I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1818 The Place of Origin of Destiny

"Ahhhh~~~" The moment she was slapped on the head by "The Book of Destiny", Harley seemed like an ordinary person sitting in an open-top spaceship, falling downward at sub-light speed.

In a state of being at a loss, unable to struggle, and unable to understand, the mouth screamed unconsciously.

"Ahhhh!!" On the island of gods in the stomach dimension, the Grandmaster and the God of Destiny, who were watching the power of sister Harley through Harley's perspective, screamed more pitifully and at a loss than Harley. Just like ordinary people. Anyone who is not mute after falling from a cliff will scream in agony subconsciously.

They not only screamed, but also sprayed a large amount of white saliva from their mouths as if they had drunk detergent. Their two eyeballs quickly bulged, became congested, and swelled into a bloody tumor.

The changes in their bodies were only superficial. Their master's laws were violently grabbed by a powerful force and dragged to a place of nothingness where they could no longer sense the sea of ​​laws.

Their souls also seemed to be torn into several pieces. Not only were they numb from the pain, but their consciousness fell into chaos, and they had no idea what was happening.

"Ah uh~~"

After shouting, Harley, who had all 14 major defensive specialties activated, broke out of her unconscious state of being at a loss for what to do.

She still seemed to be falling at the speed of light in one direction in a convertible, but her mind returned and her ability to perceive and think was restored again.

After forcing herself to calm down, Harley first checked her trophies.

Very good, the gold-coated ball is still tightly held in the palm of the hand, and there is no missing "living energy battery" inside.

The 14 kinds of defense specialties in the golden film are all activated, which not only prevents any miraculous power from directly plundering from the outside, but also prevents the soul of destiny inside from making various small actions - shrouded in the level 10 God force field and the level 9 divine force field, they continuously Even the most basic magic cannot be used.

"Phew!" Harley breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the loot was not lost, no matter what situation she was in now, she would not lose this round.

Then, she let go of her semi-detached spiritual sense and carefully perceived her surroundings.

The feeling of ordinary people flying at the speed of light in the starry sky in a convertible has not disappeared. She is indeed falling somewhere at an extremely fast speed. The "stars" in the dark void are stretched into a long line. She is definitely not in the material universe. The starry sky, but the perspective experience is almost the same as the speed of light flying in the starry sky in the universe.

The reason why we emphasize riding in a convertible is because during the rapid fall, her body was in direct contact with the void "starry sky" outside. With her height of 141, after the continuous attack output of Big Brother Destiny and hundreds of gods of destiny, Harley took away all their level experience, especially Big Brother, who was a big fat cow and helped her raise her level to 142 by 35%!

Her defense now totals 142 points.

Even if the multiverse has its power limit, Harley can always maintain an extreme defense effect of 120 points.

But now she felt an extremely strong tearing pain during the fall. The force of the fall wanted to tear her body into pieces, and then annihilate every cell and every ray of consciousness.

This is not her imagination.

The surrounding environment, which looked like a cosmic starry sky, was extremely repulsive to her mental power and physical body.

It's like there is a supreme rule in this space that cannot be disobeyed: souls and physical matter are not allowed to exist here.

Harley's soul and body already exist here, and they will be forcibly erased by the rules.

Most of the pain in her body came from this.

In addition to the sense of destruction and falling that ordinary people feel when flying at the speed of light in the starry sky in a convertible, Harley also feels that time, space, and the known universe are rapidly moving away from her.

There is no time and no concept of space here, and it is extremely far away from the material universe and the sea of ​​laws.

An empty and uncomfortable feeling lingered in her heart.

But this didn't bother her at all. She used to go to the Ocean of Entropy once a month.

There is also no time, space and matter there. Apart from the laws in one's own soul, one cannot sense any additional laws, let alone the sea of ​​laws.

Finally, Harley sensed the extremely strong power of fate.

"Harley, Harley?" The weak and painful calls from the Island of the Gods caused Harley to withdraw a bit of mental energy from thinking and observing and put it into the dimension of the stomach bag.

"How do you feel?" Projection Harley asked as she looked at Zha Kang who was struggling to get up.

