I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2 Twisted History

Later in history class.

There are about thirty students sitting in the 100-square-meter classroom.

The curtains were closed, the projector hummed softly, and colorful lights and shadows flashed across the faces of the students.

"This is the greatest victory in human history. God came to earth, and He was still an American. Together with the heroic American soldiers, he conquered this tenacious, dangerous and cunning country."

A slide projector projected a tragic war on the screen. Accompanied by the passionate music of "The Starry Flag," a somewhat distorted and excited male voice narration came from the speakers.

"Holy shit! I'm going to puke." Dotty, the breast bully, covered her mouth and howled.

"Mr. Rogers, can this kind of thing really be broadcast to us?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

This is a documentary about the Vietnam War. In the tropical rainforest, the fifty-meter-tall blue eagle is like a deity descended from the world. The dense jungle that blocks the sky from mortals is like the green grass on the lawn under his feet.

Countless RPGs and tank armor-piercing bullets formed a torrent of barrages, but before they even got close to him, they automatically disintegrated into nothingness.

With a casual finger, rows of tanks turned into parts, hundreds of soldiers were shattered, leaving a pale, sticky scarlet patch in the green swamp.

Very bloody, very brutal.

It seemed that they were not people, but human-shaped balloons filled with plasma. Once they were popped, they shot out all over the ground.

"You are coming of age, and this is a reality that every adult faces sooner or later."

The skinny, middle-aged white teacher was not as excited as the narrator in the video. Instead, his face showed resentment and anger, and his voice was also somewhat sad.

"Oh, Harley, you are indeed a little young. This is for senior students."

After coming back to his senses, Rogers smiled apologetically at Harley, "How about you finish class early?"

"It's almost over, and this is Gotham!" Harley complained.

The video is not long, and by now the scene of unilateral killing has ended.

Facing the approaching blue giant, all the enemy soldiers threw away their weapons in despair, walked out of the trenches, and knelt down to worship.

"This is not a secret. In fact, you can ask your parents. They have all seen it. At one time, almost all countries with TV signals in the world broadcast it."

Rogers sat beside the podium and said in a low voice: "For the purpose of deterrence and to show off, this video was played many times on several major TV stations after the victory of the war."

"Rogers, are you showing us this to engage in patriotic education? Teach us to be proud and shout 'Long Live America'?" A male classmate shouted excitedly: "You are wrong, I feel sick, my limbs feel cold, my stomach Spasms, Farke!”

Not only was the history teacher not angry after hearing this, but he looked very happy and said with a smile: "You are wrong, Singh, I am very happy that you have this reaction.

This is a negative lesson. Today’s topic is anti-war and anti-massacre.

Come on, classmates, shout with me, ‘Fake Nixon’, ‘Fake Manhattan’, ‘Fake Comedian’, ‘Fake Watchman’! "

Harley rolled her eyes.

But she wasn't surprised at all.

In the United States after the new millennium, leftist people are politically correct.

Are there any weird things that Zuo Bai can't do?

Of course, from the bottom of her heart, she also thinks that the Nixon of this world is a bastard, and Dr. Manhattan who obeys his orders and uses divine power to interfere in mortal wars is even worse.

Well, in this DC fantasy world, the Americans have won.

In the early and middle stages of the war, it was no different from the real world. American devils were beaten into dogs. Seeing that it was almost unbearable, Nixon ordered Dr. Manhattan to land on the Asian continent.

History is different.

Not only did he win a resounding victory, but Nixon himself became the second person after Roosevelt to break the two-term presidential system.

The president of the United States can only be elected once, that is, he can serve two terms. Roosevelt was elected president four times, and the Nixon of this world served three terms.

Moreover, the famous "Watergate Incident" is gone.

"Fuck Nixon!" she shouted.

The whole class laughed and shouted together, even Master Bruce was shouting with great enthusiasm.

