I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1829 It’s so cool to change your life and cheat!

Chapter 1829: Life-changing cheating. So cool!

"Wow, it's so bright here! It's completely different from the darkness and coldness of the previous nightmare dimension." Diana said in surprise.

The three of them were suspended in a beam of golden light in the classic "Superman flying" posture - with arms stretched out, legs straightened, and the torso in a horizontal line. Their eyes were filled with warm yellow golden light, and their whole bodies were filled with warmth. Like soaking in a hot spring.

They don't need to fly by themselves, the light seems to have an invisible pulling force, automatically taking them forward.

"This dream passage is a conduit for the emotions of hope and surprise. Of course, it is different from the previous nightmare dimension. Hope and surprise are inherently warm and bright." Dachao said excitedly: "I can feel it. The melting pot of the world is ahead of me!

Morpheus's judgment is completely correct. As long as we maintain hope and wonder in our hearts, the dream channel will treat us as 'emotional nourishment' for forging the tenth metal and send us directly to the furnace. "

"The situation doesn't seem quite right." Old Bruce stared forward, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"What did you find?" Diana asked.


Old Bruce warned in a deep voice: "No matter what you see later, don't lose control of your mind. Always maintain hope for the future and wonder for life."

Diana and Superman wanted to ask again, but Old Bruce immediately said: "Don't think too much. If we have any distracting thoughts, we may deviate from the channel and end up in a worse situation."

The three of them were calm and silent and stopped talking.

In just a moment, after they penetrated a dazzling golden film, the warm golden light around them suddenly dissipated, and they re-entered the cold and dark world of nothingness.

It's like holding a flashlight and shining a beam of light into the sky in the middle of the night without stars or moon. Three grains of dust fall from the sky along the light beam and land on the lens of the flashlight. The lens is seen as nothingness, and after passing through, it falls into darkness again. inside.

"This is the melting pot of the world. Yes, it must be the melting pot of the world! Such a soul-shaking majestic atmosphere can only be the melting pot of the world." Dachao looked down and shouted excitedly.

After leaving the light channel, they came to a black planet.

The planet is very large, making them subconsciously think of the huge planets and divine realms - Apokolips and Creation Star.

Like Apokolips, it has no stars, moon and sun, and is in a void of pure darkness.

Although the Apocalypse Star and the Creation Star are in the form of planets, as long as you see them, you can feel the extraordinary atmosphere that is completely different from ordinary planets. At this time, the "Black Tuotuo" gives people a more sacred and extraordinary sense.

However, although Apokolips does not have a sun, at least its surface is filled with core magma that emits dark red light.

The black planet below is like briquettes burning with energy.

There is no light, but a darkness that feels familiar and ominous to the three giants of Zhenglian, like the darkness in the deepest part of a nightmare.

"This is the world's furnace? The furnace is so big, but why is there no fire? The furnace we saw before in the place where dreams originated is not like this." Diana wondered.

Old Bruce said in a hoarse voice: "It went out and has been completely covered by the nightmare dimension, almost becoming the core of the dark multiverse."

"No, it shouldn't be like this. The purpose of Morpheus sending us here is to enter the furnace to find the tenth metal.

If the melting pot of the world has been extinguished long ago, why should he bother with these useless efforts? "Da Chao said loudly.

Diana said: "Just now in the 'Channel of Light', we all felt the warmth and light of the furnace.

That feeling is absolutely unmistakable.

So, is it possible that while the furnace is extinguished on the surface, there is still a carbon fire burning at the bottom?

Or maybe it is extinguished now, but there is a large amount of Tenth Metal hidden at the bottom of the furnace? "

"Give up, despair, the furnace is completely extinguished and can never be ignited again."

From the center of the furnace shrouded in darkness, a huge sound shook the world.

It seemed that even the surrounding dark dimensions were dispersed by the sound, and a dim red light actually appeared below.

"It was extinguished many years ago, completely extinguished, truly extinguished! Not to mention the remnants of charcoal inside, it is as cold as my heart at this time.

There is not a drop of the tenth metal left. I have rummaged through the bottom of the furnace thousands of times to be absolutely sure of this. "

The voice was powerful, full of evil and chaotic emotions, but it also sounded vaguely familiar.

"You are." Dachao blinked. His "superhuman characteristics" allowed him to quickly adapt to the environment of the dark furnace of the sixth dimension. Suddenly, he could see the landscape below clearly.

