctuations all represent the ultimate purity and perfection.

It wasn't the sheer divine light emanating from her body that made her purely beautiful.

It's because her essence is so pure and beautiful that her body is made of light.

But the "Twilight" at this time is still somewhat different from the "nascent Hecate" that Harley saw in the World Tree.

The newborn Hecate is more pure and clean, like beautiful crystal.

The "twilight" at this time is even more gentle and pure, just like the crystal carved by the master into a temple artwork. The surface of the crystal also emits bright holy light and has vitality.

Harley once met the Virgin Zed. She felt that Twilight was holier than Zed at this time, which may have some psychological effects, because the "Twilight" floating over with a smile at this time came to save her.

Just floating next to her and seeing her faint smile, Harley had the "illusion" that she was full of power.

Well, it's really not an illusion.

Bathed in the warm light of dusk, "Diana Harley" looked like a person who was about to freeze to death and starve to death in the winter, gulping down a large bowl of steaming mutton soup.

He suddenly came to life, and his body had endless strength.


Harley pulled away slightly, and the dark inner lake frozen into solid ice suddenly collapsed.

The body and head that were frozen at the bottom of the lake were free again.


At the same time, the resentful woman Hecate let out a scream of pain, and in an instant the scream of pain turned into a curse of resentment, "You are a rip-off fool, you actually help the enemy to deal with you. Do you know what Witch Harley is doing?" What to do?

She is plundering our power, devouring our souls, and trying to prevent our sacred and great revenge. She wants to completely destroy us, usurp the position of the 'Mother of Magic', and make herself the master of magic and magic. "

"Hallie is my good friend, not my enemy, you. I sympathize with you, and I can also feel your pain and hatred, but we are no longer the same person.

There is too much resentment in your heart, not only the resentment of 'Hecate' for the betrayal of the gods, but also the final resentment of countless witches who were harvested by you.

Your resentment and punishment against the world far exceeds the pain and hurt experienced by 'Hecate'.

Emotions do not have to be equal, but emotions should not expand without limit.

If you are willing, I am willing to merge with you. We will bear the pain together and resolve the almost unresolved resentment together. "

——Harry, how do you want me to help you? Now I don't have much magical power. I can only briefly interfere with the resentment's control of the heart lake and the spiritual space.

While talking to the resentful woman, the delicate figure composed of holy light has followed Harley out of the lake of darkness.

Harley could clearly feel that the light on her body was getting stronger, but her aura and strength were rapidly declining.

Obviously, "Twilight" really tried her best. This was her last dance, and she could only help her this time.

"Can you fuse with the Grudge?" Harley asked.

She didn't want Twilight to disappear.

I don't want Dusk's consciousness to be wiped out, leaving only the last pure goodness sealed forever in the deepest part of "Hecate's" heart.

"The original resentful woman was separated from my body. The two emotions of her and I, which are already one soul, can of course be re-integrated.

If she can accept me, I can give up my will and let her take charge of everything, and the resentment in her heart will no longer expand endlessly. Maybe the magic debt crisis will end.

When time heals the wounds in her soul, the kind and pure 'Hecate' will reappear in the future.

However, this is all just my fantasy.

Over the past countless years, I have tried to persuade her countless times, but she always had only one response to me - to use more powerful force to press me deeper into her heart until she could no longer hear my nagging.

What I just said was just a routine conversation. Don't expect her to really give up her resentment and merge with me. "

Harley said: "I don't have any hopes or expectations for you, I just don't want you to be completely sealed in your heart."

After a pause, she continued: "The magic debt crisis has developed to the extent it is today, and it is no longer possible to have a happy ending.

The resentful woman will never stop, and 'Origin' will sooner or later come down to destroy her destiny.

The Upside Down, your dark side, is also staring at her.

To be honest, I also want to kill her and take away her magical power.

If your consciousness is really silent and sinks into the deepest part of 'Hecate's' heart, when the resentful woman is beaten to death, you will also die, truly die. "

As long as you are a normal natural person, it is impossible to completely eliminate both good and evil thoughts.

