I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1824 The Miserable King of Naboo

"Just like that, your father turned into the Door of Darkness in front of Diana and me." Dachao looked at Damian with clenched teeth and a tense face, with unwillingness and a little bit of intolerance in his eyes, and said softly: "Baba Toth and his Dark Knights should be waiting for a long time.

As soon as the Dark Door opened, they immediately walked out of the dark world on the opposite side.

However, Barbatos did not reward the Owl Priest and the Court of Owls as promised.

Not to mention sharing the kingship and dividing the world, the cruel Barbatos just asked Robin."

After taking a look at Damian's "Robin" uniform, Dachao's expression was a little strange and a little embarrassed.

"Robin" is a title and a profession.

It simply means "Batman's first assistant."

As long as Batman is around, "Robin" will always be around.

But Robin is just a specific title and does not refer to a specific person.

In the main universe, the first Robin was Selina.

When Bateman first debuted, Selena took the initiative to stay with him and protect him.

When Selina became pregnant, Bruce also adopted his first adopted son, Young Dick.

Dick became the second generation Robin, and later Jason Todd became the second adopted son. Dick went solo, codenamed "Nightwing", and Jason replaced him as the third generation Robin.

Later, Jason was beaten to death by the Joker and reincarnated in another world. His son Damian finally succeeded in becoming the "Fourth Generation Robin". After Jason returned, he changed his nickname to "Red Hood".

Most of the Robin Dogs who keep the Laughing Bat on a chain are Damian from the Dark Multiverse.

"Are they Robin dogs infected with the clown virus? What happened to them?" Seeing Da Chao hesitate to stop, Damian looked calm and asked proactively.

"Have you seen them?" Dachao asked.

"Not only have I seen them, but I've also cut off their heads many times. Although they are all 'Robins', I am the strongest in the multiverse."

"Yeah." Dachao nodded, his expression a bit perfunctory.

Damian solemnly said: "Sister Harley specially compiled the "Damian Martial God Manual" for me. I have practiced with her for so many years. Why should those 'Damians' from the parallel universe compare with me?

Not to mention 'Robin Dog', if the Dark Knights didn't have Barbatos' evil power, I would be sure to kill them all by myself. "

"Although he is bragging, it is not a big problem to defeat a Robin Dog." Rachel looked at Da Chao and said.

"Am I bragging?" Damian was unhappy and shouted louder: "Didn't I chop the Dark Knight? If he was a normal person and had fatal injuries, he would have died long ago."

"At that time, your sword penetrated the chest of Ruthless Iron Fist. It penetrated less than five centimeters into the flesh and was unable to touch the vital points of the heart. And his machete had already slashed down on your neck. If I hadn't opened up the sacred shield for you, you would have died long ago. Yes." Rachel said.

Damian's face turned red and he turned his head away from looking at her.

Dachao's eyes swept around the faces of the two people and said: "The Robin Dog ate the owl priest and a group of 'owls'.

Owls are just ordinary people, and they will die if they bite their necks off.

The owl priests have lived for tens of thousands of years and have a strong vitality. Even if only one head is left, even if the head is bitten by a Robin dog and makes a loud crunching sound, like a cow chewing walnuts, they still moan miserably. "

Diana added: “Not only were their bodies chewed up, but their souls also threw themselves into the darkness behind the door with painful expressions after death, and were probably absorbed by Barbatos.

Alas, as priests of Barbatos, their souls have nowhere else to go. "

"Why did Barbatos kill them? Believers like the Owl Priest are very devout, almost equivalent to the 'Holy Spirit'. Even to God, the Holy Spirit is extremely important, and God also attaches great importance to the Holy Spirit." Poseidon wondered.

Dr. Destiny rubbed his chin and said slowly: "Barbatos is known as the evil god, but in essence he is the creator.

There is no need for belief in the Creator and no religious ideas.

Look at the anti-monitors and monitors. When did they spread doctrines and develop believers?

