I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1864 Taking the blame

"Since the Koru Protoss is dead, Khan should not fall into the 'illusion' again now, right?"

Hal deliberately described the real wailing of the stars as an illusory scene, just hoping that the big Green Lantern in his arms would feel better.

"The 'illusion' in reality may be gone, but the illusion in his mind will probably follow him for the rest of his life."

Harley glanced at the ashen-faced Khan, and mentally transmitted messages to Hal Jordan alone, saying: "He is your friend, and you must know his character, how confident, unruly, and tough he was in the early days.

A tough guy with a green light turned into a crying man who actively seeks death. He has collapsed in self-blame, his heart and will have collapsed, and he has become a useless person. That's why the Omega Titan gave up on him, and I also have the opportunity to bring him back. "

"The Omega Titan has given up on him and will no longer control his mind and body?" Hal's face showed a hint of joy.

He had previously worried that if the Omega Titans still refused to let Khan go, they would not know how to save him.

Harley said: "Obviously, the destruction of Kelu is just the beginning. The Omega Titan will definitely plant trees of civilization on a large scale in the universe next.

They didn't take Khan with them when they left Colu, it wasn't Khan who broke free from them, it was him who had."

Harley hesitated for a moment, and then said directly in front of Khan: "Khan is useless, finished, his spirit and will have completely collapsed, and he has become a useless person.

Even the Omega Titan could no longer use him to plant trees and abandoned him. "

The big Green Lantern lying in Hal's arms still looked ashen, but his body was shaking slightly.

Hal first glanced at Harley accusingly, but when he felt the change in Khan, he suddenly understood: Khan was indeed useless, and Harley was stimulating him with words.

It’s just that the effect doesn’t seem to be very good, and there is no immediate change.

Khan only trembled, but did not glare and refute Harley's verbal humiliation with an angry roar.

Hal was even more worried about Khan's condition.

Dachao approached the two Green Lanterns and asked: "What was Khan's previous state? The Omega Titans clearly have no thinking, so why can they allow Khan to succumb to them uncontrollably?"

Moreover, Khan was extremely conscious at the time, but could not control his mind and body. "

Harley guessed: "It's probably the instinctive submission reaction of lower-level beings when facing sacred objects.

It’s like a human knee-jerk reaction.

The God-King fully demonstrated his power and power, and even if mortals were conscious, they could not think of resisting him.

Bring modern high-tech products, such as aircraft carriers, to primitive society.

Primitive people did not understand what an aircraft carrier could do, but they were still shocked and awed. They would kneel down and worship it as a sacred object or miracle.

The Omega Titan is not a living being.

They are essentially the Four Laws, and the level of the laws is so high that Khan is even lower than the primitive man in front of them.

Even though Khan knew they were enemies, he still couldn't control the instinctive reaction burned into his genes. "

"We have also faced the Omega Titans directly. We only felt that they were huge and majestic, and we had no intention of surrendering to them, not at all." Diana said.

"The Omega Titans you face are different from what Khan saw. Khan swore allegiance to the Omega Titans that day, and he has reached a 'master-servant contract' with them.

The world has limits, and the limits of the four-dimensional material universe are particularly large.

Even ordinary gods cannot show all of themselves in the material universe, let alone the Omega Titan?

The Omega Titans you see are only their side in the four-dimensional material universe, but Khan faces their essence with his soul. "

Harley glanced at Da Chao and Thunder Shazam, and said, "How did you feel when you first met Thinking Superman in Taixu?"

Billy's face showed a thoughtful look, "I can't look directly at Thinking Superman, I can only see blurry images. Even so, I am under great pressure on my soul."

Dachao asked: "The Omega Titans are also thinking beings? Oh, their essence is the law, and their metal shells are the creations of thinking?"

"Perhaps it is a creation of the mind, or maybe it is more special. The only creations of the mind that I have ever seen are thoughts of Superman.

But just like the same metal, there are countless types of metals and forging processes, and there may also be many ways for things created by thinking to exist.

