I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1890 Constantine’s Wedding

On the afternoon of the second day of the Magic Conference, on the outskirts of the town where Winstergate Manor is located.

The wizard boy was right.

Even though it is late winter now, when the trees are withered and the earth is desolate, from the surrounding environment, we can predict the scene of vigorous vitality and all things competing for spring and summer when spring and summer arrive in a few months.

"The environment here is not bad. It is much better than what I felt in the middle of the night last night. There is a different mood even in winter." The person who spoke was none other than the one who mocked Baron Winster for choosing a "weird one" last night. Zha Kang who settled down in "Happy Garden".

He was holding Xiao Zha on his arm, and he seemed to be floating as he walked, as if there were two springs under his feet. The joy of the spring breeze almost made the spring of the town come early.

Although Xiao Zha was not as showy and proud as him, he still had a happy face and his smile never faded away.

Harley ignored the two people who were about to enter the wedding hall, nor did she care about the unique winter scenery.

"Where have you been these days? I haven't seen you yet. I can't find you even if I try to look for you." She walked side by side with the stranger and asked softly.

The magic conference is over. Although all the people participating in the conference are extraordinary people, after the conference, it is not that a group of people set up auspicious clouds and dispersed, or they disappeared instantly with a spell.

The purpose of the conference is to deal with the magic debt crisis.

The direct cause of the outbreak of personal debt crisis is often the fluctuation of magic power that attracts the attention of magic creditors.

Therefore, Baron Winston specifically stated on the invitation letter: Do not use magic to enter the manor directly. It is also forbidden to use magic while staying in the manor. It is best not to bring magic weapons or body protection artifacts. If you also seal your own magic power, then better.

Obviously, Baron Winston, like the You brothers of Juxian Village and Lu Guanying of Lujiazhuang, likes to show off, but he is far more cautious than the You brothers and Lu Guanying, and he is more experienced than them in protecting himself. Let’s not talk about this magic for now. The conference was successfully completed. No one died, and no strange things happened. Even the joint psychics who suffered heavy casualties last time only died of others. Baron Winster himself is alive and well, and he still has the mind to organize the next "martial arts event" ".

Also because of Baron Winster's request in advance, the mages used regular transportation when entering and leaving the venue.

For example, cars, shared bicycles, or taking out your mobile phone to carpool.

When Harley came over, she ran happily, relying directly on the strength of her body and the power of Dr. Manhattan's feet to step on the void.

Now they are still walking out on two legs.

Even if you want to use magic to leave, you have to at least leave the town.

"I don't have any purpose. I wander around at will, sometimes on the earth, sometimes in another world. Now I have no fixed place, I can do whatever I want, and I am at ease." The stranger said something, and then said: "You ask me about Mu Mu About? I saw the email you sent me, and I can’t answer this question.”

He sighed and said with some helplessness: "When I met Bo Mu, I guided Bo Mu out of despair about the evil of human nature, and even taught you to praise Bo Mu as a 'modern drama heroine', it was all guided by the voice of heaven. Completed next time.”

Harley said unhappily: "It was obviously my idea to make Twilight the 'reality drama heroine'.

It is also my credit that she can finally rise to the top in the life of the 'heroine whose dreams come true and everything goes smoothly'.

Don't take my credit! "

"If I didn't remind you, would you have come up with the idea of ​​letting Bo Mu be the heroine? You can only be considered a director, and I'm a producer!" Stranger argued with a smile, then gradually faded his smile and sighed: "Even at that time Even with the guidance of the voice of the sky, I cannot determine the final state of Dusk.

Now we can only give her good wishes and have good expectations for her. Otherwise, if the Voice of Heaven comes to me again, I will inform you and Hal Jordan as soon as I have news. "

"The Voice of Heaven will still look for you? The silver coin around your neck has been removed, and you are completely free." Xanadu asked doubtfully.