Now that Barbatos has completely entered our universe, and is about to pull our universe into the Dark Multiverse, the Rooster Priests have completely lost their use, but they still occupy a lot of its power source.

If he doesn't kill him immediately, will he really fulfill his promise to share the royal power and rule the world together? "

"The Owl Priest and the Court of Owls were betrayed by Barbatos and chewed to death by Robin Dogs. They deserved it. We don't need to think too much about it," Diana said.

"I just feel something." Neptune scratched the back of his head, "The Court of Owls has always been regarded by Bateman as his biggest enemy, and he has never given up hunting them over the years.

The Priest of the Birds is a troublesome figure that even Harley spent a lot of time looking for in the Era of the God of War.

Now that they were wiped out cleanly and easily, it felt a little unreal. "

Hal Jordan glanced at the heroes in the hall and said solemnly: "The key now is not what happened in the past, but what we do next."

Dachao blurted out almost without thinking: "We need to find Bateman first."

"I agree." Damian's eyes lit up and he immediately agreed.

"Nightwing" Dick hesitated for a moment and said, "I guess he will have a different opinion at this time."

Dachao looked at him with encouraging eyes and said, "Yeyi, just say what you want to say. I'm pretty sure that no one among us knows him better than you."

"It wouldn't be wise to go to Bateman at this time—"

Just as Dick hesitated to speak, Damian grabbed his clothes.

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

Damian is 18 years old this year and is only one head shorter than Nightwing, but Nightwing lowers his head so that Damian cannot see his face.

"Just think about it and you will know how important the Dark Portal is to Barbatos. Now that the multiverse is falling into the nightmare dimension through it, Barbatos will never allow us to get close to it."

Dick slowed down his tone, raised his head and met Damian's burning eyes, "Believe me, I want to save Bruce just as much as you do.

But the priority should not be to find him. Even if we want to save Bruce, we should first attract Barbatos' attention from other places, distract the power of the Dark Knights, and create opportunities for others to approach the Dark Portal.

Otherwise we can't even get close to the door. "

Diana nodded and said: "This is a good idea. We divide our troops into two groups. One group will attack the man tower to attract Barbatos' attention, and the other group will go to rescue Bruce."

Da Chao said solemnly: "Bruce must be saved, there is no doubt about this.

First of all, he is our teammate, our friend, we cannot give up on him.

In addition, he is the Dark Portal, and our multiverse is falling into nightmare through the portal, and closing the door is the fundamental way to stop this process. "

Then Dachao turned to Hal Jordan and asked, "What was your plan before Diana and I escaped from the human tower?"

Hal touched his nose, his expression a little embarrassed, "Use guerrilla warfare to harass the 'Human Tower', save as many people as possible, slow down the speed of the universe's fall as much as possible, and proactively turn this crisis into a protracted war.

Waiting for Harley's return, we will carry out the final decisive battle and counterattack. "

As if worried that Bateman felt he had no future, he then added: “We have had grand plans before, but they all failed.

Barbatos and the Counter-Monitor are both different.

Harley's thick skin makes her immune to the power of the rebels. Diana alone can contain the rebels, but Diana can't even defeat the Priest. "

Diana immediately argued: "I can definitely beat the Owl Priest! The defensive gold film lasted for several seconds in the purple and black lightning, which was enough for me to kill them countless times.

But I was careless. I am used to my thick-skinned divine power resisting all miraculous powers, so I didn't dodge."

Hal shrugged and said nothing.

Dachao asked: "Have you ever considered looking for foreign aid?"

"You mean the Green Lantern Corps? The energy of the Green Lantern cannot harm the Dark Knights, but it is restrained by the Dawn Lantern.

When the Dark Ages first came to Earth, many alien friends actually came to help us.

The Color Light Corps is also among them.

But they were all slaughtered by Dawn Deng alone. "

Hal's expression was gloomy, with anger and sadness in his tone, "The furnace of the Dawn Lantern is filled with dark energy, that kind of purple-black lightning energy.

