I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 193 Tree Parliament


Harley struck with all her strength and used the perfect artifact. Anton was just a mage and his body was not much stronger than ordinary people. The baseball bat fell and his head exploded like a watermelon. The red and black ones looked like a big bowl of tofu. After being left alone for four days and nights in the middle of summer, a layer of red hair grew, and then it spread out all around.

Well, Anton Arcane accepted the power of the Blackness of Decay, and he looks bright on the outside, but the inside of his body is actually more rotten than a zombie.

If he is injured, the blood that bleeds out will be black and rancid.

"Ugh!" Harley wiped the dirt from her face, took two steps back, and spit out most of her breakfast.

I don't blame her for not being "professional", it's just too smelly and disgusting, and the smell is stronger and slimier than ordinary rotting corpses.

Anton's condition was a thousand times worse than hers.


He held half of his head, and his mouth and soul let out a painful wail as if his balls were being crushed by boots.

"What kind of weapon is this?!"


In response, he was hit hard again, and half of his head was turned into blood, leaving only his neck standing there.

Facing the confession rod, Anton's body was as fragile as a rotting corpse soaked in a summer lake for half a month.

Not that the baseball bat made him physically fragile.

After accepting the power of the Blackness of Decay, his body has long since died and decayed, and he only relies on divine power to maintain his normal state.

Once the penitence rod defeats the power of decay in his body, his rotten body will reveal its true colors.

But Anton was still howling, and his screams were even more miserable.

A complete howl of the soul.

Harley took a few steps back and looked at the corpse that had lost its head and was still alive in surprise.

While howling in pain, he bent down, picked up the broken skulls on the ground, and stuffed them directly into his neck.

The pieces of meat squirmed and gradually bonded into shape.

Harley stepped forward and gave him another blow, "Boom!"

This time, with just one blow, the head shattered into splattering mud again.

"Ouch~~~~I regret it!"

This time the howl of pain was accompanied by tears.

Harley's eyes lit up, and when he was about to squirm and heal into a complete human head, he rushed forward again and punched him from the side.

"Woo, I, I regret - no, I never regret! The power of death is mine, Abby's splash - Boo!"

Harley gave him another shot.

"Alas--" He cried while he was sore, "My brother died early, and Aibi was actually my daughter, but I -no, I don't regret it, the death of death is mine, mine!"

Anton was in a daze, running around in circles like he was drunk. He subconsciously picked up the pieces and put them on his head. He forgot that the enemy was nearby, and he was doing completely useless work.


Harley smashes the "porcelain head with shit inside" again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa partners, Abby, damn the Death Council. They think I have poor talent and insist not to let me be the God of Death.

If they want to choose someone with stronger talent, I will give birth to the one with the strongest talent.

As long as Abby occupies the position but does not accept the blackness of decay, I will always retain the opportunity to become a god. I - oh, I have no regrets. The power of decay is mine and no one can take it away! "

Harley looked at the baseball bat now with a hint of fear.

This is not the "Sacred Artifact of Repentance from Heaven". Its effect is more terrifying than that of a magic weapon.

Because it is "calibrating" people's will!

According to what standard?

Clearly, God’s standard for being a “good person.”


"Boo!" Harley showed no mercy and smashed Anton's head again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ I am guilty. In order to please the Death Council, I crazily hunted the awakened ones of the green of all things, even the babies. I am guilty.

I also invented a herbicide to poison the swamp monster, which caused an imbalance in the power of nature. Large areas of the world lost food production and starved to death - no, I don't regret it. The power of death is mine, mine! "

This guy is really determined and refuses to honestly repent.

It could also be that the chain of confession is not high enough, after all it comes from the Holy Spirit Robbie, not from God Himself.

"Boo!" Harley gave him a hard slap.

Not to mention the head, even the neck was hit this time.

"Ouch ouch ouch~~~~~"

Anton was lying on the ground, just like the landlord ("Kung Fu") when he saw the arrival of the Ax Gang, and he piled the bloody mud on the ground to his head.

"I regret it. I have a great sin. I once sneaked to Abby's bedside and wanted to tarnish her purity - oh, I don't regret it. Why is that Splash person born to be the incarnation of the blackness of decay?"

Well, it's all a bit incoherent.

Obviously Abby was born on purpose to "occupy the latrine and wait for her to poop".

Harley smashed it a dozen more times.

Seeing that he no longer told fresh secrets, but was still logically confused and talking nonsense, she simply let go and used the baseball bat as a kitchen knife and Anton as minced meat on the chopping board, chopping hard.

The power of death in his body became less and less, his recovery became slower and slower, and he gradually shattered into a puddle of flesh and blood.

But he's not dead yet.

Not even willing to compromise.

After a few words of repentance, he immediately shouted, "The power of death is mine, and I have no regrets."

This shows how deep his obsession with the blackness of decay is.

I have been tossing around in the shadow world for a long time, and only a few breaths have passed in reality.

Ivy and the others saw the "Death Slayer" grinning ferociously and was about to launch an attack. Suddenly, a magic circle rose under the blanket. Under the bloody light, black spots of decay slowly spread along the wall.

The flowers and plants near the door lost their bright colors and turned into ashes in mid-air before they could wither.

"Ah, the magic circle is pulling the surrounding space into the shadow realm, let's back up!" Dr. Woodrue exclaimed.

But soon, the red light of the formation disappeared, and the abnormality in the shadow world shrank instantly, and then Harley, who was wiping his baseball bat with his coat, appeared in front of several people.

"Where is Death Slayer Anton?" Dr. Woodrue said blankly.

Harley pointed at the basin-sized lump of minced meat on the ground, "That's it!"