I can only confirm that the metal shell on their body is very powerful.

The fruits of civilization they eat contain the energy of the entire civilization.

Now, all that energy and civilization information is stored in the metal shell. "

"What's so great about this?" Diana didn't know why. "Isn't it natural that if you eat the fruit of civilization, the nutrients from the fruit will be stored in your body?"

Harley glanced at her, "The goal of the Omega Titan is not a certain civilized planet, but the entire multiverse.

If left alone, or if the giants remain unstoppable, they will swallow up all civilized planets, and the earth will not escape destruction.

Being able to hold all the information and energy in the entire multiverse is not awesome enough, but is it a matter of course?

The reason why human mages forge their own artifacts is because the physical body cannot carry too much magic power.

But even if you use the most powerful tenth metal to forge your own artifact, there is a limit to the magic power you can withstand.

The tenth metal can forge a single universe, and the limit of energy it can withstand will not exceed the total of the single universe.

The energy and information of the entire multiverse are just the standard line of endurance for the metal shell of the Omega Titan.

Standard lines are not limits. Their limits may be two, three, or many multiverses. "

"Ah, the metal shell of the Omega Titan is actually more powerful than the Tenth Metal!" All the heroes had seen the power of the Tenth Metal, and their expressions were even more shocked now.

"No wonder we hit the fire and attacked the Omega Titan with all our strength, but we couldn't leave even a trace." Da Chao murmured.

They had no intention of provoking the Omega Titans at first.

According to Brainiac's plan, after the Tree of Civilization is ripened, the Omega Titan will automatically leave, and the planet Kelu will be saved.

Stimulating the Omega Titans and causing them to go berserk on the planet Kelu was exactly what they tried to avoid.

But when the Tree of Civilization went out of control and the Omega Titan took away the first fruit and the world collapsed, they also rose up to resist and prevented the Omega Titan from taking the second and third fruits.

But as powerful as Superman, it hit the Omega Titan's head with maximum force, and it was like a steel ball hitting the front armor of a tank, leaving not a single crack.

At first, they only thought that the Omega Titans were huge and hard, but now they were reminded by Harley that their bodies could contain the energy and information of the entire multiverse, and they finally understood the true power of the Omega Titans.

"Harley, can you break through the Omega Titan's defense?" Dachao asked.

Harley shook her head, "I am the Thick-skinned God King, and I have never been good at attacking."

After a pause, she continued: "Even if you break the metal shell of the Omega Titans, you can't kill them, and you can't even hurt them at all.

The metal body is just a warehouse for storing energy, just like the grain storage tank of a wheat harvester.

The essence of the Omega Titan is the four laws, and the laws cannot be annihilated by destroying the metal shell. "

"Then how are we going to deal with the Omega Titans? Now they have just left the Kolu Galaxy, not the universe. Soon there will be the second and third planets where the seeds of civilization are planted." Dachao said worriedly.

Harley glanced at Hal and said, "I can't give an answer yet. We will discuss it slowly when you return to Earth."

"Do we still have time to discuss slowly? Are you sure that the Omega Titan will not come to another civilized planet in the next moment?" Da Chao said.

Harley shrugged, "With the lessons learned from Kelu, I believe that the next civilization will not refuse your rescue - as long as you can really lead everyone on the planet out of the blockade."

"We." Da Chao was a little embarrassed and turned to look at Brainiac's spaceship from the skull alien and said: "Brainiac is very confident. He said that he can put tens of billions of Kollu people in a bottle. City, activate the cosmic shield and rush out from the cracks."

"If you have the chance, you can test his idea." Harley said.

"What if he guesses wrong again? He has already made a major mistake." Diana said.

"Harry, don't pay attention to anything this time." Da Chao advised: "You must not only pay attention to our life and death crisis, but also pay attention to our actions, and reach out to help us when necessary."

"Let's talk about it then."

