I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1924 A short period of peace

Chapter 1921 The Battle of Soul Space

Ivy really turned into a piece of wood.

It has even lost its specific human appearance, and is just a withered yellow wooden stick half as tall as a man and as thick as a thigh.

There is also brownish-yellow bark on it, and even the basic limbs, head and trunk cannot be clearly distinguished.

If you peel off the skin, you can probably vaguely see that it is a puppet that has just been made and has not yet been carefully carved.

"Fortunately, this is a tree trunk and not dry wood."

After Harry felt it carefully with his mental power, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the difference between a tree trunk and dry wood? Isn't she just a piece of wood now." Selina choked with tears.

"Dry wood that has been dried and processed cannot sprout when inserted into the soil. However, a trunk just cut from a tree can live a second spring and a second life.

Look, Ivy still has bark!

There are green spots on the bark, it is alive, Ivy is not dead, not completely harvested. "Harley's mental transmission said.

After a brief explanation, she withdrew her mental power from the Ivy trunk and focused all her attention on Diana again.

Diana is the key at this point.

In other words, the magical power in Diana's body is the key.

Once you get that part of power, you can let the "Ivy Trunk" sprout and be reborn.

If Hecate were to completely harvest Diana, not only would Diana be doomed, but the subsequent process of rescuing Ivy would also be countless times more difficult.

Therefore, Harley can only forcefully use negative emotions such as anger, worry, fear, and regret to appear in people, suppress the anger, worry, fear, and regret in her heart, and finally reach a state of mind that is calm and focused.

"Diana, can you hear me? Cooperate with me, let me enter your soul, and let me harvest your magic debt first." Harley shouted loudly with her mouth and mental power at the same time.

Diana's five senses probably lost their normal functions and she couldn't hear the sounds outside. She just struggled and howled, unable to respond to her.

Even spiritual sound transmission has no obvious effect.

Harley looked back at Ivy, the wooden stake, and said through the message: "Duoduo, take Ivy and Selena to the basement. It's the meditation room I built in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Barbatos dragon skull."

The power of creation is, after all, the force closest to the origin of the multiverse.

Although Hecate's magical power cannot be completely isolated, it can greatly isolate and suppress the actual effect of magical power.

"Harry, leave it to me!"

The Virgin Dog Duoduo barked at her twice, then opened her mouth and held the "Ivy stake" in her mouth, and ran towards the basement.

"Diana, I'm here, don't reject me, accept me, tolerate me, be completely open to me, don't have any guard against me!"

Harley once again sent a message to Diana's mind.

The next moment, she placed her fingers between Diana's eyebrows and radiated bright holy light.

Harley's soul left her body with the power of the King, and followed her fingers into the sea of ​​consciousness between Diana's eyebrows.

"Hecate, I'm here, why don't you stop now!" She shouted casually.

Diana was in a bit of a bad shape.

Her sea of ​​consciousness was torn apart, like a reinforced concrete house after being imploded by a cannonball.

The house has not collapsed yet, but the walls and roof are obviously bulging outwards. There are conspicuous cracks in the walls, and bricks have fallen off in the corners, directly exposing a hole.

It was Hecate's will that burst Diana's sea of ​​consciousness.

Hecate's will was like a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, swallowing up Diana's own will in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When Harley came in, 80% of Diana's soul had been swallowed by the "big mouth", and only a small part was left to make the final struggle.

It looked like a python swallowing a big living person, with only two little legs left dangling outside the snake's mouth.

The snake's mouth is the "power of harvest".

Even though Diana has the power of Thick Skin, even if she has an unyielding will, she still cannot resist the magical debt crisis that falls on her.

After all, she is not Harley. She can slow down the process of being harvested with the power of thick skin, but she cannot be completely immune to harvesting.

"Diana, hold on, I'm here to help you!"

Harry wanted to reach out and grab Diana's last two legs, hold her ankles, and pull her out of the python's mouth.

But Diana's sea of ​​consciousness was already filled with Hecate's will and magic.

Harley's soul forcibly entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness, but could not move. There was no space for her to move, she could not get close to Diana's last soul consciousness, and she could not grasp the "last two little legs outside the snake's mouth."

