I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1868 Killing the Omega Titan (Additional update)

Harley guessed correctly, the Omega Titan did not directly crush the "little bug" that entered his body.

Hal and Luther's target is not the mouth of the Omega Titan.

Instead, when the giant god uses its own laws to condense the tree species of civilization, it follows the fluctuations of the laws and enters the core of the giant god.

After they passed through the tree species of civilization that emitted gleaming white light, they entered a dim space that seemed familiar to both Luther and Hal.

There was an extremely huge gray-brown ring in the dim space, like a planetary ring, and they were in the center of the "planetary ring".

Luther felt that the atmosphere around him felt friendly and familiar.

Hal felt that there was a lot of familiar energy hidden in the dark space.

"Harry guessed it right, we have indeed entered the core of the Omega Titan!"

Seeing the huge planetary rings, Hal Jordan was in high spirits and beaming with joy.

Luther stared at the planetary ring for a moment, and then he was shocked and said: "Fake, such a strong aura of law, is it the law itself?"

"It should be said that this thing that looks like a planetary ring is the Omega Titan of Entropy itself. We are in the center of the ring, we are in its core." Hal said excitedly.

"What are you going to do? How to destroy the Law Ring?" Luther asked.

"Don't worry, it's not the best time yet."

Luther was furious, "Idiot, can't you sense it? It's draining our energy!

We are in the center of the ring, which is equivalent to being in the digestive tract of the giant.

At every moment, a large amount of life essence, divine essence and unknown things flow out of our bodies and souls. "

"You are the idiot!" Hal Jordan shouted through the spiritual voice of the lamp ring: "Where are the Omega Titans now? If they explode, what level of power will they have?

You haven't even considered these basic issues, and you still have the nerve to claim to be the 'most intelligent person in the universe'. Are you born in the year of candles? My mind was spinning, thinking of where it was. "

Luther was extremely angry, but could not refute. He could only ask angrily: "Do you plan to move the Omega Titan to another place?"

Hal said: "We are now in the belly of the Omega Titan. It is best not to say some words. Even spiritual transmission may leak secrets."

"If the Omega Titan really has the idea of ​​stealing our brain waves, there is no point in keeping your words in your heart."

Having said that, Luther did not continue to ask.

The two were silent for a while. Luther couldn't help it anymore and asked again: "How long do we have to wait? The mysterious energy in my body is almost drained."

Hal looked him up and down and said, "I see that you are vigorous, have a long breath, and have a loud voice. You don't look like you have been squeezed dry."

Luther said seriously: "I'm not joking with you! Don't you feel the strange energy flowing rapidly in your body?

The loss was very fast at first, but now it is gradually slowing down. It must be that the mysterious energy in my body is being drained.

Although I don’t know what they represent, I am certain that they must represent my potential and are very important to me.

If not, the harvester built by the transcendent would not be able to harvest this energy. "

Hal mused: "Let alone entering the bodies of the Omega giants, even if you approach them after the trees of civilization sprout, energy and information will be sucked away by them.

You have experienced the disaster that happened on Kelu, and you must have felt like your mysterious power was being taken away. "

"It was different from now. At that time it was just a trickle, but now the river bursts its banks and cascades thousands of miles." Luther said excitedly.

"At that time, the Tree of Civilization was aimed at the Kolu civilization, so our feelings were far less intense than those of the Kolu people."

Hal recalled: "When the fruits of civilization were about to mature, Brainiac collapsed on the ground and twitched all over, with a massive amount of data flowing out of his brain.

Afterwards, he also detected that his genes had not changed, but the superpowers corresponding to the genes were weakened by 30% out of thin air.

It was obvious that the miraculous substance was really removed from his body, and it was not an illusion.

Now that the Omega Titan has come to the earth, the tree of civilization has not yet been planted, but the law of the Titan has begun to affect the earth. Therefore, you are losing energy faster. "

"Fake, since you know everything, why can you be so calm?" Luther screamed angrily.

Hal glanced at him and said calmly: "The crisis of the Omega Titan is not an ordinary crisis. Since I am willing to be an assassin, I don't have much hope of returning alive.

You're not even afraid of death anymore, what's the point of losing some miraculous energy?

Just let it twitch if it wants to, twitch hard and wait to see how I twitch it. "

Luther was speechless again.