"If the dog's leash is removed, it will no longer be a dog?" Zha Kang said disapprovingly.

The stranger frowned and glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "No matter in the past, present or future, my faith in the Lord will only be fine-tuned and will not be completely discarded.

As a believer in the Lord, I am happy to serve Him.

When I serve Him again, I will do so without any reluctance. Everything I do will come from my own heart. "

"Fine-tuning your faith. You are so pious and honest!" Zha Kang smiled a little bit.

"Belief is in a dynamic state of change with cognition and experience. If you don't understand, just shut up."

Harley defended Stranger against her will. Well, she actually wanted to ridicule Stranger for his "fine-tuned" belief, but since Zha Kang beat him to it, she definitely couldn't continue to make fun of Stranger.

One friend's teasing is just a joke, and all his friends make fun of him. The joke can also turn into cynicism that hurts and affects people's emotions.

"Stranger, you said that Dusk has become the highest level of kindness after her ascension. Since she is so advanced, she should occupy a large proportion in Hecate's main consciousness, right?

But judging from her attitude towards my teacher Asal, she didn't show any hesitation, struggle or entanglement. She killed neatly and planned everything perfectly.

When Asal was killed, I felt something in my heart immediately, but I was still at least three steps too late.

When I arrived, even Acharath had been burned into Limbo meteorite.

Hecate is too decisive and cruel. " Harley sighed.

The Stranger mused: "Even vicious super villains can control their emotions, suppress their evil thoughts, refrain from doing evil, and may even do good things that are opposite to their evil thoughts.

The mother of magic's methods will only become more sophisticated. Hecate is also known as the 'Three Phases Goddess', did you know?

The original Hecate was a young and beautiful woman. Her body was like the bright moonlight and the spring sun in the morning, extremely beautiful and pure.

When she met the ancient god of the earth, she transformed from a body of light into a black woman with an afro, thick lips, and a plump body. "

Harry could only imagine that scene in his mind, and couldn't help but say: "She has really bad taste."

Stranger shook his head and said: "Many alien races still look at your portrait with sympathy and sigh - the Galaxy Admiral is so powerful, but he looks like this, so pitiful.

Different races, different eras, and different habits have different definitions of beauty.

The ancient god of the earth himself has a rough image, with thick limbs, thick hair, and a lot of black skin, brown skin, and dark yellow skin.

In their eyes, Hecate at that time only became more beautiful and more in line with their aesthetics.

Later, Hecate married Hades, the king of Hades, and she also joined the Greek pantheon. Her image changed again, completely becoming a Greek woman.

When she was betrayed by the ancient god, her image changed again, becoming a "three-phase goddess" with three heads and three appearances, an original girl's head, and a mature woman's head. Finally, she became the fear of all mages. The 'grudge'.

Each head of the three-phase goddess represents a different personality and style. Nowadays, it is the grudge who leads the magic debt collection.

No matter how kind Mu Mu is, all the kindness has been hidden by the resentful woman at this time.

But no matter how well the grudge hides the kindness of the Mother of Magic, it is impossible for her kindness to disappear completely. "

"The question is how do we awaken kindness and wake up Dusk? When the Voice of Heaven guided you to help Dusk sublimate, there must be a way to activate her." Harley said.

The stranger asked: "Why don't you ask Uriel? At the previous magic conference, he came to the world in person and announced his identity as the 'chief commander' of the plan to overcome the tribulation in heaven.

If Tian Zhi Sheng had a back-up move related to Dusk, he would definitely have given the back-up move to him.

And I have stopped being a thug with the Voice of Heaven for quite some time.

Now I may not know as much about heaven’s news as you do. You have at least gone to Silver City to find Lord Michael and attended the Silver City Angel Council meeting. "

Harry frowned and said, "You also saw the scene at the Magic Conference. Whether it was Uriel himself or Beelzebub's will projection, they both appeared at the last moment, said a few words and then left immediately.

