I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 191 Unexpected Visitors, Unexpected Enemies

Seeing Harley jumping up in the yard, disappearing like she was submerged in the water suspended in mid-air, Bruce and Alfred couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

"Harley?" After a long time, Bruce tried to shout.

"Maybe it's the legendary space teleportation. Miss Quinn is so powerful."

Ah Fu's face was full of amazement, then he turned to Bruce and said hesitantly: "Master Xiao Bu, since Miss Quinn is so powerful, why not let her be solely responsible for dealing with the court affairs.

You don't know martial arts, you don't understand magic, and you're not even a minor yet. Your high school classmates are the people you should deal with, not mysterious and murderous owls. "

Bruce looked at the direction where Harley disappeared, his eyes flashing, "Afu, I have a lot to do, but high school life will leave me forever.

In fact, not only the Court of Owls, but also Harley has become a target that needs to be vigilant and guarded against. "

Ah Fu looked at the young master suspiciously. Could it be that he was too stimulated today and his brain went crazy?

Bruce said quietly: "Have you ever thought about it, if Harley finally defeats the Court of Owls, she will cover the sky with one hand in Gotham, and there will no longer be any people or power to limit her."

"Why should we restrict her?" Ah Fu asked puzzledly.

"Why is she dealing with the Court of Owls?" Bruce asked.

Ah Fu rolled his eyes at him, "Master Xiaobu, you are so heartless to say this. Isn't it because of you that she went against the court?"

You are being hunted by sharp claws. Not only does she help you deal with the claws, she also uses magic to interrogate the murderer of the master and his wife. She is so kind to us! "

Bruce smiled bitterly and shook his head, "The conflict between the court and her, the last claw incident was only a small factor, but the main reason was power and interests.

They are fighting for control of Gotham.

At least, Harry would not allow an emperor to sit cross-legged above her all the time, yelling at her from time to time.

She told me that there are places in Gotham that are meant to be occupied.

The Court of Owls disappears. Who will own the power it left behind?

She will certainly not return power to the people. "

"Then let Miss Quinn rule Gotham! You and I both know that in the United States and Gotham, the power of the owl can only belong to the ruler, not the people.

At least she's our friend. Ah Fu said disapprovingly.

"What if in the future, she is corrupted by absolute power and becomes a dragon more terrifying than the Court of Owls, who can save Gotham and who will save her?" Bruce said.

"Oh, Master, you-"

Ah Fu endured it for a while, but still said in annoyance: "You just eat carrots and don't worry. Even an owl's claws can make you run away. What do you think of a dragon-slaying warrior!"

Bruce shook his head slightly and said sadly: "This is my responsibility! The prince of Gotham, the heir to the first plutocrat. The current identity, status, and wealth are not given by God for me to enjoy.

They have to be more meaningful, otherwise my life will be meaningless. "

"I think you think too much." Ah Fu frowned.

"Being on guard against Harley does not mean becoming an enemy of Harley. When I lose my nature and become a bad person, I hope someone will stop me." Bruce said seriously.

"Okay, how do you plan to prevent it?" Ah Fu said helplessly.

"Well, I have to set up an 'anti-Harley project.'"

Bruce touched his chin, lost in thought: "She is strong, has high martial arts skills, and is cautious. She wears body armor every day. Guns and sieges are ineffective against her.

The net-shooting gun was originally her nemesis, but she knew the 'cost magic' - the secret room escape technique.

Perhaps we should prepare a specially made giant net gun, covered with multiple giant nets, and supplemented with gases such as stun and anesthesia to prevent her from being harmed."

Ah Fu's mouth twitched and he stopped talking.

Bruce raised his head, eyes excited, and continued: "Harley is arrogant and not wary of me. This is her shortcoming.

When you are with her in the future, use her words more often, look for her flaws and flaws, and then——"

Ah Fu finally couldn't help it anymore, "Master Xiaobu, compared to the frank and sincere Miss Quinn, you seem to have more potential to become a magic dragon."

Bruce thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement and said, "Afu, thank you for reminding me, my thoughts are indeed prone to extremes.

If I fall into the darkness, I might be in more danger than Harley.

Well, before I can go against anyone else, I have to do an 'anti-Bruce Wayne project'.

I am the scariest person under absolute rationality.

On the other hand, if I become impulsive and angry, I lose the threat.

Therefore, if you want to deal with me, you have to either attack me secretly, take it down with one move, or anger me.

Let me think”

Bruce suddenly looked gloomy and said sadly: "I thought about it, my parents died in front of me, which is the shadow of my life.

Use this to provoke me and verbally insult my parents. No matter what the situation is, I will be furious. "

Ah Fu stared at his young master with wide eyes and a horrified expression.

Harley didn't know that Bruce had started to develop Batman's unique specialty at a young age: guarding his teammates.

Not to mention Harley, the Godfather of Gotham, even an honest person like Da Chao is still on Batman's list of people to watch out for.

After returning home, Harley focused on two things: first, building a new home for herself; second, waiting for representatives from the Court of Owls to come to her door.

The Arkham residential complex project in Old Camai has only been in progress for a year, and of course it is not yet completed. Now it all belongs to Harley.

In fact, after Maroney was headshot, even his warehouse and dock construction projects fell into Harley's hands.