People are not afraid of death, and there is really no need to make a fuss about the loss of miraculous power.

"But I don't want to. I can't die. I have the smartest brain in the universe. I am the real hope of mankind. Without me, how can human civilization continue?"

Hal's eyes flashed with sarcasm, "Luthor, you just lost a lot of miraculous energy? To be honest, I don't feel much."

"I am still losing some mysterious energy rapidly." Luther raised his chin and said proudly: "It's normal that you don't feel it. After all, people are different.

Some people have extraordinary talents and unlimited potential, so when they lose, they feel more obvious and painful.

Some people are broke and have nothing to lose, so naturally they are not afraid of losing. "

Hal nodded and asked: "Do you know which giant god we are in now?"

"Didn't you just say that, the Omega God of Entropy?" Luther's voice gradually became lower.

Hal asked again: "Do you know where the Tree of Entropy grows on Kelu?"

Luther was silent.

Harley sneered: "The tree of entropy grows above the largest prison in Kelu, and villains can provide more energy to the giant tree of entropy.

I am an honest person, and I don’t have much ‘entropy of chaos’ to support the law ring of entropy.

You're awesome, your 'entropy energy' is like a river bursting its banks, flowing thousands of miles away. "

"Entropy of civilization does not equal evil and chaos, we are just the disharmony in the construction of spiritual civilization on earth." Luther argued.

Hal shrugged, closed his eyes, calmed down to stabilize the green light energy covering his body, and stopped talking to Luther.

The Omega Titans are four in one, and the four laws form a system.

What they lost at this time was not just the "entropy of civilization" in their bodies.

At least Hal clearly sensed that his green light energy was being stripped away from his body.

The Law of Entropy Ring did not absorb the green light energy, and the green light energy must have been transferred to other giant gods.

"Hal Jordan, I can't survive. It's robbing me of my divinity. How long do you have to wait?" Luther said with difficulty, not knowing how much time had passed.

Hal opened his eyes and saw that his face was red and the veins on his forehead were exposed, as if someone who had been constipated for 15 days was taking a dump.

The constipated man wanted to squeeze the shit out of the steel door, while Luther wanted to hold back the lost divine essence.

Hal could even see with his naked eye the "blood mist" floating between his eyebrows.

The blood-colored mist-like divinity stretched out more than ten meters long, then retracted one section, and then pulled out two sections. It was like a tug-of-war, and Luther lost.

"This shouldn't be a divinity with the power to hurt people, right? It feels so strange."

Hal was curious and subconsciously released his mental power to wrap twice around the stretched "red rope".

The next moment, his soul fell into an extremely mysterious and extremely shameful state: it was as if he was stripped of all his clothes by three grinning strong men, and then they used whips and wooden sticks——

"Ah!" Hal howled miserably, and his face and forehead were instantly covered with sweat.

He quickly calmed down, looked at the struggling Luther with horrifying eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "This is not about pain, but Luther, you are too perverted.

Fake, you disgusted me so much that you almost made me lose my mind. You made me lose my mind because of my failure to accomplish my great work. "

Luther looked ashamed for a few seconds, then he gritted his teeth with a resolute expression on his face, "Now that you already know, I won't hide it from you. This is another development path for Painren's talent. "

"Don't tell me about the Tao, I don't want to hear it." Hal shouted.

"I don't even care, why are you struggling?" Luther said angrily.

"Okay, I apologize, I overreacted."

"I don't want your apology, I need your help, help me, I can't lose my divine essence!" Luther said.

"I really can't help you." Hal was helpless.

"You can do it. Now I am in a tug of war with the Omega Titan. Both sides have a 50-50 chance of winning. As long as you can stimulate me and make my divinity flourish, you can bring back the divine essence."

Hal asked curiously: "How to stimulate it?"

"You use the green light energy tool to create a stick, a whip, and a set of torture instruments. Then you understand? Divinity is the sublimation of human nature. It activates my body and stimulates my soul, which will inevitably make my divinity flourish."

"No, I can't do it!" Hal's face turned green.

"You are not afraid of death, but you still care about this kind of thing? You know, helping me is equivalent to helping the great cause of saving the earth."

You have also seen my painful human field just now, and you know how strong it is.