"Witch Harley, you dare to enter here even with a mere soul body, you are totally seeking death!"

Hecate's will occupies Diana's sea of ​​consciousness, which is Hecate's home field at this time. She controls Diana's sea of ​​consciousness to exclude the entry of Harley's soul, and crushes Harley's consciousness that has entered inside.

"Wonder Woman is me! Her soul is part of my will, and her body is part of my limbs. Now how dare you enter my body with your consciousness, I want-"

Before Hecate's roar ended, Harley's soul, bound by her will, looked up to the sky and roared, "Hecate, don't think that you are the only one who can harvest, I also have my own magical power.

Now I declare that the thick-skinned magic debt crisis has begun! "

"Whoosh~" After turning on the "thick-skinned divine power harvest", Harley's consciousness instantly disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness already occupied by Hecate, and directly entered the core of Diana's soul that was about to be completely devoured.

Magic harvesting is not Hecate's prerogative.

As early as the multiple restart crisis a few years ago, the ghost had started the magic debt crisis in heaven and hell, destroying what human mages called the "Ninth Magical Era" - a period when mages borrowed the magic power of heaven and hell on a large scale to start the "magic age of mankind on earth". The era is over.

For another example, in the earlier advent of the Son of God, the demon Duke Nergal poured his demon blood into Zha Kang's body, allowing Zha Kang to have sex with Zed (the Virgin Mary who descended into the mortal world). "Demon essence and blood" pollutes the purity of the Virgin and destroys the plan for the coming of the Son presided over by "Tongue of Fire" Uriel.

After Nergal injected his demon essence and blood into Zha Kang's body, Zha Kang became its debtor.

After the incident of the advent of the Son of God ended, Zha Kang was chased by it until he had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

No matter where he fled, no matter what magic circle he used to hide his aura and suppress the magic power in his body, he could not stop Nergal from finding him, nor could he stop the magic mark in his body from being activated and the demon blood to bite him back.

What Nergal is to Zha Kang, what Ghost is to the mages of the "Ninth Magical Era" is essentially the same as Hecate's harvesting of the supernatural world god magicians.

Magic harvesting and magic mark are the basic rules of the multiverse and even the omnipotent universe. Harvesting is not Hecate's prerogative. She relies on this basic rule to harvest mages.

So, she can harvest Diana, and Harley can harvest Diana.

Hecate can activate the magic mark of "light magic" in Diana's body.

Harley can also activate the mark of the thick-skinned divine power in Diana, especially the defensive expertise.

Hecate can devour Diana's soul, body and all miraculous elements in her body through the magic mark, and directly will her will to come to Diana's sea of ​​consciousness, occupy the magpie's nest, and seize Diana's body.

Harley can also harvest Diana through the Thick-Skin Power Seal.

If there is a thick-skin mark in Diana's divine power, her divine power will be turned back into Harley's debt; Diana also has a thick-skin mark in her soul, and her soul will also become Harley's property.

Now that the soul has become Harley's property, Harley can naturally learn Hecate and occupy Diana's soul.

Of course, whether Nergal harvests Zacon, Ghost harvests the mages of the Ninth Magic Age, or Hecate harvests the divine magicians, the harvested party will struggle to resist.

Zha Kang resisted for a long time, and when Naboo was harvested by ghosts, he fought with him to the end of the universe.

Diana can also resist. She was resisting Hecate, but when she sensed that Harley was beginning to harvest her soul, she not only did not resist, but instead opened her arms and embraced Harley's consciousness.

Harley harvested Diana's soul very successfully - her consciousness entered the depths of Diana's soul.

There is no Diana left in the world at this time, her soul belongs to Harry.

Therefore, Diana's soul, which is about to be completely devoured by Hecate, is actually Harley's soul.

Hecate began to suffer from indigestion.

"Witch Harley, you, you."

In fact, Hecate had no idea that Harley would do this, and was confused for a while.

"You're looking for death!" But when she reacted, she was not angry but happy, laughing loudly, "Are you in a hurry and seeking medical treatment, or are you suffering from brain damage?

Yes, Wonder Woman is your favored one, and you are also her creditor.

You and I have left a mark of strength on her soul and body.