Of the 99 people on the surface of the cyan energy crystal, only Zha Kang regained consciousness. A small number of the others were groaning in pain, foaming at the mouth, bleeding and closing their eyes, and most of them fainted.

"I can't see in my eyes. Are my eyeballs broken? Hiss, it hurts!" Zha Kang reached out and touched his face, smearing a piece of warm wetness. He felt a sharp sting when he touched his eye sockets.

"Well, your eyeballs are bloodshot and burst because you saw something you shouldn't have seen."

Zha Kang didn't cry, he just struggled to sit down cross-legged, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself, exhaled a puff of smoke comfortably, and then asked: "What happened just now?

My last memory is that you succeeded in pretending again and killed those gods of destiny in front of fate.

The masters on the Island of the Gods just started cheering and celebrating, but you got carried away, pretending to be a big dick and being obedient, and actually provoked Big Brother Destiny with words, and then he held up the "Book of Destiny"——"

He frowned and thought for a moment, then hesitated and said: "Even if he loses his temper and curses 'Fake Squid', he shouldn't hit you on the head with the Book of Destiny.

You are the thick-skinned God King with invincible defense. He is the incarnation of rules. He is not good at hand-to-hand combat and has no reason to fight with others.

However, when the "Book of Destiny" that was half the size of a door panel came crashing down on me, I felt like the sky was falling."

"Destiny suffered continuous failures in his own field and was constantly stimulated by my words. He was indeed very excited and angry, but hitting people with the Book of Destiny was not a physical attack at all.

The essence of "The Book of Destiny" is the sum of all the destinies in the multiverse. Hitting me with it is equivalent to..."

Harley thought for a moment and continued: "The River of Destiny is somewhat similar to the River of Time. The Book of Destiny is the River of Destiny, which is equivalent to a script for making a movie.

The River of Time is a film that has been filmed based on the script.

Hitting me with the "Book of Destiny" means crushing me with all destiny.

The big daddy who is equivalent to the Endless Family's 'Time' rolls the entire mother river of time into a stick and uses the stick as a weapon to hit people. "

"Hiss~~~" Just thinking about the huge size of the entire river of time, Zha Kang couldn't help but pinch his teeth.

"Are you okay now?"

"You are fine, how could anything happen to me?" Harley said.

"Is this okay? My eyes are swollen and I don't know whether the others are alive or dead," Zha Kang shouted.

"We seem to have been sealed by fate into the 'Place of Origin of Destiny'. Do you still remember our experience in the Land of Origin of Time? Only the eyeballs exploded, which is considered a negligible skin injury."

As Harry spoke, he used advanced holy healing techniques to regulate the frantic magic power in his body and calm down the chaotic thoughts that caused the sea of ​​consciousness to pass through "Kanu".

Finally, the holy light disperses the congestion in the eyeball, allowing the intact eyeball cells to rapidly divide and grow.

“The starting point of the river of time hides the secret of the origin of the universe, and the starting point of the river of destiny also hides the secret of the ‘origin’ that mortals cannot see directly and should not know.

But you opened your eyes wide and stared at it. It would be strange if your eyeballs were bloodshot, your thinking was confused, and you fell to the ground and fainted. In fact, if it weren't for my protection, you wouldn't even have a chance to faint, and you would directly disappear into nothingness. "

Harry lowered his head and glanced at the imperishable defensive golden film on his body, and sighed: "Even if my defense is as strong as mine, it cannot be completely immune to the harsh environment here. The golden film on my body is about to burst, and I may suffer minor trauma. .”

"What do we want to see? All we see are your 'six sense projections'. Whatever you show us, we will see." Zha Kang sighed and asked again: "'Small trauma' How small is it? How long can you hold on?"

Harley didn't just project what she saw into the sky on the Island of the Gods.

The eyes receive limited information.

Especially when understanding the way of destiny in the Garden of Destiny, spiritual and ideological feelings are more important.

What the five senses plus the spiritual sense comprehend is the message that Harley projects to the 99 masters.

It was also because Harley directly shared her feelings of falling into the "Place of Origin of Destiny" with the masters that their eyes were bloodshot, their senses were disordered, their souls were shaken, and they screamed and fainted.