If you still plan to "combine our swords" with me and strangle the Omega Titan together, then help me stabilize my divinity! "

Hal never imagined that time could be so difficult, nor that the weight of "at any cost" would be so heavy.

When the huge "Ring of the Law of Entropy" surrounding them began to flicker and vibrate gently, he almost couldn't help it, and screamed loudly, unsheathing his sword.

"Luthor, are you okay? The Omega Titan is moving!" he shouted with his eyes closed.

"Hoo, ho, ho, I'm still almost there. The Omega Titan has been transferred away?" Luther asked breathlessly.

Hal felt like Luther's breathing was like a slug, sticky and sticky, clinging to his ear canals, clinging to his thoughts, and clinging to his heart.

"The activation of the Ring of Law means that the Omega Titan is using the power of law. According to Harley's inference, if the power of law is used to fight externally, it will no longer be a pure law and cannot be omnipresent and omnipresent.

I guess people outside have already taken action, and it's time for us to prepare for action. " He said while suppressing his nausea.

"Can you contact the outside world? How do you determine the time to take action?" Although Luther was panting and working on the intelligent robot manifested by the energy of the green light, his brain was still able to think.

Hal stared at the shining "Ring of the Law of Entropy" in the distance and said: "When the opportunity comes, we will know it."

"It's now like this, and you're still showing off?" Luther said displeased.

Hal sighed: "I really don't know the specific time. Now the gods should have joined forces to pull the Omega Titan into Limbo Prison, and it is falling rapidly.

Do you understand?

We want to kill the Four Omega Gods at the bottom of Limbo, far away from the core of the universe!

The deeper the four giants sink and the farther away from the universe they are, the less impact our universe will receive when they die.

So we have to wait until the gods can no longer hold on and the four giant gods are about to break free, then we take action. "

"How do you know when the limits of the gods are reached?" Luther asked again.

Hal raised his chin, "The Ring of Entropy is the most obvious indicator light. It is the core of the Omega Titan. When the Titan explodes, it also explodes.

When it breaks out, we inside the ring are the first to know. "

At the same time, at the bottom of Limbo, Zeus was also asking: "King of Gods, we have entered the bottom of Limbo, can we start?

How do you contact Hal Jordan, is he really reliable? Why don't you take action yourself! "

The "new world" that trapped the Four Omega Gods was a golden sphere, a huge "golden ball".

Each divine system is condensed into a point and distributed on the surface of the "golden ball".

The golden ball was extremely dazzling, shining with brilliant golden light, and even the shadows on the bottom floor of Limbo were mostly dispelled.

Compared to the football-shaped new world, Harley is as tiny as a marble next to the sun.

Very inconspicuous.

"Your hometown of Heaven is in Limbo. Now there is a super nuclear bomb that is going to explode at the bottom of Limbo. You don't expect it to be farther away from your home, and you want to detonate it now?!"

"Well, of course I hope it leaves the multiverse completely, but we can't hold on any longer." Zeus said helplessly: "The Omega Titans are too powerful, and the laws they represent are absolutely beyond the multiverse.

We, the God-Kings, have created a miracle by imprisoning them in the ‘law world’ constructed by untranscended laws.

It's really difficult to trap them for a long time.

And trapping them is not the end, we have to hold on until Hal Jordan kills them with his killing move.

As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights.

When the Omega Titans begin to struggle, we must have some reserves to deal with them calmly.

If we try our best now and have no strength when they struggle, wouldn't the outcome be worse? "

Harry said strangely: "Relax, no matter how much strength you have left, you will not be able to deal with the final changes calmly.

When you can't deal with it calmly, you don't need to deal with it calmly, because the Omega Titan will be dead by then. "

"What is Hal Jordan's killer move? You are so confident." Heavenly Father asked curiously.

This time, not only the old gods came to the "Union of All Gods", but the new gods were also called over by Harley.

However, the Heavenly Father was not as public as other gods. He only silently led a group of new gods of creation and hid behind the crowd.

And they didn’t shout “Meet the King of Gods.”

"Brother, don't worry, let me give it a try first, and you will be even more surprised later." Harley smiled.

"Harry, Harry, where are you?" At this moment, a familiar call came into Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

Harry frowned slightly, and in a flash, he came to Diana.

She was the one calling just now, and she was accompanied by Da Chao, Neptune and other heroes.