I do have a lot of questions I want to ask them.

But those two bastards didn't give anyone a chance. "

At about seven o'clock in the morning, the Earth's Extraordinary Magic Conference was held again.

Etrigan fulfilled his promise and first disclosed the hell escape plan.

It was not explained in too much detail, but the general principles, the total number of people in action, and the overall strategy were clearly stated.

I heard that hell sent at least 3,000 First Fallen and 300 demon kings to the earth to guard against the strange things that were about to come to the earth. The extraordinary beings on the earth were so excited that they shouted "Long live hell, Beelzebub Satan is eternal".

They had reason to cheer and reason to be grateful to the Hell Legion.

The hell front army is not planning weird things in hell.

They will station themselves on the earth and wait for the weird.

If a transcendent discovers something strange, or discovers that a transcendent is being targeted by something strange, the Hell Legion will take action immediately.

Moreover, there are thousands of demons in the hell army, and there are only three hundred demon kings. Such vast power fluctuations are more dazzling than a supernova explosion in Weird's eyes.

In comparison, the magic power fluctuations of ordinary mages are so weak that they can be ignored by Weird.

After hell is heaven. Udon completely replaced Zaulie in speaking to all the mages, and also directly announced the lineup of heaven: "Tongue of Fire" Ulie, the leader, Qing Yishui's high-level human angels, at least 20,000, with an average strength of Demon Lord left and right.

Even now after the failure of the Son's coming plan, "Tongue of Fire" Uriel is still the most powerful and most powerful angel in heaven in the hearts of earth mages.

Hearing that Uriel had left the stage in person, the atmosphere at the Magic Conference immediately reached a new climax.

But Udon, like Etrigan, only talked about the general plan, and didn't even explain whether the angels would enter the earth, let alone the trump card of the angel army.

After Hell and Heaven got two committee seats, it was the turn of the mages to take the stage.

Perhaps seeing that Heaven and Hell were particularly sincere, the mages did not hide it this time, and very enthusiastically explained their plans to overcome the tribulation, from morning to afternoon.

When the meeting was about to end, Uriel came to the venue carrying a blazing holy halo of light on his back - just like the halo behind the angel in the mural, only in a blazing state.

Beelzebub, in the form of a giant fly that exudes the stench of rotting corpses, also appears at the same time.

However, Uriel was in his true form, and Beelzebub's true form had not yet recovered.

Both of them only said a few words to encourage everyone to work together.

Harry definitely wanted to have an in-depth conversation with them, but it was difficult to talk about too personal topics in public. When the conference was over, they left as soon as possible.

"I guess Uriel will still look for you. You are the leader of the earth. No matter how the plan to overcome the tribulation in heaven unfolds, it will always be more convenient and efficient to have your help." The stranger said.

"Maybe." Harley looked around and asked, "Where are you going next?"

While they were talking, they had already arrived at the outskirts of the town, and there was no need to continue walking.

"You guys go back to Gotham. I'm going to leave the earth and find some old friends." The Stranger stopped and said.

"Gotham has become your sad place? That's not true." Harley said.

"I really have something to do." Stranger sighed.

"Who are you looking for?" Harley asked.

The stranger hesitated for a while and said: "Have you heard of the 'Essence Society'? Hell and Heaven have already taken action. They each represent a force. I want to ask them their views on the magic debt crisis."

Harley was disapproving.

She didn't think that the outdated "cosmic bosses" from the Essence Society could do anything in the magic debt crisis.

"Mo Ke, Xiao Zha and I are getting married next Saturday. Remember to take the time to come over, have at least a glass of wedding wine, and give us both good wishes." Zha Kang lit a Silka cigarette and said with a smile on his face.

Stranger said in surprise: "Next Saturday, isn't it too soon? I thought you would wait until the magic debt crisis is over and the official wedding will be held when it is completely safe."

