I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1823: The Fifty Thousand Years of Waiting of the Owl Priest

“Baitman told me that Murphys was doing everything he could to help him.

Since the arrival of Challenger Mountain, the entire world has been plunged into a nightmare. Even ordinary people will see great terror in the nightmare. They will see the shadow of Barbatos and his Dark Knights.

Bateman is Barbatos's main target, and has been locked with its expectant gaze for tens of thousands of years.

Obviously, Bateman's nightmare is more terrifying and dangerous.

But Bateman was not affected in any way, he did not suffer from lack of sleep, he was not mentally depressed, and his soul did not fall into darkness in advance. He could even look directly at Barbatos opposite him through the nightmare and have a simple conversation with him.

Because he has been protected by Mengjun." Dachao's heart moved, and he added: "I almost forgot, Bateman also specially told me that if he fails, if the door of darkness finally opens, Mengjun must be killed. Final words for you all. "

"What did Morpheus say?" Hal asked curiously.

"Go to the land where the sun shines to find him."

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces, Dachao explained in detail: "Baitman had a final plan, but at the beginning, he was still unwilling to confess his thoughts to Diana and me.

He was afraid of getting us involved.

But his plan was not hidden from Mengjun at all.

During that time, he often saw Mengjun in his dreams, and Mengjun was the king of the dream dimension and Harley's friend. He was both professional and completely trustworthy.

Since the Endless Family is restricted by rules and cannot participate too deeply in cosmic events, especially it cannot actively guide or interfere with the development of events, Mengjun can do very little.

Bateman was also hesitant before taking the final action. He kept asking Mengjun whether his thoughts came from Barbatos' secret manipulation and whether his plan could succeed.

Alas, judging from the current results, Bateman is really not unfounded. His plan has always been under the control of Barbatos believers. "

Sighing bitterly, Dachao continued: "Mengjun just told Bateman that he would provide him with the greatest help in his own field, but he could not judge his plan or give direct advice.

Well, Mengjun can be the information consultant, but not the leader of the event.

Just like Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Book of Dreams plays a huge role in the reboot, preventing tens of millions of people from being rebooted and erasing their original memories and lives.

It seems that Mengjun was involved a lot, but in fact he did nothing. It was Harley who found the dream book of the person related to her in the dream dimension, and it was she who put the dream book into the "Restart Melting Pot" and protected the dream book. The memories of the owners.

If Bateman makes a dream-related request, Mengjun can consider it as appropriate and try to satisfy it.

Bateman's plan determines the development of the crisis, and Mengjun cannot change the direction of the crisis by making suggestions.

He seemed to see something ominous, and finally told Bateman - if the Nightmare Legion's plan succeeds, Bateman turns into a portal of darkness, and the whole world falls into darkness, you can go to the 'Land of the Dark Sun' to find him.

Bateman felt that this sentence had obvious implications, but he could not act immediately.

After all, Morpheus made it clear that he could only go to the 'Land of the Dark Sun' to find Bateman after he became the portal.

Since we have to wait for Bateman to fall, at least Bateman is not the only one looking for the place where the dark sun shines.

Either we go find the place where the black sun shines by ourselves, or we save Bateman and then go.

So Bateman told me Morpheus's message in advance and asked me to pass it on to you after his accident.

If we cannot save Bateman, we will go to the land where the dark sun shines to find Morpheus. "

"Where is the place where the black sun shines? What are you looking for for?" Diana asked.

"Baitman doesn't know, and I don't know either, but after the darkness really fell, a guess emerged in my mind." Da Chao raised his head, his eyes seemed to see the darkness higher up through the dome of the Tower of Destiny, "Black The place where the sun shines should be a metaphor, referring to a world shrouded in darkness.

At this moment, in this situation, it probably refers to Barbatos' lair. "

"Nightmare dimension?" Hal frowned, "We are now being pulled into the dark multiverse, not only the earth, but also the main universe.

The entire Wan Tian Yi and the entire multiverse are approaching the nightmare dimension constructed by Barbatos. "

"It's not being pulled in. The earth has already fallen into the dark multiverse and has already entered." Neptune corrected: "If the place where the black sun shines is the dark multiverse, theoretically we are already at our destination at this time."

Dachao was shocked when he heard this, "The world is being pulled into the nightmare dimension? And the earth is already in the dark dimension, so fast?"