"God, Hawkman? Carter, is that you? How did you become like this?"

In Morpheus's "story", the Forge of the World is covered by an endless ocean of magma.

At this time, the magma solidified into gray-black rock, but the shape of ocean waves can still be seen.

On the edge of the solidified magma ocean, there are dark peaks that look like watchtowers.

The mountain peaks are almost the only raised parts of the world's melting pot.

At this time, a hundred-meter-tall giant stood on the top of the mountain. Its feet were like goshawks and its toes were sharp claws. It was wearing the same metal suit as Eagle Man: an eagle-head helmet, neck and shoulders. There are also metal pieces imitating eagle feathers, a huge black hawk logo on the chest - also the hero mark of Hawkman Carter himself, and huge metal wings spread behind him.

"Carter? Carter Hall has disappeared. Now there is only the Dragon of Barbatos. I am the Dragon of Barbatos, the guardian of the world's furnace!" the huge eagle man roared.

Diana also saw the appearance of the Eagle Man clearly with the help of the dim red light that lit up below, and murmured: "Kendra said before on Black Hawk Island that Carter left the earth alone before Challenger Mountain came.

He says he has found a way to end the Bat-demon once and for all, and Kendra is worried and hopeful, hoping that he can actually end the darkness.

But judging from the current results, Carter has obviously failed, and he has been corrupted by Barbatos. "

Da Chao said: "Carter may have failed, but he did find a way to end Barbatos.

This is the melting pot of the world, where the Tenth Metal was born.

Aren’t we here to find answers too?

If Carter can get his hands on the Tenth Metal, he can really kill Barbatos and save the world before darkness falls. "

Old Bruce shook his head slightly, "He found this place not because he found the right answer, but because Barbatos wanted him to find it here.

Barbatos regards itself as the true master of the sixth dimension, and the World Forger has a dragon that guards the forge, and now it has also created a 'Dragon of Barbatos' for itself. "

"Carter, if you still remember us, then you must also remember Kendra. Think about Kendra. She has been waiting for you and has always had expectations and hopes for you. Come back!" Diana shouted loudly below.

"Don't be naive. He remembers everything, but he has become a different person." A sarcastic sneer sounded behind them.

Before the three of them could turn around, huge force descended on them.

"Ah~~" Diana and Superman were okay, but old Bruce spit out a mouthful of blood and screamed as he fell downwards.

"Bruce!" Dachao shouted, accelerated his flight downwards, came under Bruce, turned on the biological force field, and held Lao Bu in his arms with one hand.

Diana also sank rapidly, drew her sword and raised her shield to protect her two companions.

"Dawn's lantern? Why are you here?"

The person who suddenly appeared and attacked the three of them was none other than Dawn, one of the Seven Knights of Darkness.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time." Dawn's Creepy Lantern sarcastically said: "In the end, all roads will lead to Barbatos in the darkness. Now you should understand the meaning of this sentence, right?

You have never escaped the clutches of the great Barbatos.

Every one of your desperate struggles is watched by Barbatos, and your efforts are useless. "

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Bruce wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes brighter than before, "Keep hope and wonder, even if the furnace of the world has been extinguished, we can still ignite it.

If there was really only darkness left here, Barbatos would not be able to arrange for people to keep a close eye on it.

The strange light at dawn may have just arrived.

Carter calls himself the ‘Dragon of Barbatos’, and is obviously dedicated to protecting the world’s melting pot. "

"But it's so dark down there, where can we find the Tenth Metal?" Diana asked through mental transmission.

"Go straight down!"

"There's nothing down there, where to rush?" Diana asked doubtfully.

Bruce said hurriedly: "It can be seen from the appearance of the rock layer that there was once an ocean composed of boiling magma.

Just like what we saw in ‘The Land of Origin of Dreams’.

At the place where the dreamland originated, Morpheus reached out directly from the magma to pick up a ball of liquid that shimmered with colorful light.

If it is still in the form of a magma ocean, if we want to get the tenth metal, we must go deep into the magma ocean.

Now that the magma has solidified, we can still go deep inside.

Perhaps after smashing the solidified rock layer on the surface, you can see the boiling magma. "

"Let's go down." Dachao hugged him and turned into a beam of lightning, rushing straight into the dark rocky ground.

"Stop them, prevent them from approaching the Forge of the World, and pull them into the Dark Multiverse!"