The Pandora's Box crisis has proven this.

No matter how evil a villain is, after touching Pandora's Box, the good thoughts that have been sealed in his heart for a lifetime and that even he himself does not know and recognize will be aroused, and then he will think about the evil things he has done, and his conscience will be condemned. , shed tears of repentance.

Kindness is as pure as Dachao. After touching Pandora's box, the evil in his heart that will never see the light of day will burst out, and his mind and body will be controlled by the most evil thoughts in a short period of time.

Although Hecate is a self-aware person born from the magic of light, she is indeed a normal natural person.

It is equivalent to the magic power "coming into essence".

She also has good thoughts and resentment. Today, when resentment is absolutely dominant, the sublimated good thoughts will not disappear completely. They will only remain silent in the deepest part of her heart forever, just like Superman's evil thoughts and Savage's good thoughts.

Like death.

If Superman or Savage are beaten to death, the good or evil thoughts sealed deep in their hearts will completely lose all meaning, and they will truly die (ps).

The grudge is destined to have a bad ending. When she is beaten to death, the "twilight" sealed in her heart will also die.

This is what Harley is really worried about.

"Wu Du" was open-minded and said with a smile: "Being always pressed by resentment in the deepest part of your heart, your consciousness falling into silence, what is the difference between being completely dead?

Harley, you don't need to worry about me.

Whatever plans you have for the grudge, just carry them out.

I will use my last strength to cooperate with you, even if you have to swallow her magical power.

Since I first came to Earth and met the Ancient Gods of Earth, I have been happy to share the power of magic with everyone.

I don’t regret sharing my magic power with the ancient god that day, let alone you? "

"But I mind, I can't enjoy your help with peace of mind, gain a lot of benefits from the spiritual space of this lunar exterior, and finally leave you alone to bear all the costs and consequences. Be my favored one and let me harvest you. !" Harley gritted her teeth.

"What?" Bo Mu was a little confused.

Harley quickly explained: "The account 'Hecate' has been destroyed by you and the grudges. Since you don't care about magical power, you might as well delete the account and start over.

Let me harvest you, treat you like a piece of flesh, cut it off from the body of the resentful woman, and then I will set you free and help you reincarnate as a real human being.

You can be reincarnated with your memories, or you can leave the memories of this life to me for collection. When your mind matures in your next life, you can take back the stories of your previous life. "

Bo Mu was very tempted, but also a little skeptical, "If I could completely end the fate of 'Hecate' and start a new life, of course I would.

But I am Hecate, an inseparable part of the soul of the ‘Grudge’, who can harvest me? "

"I can!" Harley said confidently: "Look at me now, I am actually using Diana's soul.

My will harnesses the spirit of Diana.

Entering this spiritual space is equivalent to being harvested and becoming part of Hecate's soul. Now Diana's soul belongs to me.

I can harvest Diana's soul, and I can harvest you too. "

Bo Mu muttered: "I am different from Diana. Diana is a foreign soul that merged in, but I am rooted in the deepest part of Hecate's heart. Even the grudges cannot take the initiative to cut me off."

"What if I and the resentful woman join forces?" Harley smiled.

"Join forces? How can we join forces, will the resentful woman agree?" Huo Mu felt uneasy, looking forward to but also very worried.

"Let's try it."

The resentful woman was furious now.

Although Harley and "Twilight" communicated spiritually and completed all the conversations in a very short time, the resentful woman's anger still poured out completely towards Harley and "Twilight".

For Harley, it was the same old-fashioned physical crushing, beating and crushing the soul body of "Diana Harley" with the huge size of Hecate's consciousness collective.

Harley basically relies on her defense expertise to fight against her own semi-transcendent soul.

Bathed in the light of "twilight", she can even fight back powerfully and stir up trouble in the spiritual space of the moon exterior.

In response to the "Twilight" who was eating everything out, the resentful woman manipulated the inner lake that melted into black water again, setting off huge waves, trying to push "Twilight" back into the bottom of the black hole of the inner lake.

