I want to have a date with Superman

The PS, jars, and my ideas for setting up plug-ins for Harley in the previous chapter

ps: The essence of the jar is Harley's body. The stronger the body, the more energy it can store and the more jars there are.

Below level 10, there is only one experience jar.

10+, add a jar, now there are two jars: experience, preparation expertise

20+, another jar is added, making a total of three jars. In addition to the experience jar, the other two can be filled with any energy.

At this time, Harley gave up on 'preparing the third specialty energy' and changed it to the first defense specialty.

In fact, there was no such complicated setting before.

Because in the original setting, the jar came from the magic weapon instead of Harley's body.

The setting here is like this because I saw in the comment section that readers had some feelings about the design of some of Harley's abilities.

One reader said that Harley could be allowed to absorb energy attacks and then attack the enemy back.

Roughly speaking, Murong Fu used his method to repay the other person, or replaced the flowers with the trees, and the world was moved.

Cost magic and counter-injury attacks can also reflect damage, but the reflected damage attribute is 'mind spell', not the same attack from the enemy.

Then, I had a new idea: wait until Harley reaches level 100 in the future (there is actually no upper limit to the level) and her defense is strong enough.

When the expertise reaches level nine (there is actually no upper level limit for expertise, because Harley will eventually transcend the DC multiverse), nine "cans" will be freed up to hold energy attacks.

That is to say, repay the other person with his own way.


Now that we have said this, let me explain again, why not just upgrade and add defense, why come up with some fancy defense expertise?

If it were a fantasy novel or an urban superpower novel, I would definitely choose a setting that only adds defense.

The simpler the setting, the better. This is a lesson I learned the hard way from my first book.

But dc is a bit special.

DC clearly proposed the concept of seven powers.

The DC multiverse is composed of seven powers of light, corresponding to the seven powers of darkness.

For example, the Flash's Speed ​​Force and the corresponding Stasis Force.

For example, the emotional spectrum of Green Lantern, and the corresponding invisible spectrum.

For example, Neptune's ocean life force corresponds to the tears of death.

The seven powers can create the universe and are the ultimate power of DC. They also have powerful rule-based attack power.

To put it bluntly, relying solely on physical defense has no right to be arrogant in the DC universe.

Is Big Super strong enough?

But when faced with Tears of Destruction, Dachao was still fragile.

Does Dachao fly fast?

When encountering stasis, it is as slow as a turtle - this is a DC rule, and physical defense is useless.

Therefore, I came up with a setting that activates a defensive specialty every ten levels.

Stasis power is awesome, right?

Harley directly absorbs the stasis force, activates the stasis force defense specialty, and then becomes completely immune to the stasis force.

My idea is roughly this: in the early stage, the four defense specialties are food (replenishing magic and physical strength, equivalent to red and blue bottles), will (preventing being controlled by the mind),? ,? (Confidential), after that, from level 50 to level 110, there are a total of seven specialties, corresponding to the seven original powers of DC.

The reason why it is level 110 is because Darkseid's defense is 100 points, and Harley must surpass him to become the strongest defense player in the universe.

By the time she reaches level 110, the seven powerful forces combined into one will be almost invincible in the universe, and the book will come to an end.


Let’s talk about Harley’s other plug-in, the big cross.

A large part of its prototype, and even the inspiration for Heavenly Warriors and Heavenly Merits, comes from "Dante's Journey to Hell", the animated movie, which is very interesting.

In the movie, Dante has a large cross in his hand.

Dante used the cross to redeem those he redeemed at will.

For example, his mother obviously committed suicide and deserved to go to hell, but when Dante took out the big cross, God immediately responded to his request and let his mother go to heaven - I was thinking at the time, why?

Dante, that bastard, burned, killed, looted, raped, and looted during the Crusades. He did all kinds of evil. Why should God respond to him?

Well, I understand what the author of "The Divine Comedy" means. Dante is redeeming himself, and redemption is the greatest gift God gives to believers.