Diana also looked shocked, "Barbatos wants to devour the entire multiverse just like the Anti-Monitor from Crisis on Infinite Earths?"

"Chao, Diana, do you know how long you have been missing?" Hal asked.

Dachao was stunned, "Diana and I were piled in a human tower, experiencing the demon world every moment, and reincarnated in the nightmare world for decades."

"You have disappeared for almost three weeks!" Hal raised three fingers, "It has been nearly a month since Challenger Mountain first arrived.

Since the official arrival of Barbatos, the multiverse has been falling into the Dark Multiverse every minute.

Bateman's judgment was right, he turned into a portal not just to allow Barbatos to enter our world completely.

The main function of the portal is to facilitate Barbatos pulling the entire multiverse into the eternal world of darkness. "

"Are you sure? The earth has fallen into the dark multiverse." Dachao still couldn't believe it, or he was unwilling to accept such a terrible fact.

He felt that he had just escaped from trouble and had not had time to struggle and fight. Why was it that the finale was about to come?

Still an extremely tragic and dark ending.

And it's been almost a month, and Harley hasn't come back. Could it be that something happened to her? Harley must be fine. Maybe she's on her way back now.

"This is the Tower of Destiny. The God of Order can monitor every subtle change in the laws of the earth. How can it be possible to misjudge such a big move as the world falling?" Hal said.

"I can indeed feel that the laws around the earth have changed significantly. At first, I thought it was a natural phenomenon after the darkness fell." Diana said with an ugly face.

Cyborg said: "Up to now, not to mention wizards, even scientists and even ordinary people can feel that the rules of the world have changed dramatically.

For example, at this time, under standard atmospheric pressure, a high temperature of 143 degrees Celsius is required on the earth to boil water.

The physical constants have changed. "

He raised his right hand and projected a three-dimensional ripple map in mid-air.

Kind of like a seismogram.

The earth is located at the center of the earthquake, with the largest ripple amplitude. Beyond the earth is the main universe. Beyond the main universe, there are parallel universes numbered close to Earth 2. They are all within the "earthquake" range.

"This is a wave diagram of physical constants. Gotham where Barbatos is located is the 'center', the main universe is the epicenter, and the entire multiverse is affected.

The entire Wan Tian Yi is distorting and being forcibly pulled into the Dark Multiverse. "

Da Chao was shocked, "Fuck, Barbatos is more greedy than the Anti-Monitor! But it and its Dark Knights have always been in Gotham. How did they pull the world into the nightmare dimension?"

"Didn't you wake up in a human tower?" Hal explained: "Every city on the earth has a human tower. Except for a small number of rebels, the Dark Knights did not cause much killing on the earth.

The captured people were contaminated by Barbatos' dark energy - the purple-black lightning energy.

The souls of the people will be forced into an eternal nightmare, just like yours.

Nightmares are the threads that connect the dark multiverse, and they are also the conduits through which Barbatos transmits dark power and collects dark energy.

Millions of people form a human tower, which is equivalent to hundreds of nightmare threads intertwined together and woven into a thick rope. There are thousands of cities on the entire earth, and each city has at least one human tower.

Thousands of human towers are like "nightmare dimension ropes", pulling the big ship of the earth into the dark multiverse.

And Barbatos himself is the tracker pulling the boat.

Everyone on the human tower is covered in purple-black lightning energy. That energy comes from Barbatos, which is a symbol of it pulling the ship hard.

The earth is the center and core of the main universe, and the main universe is the foundation and core of Wantianyi.

Tying a rope to the earth is like fastening a rope to the center of a ship. "

"Why don't you stop Barbatos? He's only one person, and there are only seven Dark Knights around him. With so many heroes, we can always do something, right?" Dachao said excitedly.

Diana gently tugged on his cloak and sighed: "We have been unconscious in the human tower for more than half a month. They must have done a lot of things, but it's just the result."

Hal said bitterly: "Yes, Barbatos is alone, and there are only a few clown dragons and seven dark batmen around him.

It’s not that there aren’t more younger brothers, but seven Dark Knights are enough.

There was also activity in Barbatos where it descended.

At other times it has been stationed at Challenger Mountain as a boat tracker.

But the Dark Knights are invincible and invincible, and more than ten million space warriors have died at their hands.

Not only are there people on Earth, but there are also alien friends who come to help us.

More than 700 heroes were killed and captured!