At this time, Harley came back to her senses and turned off the "six-sense projection screen", projecting only the visual images on everyone's heads.

"It's probably equivalent to an ordinary person touching the sharp thorns on a rose. It stings a little, and a trace of blood oozes from the pads of his fingers." Harley said.

If the attack can quickly tear through her defensive golden film, the damage she will receive will be like a stick to the back of Bateman's head from an ordinary person. It will be painful, but not too fatal.

If the defensive gold film is slowly eroded, it is equivalent to dividing the damage of hitting the back of the head with a wooden stick by ten. If the attack is in ten different parts, the total damage will remain the same, but it will be almost harmless.

"It's just the injury from the rose thorn, at least our lives will not be in danger." Zha Kang breathed a little relieved, "What are your plans now? What are the benefits of the place where destiny originated? Can you leave here completely?"

"I even understand the laws of fate. Even if there are benefits to this place, I can't get it. If I could leave, I would have left long ago."

Harley once again carefully sensed the place where destiny originated through the seventh-level destiny defense feat.

Not even a ray of pure power of destiny was found.

Let alone the power of destiny, there is no energy to absorb here.

"Are you still falling? Haven't you already entered the place of origin?" Zha Kang asked again.

"The River of Destiny and the River of Time are only similar in appearance. They are very different." Harley's seventh-level destiny defense expertise not only protects her from damage caused by the power of destiny, but also helps her sense the flow of destiny.

If Harry openly divination people again, the divination spell will remain unchanged, and the destiny defense expertise that has been upgraded to level 7 can almost control the national destiny of a country in detail.

Just like when she made detailed divination for ordinary people, she also made detailed divination for a country.

Harley's ability to determine the surrounding environment as the place where destiny originated relies on her Destiny Defense expertise.

“Time is a line, so the place where time originates is a point.

Destiny is composed of countless causes and effects.

Yesterday's causes may produce today's effects, and today's effects may become today's causes and produce tomorrow's effects.

Cause and effect become a ring, and the ring of cause and effect of all people constitutes destiny.

It is not linear. Destiny is a network of countless circular iron chains.

The place where destiny originates is the 'original cause and effect'.

I don't have the law of destiny and can't resonate with the 'original cause and effect'. I only vaguely feel that it is roughly in the shape of ∞. We cycle endlessly between the original cause and effect, and it seems like we are in a state of falling forever. This is just my own feeling, Probably not accurate. "

“Well, if I truly understand the situation in the place where destiny originated, I might be able to find a way to escape directly.

Now we are sealed in the 'original cause and effect', which cannot be understood, cannot be cracked, and is sealed forever.

Probably, this is Destiny's most powerful killing move, it's really powerful! " Harley said with emotion.

In the place where time originated, she could still feel, see, and think, and finally speculated on the creation process of Pappetua; in the place where fate originated, she could not understand the "original cause and effect" at all, and she could not understand it. How a single cause and effect evolved into the complex fate of countless lives in the multiverse, and even the fate of her and Big Brother Destiny was included in it.

"There is also the core secret of fate here. Whoever can completely master the secret of 'primary cause and effect' can transcend fate." Harley added.

Zha Kang became interested and said, "I have the master's rules of destiny. Maybe I can gain some insights."

Harley said lightly: "It's useless, you are not qualified to step into the source of destiny at all. Everything you see now is my own understanding of the source of destiny.

To put it bluntly, if I were to look inside, I would only see a small circle, and your field of vision can only be within the small circle.

The limit of your perception can never exceed my own perception. "

"You wake up Xanadu and the others, and lead them to continue to attack the throne of destiny. I'm going to concoct those gods of destiny. They may be able to help us get out of this predicament."

Harley turned her gaze to the small gold-coated ball in her hand, a hint of excitement flashing in her eyes.

The little ball not only contains a lot of power of destiny, but also the three complete sisters of destiny!

"There is no way to attack the throne of destiny now." Zha Kang said helplessly: "Didn't you notice? When we fell from the Garden of Destiny to the Place of Origin, our Grandmaster's Law was almost torn apart.