You and Diana can't even withstand the dark lightning released by the Priest of the Birds, and Diana still has the power of Thickhide.

The Lantern's energy shield is no different from paper in front of the Dawn Lantern.

Hundreds of Lanterns were killed on the spot. Kyle, John, Simon and other Earth Lanterns were either seriously injured or had no choice but to escape from the solar system. The Color and Light Corps really couldn't help us this time. "

"Where is the Incarnation of Justice? Let the Incarnation of Justice go find the watcher Wu Tan!" Da Chao said.

"Aren't we looking for the Dome now?" Hal glanced at Dr. Destiny, "The Tower of Destiny has long since left the earth and is now wandering in the blood realm."

"Such a big change has occurred in the multiverse, and the Qiongji and the Monitor have not responded? Didn't they take the initiative to come over?" Da Chao frowned.

The heroes also looked puzzled, "We have neither received any information or warnings from Monitor Wu Tan, nor have we seen any of the justice-incarnated heroes on the Qiongji."

"Hahahaha!" Suddenly, a burst of crazy laughter was like stinky farts coming out of the thin quilt, passing through the Tower of Destiny, as if floating in from an extremely distant place, "Of course you can't see them, and you can't accept them either. There is no news from them, because they perished long before you!"

Hal's expression changed dramatically, "No, it's the Laughing Bat, and we're being targeted."

"This is impossible!" All the heroes exclaimed.

Dr. Destiny also lost his composure and calmness, and said with an ugly expression: "I saw it, the Dark Knights also had a Blood Territory Mothership, and they really chased it and locked the Tower of Destiny.

Damn it, the Tower of Destiny is not a dedicated blood domain mothership, and its speed is far slower than the opponent. "

As he spoke, he cast a magic 3D projection over the hall: in the vast blood-red field as far as the eye could see, the Tower of Destiny, like a diamond-shaped pencil, emitted brilliant golden light, speeding upright and aimlessly forward. A behemoth a hundred kilometers long was chasing behind.

The bow of the ship is like a great white shark with its mouth open, and when the wings are unfolded, the whole thing looks like a big black bat.

The Black Bat battleship is approaching the Tower of Destiny at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Whoosh!" After getting slightly closer, the bow of the Shark Mouth ship shot a five-meter-thick "steel cable" forward.

The "tightrope" is like a python hunting its prey, shooting forward at a speed that the Tower of Destiny has no time to react.

"Boom!" The Tower of Destiny was shot through, bricks and stones flew randomly, and the golden light of divine power blew up a big storm in the hall.


Dr. Fate's projection flickered a few times and disappeared, and his screams were transmitted into the hall from the control room above.

"Enemy attack, be careful, the enemy is coming, it's a boarding battle, the enemy is already coming!"


Before Dr. Destiny's scream ended, the sound of chewing wet raw meat came from above everyone's heads.

When Damian and Dick looked up, they saw a large hole in the dome, and two Robin dogs jumped down from above and rushed towards them.

The Robin's pale cheeks were distorted like powder, and its lipless mouth was split to the base of the ears. The mouth was so wide that it could fit three big feet together.

"Seeking death!" A two-meter-wide crescent-shaped bright white arc flashed, and the Robin dog was cut in two from the neck.

Damian's face was tense and his eyes were cold. He held the handle of the knife in his right hand and was slowly sheathing the katana.

"Bata, bah"

It was only then that the four-section corpse fell from the air, and black and red blood as thick as glutinous rice porridge fell like raindrops.

Damian remained unmoved and allowed the smelly blood to drip onto his Robin cloak.

"You stink enough already." Rachel next to her pinched her little nose, a look of disgust on her pretty face.

But there was some appreciation in her eyes when she looked at Damian.

"How did they find us?"

Diana only glanced towards them, then looked up warily.

The dome had a hole big enough to fit a table into.