Obviously, Dr. Manhattan's behavior with the Watchmen is very inconsistent with his values.

Mr. Rogers raised his right hand and brought his thumb and index finger together, leaving only a thin gap.

"A nuclear war was just one step away from breaking out. In fact, Dr. Manhattan's performance on the battlefield and even the US government's move to allow him to participate in the war were too appalling.

Sadly, countries whose nerves are stung by a sense of deadly crisis possess weapons capable of destroying all mankind. "

"Put yourself in another person's shoes and imagine a fight in Mexico. As Americans, what would we think and do?"

"Nuclear war is the only way to launch a nuclear war first!"

The teacher waved his hand suddenly, feeling very excited, "It is human instinct to use all means to protect oneself in the face of crisis.

Manhattan and Nixon almost directed a nuclear war that would destroy the Earth!

Therefore, victory is not glorious. All the people on earth walked around in front of the gate of hell. "

"Isn't Manhattan God? Why not take action to solve the nuclear crisis? For example, destroy all nuclear bombs in the world." Harley asked curiously.

Rogers shook his head and sighed: "Dr. Manhattan can only intercept 60%!

Before the alien octopus appeared, nuclear crisis had always been the Sword of Damocles hanging over mankind. "

Harley doesn't know much about the DC multiverse.

She has only seen a few famous movies.

Then use Douyin to visit Bilibili and listen to the up owners talking about DC characters.

In fact, after watching the movie "Watchmen", she had many questions: It's just a nuclear bomb crisis, why is the God on earth, Manhattan, helpless?

In her impression, Dr. Manhattan is equal to God and omnipotent - after all, every up owner says so. Even if you go to Baidu Lan Diao, they are all labeled with "DC is the strongest, and he can freely rub the multiverse".

Not even Little Earth's tiny nuclear bomb can handle it.

How many universes are there in the multiverse?

How many "Earths" are there in each universe?

"Are you sure? Where does the 60% figure come from?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Rogers looked at her and said calmly: "I have a PhD in history from Yale University. I have joined President Clinton's advisory group. I have reviewed the files at the Pentagon that record Dr. Manhattan's abilities and psychological analysis."

"Do you still have any questions, Quinn-san?"

Harley smiled and waved, "Does Dr. Manhattan's file no longer need to be kept secret?"

Rogers shook his head and said with confused eyes: "He has left the earth forever, so what else can he keep secret? Moreover, these are not real secrets."

The plot of "Watchmen" in Harley's memory has been very vague, and she can't remember many details, but at least she will not forget the main plot: as a mortal, the Pharaoh played Manhattan in front of him once.

"Can Dr. Manhattan read minds?" she asked again.

If he could read minds, the Pharaoh would certainly not be able to deceive him.

"If the file analyzing Manhattan's abilities has not been artificially modified, then he should not be proficient in telepathy.

Of course, I don’t think he needs it. Dr. Manhattan exists above the timeline and can see through the future. "Rogers said.

This is bragging again. In the 1970s, the Pharaoh used tachyons to block the blue eagle's ability to travel through the timeline.

"You don't know any medical skills?" Harley asked again: "Manhattan's ex-wife has cancer, but he can't save her."

"No one has seen him use healing skills, but..." Rogers looked hesitant.

"Dr. Manhattan can control material changes at the atomic level. In theory, it is very simple for him to kill every cancer cell."

"That's right." Harley raised her eyebrows and felt more confused.

At the end of class, other students gathered together in twos and threes to chat. Harley ran to the podium, smiled and said to Rogers who was sorting out the lesson plan: "Teacher, can you give me a copy of Dr. Manhattan's secret file?"

"What are you going to do?" Rogers asked curiously.

"Dr. Manhattan is almost the greatest miracle in human history. I want to know more about miracles." Harley said.

Rogers shook his head, "That's not a good enough reason."

