I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1831 Leaving the Garden of Destiny

Main Universe, Gotham Earth, Day Two.

"Buzzing buzzing" On the top of the Challenger Mountain, the cosmic tuning fork was operating at full capacity. Purple-black lightning energy covered the surface, and the air above made a buzzing sound of high-frequency strings under the impact of invisible energy ripples.

Seven or eight clown dragons were coiled around the tuning fork like vines, and Barbatos, the dragon-scale batman, was also squatting aside.

“Killing Machine, you did a great job, the tuning fork of the light universe has become the tuning fork of the dark universe.

Now it has begun to reshape the Ten Thousand Heavens, and the fall of the multiverse of light has begun again. "

"It is only thanks to your great wisdom and supreme power, Master, that I can quickly repair the cosmic tuning fork." "Cyborg Batman" said calmly.

After a moment of silence, Barbatos asked: "Did you know that the Red Death is dead?"

The pupils of the killing machine's mechanical eyes contracted, and he said in surprise: "The Red Death, the Wraith of the Drowned, the Devastator, and the Ruthless Iron Fist are chasing the Archimedes airship.

They should have an absolute advantage, so why would a Dark Knight die? What happened? "

Barbatos said in a gloomy voice: "You are absolutely right, it was just an accident.

A series of coincidences led to a major accident.

It was clear that the Archimedes airship had been locked by the Black Bat, but it still escaped without damage due to various coincidences. Instead, we lost a fierce general. "

The killing machine's heart moved, "Because of Witch Harley's 'Great Karma and Destiny Control Technique'?"

"The Great Cause and Effect Destiny Control Technique." Barbatos chewed for a while and said in a strange tone: "Giving her little trick such a powerful and domineering name, aren't you afraid that it will inflate other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"

The killing machine said expressionlessly: "Didn't you say that, she uses factors closely related to her own cause and effect to control her destiny.

The closer the causal relationship, the greater the cause and effect, so it is called the "big cause and effect fate control technique". "

Then he added: "If you don't like it, Master, you can change it to a 'little trick of fate', or just call it 'Witch Harley's little trick'."

Barbatos waved his hand, "Okay, I'm not that bored. Although there was a big accident on the Black Bat, they still didn't give up on the Archimedes airship.

Your mission has been completed and you can go help them.

Remember, try to avoid direct collision with Witch Harley's... well, avoid direct collision with her 'big cause and effect element'.

You are a cyborg, with the most powerful mechanical brain in the dark multiverse, and can accurately control every basic command of the Black Bat spacecraft.

Use absolute logic to fight against Witch Harley's 'unexpected factor'.

As long as the variable doesn't exist, her little trick won't work. "

The killing machine nodded thoughtfully, "I understand. The so-called 'Great Causal Destiny Control Technique' is just to increase the probability of something beneficial to her happening and reduce the probability of something harmful to her happening through elements that have a direct causal relationship with her. the probability of something happening.

If there is only one outcome for an event, even the fate control technique will be ineffective. "

“Well, when something has only one ending, it’s ‘destiny.’ But you just need to reduce the variables as much as possible, and don’t fantasize about eliminating all variables.

Thinking too perfectly is the biggest imperfection.

This sentence is not only useful for you, but also for Witch Harley.

She cannot perfectly control every detail of her destiny, even if she holds the "Book of Destiny" in her hand.

We can fail many times, but if she makes one mistake, the people and the world she values ​​will be doomed. "

After watching the killing machine leave, Barbatos turned his attention to Wayne Manor in the distance.

It has been almost a month since the "Dark Night" came to the earth, and the sun has disappeared for almost a month. Wayne Manor has long been covered in thick ice and snow.

Looking from a distance, only a few black spiers can be seen in the vast whiteness - the tops of the Wayne Manor towers.

"Laughing, how is the progress of the Ten Directions Annihilation Plan?" Barbatos looked at Wayne Manor, but he was not observing the manor, but looking at the Laughing Bat underground in the deepest part of the Bat Cave.

The Laughing Bat has a crazier face than the Joker, but he is not a Joker.

He is a true "Batman".

And he is also the protagonist in Bruce's nightmare in the main universe. To put it bluntly, he is Bruce himself.