Following the command from the Creepy Light at dawn, tens of thousands of corrupted heroes emerged from the darkness on the surface of the world's furnace planet like ghosts.

"Swish, swish, swish!" They went from bottom to top, facing the three giants of Zhenglian who descended from top to bottom.

Seen from a distance, the three giants of Zhenglian were like three marbles, falling on a thick black blanket. The four corners of the blanket were rolled up, wrapping the "three marbles" tightly.

The package is still rapidly moving away from the world melting pot, falling rapidly towards the darker nightmare dimension.

"Ahhhh, get out of here!" Dachao held Old Bruce in his arms with his left hand, and clenched his fist with his right hand and kept raising and smashing it down, but he still couldn't block the attacks that came like raindrops.

Old Bruce also wanted to pick up the "Five Finger Death Fist" to help.

But in a superhuman-level battle, he couldn't even see their movements clearly. There was a blur of light in front of him, and he could only feel Superman's broad chest and rising pectoralis major muscles.

Diana on the other side is also in a bad situation.

She didn't dare to dodge or move. Behind her were Dachao and Bruce.

She had to block every punch and withstand every attack.

Otherwise, they will fall behind Superman and even directly kill old Bruce, who is unable to resist and struggle.

"Alas, my omnipotent belt is still not big enough. If it could hold the 'Bat Armor', I would never be so passive." After lamenting during the mental connection, Old Bruce made a decisive decision: "Superman, Diana, you don't have to worry about me. , treat me like a football and throw it in the direction where the enemies are most concentrated.

Then you take the opportunity to rush down.

Don't worry about anything, just rush down, and don't stop even if you smash the solidified magma layer.

As long as you can't find the burning flame of the furnace, don't stop even if you rush into the center of the earth.

I believe the melting pot of the world will not go out.

Even if it is extinguished, it can be rekindled by the hope and wonder in your hearts. "

"You are not a rugby ball, you are our partner, how could we give up on you?" Dachao once again felt that the solar energy in his cells was quickly approaching dryness.

If he had a lightbulb on his chest marking the energy scale in his body, the red warning light would be flashing rapidly right now.

"Don't hesitate, this is the best choice. Even if they catch me, it will just turn into the Dark Portal again. As long as you get the tenth metal, you can kill Barbatos.

Killing Barbatos will naturally wake me up from the nightmare easily. "Bruce said anxiously.

He was struggling hard, but his thick arms were like iron hoops, tightly constricting his chest, preventing him from moving.

Just when he was considering whether to use the "Five-Finger Death Punch" to hit Super, Wonder Woman shouted: "Only with hope can we enter the melting pot of the world.

If I give up on you, it means giving up hope. So what if I break through the rock layer and see the fire veins in the core of the earth?

Without hope, the tenth metal cannot be forged at all. "

Old Bruce was silent for a moment and said firmly: "In that case, let's give it a try!

Remember, never give up hope at any time.

Once we lose hope and the wonder of life, we fall out of the furnace of the world and into a dark nightmare. "

——Even if I die, don't give up hope. Even if Superman and I die, Diana, don't forget your mission: keep hope and enter the melting pot of the world.

He did not despair, but had the consciousness to die on the spot.

——Harry, bless us, no matter where you are or what you are doing, at least help us now!

In order to prevent the hope in his heart from being completely extinguished, he could only concentrate his thoughts and watch Harley's image repeatedly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Harley can help him resist the despair that comes like a tide, and can protect the flame of hope surrounded by the storm.

"Oops!" The next second, Diana on the side suddenly exclaimed, and then a golden bubble with a diameter of five meters opened on her body like a balloon.


The nearest dark hero seemed to have been burned by a branding iron, screaming and moving away from the golden bubble.

Those far away were not touched by the bubbles and were still outputting at full power.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Their attacks fell on the bubbles like gravel hitting banana leaves.

The noise is loud and the movement is loud, but it won't be possible to pop the bubble for a while.

Da Chao and Old Bruce were originally behind Diana, but now they were immediately wrapped in golden bubbles.

The attack was blocked by bubbles and they got comfortable.

"Huhuhu, what is this? Defense golden film?" Dachao asked, breathing heavily.

Old Bruce felt a warmth on the back of his head. He stretched out his hand and touched it, but there was a pool of bright red blood.