But you yourself are just my harvest target, how dare you be so arrogant as to compete with me for the power of the magic mark? "

In the real world, a debtor or company can owe debts to many people at the same time, and similar situations are common in the magical world.

The magic debt crisis is even more miserable than bankruptcy liquidation.

In the real world, when a company goes bankrupt and liquidates to repay debts, different debts have different repayment priorities.

Only when higher priority debts are satisfied first will the remaining assets be used to settle lower priority debts.

There is also priority in the settlement of magic debts in the wizarding world, basically following the principle of "the big guy eats first".

The so-called "big brother" means strong strength, high realm, and high energy level.

Especially the energy level is the most important.

The higher the energy level, the stronger the magical imprint left on the soul of the debtor.

It has high power and priority, and can even completely cover low-level magic marks.

If the owner of the low-level magic mark is originally the debtor of the "big boss", then it is even more impossible for him to compete with the big boss for the debtor's miraculous assets. He himself is the big boss's asset.

In Diana's soul, Hecate not only possesses the most powerful magic mark (she thinks), but Harley herself is also Hecate's harvest target.

Theoretically, Harley and Hecate activate the magic mark at the same time to compete for the assets of the debtor Diana. It is like an old man who owes a large amount of debt to the country and is on the wanted list. When a certain company goes bankrupt and liquidates, he actively jumps out to fight with the government. Debtor's assets.

Very stupid, very overconfident, and very dangerous.

Diana resolutely resisted Hecate and would rather die than surrender, but she actively threw herself into Harley's arms, allowing Harley to steal Diana's soul.

Harley's consciousness entered the depths of Diana's soul. To a certain extent, Diana was Harley at this time.

But the problem is that Diana's soul has already been harvested by Hecate. 80% of it was harvested before, and 80% of it entered Hecate's "belly", leaving only 20% still struggling "uselessly".

When Harley enters Diana's soul at this time, it is tantamount to throwing herself into a trap, and Hecate immediately harvests 80% of her soul, leaving only her last "two feet" struggling outside the snake's mouth.

Hecate should have been able to eat Harley whole as easily as a government agency would with a wanted criminal.

"Bang~~~" But the teeth of the "python" broke.

Hecate couldn't chew off "Diana Harley."

"Diana Harley", who had most of her body swallowed by the python, leaving only two calves dangling, suddenly changed from flesh and blood to steel and iron bones, with sharp barbs stuck in her throat. , couldn’t even swallow it whole.

"This is impossible, it shouldn't be. I have clearly activated the magic mark on Wonder Woman's soul. Why can't I harvest it now?"

"Diana Hecate" In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Hecate's angry shouts oscillated back and forth.

A mage who borrows magic power will have magic marks left on his magic power and soul.

Previously, as long as Hecate activated the magic mark in the mage's body, the magic immediately became the power she controlled, and in turn swallowed the mage's body and miraculous elements.

The mark on the soul is activated, and the soul is like a prey caught in a spider's web, implanted with paralyzing toxin by a poisonous spider, and swallowed directly by a huge mouth.

Even if you can struggle, it will only slightly delay the process of being completely swallowed.

This is the specific process of magic debt harvesting.

But now Hecate finds that she has activated her own magic mark on Diana's soul, but cannot continue to transform Diana's soul into her own.

If she just couldn't harvest Diana's soul, she would be just another "Witch Harley".

Hecate also activated the magic mark in Harley's bloodline power, but also received no response.

This time is a little different, because as mentioned before, when Harley harvested Diana's soul and turned Diana into "Diana Harley", 80% of the soul had been harvested by Hecate and already belonged to Hecate.

Now even the 80% of Diana's soul that has been harvested is out of control.

This is what is most difficult for Hecate to understand.

It would be fine if he simply lost that part of his soul.

But 80% of Diana's soul had been harvested by her and integrated into her main consciousness by Hecate.

Diana's soul, which has been integrated into Hecate's main consciousness, now becomes Harley's. Doesn't it mean that Harley has entered Hecate's main consciousness and merged with her main consciousness?

Harley has truly entered a strange place, but she's not the only one, she's just one of them.

Two days ago.

Forget the bar.

"Ahhhhh~~~" Wu Huo grabbed his face with both hands and let out a final cry full of pain and despair.

