I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1874 The proud Assal

Harley was silent for a long time and said with a complicated expression: "You shouldn't see her at this time."

"If I didn't go to see her, I wouldn't know that she was about to be completely exhausted, and I wouldn't come back to find you. If you don't know, it means it never happened. Can you continue to live your own happy and free life with peace of mind?"

After raising his voice to question Harley, Bruce slowed down and said seriously: "Teacher Asal's condition is very bad. I called her for a long time to wake her up.

Do you know what her first words were after seeing me?

She actually asked me why I wasn't dead!

In her feelings, she has been suffering in the nothingness of despair for tens of thousands of years.

Teacher Asal is really living like a year.

Unbeknownst to us, she was struggling and every second was extremely difficult for her.

In the end, she couldn't even hold on to finish her words. I've seen many people who are dying and very angry, but this is the first time I've encountered someone as weak and helpless as her. "

Harley said: "I have hung it on the Origin Wall myself, and I know better than you what it feels like to be petrified into a statue of a giant god hanging on the Origin Wall. Even if you really lose consciousness completely, it does not mean death.

On the contrary, when their consciousness is completely silenced, the people on the wall will no longer feel the pain of their origins being stripped away bit by bit and their souls being gradually swallowed up. Their thoughts will fall into the tranquility and tranquility of returning to the grave.

After sticking to the wall of origin, if you go with it, you will be safe, if you go against it, you will suffer.

Teacher Asal has been able to persist for more than 30 years, thanks to the Acharas Divine Realm that has always replenished her energy.

Now that Acharath has collapsed to the point where nothing remains, what can only be considered a time of relief for her has finally come. "

"Her days are like years, and one second of pain is equivalent to a year! Even if it is true as you said, when will she have to wait until she is completely free? How many thousands of years will she have to suffer?" Bruce said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said: "The pain she felt was not real pain, but an illusion.

Just like before death, people are mentally distracted, prone to hallucinations, feel that time passes very slowly, and even see their whole life in a flash of memories. "

"But she is really in pain! I am not discussing with you whether she can be rescued in the future, nor am I debating whether the pain in hallucinations is real pain.

I just hope you can put yourself in her shoes and think about it for her.

Of course, I understand that you can't really ignore Mr. Assal.

Since you were able to help people escape from the Origin Wall but didn't take action, I believe you must have your own considerations.

Perhaps you are worried about the magic debt crisis that may occur at any time in the next few years or more than ten years.

You think it's okay to hang it on the wall temporarily, as long as you can avoid the debt crisis.

The problem is, it’s not like you don’t have magician friends around you. Aren’t they also going to experience a magic debt crisis?

Teacher Asal and them are no different from other people in the transcendent world of the multiverse.

Why does Teacher Assal have to hang up the origin wall when others can laugh and enjoy life? "

Teacher Asal is really different from others.

Her relationship with Hecate Asael himself said that she once worked as Hecate's maid.

The current reality is that Hecate was separated from her relatives and tragically sealed, but her maid has been living well. The reason behind this.

Harley sighed inwardly without showing any expression on her face.

Bruce continued: "When the magic debt crisis really arises, won't you fight against the goddess of magic and solve the magic debt crisis for the sake of your friends and the peace of the world?

With your current strength, if you can keep a dozen or dozens of friends from the extraordinary world, and add Teacher Asar, what's the problem? "

Harley glanced at him and said: "Having said that, I can only save Mr. Asal from the Origin Wall today, but... alas, forget it."

In the magic debt crisis, Bruce is just an ordinary person without magic. No matter how much warning you give him, it will only increase his psychological pressure and will not help much in solving the problem.

The next moment, Harley took Bruce directly to Acharas.

The ruins of the Kingdom of God that originally stretched for tens of kilometers now only have dilapidated temples the size of a football field.

After observing the Ashar statue in the temple for a moment and confirming her general state, Harley left Bruce in the temple and came to a huge stone statue of the goddess beside the Origin Wall.

Goddess Asal did not pretend to be faint to gain sympathy from her apprentice.

She was really exhausted in the process of thinking about "Dream Retreat" and fell into complete silence several months in advance.

But as Harley said before, this silence of consciousness does not mean death, at least not in the short term.

If it is hung like other giant stone sculptures on the Origin Wall for tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, it may be completely integrated into the Origin Wall and become a "pan-consciousness" without self-will in the "Origin".