Harley also said: "You just proposed to Xiao Zha today, and you didn't even prepare a ring-"

Zha Kang took Xiao Zha's right hand and showed everyone the golden ring on his ring finger. "Hey, while you were talking nonsense, I pinched a ring with my hand."

"N metal is fused with at least 30 kinds of divine metals." Harley felt some familiar power aura on the golden ring, and immediately thought that the lighter that Zha Kang used to light the cigarette just now seemed to be missing half of its shell, and she couldn't help but be surprised: "You should You wouldn’t have dismantled your Zippo lighter and used the lighter shell to make a ring, would you?”

Xanadu said strangely: "That lighter is your divine weapon!"

Zha Kang intertwined the fingers of Xiao Zha's right hand with his hand wearing a gold ring, "Although the natal artifact is precious, my relationship with Xiao Zha is even higher."

Xiao Zha had a happy smile on his face and snuggled into Zha Kang's arms.

Harley looked disgusted, "It hasn't even been a day, but I can't stand you guys anymore. You were not like this at all before."

Mrs. Xanadu nodded sympathetically.

"Even if you have a wedding ring, there is no need to be in such a hurry. Do you have enough time to prepare it in a week?" Stranger said.

Zha Kang said: "The longer we wait, the more serious the magic debt crisis will be, and the less interested everyone will be in attending the wedding."

"You can get engaged first, and then make an agreement with Xiao Zha to officially get married after the crisis is over." Mo Ke said.

Zha Kang waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, in the movies and TV shows I have watched since I was a child, none of the people who made such an agreement had a good ending."

"Okay, where will the wedding be held next Saturday? Gotham Cathedral?" Stranger asked.

Zha Kang hesitated for a moment and said, "Next Saturday morning, you go to Lishan to find Harry. I haven't decided where to place the Mystery House yet."

"Are you going to get married in the House of Mystery? Don't you plan to invite ordinary guests?" Stranger asked.

Zha Kang laughed at himself: "My only real estate is the Mystery House. If I want to build a love nest with Xiao Zha, I can't build my love nest in someone else's house or a hotel, right?"

When the time comes, we will find a cheaper piece of land on the outskirts of Gotham. Just like Winstergate Manor, we can disguise the Mystery House as a normal house and still be able to entertain mortal relatives and friends. "

Half an hour later, Lishan Manor.

"You are all here. You are so neat. Are you waiting for me? I don't even know when the Magic Conference will end. You are so patient."

As soon as she entered the door, Harley saw a room full of people, including Selina, Ivy, and the heroes of the Justice League and Teen Titans.

"It's true that we have been waiting for a while. Selina and I have been waiting since you left last night. Diana also came at midnight. When she didn't see you back in the early morning, she left again. At noon, she came again with Superman and the others."

Speaking of this, Selina glanced around the room in confusion and asked, "Why didn't the Magic Conference send invitations to Diana, Ivy, and Oliver?

Moreover, Neptune and Mela are considered extraordinary beings, so they deserve an invitation, right? "

Diana looked a little disappointed and said with a hint of complaint in her tone: "After hearing the news about the Magic Conference, I have been looking forward to Jason coming to see me!"

Neptune Arthur also said: "To be honest, I am also looking forward to it. Recently, there have been distortions in Atlantis. Mela and I are very worried and have no idea how to deal with the crisis.

The Undersea Palace Mage Group also instigated my mother and Orm (Arthur's half-brother) to perform the ancient Poseidon Sacrifice Ceremony, calling upon Poseidon's will to descend and provide us with protection or wise advice. "

"Don't they know that Poseidon is also in dire straits, and his situation is even more dangerous than yours?" Xanadu asked.

Neptune said helplessly: "People under the sea have always believed in Poseidon. How can Poseidon temporarily hold God's feet without asking for help? Oh, my father-in-law trusts Harley and has been encouraging us to hold Harley's feet."