The Seal of March flickered on her forehead, and the rich magic power in her body spurted out as if it were free of money.

She is a fire mage, so all her magic is transformed into a firestorm.

In the past, her magic flame could not even ignite the special "anti-magic wooden table" of the Forgotten Bar, let alone harm the Forgotten Bar itself and the gods and demon guests in the bar.

Now the tables and chairs made of wood with high magic resistance were instantly burned to ashes, and the witches around them who were waiting for her to teach basic magic knowledge were like pig fat thrown into a steel-making furnace, turning into stinking carbon ash and flowing liquid in the blink of an eye. Corpse oil.

The walls, ceiling, and floor of the bar were all slowly melting in the bright flames.

In the hall outside the "Sisters of the Skillful Hand" private room, whether it was Susano'o who had turned into a forklift, or the otherworldly mages who were watching the excitement, they were all struggling in the flames, howling miserably, and then burned into charred bone fragments. .It seems that the scarred Kryptonian god roared and turned into a stream of light, broke through the "roof" of the Forgotten Bar, and disappeared into the sea of ​​flames?

Wu Huo didn't know and didn't have the energy to pay attention to others.


She was in so much pain, more so than the mages whose bodies were burned into grease in her magic flames.

She was in so much pain that she could only scream miserably.

"Ahhhh~~~Ah, uh, where is this place?"

I don't know how much time passed, but the Wuhuo suddenly stopped hurting so much, and the pain was replaced by endless emptiness and weakness.

Pain blurred her consciousness, but emptiness and weakness did not, so she regained her sense of self.

She sees her surroundings.

She was clearly in the Forgotten Bar "before", but now she's in

Wu Huo looked around, feeling more and more strange as he looked around.

This is a black and white world, with only three colors: pale, gray and black.

It's desolate and depressing.

The location she was in was extremely empty, with no man-made buildings or any natural landscapes.

The rocky ground is pockmarked and endless, with no end in sight.

"Why is it like being on some desolate planet without life and uninhabitable?"

Just as Wu Huo thought this in his heart, his eyes that were moving around suddenly froze.

She saw the Earth.

Although the scene was hazy, like a mirage, Wu Huo was very sure that the "extraterrestrial planet" very close to this world was the earth.

"I'm on the moon now?!"

Wu Huo grew up in an orphanage and received church education since she was a child. She never went to college, but she at least knew what the scene looked like from the moon to the earth.

In fact, after becoming a great mage and mastering the art of astral projection, Wu Huo has used his conscious body to travel across the universe and the starry sky countless times, and has stood on the surface of the moon and looked at the earth many times.

The scenery is exactly the same as what I saw now.

She is literally on the moon!

But she was clearly in the Oblivion Bar and was harvested by Hecate

Thinking of Hecate, Wuhuo suddenly had a realization in his heart: that was the earth, but it was not the real earth, but the memory of the earth in Hecate's consciousness, or the shadow of the earth in Hecate's consciousness.

"Hey, you're still here, why didn't you disappear?"

Wu Huo was staring at the earth in the distance in a daze, when a surprised inquiry suddenly came from behind him.

Wu Huo suddenly turned around and saw a tall, beautiful and gentle goddess.

She is a woman and has no obvious characteristics of a god, but Wuhuo thinks that she is a goddess.

"Who are you? Where are we?" Wu Huo asked.

"I'm Assar. You may not have heard of this name, but you must know my apprentice. She-"

The goddess was speaking with a proud look on her face, and Wu Huo was suddenly shocked and shouted, "Omaika, you are Harley's teacher, the goddess Asal who is not very smart!"

"Yes, the witch Harley, who is so powerful in the multiverse and makes countless supreme god-kings fear and fear her, is my student!" Goddess Asal nodded proudly, then her face turned displeased and asked: "What do you think I am? What do you mean, my brain is not working well? Did I know you before?

Well, you must be something extraordinary if you can persist until now without being assimilated by Master Hecate.

However, I have lived for billions, and it seems that I have never seen a person like you in the heaven or other divine realms. "

"You don't have to live for billions of years. My name is Rebecca, and I'm just an ordinary mage. You can also call me 'Witch Fire'. Harley and I have known each other since we were young. We are only six years older than her." road.