Even super villains have given up their past grudges and taken the initiative to join forces with us to fight against the enemy.

They were also brutally suppressed, either captured and killed, or hiding in a corner and lingering.

Our group of people are the last large-scale resistance army on earth."

Dachao scanned the hall of the Tower of Destiny. There were many people in the hall, but no more than two hundred.

Are there only a few people left on the entire earth?

"I have seen those seven dark knights. Although they are very strong, they are not so strong that we cannot resist, right? Not to mention others, Neptune, you have the power of thick skin. Choose a few good attackers to cooperate with you to besiege one of the dark knights. A knight should have achieved something," he wondered.

Neptune said helplessly: "I don't need anyone else's cooperation, I just killed the female version of Bateman in the sea. It was the 'Drowning Soul' Brucey at least five times.

Now not only all humans on earth have fallen, but Atlantis under the sea has also been destroyed.

In order to protect the people of Atlantis from escaping into the world of Valkyrie, I fought with the ghosts of the drowned for eight days and eight nights, from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic Ocean. The seven oceans of the earth left traces everywhere. There are no traces of my fight to the death with her.

But she couldn't kill him at all.

Not just the Drowned Wraith, but we can't kill any of the Dark Knights.

Even if their heads are cut off, they can still recover quickly. "

"Why can't they be killed? Are they already dead like the black lamp living corpses of the Black Death Emperor?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"No, they are all living people, but the rules of the Dark Multiverse are different from ours. They can kill us, but we can't hurt them.

It can be considered that their energy level is too high. When we face them, it is like ordinary people facing ghosts. Ordinary people take a knife and chop the ghost into several pieces, but the ghost can still make faces at you. " Hal said.

"No matter how high the energy level is, can it be as high as the counter-monitor? The anti-monitor is the creator." Dachao said.

Neptune said: “We really can’t kill the anti-monitor through conventional means.

If you think about it carefully, you have died several times for resisting supervision. Which time were you beaten to death with our fists?

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, he died due to Darkseid's Omega Powers.

During the Color-Light War, it was refined into a black lamp wick by the Black Death Emperor.

The most recent one was beaten to death by Harley.

Darkseid, Black Death Emperor, and God King Harley all possess the top supreme power in the universe, which is the same as in the anti-monitoring realm. "

Hal sighed: "Actually, 'high energy level' is just a rough inference that we can't kill them.

The real reason may be more complicated.

After all, we have been talking about the ‘Dark Multiverse’ and ‘Nightmare Dimension’, but we don’t understand the Dark Multiverse at all, and we don’t know whether the Nightmare Dimension can be equated with the Dark Multiverse.

Are they different names for the same place?

Or is the Dark Multiverse part of the Nightmare Dimension, which is part of the Dark Multiverse?

Even Harley didn't know much about Barbatos. She called it the 'Owl God' for more than ten years.

She called it the Evil Owl God because she found out that the Court of Owls believed in it.

The realm where the Evil Owl God is located is also considered by her to be outside the multiverse. This is true, but the Dark Multiverse is obviously not another multiverse.

It and our multiverse form a more complete and larger multiverse system.

At the beginning, Harley was blindly touching the elephant, thinking that the multiverse she saw was all. "

"No, Harley doesn't necessarily know about Barbatos and the Dark Multiverse. Otherwise, why can she accurately predict the crisis that will come after she leaves and make various arrangements many days in advance?" "Raven" in the crowd Rachel said.

"Buzz!" A beam of golden light fell from above, turning into the shadow of Dr. Fate in front of everyone.

He looked at Dachao and explained: "We can't kill the Dark Knight for three reasons. First, they belong to high-dimensional life, which is one level higher than the gods of the eight divine realms.

The gods of the fifth world are five-dimensional beings, but the Dark Knights are six-dimensional beings.

Barbatos' Dark Multiverse is in the sixth dimension.

We all know that the multiverse has six dimensions. Except for the managers of the universe, that is, the three creators and the Endless Family, no one has actually been to the sixth dimension. Well, Harley and those gods of destiny have set a precedent.

Of course, there is no rule that higher-dimensional life will definitely crush lower-dimensional life.

Harley stays on Earth all year round and is a fourth-dimensional ordinary life, but who can beat her?