At this point, he glanced at Harley and said, "Do you remember my old father-in-law Nereus?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Brother Nereus has known me for many years and is my old friend for many years. How could I forget him?" Harley said with reproachful eyes and an unhappy tone.

Neptune's cheek muscles twitched slightly, "You were a 'Brother Nereus' back then."

Harry said sternly: "I am of the same generation as him, so whoever is older is naturally the 'brother'. I was indeed not as old as him before, but after so many years, I have been growing older!"

Neptune looked ridiculous, "You mean, my father-in-law's age has remained static?"

"He is also growing, but he is not growing as fast as me. I have lived tens of thousands of years in the Age of the God of War, how can he compare?" Harley said.

"Okay, he doesn't grow up as fast as you, but you haven't gone to Haiyang to have a drink with him in many years, and you haven't invited him to Lishan for a banquet. He says sadly every day that you have forgotten him."

——I really forgot about him.

Harley said heartily.

"Well, you know what the earth has been like in the past few years. How can I have the leisure to find people to drink with? I haven't held any banquets at my own home. At most, it's just a get-together with friends.

When the crisis is over, when I retire, I will definitely call out friends and have a good time drinking every now and then. "

——Waiting for you to retire. Can my old father-in-law live until then?

Arthur even doubts whether he can persist until the end of the "Earth's Large Crisis Series".

"Actually, the full name of this magic conference should be the 'Earth Extraordinary Alliance Meeting under the Heaven System'." Harley brought the topic back and looked around at the group of extraordinary heroes who had not received the invitation, "The meeting of this magic conference is The host is the power of heaven, otherwise the identity of my alliance leader would not have been determined before the conference.

Attendees do not have to believe in God, but they cannot have a direct connection to the Old God pantheon.

In addition, the extraordinary organization of the same system only requires the presence of the boss.

Such as Ivy, Swamp Thing, Oliver and Rachel.

They have already invited Naboo, and the law of life system under the God of Order does not need to invite anymore.

They invited me, so there is no need for the human Martial God to invite me. "

Da Chao puzzled: "The magic debt crisis does not distinguish between camps. All extraordinary people are in danger. Why should we forcibly separate camps? Wouldn't it be better to unite everyone's strength to tide over the crisis together?"

"The problem is, you have no ambition and just want to survive the crisis, but some people see great opportunities in the crisis."

Harley explained the Magic Conference committee system and the methods of overcoming disasters in heaven and hell, "Heaven and hell have demands beyond smoothly surviving the crisis, and the gods in heaven may not have similar ambitions.

The more difficult this magic debt crisis becomes, the more gods and mages want to control their own destiny and obtain their own 'miracle power'.

Even if Diana and Neptune are really invited, can they hand over the method of overcoming the tribulation of the Olympus gods?

If you come up with a way to overcome the tribulation, you can become a committee member and gain the support of heaven and hell. Every additional committee member means that heaven has an additional way of thinking and wisdom, and their method of overcoming the tribulation will be more perfect.

Obviously, even if Heaven invites extraordinary people from other factions, they will definitely remain tight-lipped and will not reveal that they have spent tens of millions of years preparing their plan to overcome the catastrophe.

For example, my teacher Asal, her method of overcoming calamities is the 'Escape Technique'.

How could she hand over her core laws to the angels? "

"Are you sure the Olympus Gods have a way to overcome the disaster?" Diana asked hesitantly.

Since the debt crisis began, she has never received a message from the Olympus pantheon, and even Paradise Island seems to have forgotten her.

——Would you like to go back to Paradise Island to talk to your mother?

She thought to herself.

"Even my teacher has the art of hiding. Your father will only be more prepared." Harley said.

"But the gods of Olympus have ignored us underwater people! Do we really want to hold some kind of ancient Poseidon festival?" Poseidon said.

"I don't know what plans Poseidon and Zeus have."

Let alone her, not even Hades, one of the three brothers, knew the plans of the other two brothers.

It’s not that they are not united.