So he is familiar with everything in the Batcave in the main universe.

In the Laughing Bat's hometown, his own Batcave is almost identical to the main universe Batcave.

"Master, the super bomb has been assembled. Just press the switch and BOOM~~~" The Laughing Bat opened his arms and made an exaggerated gesture of embracing the world. He laughed wildly and said: "All matter and life will perish, and all hope and future will be destroyed." Everything has come to nothing, and the world in all directions has fallen into final annihilation.”

Barbatos nodded slightly and asked, "Where is the thing? Give it to me."

The Laughing Bat was stunned for a moment, pointed to his chest and said: "You mean the detonator? It's in my heart.

If the worst happens, I am willing to stay and cut off your blood, and I will not hesitate to break your body to pieces.

My heart stopped beating, or was destroyed, and the annihilation of the ten directions started immediately. "

"I understand your loyalty, but take out the detonator and give it to me." Barbatos insisted.

The Laughing Bat reminded: "Master, I understand that the feeling of pressing the switch personally and watching the multiverse turn into nothingness in front of you will make you very intoxicated and make your thoughts extremely clear, even if your great plan of the dark multiverse has just failed. .

But the power of the ‘Ten Directions Annihilation’ is too powerful. I guarantee that even the thick-skinned God King and Witch Harley will not be able to withstand it. Even if you are supreme, you may not be immune. "

Barbatos said calmly: "Even you have the courage to die with the enemy after defeat. Am I not as brave as you?"

For the first time since meeting Barbatos, the Laughing Bat was shocked.

"Master, do you mean that you are not alive?" he asked cautiously.

"We haven't failed yet!" Barbatos said solemnly: "As the saying goes, everything will be successful if it is forewarned, and it will fail if it is not forewarned.

I just prepare for the worst-case scenario in advance and avoid the worst-case scenario.

But that doesn't mean I think we will fail.

Don't you feel it?

The Cosmic Tuning Fork has been contaminated by me and is adjusting the structure of the Light Multiverse, allowing it to continue to fall into the Dark Multiverse.

News came from the dawn lantern that the Phoenix Cannon has entered the 'Level 3 Preparation' stage and can be fired at any time.

Naboo has also been corrupted by me a long time ago, and now the basic law system of the main universe and the earth is completely under my control.

Ultimately, the multiverse of light will only fall faster and faster.

When the light multiverse is completely swallowed up by the dark multiverse, the fourth dimension, the fifth world, and the sixth dimension will merge into one big dimension, the dark multiverse dimension, my dimension!

At that time, I will be promoted to the 'Sole Monitor' and have the power equivalent to the legendary 'Main Monitor'.

My life form will also automatically sublimate, transforming from the Creator into a ‘thinking life form’.

A thinking being possessing the power of the Creator.

At that time, the river of destiny is just a floating cloud in front of my eyes. I exhale, which can make the river of destiny boil. When I think about it, the gears of destiny click with my heart.

By that time, I only hated Witch Harley for not coming back soon, and I could only complain that her thick-skinned power was so ineffective, but it was not enough to drain my heart, and she had turned into ashes. "

The more Barbatos spoke, the more excited he became, and his voice became loud and passionate, as if he had been promoted to the main monitor and sent the thick-skinned Harley flying back with full power.

It was uncertain whether the Laughing Bat was affected or not, but it finally cheered up.

The loss and gloom that the "loving mother" injected into its heart just now disappeared without a trace, and it became high-spirited again, full of expectations and confidence in its "Dark Multiverse Grand Unification Plan".

——Yes, there is no need to be depressed. "The Ten Directions of Annihilation" is just in case. It does not mean that this guarantee plan needs to be started.

it thought in my mind.

The Laughing Bat also nodded and said: "Now we are in a good situation. There is not much that Witch Harley can do. The destruction of the ten directions is necessary but not inevitable.

But even if the risk is only one in a billion, it should be borne by us Dark Knights.

You are our master and our hope.

If something happens to you, we won't be able to survive. "

Barbatos waved his hand and said: "Needless to say, I have made up my mind to succeed or die."