"Twilight" used its last strength to open up a golden area, resist the crushing of the huge waves above its head, resist the absorption from the bottom of the black hole below, and at the same time make Harley become a dragon and a tiger - in fact, Harley's own strength is not Without enhancement, Dusk only interfered with Hecate's absolute authority in the spiritual space, slightly lifting the constraints and squeezing of Harley from the psychic space, which was equivalent to weakening the debuff on Harley.

"Grudge, stop it first, I have something to say!"

Harley opened her mouth wide and swallowed "Twilight" whose whole body was radiating holy light.

It could not be digested or harvested.

You can even see a soft golden light coming out of the center of Harley's long neck.

That was the dusk in her "belly". Dusk was bathed in the power of the thick-skinned war god, and there was almost no change.

"Huo Mu is my friend, but he is a thorn in your side that you must get rid of soon.

I want to save her and leave, but you want to cut her off.

Although we are enemies, we have the same purpose at this time. Why not cooperate once?

You can give up all worries and worries, I will not use Dusk to take away your magical power.

I swear, as long as you help me cut off the connection between Huo Mu and you, I will immediately send her to reincarnation, and I can also let you go today——"

"Let me go? You are so loud. I am devouring you now. On my home court, I am at an absolute advantage. If you want to live, you have to rely on my mercy. I have no mercy for you!" the resentful woman roared angrily.

While roaring, she also intensified her attacks on "Diana Harley" and "Twilight".

Seems completely uninterested in collaboration.

"My breath is not loud, but your breath is bad!"

Harley twisted her "neck body" several kilometers long, like a majestic clawless dragon, opening her mouth and sucking fiercely at the sky.

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth!"

In the next moment, the broken stones on the ground, the invisible air, and the waves coming from the inner lake all flew toward Harry's mouth.

"You want to devour the power of my soul in my mind space, you are daydreaming!"

With the complaining woman's loud shout, all the tangible and intangible things flowing towards Harry's mouth froze.

"It's not that I'm daydreaming, it's that you haven't recognized the reality yet. You are just a grudge, not the whole of 'Hecate'. Now that Dusk is helping me, the constraints on me in the spiritual space have completely disappeared, and I have some control over my home field. profit.

And your realm and soul strength are far inferior to mine.

Your consciousness is huge but complex, how can it be compared with the transcendent soul after being demonized by my perfect nightmare? "

At this time, Harley fully used her semi-transcendent psychic power.

But it is not purely a competition for soul power with the resentful woman.

In a pure competition of the quality and toughness of soul power, the grudge is no match. Harley also has a level 8 cheeky defense feat. The cheeky defense feat can not only strengthen her own will, but also make the enemy laugh when Harley talks. Faith collapses.

The originally frozen air, lake water, and stones are all like real portraits painted on tulle.

At this moment, the entire piece of tulle with the portrait on it floated towards Harry's mouth.

There are "space" folds visible to the naked eye in the spiritual space of the moon exterior. Centered on Harley's mouth, the surrounding space is completely sucked into her mouth.

In fact, the "space" near her mouth has been swallowed and is being rapidly digested.

If "Twilight" hadn't just breathed her last, and if she could have cooperated with Harley all the time, the ending would have been that the entire moon scene looked like a painting, and that painting was like the milk skin in the milk bowl, sucked into Harley's mouth.

"Witch Harley, stop it! Splasher, stop it too!" The resentful woman roared with fright and anger.

"Grudge, the choice is yours." Harley did not stop swallowing, and her voice was very calm, "You should have sensed that I am trying my best to infiltrate this ray of consciousness in Dusk with the power of the thick-skinned war god.

She is also trying her best to absorb the power of the thick-skinned war god.

The mark of holy power begins to appear on her soul, and also on the core of your soul.

Without you taking the initiative to cut the flesh, I might not have had the chance to harvest her.

Even if it fails, I have absorbed a large amount of your pure soul power during this period, and I have not lost anything.