The time when Goddess Asal hung up the wall of origin was about the same time that Harley was reincarnated in this life.

Harley was born in 1992, this year is 2025.

Asael has been on the Origin Wall for less than half a century, and there are still countless years before she will be completely integrated into the Origin Wall. There is no need to rush to get her out. It took Harley three hours to use the level 10 connection power. Defense expertise, soaked into the thousand-meter-high stone sculpture of the goddess Asal, and slowly "teared" it off from the wall of origin.

This process is like pulling off a mouse stuck to a mouse patch bit by bit.

Do not pull directly with force.

The Origin Wall was built by the Eagle Judge (Origin Judge) with the power of creation (the power of connection). The force field gold film integrated into the level 10 connection power defense expertise was turned into countless tiny blades, which separated the goddess Asal from the Origin Wall. The contact points were opened one by one, and finally the entire stone statue of the goddess was pulled down.

Just after it was completely separated from the origin wall, the thousand-meter-high stone statue immediately revealed a little bit of divine radiance from every pore. The huge stone statue shrouded in radiance slowly shrank, shrinking into a slender and beautiful woman two meters tall in a few minutes.

Asael and Zeus were from the same era, and they were the earliest innate gods on the earth. They were taller, but their figures were not bloated at all. They were very slender and well-proportioned. They were not as gorgeous as the goddess Hera, but they were also pretty. She is a beautiful lady, her temperament is even more elegant and gentle, and she makes people feel very good.

"Harry." She opened her burgundy eyes and stared at Harry dimly for a while, then slowly woke up.

When she was attached to the Origin Wall before, the origin of her divine power and her soul consciousness were gradually integrated into the Origin Wall and became part of the origin of the universe. At this moment, her body was separated from the wall, and the power and soul that originally belonged to her were gradually withdrawn from the origin wall and merged into her body.

"Mother of Magic, I have left the Origin Wall, and I am free!"

She screamed excitedly and looked herself up and down eagerly.

Seeing that she was indeed free, she took a few steps forward, came to Harley, grabbed Harley's shoulders and said excitedly: "Harry, you really saved me.

Dear Mother of Magic, when I asked you to swear to save me from the Origin Wall when you are capable enough, I just said it casually without any expectations. I didn't expect you to actually do it, and I am truly free.

The Mother of Magic bless, Hecate remains! "

All miracles have a price, and Harley also paid a price when she became a disciple of Asal.

At that time, Asal didn't know whether it was a whim, or he saw Harley's exquisite bones and talents, or she was helplessly struggling in despair. She made Harley promise to save her from the Origin Wall when she was capable enough.

Harley didn't force herself at all and swore an oath on the spot.

It's rare that "Witch Harley" fulfilled her vow 100% today.

"Stop shouting 'Mother of Magic'."

Although it was not his original intention to save goddess Asal from the Origin Wall at this time, seeing the lively Asal with his own eyes and seeing her so happy, Harley was also sincerely happy for her and a little doubtful of herself. Did you really do something wrong by not coming to save her before?

"After I come back from the era of the God of War, I can rescue you from the wall. The reason why I have delayed it until now is because the mother of magic is about to return, and I am worried that you will be robbed.

Now if you call her name, there is a real chance that she will hear it. "

In fact, Harley was able to help others get rid of the Origin Wall very early on, even earlier than the Era of the God of War.

But she understands the reason why it is a crime to have a jade.

At that time, she was not invincible and was not afraid of any conspiracies. She only said that she relied on God's blessing to escape from the Origin Wall and could not help others. Even though Zha Kang claimed that he could escape from the Origin Wall with her help, Harley also He has never admitted it publicly and denied it on the spot when asked.

When the era of the God of War ends, Harley will no longer be afraid of anyone or any force, and can do whatever she wants without any taboos.

But at this time she faced a very real problem: the magic debt crisis was coming.

As early as a few years ago, news of the magic debt crisis began to spread in the supernatural world.

The Sun-Eating Beast crisis was the prelude to the magic debt crisis.

Dusk, the "coordinate" that guides the Sun-Eating Beast, is the last incarnation of the good will of the magic goddess Hecate.

Odin, one of the two "Kings of Gods" in Heaven, also encountered Ragnarok, and Asgard fell into eternal ice.

If Harley hadn't unexpectedly appeared, she would have quickly perished completely in the wind of nothingness and been completely forgotten.