The Laughing Bat still hesitated, "Master, let me put it this way, you are the supreme master. Even if the Witch Harley returns, the outcome is very predictable. But I am sure that you can at least retreat to the Dark Multiverse calmly.

If you enter the Dark Multiverse, it will be difficult to activate the ‘Ten Directions of Annihilation’ in the main universe.

I am different, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you, including my life and future.

If you become the 'Dark Master', I will cheer for you; if the plan fails, I do not intend to return to the Dark Multiverse. I will stay here and let the Witch Harley kill me, and I will bring laughter to the world. Complete silence. "

"Do you think I cherish my life so much that I will fight to the end of the universe when Witch Harley comes back, or try to escape if I can't beat her?" Barbatos said lightly.

"I think this approach is very wise and is human nature." said the Laughing Bat.

"You are wrong. If my dream of being the Dark Master is shattered, I will not fight the Witch Harley at all, nor will I stand there waiting for her to kill, with a sarcastic smile on my face before dying. I will directly activate the Nirvana of the Ten Directions ." Barbatos said.

The Laughing Bat was shocked: "One failure doesn't mean anything. You can definitely make a comeback. Why are you so determined?"

"Either I succeed, or I die with the entire multiverse, this is my awareness and determination." Barbatos said calmly.

"Master, you." The Laughing Bat gave a thumbs up and praised, "You are so brave!"

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly bring the 'Ten Directions Annihilation' and place it in my belly. I don't want any accidents to happen. It will always be within the scope of my creation position. No one can interfere with it. It can only endure I control," Barbatos urged.

"Put it in your stomach and detonate it?"

The Laughing Bat swallowed, and even he just placed the detonator in his heart.

——The master is serious, so ruthless and brave!

"If you activate the annihilation of the ten directions in your body, you will inevitably die, and there will be no chance of survival." He finally advised tactfully.

"I am the fear of all living things, and I have never had any fear myself." Barbatos said calmly.

"By the way, it's better not to use starters or remote controls, they're too unstable.

The multiverse does not want the Overlord to be born, nor does it want the realms and powers of the three creators to be attributed to one person.

Therefore, the Will of Origin will not be on our side.

It treats us as ‘tumors’ in the multiverse, our equivalent of the villains in the story.

Since he is a villain BOSS, he must have the consciousness of a villain BOSS.

In the story, the villain BOSS's detonator often causes accidents, and I don't want to see any accidents.

‘Nirvana in the Ten Directions’ is changed to triggering by thoughts. As long as I still have an active thought, it will definitely be activated.

I won't give Witch Harley any chance.

Once the dream of being the supervisor is shattered, I will immediately drag the entire multiverse to accompany my dream!

Not only do I want to activate the Nirvana of the ten directions, I also want to become a part of the Nirvana of the ten directions. "

The Laughing Bat looked dull, "Do you also want to join the 'Ten Directions Annihilation' plan?"

"Yes, I am also the Creator and can trigger even more terrifying chain reactions.

Witch Harley is dead this time, I said, even God can’t save her.

Not only the witch Harley, but also the eight divine realms will not have an easy time!

Even if I die, I will die with great force. Witch Harley, Morpheus, and those god kings and demon kings watching the show, don't even think about running away! "Barbatos said hatefully.

The Laughing Bat couldn't help it, gave a thumbs up, and praised loudly: "I thought that before me, the clown was already the craziest person in the world, and after I was born, I was the pinnacle of madness.

Now I am convinced, the master is the master, you are really brave, you are the embodiment of courage and the law of madness! "

Just when Barbatos accepted the transformation of the Laughing Bat and took the initiative to become part of the "Ten Directions Annihilation" chain reaction.

The bottom floor of Limbo, on the Archimedes airship.

"Rachel, speed up, the Black Bat is chasing us again!" Dick shouted from the driver's seat.

"Why are they still lingering? How many days have they been chasing us? Superman and Wonder Woman should have rushed into the Dark Portal long ago, right?" Damian held the handle of the knife in his hand, and his muscles were tense, ready to attack at any moment. Get ready for battle.

Not only him, but also the two hundred superheroes inside the ship all looked nervous, ready to face the enemy.