The "hollow steel cable" shot by the Black Bat battleship penetrated the main control room of the Tower of Destiny. The Dark Knights passed directly through the "hollow steel cable" and entered the core of the Tower of Destiny. At this time, the golden light above was shining, and the sound of shouting was loud. .

"Of course you led us to find this place." The Laughing Bat held an iron chain in his hand and squatted beside the hole in the dome, opening his mouth even more ferocious than the clown himself, smiling very happily and proudly.

"Dear Diana, you don't really think that you can escape the dark nightmare of the great Barbatos by relying on your own will and that broken rope, do you?

I have told you before that it was not an illusory nightmare. What you experienced were all real worlds. You can only 'leave' and cannot 'wake up'. Do you understand? "

The Laughing Bat shook his head, "Oh, I have seen the master's power when the Dark Door opened, but now you are still so naive that it makes people laugh, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Da Chao said with an ugly face: "We are bait. They deliberately let us go free to attract the attention of the 'Last Resistance Army'. When Barry left the Tower of Destiny to rescue us, the location of the Tower of Destiny was also exposed."

"Haha, you finally understand now? It's a pity that it's a little late, but this is your style. The super brain is rusty, so you can only be aware of it later." The Laughing Bat said with a smile.

The golden light falling from the opening of the dome was more brilliant and messy.

The heroes raised their heads, but they couldn't even see the Laughing Bat at the edge of the hole.

But they can sense that Dr. Destiny's momentum is constantly rising, and his divine power fluctuates violently.

——Probably the God-King of Naboo is coming.

They have worries and expectations in their hearts, hoping that the Naboo God King can show his power and suppress the darkness.

"Kent, how are you doing over there? Do you want us to go up and help you?" Hal shouted.

If they were outside the Tower of Destiny, they would not ask at all, nor would they hesitate at all, and would rush over immediately.

But the Tower of Destiny is Naboo's divine kingdom, and Naboo has 100% authority here.

Their random behavior may be detrimental to the cause, such as smashing the wall of the Tower of Destiny with their fists.

"No, don't come here. You go quickly and leave the Tower of Destiny immediately. I can't hold it anymore. The Tower of Destiny is about to fall!" This voice was rich and old, full of power, and it was obvious that it no longer belonged to Doctor Destiny Kent.

The heroes understood that the God King of Naboo was indeed online.

Da Chao said in shock: "Your Majesty the God King of Naboo, can't even you stop the Dark Knights? This is the Tower of Destiny!"

"Go!" Nabu's roar was full of anger.

Da Chao wanted to say something more, but Rachel pulled his cloak, shook her head with a strange expression, and then lifted up the big cloak that looked like crow feathers.

Under the cloak was endless darkness, no light could shine in, and the darkness quickly spread outwards, covering the entire hall.

"Get in!" Rachel shouted, pointing to the darkness under her cloak.

Without waiting for Da Chao to react, the darkness inside the cloak automatically rotated into a spiral, and a huge suction force fell on him, trying to pull him into the darkness.

Dachao was just confused when he saw other heroes in the hall shrinking rapidly in the dark whirlpool and then disappearing.

He no longer struggled to resist and allowed the darkness to annihilate him.

"Raven, you can't escape." The Laughing Bat finally couldn't sit still anymore. He picked up his submachine gun and jumped down from the hole in the dome with the remaining Robin Dogs.


The bullets fired from the submachine gun were covered with purple-black lightning, forming an arc net that covered Rachel's body.

Rachel turned around calmly and raised her middle finger to the Laughing Bat. Her body was like a phantom, letting the bullets pass through it and slowly disappear.

"It's this move again, the power of dreams." The solemnity on the Laughing Bat's face disappeared, and he only curled his lips and smiled again, "However, everything is according to my plan, little raven, you can't do anything this time. Nowhere to escape!”

"Enough!" Nabu's majestic roar suddenly came from above the hole in the dome, and the sacred golden light made the Laughing Bat narrow its eyes.