There is a powerful pulling force that forcefully pulls the Grandmaster's Law out of the Law Sea.

I'm not sure how other people feel. Anyway, I can't even find the Sea of ​​Laws at this moment. How can I hold the throne of destiny high and seal the Laws into the Sea of ​​Laws? "

"We won't stay here forever. Get ready early. This is your best chance, and it may be your last chance."

"Grandma Hallie, have mercy!" After two and a half minutes, she returned to the golden ball and saw the expressionless Hallie again. The girl wailed directly, knelt on her knees, and bowed to the ground.

The young woman and the old woman hesitated to speak several times. In the end, their lips were tightly closed and their faces were as sinking as water.

"Grandma Hallie, I never thought about breaking my oath. It was destiny that bastard that forcibly took me away!" Someone tried to quibble.

"Grandma Hallie, please give me another chance. I am willing to swear again that I will never betray you." There are also people who are rational and know that they cannot deceive "the insidious and cunning witch Hallie", so they simply kneel down and beg. .

"Witch Harley, we 398 gods of destiny, work together to maintain the stability of the laws of destiny in the multiverse. If you kill all of us out of your mind, you will definitely be punished by 'Origin'." There is a god of destiny who has not extracted the origin of the soul. Fearful, but tough-tongued.

"Witch Harley. Oh, Sister Harley. Sister Harley, knowing the current situation is a hero. I am willing to be a hero. I am willing to work hard for you!" There are also Gods of Destiny who are full of spiritual power and surrender without moral integrity.

Well, it’s not like I completely lost my moral integrity.

At least they can't say "Grandma Hallie."

Now they just want to learn from Grandmaster 97 and recognize Harley as their eldest sister.

There are 398 gods of destiny, excluding the 11 who are completely useless, there are still 387. Everyone has different thoughts and expressions, and all living beings are truly diverse.

Harley's attitude towards them was very unified: ignore their thoughts and attitudes, directly extract the source, and extract it desperately, no longer leaving any room for them like before, leaving them with a little hope.

This time she directly drained the unexhausted "divine body ball" completely. Whether it was a natural divine body of flesh and blood, or a "divine divine body" that gave up the human body and used the natal artifact like Nabu, all Drain the source of divine power, and then separate the pure power of destiny from the source of divine power.

Well, the origin of the God of Destiny contains the power of destiny. It does not mean that the origin of divine power is the power of destiny.

These gods of destiny all belong to the old gods, and their divine power comes from the "combination reaction" of magic and faith.

The power of destiny is mixed with divine power and divinity, and the quantity is relatively small.

"Grandma Halli, please forgive me. I'm about to die. I really can't. My source is going to be exhausted~~Grandma Hallie, please spare my life. Even if you drain me dry, how much more source can you get?"

Why don't you keep me and I'll be your dog, woof woof woof, Harley's grandma, Harley's master, woof woof woof."

The God of Destiny, who has lost more than 90% of his origin, truly feels the shadow of death and completely gives up his dignity.

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will spare you this time." Harley squeezed him for a while and squeezed out 99% of his essence before putting him aside.

Ninety-nine percent of the origin of his soul was lost. He was on the verge of death and fainted.

"Grandma Hallie, spare your life, I surrender, and I am willing to be loyal to you forever!"

"Grandma Hallie, please spare your life. I am also willing to be your dog, woof woof woof."

"Grandma Hallie, please spare your life. Please save more of your divine power for me. A thin dog that has completely lost its power is of no use to you. I want to be a mighty and powerful wolfdog, oooh~~~"

Feeling the shadow of death swallowing one up bit by bit, how unbearable the performance of human beings can be, the performance of gods can be ten times or a hundred times unbearable.

Because they have enjoyed eternal life, they are even more unable to accept death than mortals.

Those who want to be a little bit shy just call "Grandma Hallie", but most gods of destiny don't want to be shy. When one of them completely lets himself go and gives up the bottom line, it seems that all of a sudden the lower limit of everyone is brought to the same level.

Things that a person would never be able to do and words that he could never say out loud could be done or shouted without even turning red.

No, in addition to the ordinary God of Destiny, even the three goddesses of Destiny gave up their dignity and begged.