Hal looked at Khan in his arms and asked: "Harley, now Khan has been abandoned, and the reason why Khan was chosen as the 'Attendant' by the Omega Titan is because he was deceived by you and became lame. At the beginning of the arrival of the four giants of Omega, he was so cerebrally paralyzed that he actively pulled the law of contract and formed a master-servant relationship with the giants of Omega."

A slight embarrassment flashed through Harley's eyes, but her face became serious and she said: "What do you mean by being fooled by me? When the Omega Titan was about to come, I immediately noticed it and informed all the Green Lanterns to leave.

It is you who want to test the Omega Titans, and you also want to go undercover with them to help the people of the universe find out information. "

Hal said with a dull face: "You did let the Lanterns leave, but when they showed that they were willing to risk their lives to test the Omega Titan, you started to fool them, making them kneel down and worship, and you also taught Khan how to trigger the contract. law"

After a pause, he continued: "I'm not blaming you, I mean, does the Omega Titan have to have his attendants help plant civilized tree species?

It should be difficult to become a servant of the Omega Titan.

It requires active surrender and affects the laws of the contract. Ordinary people would never think of it and would not do it.

Now that Khan has been abandoned by the giant gods, they can't find a second godly servant in a short time and can't continue to plunder the fruits of civilization, right? "

Harley raised her chin towards Khan, "Ask him, when he volunteered to be the servant of the Omega Titan, wasn't it just to find out the secrets of the Titan?"

Hal lowered his head, shook the big Green Lantern's body gently, and shouted softly: "Cheer up, Khan, the destruction of Kelu is not your fault.

You are just an ordinary human being in the material universe, and it is normal that you cannot resist the control of a transcendent person.

You had no choice at the time, but now you can choose to be completely decadent and prove that you are a coward and a fool; or you can choose to regroup and join us in defeating the Omega Titan, saving billions of lives in the entire multiverse, and proving that even the Titan can control your body. and thinking cannot defeat your will. "

Khan murmured: "My active projection should be unexpected by the Omega Titan.

The Seed of Civilization was born from the Omega Titans. They opened their mouths and spit out a seed. When I saw the Seed of Civilization, I immediately understood what it was and what I was going to do.

All I did was place the seeds of civilization in special locations on the civilized planet.

This job is almost easy. I can do it, and so can Omega Titans.

So I guess even without me, they can open their mouths and spit out seeds on the planet. "

Oliver asked: "Can the seeds of civilization be seen and touched by us?"

Khan thought for a while and said: "It should be possible. When I planted the seeds of civilization, my subconscious was avoiding the guards of the Koru people. Not long after I planted the seeds, the Koru people discovered the germination of the seeds of civilization.

Since germinating seeds can be seen, unplanted seeds can also be seen. "

Hal's face showed joy, "Harry just said that Khan has always been a human body and has not been transformed into other life forms by the Omega Titan.

Since he can touch and pick up the seeds of civilization, we can also throw the seeds out of the planet before they sprout, or destroy them. "

The heroes turned their attention to Harley.

Harley sighed: "The seeds are essentially 'magic' produced by leveraging the laws of the Omega Titan.

It's like a mage using a spell to leverage the law of fire to create a big fireball.

What's the use of extinguishing the fireball?

The Omega Titan itself is the law.

The seeds of civilization are the magical effects produced after the laws are touched by the 'programmed spell'. The laws are immortal and the seeds are infinite. "

"It is important to fundamentally solve the crisis and temporarily relieve the crisis," Da Chao said.

Throwing away the seeds of civilization at the critical moment can at least save the people on the civilized planet.

"I'm afraid that temporarily relieving the crisis is a delusion." Harley looked at Khan and said: "You chose Kelu to put the seeds of civilization, not because you chose Kelu among many civilizations, but because your body came out of control. Go to the home of the 'No. 1 civilized one', right?"

The Khan nodded slightly.

“So, even if you find the seeds of civilization and throw them out, the Omega Titan will still come to the civilized planet and spit out the seeds of civilization again, or control the previous seeds of civilization to fly back.