"Gudong." Woodrue swallowed, his face turned pale, and he looked away.

His eyes were trembling, and he didn't dare to look at Harry.

After a while, Abby also came up.

"He's not dead yet?"

The look on her face was more disgust than fear.

"Strictly speaking, he died a long time ago, and all he is alive is a shell of flesh."

Harley found a tin bucket from the side, used Ivy's shovel to dig the ground, shoveled lumps of meat into the tin bucket, and then covered it with a layer of soil to seal it.

"Just burn it." Ivy said in disgust.

"After being burned to ashes, the soul returns to the blackness of decay, and it is not difficult to replace it with a rotting corpse." Harley said.

Then, she turned to Woodrue and said calmly: "Don't be stupid. The enemy is gone. You carry Alec Holland and leave here immediately."

"But Alec is dying." Abby looked at her pleadingly, "Let Ivy send us to the Tree Parliament."

Ivy also hesitated and said: "Harry, I also want to visit the Tree Parliament. I have a hunch that witnessing the birth of Swamp Monster with my own eyes would be of great benefit to me."

Harley wanted to say that the more power you borrow, the greater the price you will pay in the future.

But Ivy is different from her.

Ivy actually doesn’t mind paying off her debt in the future.

In fact, because of her natural love for plants, she was very satisfied with the final outcome - after death, her soul and magic merged into the green of all things and became part of the plant god.

"Okay, you continue." Harley sighed.

Ivy smiled happily, squatted down again, and held the vine leaves with her hands. The cherry tomatoes gradually "lit up" and exuded emerald green brilliance.

In the sound of Ivy's spell, the green light gradually twisted into a vortex. The vortex expanded rapidly with the cherry tomato as the center.

Finally, when the green light vortex reached half a person's height, even Harry could feel a breath of fresh air coming from the other side that was cleansing his soul.

"Kid, it's time to go home."

A slow rumbling sound sounded in everyone's consciousness.

"It's the elder of the Tree Council!"

Woodrue was so excited that he quickly picked up Alec, who had stopped breathing, and dived into the green light vortex.

Harry was surprised to see that their figures quickly shrank in the whirlpool, turning into a black dot, blending into the cherry tomato, and disappearing.

Abby follows closely behind.

Harley hesitated.

Ivy urged: "Hurry up, I can't hold on anymore."

"Is there any danger?" Harley frowned.

"There is no danger. The reason why I can open the green plant channel now is because the swamp monster has not returned, and I temporarily control part of the green of all things.

I can feel the mood of the tree council that is connected to the greenness of all things. It is peaceful and tranquil, and has no fight with the world. At least, they have no ill intentions towards you or me. "Ivy confirmed.

Harley decided to believe her, hunched over, and dove in.

It's like falling into a green pond from a high altitude. There is pure green in front of you, and there seems to be the sound of flowers blooming and grass growing in your ears, and the breath on your nose.

It's like the smell of the juice when you pinch a piece of young grass in the field and crush the leaves and stems in spring.

With the fragrance of spring.

Harry felt that a long time had passed, but at the same time it felt like it was just a moment. A flash of flowers fell into the lush green rainforest before his eyes.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, and walking on it is like walking on a blanket.

The air is very humid, and it seems like you can catch a drop of water every time you breathe.

The trees are towering into the clouds, the sunlight is dancing in bunches of golden light spots in the forest, and the leaves are so green that they seem to be shining.

At the bottom of the thick tree trunk, countless green firefly-like light spots formed a nebula near the root of the tree.

Harley stretched out her hand and touched the green light spot, and heard a crisp laughter.

An old man's face appeared on the trunk of the redwood tree, and he shouted to Harley below: "Human beings, allowing you to come here is already a great gift. Don't desecrate the sanctity of this land."

The first time Harley saw the "Tree Man", she looked up at it blankly without any reaction.

The willow tree on the side also showed a human face and whispered: "Don't be too harsh. She saved the swamp monster and killed the death hunter. She has never done any evil deeds of destroying the forest. She is our friend."

The big eucalyptus tree said angrily: "She is a human being. Human beings destroy forests to create farmland and pollute the environment. She is also one of them and bears the original sin!"

Harley was shocked when she saw her first tree man.

After seeing too much, she began to get used to strange things.

After hearing what the trees said, she wondered: "Are you a parliament of trees?"

"Harry, they are respected elders." Ivy said excitedly.

"Well, this is a polite little girl." Eucalyptus said kindly.

"She saved the swamp monster and is a hero!" Sequoia smiled.

"Oh, if every human being cherishes green plants like Ivy, how beautiful the world will be!" The green tree sighed.

"We want to reward her." Cypress said.

Harley didn't mind or be surprised to be treated differently by the tree council, but she was very puzzled by their obvious hatred towards humans.

"I once heard a mage say that all the elders are retired swamp monsters," she asked.

The other trees didn't want to pay attention to her, but the old willow tree said: "The Master is right."

"So, you were also humans once?" Harley asked again.

"No, we are tree elves, we only use human bodies temporarily." The birch tree quickly denied.

"Look at us now, how do we look like humans?" Sequoia asked angrily.

Harley was silent.

By becoming swamp monsters, they lose their humanity.

Is this a price, or is it the directional "evolution" of the plant god?

"Elder, please save Alec!"

Abby held her boyfriend's "remains" and begged loudly.

"Throw him into the swamp. If he survives, he will be a swamp monster, but he won't survive." Sequoia sighed and turned his eyes to Ivy, "Fortunately, we have a backup plan!"

"No, Alec will definitely survive!" the old banyan tree said solemnly.

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