"Very good, very good. I asked you to borrow some divine power before, and all of them were angry and unruly. Now they are begging me for their lives like this. I am very happy, and my thoughts are very clear. I will spare your life!"

Since they all volunteered to be dogs, why should Harley treat them as humans?

She smiled happily and freely, and spoke very rudely.

The gods of destiny feel no shame when they plead for life.

Their lives were saved now, but being directly humiliated by her again, they couldn't wipe it off their faces, and felt ten times the shame and embarrassment.

"You don't say anything, because you don't agree with what I say? Well, you three maids of fate, what do you say?" Harley continued to provoke them.

"Grandma Hallie is right. We used to be cheap, stupid and stupid. As the God of Destiny, we didn't even touch the sense of crisis when we decided to go against you. It's so stupid." The old woman lamented.

The woman said bitterly: "We are so audacious that we dare to plot against you. We deserve death. Grandma Hallie was kind and spared our lives. We are grateful and grateful."

The girl showed a flattering smile and said respectfully: "Grandma Halli asked us to borrow the source of her divine power to give us face. Whenever we can help Grandma Halle in a little way, it will be a huge honor that cannot be described in words.

But we don’t know the current affairs, we don’t know the destiny, and we pretend to be the gods of destiny.

Now we finally learned a lesson, a flash of inspiration came to our mind, and we understood our mission.

From now on, we will work hard to cultivate and regain the lost origin. When Grandma Halli needs it again, we will definitely obey your order. "

Harley immediately pointed at her and looked at all the Gods of Destiny, "You said this yourself. Remember, the Gods of Destiny follow their words and must not break the promises they make."

Including the old woman and the woman, all the gods of destiny "killed" the girl with the corner of their eyes.

The girl acted as if she hadn't seen him before, nodding her head repeatedly and saying, "We can swear, swear to fate."

"Then make an oath, make two. The other oath is the same as the last one. Activate the law of your destiny and hand over all the power of destiny to me. No matter how you break the oath and escape, please destiny give me the power to let you." I'll catch you next time.

Don't talk about life and death, just swear to fall into my hands again. "

Even if the God of Destiny does not want to be the "Original Divine Power Battery", he does not dare to openly oppose it, so he can only follow the girl and swear two oaths in succession.

Harley's current situation is a bit awkward.

Earlier, when she was disguised as Xanadu for public divination, she deliberately used a trick to drive all the gods of destiny into the Garden of Destiny.

Her purpose is very simple and her intentions are very sinister: instead of directly attacking Big Brother Destiny, she can find the right opportunity to snatch a batch of "Power of Destiny Batteries" from the Alliance of Destiny, upgrade her expertise to one level, and face Big Brother Destiny. Being the eldest brother is more advantageous.

Now that she has accomplished her goal almost perfectly, all the gods of destiny are captured by her.

However, the power of destiny required to level up from level 7 to level 8 was too much. At this time, all the gods of destiny had been subdued by her, but her expertise was only level 7, 89%, and she still failed to break through level eight.

There are still about 1% of the origin left in the souls of hundreds of gods of destiny, barely keeping them alive. But before Harley killed them for the second time, her expertise was already 25% at level 7. Now it has only been increased from 25% to 89%, and the increment is only 64%. Even if she kills them, her expertise will be up to 90% at level 7, which is not the case. Qualitative change occurs.

"It would be great if Amra came!" Looking at the seven new gods of destiny on the Island of the Gods, a scene immediately appeared in Harry's mind: seven bean sprouts floating in the clear soup.

She couldn't help but miss the Angel of Destiny who had a strong origin.

Don't look at the 398 gods of destiny she captured. Most of them are the same as above, either garbage, or fighters among garbage - they are all garbage.

The three goddesses of destiny alone contributed 90% of the power of destiny that Harley received!

Even as an enemy of Bone-cutting Hate, Harley admits that the three sisters of destiny are really powerful.

They were able to plot against her through fate, and indirectly cut off Morpheus's fate, relying on true strength, not luck.

Although Amra is not as good as the three of them, she is stronger than them alone. If she follows Harley to the Garden of Destiny, this battle will be much easier.