Looking back, I saw Dachao's nose and face were swollen and bruised, his uniform was in tatters, only a small section of his red cloak was left, and a large amount of skin was exposed. All the exposed skin was bruised and bruised. His nose and the tip of his left eye were broken, and there was blood. Gurgling.

"Superman, you -" He was shocked and moved, and quickly took out the "solar lamp" to replenish energy for Super.

"Oh~~~" Dachao groaned comfortably, looking at the sparkling golden bubbles and worried: "Is it going to burst? Diana, how long can you hold on?"

Diana had been in a sluggish state since the bubble suddenly appeared. Da Chao asked her several questions, but she had no response. Until the bubble burst with a pop, she covered her forehead and let out a painful groan. She finally woke up. In fact, she was concentrating on sorting out the surge of thick-skinned power in her body, and was not just sitting there in a daze.

"Yes, this is the defensive golden film! Hallelujah, hallelujah hahaha!"

Diana laughed and shouted twice, first releasing the state of God's Favorite, and then immediately reentering the thick-skinned power mode.

The rioting divine power in his body finally stabilized.

Like arms and fingers, completely under her control.

"Buzz~~" A layer of light golden defense shield quickly opened up around her body again, blocking the attack and protecting Lao Bulu and Da Chao.

"My thick-skinned power is back!" Diana clenched her fists and exclaimed excitedly: "Not only has all the lost power returned, but the number has even increased, by at least 40%!

I was full, no matter how much thick-skinned power I could absorb, it was just right now, my stomach was full.

In addition to the increase in the total amount of divine power, the divinity is even more ridiculously powerful, you see——"

She grinned and pointed at the nightmare army outside that was frantically attacking the golden film, "They are surrounded by so many people, but I am relaxed right now. Being on the battlefield is like taking a leisurely stroll.

This is the real, non-castrated thick-skinned power, just like Harley uses it herself.

What a wonderful feeling! "

"Why did the divine power suddenly return? And the quantity and quality have been greatly improved?" Dachao was happy and surprised.

Diana pondered: "This is not the first time that a similar situation has occurred. In the past, as long as Harley was by my side and as long as she was willing, my thick-skinned divinity would become extremely powerful as it is now."

When she said this, something moved in her mind. She sheathed the Vulcan sword, clasped her hands together, her head drooped, and her body stood upright like a devout believer standing in front of the statue of Christ praying.

She was imagining the image of "Martial God King Harley" in her mind, silently running the "Harley Magic" she learned from Dinah in her sea of ​​consciousness, and muttering words: "Harley, Sister Harley, can you hear me?" ?I need your help, Sister Harley is mighty, Sister Harley."

"What are you doing?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"Buzzing." The defensive shield that was about to be broken open again suddenly turned black, and the black light slowly rotated into a huge spiral.

The entire surface of the spherical gold film is marked by black vortices.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The spherical golden film turned into a mobile turret, and various attacks fell on it. It immediately returned to the original path, causing howls and exclamations among the nightmare army.

"Black vortex of thorns!" Old Bruce's eyes lit up and he blurted out.

"Hahaha, as I expected, Harley has probably returned and is still watching us nearby." Diana grinned, "She helped me get back the power that Barbatos had taken away from me.

Except for her, no one can regain the thick-skinned power that was stolen by the Supreme so quickly.

The extra divine power is that she saw that we were in a bad situation and wanted to help us get through it.

I have no faith in Hallie at all. If she hadn't been willing to help, even if I chanted her divine spell to death, there wouldn't be any reaction at all, because she can't sense prayers without the power of faith at all. "

"Harley, Harley, where are you?" Dachao shouted in all directions.

"Stop dreaming. Witch Harley died in the Garden of Destiny and will never come back."

"You are dead and no one can save you."

The only response he received was the ridicule and abuse from the Dawn Lantern and the Nightmare Knights.

"Didn't you say that Harley is nearby? If she is really here, how can we tolerate their arrogance and complacency?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

Diana frowned slightly.

Old Bruce also touched his chin and said: "If Harley is nearby, with her style, she will definitely make a shocking appearance when we are in the most dangerous situation.

Of course, her expression must be extremely calm when she appears on stage, looking calm and calm.

Anxiety is just a rush to show off.