The veteran hero "Black Bolt" in the main alliance is still reminding loudly: "Heroes who cannot move freely in Limbo should hold on to the handrails. No matter what enemies they encounter later, don't let go and don't leave the range of the airship.

Heroes who can operate in Limbo should not leave the spacecraft too far and do not escape the range of Archimedes' radar.

Archimedes, please help us pay attention.

If someone is too far away, you have to remind them, or remind us to save someone. "

"Understood." "Radar Man" Archimedes responded seriously.

Don't blame them for being neurotic.

The Black Bat's methods are too incredible.

You don't need to chase them directly to damage the Archimedes airship.

Previously, they thought that the Black Bat was far away from the Archimedes airship and would not be in danger for the time being. As a result, a purple-black energy channel suddenly opened inside the Archimedes airship, and the red god of death passed through and killed directly. Inside the airship.

The boarding battle came without any warning.

The space in the cabin is so narrow. Once the Red Death enters the state of running at a high speed, they may be wiped out in an instant. Fortunately, the Red Death has bad luck and happens to bump into Damian when he lands. Damian is an assassin and reacts extremely well. Quickly, he subconsciously drew his sword and stabbed it. Under normal circumstances, even if Damian's katana was doped with N metal, it would not be able to touch the red god of death, which was vibrating at high frequencies in his body's cells.

Just like Barry can control the high-frequency vibration of his body to pass through any physical substance.

The Red Death can travel directly into the Archimedes airship, relying on high-frequency resonance - similar to how Barry adjusts the vibration frequency of his body while running at high speed to travel through parallel universes.

The purple-black energy channel is opened by the Black Bat, and cooperates with the Red Death to achieve ultra-long-distance boarding battle.

In other words, the red god of death who had just traveled through time happened to be in a state of high-frequency cell vibration. At that time, no matter how strong the physical attack was, it was useless.

However, Damian was so thoughtful that when he reflexively drew his sword to kill, he used the "thick-skinned sword draw".

In the past few years of being a superhero, Damian has long discovered that there is a big problem with his sword skills: there are too many monsters in the supernatural world, and he cannot chop melons and vegetables like a mortal warrior. In many cases, he even It cannot cut, and the knife has no effect on the enemy.

Then he discovered that Barbara's thick skin magic could not only form a shield, but also dispel the energy shield on the enemy, or remove the debuff on himself.

Damian had an idea: If the thick-skinned divine power covers the blade, can it ignore the enemy's energy shield?

His idea is very good. The basic attribute of Thick-skinned Divine Power is just to improve its own defense. But once the divinity is activated and the thick-skinned divine power shows the effect of defense expertise, many solid defenses based on the power of miracles will become fragile.

But it is difficult to think simply but to do it. Damian's biggest difficulty is that he cannot have faith in "Sister Harley". He respects her and especially admires her martial arts realm, but he cannot believe in her as a god.

He imitated the "magic moves" created by Barbara's "thick-skinned magic", such as the thick-skinned sword slash. It can't be said that it was completely useless. Basically, there was no response 95 times out of 100 times, and there was a reaction in the remaining 5 times. not effectively.

This time he had great luck and the results were surprisingly good.

After the snow-white blade was unsheathed, it turned into a brilliant golden light, and the eyes of the surrounding superheroes were dazzled.

"Pfft!" The red god of death's heart was pierced by the "golden knife".

His body can vibrate at high frequencies thanks to the Speed ​​Force. Harley's Speed ​​Force Defense Specialty is already level 10!

"Rachel, the distance between the Black Bat and us is still shrinking." Dick's voice became hoarse.

"I know, but" Rachel responded and did not continue.

"Beep, beep, beep!" A rapid alarm sounded in the cabin.

"Rumble" the next moment, the Archimedes airship shook violently.

"We were shot?" Mr. Excellence, the third smartest man, exclaimed.

"Well, we were hit by a strange missile. It didn't touch the spacecraft, but it exploded far away.

The Archimedes airship has an N metal shell, and the shock wave only made it shake a few times, and it was stained with some black smoke from the missile explosion."

The various data of the Archimedes airship flashed rapidly in Cyborg's electronic eyes, and his voice hesitated: "There is still some black smoke stuck to the outer shell of the Archimedes airship, but the airship is in good condition and does not seem to be affected. It's just Rachel." Hey, are you too tired? The speed of the airship is slowing down."