"Do you know the 'Place of Origin of Destiny'?"

Harley called the three sisters of destiny aside and explained the situation she was currently encountering.

Since she couldn't upgrade her expertise to level 8 in a short period of time, she could only think of another way.

Even Lady Xanadu is more than just a "power battery of destiny."

If the three sisters of destiny are used well, they will definitely be of great help.

"I confess to you, if the rescue of Morpheus fails, I will definitely have a bad idea. If I don't have a good idea, I will kill someone and bury my brother Morpheus with him. If others don't tell me, I will kill at least two of the three of you. The remaining one will be tortured for tens of millions of years." Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of the three destiny sisters, Harley threatened without hesitation.

"If we succeed in reversing Morpheus' tragic fate, I will naturally understand. The three of you have already sworn that I will not hurt you.

If you make great contributions, I can exempt you from the oath of part of the ‘divine source battery’.

The greater your merit, the more oaths you will be exempted from, and up to the maximum you can be exempted from all oaths, and part of your power will be returned to you. "

With a casual move from Harley's projection, three balls of pure divine power the size of basketballs fell from the sky - the divine power of destiny that had been drained of the power of destiny.

"To prove my sincerity, I will first give you some sources of divine power." Harley motioned for them to fuse three groups of pure divine power.

The three sisters of destiny did not hesitate and immediately absorbed a ball of divine power each.

After a while, the face of the divine soul body looked much better, and its aura was obviously more stable than before.

"How does it feel?" Harley asked.

"It feels like a cow that has had 100 kilograms of fat cut off and then eats a delicious meal of grass." The old woman seemed to have something in her words.

"After absorbing divine power, our recovery speed is only accelerated, and we do not return to the original state instantly." The woman was relatively straightforward.

"These divine powers belonged to us before, but they are a bit bland. It will take hundreds of years to slowly warm up before they can re-cultivate their divinity and turn them into the same origin as before." The girl directly gave the time to recover as before. .

"The taste is bland? I have purified your origins without changing their properties." A natural expression of confusion appeared on Harley's face.

Of course she knew that the source that had taken away the power of destiny was no longer the source.

Even if it is returned to the person concerned immediately, it will not be able to restore the other person to the original state immediately. If that is possible, with only one God of Destiny, Harley can recycle it and quickly upgrade the Destiny Defense Specialty to level nine.

"You have erased the divinity and our spiritual will from the origin. They may be useless to you, but they are an important part of the origin of our divine power.

We need time to re-concentrate our divinity and infuse it with our own divine willpower. "

The old woman stared into Harley's eyes, guessing her true purpose: did she need pure divine power, or something else extracted from the source?

"However, with these magical powers, we feel much better." The woman said.

"Grandma Harley, what do you want us to do? Do you want to inquire about the 'Place of Origin of Destiny'? I seem to have heard of it." The girl said obediently.

The woman continued: "The place where destiny originated seems to be the cover of the Book of Destiny."

"Cover?" Harley was a little surprised.

The old woman said: "The fate of everyone is recorded in the Book of Destiny. The Book of Destiny is the river of destiny. So, isn't the starting point of the river of destiny the cover of the Book of Destiny?

The ‘initial cause and effect’ you sense is also correct.

The cover has a front and a back, one before the other, which are the first cause and the first effect. "

"I see." Thousands of thoughts flashed through Harry's mind, and he vaguely thought of a way to break the situation.

"The reason why I keep falling is that I am actually moving back and forth between the front cover and the back cover? What do the stars that I see stretching into a line of light while moving at high speed mean?" she asked.

The old woman said: "You didn't move, you were fixed in one place and completely sealed.

But movement is relative, and the river of destiny never stops, always flowing forward.

The movement you feel is that you are not moving, and the river of destiny is flowing forward, rushing past you.

In other words, you are enduring the erosion of all the rivers of fate, so you will feel the intense tearing pain.

Just like the cover bears the weight of the entire book, you in "Primary Cause and Effect" bear the impact of all the forces of fate, but your body is not broken or your soul is broken."