As long as she's here, she won't pass up the chance to shock us, catch our eyes and exclaim. "

"If she wasn't here, why did the Golden Film suddenly increase to the level of a 'Super VIP'? And the magic, why can I easily use the magic that is unique to the Thick-skin Cult?" Diana said.

"Those goosebump-inducing words just now were magical spells borrowed from Harley's power?" Dachao's expression was a little strange.

"The so-called magical spells are words that communicate and please the gods. Not only Harry, but the magical spells of all gods have the same meaning when translated into English. They are all kinds of praising the greatness of the gods and all kinds of humbling one's piety." Diana was very dissatisfied. Sorry, my face is a little red.

"But you don't have to call her 'Sister Harley'." Dachao said.

"'Sister Harley' is the content of the spell. The spell can be created according to your own style, but the spell that has been created cannot be changed.

Moreover, this spell was exclusive to Barbara Gordon, and Dinah learned it from her. I found it interesting, so I randomly learned some from Dinah.

What's wrong with Barbara calling Harley 'Sister Harley'? "

Dachao had nothing to say.

Old Bruce said in a deep voice: "Whether Harley comes back or not, the top priority now is Metal 10!

Now that you have regained control of the thick-skinned divine power, and your divinity is even more powerful, let us not delay and attack the furnace of the world immediately. "

Diana squinted her eyes and looked around, and whispered: "The 'Corrupted Heroes' on the magic side are retreating, and the 'Dark Knights' with pure physical attacks such as Superman, Aquaman, and Cyborg are re-arranging.

They know the only weakness of thick-skinned divine power - it can perfectly defend against magic attacks, but must withstand 100% physical attacks. "

Old Bruce immediately took out the "Five Finger Death Fist" from his omnipotent belt and handed it to Diana, "You use it to deal with Superman. Only 'Superman's' attack can approach the upper limit of the defensive gold film, and others cannot easily reach the limit allowed by the universe." The limit of strength.”

He also quickly assembled an energy rifle himself.

"Don't hold back and attack the vital points specifically. They are fallen heroes of the Dark Multiverse and cannot be killed with ordinary weapons. We just need to break out of the encirclement and fall to the ground." He finally warned.

Harley hasn't left the "Book of Destiny" yet, nor has she left the Garden of Destiny.

However, her Destiny Defense feat was maxed out before the Earth guerrillas attacked the human tower.

The changes in the thick-skinned divine power of the main universe are related to the ninth-level destiny defense expertise.

Level 9 Destiny Defense Specialty: 100% offsets the negative effects of the power of destiny, the fog of destiny completely dissipates, and the flow of destiny can be clearly seen.

When the Destiny Defense Specialty reaches level eight, Big Brother Destiny will no longer be able to suppress Harley.

Harry was like a mouse in a rice vat, naturally eating it to his heart's content.

It does take a lot of pure energy to upgrade a specialty from level eight to level nine.

Under normal circumstances, even if she had enough energy, it would be difficult for Harley to upgrade her expertise to level nine in a short period of time.

For example, during Crisis on Infinite Earths, she stole most of the Anti-Monitor King's origins with the help of Barry, but it took her several days to fill the level 9 expertise experience jar.

But the situation encountered this time in the place where destiny originated is extremely special.

What Harley ate was the page of the "Book of Destiny". The "Book of Destiny" is the River of Destiny itself, a collection of the destinies of all creatures in the DC multiverse.

Converting this into the river of time, every time Harley eats a page, it is equivalent to drinking up a stretch of the mother river of time that is tens of thousands of years old.

In fact, every small page contains a lot of destiny.

She kept jumping out of the "primary ring cage of cause and effect" and biting off a page of destiny every time.

After eating a large number of page fragments, the tank of Destiny Defense Specialty skyrocketed crazily. In less than half an hour, the Specialty had reached level nine.

Once her expertise reaches level nine, the initial loop of cause and effect can no longer trap her.

The already riddled "Book of Destiny" cannot seal her, and the Garden of Destiny cannot continue to restrict her.

As for Big Brother Destiny.

"Witch Harley, stop right now, you bastard, do you know what you are doing?" When his expertise reached level 8 and 20%, Big Brother Destiny lost his earlier composure and jumped in anger and cursed.

Yes, he was really jumping, jumping three feet high, with angry eyes and beard and hair.

But he doesn't have to worry about face issues.

The three sisters of destiny have run away, and the other gods of destiny who have only their souls are silently huddled in the corner, closing their eyes, plugging their ears, pretending to be dead, neither leaving nor cheering for Big Brother Destiny.