If you cooperate with me and cut off Mu Mu from the core of your soul early, even if I break my oath and refuse to leave your conscious space immediately and lose Mu Mu's internal and external cooperation, I will not be able to be as wanton as I am now, and I will even fall into danger again. Me, Huo Mu, and the three girls in my belly will all be in danger. "

"Grudge, how do you choose? If you continue to bet with me like this, you would rather lose ten thousand to yourself and make me gain a huge harvest because of my unclear ideas, or cut your flesh rationally, how about you, me, everyone?"

The complaining woman didn't respond for the time being, but Harley's expression became very strange.

"Gudong, gudong."

The level 9 experience jar of the cheeky defense specialty was bubbling crazily, increasing the total experience by 20 to 30% in the blink of an eye.

Whatever energy is absorbed will unlock the ability to defend against attacks of certain attributes.

The Brazen Defense feat absorbs the mental energy that escapes after the collapse of will and belief.

Back then, Harley had just escaped from the orphanage, had just started her food defense specialty, and was in urgent need of food. When she was rummaging through the trash can for garbage (actually overnight food thrown away from a fast food restaurant on the street), she was discovered by Bruce. She was so ashamed that she was ashamed to see anyone. He turned around and ran away. The lost "face" was used as a high-level energy by the evolution treasure and stored in the preparatory expertise experience jar.

So, when Harley reached level 20, she activated the cheeky defense feat.

At the same time, this unbearable past is also the origin of the name of the specialty.

Similar to God's defense expertise, it can not only increase Harley's magic resistance, but also cause the magic structure within the force field to be unstable, interfering with the wizard's spellcasting. The shameless defense expertise can also reduce other people's "face resistance", causing their will to collapse and their beliefs to be subverted. , the power of belief that collapsed and dissipated became the experience energy of expertise improvement.

Harley has had her share of shameless experiences with regular heroes and prison supervillains, and has also had her faith shattered by ghosts.

Now it's the complainer's turn.

Although the complainer has not spoken yet, the appearance of the shameless experience has proved that her original belief that "she will not compromise with the Witch Harley, and must make all "splashers" die a good death" has been shaken and collapsed.

Ordinary attention changes, there will be no shameless experience.

It must be that the belief that was originally very, very firm must completely collapse in a short period of time.

On the other hand, the more shameless experiences provided, the more "big" (firm and grand) the original belief is.

"Witch Harley, just wait, wait until I completely cut off that spoiled person, wait until I am completely pure, you will regret helping me cut her off today, I swear.

I'm not helping you, it's you who are helping me. You are digging your own grave! "The complaining woman said viciously.

"Well, you're right. I compromised with you. I helped you cut off the cancer that makes you impure, Dusk. In the future, you can completely let go and harvest the entire universe at will. At most, I can save you. In the evening, your thoughts are clear and there is not much practical benefit, but you have effectively eliminated a major hidden danger and gained huge benefits. You won this game, and you won miserably."

Harley's tone was sincere and her attitude was humble, as if she really needed to help the grudge to escape the disaster and survive for the time being.

At this time, inside the Lishan Mountain.

"It's been half an hour, isn't it over yet?" Selina asked anxiously for the nth time.

"No news is good news. We have to believe in Harry." Mrs. Xanadu sat on the chair, eyes slightly closed, and said in a deep voice.

Selina's face was still full of sorrow and said: "You have analyzed it before. According to the situation at that time, Harley is about to have an affair with Hecate -"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't shout so loud, don't call her by her name."

A sapling half as tall as a man grew up from the corner of the wall and screamed excitedly.

"What are you afraid of? Harley is in Lishan and is still having a spiritual war with her. How can she have the energy to pay attention to us?" Selina said.

"You're a Muggle and you don't understand anything!"

The little sapling's cry was filled with deep fear and a touch of anger, "Do you know that a huge magic storm is blowing across the entire earth now? Do you know who set off this magic storm?"

Selina was startled and asked in confusion: "Sister World Tree, what are you talking about? Why don't I know about the magic storm? Although I am a Muggle, I have been blessed by the second sister Death, and I often interact with Harley and Ivy. If you come into contact with someone with strong quasi-magic power, you still have some understanding of the magic storm and can sense it."