A look of shock appeared on Asal's face, "You are just an archmage, why can you persist for so long?"

"How long? I don't understand." Wu Huo asked confused.

Asal pointed to the uneven ground around him that was the same as the surface of the moon, and asked: "Don't you understand where this is and your situation?"

"I was harvested by Hecate. Is this the projection of Hecate's consciousness?" Wu Huo tentatively expressed his conjecture.

Asal nodded and said: “We are in the deepest part of Master Hecate’s heart.

The moon is the master Hecate, and the master Hecate is the moon.

So we're on the moon.

The souls of witches harvested by Master Hecate will be quickly dissolved and digested here, becoming spring water in the spring, and becoming a small part of Master Hecate's consciousness. "

"Look!" Goddess Asal raised her right hand and pointed to the right rear of Wu Huo.

Wu Huo turned his head and saw a meteor shower suddenly falling in the dark sky. Hundreds of meteors faintly illuminated the void in the distance.

But she only blinked, and about 80% of the meteors dimly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the void returned to gray darkness.

"Are those meteors?" Wu Huo had a vague idea in her heart, but the truth was so terrifying that her voice was trembling.

"They, like you and me, are the souls of witches harvested by Master Hecate. Witches are harvested every minute. In that moment, more than a thousand witches died. Alas~~~"

Asal's expression was dark, and he sighed softly, and then said: "The stronger the strength and the higher the realm, the longer you can persist. I have been here for a long, long time, and I have met other goddesses and had the final love with them. Say goodbye.

I paid attention to you when you first arrived, but I didn’t know you, so I didn’t disturb your last moments.

But you have persisted longer than all the goddesses, and you are still just a great mage. "

Asal stared at the witch fire and examined it carefully. The witch fire was not much different from a real person in reality. In other words, the skin radiated a faint fluorescence, giving the body the texture of a spiritual body.

"You have been around longer and were harvested by Hecate more than a month ago." Wu Huo said.

"As long as Harley doesn't die, I will always be here!" Asal's chin tilted up again.

She pointed at herself, with obvious smugness in her tone, "I am different from you. Although I was harvested by Master Hecate, I am Master Hecate's hostage!

The reason why I was harvested by Master Hecate is because she was afraid of my student Harley and needed to take me down to threaten her! "

"The reason why you were harvested by Hecate is because you are greedy for vanity and too stupid." Wu Huo whispered.

"What did you say!" Asal's face twisted in anger, "By the way, you just scolded me for being stupid?! Are you Harry's enemy and you hate me so much?"

"I'm sorry, senior, I was unintelligible, I was wrong!" Wu Huo apologized quickly, and then quickly explained: "Senior, I am really Harry's friend.

Harley debuted at the age of 14, and I’ve known her since she was a gangster in Gotham.

Although I am not from Gotham, I was deceived by the Dark Witch Cult and almost became a disciple of the Dark Witch Cult with Harley."

She first explained her past with Harley, and then hesitantly said: "You were harvested by Hecate, which was the beginning of the magic debt crisis.

All transcendent beings in the universe, and even the extraterrestrial media in the material universe, are discussing your matter.

They said that you could obviously go to Lishan to enjoy the blessings immediately, but you were praised by the gods in the heaven. You were addicted to the praise of the gods and missed the last chance to survive. "

"They all say I'm stupid? Even the mortals in the world are saying it. Not only the people on earth, but countless aliens are also laughing at me?" Asal murmured.

Wu Huo quickly comforted you: "I don't blame you, it's the gods in the heaven who are too cunning. They know that they are all clones and their true bodies have already escaped, but they try their best to praise you and make you the most dazzling star in the heaven. Detecting the magic debt crisis float.”

Asal said bitterly: "They were right, I was too stupid. I knew that the magic debt crisis was coming, but I stayed in Acharas to prepare for a feast with the gods."

Wu Huo advised: "I really don't blame you, those are the gods in the heaven! Who can bear the praise of the kings of gods and queens, who can't help but feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed, and can't extricate themselves?

Even your disciple Hallie, who is such a ruthless person, often pretends to be a saint in order to enjoy the admiration and adulation of everyone! "

Goddess Asal felt better now.