When the expertise reaches 50% of level eight, Big Brother Destiny has a ferocious expression, his face is distorted, and his eyes are full of rage and murderous intent.

"Witch Harley, you are the scourge of the multiverse and the enemy of destiny. I want to kill you. I must kill you. Come out, come out~~~~"

He slapped the book of "Book of Destiny" wildly with both hands, and the book cover made a "thumping" sound.

When the expertise level reaches 80% of level 8, Big Brother Destiny's clothes are messy, his hair is messy, his eyes are confused and desperate, he is holding the "Book of Destiny" tightly with both hands, his body is shaking slightly, and he is crying and murmuring, "Harry Quinn, I beg you, please stop chewing on the "Book of Destiny". The river of destiny has been riddled with holes by you. The destiny of the multiverse has lost its inherent direction, and the world is rapidly collapsing.

If you have any requests, you can discuss them slowly with me. I will formally apologize to you. I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Morpheus. I shouldn't have participated in the grudge between you and the three sisters of destiny. Come out quickly. I bow to you and apologize. I won't do it once. Twice, if you are not satisfied twice, you can bow ten times.

Stop chewing on the pages of the book of destiny. Every page of the book is a dam in the river of destiny.

Any damage may directly cause the river of destiny to collapse."

Harley didn't know whether the River of Destiny had collapsed. She only felt that Big Brother Destiny had collapsed at this time.

He completely lost the threat and she could leave at any time.

But the purpose of Harley entering the Garden of Destiny is to change the fate of brother Morpheus, and improving the Destiny Defense Specialty is just a means to change the fate of Morpheus.

According to her plan before entering the Garden of Destiny, when her expertise was raised enough to fight against Big Brother Destiny, she would snatch the "Book of Destiny" from his hand, then find the pages of Morpheus' Destiny Book and modify the contents on it.

I thought it was quite simple at the time.

As for how to change destiny after actually getting the Book of Destiny?

She didn't think about it. She planned to get the "Book of Destiny" and then explore it slowly.

Things developed in twists and turns, too many unplanned accidents happened, and the whole process was far more complicated than she expected. It was really not easy to get to this point.

But so far, the results have been better than she expected. Upgrading her expertise to level nine was a dream that she only dared to dream about before, but did not dare to take it seriously as a plan. Now it has become a reality.

"Ahem, Big Brother Destiny, actually I never thought about destroying the "Book of Destiny". Maybe I caused some damage to the "Book of Destiny", but this is not my purpose.

I am like a trapped animal in a cage, and "The Book of Destiny" is the cage.

As the saying goes, a trapped animal still fights. If I want to get out of trouble, I will inevitably hit the cage with my life."

After reaching level nine, Harley stopped living as a "bookworm" and started to behave when she got the advantage.

She sat in the "Ring of the First Cause and Effect" with her hands and knees, using her ninth-level expertise to analyze the mystery of the first cause and effect, while pretending to be very fragile and helpless, pretending to be pitiful.

In the end, she gave a thumbs up and said with emotion: "Oh, you are worthy of being the elder brother of the Endless Family, Brother Destiny, you are amazing!

No matter how hard I struggle, I can never escape. I surrender. I surrender to you. What did you just say? You said you want to change the unknown fate of Brother Morpheus?

Great, you are such a good person and brother!

Actually, I didn't lie before. Coming to Destiny Garden was a complete accident.

I just want to hunt down the Destiny Three Splash.

Illegal and disciplinary actions such as robbing the "Book of Destiny" and modifying my destiny are all the slander of Destiny Three.

However, when I heard that you were willing to rewrite the tragic fate of Brother Morpheus, I was overjoyed and cried with joy. Really, look at my eyes, are they red and almost in tears?

Thank you, Brother Destiny, please rewrite Brother Morpheus's unknown fate before releasing me, okay? I beg you. "

"Kacha kacha~~~" Big Brother Destiny almost broke his teeth.

She had chewed the Book of Destiny full of holes and almost drove him crazy. She was still pretending to be stupid here and refused to admit the fact that she was trying to snatch the Book of Destiny and change Morpheus's fate.

She even regarded biting the pages of "The Book of Destiny" as an accident, and the person responsible for the accident was not her, the innocent "trapped beast". The trapped beast still fights, she fought desperately to survive, what could be wrong?