The idea of ​​heavenly merit points and heavenly warriors came to mind for the first time while watching the movie.

What really made me determined to come up with this setting was the sticky relationship between Dr. Fate Naboo, Thunder Shazam, and Heaven.

Theoretically, Naboo is the God of Order and has nothing to do with God. However, Naboo and Shazam are both old friends of the Stranger and have a close relationship.

Moreover, Shazam can judge strangers, and Naboo has a heaven card (directly ascending to heaven), which means that both of them have a close relationship with heaven.

But they are clearly "foreign gods." Note that Christianity does not recognize alien gods. Only God in the world is the true God.

So, I thought that when they were still mortals, they might have had a good relationship with heaven, but the fact that they did not become the Holy Spirit meant that they did not believe in God.

If you don’t believe in God, you have a close relationship with heaven. Warriors of heaven use money to do things. In this way, the logic is complete.


Harley only has two plug-ins, Cross and Evolution Treasure.

As for the memories of past lives, they don’t count as plug-ins.

She has only seen Nolan’s Dark Knight movie.

"The Dark Knight Trilogy" has too many Nolan's personal goods.

If some readers think that after reading "Trilogy", they can show off their power and take the lead in Gotham in the comics after time travel, I can only give them a sympathetic look.

Because in Nolan's trilogy, he always promotes the goodness of human nature, nature is inherently good, and there are only a few bad guys. When faced with key choices, people will always choose the bright. This is the main theme of Nolan's movies.

In the first film, Bruce's goodness defeated the ninja master's evil.

The second part, the most classic clown, still loses to the kindness and justice in the depth of humanity of the people of Gotham - what the fu-ck, the kindness of the people of Gotham

In the third part, the villains were replaced by Bane and Talia. This time, Batman and the people of Gotham joined forces to defeat the powerful evil with kindness, courage, unity and other human brilliance.

To put it bluntly, after actually watching "The Dark Knight Trilogy", I don't have a bad impression of Gotham.

Because Gotham is not corrupt at all, not rotten, not completely dark. Just like Harley at the beginning of the chapter, she knows she is in Gotham and knows that the people here are "simple and honest", but she still has blessings and expectations for human nature, and feels that the GCPD is not all bad (three In the first part, most of the GCPD are good people, and even the bad police officers can be cleared), and the people of Gotham are also amiable (in the third part, the vast majority of Gotham people are more enlightened than the ordinary people in China, for example, the Joker uses bombs During the scene of the ship bombing, even the felons in Blackgate Prison believe in the beauty of human nature)

Nolan is awesome, but he still makes politically correct movies, which are not fundamentally different from Michael Bay's "Transformers" (dog head saves his life, don't scold me, I am really a fan of Nolan). They are all showing that , the capitalist country is very beautiful, only a small group of people are bad, and the system is completely fine.

Ahem, let me add that I didn't say that Nolan's movie violated the original work, he just chose a better way of interpretation, which is not wrong, and it did not lower the tone.

Let's talk about another movie "Joker" that has been held up to the altar. There is no need to analyze its detailed plot. No matter which way you interpret it, it reveals a deep despair about human nature and the darkness of the current American society. There is something wrong with the capitalist system and the United States is going to die.

Well, it's a bit exaggerated, but that's roughly it.

It can be said that the Gotham in "Joker" and the Gotham in "Trilogy" may seem similar, but in fact they are completely different worlds.

The Gotham in "Joker" is more in line with the tone of the original work - Gotham is rotten, society is rotten, and Batman is the only light and the only hope.

To sum up, Harley watched Nolan's "Trilogy" and came to the Gotham of "Joker" with the impression of Gotham in the trilogy. At the beginning, she lived in high school and the world she came into contact with was simpler. , and it is more in line with the "Trilogy". After leaving high school, she entered the real Gotham - "Joker" and the Gotham in the comics.

So, she got off to a rocky start.

The memory of her previous life not only failed to help her, but actually deceived her.

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