"Alas, Wuhuo, you are a good girl, it's a pity. I thought Master Asar also took you as a hostage, so I didn't digest your soul immediately."

She looked at Wu Huo with regretful eyes, and there was deep pity and sympathy in her tone.

"Senior, what do you mean by this? What's wrong with me?" Wu Huo asked nervously.

"I observed you carefully for a while, and your soul was dissipating rapidly. You may have persisted longer than other witches and goddesses, but you can't keep it like me. Alas, my situation is not better than yours. I can still retain it now. Self-will, all because I can become the hostage of Harley.

But in the battle in Heaven not long ago, my performance as a hostage was not very good, and I’m afraid that I will also...” Asal sighed gloomily and fell silent.

Wu Huo lowered his head and looked at himself, but saw no obvious physical changes.

But if you close your eyes and feel carefully, you can indeed feel the emptiness and weakness of the spirit body dissipating.

"Alas, they were all harvested by Hecate. Can't I still accept the final outcome that I will die completely?" There was bitterness and unwillingness in her tone, but there was not much disappointment and despair in her heart.

She was completely desperate when Hecate took over her body and robbed her of the power of miracles.

If you don’t have any hope for life, you will naturally not be disappointed.

The two looked at each other in silence for a while.

"Bang~~~" Suddenly two flames rose up on Wu Huo's shoulders again.

She was surprised: "Projecting the things in your mind in the consciousness space is not beyond my expectation.

But I really didn't expect that even now, I can still control my consciousness.

Hecate doesn't control everything about me. "

While saying this with a smile, she imagined lighters and cigarettes in her mind. When she turned her right hand, cigarettes and lighters appeared in her palm.

She immediately lit one for herself.

Just like in the normal world, she exhaled a thick puff of smoke, with a look of satisfaction and intoxication on her face.

Asal frowned and advised: "You will only speed up the digestion and fusion of souls."

Wuhuo performs these actions in the spiritual space, similar to normal people's thoughts in their minds.

Especially certain scenes that have been experienced before and have real feelings, making them more real and "enjoyable" in fantasy.

But as we all know, Italian silver is a brain drain.

For Wuhuo at this time, it is to speed up the death of souls.

"It doesn't matter. You will die sooner or later, so it's better to die a little more happily." Wu Huo said with a smile.

"You don't have any special hobbies, do you?" Asal asked strangely.

Wu Huo was stunned for a moment before he understood what she was talking about.

"Don't worry, I'm not too interested in the sexual intercourse between men and women, and I won't get ten or eight tough men to practice it for me.

My ex-boyfriend was still a guy, but I still dated him for a long time.

In fact, even if I want to, I don't have the ability. After all, this is not my own spiritual space. Exhibiting a cigarette already makes me very tired. "

Thinking about the story of ten or eight macho men and yourself in your mind will definitely consume more brain cells than recalling the feeling of smoking.

In Wu Huo's own mental space, it would not be difficult to manifest a small city with a large population, let alone ten or eight. She is an archmage with powerful soul power and mind manipulation skills.

But now she was not in her own mind space.

This is the depth of Hecate's mind. Being able to manifest a cigarette is already considered "distorting reality".

I don’t know how much time passed, but Wu Huo and Goddess Asal watched several more meteor showers.

They just looked at the sky in silence, with heavy hearts and said nothing.

Wu Huo threw away the cigarette butt and asked again: "Senior, you said earlier that the souls of all witches become spring water. Is this a metaphor or is there really a spring somewhere?"

Asal said: "Can't you feel it? Look down, the spring is right below you."

Wu Huo lowered his head and looked down, only to see the cratered ground like the surface of the moon.

She was confused, and just about to continue asking, something suddenly moved in her heart, and she carefully felt the soul power disappearing from her body.

As she traced the missing soul power, the ground in front of her was gradually concave.

Originally she was standing on the flat ground, but gradually a small basin appeared in front of her. In the center of the basin was a lake shrouded in darkness. The lake was lightless and as calm as a mirror.

She felt a little panic looking at it.

"People often say that 'the heart lake is rippled.' This is the heart lake. We are in the depths of Hecate's soul, but not the deepest. The deepest bottom is below the heart lake."