Superman, you are also a fourth-dimensional ordinary being. You are not afraid of gods at all. "

"In addition, the energy level of the Dark Knights is very high and belongs to the level of the Creator. Their master, Barbatos, possesses the power of the Creator, and he shares his power with the Dark Knights.

Finally, the rules of the Dark Multiverse are extremely special, and the death rules of our universe may not be very effective for people in the Dark Multiverse. Alas, our understanding of the Dark Multiverse is still too shallow.

There are too many unknowns and secrets waiting to be solved, and what I say now are only one-sided conjectures, which may not be accurate. "

Doctor Fate shook his head and sighed for a while, then said: "But we are not completely unable to harm the Dark Knight.

Weapons forged by the ninth god's gold can severely damage them or even kill them completely. "

"Perhaps? You should have tried it, right? There is quite a lot of gold from the Ninth God on Earth." Da Chao glanced at Rachel specifically.

Senagan used N metal to worship the Seven Demons for millions of years.

The Seven Demons integrated N metal into their bodies and turned themselves into a super N metal rich mine. In the end, they were all killed by Harley, and their bodies became her trophies. People around her never lacked N metal weapons.

For example, Damian next to Rachel is holding an N metal katana.

Harley's Archimedes airship is entirely forged from N metal alloy.

Damian said calmly: "We have no chance to test it. The Dark Knights are not wooden stakes and will not let us poke them randomly with a knife.

Even though there are only seven members of the Dark Knights, almost every one of them can form an army by themselves.

For example, Drowning Wraith Soul.

She can spit out endless 'stagnant water', a liquid monster that rapidly reproduces and grows by absorbing vengeful spirits.

Many Atlanteans were polluted by the dead water and became puppet sea monsters that obeyed her commands.

There is also the Destroyer, which can spread the Doomsday virus outwards and pollute ordinary people into 'incomplete Doomsdays' who obey his command."

At this point, Damian's eyes flickered and he hesitated: "Superman, your wife Lois is infected with the Doomsday virus."

"What?" Dachao walked a few steps quickly, came to him, grabbed his shoulders, and said excitedly: "Damian, where is Louise now? How is she? Have you cured her?"

Damian's shoulder hurt from his pinch, but he didn't struggle. He just spoke faster and said, "There is a shelter 300 kilometers underground in your house, right?"

"That's the safe house I built. Louise is in the safe house now?"

Damian nodded slightly and said: "Louise was targeted by the ravager.

You just fought the Devastator, which looks almost exactly like Doomsday, but it can also transform back into human form.

On the day Barbatos arrived, it took the form of my father and went to the Daily Planet Building."

When he mentioned his father, Damian's face showed sadness and worry that he couldn't hide.

Dachao was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then released his hands, leaving only his right hand to gently tap his shoulder.

Damian continued: "On the day darkness fell, the Seven Dark Knights appeared in seven different big cities. Their goal was to corrupt the people on earth and build human towers.

The Ravager's target is Metropolis, and the first person it infects is Louise.

It took on my father's shape so completely that Louise didn't recognize it.

He then scratched her palm with a bone spur while shaking her hand, infecting her with the Doomsday virus.

Other infected people almost immediately developed bone spurs and their bodies swelled up to look like Doomsday the moment they inhaled the Doomsday virus, but Louise persisted for a long time (ps).

She called Xiao Qiao, called her mother, sister, and your mother home, and immediately hid in the underground shelter.

In order not to infect them with the virus, she isolated herself in an empty room.

Xiao Qiao then used the shelter's communicator to send this message to the Batcave and the Hall of Justice respectively. "

"We don't have the time or conditions to study the antidote for the Doomsday virus now, but when the crisis is over and Harley returns, Louise will definitely be able to recover as before, and all infected people will be treated." Rachel comforted Dachao.

Dachao was half relieved and asked again: "Xiao Qiao and the others are still in the underground shelter?"

"Currently, the underground shelter 300 kilometers below seems to be safer than other places." Poseidon said.

"The World of Valkyrie is not safe?" Dachao looked around, "Where is Oliver?"

Sea King Arthur said: "Oliver is now sitting in the garrison at the gate of hell, and Dinah and more than a hundred heroes are with him.

Together with the human Martial Gods, they want to protect the more than three billion ordinary people in the Martial Gods' world.

Well, in the end, only 3.4 billion people entered the world of Martial Gods.

Of course, the world of Valkyrie is absolutely safe while Harley is still around. But just as everyone was worried after the arrival of Challenger Mountain, without Harley, the world of God of War would lose absolute security just like the earth.