Rachel's movements on the piano became sluggish, and the sound became obviously messy.

"The living music surrounding the spacecraft is falling into negative emotions such as confusion and fear, and the playing is out of tune. It should be related to the cannonball just now.

The dark energy it emitted disrupted my performance and broke the harmony of the 'Cosmic Sound' - ah, I understand, we are locked by the 'Limbo Torpedo'! Rachel suddenly exclaimed as if she felt something.

"Locked by a torpedo?" Dick was startled and asked quickly: "Archimedes, are we locked?"

“Radar Man” Archimedes said uncertainly: “If I could detect it, I would have issued an alarm earlier.

Just like that strange missile just now, I gave you a hint as soon as it entered the radar range.

However, Miss Rachel will definitely not be aimless. "

"It's noise!" Rachel shouted urgently: "The target of the missile just now was not the spacecraft itself, but the harp power system. The pure harmonious sound was broken by the emotions of fear and confusion in the darkness.

The music I played created noise, and the noise was a beacon for the enemy's new missiles.

Like a laser tag tracking a missile - look out, here it comes, the missile is coming! "

Dick immediately shouted: "Cyborg, don't let the missile get close to the airship."

At first, there was only one Vulcan cannon on the Archimedes spacecraft, and later Harley installed a missile system on it.

When it comes into contact with alien equipment, its weapon systems have been updated.

At this time, there were eight "magic energy cannons" on the Archimedes airship that had been imbued with magical power.

"I can't see the missile at all, the radar range is blank." Cyborg said urgently.


Everyone only saw an extremely bright white light flash past, and then the world in front of them changed.

They came from the dark and empty bottom of Limbo Hell to the planet world with blue sea, blue sky and white clouds.

"Where is this?" Some people looked around blankly, while others rubbed their eyes vigorously, "Is this an illusion?"

On the sea below, you can still see wooden-hulled sailboats with sailors on board.

There are towering skyscrapers at the end of the ocean. The landscape is both familiar and strange at the same time.

"No, it's not an illusion. We have come to the physical universe, and we have also come to the parallel world of Earth. Judging from the radar scan, we are on the Atlantic Ocean, and the city in the distance should be Gotham." Cyborg said in a harsh voice.

"But aren't we at the bottom of Limbo?" Damian said confusedly.

Cyborg smiled bitterly and said: "I guess we are still at the bottom of Limbo, but there is suddenly a parallel universe at the bottom of Limbo. The parallel universe is like a fisherman's net, covering us in."

"What? This universe is the weapon of the Dark Knight? They launched a universe and used the universe as a cage to trap us?" the heroes shouted in disbelief.

"I understand that this is incredible, but this is the cosmic parameter detected by the Archimedes airship master brain." Cyborg said helplessly.

"Rachel, what's the situation now?" Black Bolt shouted.

"As Cyborg said, we have fallen into a 'baby universe'. This baby universe is extremely incomplete, and its laws are very incomplete. It's like an unfinished building encountering a tofu project, and it becomes even worse." Rachel said.

"But we saw Gotham. Isn't this a small plane?"

"Well, the baby universe is just an incomplete universe. It is essentially at the same energy level as the parallel universe in Wan Tian Yi. It is a real material universe, not a small plane or a kingdom of gods."

"I'm sorry, that's too exaggerated. You actually used the material universe as a cannonball. If it landed directly on the main universe," Mr. Zhuo Zhuo shivered.

Martian Manhunter looked calm and asked: "Dick, can we escape this baby universe through the Shadow Realm?"

"No, this baby universe is very incomplete, there is no shadow realm at all, and the laws are very strange. It should come from the dark multiverse. The Archimedes airship is adapting to the new laws of the universe." Dick analyzed while staring at the console screen.

He is a martial artist and cannot directly sense the details of changes in the law. But he knew about the Archimedes airship. It has very strong adaptability. No matter what environment it enters, the power system of the spacecraft can adapt quickly. However, adaptation requires a process. At this time, the airship's main brain shows that the power system has entered an abnormal state.