Xanadu also opened his eyes, looked at the World Tree and said, "I didn't sense the magic wave either."

The fear in World Tree’s voice has not diminished, “You can’t sense it because the environment here is special.

The Barbatos Skull Room blocks the outside world from sensing this place, and also blocks your spiritual sense.

I will not put my eggs in one basket. Although I immediately retracted my body after the accident in Lishan, I also hid part of my roots outside.

I'm telling you, the world is in shambles right now, and the magic element is practically roaring throughout the planet.

Because Hecate is waging war on multiple fronts, while engaging in a spiritual space battle with Harley in Lishan, she is also wiping out all the gods that have anything to do with the God of Order.

At this time, Nanda Peak is thousands of miles away. Do you understand Nanda Peak? "

"Nanda Peak is a holy place in the supernatural world of the earth. Many practitioners live there. It is said that there is an inner world isolated from reality in Nanda Peak, where many gods and Buddhas live in seclusion." Selina said.

"Hecate is invading Nanda Peak. The global elemental storm that broke out at this time is the goddess of death, Moro Kushna, leading one hundred thousand 'possessed souls' to fight against Hecate." World Tree said seriously.

"What is the possessed soul? Why can it fight against Hecate?" Selina asked doubtfully.

Mrs. Xanadu frowned and said: "The possessed souls are immortal ghosts like the 'Dead Man' Boston. They have the same power as Boston and can forcibly possess any living being with thinking consciousness."

"Hiss, one hundred thousand 'Dead Man' Bostons." Selina's expression changed, she took a breath and said, "I heard Harley analyze Boston's abilities. She said that 'Dead Man' Boston was the biggest bug she had ever seen. One is to use the soul of a mortal to take over the body of a god, without any side effects, and possess both the power of life and death."

Xanadu waved his hands and said: "It's one hundred thousand possessed souls, not one hundred thousand Bostons. There is a big difference between the two.

They have similar possession abilities to Boston, but are far less powerful than 'Dead Man' Boston.

When White Light of Life chose Boston to be the ‘White Lantern’, do you think this was an opportunity that ordinary people could have? "

"Even if it's not as strong as Boston, 100,000 possessed souls." Selina thought for a while and asked: "Sister Yggdrasil, can you send us the pictures of the battle scene? I can't imagine anything else on earth except haha Li, there is someone else who can fight Heka and that woman."

"I am crazy to dare to watch that woman's excitement." The small branches and leaves swayed.

"You didn't see it, at least you could sense it, right? Otherwise, how could you know the specific number of 100,000 possessed souls, and be sure that the woman was not sweeping across the Nandal Mountains, but was fighting a war?" Selina said.

"You muggle, I really don't want to have anything to do with you."

Xanadu said: "Lord Yggdrasil should be just tens of thousands of miles away, sensing the magic aura from afar, rather than releasing mental power to scan through the air.

Breath holds a lot of information.

If that woman swept across Nanda Peak, her aura would be extremely powerful and she would not be able to sense the auras of other gods at all.

If Moro Kushner could fight against that woman, there would be two powerful auras to counter each other.

If the gods of Nanda Peak unite to fight against that woman, their aura will be strong and mixed.

In short, you don’t have to doubt Master Yggdrasil’s judgment. That woman is really plundering Nanda Peak right now. "

Selena pursed her lips and said, "Earlier you said that Harley was having a spiritual battle with that woman in Diana's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The confrontation between psychic powers is like spiritual communication. It is very fast. Under normal circumstances, a few seconds can determine life and death. The stalemate will not last more than five minutes. How long has it been now? "

"Oh, I also said that under normal circumstances, who is the normal person, Harley or that woman?"

Xanadu said helplessly: "We don't even understand why Diana has such huge magical power, why it suddenly exploded, and what her current state is."

Selena lowered her head and glanced at the "Ivy Stake" in her arms, and murmured: "Harley was engaged in a spiritual space battle with that woman, and it turned out that the woman still had her mind fighting against the goddess Moro Kushner. "

She couldn't say any more, and Xanadu looked worried.