“Counting from the end of the Sun-Eating Beast crisis, the magic debt crisis has entered a countdown, and it has been more than ten years since the Sun-Eating Beast crisis ended.

At that time, there were rumors among the gods that "Hecate will come in a few years."

Now Hecate has arrived quietly.

Are you still calling 'Mother of Magic' because you think she couldn't notice you earlier? "

Harley is not only warning Goddess Asar to be careful in the future, trying to reduce her presence as much as possible, and not to be targeted by Hecate, but she is also explaining why she did not fish her out of the wall of origin earlier.

Assal first looked around in fear, then patted his big chest and said, "Harry, don't scare me.

If Master Hecate comes, she will definitely go to Hades, Odin, and Zeus as soon as possible.

I know her character.

She is very simple and has no authority. She says whatever comes to her mind and does not have the patience to weigh anything she wants to do.

In any case, I am not the person that Master Hecate hates the most, so I am certainly not her first target. "

"Master Hecate," Harley said with strange eyes, "You don't want Jiang Xin to fix the leak, do you? Try to be sweeter and disguise yourself as an innocent sweet maid.

Even if the Mother of Magic really returns, will she be soft-hearted and let you go if she hears you shouting like this? "

When Asael explained his relationship with Hecate to her, he only said that he had followed the Mother of Magic for a period of time as a maid. He never spoke of her as "Master" and would not use "Master" when expressing surprise. Words like "Hecate above" and "Mother of Magic above".

Goddess Asal blushed, and looked awkward for a while, then looked at Harry in surprise and said: "Bruce said that after you defeated fate, you learned the 'primary way of cause and effect' in the "Book of Destiny", plus the linear human time Your talent is now almost omniscient and omnipotent. No matter what others want to do or what they are planning in their minds, you can tell it at a glance?"

Harley said: "Don't worry, I know at most 99% of the mortals who don't have much influence on their destiny.

You still have to put in some effort, and there is a certain chance of making a mistake.

For extraordinary beings, especially veteran gods like you, I cannot easily spy on your destiny, let alone what you do and say through destiny.

If you and I have never met each other or know each other, it will be difficult for me to even find your destiny line. "

Asal's expression became more relaxed, and then he asked doubtfully: "Then how could you reveal my little thoughts?

Even though I'm stuck in the Origin Wall, Bruce often brings me the latest news from the multiverse."

At this point, her eyes became a little resentful, "He is the only one who comes to see me, and you haven't come to see me for a long, long time.

When you first became a magician, you often came to Acharas to ask about magic knowledge and old stories from the supernatural world. "

In fact, the reason why Harley didn't come to Acharas to visit her was not because she felt that Azar could not help her after she became familiar with the old affairs of the gods and common sense about magic.

Asael is more or less a main god, an old god from the same era as Zeus and Odin.

Even if you just chat with her, you can still get a lot of useful information.

Harley stopped looking for Asael, just after her level improved enough to use the level 10 connection power defense feat to save people from the wall of origin.

At first, she didn't go to the Origin Wall to rescue Asal immediately, not because she wanted to avoid the magic debt crisis.

Harley just considered that her strength was still weak. After revealing her ability to help others get rid of the Origin Wall, she would attract the attention of many god-kings and threaten her own safety.

To put it bluntly, hiding this ability in the first place was for self-protection.

In order to protect herself, she allowed Teacher Assal to hang on the wall of origin to suffer. Harley was not willing to accept that she was weak and had to be timid, but she also felt guilty.

Because I felt guilty and ashamed of my teacher, I never went to Acharas again.

When Harley returns from the Era of the God of War, she is no longer afraid of any threat from the supreme being, but still does not save Asal, because she is more concerned about Asal's safety.

Harley felt that the magic debt crisis would come soon, and there was no need to disturb her now.

"I didn't come to see you. It's not that I forgot about you. It's because Bruce and I have different concepts of time. He thinks half a year is a long time. If I focus on understanding the law, ten or a hundred years may be in a trance."

It's hard for Harley to share her inner complex thoughts with others, but her defense isn't entirely a lie.

It’s also because there have been so many big events in recent years that it seems like a long time has passed.

In fact, Harley just hasn't been to Acharas for a few years.

Asar is a god. A few years is not a long time for a mortal, let alone a god?

"Oh, in just twenty years, you have grown from a mortal girl who doesn't even understand magic to the 'King of Gods' who dominates the multiverse. It's unbelievable."