The golden goal is so big that it can be seen from a long distance away. But the golden ball was too big, and they searched for a while but couldn't find Harley.

"Your mission has been completed, what are you still doing here?"

"As long as the Omega Titan is not completely dead, our mission will never end." Diana expressed her attitude with firm eyes, then looked at the huge "golden light world" and exclaimed: "Harry, you are really awesome today. It's a big deal, you seem to have summoned all the gods in the heavens and the scattered gods in Limbo Hell.

Not only do they drive you and help you trap the Four Giant Gods, they also call you ‘King of Gods’ in front of countless names in the universe. How did you do that?

Didn't you pay a high price for this appearance in front of people? "

"Do you think it was deliberately arranged by me to show up in a group and call me the 'King of Gods' in order to show off in front of the people of the universe?" Harley said with a wooden face.

"Isn't it? I dare say that the news headlines of major cosmic civilizations tomorrow will not necessarily be 'Destruction of the Omega Titans'. More famous reporters will use the sensational 'King of Gods, God of Gods, and Lord of the Multiverse Harley' Quinn' made the headline."

Not only did Diana have an "I've seen through you" expression on her face, but the heroes around her also had "You can act cool all you want, but don't try to fool us" written on their foreheads.

Harley said calmly: "You really guessed it right. I paid a huge price for today's show, and that price is to be their leader, the 'King of God Kings'."

Diana was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "I admit, I almost let you pretend again, but I have seen through your tricks, hehe, it's useless."

Just as Harley was about to say more, Zeus heard another anxious cry from below: "King of Gods, the Omega Titan is struggling, and we really can't control it.

The farther away from the heaven, the safer it is indeed.

But like us, the old gods, most of our divine power is in the heavenly realm, and the power of our god-king comes from the Sea of ​​Laws. Far away from the multiverse, our power is also weakening! "

Harley frowned. The landing position at this time was not even at the "Limbo Library", and was further away from the battlefield between Thinking Superman and Mandrake that day.

She originally planned to drag the Omega Titan to the battlefield between Thinking Superman and Mandrake.

At that time, the battle between the two thinking beings did not affect the DC multiverse, and now the battle to destroy the four giant gods will not affect the DC multiverse, but now

"Harry, just stay here. Zeus is not pretending to be pitiful. They really can't hold on any longer!" Wu Tan's plain voice came into her mind.

Harley sighed and said to the heroes: "Don't resist, I will pull you into the Ark Continent."

"Why are you going to Ark Continent? How can we help you deal with the Omega Titan after you go to Ark Continent?" Diana was not very happy.

"You don't need to participate in the battle, Hal will take care of it-"


The sudden change!

A big bag suddenly bulged on the surface of the golden ball world, and the gods on the surface of the big bag screamed and became confused.

Harley's expression changed drastically, and she no longer paid attention to the heroes. She flashed and came to the bulge in an instant, "Don't struggle, let me pull you into the stomach bag dimension."

This group of gods was already exhausted, and when they heard this, they felt only joy and relief. Without any hesitation, they not only did not struggle, but actively flew towards Harley's mouth.

"What is that?" Diana stared at the bulge in the distance, feeling an inexplicable fear in her heart.

"Stab-" A bit of black light penetrated the bulge without exploding or splashing around. It was as if the black light was a black hole, and all the golden light around the bulge was attracted and absorbed by it.

Everyone who saw the black light felt fear for no reason.

"Fuck, run!" Neptune looked confused at first, then his pupils shrank and his expression changed drastically. He pulled the heroes around him and yelled wildly: "Run away, Harley is crazy, she is a madman, she actually let Hal do things in the universe. Use entropy, fuck, I’ll see how she ends up later, I hope she still has a chance to clean up the mess!”

"Bang Dang——" As the bulge on the surface of the "Golden Ball World" exploded, a huge iron lump drew an arc and flew in front of the heroes.

"Uh, is this the head of the Omega Titan? Has an Omega Titan been killed by Hal?"

One more chapter today, sorry for missing the update yesterday. Alas, my mind was confused last night, and I saw 23 o'clock as 22 o'clock, which was an hour late, but I didn't even notice it... During this period, I also opened Station B and watched horsefly larvae for half an hour. In any case, this was my mistake and I have to apologize. I will add a chapter of 5,000 words today.

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