"They have all left, why are you still pestering me?"

The Laughing Bat chuckled and said: "Naboo, right? What do you think is the purpose of our trip? Just to catch the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance? Hahaha, you are so childish and cute!"

Nabu's heart skipped a beat, and he had a very ominous premonition.

“From now on, I declare that I will abide by the principle of absolute neutrality in this incident and will no longer help Earth’s superheroes in any way.

Even if you really pull the multiverse of light into darkness, I will not step in or interfere.

Just like the other eight divine realms.

Don’t you have a tacit understanding with the Eight Divine Realms?

I, the majestic God King of the God of Order, am not worthy of the respect you give to the gods in the heavenly realm? "

"Respect? Do you deserve it? You don't attack the eight major divine realms just because there is no profit in the divine realms. The so-called 'tacit understanding' is just your self-righteousness. It's really ridiculously stupid, hahahaha!"

"Ta-ta-ta-ta!" The Laughing Bat raised his submachine gun and aimed it at the golden King of Naboo.

84 seconds later.

There is no sky or earth, and there is a blood-red blood domain in all directions, up, down, left, and right.

The Tower of Destiny, which once stood as straight as a white jade pillar, now only remains in ruins, with a large number of broken bricks and broken magic artifacts scattered around.

Under the influence of the power of the blood domain, these messy magic items are slowly melting and falling slowly towards the bottom of Limbo.

"Ah, no -" Accompanied by Nabu's unwilling cry, a golden helmet with a deflated left ear fell to the ground, and eight or nine rays of golden light shot out in all directions.

"Huh, huh" Wuqing Iron Bowl hung the machete with a slightly curled blade on his waist, panting heavily, and walked to the helmet, which was still golden but was tightly covered by a layer of purple and black lightning net.

After bending down to pick up the helmet, he walked straight towards the Laughing Bat who was sitting on the wall with a bored look on his face.

"Boss." He was respectful, holding the golden helmet in both hands and passing it over.

"You guys are so slow." The man who had been watching the show laughed wildly and curled his lips with a look of disgust.

The ruthless iron fist did not dare to choke or show any other expression. He remained respectful and explained honestly: "This old man is very tough, much tougher than the 'Doctor Destiny' we have seen in the dark multiverse."

The drowned soul came over with a golden trident and said: "Naboo is not alone. There were at least 10 gods who merged just now to form a complete set of armor. They should be members of the legendary Order God System.

I only intercepted Helmet Naboo, but I don’t know how many natal artifacts the Breaking Dawn Lantern can intercept. "

As she spoke, she turned her gaze to the blood realm outside.

They have already reached the Tower of Destiny, so of course Naboo has to fight hard.

He summoned the Order God System and entered the most powerful "Suit God King" state.

Helmets, gloves, shoulder armors, breastplates, leg armors, skirts, boots and other natal artifacts made of N metal are combined together to become an empty shell of the "Armor God King".

The God-King of Order in his peak state can arm-wrestle with the True God-King in Heaven.

If it is in its own domain, that is, within the scope of the Tower of Destiny - there is no need to enter the Tower of Destiny, as long as it is within the scope of the Law of Order - Nabu can even suppress ordinary god-kings.

But this time, with the help of the Tower of Destiny, he only lasted 80 seconds in the hands of the four dark knights.

The four Dark Knights also include the Laughing Bat.

The guy only fired a handful of bullets, then sat on the edge and watched the fun.

After the "Armor God King" was blown up, the Drowned Soul and the Ruthless Iron Fist focused on the Nabu Helmet, ignoring the other artifacts that fell apart and fled in all directions. They only chased after the Dawn Lantern.

"Let the Dawn Light come back. We only need this helmet. The other garbage will be destroyed when we find it, so it is of no use." The Laughing Bat tossed the cloth helmet up and down, and said lazily: "Now we just got rid of Naboo. Next, we still have to hunt down those remaining species, and time is very tight."