They select targets based on the "civilization report card" rather than simply relying on the seeds of civilization to target cultural stars. " Harley said.

"If the Omega Titans will come to the planet Kelu anyway, why do they have to let Khan secretly bury the seeds? Isn't it more direct for them to spit out the seeds on the planet themselves." Diana asked.

Harley wasn't sure, "Maybe it was just to save trouble, spitting out seeds in public was too eye-catching.

And those who choose this universe to bury seeds can block the premonition of crisis from prophets on civilized planets.

It can avoid the instinctive counterattack of the protoss in times of life and death crisis.

If the Omega Titan directly throws seeds, even cerebral palsy will know that they are not good things, and the protoss will definitely not want to catch them without mercy.

If the people on the planet work hard, even if they can't stop the Omega Titan from taking the fruit in the end, it will inevitably make the whole process extremely complicated and consume a lot of time.

Burying the seeds quietly can save a lot of trouble. Once the seeds of civilization take root on the planet, the result is destined. The civilized planet will be blocked, the tree of civilization cannot be destroyed, and the fruits of civilization will bear sooner or later. "

Harley turned her head and glanced into the distance, and said: "The Kelu Space Fleet has locked the Brainiac spacecraft and is about to open a super-light channel to jump over. I don't want to talk nonsense with them, so I'm going back first."

Seeing that they were still trying to hold her back to say something else, Harley added: "No matter what you want to do next, you must deal with the Koru people and then take care of the planet in the bottle.

After you finish everything and return to Earth, we can discuss your future plans. "

Even after returning to Earth, Harley did not find peace.

"Harry, you don't have to receive those alien ambassadors one by one, but you can't give an explanation in public!"

Before Harley returned home, Sam Lane took his two daughters at her house to wait for the final result of the Crux.

"Don't you know the secrets of the four Omega gods and the reason why they came to Kelu? That's all they want to know. Go tell them." Harley said.

The second daughter of the Lane family was as usual. She was born in the military and was only a bodyguard for the president's father.

The eldest daughter, Louise, came to the manor to interview Harley as the "Recorder of the Universe", and she was still holding a miniature camera in her hand.

Hearing Harley's words, she turned to her father in surprise, "Master Datong, you have known the secret of the Omega Titans in advance? Why did they come to Kelu?"

Hearing the title of "The First Student of the Great Unification", Ryan frowned and ignored her. He only said to Harley: "Now can the secrets of the Omega Titans be revealed? They were killed by you. Is the crisis over?"

"I won't take action against them, and I probably won't be able to kill them with my bare hands."

"They are just leaving the Kolu Galaxy now, will they still be looking for the next target in the universe?" Ryan asked again.

"They may have already found the target. There was more than a month between the first arrival and the official attack on Kelu. During this more than a month, they were checking the harvest of crops in the fields and scoring the crops in each field. The one with the highest score It's the planet Keru.

Colu declined, and then it was the turn of the former second place and now first place. "

Harley said with a relaxed smile: "If there are no accidents, we on Earth won't even be able to get into the top one thousand. Don't worry, don't be nervous. You ordinary people can just wait for the crisis to end."

Just as Ryan was about to say something, Louise pulled his arm hard and stared at his old face, "Master Datong, Admiral Galaxy just said, there is no need to hide the secret of the Omega Titan anymore."

Ryan reached out and grabbed the miniature camera, threw it to his second daughter, and said, "Lucy, turn it off and delete the previous content."

Then he said to the excited eldest daughter: "Louise, this is Quinn Manor, Harley's home, and I am planning to open up to her and talk about anything.

It may involve secrets that cannot be known to outsiders.

You want to interview her or I can, but it will have to be another time.

At this moment, there can be no journalist Louise, only daughter Louise, or Harley's friend Louise, got it? "

"I have been a reporter for decades and know how to measure. Even if the video is recorded now, it will not be played immediately. At most, it will be used in future series of programs." Louise said dissatisfied.