When Oliver first established the space passage between the earth and the gate of hell, the demons in hell went into a carnival - the people on earth did not transfer to the dimension of the stomach bag, but instead came to a hell that was both dangerous and harsh. The witch Harley must have really left.

Some bold demons directly raided the garrison and even robbed more than a dozen people from the earth.

When Barbatos arrives, the earth quickly falls, and the demons in hell become even more arrogant.

Those respectable demon kings and demon kings did not dare to take action themselves. After all, Harley just left and did not die.

Even if there are rumors that she has been completely sealed, it will be difficult to be freed in tens of billions of years. The devil and the devil are with hell, and she will face the revenge of Witch Harley even in tens of billions of years.

They were afraid of being hated by Harley, so they secretly encouraged low-level demons to take action, or introduced evil gods from the outside who hated Harley. "

Arthur smiled bitterly and sighed, "You also know how hated Harley is. For the devils in hell, living people themselves are also extremely valuable food.

With great hatred and great interests, the world of Martial Gods has been very unstable recently. "

Da Chao nodded thoughtfully.

There were several days between the arrival of Challenger Mountain and Batman's transformation into the Dark Portal, but not all people on Earth were willing to go to the World of Valkyrie.

Because today's world of Valkyrie is far less safe than Harley's stomach dimension.

After entering the teleportation channel, some people disappeared without a trace before reaching the "Hell Guard House". No one knew who abducted them, and the heroes of Zhenglian did not know how they were abducted.

Even if you enter the world of Martial God, there are still demons breaking through the world.

If the human Martial God cannot stop it, casualties may occur.

Although Challenger Mountain appeared in Gotham at that time, killing and injuring 300,000 people, there were no other casualties.

Rich people choose to leave the earth. After all, this is the interstellar era. In the early days when the "Cosmic Didi Driver" was still around, many people went to alien planets.

Ordinary people who have no money are either hesitant or start crowdfunding online - inviting the "relative new gods" on Apokolips to come back and use mother boxes to send them to alien planets, or simply go to relatives' homes (Apocalypse or Genesis). ) for a few days.

"It's not bad that 3.4 billion people have entered the World of Martial Gods. Before Diana and I fell, only 200 million people went to the World of Martial Gods." Da Chao said.

Diana wondered: "Since 3.4 billion people have left, why is the human tower I see still so high? The human tower in the Metropolis alone contains at least 8 million people. The tower towers into the sky and is impressive. Creepy.”

"Alas, Barbatos descended on Gotham. Gotham was completely annihilated, and not a single person escaped. The Seven Dark Knights went to the cities guarded by the seven heroes of the United States, and almost no one escaped in the United States. So you The human towers seen in the United States are huge.

When the Dark Knight eliminated the superheroes in the United States, the European and Asian countries were shocked and horrified, and immediately called for the "Valkyrie World Passage".

In a large Eastern country with particularly strong mobilization and execution capabilities, almost all the people escaped, and they accounted for half of the 3.4 billion survivors. "Neptune explained.

"Can it still be like this?" Dachao was stunned.

Hal comforted him and said: "Although we in the United States have suffered huge losses, we bought time for other countries on the earth to enter the world of the God of War. Our sacrifices were not in vain."

Having said that, Dachao still feels a bit...

"Has the U.S. government fallen? Where is my father-in-law?" he asked.

"Commander Ryan is protected by the Shadow Bureau, and Uncle Sam is also with him. However, the city in the bottle of the Shadow Bureau fell a week ago, and we don't know the specific situation of Commander Ryan now," Hal said.

Dachao looked worried, but did not continue to ask.

Damian struggled for a moment, but finally couldn't help but ask: "Superman, how did my father become a dark portal?

What exactly happened after you entered the Tomb of Khufu in the Valley of the Kings? Also, what is his final plan? "

"His plan was to commit suicide through Darkseid's Omega Effect, or to leave the current point in time, and he stole baby Darkseid without all of us knowing."

On the eve of the opening of the Dark Door, the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, the Tomb of Khufu.

Superman and Diana find Bateman holding baby Darkseid deep in the tomb.

"Don't come close to me. I'm about to reveal the divine wave goggles to activate the Omega effect." Bateman was holding baby Darkseid in his left hand and a spiked war hammer in his right hand.