Asal only sighed with emotion, and then continued: "When Bruce came to see me, he told me many important events in the extraordinary world.

I am hanging on the wall of origin, but I also know that the magic debt crisis is coming.

Therefore, when I mention the Mother of Magic, I try to use honorifics.

I don't know how Hades, Zeus, and Odin plan to survive the magic debt crisis.

Anyway, I don’t have any confidence to face Master Hecate directly.

Therefore, I can only hope that if we meet her, she will let me go because of our past friendship. "

When Harry heard this, he felt slightly comforted.

Let’s not talk about whether Asael’s method of dealing with the magic debt crisis is lame, nor whether recognizing Hecate as the master will disgrace her apprentice Harley. The fact that she has such an idea at least shows that she already attaches great importance to Hecate. I will not be blindly optimistic in the name of "Witch Harley's Teacher".

What Hallie was most afraid of was that after Assal learned about her awesome deeds of punching the Supreme Being and kicking the Creator, he would completely let go of his worries and swim as hard as he could, everywhere.

Protecting someone who is cautious and walking on thin ice is certainly much less difficult than protecting a "Sister Lang".

"But I haven't told anyone about my little thoughts, so why can you tell me in one word?" Asal looked at Harley suspiciously, "You really didn't explore my thoughts through fate observation?"

"Your thoughts are written on your face and eyes, so there is no need to observe fate."

Harley shook her head, and a golden bubble enveloped Asaar, taking her to the Acharas Temple.

"Teacher Assal!" Bruce saw Assal in person for the first time, but he was no stranger at all, "Harry really rescued you!

Are you okay? We were chatting before, and you suddenly lost your breath. I thought you were completely dead! "

"Hey, Bruce, you're a good boy."

Seeing the sincere happiness and worry on Bruce's face, Asal was very emotional. He took the initiative to hug Bruce who was wearing space armor, and then said: "I was really exhausted before, my consciousness fell into eternal nothingness, and I couldn't feel anything. arrive.

But after Harley helped me escape from the Origin Wall, all the strength and mental power that had been sucked away by the Origin Wall came back.

It's just like it was before the origin wall was glued on, it's amazing. "

Bruce was relieved, and the joy on his face became even more pure.

"After your consciousness fell into nothingness, you didn't feel anything at all? You didn't feel pain or coldness?"

He thought of what Harley had said before, even if the consciousness is completely silenced, it does not mean death.

"You can't even feel the pain, how can you still feel the pain and cold?" Asal shook his head, a confused look appeared on his face, "That state is very strange, I don't know how to describe it in words.

Although I couldn’t feel anything, I felt like I was returning to my ‘origin’.

Maybe the 'origin' is within the origin wall, maybe the origin wall is really the final destination of all gods. "

Bruce glanced at Harley again, and it was exactly what she said before.

At this moment, he was a little unsure whether it was right or wrong to save Asal from the Origin Wall now.

"Teacher Asar, what are your plans next? Acharas has become like this. Only the ruined temple is left, and it is still living on the edge of the origin wall. There is no way for people to live there.

Even if you were a god, you would definitely not feel comfortable living here. "

Bruce wants Assal to go to Earth to join his apprentice Harley, and either live in Harley's Lishan Manor, or like Madam Xanadu, find a place to build a "cave paradise" in Lishan or Lishan Forest.

Living next to Harley, there is no need to worry about the magic debt crisis.

"Hahaha, Bruce, you don't have to worry about me. I am the God King who founded the sect after all."

Asal smiled heroically, waved his hand and sprinkled a piece of golden light into the dim void.

The golden light is like a rag, and the darkness and nothingness is like a layer of dust covering the small world.

Wherever the golden light went, the darkness was wiped clean, revealing a blue sky, or a piece of green grass land. In just a few blinks, Acharas, with only one temple left in ruins, was restored to what it was before the invasion of the Three Palace Demons. original appearance.

Not only did the new sky and earth take shape, but the dilapidated temple they were standing on now also took on a new look, turning into a magnificent complex of buildings that spread for ten miles.

Bruce's eyes widened and he was shocked: "Is this the creation of the world? Teacher Asal is actually the God-King with the power to create the world?"

Asar was about to nod proudly when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the true God King's disciple beside him. The proud smile on his face turned a bit sarcastic and said: "I am indeed a God King, but not a God King in the realm of cultivation."