"The matter is very important. Even if you set a ban in your head, it is not necessarily safe, let alone recording a video." Ryan pointed to his head and said seriously: "I have indeed known the secrets of the Omega Titans for a long time, and I know what they will choose. civilization.

But this secret cannot be leaked.

In order to protect my memory from prying eyes from outsiders, the God King of Naboo personally left a magical restriction in my sea of ​​consciousness to prevent prying eyes. "

Louise was a little frightened by her father's seriousness.

"How to prevent prying eyes?"

"Whoever dares to peek into the secrets in my mind will be shot in the head." Ryan said solemnly.

Louise's expression twisted.

His expression was so serious and cold, with a look of pride and pride in his eyes. She thought that anyone who snooped into his secrets would be headshotted, but she didn't expect that it would be him who would be headshotted.

"Okay, I understand, Dad, just tell me."

Hearing that she changed her title and no longer called herself "the leading student of the Great Unification", Ryan's expression softened a little and he explained in detail the secrets of the four giant gods in collecting entropy, knowledge, secrets, and wonders in civilization.

"This was just a prophecy made by Harley when the Omega Titan first got into the hole in the wall of origin. It was only a few months before Omega came to the material universe!

During those months, prophets and prophets of many civilizations made predictions about the ‘visitors from the Great Almighty Universe’.

It is a foregone conclusion that the Omega Titan will enter the universe, and huge ripples will appear on the river of destiny. Many prophets have been swept by the ripples and have become aware of it.

Judging from the information sent back by Zhenglian, only Harley's prediction was the most accurate.

The four civilization trees that appeared on Keru planet absorbed entropy, knowledge, mystery and wonder respectively.

Entropy, knowledge, mystery and wonder are like the four major subjects in the performance assessment of cosmic civilization.

Our earth at best has some advantages in the "wonders" subject.

Not to mention that the overall score is at the bottom of the universe, it is definitely not as good as most advanced civilizations.

Especially those like the Koru people whose technology has reached its peak and began to secretly study how to collectively ascend to a super planet with a god-level civilization.

The knowledge is almost perfect, and the mysteries and wonders are higher than those of normal extraordinary civilizations. It would be strange that the Omega Titan did not choose them. "

When he said the last sentence, Ryan had a weird smile on his face that seemed to be happy.

Louise thought for a while before asking: "Learning, wonders and mysteries are easy to understand. What does entropy mean?"

Ryan turned his attention to Harley. He also asked at that time, but Harley only said that she was not sure either.

At this time, the Tree of Entropy has matured on the planet Kelu. Harley should know its roots, right?

"The Tree of Entropy grows above the largest prison on the planet Kelu. What kind of 'civilized energy' is there in the prison?" he asked doubtfully.

Harley said slowly: "In addition to technology and materials, civilization also includes spiritual and cultural parts.

How to evaluate the achievements of spiritual civilization?

We didn’t have a precise answer before, but now the Omega Titan has proposed the concept of ‘entropy of civilization’.

Entropy is a measure of the degree of disorder in a system.

The entropy of civilization represents the degree of disharmony in spiritual civilization. "

"As far as I understand it, it contains two major elements: first, the spiritual and cultural construction of a civilized planet, which is different from one's own racial characteristics, technological development level, and objective environment; the other is the standard spiritual civilization in social reality and expectations. Differences in degree.”

Lucy Lane had a question mark on her face.

Sam Lane frowned.

Lois Lane was thoughtful for a while, and frowned for a while.

Selena and Ivy beside them picked at their scalps several times and opened their mouths to ask questions.

After Harley finished speaking, they finally couldn't help it and said, "Harry, this is such a mess, what are you talking about!"

Harley sighed and said: "Take our earth as an example. People on earth advocate freedom, equality, fairness and justice. This is the characteristic of our race.

Well, whatever we consider to be virtues is our innate racial characteristics.

We are born to pursue these beautiful things and strive to make the world develop in these beautiful directions.

But hundreds of years ago, the earth was in a feudal era, where kings and nobles had the power of life and death over ordinary people.