"Holy shit, you actually stole baby Darkseid. Where did you steal it? Greer will definitely go crazy if he finds out." Diana looked at Darkseid, who was still in his infant state, with a look of shock and confusion.

"I know that Greer will catch up here soon. I really don't have much time. You should leave quickly and don't get accidentally injured by the Omega Effect." Bateman advised.

"What do you want to do? Have you forgotten our agreement?" Dachao said excitedly.

"In Carter's diary, he used this war hammer to hurt the bat demon." Bateman shook the spiked war hammer in his hand, "I came to Khufu's Mausoleum just to get it.

When Challenger Mountain teleported to the dark dimension hundreds of years ago, Carter and the four warriors also entered it.

Four human warriors died, leaving a line of blood on the freezer, which is what we saw at the time.

Carter returned to Earth alive, and he used this war hammer to injure the Bat Demon. "

"So?" Dachao was puzzled.

"In Final Crisis, Darkseid's Omega Effect sent me 50,000 years ago, and now I want to try again."

Diana said seriously: "The last time you were able to travel alive, first of all, Darkseid didn't want to kill you; secondly, Barbatos arranged your destiny to travel fifty thousand years, you said so yourself.

Now, as long as you are shot by the Omega Effect, you will be instantly reduced to ashes. Even if you don't die, you will fall into an unknown chaotic time and space. "

Bateman smiled calmly, "This is my purpose, I have already consumed four kinds of metals.

I have a very strong feeling that the followers of Barbatos have a fifth metal ready for me.

There is no other choice. Only if I die early - and must be a complete and irreversible death, can I have a certain chance of interrupting Barbatos' plan.

To be honest, dying directly from the Omega Effect is the best outcome.

If I just shoot my head off with a gun, my body can become a portal as well as my soul.

I don't think even the Omega Effect can kill me, so I prepared this war hammer.

If I travel directly to Barbatos, I will not give up the fight. "

Dachao sighed: "We haven't reached this point yet——"

"No, it's imminent."

"He's right, it's imminent. The door to darkness is opening right here and now." A dozen dark figures walked out of the dark tomb passage.

"The Court of Owls?" Dachao's super vision saw them all wearing owl masks at a glance.

"This is not the Mausoleum of Khufu. We know all the contents of 'Carter's Diary'. We are history itself."

The leading old owl Shi Shiran walked up to Bateman and said proudly in a cat-and-mouse tone: "Child, your whole life has been in our careful plan. Every choice and every action you make is a result of us." The scripts arranged include this "trip to Khufu's Mausoleum".

In fact, it is the tomb of Seth. Do you know Seth? Do you want me to help you recall it? "

Bateman held baby Darkseid in his hand, pointed his rough gray-black face at the owls, and said coldly: "As long as I take off his divine wave goggles, you will immediately turn into ashes."

"Hahaha!" The leading old owl raised his head and laughed, smiling very happily and proudly.

The owl behind him also laughed loudly, laughing very happily and proudly.

"No, you won't. You are our carefully cultivated work. We know exactly what you will and will not do. If you have enough time, you can at most send us to the ICU with your fists, but you will definitely not Kill people, even if you know who we are and what we are about to do."

"That's right, we want to feed you the fifth metal immediately." The leading old cat head opened his arms, "This is the Tomb of Set, and it was also the former Temple of Set. Well, it was indeed the Tomb of Khufu. .

We knew you would find this place, occupied the Magpie's Nest in advance, gave it a new look, and moved the ancient temple of Set here, making this the best place to hold the 'curtain' ceremony. "

"At this time, you have not only baby Darkseid, but also three heroes of the Alliance!" Diana stepped forward, clenching her fists.

"Stab~~~" The next moment, purple-black lightning descended out of the air, landing on top of Diana and Da Chao.

Dachao was paralyzed almost instantly, lying on the ground twitching.

The purple-black lightning continued to drain his life force, causing his muscles to visibly wither.

Diana activated the thick skin power, and a light golden film formed on the surface of her body. Purple-black lightning fell on it, like hail falling on the surface of a lake.

"Prick, prick, prick~~" The golden film kept rippling, and it seemed that it could no longer hold on.

While Diana's expression changed greatly, she also complained in her heart: "Damn it, Harley has left the multiverse, and she still hasn't upgraded my thick skin effect to the VIP version."