In fact, in the magic debt crisis, there is no use for them to unite. Together they will only make themselves more attractive and weird delicacies.

The old gods are different from the angels. The foundation of the power of angels and fallen angels is God, and it is possible to concentrate the power of God to fight against the magic mark; the magic power of the old gods all comes from the mother of magic. If you bring the power together, you will only die faster.

"In addition to the methods of overcoming the tribulations of heaven and hell, what methods did the other committee members contribute?" Selina asked.

Harry shook his head and said: "The plans of Heaven and Hell are too vast to be hidden, so I can tell you. The committee members' plans involve their core secrets and cannot be leaked at will."

"Do you think their plan is feasible?" Selina asked again.

Harry sighed: "The wisdom of the mages cannot be underestimated, and I have benefited a lot from listening to it. But to be honest, I can't even give a meaningful way to overcome the tribulations of heaven and hell." judgment.

Just wait and see. It's a mule or a horse. You'll know if you pull it out and walk around.

Whether it works or not, we will know when the weirdness comes and when they face the weirdness.

Anyway, Heaven and Hell have made it clear that they want to be the first.

For the time being, if they are safe, then we are safe. When they are gone, it will be our turn. "

"Three hundred demon kings, more than ten thousand demon kings! Is it really possible for such terrifying power to fail?" Selina murmured.

Dachao frowned and said, "Harley, do you really believe that those First Fallen ones keep their word and will stay on their own terms after entering the earth and not cause destruction?

Three hundred demon kings, three thousand first fallen, five thousand ancient demons, countless demons. I feel that they are more terrifying hidden dangers than the magic debt crisis.

The magic debt crisis at least does not harm ordinary people, but demons can eat people. "

Madam Xanadu said disapprovingly: "Of course the First Fallen's words are not worthy of trust, but you don't need to trust them at all, as long as you believe in Harley's greed and cruelty.

Three hundred demon kings, three thousand first fallen ones, and five thousand ancient demons, in Harry's eyes, they are like the fragrant Buddha jumping over the wall placed on the table.

They didn't break the oath, and it was very difficult for Harry to endure it. He wished he could take the initiative to break the oath, let go of his hands and feet, and eat to his heart's content.

Did you know that before they made the oath, they forced Harley to swear an oath not to harm the First Fallen and the Ancient Demons who entered the earth?

They're more afraid of Harley than you are of them. "

Da Chao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Harley with a strange look.

Diana asked curiously: "Harry, can you survive the three hundred demon kings and three thousand first fallen ones?"

Harley said displeased: "Don't talk nonsense. I am a traditional exorcist, not a monster. I never eat demons."

He didn't even answer her words, and only said to Diana: "Relax, Harry has a big belly and a good appetite, and the whole universe can eat it."

Neptune asked in confusion: "Since Harley cares so little about the origin of the First Fallen, why doesn't she close the door to hell and catch turtles in a jar in hell?"

"Taking action against the First Fallen in hell will inevitably cause a backlash from the origin of hell and be besieged by demons." Oliver said.

"Harry can act secretly. Even if he catches only one First Fallen, he will still make a lot of money." Neptune said.

Oliver was a little unsure, "It's difficult for the First Fallen to be plotted quietly, right? It's very difficult to get close to their true form. After all, every First Fallen is an overlord, with countless ancient demons serving around him, just like the lord of a country. "

Harley said: "Don't think wildly, no one can harvest hell demons at will.

Hell is God's territory, and hell demons, especially those who have fallen for the first time, are like the farmers who care for the garden, or the wolves and dogs on the pasture. The undead in hell are crops, cattle and sheep. "

When her strength was low, she would definitely have no problem killing a few demons in hell and plundering their origins.

Now that she almost has the ability to plunder hell, if she were to do whatever she wanted and kill all the First Fallen, would hell still be hell?