Bruce was stunned when he heard this, and his expression became a little strange, "Just like the God King of Naboo, just the master of the gods?"

"How can I compare with the God of Order?"

After muttering in embarrassment, Asal said plausibly: "When the God King first appeared, it did not represent the realm of cultivation. As long as a god system is established, the leader of the god system will be the 'God King', no matter what his level is.

The divine king is the identity, representing the master of the divine system.

Later, the realm of the strongest group of God-Kings reached the limit that the multiverse could bear, and the 'God-Kings' began to represent the highest realm. "

"Actually, Acharas is already so damaged that you don't need to expend your divine power to repair it. Now is a troubled time, so you should save your strength." Bruce said.

After a pause, he said more directly: "Teacher Asal, you should come back to Gotham with us. You can live in Lishan Manor or find a place to build a forest villa in Lishan Forest.

Even living in my Wayne Manor would be better than living alone here.

At least before the magical debt crisis, don't leave Harley too far and don't garrison Acharas alone. "

Asal glanced at Harley and said thoughtfully: "Bruce, don't you know that Acharas is my shell?

Harley learned the skill of turning magic into blood power from me.

Magic power is imprinted on magic power. If there is no magic power in the body, the soul will not be imprinted by the supreme beings, gods and demons.

Although converting magic power into the power of blood cannot completely get rid of the debt crisis, my philosophy is to 'hide'.

If one layer of concealment is not enough, add another layer, layer after layer, and finally hide yourself completely. "

"Converting the huge magic power into the power of blood and infinitely strengthening the body is only the first step.

Next, I will use special means to transform the flesh shell into a small world.

In this way, the magic power did not fall on my soul, and the magic mark on my body was reduced to the limit.

After hiding himself, let the tall man hold up the sky, and let Zeus, Odin and others deal with the mother of magic.

I don't believe that the Mother of Magic can exterminate all the mages in the world.

If there is a group of mages who survive, I must be among them; if there is only one mage left alive, that mage must be me.

This is the ultimate pursuit and the highest secret of the way of seclusion. "

Harley still looked calm, neither surprised nor surprised.

She has known for a long time what kind of person her teacher is.

Although Bruce is more like the true successor of Master Asal, he is just a martial artist.

Asael's method of converting magic power into bloodline power to hide it was inherited and carried forward by Harley. Now, he is even better than his predecessor.

Bruce was a little shocked, "Teacher, Acharas is your true body, so you are an illusion now? It doesn't look like it. It was you who fell into the wall of origin before, not Acharas."

"Why is Acharath obviously in Limbo Prison, but getting closer to Limbo Prison year by year?" Asal asked back, and explained: "The core of the gods is the soul and godhead. Although the body shell is important, it cannot be given up.

What's more, I didn't completely give up my original body, it just changed into another form.

My soul was re-condensed with divine power like a clone of my true body, which is who I am now.

Also because I did not abandon the flesh shell, after I fell into the wall of origin, the origin of Acharath gradually dried up.

Now that I have returned, I just return the energy that was taken away from the Acharas, and the Acharas will return to their original state. "

"Teacher, you mean that because of your way of escaping, returning the magic power to the shell and rebuilding Acharas will actually reduce the magic mark on your body and make it more difficult for the Mother of Magic to find you?" Bruce Ruo Something to think about.

Asal nodded and said: "How many years have I known Harley? Millions of years before she was born, I started preparing for the magic debt crisis.

Not only me, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Odin, and Amon-Ra must have their own plans.

My plan is to hide all magic power and reduce the magic mark on the soul as much as possible.

If I don't repair the Acharas, the vast divine power is within me, within my blood. "

Having said this, she glanced at Harley again, "I heard from Bruce that you have deceived a lot of magic power over the years, but the extremely rich power of blood in your body still shocked me.

Too much.

Harley, you can't do it this way. Converting magic power into bloodline power is only the first level of 'hidden'.

The power of your bloodline is too huge, like a rising sun, and cannot be hidden.

Why don't you, like me, abandon the shell of flesh and evolve it into a world.

With your current state, you can even turn your body into a single universe.

Hiding your "flesh-shell universe" in the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments and mixing it with countless parallel universes is the second level of seclusion.

Finally, with the help of my 'Principle of Escape', I can hide the breath of the world and traces of existence, which is the perfect 'triple escape'. "

"Harley can't hide. Witch Harley is powerful in the multiverse. Where can she hide?" Bruce shook his head.