Just when Harley was disappointed, he smiled slyly and continued: "Unless you can write a paper about Doctor Manhattan that satisfies me before the end of this semester, the topic is of your own choice.

If the quality is high enough, I'll give you an 'A'; if you can't, just prepare to retake my class next semester. "

"I can't ask for such a good thing!" Harley laughed.

This is the difference between the best high schools and ordinary public schools. The gap in resources and teacher quality is too big.

"Papa pa pa"

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound outside the house, like the sound of rain hitting banana trees.

Then came Dottie's ear-piercing scream, "Oh, God, Christ, we encountered squid rain, and my sports car didn't have the hood up."

"My dear, this is the legendary squid rain. This is my first time seeing it!"

"It stinks! The whole city needs to clean streets and wash cars."

Harley has seen squid rain several times.

Intuitively, it's like slugs raining down from the sky.

It was a sticky, grey-white lump the size of a fingertip. When it was smashed down, a pool of disgusting and greasy juice emerged. It also exuded the sticky stench of fish market garbage dumps.

But they weren't slugs, they were squid remains.

Dr. Manhattan helped the United States win the battle, raising the possibility of a global nuclear war crisis to its highest point in history.

Physicists have created a "Doomsday Clock" to mark the threat level of nuclear war. At its peak, it was only five seconds away from twelve o'clock.

In the 1980s, if a nuclear war broke out tomorrow, no one on earth would be surprised. They would only lament: After worrying for so long, the moment has finally come for all mankind to go to hell.

On November 2, 1985, when the nerves of politicians, soldiers, and ordinary people were stretched to the limit, an alien suddenly "teleported" to Earth.

Not Superman.

It's a giant octopus taller than a skyscraper.

It does not have Star Destroyers, cation cannons and other technological weapons, but only has psychic attack capabilities that are enough to destroy cities and countries.

It came to Manhattan, New York, and the spiritual shock with the characteristics of mental pollution spread throughout the city. In an instant, 3.5 million people died from broken souls, and more than 100,000 people were left with permanent mental trauma, commonly known as crazy.

Fortunately, the alien octopus only had time to launch a wave of attacks, and because it could not withstand the trauma of the "dimension travel" rules, it decomposed into a puddle of stinking mud that could not even be tested for genetic testing - the DNA collapsed.

Afterwards, authoritative scientists conducted research and found that the octopus was an alien who jumped through a wormhole and accidentally came to the earth. And this is just the beginning. After the location of the earth is located, there will likely be subsequent invasions.

Experts are always right.

From 1985 to now in 2005, for twenty years, squid rain has often randomly fallen on the earth.

——These are the corpses of the alien advance army. When crossing dimensions, they could not withstand the pressure brought by the changes in the rules of the different dimensions. But aliens have been trying and improving, and one day they will adapt to the rules of the earth's dimension.

This is again an expert analysis.

"Aliens have invaded the earth, do we humans still have to fight among ourselves?"

As a result, the nuclear crisis was resolved, the people of the earth were united as never before, various international joint and mutual aid activities continued in an endless stream, and mankind ushered in a prosperous era of development.

"Mr. Rogers, have you ever thought that this is a scam?" Harley turned around and asked.

Another characteristic of squid rain is that it comes and goes quickly.

By now it had stopped raining and the sky was clear.

Rogers paused and asked calmly: "Why do you have such an idea?"

"Aliens appeared just during the nuclear crisis. However, the aliens did not have spaceships and cannons. Instead, they were just creatures from other dimensions. More importantly, in the past twenty years, squid rain has appeared many times with a high frequency, but it has never had any essential meaning. The change."

Harley looked into his eyes, "There is no technological improvement, but aliens keep trying. Is this reasonable?"

"Existence is reasonable." Rogers said lightly.

Harley's eyes flashed and she whispered: "I think this is a man-made scam! It's probably related to the Watchers. They have the ability and motivation to do this."

The reality is very different from the plot in the director's "Watchmen" movie.