She knew that she and Dinah were "free players" and were incomparable to Arthur, the "Kryptonian boss" (who regularly paid tribute to Harley's life connection power). On weekdays, they could only enjoy the thick-skinned power of effect castration. .

But if they encounter a major crisis and need to risk their lives, Harley will quietly help them upgrade the special effects of the thick-skinned power to the top VIP level.

Now Harley knows that there will be a crisis coming to the earth after she leaves, but she is still promoted to her thick-skinned divinity.

"Boom - sting!" In just 5 seconds, the golden film burst like bubbles in the sun, and Diana continued to howl miserably, twitching and falling to the ground.

Several black shadows walked out of the passage.

The owls immediately bowed to the ground in unison, "Greetings to the Owl Priest!"

"Well, let's prepare for the ceremony." There are only three owl priests left. They hold bat staffs, wear loose black robes, and wear python skull masks, with their faces hidden in the shadow behind the snake's head's mouth.

The purple-black lightning just now came from their canes, using the creative power of the "Owl Evil God".

Not to mention Da Chao and Diana, they still couldn't stand it when they called the old gods and kings from the heaven realm.

The Force of Creation is the highest energy level in the multiverse.

In fact, Diana wrongly blamed Halle.

Harley's defensive gold film cannot be 100% immune to the "power of the evil owl god", because although the "power of the evil owl god" was launched more than ten years ago, it has never had the opportunity to absorb the origin of the "evil owl god", and it is not available now. At level 2, the level is too low and the defense effect is naturally poor.

If it weren't for Harley's level 9 monitor defense expertise and level 9 anti-surveillance defense expertise, Diana wouldn't have been able to last even 5 seconds.

"Are you the Owl Priest?" Bateman asked with difficulty.

He was also hit by purple-black lightning and immediately collapsed to the ground. Even baby Darkseid fell heavily to the ground.

"Hello, great traveler, we are the owl priests who serve the God of Darkness in your name."

The three owl priests were very respectful to him and bowed down.

"Priest Owl, the fifth metal is ready." The owl leader took out a remote control and pressed the switch.

"Crack, click, click, click!" The boulder dome cracked, and a metal conduit stretched downwards. The bottom of the conduit automatically aimed at Bateman's face.

Another positioning laser fell, landing right on his mouth.

“The fifth metal is called ‘Bat Gold’. It does not exist in nature and can only be artificially produced in a special way through the Giant Particle Collider.

Moreover, Bat Gold cannot exist for a long time and must be used immediately after being produced.

So we feed it to you until today. "

The owl leader pointed upward and said proudly: "Yes, this looks like an ancient tomb, but actually it contains the most advanced particle collider in the universe."

"Tick tock." A ball of blood-red liquid flowed out from the metal pipe above and landed on Bateman's face.

"No~~~" Batman howled miserably. There was only one drop of Bat Gold, but it was like the Venom suit from Marvel next door covering his whole body. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

As Bateman howled and struggled, his body quickly melted into the bat gold and turned into darkness glowing with starlight.

"As expected of Bat Gold, it does not have the ability of other Ninth God Gold to distort the rules of the universe, but it is the most powerful magic material in the world. Barbatos' dark magic has been introduced into his body, and the portal is taking shape."

The owl priest threw himself in the direction of Bateman, "Long live Barbatos!"

The owl also knelt down and shouted excitedly: "Barbatos has finally arrived. He promises to share the kingship with us, and we will dominate the entire multiverse."

Amid their pious prayers and excited shouts, Batman completely disappeared and was replaced by a black screen.

"Goo, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle."

"I heard it, is it Barbatos's voice? He is coming. Fifty thousand years of expectation and waiting will finally become a reality today, Barbatos, my lord!" The owl priest waved his arms with an expression on his face. fanaticism.

"Swish, swish, swish!" What responded to them was a group of Robin dogs with chains tied around their necks.

Like half-month-old hungry jackals, they pounced on the owl priests and owls, biting off their necks, drinking blood and eating meat.

"No, Barbatos save me—"

"No, fifty thousand years of waiting and hard work shouldn't end like this!"

"Well, I'm sorry, my children are too hungry. Otherwise, just satisfy them. Anyway, you will be of no use to the great Master Barbatos." The Laughing Bat held the dog leash and said with a smile.

"Bruce" Superboy and Wonder Woman looked at the person in front of them with dull and confused expressions.

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