The drowned soul walked to the edge of the ruins, opened its mouth, and circles of invisible ripples spread around its mouth.

If Arthur, the king of the sea, were here, he would be ashamed.

The busty Batman uses the same life connection power as him.

He can only transmit sound within a few hundred kilometers in the material universe, but Brucy's "dark energy contaminated version of life connection power" obtained through genetic modification can actually transmit sound thousands of miles in the blood realm!

"Why do you have to deal with me? The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance just escaped, shouldn't you go after them first?" Nabu's sad and angry voice came from the helmet.

"Because our main goal this time is you!" Laughing Bat said with a smile: "You are really creating opportunities for them to escape by letting them go, rather than using them as bait to attract us away."

Naboo felt aggrieved, resentful, and a little regretful. If he had known that he would destroy the Tower of Destiny, he would have directly called the heroes of the Zhenglian to besiege the Dark Knights together.

There is no doubt that Naboo is very disciplined compared to other old gods.

But let him sacrifice himself to save the superheroes. Dr. Destiny will not hesitate, and he will also not hesitate - refuse without hesitation.

"What do you want me to do? We can get along in another way, for example, cooperate to a limited extent."

Even if he was trapped in the enemy's hands and couldn't help himself, even if he had the idea of ​​​​temporarily surrendering to save his life, his tone was still very stiff.

He has been arrogant all his life, and has never been so aggrieved except when he faced the witch Harley.

"You are the God King of Order, in charge of the basic laws of the earth. If you are corrupted by dark energy and your golden helmet is dyed pure black, it seems that black is more beautiful." The Laughing Bat tilted his head and asked his companions.

"Well, black is more beautiful. Except for the Red God of Death, all of us Dark Knights wear black uniforms." Ruthless Iron Fist responded expressionlessly.

"No, if there is anything we can discuss, there is no need to corrupt me." Nabu was a little panicked.

"You mean, are you willing to surrender?" the Laughing Bat said with a playful smile.

Nabuqiang smiled and said: "Didn't you recruit the 'Eternal Parliament'? There are also some 'traitors' on Earth who are also helping you clean up the guerrillas in the city."

The Laughing Bat turned his head and looked around, but the lantern of dawn had not returned yet.

He looked down at the helmet again and said jokingly: "Naboo, do you know why we can track the Tower of Destiny?"

"You left a mark on Superman and Diana?" Nabu was extremely annoyed.

When they saw Diana and Superboy escaping, all the heroes cheered. Only Nightwing cautiously asked: Could they be baits sent by Barbatos? After all, in the past many days, countless people had been built into "human towers", and no one had ever escaped on their own initiative.

Hearing his question, all the heroes disagreed: Superman and Diana were not ordinary people, Diana had thick skin and supernatural powers, and Superman had an iron will.

Even Nabu himself reacted slightly to the crisis, but it was not too strong.

Since the darkness fell, everyone has a sense of crisis, and the sense of crisis has always been active to a certain extent.

"There is no need for a mark. Their bodies and souls have been immersed in the dark power of Barbatos for a long time, which is more obvious than any magic mark." said the Laughing Bat.

"Those are Superman and Wonder Woman, the well-deserved giants of the Justice League. Are you using them as bait just to catch me? Is it worth it?"

Naboo was not underestimating himself.

In the past ten years or so, countless crises have proved the fact that the three giants of Zhenglian are the real protagonists in the crisis.

He's not even a supporting character.

Barbatos was actually willing to trade the male protagonist and the female protagonist for a small supporting role. This was something that had never happened before. Naboo didn't know whether he should feel honored or not.

"Witch Harley won." The Laughing Bat put away his smile for the first time.

"What?" The topic changed so suddenly that Nab didn't react for a moment, "What did Harley win?"

Time goes back to a few hours ago, when Harley turned into a "bookworm" and feasted on the "Book of Destiny".

Main Universe Earth, Gotham, Challenger Mountain.