Asal tilted his head and said: "Don't look, you can't see anything but endless darkness."

Wuhuo also turned his head and no longer stared at the darkness shrouded the lake in his heart. He said with lingering fear: "It's so terrible. The lake in Hecate's heart is filled with pure darkness, and not a trace of light is left."

Asal sighed: "Master Hecate's inner lake must have been brighter and clearer than the dewdrops under the sun. Unfortunately, what we are facing now is a grudge. Perhaps this is the real price of magic.

We destroy the beauty and tarnish the purity, and then all we face is darkness and resentment. "

There was another long silence.

Wu Huo couldn't help but look back. The inner lake was still there, and the environment had not changed.

"Why is the Heart Lake still there? It makes me very uncomfortable. I want it to disappear, but it doesn't disappear suddenly like when it came out before." She whispered.

Assar said softly: "You just opened the lid of the heart lake, and you did not create the heart lake of Master Hecate. As long as you always remember the heart lake, the scene here will not change."

Wu Huo wanted to forget the heart lake, but the more he wanted to forget, the clearer he remembered it.

"Plop~~~" I don't know how long it had passed, but the sound of heavy objects falling came from the heart lake.

"Ahhhhhh~~~~" It was a witch. She was floating in the lake of her heart, her expression was twisted and ferocious, and she let out a heart-rending howl.

"Hey, I seem to know her." Wu Huo stood up and looked at Xinhu Lake in surprise.

"Oh, which goddess is she?"

Asal was used to seeing the "incompletely digested food residue" that fell into the depths of Hecate's soul, and his expression was calm and not excited at all.

"She seems to be called 'Goddess Endo', not a goddess, although there is 'Goddess' in her name, I remember——"

"Pfft!" The dark sky cracked open again, and another woman fell down.

It fell on the edge of the lake without touching the water.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" She also had a distorted expression, very painful, and howled out selflessly.

"Oh, everyone looked the same when we first came here!"

Asal looked unfazed and sat on the stone with no interest in moving.

"Ah, it's Xuanlan. Even Xuanlan is here." Wu Huo took two steps forward and recognized the person.

"Xuanlan and the god Endo are both superheroes. Could it be that Hecate is the den of superheroes?"

Asal's expression changed slightly, "They are superheroes, not gods? Why can they persist for so long like you?"

"I am not sure."

Both Xuanlan and Shenduo are superheroes with strong minds and unyielding wills, and they quickly regain their composure.

".That's it. Let's wait quietly for death."

Wu Huo was not involved in the superhero circle and was not familiar with the two heroines. He only briefly described the situation here and then sat on a stone by the lake to smoke and be in a daze.

If she were still alive and met two earth heroines "outside", they would get close to each other and chat with each other even if they didn't know each other.

Now she felt very weak.

She was almost finished digesting it, and she didn't have the mind or energy to talk nonsense. She just wanted to wait quietly for death.

On the other hand, Asal was full of energy and very curious about the situation in the outside world. He called the two heroines to his side and questioned them carefully.

"Well, I know about the battle in the sky, and I also participated! But I didn't expect that Harley would seize part of the magic power of Master Hecate. It's really awesome!"

While inquiring about information related to her disciples, Goddess Asal also made comments and emotions.

"Wow, my Harley has become the agent of the King of Heaven, shouldering the responsibility of guarding Heaven. It's so great."

"Alas, Master Hecate has begun to directly harvest the heroines of the earth. The situation on the earth is not good, and Harley's situation is a bit bad!

"You are also stupid. You know what I have learned before, but you dare to run around outside without knowing how to hide in Lishan immediately.

Look at how well-behaved those heavenly goddesses and fairies were. As soon as the heavenly realm was destroyed, they turned their backs on their own god-king and joined Harley's 'Heaven Mountain Song and Dance Troupe'.

And Wonder Woman, she’s stronger than you and more famous than you, but isn’t she also—”

"Buzz buzz~~~"

The sudden slight vibration in the spiritual space interrupted Goddess Asal's eloquent words.

"Ah ah ah, it's Wonder Woman!" The spirit Endo suddenly pointed in the air and shouted in shock.

A crooked hole opened in the gray and low sky, and Wonder Woman Diana's head was stuck in the mouth.