"I don't need to hide. Not only am I the tallest, but the key is that I'm taller than Hecate." Harley said calmly.

Asal whispered: "I understand, not only are you not afraid of the Mother of Magic, but you probably have other thoughts, such as stealing her origin and becoming the Mother of Magic yourself."

"No, I have no such idea at all, please don't slander me." Harley immediately denied it.

Assal nodded again and said: "I understand, the more you want to do something, the more deeply you have to hide it.

If I hadn't been face to face with you, knowing that you would definitely enable God to descend to earth and be able to block any form of prying eyes, I wouldn't have said it so naively. "

Harley was speechless.

"Teacher, you really understand Harley." Bruce said with emotion.

Goddess Asal showed a shrewd look on her face and said: "Harry, you underestimate me.

Although I often shout "Mother of Magic" or "Master Hecate", this is just a tactic, not that I am scared out of my wits. Not only am I too scared to resist, but I also urge my own God King's apprentice to put down the butcher knife and obey the law honestly. .

I suggest you learn from me and turn the flesh shell into the world, not to hide, but to create another 'Battle of the Garden of Destiny', only this time you are on the side of the Destiny Alliance. "

Bruce looked confused, not understanding what she meant.

Harley asked strangely: "I hide in my flesh-shell world and wait for the Mother of Magic to come to my door, and then crush her with absolute home field advantage?"

"Hehe, my 'triple concealment technique' is not just about concealment.

Because the world is made of my flesh shell, and I am the absolute master of the world.

All energies and laws are under my control.

I have greater authority over the World of Flesh Shell than Destiny has over the Garden of Destiny.

The point is, no matter what I do, my authority will never be diminished or taken away by others.

However, I just think this can increase your chances of winning, and I'm not so arrogant that you can crush the Mother of Magic with it. "

Asal sighed and said: "For us mages, the Mother of Magic is more terrifying than the Creator, and the Creator of the Almighty Universe.

Facing the Creator, you can at least draw your sword.

The mage no longer even has his 'self-will' in front of the Mother of Magic. "

Bruce couldn't help but said: "Teacher, I think you are still too optimistic.

You are not "Witch Harley", so don't always think about turning crises into opportunities and robbing others of their origins.

If we can survive this magic debt crisis completely, it will be our greatest victory.

If we can resolve the grievances with Hecate, we should try to make peace the most important thing, and don't think about ambush her or kill her from the beginning.

If something is done too hard, there will be no room for relaxation! "

Asal was unhappy, glared at him and said: "Of course I am self-aware, but my apprentice is 'Witch Harley', she will definitely not be able to settle down, and I will plan well for her."

"Teacher, there's no need to plan for me. I'm used to seeing tricks, so just..." Harley glanced around and said, "Acharas can be placed in Limbo. It's best for you to stay with us. .”

Bruce immediately said: "Yes, teacher, you can store magic power in Acharas, but you don't need to stay in Acharas all the time."

Assar hesitated and said: "Honestly, I am not ashamed to rely on my apprentice to avoid disaster.

On the contrary, seeing Harley's current power, I feel proud and proud like never before.

But Acharath is not mine alone.

When I accidentally landed on the wall of origin, Acharas couldn't hide Rachel's aura perfectly, and the Three Palace Demons came to the door. Many believers died on the spot, but many people escaped like Rachel.

Now that I have returned, they will soon notice and return to Acharas. "

Bruce said: "If they can detect your return, they will definitely still believe in you. Since they believe in you, you can send an oracle through the thread of faith and let them lurk first and come back when the magic debt crisis is over."

Asar sighed: "I am the God King, and I have many servant gods and priests under my command, most of whom are my descendants or descendants of my descendants.

Most of them are extraordinary people, and the magic debt crisis will also come to them.

Acharath's triple retreat is not only my own secret method of hiding from disasters, but also their only safe haven. "

Harry said: "You can let them lurk first, wait until the debt crisis completely breaks out, and then take refuge in Lishan Manor.

Or, you open the Acharas, let them hide in it, and move to Lishan yourself. "

Asar asked: "I will open the Acharas first and gather the believers scattered in all directions.

When the magic debt crisis breaks out, I will take them to you, okay? "

"Honestly, I thought so before, but now I think it's better for you to stay with me." Harley said.