Barbatos on the mountain suddenly let out a heart-rending exclamation, "No, it's impossible, it shouldn't be, it doesn't make sense!"

The Laughing Bat is the first Dark Knight recruited by Barbatos. He has known it for many years. He has never seen it behave erratically, let alone see it fearing the cold, cruel and extremely powerful Barbatos. It will only make others afraid.

Although the Laughing Bat himself only pretends to be afraid of it, the other Dark Knights are truly in awe of it.

For the first time in many years, he saw it so panicked, and its screams were no longer ferocious, but rather filled with panic.

"Great Master, what happened to make you so angry?"

The Laughing Bat's face showed the classic clown's laughter, but his attitude was very respectful and his words were very particular.

He clearly only heard the incredible panic in Barbatos's howling, but now he said that it was angry.

The Nightmare Master can be angry, but he should not be panicked.

"Witch Harley actually won. Damn it, what is that idiot Destiny doing? What are those gods of destiny doing? There are so many of them, and Witch Harley should be piled up. How could she lose? She still lost so miserably. !" Barbatos was really roaring this time.

"Witch Harley won?" The laughter on the Laughing Bat's face subsided slightly.

He had heard of the name of Witch Harley when he was in the Dark Multiverse.

After all, the Dark Multiverse is a projection of the nightmares of all beings in the Light Multiverse.

Harley is a nightmare for many people, and it’s not surprising that some of her deeds appear in the nightmare universe.

However, what the Laughing Bat saw were all "Fake Witch Harleys" who were not worthy of the name, and they were all Harley Quinn, and Harley Quinn did not have the power of thick skin.

In the nightmare world where the story of the Witch Harley is spread, Harley Quinn all died early and were beaten to death by the projection of the nightmare master.

It wasn't until he entered the multiverse that the Laughing Bat heard the complete "Hello Legend of the Multiverse".

He also specially watched Louise's "Quinn Biography" series of video programs.

So he understood why his master was crying in panic.

Witch Harley's record is so amazing, she doesn't even have the slightest bit of moisture.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Just as sure as I was sure that she has completely left the multiverse of light." The dragon-scaled bat giant squatted down and said to his most trusted general: "I am the master of the sixth dimension. Whoever breaks through the barrier can enter and exit the sixth dimension. , I know everything clearly.

Just now, the three sisters of Destiny escaped from the Garden of Destiny and fled straight to the fifth dimension of heaven, as anxious as a bereaved dog and as frightened as a frightened bird.

And all three of them lost their divine bodies!

The remaining soul was also sluggish, looking like it had been drained of its source of divine power.

Eighty percent of it was done by the witch Harley. She loves and is best at robbing other people of their source of power.

Even the three Destiny sisters were drained of their essence by her, which shows how bad the situation on Destiny's side is.

Witch Harley wins for sure, she will be back soon, damn it! "

The Laughing Bat thought thoughtfully, "Master, we have to make plans early, we don't have much time left."

"I'm upset right now. What's your plan?" Barbatos has been following Bateman for 50,000 years and has cultivated countless nightmare Batman universes in the Dark Multiverse. Naturally, he knows Batman's wisdom very well.

Especially the Laughing Bat, he is simply the Batman among Batman, the best among the best.

He is its most proud, most satisfying, and most dependent work.

"Master, I have three strategies." The Laughing Bat's face showed laughter again.

"Isn't there three strategies: upper, middle and lower?" Barbatos asked doubtfully.

"My strategies are all the best. The three strategies are added together to form a series of strategies to ensure that you win but not lose." The Laughing Bat said confidently.

"Oh, tell me quickly, which three strategies are they?" Barbatos' bat face showed a look of anticipation.

"The first strategy is to lure the snake out of the hole!" The Laughing Bat said eloquently, "The most valuable prisoners we have at present are undoubtedly the three giants of Zhenglian.

The Bruce of this world must not be let go, he is our gateway.