The responsibility lies entirely with him!

He shouted "Big Brother Destiny" in his mouth, but in his heart he regarded him as "Big Brother Destiny".

He said "if you can't defeat him, you have to surrender", but in fact he was so proud that he killed people even if they wanted to kill people, and he still behaved when he got an advantage.

"I have unlocked the seal of the original ring of cause and effect. You can come out immediately." He suppressed the evil fire in his heart that was about to burst out and said in a deep voice.

Let her leave the "Book of Destiny" first before talking about anything else.

"You rewrote the tragic fate of Brother Morpheus?" Harley asked.

"I can never take the initiative to modify the contents of the Book of Destiny." Big Brother Destiny said.

Harley was silent for a while and sighed: "Since you strongly want to change the tragic fate of Brother Morpheus, but due to the restrictions of the laws of the universe, you cannot do it yourself. Even if I have always been honest and law-abiding, even if I respect the origin, Respecting fate, I can only accept your request and help you change the tragic fate of Brother Morpheus.

Oh, tell me, how to do it specifically? "

Big Brother Destiny couldn't bear it anymore and roared: "That's enough, Witch Harley, you can't fool me, which means you can't fool fate, you can't fool the origin.

Talking too much of this boring rhetoric will damage your identity. I have never regarded you as a fool, but you have always regarded yourself as a fool. Only fools find this kind of rhetoric meaningful. "

Harley curled her lips: If I didn't use words to catch you, she would scream and kill as soon as she entered the Garden of Destiny. Her bones would be cold by now.

At this moment, I lost all my pants, and I still don’t understand that the real target of words is never the origin, but you!

Without disturbing your mentality and leading you with words, how could she have the chance to upgrade her defense expertise step by step, and finally convince others with her strength (level nine expertise)?

Harley only thought in her heart and did not argue.

Whatever Big Brother Destiny thinks.

She didn't care what he thought.

She has defeated him, and now she only cares about how to get a happy ending: successfully modifying Morpheus' tragic fate.

"I know I'm stupid. I don't understand what you mean, and I don't understand why you are so hostile to me. But you said you wanted to modify Morpheus' tragic fate and then let me out. Are you lying? You just want to trick me out. , and then torture me in more cruel ways?

No, I would rather be sealed in the "Book of Destiny" forever than be tortured and humiliated by you! "Harry shouted excitedly.

The shout made Big Brother Destiny clench his teeth, clenched his fists, and the temples on both sides of his head jumped.

He understood that she was threatening him: if he shouldn't write about Morpheus' tragic fate, she wouldn't come out.

"I really can't help Morpheus change his destiny, either directly or indirectly.

The best I can do is to pretend not to see you while you rewrite his tragic fate.

Just like the three sisters of destiny used curses to distort your destiny chapter in the "Book of Destiny".

I was just watching from the sidelines, not directly involved. "

These words definitely came from the bottom of his heart. He was exhausted mentally and physically from Harley's torment and had no energy to toss with her anymore. He was not even in the mood to think about the benefits that the witch Harley would gain from chewing the pages of the book of destiny.

There will definitely be troubles and revenge in the future, and she will have to wait for her to leave the "Book of Destiny", and for him to recharge his batteries, regroup, look for opportunities, and strike a fatal blow.

He has no shortage of time and is willing to wait.

"Oh, I understand. You are implying that I should learn from Destiny. You have always hoped to change your brother's tragic fate. Although I am not very smart and often cannot understand the subtext of other people's words, I am kind-hearted. Goodness cannot withstand the entreaties of others.

Brother Destiny, don’t worry.

I am willing to help you rewrite Morpheus's tragic fate. If I fail, I will not leave the cage of cause and effect.

As for you, just like last time, just watch from the side and see how I can change the twisted fate of the three fates. "

Even if Big Brother Destiny warns himself many times in his heart: Don't be angry, at least be more tolerant now.

But after hearing these words, the anger couldn't help but rise from the anus.

However, he really had no other choice.

Destiny Garden is his home court, but the one who controls the overall situation becomes the witch Harley!

At least she's not chewing on the pages of fate now. Destiny is quiet.

Harley stopped talking nonsense. One part of her mind was devoted to analyzing the "Primary Loop of Cause and Effect", which represented the root of destiny; the other part of her mind was to experiment with the ninth-level destiny defense expertise in the "Book of Destiny".