To God, there is no essential difference between angels and First Fallen. Deliberately harvesting the origins of First Fallen in hell is not much different from going on a killing spree in Silver City. Can Harley kill angels wantonly in heaven?

Unless the angel breaks the commandment, unless the first fallen person leaves hell.

"Selena, as a mortal, you should not get involved in magic debt." Harley patted Selina's arm, "Constantine is getting married next Saturday, time is very tight, you represent Lily Shan Manor provides money, effort and ideas, don’t let them ruin the wedding.”

"Hey, Master, my uncle is getting married?" Harley's eldest apprentice, Gemma, shouted, "Who is he getting married to? It's so sudden, why didn't I receive any news? My mother must not know about this either. ."

Xanadu smiled and said: "Last night your old uncle met his old lover, the Sargon witch from the Cold Flame Holy See.

Witch Sargon, your old uncle, and Xiao Zha, the three of them came together, and the atmosphere was already awkward.

When the Magic Conference took an intermission, Boston and I were bored and had a fight on the sidelines, and the three of them started fighting again.

Witch Sargon made all sorts of sarcastic remarks to Xiao Zha and said many unpleasant things.

Your old uncle took pity on his lover and impulsively expressed that he wanted to be with Xiao Zha forever.

At first I thought he was joking, but after he went to talk to Hallie for a while, marriage suddenly became a foregone conclusion.

To be honest, I felt it was very sudden and unexpected.

But Xiao Zha and your old uncle have known each other for many years, and now they are both in their forties. They are about to reach the age of five, and it is time to settle down. "

Harley glanced at her and said, "You are holding fire on the side, and you are still happy when you see them fighting?"

"How can you have the nerve to criticize me? You don't have enough fire for me?"

"Constantine and Zatanna are also our friends, and the Justice League will also attend their wedding, right?" Da Chao asked.

“It depends on what they want, whether they want to do something big, or micro-management, small-scale management, or medium-scale management.”

The next day, Canada, Winstergate Manor.

"Have you heard that John Constantine is getting married to Zatanna?" the wizard boy asked.

Phoenix Faust asked doubtfully: "Didn't you just say last night that that bastard Constantine was going to propose to that bitch Zatanna?"

The wizard boy said: "The magic convention hadn't even started at that time. I just met those two bitches on the road and chatted with them for a few words. Constantine was very proud. He lived in Gotham and was protected by the witch Harley. He was completely Not afraid of the magic debt crisis, but also leisurely proposed to Zatanna.

When I said these words to you at that time, I just wanted to emphasize the safety of Gotham and persuade you to move your base to Gotham with me.

This morning, the news of Constantine's marriage has spread in the Forgotten Bar.

The owner of the Forgotten Bar, the talking chimpanzee Bobo, received the invitation.

In other words, Constantine didn't brag, he was really relaxed and not afraid of the weird coming to his door. "

Dark Thorn said disapprovingly: "If Witch Harley is willing to protect me, I will be relaxed and at ease. I will not be afraid of weird things coming to my door. It will be no problem to find an old witch to marry."

The wizard boy frowned and said: "Why do you always miss the point? Constantine does not live in Lishan, not even on Arkham Island. He previously rented a house in the old city of Manhattan, but now he has moved to Lishan. Farther away on Long Island, a 'Constantine Manor' was built on the seaside.

It's a bit like Winstergate Manor, which was transformed from Constantine's House of Secrets.

Since he dares to enjoy a life facing the sea and with spring flowers blooming, he must live by the sea and still be protected by the witch Harley. "

Baron Winston took a sip of red wine and said slowly: "Witch Harley is the God-King. She has also survived the nightmare demonization perfectly. It is said that her soul is close to transcendence.

The seaside of Changdao and the forest behind Mount Li were no different to her. They were all within the scope of her will, and she could reach them in an instant. "

The wizard boy clapped his hands and shouted: "So we are going to Gotham! Even if we can't enter the Lishan Forest, it is not difficult to buy a property on Arkham Island with our ability.