"Why did you change your mind?" Asal asked doubtfully.

Harry looked at her gentle and elegant face and said: "When you mentioned the Mother of Magic before, you must use honorifics, and even 'Master Hecate' could be called out gracefully and naturally.

I thought you were an honest person with a little cleverness.

There is a high probability that this kind of person will not be too unlucky and will not be immediately visited by Hecate.

But now... Well, I'm worried that Hecate comes to you first. "

"I'm not doing well now!" Asal exclaimed.

Harley sighed and said nothing.

Assal went to pull Bruce, "Tell me, has my impression on you changed now?"

Bruce said honestly: "Teacher, now I think you are just an incompetent 'Witch Harley'. You are just as greedy and treacherous as Harley."

Seeing Assal's pale face and wanting to argue, Harley said in a deep voice: "Teacher Assal, it's better to be safe. After all, the bet is your life, and we can't afford it."

In fact, rape and greed are not big problems. Who in this world is not greedy for magic power?

Harley only guessed from Asael's current behavior that Hecate was not innocent when he was plotted.

There is no doubt that what Hecate hates most is the group of old gods who deceived her and trapped her.

Asal's situation may be more dangerous than Harley previously thought.

Asal thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's okay, just follow your plan. When they all return, I will seal Acharas, and then go to Lishan to find you."

Assal has no stubbornness and accepts Harley's suggestion rationally, but things often develop unexpectedly.

After Acharath returned to Limbo, the first people who came to find her were not Asar's followers, but her old friends.

"Sister Asal, you have finally escaped from the disaster and regained your freedom. Congratulations!"

"Mother of Magic, Queen Hera, why are you here?" Asal was so surprised that he stuttered.

She looked around nervously and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, Acharas has just recovered and there are no servants, wine or food to entertain you."

Hera only frowned slightly when she shouted "Mother of Magic", with a gentle smile on her face that Zeus's illegitimate children had never seen in their lives.

"We sisters have known each other for many years. Calling 'Your Majesty' is too polite and unfamiliar." Hera approached Asal, took her hand, and smiled: "I'm older than you, so just call me 'Sister.' Call you 'sister'."

Not only does she have a gentle smile on her face, but her movements and tone are also gentle like a big sister next door.

Asal looked flattered and unbelievable, "Your Majesty the Queen——"

Her lips were pressed by a slender white finger, and she could smell the incense on the finger. It smelled so good that she was a little confused.

"Have you forgotten what I just said? Or do you think you look down on me as a sister?" Sister Hera feigned anger.

"Sorry, Sister Hera."

"Hey, sister, come here and take a look." Hera responded sweetly, turned her back on guests, pulled Assar into the temple, and took out one divine object after another from her small pocket, "I know you just came from When the Origin Wall comes back, there will definitely be nothing at home, so I brought these to you."

The sacred tools, sacred trees, sacred springs, sacred carts, sacred fruits, and sacred beasts sent by Sister Hera were not ready yet, and the second batch of guests came again.

She is also a noble goddess who leads a group of fairies and goddesses.

"Sister Asal, it's great to see you are okay!"

"Ah, my dear Mother of Magic, Queen Frigga——"

Half a month later.

Three phoenixes pulled an octagonal pavilion-like bronze sacred chariot, sliding through the dim and empty Limbo, and came to Acharas, whose divine light was like a "Limbo light bulb".

The divine beast and the divine chariot were about to pass through a transparent golden barrier and enter the small world, when suddenly a cry came from behind.


The mythical beast Phoenix will only obey the orders of the owner of the car, but after saying "stop", the Phoenix and the sacred car seem to have stopped in time, but the colorful flame tail pulled out by the Phoenix's feathers in the void is slowly extinguishing.

This shows that time has not stopped.

"Harley?" The car door opened, and a blushing face with drunken eyes peeked out from behind.

It is none other than Asal, the Lord of Acharas, the new sister of Queen Hera, and Halli’s teacher.

Like a ghost, Harley came to the car door silently and stood at the door, frowning at the teacher in the car, "It's been half a month, do you know?"

"Half a month?" Asal was stunned for a while but didn't respond. He just smiled and said: "I just came back from the heaven. Sister Hera summoned hundreds of goddesses and goddesses from the gods to celebrate me. .

The goddesses in the entire heaven are celebrating that I finally broke away from the wall of origin and regained my freedom. "


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