But Superman and Wonder Woman are too stubborn. Even if they reincarnate in the nightmare world countless times, they still refuse to give in. They do not provide us with much fear and the dark power of nightmares.

It's better to let them go and then force them into a desperate situation. The remaining group of dead people will definitely come to rescue them.

The only one who can save people in front of us is Naboo, who has woven the entire system of basic laws of the earth.

In fact, I suspect that the remnants of Zhenglian are hiding in the Tower of Destiny on Naboo. "

Barbatos thought for a while and said: "You can try it. If I can capture Naboo, the Earth's law system will be completely under my control, and the speed of the degradation of the Bright Multiverse will increase at least three times."

"It's not just Naboo, I'm going to catch them all this time." The Laughing Bat laughed.

"I believe you, just go ahead and do it." Barbatos nodded and asked, "What are the other two strategies?"

"The second strategy is to ambush from all sides. The third strategy is to destroy all directions. The fish will die and the net will not break. Well, we are the net, and the multiverse of light is the fish."

At this moment, among the ruins of the Tower of Destiny.

"The meaning is very simple. In the battle with fate, Witch Harley won." The Laughing Bat looked at the helmet jokingly, "How about it, do you want to surrender now?

Join the army of darkness and fuck Harley with us.

Ah, yeah, just thinking about it makes people excited, hahahaha! "

"Are you kidding?" Nab was surprised.

"Who do you think I am? Who are you?" the Laughing Bat said disdainfully.

"Who do you think I am, and who are you?" Nabu's voice was loud and proud, and he screamed: "I am the guardian god of mankind and the maker of order. Are you evil gods worthy of letting me surrender?"

- Harley, Harley, Harley, save me!

A ray of his consciousness was thrown into the laws of order of the "Half-Step God King" and violently vibrated in the sea of ​​laws.

If King Harley returns, as an earthling, she will definitely be able to sense it.

As long as Harley is here, these young people can only be her food.

Well, it's a bit ironic. The God King of Naboo, who was once so arrogant that he refused to look at Harley, now actually regards Harley as his savior.

Even if the enemy is the master of the Dark Multiverse, he still has full confidence in her.

The Laughing Bat picked his ears, curled his lips, and said, "You don't have to be so loud. Even if you use all your strength to spread your spiritual power to the earth in the main universe, Witch Harley still can't hear it.

Her battle with destiny is not over yet, and she doesn’t know when she will leave the Garden of Destiny. "

Nabu was stunned, "Didn't you say she won?"

"She is on the way to victory. She will definitely win, but the battle is not over yet."

——Funi Laomu, do “on the road to victory” and “won” mean the same thing?

Nabu cursed ten thousand times in his heart, and muttered: "Since Harley, ahem, since the witch Harley hasn't come back yet, I should recognize the current situation and become a hero.

Laughing Bat, please let me go. I am willing to cooperate with His Majesty Barbatos. "

"You're annoying me with your chatter!" The Laughing Bat winked at the Ruthless Iron Fist.

The ruthless iron fist walked to the golden helmet, clenched a fist bigger than a rice cooker, and punched it hard.

"Bang!" The helmet deflated again.

"Ouch~~~" Nabu screamed.

"Bang, bang, bang bang bang!" The ruthless iron fist punched again and again until the helmet became an iron lump.

Just as they were fiddling with their helmets, the Dawn Lantern also flew back, holding a struggling golden right boot in its hand.

"Boss, they are too cunning. They fled in all directions. I only caught one."

“Crush the bones and scatter the ashes, and throw away the residue.”

Without even looking at the boots, the Laughing Bat stood up and stretched, "Children, it's time for the wild hunt!"

"Goojigji." A group of Robin dogs rushed towards him, nodding and breathing in front of him, just like a pug.

"Dawn's lantern, hand Naboo to the master, and the rest of you will follow me to hunt down those dead remnants."

(PS: The Immortal Council is a small group of immortals on Earth convened by Vandal Savage. They are all unknown third-rate villains, or nameless.)

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