Her will covers Gotham, and if we are so close to her, wouldn't it be possible for us to be like that bastard Constantine, no longer sleepless in fear, no longer afraid day and night? "

Several mage villains were a little moved, but they were hesitant and did not express their stance immediately.

Baron Winston said: "If we originally lived in Gotham, then forget it. Now we move there. How smart is Witch Harry? Can she not understand our intentions?"

"Hehe, of course she is smart and understands our intentions, but she made a promise during the Magic Conference that she would not harm any allies without reason. Even if the devil from hell goes to Gotham now, it is safe," said the wizard boy.

"Well, that makes sense."

Thursday, 8pm.

Gotham, Zatara Magic Club, backstage dressing room.

"Hey, Diana, why are you here?" Xiao Zha put down his eyebrow pencil, stood up in a hurry, and looked at Wonder Woman slowly landing on the window sill from the night sky with a look of surprise.

"You're going to be a bride the day after tomorrow, and you're here to perform a magic show today?" Diana was wearing an Amazon female warrior uniform, with a Vulcan sword hanging on her waist.

"Have you received the invitation letter?" Xiao Zha asked first, then said with a blushing face: "Yes, I will get married to John the day after tomorrow, but the tickets for this show were sold out half a month ago. There are two alien tour groups!

Alas, we can only blame our wedding for being too hasty and leaving many things unarranged.

In fact, I was surprised by this wedding. "

"Do you know why I came here?" Diana asked.

Xiao Zha was stunned for a moment and said: "I heard that a lot of extraordinary people have moved to Gotham in recent days. First, it was the group of mages who participated in the magic conference. After the news spread, all the major planes of Limbo and the main universe... Mages and magical creatures from civilized planets are rushing to get to Gotham.

Too many supernatural powers have caused the Bat Family to lose control of Gotham. Bruce also specifically talked to me about this matter. He wanted me to contact and manage the mages in downtown Manhattan.

You were also invited by him to help, right? "

Diana said: "It is true that I came to Gotham to help Batman suppress the mages who disturbed the public order, but that is not the reason why I came to you."

"Oh, what do you want from me?" Xiao Zha asked curiously.

"You are going to be a bride the day after tomorrow, and the 'bachelor party' is supposed to be held tomorrow, but until today you haven't sent me an invitation!" Diana said dissatisfied.

"Ah~~" Xiao Zha covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Have you not received the invitation yet? Oh my god, Selena said she would help me handle all the complicated things. Diana, I'm sorry, I sent a text message to Selena immediately, She's probably too busy."

"Oh, your wedding is too hasty." Diana sighed.

"We don't want to be in such a hurry, but the situation waits for no one. If we wait another half month or a month, maybe the mother of magic will come completely." Xiao Zha said while sending a message: "Diana, the bachelor party is here At nine-thirty in the evening, Arkham Alien Bar. Whether you have received an invitation or not, you must go!"

In order to apologize, Xiao Zha temporarily arranged a seat for Diana and invited her to watch the last performance of "Single Xiao Zha".

As usual, tonight's magic show has nine real magic tricks and one fake one. There is one magic hidden in the nine real magic tricks.

The "Top Hat Magic" at the finale seems simple, but it is an ironic magic that creates miracles.

Under the gaze of thousands of breathless spectators, under the spotlight above the stage, Xiao Zha held the empty hat in his left hand and stretched his right hand into it.

"! Zitu showed his lining hat"

She said softly, and then touched a soft ball of warmth with her right hand.

With a confident smile, she raised her head slightly and said, "Thum!"

"Roar~~~" She brought up half a rabbit corpse, and endless terrifying tentacles. The tentacles were covered with sharp teeth, and a soul-trembling roar came out of the mouth.

"Ah, this is weird, weirdness is coming!" Xiao Zha was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in horror, "Leave quickly, everyone, run!"

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