There are great differences between human racial characteristics and the construction of spiritual civilization in the real world.

Do you understand this?

You want freedom and equality, but in reality there is only oppression by the aristocracy. In terms of ideology and culture, the power of kings is divinely authorized. It is considered a reasonable rule and system for the aristocracy to oppress the common people.

The difference is huge. The entropy of civilization is very high, but not the highest. Because the level of productivity is at that level, the feudal system is most suitable for the objective environment of civilization at that time, that is, the level of productivity.

Until now, the American system is in line with human nature, but you all know what the reality is. Exploitation and social hierarchy still exist. This is the difference between the established spiritual civilization standards and reality.

The reason why the tree of entropy appears in prisons is because the prison system itself represents the difference between the current construction of spiritual civilization and social reality. "

"Alas, this is just my guess, and it may not be accurate. Just listen to it and you will have a general idea of ​​the entropy of civilization." Harley finally said.

"Would it be better for the entropy of civilization to be higher or lower?" Sam Lane frowned.

"The lower it is, the better. The lower the entropy of civilization, the more perfect the spiritual culture that represents a civilized race." Harley said.

Sam Lane said with a strange expression: "The entropy of the Koru people's civilization seems to be lower than ours."

"That's why the Omega Titan went to Colu first. The entropy of civilization is low, which means that Colu's spiritual civilization is very good and has great plunder value."

"But isn't the fruit of entropy ripened by the energy of entropy? The more energy of entropy, the faster the fruit of entropy will ripen." Ryan said.

“Entropy and entropic energy are not the same concepts. The higher the entropy of civilization, the lower the entropic energy.

If you still can't understand, you can replace the energy of entropy with the value of spiritual civilization.

The Omega Titan not only plunders physical energy, but also knowledge and wisdom.

Just like there is more than just math, physics and chemistry in school.

Knowledge and wisdom are not limited to technological knowledge and magical knowledge.

Philosophy, art, literature, law, and politics all belong to knowledge, and are no less important to civilization than scientific and technological knowledge. The Fruit of Entropy taken away by the Omega Titan contains these things.

The reason why it is called the fruit of 'entropy' is mainly because the standard for measuring the value of these things is entropy. "

Harley thought for a while and took the initiative to give an example: "Many advanced civilizations in the universe still retain the imperial system. Can you say that the imperial system is backward, so their spiritual civilization and social system are not as good as those of the United States on Earth?

People are different from each other, and races and races have different natures.

Human nature advocates freedom, while aliens may value bloodline and genes more. The royal family has the strongest bloodline and genes.

Humans also praise honesty, while the elf race takes pride in lying and deception, and takes honesty and frankness as a great shame.

What is a progressive culture for us may be dross for other civilizations.

So, how can we build a unified spiritual and cultural evaluation standard in this vast universe with countless civilizations?

The method given by the Omega Titan is 'entropy'.

The more suitable it is for the current productivity and racial characteristics, the lower the entropy value and the higher the degree of civilization.

Entropy is just a measure.

The fruit of entropy picked by the Omega Titan is actually the 'essence of spiritual culture' measured by entropy.

Therefore, it is not that the more chaotic and higher the entropy is, the more Omega Titan likes it. "

Everyone fell into a long period of thinking and silence.

After a while, Lucy hesitantly approached Sam Lane and whispered in his ear: "Father, they are rushing you."

"Who? What are you urging me to do?" Ryan was still thinking about what Harley just said, and his reaction was a little slow.

Lucy didn't speak, but took out her phone, letting Ryan see 318 new messages and 113 missed calls on the screen.

When Ryan was surprised, two new messages popped up and a familiar phone call came.

Because Lucy turned off the sound and vibration of her phone in advance, the new messages and calls did not affect others.

Ryan didn't need to answer the phone or open the message to understand what was going on.

"Harley, the news of the destruction of the Kolu Galaxy has spread throughout the universe. After the Omega Titan came to the Kolu Star, advanced civilizations were observing from the periphery, and they all saw the Kolu Star turn into cosmic dust with their own eyes.