"Archimedes, scan the surrounding environment and look for the Black Bat Battleship. The Dark Knights must not just want to trap us."

Archimedes said in a weird tone: "I haven't scanned the Black Bat battleship yet, but I found a strange person. Look."

A picture appeared on the radar screen: floating on the blue sea, a large wooden ship with a black hull and black canvas, and a huge black bat logo on the sail.

On the bridge of the wooden ship, stood "Captain Batman", a captain wearing a Batman uniform.

Captain Batman is still holding a telescope and is observing the Archimedes airship that suddenly appears in the sky with uncertainty.

"Uh, this is Bruce from another world? The first mate next to him seems to be me?" Dick's expression was a little twisted, "What kind of twisted world is this? Isn't Gotham in front of me a modern metropolis? Why is there a wooden-hulled sailboat? ?Also, this Batman seems to be a pirate?"

Rachel said disapprovingly: "The Dark Multiverse is very twisted. Among the seven Batmans in the Dark Knights, which one is not a freak? Don't worry. Be careful, the enemy is coming!"

Before she could finish her shrill scream, a huge shadow enveloped her.

The hundreds of kilometers long Black Bat battleship appeared above Archimedes as if teleporting.

"Surrender, you have nowhere to escape. We will not kill you, we will only send you to the human tower. If you resist, you will die immediately. If you surrender, you will enter the human tower. Make your choice." The cold voice of the ruthless iron hand was directly transmitted into the airship.

"Rachel, we can't count on the Archimedes airship. Take us out of here through the dream." Dick shouted quickly.

"I, I ah~~~"

Rachel's eyes were confused at first, and then her pupils were completely filled with darkness. She screamed, her body twitched and she fainted to the ground.

Ruthless Iron Fist sneered: "Don't be naive, she has used the dream dimension to take you away so many times before, how could we be unprepared?

This is the dark baby universe, and no dark universe has ever connected to the dream realm.

It is directly connected to the nightmare dimension. Even if Raven is the dream lord, he has no authority in the nightmare dimension.

In the nightmare dimension, we are the kings.

We control everything here and in the nightmare dimension. As soon as we think about it, she will suffer the backlash of the nightmare law. "

The drowned spirit held a trident and floated in the window in front of Archimedes. He said with a sarcastic face: "If we were not sure that we would catch up with you, you would not be able to escape. How could we waste a few days on you?" time?"

The Dark Knights were so impressive that the heroes felt heavy and fell silent for a while.

"Do we need to escape?" Damian opened the hatch, jumped out, landed on the top of the airship, took a sword-drawing stance, and shouted: "I can kill a Dark Knight, I can kill him Second and third, how many of you are there in total? How many chops are enough for me to chop?"

The heroes were not intimidated by his arrogance. Instead, they were very worried that the Dark Knights would be angered by his arrogance, so they swarmed up and killed him instantly.

But the next moment, the drowned soul closest to Damian took a few steps back with a vigilant expression.

Several other dark knights who were surrounding them also stopped with solemn expressions.

The heroes in the airship were a little dumbfounded.

Damian was also a little surprised.

However, thinking that Sister Harley was setting her sights on him, and currently had no other choice but to fight head-on, he ignored the Dark Knight's thoughts and shouted loudly: "You are all Batman, and you also know who I am, but... If you still have some self-respect, don't play tricks and just come over and challenge the Son of Batman to a duel."

"Boy, you are too arrogant." The killing machine slowly landed on top of the Archimedes airship and said coldly: "I'll stand here, come and try to chop me a few times."

The other dark knights were still watching from a distance and did not get closer.

Earlier, they didn't take Witch Harley's "great karma and destiny control" too seriously, and then the Red Death died inexplicably.

Now of course they have to be careful.

As for the killing machine, they are not worried, because the soul of the killing machine has been digitized. At this time, the main consciousness of the killing machine occupies the main brain of the Black Bat blood domain mothership, and is controlling its original "cyborg body".

"Don't think that I can't cut you because you're a tough guy."

Damian held the handle of the knife with his right hand and shouted: "Hallelujah, thick-skinned sword, kill everything!!"

Not only was he shouting with his mouth, but he was also silently reciting the "divine spell" of the "Thick Skin Magic" in his heart.