The entire Arkham Island belongs to Harley.

She now has the opportunity and ability to build a modern fighting arena near Indian Hill.

In addition to working on this big project, Harley was also studying the Kagemusha League "textbook" obtained from Okada's memories while waiting for the Court of Owls to come.

Old Kamai told her before leaving that in theory, the court would not specifically target her.

Because to the court, there is not much difference between Carmel, Harley, Cobot, Fish and Maroney.

In the United Hospital incident, the court allowed Cobot to trap her and kill her, which was unusual.

There must be some other reason.

As long as Harley insists on not showing any flaws and leaving the court with no chance to kill her, sooner or later they will send someone to recruit her, or make some demands, or make her careless and lure her into a trap again.

As for taking the initiative.

First of all, Kamai Sr. didn't tell her who 'Big Shot Catherine' was.

Because he washed his hands in a golden basin, he didn't want to be wiped out by sharp claws.

Secondly, knowing that the court may be divided into two levels: inner and outer, Catherine becomes a minor character in Harley's eyes.

Even if you catch her, you won't be able to find out the members of the "Inner Court". Instead, you will alert the snake. Think about Thomas Wayne I, who spent his entire life without finding the real Owl.

Finally, if she remained motionless, the Court of Owls would be more anxious than she was.

Three days later in the morning, the court did not come to the door, but Hallie waited for three completely unexpected people.

"BOSS, three people came outside the door, a young man and woman from Gotham University, and a middle-aged professor. The young man was seriously injured and seemed to be dying.

The middle-aged man calls himself 'Dr. Jason Woodrue', a professor of botany at Gotham University and Ivy's teacher. "

The gunman boy who was guarding the gate came over to deliver the message.

Harley continued to practice "Iron Shirt" on the rooftop - letting the strong man beat her body with a stick and shouting: "Ivy, do you know Jason Woodrue?"

Ivy ran out of the room and asked curiously: "I have listened to a few classes with Dr. Woodrue. He is a little special to me. Who is dying?"

"Why is it so special? Is he an old pervert?" Harley asked in surprise.

"No, it's not that." Ivy frowned and thought.

"I think he is jealous and concerned about me. It's very complicated."

"BOSS, the young man is dying. Dr. Woodrue specifically stated that the situation is urgent." The younger brother reminded him.

Harley nodded and said, "Since they are not complete strangers, let them come up."

The three of them were more eager than she expected. The middle-aged bald man was carrying the young man who had been penetrated in the lower abdomen. He looked panicked and was sweating profusely. He ran and shouted: "Ivy, contact the Tree Council quickly, Alec is dying!"

Harley's expression changed, she no longer "received beatings to practice" and waved the boys to leave.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am Jason Woodrue. Like Ivy, I am an awakener of the natural power of the plant system."

The middle-aged man laid the young man flat on the ground and quickly explained: "He is Alec Holland, the swamp monster selected by the Tree Council.

This morning, we were suddenly attacked by the ‘Death Hunters’. Alec’s lower abdomen was pierced by bone spurs stained with ‘corruption poison’, and he had to be immediately sent to the Great Swamp for transformation into a swamp monster.

But I don't have the ability to activate plant teleportation, so I have no choice but to come over and disturb you. "

"I don't know how to teleport through plants!" Ivy said blankly.

Harley frowned and said, "That 'Death Slayer' is also chasing me?"

Dr. Woodrue looked at the woman beside him.

The woman is about the same age as the young man, probably a graduate student, with ear-length silver hair, beautiful facial features, and a tall figure, at least 1.75 meters tall.

At this time, he was squatting next to the young man, pressing his wounds with a sad face.

"I can feel that Anton is almost here," she whispered.

Harley really wanted to kill these three people with one shot.

But she understands that she can settle accounts after the fall, but the most urgent task is to work together to deal with the upcoming enemy.

Glancing at the three of them sharply, she said coldly: "What kind of power attribute does the hunter have? Hell demon, elemental mage, or something else."

Woodrue said honestly: "Anton Akane is an awakener of the natural power of death, a believer in the blackness of decay, and possesses the power of death."

"The Black of Decay and the Green of All Things are both the Parliament of Life, so why are they killing each other?" Ivy wondered.

Woodrud said: "Akain is a madman. He has killed the previous Swamp Thing and countless Green Awakeners like you and me."

With a sullen face, Harley quickly returned to the bedroom, took out her armor and put it on, then put on a coat.

After hesitating for a moment, she took off the Tears of the Holy Spirit necklace from her neck and wrapped it around the handle of the heavenly silver baseball bat.

"Hallelujah!" shouted softly.

The mung bean-sized teardrops quickly blended into the interior of the Heavenly Silver as if falling into the water. On the surface, no trace of the Holy Spirit's tears could be seen.

There is no bright light, no sound like a dragon's roar.

The style is very ordinary, and the aura is so weak that only the archdevil or archangel can detect it.

Recalling the information about the Blackness of Decay that she heard from Madam Xanadu, Harley finally gave up the rifle and only stuffed a few grenades in her pockets.

The green of all things communicates with plants, the red of all living things borrows the power of animals, and the black of decay represents death and decay.

Those awakened by the power of death cannot be killed by normal means.

They themselves represent death.

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