Now they are very anxious and very scared.

They want to know why this multiverse-level crisis did not come to the earth first, want to find out what the Omega Titan wants, understand the methods of the Omega Titan, and understand the tree of civilization and the fruit of civilization.

And you seem to have predicted the current results in advance, and they hope to get the answer from you. "

Harley said: "Go and tell them, tell the truth."

"What if they imitate us and take the initiative to lower their civilized scores?" Ryan asked worriedly.

“From the arrival of the Omega Titans to the time they appeared on the planet Keru for more than a month, it was a thorough examination to score each civilization.

Now that the proficiency test is over and the transcripts have been released, what's the use of leaving it lying around? " Harley shook her head.

"They actually want the promise of solving the Omega crisis." Louise looked at her and said, "Now that you understand the process of the Omega Titan devouring civilization, have you thought of a solution?

Even if our Earth performance ranking falls behind, the Omega Titan will come looking for us sooner or later. "

"Let's wait until the Justice League comes back. They are the main force to deal with the Omega Titans. I will hide behind the scenes to assist during this crisis," Harley said.

"You already have a method?" Sam Lane asked expectantly.

"I have some ideas."

When Dachao returned home, he found that the house was dark and silent, and there was no one.

His call to his wife, Louise, couldn't be answered.

I had no choice but to turn on super hearing.

The next second, he put on his suit and glasses, and his expression changed to a dull and serious one.

The next second, he came to the gate of the new White House.

On the street ten steps away from the gate, he was stopped by an agent in a suit and leather shoes with a bulging waist.

"I'm Clark Kent." Dachao took out his press card and held it up.

After an agent glanced at the press card, he shook his head subconsciously and said, "Sorry, reporters are not invited to the White House banquet tonight."

"Idiot, he is not an ordinary reporter." The colleague next to him immediately pulled him away and smiled respectfully at Clark, "Please come in, Mr. Kent."

Now that they have entered the main entrance of the White House, Clark can still hear the former agent educating his colleagues: "Even if you just came from the country, you should get to know Clark Kent, who is well-known in America as the 'biggest loser in the metropolis'! "

"I've never heard of the 'biggest loser in the metropolis'."

"You haven't heard of Lois Lane, the Legend of the Galaxy? Don't you know our commander-in-chief, Sam Lane? The husband of the Legend of the Galaxy, he is the number one son-in-law in the United States."

"Oh my God, it turns out to be that 'Clark Kent'! I know him, he is the ultimate idol of the youth in our small town.

But he is really ordinary, so ordinary.

I had obviously seen his photo, but I didn't recognize him when I met him in person. "

"He is indeed the 'most ordinary man in the metropolis'. He has no special features and is extremely ordinary. If he hadn't reported his name, I wouldn't have recognized him."

"That guy is so lucky. He met a woman as good as Louise. My girlfriend's appearance and ability are far inferior to Miss Louise, but she broke up with me last month because she thought my salary was low."

"Well, there are always some people in this world who are just shit, and some people are just lucky."

Clark was not angry, but instead had a faint smile on his lips.

Ever since Louise became a famous reporter in the universe, he has heard similar words too many times.

He is not proud of his hidden identity as the "Number One Superhero", nor does he feel that the real identity of a young man in a small town or an ordinary reporter is humble.

When a person has ten thousand reasons to be proud but always takes it lightly, is humble and polite, he will not feel inferior because of things outside of him.

"Hey Clark, you're back. How was your trip?"

Lucy, the head of the security department, was the first to notice her brother-in-law's arrival, and was also curious about the outcome of Zhenglian's trip to Planet Kelu.

"Not very good." Clark smiled bitterly and shook his head, then stared at Mingji's wife who was chatting and laughing with the alien ambassador in the middle of the hall, and asked, "Why did Louise bring both Xiao Qiao and Martha to the White House?"