He believed that Sister Harley was watching him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the "thick-skinned sword drawing technique" before. Even if he used it by chance, it wouldn't have such a strong effect that he could vaguely sense Sister Harley. Gentle eyes full of encouragement.


Under the collective gaze of the Dark Knights and the heroes, a snow-white horse flashed in front of Damian. Almost at the same time, tiny sparks flashed on the neck of the killing machine standing five meters away.

Damian was stunned for a moment, then quickly sheathed the sword, charged up his strength again, and shouted again, "Thick-skinned sword, ahhhh!"


The killing machine instantly moved forward a few steps and clamped the tip of the katana tightly with only two fingers of his right hand.

He is a killing machine and Batman, and his martial arts level is not low.

His metal fingers were not unscathed. The blade made a thin gash between them, but that was all.

"Is this how you kill the Red Death?"

Damian blushed, and with some skill he pulled the blade back, took two steps back, sheathed the blade again, and shouted: "Sister Harley, look at me quickly, thick-skinned sword is drawn and slashed——"

"Boom!" The killing machine took a step forward regardless, and punched out like a cannon, hitting Damian's chest solidly.

"Crack, click, click~~" The ribs were broken, and a small pit the size of a bowl was sunk in the chest.

"Pfft~~" Damian flew in the air, blood and broken internal organs spurting out wildly.

"Sister Harley, what are you doing?" While vomiting blood, he could also scream in grief and indignation.

If he were an ordinary person, he would die immediately after such a blow. He and Harley have practiced the "Damian Martial Arts Manual" for several years. His physique is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his force-relieving skills are also very good.

Damian couldn't really blame Harley.

His previous feeling was correct, facing the Red Death, Harley was watching him from the "past".

Well, the prophecy happened in the future, and when Harley adjusted her destiny through the causal chain, the Archimedes airship had not yet been raided by the Red Death.

By the time Damian killed the Red Death, Harley had already jumped out of the initial loop of cause and effect and could no longer take care of him and design a "protagonist plot" for him.

Dawn's Creepy Lamp and Barbatos judged her destiny manipulation very accurately. Her skills are not as good as those of the three goddesses of destiny, and she cannot string together a long series of "small causal loops" into a chain of destiny through clever means.

She can only directly interfere with destiny through elements that have a strong causal relationship with her, such as the power of thick skin, the Archimedes airship, and the magic of thick skin.

Well, it was her arrangement that the Red Death traveled directly to Damian.

There were nearly two hundred superheroes in the airship, and only Damian and Rachel had studied the thick-skin magic a little.

She could only adjust Damian's fate so that he could be "destined", obtain the temporary "Destined Child" buff, and temporarily become the "sole protagonist".

Dick has never practiced the thick-skin magic, and Harley can't even try to make him "the protagonist".

But even Damian has limits to the power he can explode.

Making him the Son of Destiny can solve the Red Death, but the ensuing Baby Dark Universe is almost a disaster that they cannot escape.

Harley had seen this catastrophe in the "Book of Destiny", but could not see the details. She only vaguely perceived that it was a catastrophe that was difficult to solve through "big cause and effect destiny control".

More importantly, Harley saw an even greater darkness behind this disaster. The dark prophecies made her soul tremble.

With the help of the "Primary Causal Loop", she vaguely glimpsed the vague face of the "Dark Prophecy": First, it comes from Barbatos and is Barbatos' carefully prepared trump card; secondly, it is very terrifying and will bring unprecedented consequences to the multiverse. The terrible disaster was even more terrifying than the Crisis on Infinite Earths; in the end, the three giants and Metal Ten were unable to solve the "unknown dark crisis". On the contrary, when Metal Ten was born, the "dark crisis" broke out hour.

"Brother Destiny, stop howling. Come and see this fate."

Harley jumped out of the "Book of Destiny" with a "swish", crying for fate and shouting loudly.

Well, Big Brother Destiny didn't cry, he was just as dull and dull-eyed as Mrs. Xianglin.

But he didn't say "I'm so stupid", he didn't reflect on himself.

He just mechanically cursed "Witch Harley, shameless bastard" with an indifferent expression.