In the movie, the Pharaoh did not create an octopus, but simulated Dr. Manhattan's energy and caused a nuclear explosion in the center of New York.

In this way, people all over the world unite to fear and fight Dr. Manhattan.

Now, instead of a nuclear explosion, there's an alien octopus.

Although more than three million people died in New York State, the psychic attacks only hurt people and did not cause any damage to the buildings and environment.

It seems that alien octopus is more reasonable?

After all, you can rain squid for twenty years and keep warning the people on earth that "wolves are coming," but you can't let the blue eagle roam around the earth every now and then.

In fact, after the "Human Nuclear Radiation" incident, the Blue Eagle never appeared in public view again.

Well, Pharaoh Werther deliberately framed Dr. Manhattan, secretly used nuclear waste to infect Manhattan's ex-wife and colleagues with cancer, and then used the mouths of these victims to slander Manhattan's body that has been emitting dangerous nuclear radiation, which will infect those who are close to him. get cancer.

Hated by his former wife and friends, slandered by reporters, and feared and disgusted by humans, Lan Diao was so hurt that he went to Mars to engage in real estate.

Only by forcing the blue eagle away can the alien octopus invasion plan be implemented.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the artificial octopus is, can it withstand a finger of the blue eagle?

Rogers looked at her deeply and said, "These are all your conjectures. There is no substantial evidence."

"Yes, I just made a guess. You know, I'm not the only one. In the past twenty years, hundreds of people have made similar guesses." Harley nodded.

She's not trying to be clever by giving away spoilers.

There are really countless people with "flexible" minds who speculate that the "112 Incident" was a Pentagon conspiracy.

They even wrote books, and there are dozens of them in circulation.

Therefore, she was not worried at all that if Rogers was the "campus FBI", she would be taken into a dark room and tortured to extract a confession.

"Whether it is true or false, the price of 3.5 million people has been paid, and the peace we enjoy is real and true."

"Those of you who were not dominated by nuclear fear back then will never understand how precious today's peace is!"

After leaving this meaningful sentence, the tall and lanky history teacher left.

"Harley, Harley Quinn!" An older woman stood at the door of the classroom and waved to Harley.

She was probably in her early fifties. Her frosty brown hair was meticulously combed back and tied into a bun with black silk mesh. She had a long face, light makeup, red lips, and gold-rimmed glasses. Dark women's suits look knowledgeable and elegant.

Harley hurried over and asked curiously: "Mrs. White, what do you want from me?"

Jenny White, the senior elective calculus teacher, is also the high school’s principal.

"Go and talk to me in the office." Ms. White glanced at the students who were coming over and left first.

After entering the office, Principal White was very direct. He closed the door and said solemnly: "Harry, something happened to you."

ps: Dr. Manhattan from the movie "Watchmen" was broken into atoms in a nuclear energy test, but he miraculously returned from the quantum space and used energy to build a new body, which is blue.

The blue Doctor Manhattan can be infinitely large or infinitely small, and his body has no meaning to him.

As for the plot of "Watchmen", it is actually very simple. Watchmen is a team of superheroes, similar to the Avengers and the Justice League. Manhattan, Pharaoh, Nite Owl, Silk Soul, Comedian, and Nite Owl are the main members.

The Earth where the Watchers are located is destined to have a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union (different from the real world), and no one can change it. In order to save the world, the smartest Pharaoh among the Watchers used the energy of Dr. Manhattan to quietly create a "Gora" "S-level" octopus.

Octopuses only have the ability to teleport and attack mentally.

Just before the nuclear war broke out, Octopus teleported to New York, crushed it with his mind, and killed 3.5 million people.

Then the Pharaoh took the opportunity to announce that this octopus came from another dimension and was an alien. The aliens are going to invade the earth. Are you going to have a civil war?

As a result, the nuclear war crisis was completely eliminated, and the world ushered in false peace.

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