"They are living in the White House these days, and I can only handle defense work. Receiving foreign guests and handling government affairs. Father needs Louise's help and advice."

After a pause, Lucy added: "On the day Kelu was destroyed, more than 2,000 alien ambassadors planned to come to the White House.

In the end, my father only received 400 of them. He worked from morning to midnight, and his face was as white as a sheet of paper from exhaustion. "

"Well, being the commander-in-chief of the United States is really beautiful, but also really tiring." She sighed.

The sister-in-law and brother-in-law stood nearby and chatted for a while. Commander Ryan found an opportunity to get rid of the alien ambassadors and came to the two of them.

"Let's go to the side hall." He led them to a quiet small room, and then asked eagerly: "Have you taken care of the Koru people?"

Dachao understood what his father-in-law meant.

Zheng Lian cooperated with Brainiac and forcibly broke into the planet Kelu, which was a serious crime that violated the laws of interstellar diplomacy; Zheng Lian discovered the planet in a bottle that was secretly hidden by Ke Lu, and offended the Kelu people to death; Zheng Lian informed Blaine Niak's lies forced the four trees of civilization to ripen, leading to the rapid destruction of the Koru planet. Tens of billions of Koru people died tragically. The Koru home planet was destroyed. The hatred was as deep as the sea and the world was sworn in.

Ryan has not dared to see the Koru ambassador in the past two days, and he has no idea how to deal with this matter.

"Alas, I advised you not to mind your own business at the beginning. The planet in the bottle is the biggest scandal. No matter what the outcome is, the people of Korlu will hate you to death." Ryan lamented.

He was shocked to hear Brainiac reveal the secrets of millions of planets in bottles, and he also sympathized with those civilizations in bottles.

Let him save them. If he does not offend the Koru civilization, he will 100% support the rescue operation, but the city in the bottle is in the Koru laboratory, and the information is strictly blocked by the Koru people.

They knew that the existence of the planet in the bottle was a grave sin for the Koru people.

Ryan still sympathizes with the civilization in the bottle, but he does not want the earth's civilization to be resented by Kelu. During the Darkseid War and the Dark Night Crisis, the earth suffered two disasters and was rebuilt twice. Kelu donated the most materials in both times.

The direct flight between Culu and the Earth is as cheap as only one or two million US dollars, all thanks to the huge subsidies from the Culu government!

It's not worth it to offend old alien friends and old comrades-in-arms for unrelated strangers!

"Don't worry, Commander, we have reached an understanding with the new government of Kelu." Clark looked a little bitter.

Ryan was overjoyed at first, but then said with doubts in his eyes: "With Harry here, no matter how much they hate us, the new Kelu government will not dare to get angry with us directly. The so-called understanding is just a show of words."

Clark didn't explain much, just the result, saying: "The Justice League, the US government, Harley, and the new Kelu government jointly announced to the public that Brainiac went crazy and intensified, and actually upgraded the city in a bottle to a bottle. The middle planet secretly captured millions of civilized planets and put them in glass bottles.”

Ryan has a big mouth.

Clark continued: "In the end, Zhenglian cooperated with the Kolu government forces to capture Brainiac and rescue the abducted civilized planet.

The Kelu government will spend huge sums of money to find new star system homes for each planet in the bottle.

The Justice League and the US government highly praised Kelu as a responsible and just country with interstellar responsibility.

Well, if possible, the new Koru government hopes that the Galaxy Admiral will like the speeches of Zhenglian and the US government. "

Ryan sighed with emotion, "It is indeed an advanced civilization. With such methods and such shame, our earth civilization still needs to work hard!"

Lucy Lane's expression was distorted and she said: "The US government will definitely not object to putting the blame on Brainiac. The Galaxy Admiral probably doesn't care about this matter. At most, when you like it, please Celine Na or Ivy log into her account to help.

But the Justice League would actually agree to such an unjust thing. I thought you would be stiff-necked, stern-faced, sternly reject the Koru people's blame-shifting behavior, and even hold an interstellar press conference to make all the truth public. "

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