After her expertise reached level nine, she could look at the "stars in the sky" (pages of destiny) and be able to directly see through their appearance to see through their essence, and could understand the trajectory of each star at a glance.

The trajectory is the flow of fate and the future destiny of the person involved.

She is now located at the spine of the book, theoretically having a direct connection to each page of Destiny.

And her own destiny is also written in the "Book of Destiny".

As soon as she thought this in her mind, the next moment she locked onto "Harley Quinn's Destiny Star".

"Oh, is the situation on Earth so bad? It's so miserable. It's so miserable. I have less than 5,000 Martial Gods under my command. In this guerrilla war, 3,000 true gods have to wipe out the entire army. I want to change my fate."

Just by observing the trajectory of the destiny star, Harley saw a lot of content at once, all related to her destiny.

At this moment, Chao and Diana have not yet entered the Dark Portal, and Oliver has not led the human valkyrie to attack the human tower to create an opportunity for them.

But the fate of all living things in the multiverse is in the "Book of Destiny".

The so-called destiny is what is destined to happen in the future.

It's happening in the future, it hasn't started yet.

"How do I change my destiny?" Harley stared at her destiny star for a while, not knowing where to start.

She turned her gaze and carefully observed the "original causal loop".

"Cause and effect are the basic elements of destiny. If you want to change your destiny, you must first rewrite the cause and effect. The cause and effect related to me now." Harley's heart moved, and the "Harley Fate Star" shot out starlight in all directions that only she could see.

Bundles of starlight connect to the stars to form a star map.

"Oliver, Barbara, Cassandra, Diana, Hal Jordan."

The stars that make up the star chart with "Harley's destiny star" are all her acquaintances.

But on the fate line of "the guerrillas are wiped out", not all acquaintances have their destiny stars lit up.

The stars connected to her destiny star at this time are all directly related to the fate of "the guerrillas were wiped out", or in other words, have a strong causal relationship.

"The causal line between Oliver and Hal Jordan is the brightest. Oliver is the acting god king of the world of Martial Gods, and Hal is holding my 'Tooth of Entropy'. I didn't expect that tooth to be so powerful in this fate line. causal effect.

If I want to rewrite this fate, it would be best if I use them both as causal points. "

Harley's eyes glanced back and forth between "Harry's destiny star", "Oliver's destiny star" and "Hal's destiny star", and she was confused again, "Who should I choose?"

Then she once again turned her attention to the "original causal loop".

Gradually, she had a vague idea in her heart.

"Even if I make Oliver explode through the causal chain, he can't fight against Barbatos. He can save the lives of very few heroes, but he can't save those poor gods of war.

If the Fang of Entropy in Hal's hand becomes effective, he can save the most people. "

With a thought in Harry's mind, a mental projection appeared next to the main body.

The main body jumped up, jumped out of the "primary ring cage of cause and effect" again, and came to his destiny star.

Harley pushed hard enough to change its trajectory.

Projected Harley stands in the "original circle of cause and effect" and continues to interpret the trajectory of destiny every time it changes. If she is not satisfied, continue to push the destiny star.

Gradually, a new destiny formed in front of her eyes: Hal Jordan mastered the "Tooth of Entropy" at a critical moment. His mental power merged with the tooth cells, controlling the tooth to release the weak power of entropy, making the "Tooth of Entropy" Become the sharpest weapon!

"Witch Harley, what are you doing?" Big Brother Destiny exclaimed, "Damn it, you actually changed fate?! How did you do it? No, didn't you say you only changed Morpheus's tragic fate? Why are you changing your own destiny?"

"I'm a newbie, so I'll practice with my own destiny line first. Don't worry, I'm a kind-hearted person and don't mind if my destiny becomes an experiment." Harley comforted her softly.

Big Brother Destiny grabbed his hair, lost his temper and roared: "Fuck you experimental subject, you don't know how much influence you have in the main universe?

Modifying your destiny is equivalent to rewriting the destiny of the entire multiverse, do you know that? "

"Really? I don't know."

Harley looked innocent and continued to check the "tragedy" in her fate line.

"Hey, Diana's thick-skinned power has been stolen. Ugh, how can it be so miserable? No, this kind of tragedy is not my style, it has to be changed! I have to add some buff to her, no, the buff effect is too small, it has to be turned on It feels good to just hang up."

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