She was still struggling, and like several "seniors", she twisted her face and yelled "Ahhhhhh".

"It's really Diana, Diana~~" Xuan Lan was at a loss and wanted to step forward to help, but didn't know how.

"Goddess Asar, Diana has not been swallowed by the spiritual space yet, she is still resisting, we have to help her!" She could only ask for help from "respected" seniors.

Goddess Asal frowned and said: "Wonder Woman's golden body should be due to her thick skin and divine power.

She was not absorbed directly, just because the thick-skinned divine power was still making its final struggle.

But struggling does not mean resisting.

From the moment she entered this spiritual space, it meant that she had been harvested.

In other words, if it is harvested by Master Hecate, it will enter this spiritual space.

Now that Wonder Woman is here, it means that the harvest is complete and cannot be saved.

The overall situation has been decided, even Harley can't save her, let alone us, a group of phantoms whose soul power has been drained and only the last remnants are left. "

"But Diana has not completely entered the spiritual space. The body that has not entered still belongs to Diana. She still has a chance." Xuan Lan said eagerly.

Asal pointed to the crack and said: "Look, before, only half of Wonder Woman's head was exposed, and in just a few words, the smaller half of her body has already come in.

That's not a space crack, that's a huge mouth!

It's chewing up Wonder Woman's soul, digesting her completely. "

"Isn't Wonder Woman in Gotham? She even lived in Lishan, why was she harvested?" Wu Huo asked in confusion.

"Could it be Harley?" Asal's expression changed, he shook his head and denied repeatedly, "No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible. Harley is an invincible existence. She punched Master Hecate and kicked people upside down. She Nothing will happen, Wonder Woman must have left Lisa and separated from Harley."

As soon as the words fell, Diana, who was being swallowed by the "mouth", screamed.

She only screamed "Ahhhhh" before, but now she is shouting, "Halle, Hallelujah, Halle, help me~~~"

"Ah, it's over. Harley is right next to her, but she still can't stop Wonder Woman from being harvested. Harley must have suffered unknown heavy injuries!" Wu Huo's expression changed drastically and he yelled.

"No, don't talk nonsense. My Harley is not even afraid of the Creator. How could she be -"

Before Asal could finish his words, Diana, who was bitten in the "mouth" in mid-air, suddenly had a golden light shining on her body, and her appearance, body shape and even breath suddenly transformed into Harley.

"Ahhhhh, Harley has been harvested too, no, it can't be, Harley, my poor Harley~~~ We are all finished, the world is finished, there is no hope at all, wuwuwu!"

Asal collapsed and cried loudly.

"Uh, Teacher Assal? Is that you?"

Her howl was so pitiful that Harry's slightly confused consciousness suddenly came to his senses.

Then her expression became very strange, "Xuan Lan, Wu Huo, Enduo, why are you all here?"

Being swallowed 80% of the body by a python, leaving only her calves dangling outside, is just a metaphor for the state of Diana's soul.

But it is also true that the miraculous power in Diana's soul and body was harvested and devoured by Hecate.

The devoured souls and miraculous powers became part of Hecate herself.

Before Harley "harvested" Diana's soul, 80% of Diana's soul had entered Hecate's "belly".

When Harley finished harvesting Diana's soul, Diana's soul became hers, and this was the scene.

"Harry, please leave us alone and find a way to get out of here.

This is the spiritual space deep in Hecate's soul. If you enter, you will be swallowed up!

We have completely died, and now all that remains are unwilling afterimages! "Xuanlan was the wisest and the first to react, shouting loudly to Harley.

Harley smiled weirdly, "I've always wanted to come here in my dreams, how can I leave immediately?"

She twisted her neck a few times, and her neck stretched out like a python. It actually grew infinitely forward, like a long python.

In just the blink of an eye, her head was already in front of them.

"You, have you become a monster?" The god Endo was in a daze.

Harley smiled and said: "This is the space of the soul. As long as my spiritual power is strong enough, I can become whatever I want."

After speaking, she opened her mouth, which suddenly expanded countless times, and swallowed all four women in one mouthful.

"OK, the hostages have been rescued and we can give it a try. Hecate, come on, we will fight to the death in the octagonal cage. Whoever escapes is the bastard!"

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