"You, you're out?!" Brother Destiny was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes again, and immediately jumped up from the ground, three feet high, and shouted excitedly: "Witch Harley, get out of here, get out of here right now Leave the Garden of Destiny!"

He didn't shout to fight or kill.

If he could have beaten and killed her, he would have done so long ago.

I have exhausted all means and still can't do anything about her. I can only drive her away first, then find helpers, or plan on my own to slowly settle the score with Witch Harley.

He would definitely not let her go easily.

At the same time, he believed that "Origin" would punish her because she destroyed the "Book of Destiny" and madly disturbed the River of Destiny.

"Brother Destiny, please don't get excited. I came out because I had no choice. I saw a dark prophecy in the "Book of Destiny". A huge crisis that can destroy the multiverse is about to come. I need your help. Help I interpret the details of the prophecy—"

Big Brother Destiny was still very excited, interrupted her directly, and yelled at her: "Get out, I won't do you any favors, get out of my garden immediately."

This time he not only shouted loudly, but also used his power to actively move Harry out of the Garden of Destiny.

"Buzz!" Circles and circles of transparent space ripples appeared around Harry.

She has the 9th-level Fate Defense feat and the 9th-level Space Defense feat.

As long as she doesn't want to, even if fate uses power to drive her away in her own domain, just like this moment, she will remain motionless, only the space around her will fluctuate violently.

"Well, you don't care about the big crisis that can destroy the entire multiverse, so what's the point of Origin creating you, the 'Incarnation of Destiny'?"

Harley shook her head and sighed: "The multiverse has a complete law of destiny, and the law of destiny is enough to ensure the normal operation of the river of destiny.

‘Origin’ also created an incarnation of the law of fate. Isn’t it just that the law is ruthless and people are affectionate?

You who have independent thinking can become the second guarantee for the safety of the law at critical moments, but you only focus on personal grudges and ignore the great righteousness."

There was a lingering sound, and her figure slowly disappeared in the Garden of Destiny.

Brother Destiny suddenly shrank his pupils and yelled out of control, "Come back, Witch Harley, come back!"

While shouting, he used his destiny power to forcefully pull back Harley who was about to disappear.

Harley didn't resist.

She needs fate to help her interpret the "dark and terrifying prophecy" that is almost destined to happen.

She thought he was persuaded by her.

But his expression was twisted, and he rushed towards her with his teeth and claws bared, "Splasher, give me back the Book of Destiny!"

Well, he was so excited before that he didn't realize that his hands were empty, and the "Book of Destiny" half the size of a door panel was gone.

It wasn't until Harley was about to disappear that he realized that the "notebook" she was holding looked very familiar, and he was horrified: that was his "Book of Destiny". His "Book of Destiny" had been snatched away by the witch Harley. gone.

Harley dodged to avoid his flying attack and shouted: "You see clearly, what kind of book is this!"

She raised the notebook in her hand and pointed the cover at Big Brother Destiny.

Destiny took a closer look and saw "Harry's Notebook" written in ink on it.

"Who are you trying to deceive? The ink is not even dry on it. You just wrote it, right?" He pointed at the big words that were still stained with water and yelled.

Harley reached out and touched it, and sure enough, the pads of her fingers were stained black.

She said with a serious expression: "Obviously, there is too much moisture in Destiny Garden and the weather is too humid, so my laptop has become damp."

"Bastard, do you think I'm an idiot?!" Destiny was outraged, roared, gathered the power of destiny into his fist, and hit Harley's head like a mountain.

Harley looked calm and motionless. When he came to him, she used the ninth-level destiny defense force field and the ninth-level space expertise to solidify the surrounding space within a kilometer. She quickly raised her leg and kicked him over.

"Plop~~~" Big Brother Destiny was kicked several hundred meters away and rolled into the lotus pond at the edge of the garden.

Harley shrugged, curled her lips, and left without saying a word.

"Witch Harley, come back to me and give me the "Book of Destiny", give me the "Book of Destiny", my "Book of Destiny"."

With an obvious red mark of high-heeled shoes on his face, he lay down beside the lotus pond and wailed. He looked like a fat man shouting "Swallow, how can I live without you?"

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