"That woman wiped out the human gods on earth ten minutes ago, and Harley has been in a stalemate with her for half an hour. It's strange. The situation shouldn't be as bad as you think." Yggdrasil said hesitantly.

"Could it be that the woman had the upper hand and had enough strength to start attacking Nanda Peak?" Selena asked.

"It's not impossible, but..."

"Ding ding ding," Selena's cell phone suddenly rang in her pocket.

"Ah, someone called me!" She and everyone else in the room were startled.

"It's not isolation here. Well, it's just isolation from magical power and mental induction." Selina slapped her forehead and suddenly realized.

"Bruce, what do you want from me?"

"What's the situation in Lishan? Two minutes ago, I received news that Hecate was about to attack Nanda Peak, but isn't she in Lishan? Could it be that the previous incident in Lishan had nothing to do with her? The mountain behind Lishan The goddesses and fairies, as well as the mages from the other courtyards at the foot of the mountain, all fled the Lishan area in panic, and they all said that Hecate was having a 'silent but extremely dangerous and strange confrontation' with Harley on the mountain."

"Two minutes? Isn't it ten minutes?" Selena looked at World Tree in confusion.

World Tree said: "That woman did not come in her true body, she controlled the body of Zhenglian hero spirit Enduo.

Ten minutes ago, the spirit Endo, whose whole body was shining with light, appeared on the earth. She had a strong magical aura that belonged to that woman.

Nanda Peak is not the only place on earth that has gods.

I said early on that her purpose is the basic law system established by the Order God System, and she is a human god related to the Order God System.

The other places were cleaned up before going to Nanda Peak, about two minutes ago, and now the battle is coming to an end.

Otherwise, do you think Moro Kushner could fight with that woman for 10 minutes? "

"Hey, Bruce Wayne, do you have a video of the battle at Nanda Peak?" Yggdrasil shouted to the mobile phone.

"There is a video. Ever since the Book of Magic incident, Nanda Peak was completely exposed to the world - mainly the people of China. The people of China have formulated a plan to 'create a sanitary city of Nanda Peak'.

Now Nanda Peak has built roads, laid network cables, and there are surveillance cameras on the roads. Not to mention the videos, you can even hear the conversations, but I dare not watch them.

Even if you watch the live broadcast on the Internet, you will be affected by the power of Hecate, right? "

"Well, Bruce Wayne, you are very cautious and smart. Keep the video and let Harley watch it first when the battle is over.

Even if it's not a live broadcast, if you dare to face the woman in the camera, you can still attract her attention.

It is very likely that the woman on the screen suddenly turned her head and looked directly at you through the screen, and then your whole body was filled with magical flames, and your soul and miracle power were harvested. "

"By the way, don't call her name again. Harley's current status is unknown. We have to be careful and don't let her go wild!" Yggdrasil warned seriously.

"What's going on with Harley now?" Bruce asked.

"We don't know, and we don't dare to inquire." Selina said.

There was a hint of worry in Bruce's voice, "That woman can do two things at once, does that mean she is far more relaxed than Harley?"

"It is true that she has it easier than me, but I am the winner. She can only take the opportunity to do some side business to reduce losses."

Silently, Harley appeared in front of Selena.

"Oh my god, Harley? Harley, it's really you, you - why are you here suddenly?"

Even the "Virgin Dog" Duoduo, who had been lying on the ground with a worried look on her face, jumped up excitedly.

"It's over, let's go back." Harley said.

"It's over? What's wrong with Hecate now?" Yggdrasil shouted excitedly.

"Harry, Hecate is invading Nanda Peak. If you defeat Hecate, should you go to the rescue immediately?" Bruce's voice was as low and steady as possible, but he still couldn't conceal the sudden relief and joy.

"It's hopeless. The battle at Nanda Peak has come to an end. I can only clean up the battlefield. Moreover, I am not suitable to meet Hecate immediately."

Harley looked down at the golden ball of light in her hand and sighed: "I want to bury Dusk first and have no worries before I can face Hecate again."

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