A look of sincere admiration appeared on her old face, "Thick-skinned supernatural power is well-deserved. If it had been any other god-king, he would have died without a complete body."

The woman took her words and said: "The 'stars in the void' you see are actually other people's fate lines.

Still using the book example, the spine is also part of the cover.

As we all know, the spine of the book is connected to every page of the book, and each page represents a person's destiny. "

The girl finally added: "Although you are sealed in the 'primary cause and effect', you can actually touch everyone's destiny.

This is very dangerous.

We all know you want to change Morpheus's fate.

Maybe you can find Morpheus's 'star', maybe you can change the trajectory of 'Morpheus' star', Your Excellency, Destiny, shouldn't seal you into the 'primary cause and effect', the risk is too great.

But you really pissed him off, and you don't even know the laws of fate. You can't theoretically distinguish the name of each star and the meaning of its trajectory. "

"Yes, I don't have the Law of Destiny, but you do." Harley did not hide the excitement on her face, "The three of you combined have the most powerful God-King-level Law of Destiny in the multiverse.

Lend me your laws and help me decipher the mystery of ‘primary cause and effect’. "

No matter what the three destiny sisters thought in their hearts, they did not refuse her request.

They are very honest and take the initiative to accept Harley's spiritual power into their sea of ​​consciousness, allowing Harley's sea of ​​consciousness to completely control their thoughts - it's like the soul becomes the host, four hosts are connected together, and Harley's soul is the main server. .

Then, the consciousness of the three sisters entered their own destiny laws, and the three main god-level laws merged into one.

Harley once again used the seventh-level destiny defense expertise to carefully perceive the place where destiny originated.

Previously, the information she sensed was analyzed by her own brain. She did not have the law of destiny and could only rely on the power of the God King to analyze the current state. Then she knew that she had fallen into the place where destiny originated.

Well, even if Harley doesn't have the Law of Destiny, with her expertise, experience and power, she understands the place where destiny originates better than the ordinary God of Destiny.

Now, all the information and insights she obtained are passed on to the three sisters of destiny, who use the god-king-level destiny rules to analyze her insights, and finally send the analysis results back to Harley.

The world before Harley's eyes changed.

The originally empty void of the universe was filled with countless complex structures.

She is no longer "falling at the speed of light in a convertible."

She really didn't move, motionless, completely sealed in a spherical cage.

The cage consists of two rings that rotate at high speed with the same center.

The ring rotates with the diameter as the axis to form a circular sphere, and Harley is inside the sphere.

Harley cheered up, activated all her specialties, and struggled hard.

Although the movement was difficult, she touched the ball.

As long as she leaves the sphere, she will get rid of the seal of "primary cause and effect".

"Uh ah ah~~" The moment she touched the ball, a strong tearing pain came from her palm.

Her right palm was cut by the high-speed rotating ring.

Even the bones were cut off, and the gold film broke instantly.

"What are the two rings and why are they so strong?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Aren't they the original cause and effect? ​​As long as you are affected by the law of cause and effect, you can be harmed by them." The old woman sighed.

The woman said: "It's useless even if you escape from the prison of 'primary cause and effect'.

‘Causation’ exists because of people, and cause and effect also moves with people.

Wherever you are, your cause and effect will follow.

Even if you are thick-skinned and invincible, and endure the pain of rotten flesh and broken bones to crawl out of the 'karma cage', the moment you leave, the double ring of cause and effect will center on you again and wrap around you. "

"But." The girl didn't finish her sentence and closed her mouth hesitantly.

"But what?" Harley asked immediately.

"Cause and effect cannot be escaped, but they can be resolved." The girl said.

"How to resolve it?"

"This is also the first time we have come to the 'Place of Origin of Destiny'." The girl looked troubled.

The woman lowered her eyes and said, "Our understanding of the 'Place of Origin of Destiny' comes from you. Whatever you see and feel, we will see and feel."

The old woman opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Harry said for her: "My level in the laws of destiny is far inferior to yours. In the place where destiny originated, I was like a blind man touching an elephant, but you three 'experts' can see everything at a glance and see the truth directly.

Therefore, I have to let you go out and let you personally experience the mystery of 'primary cause and effect'.

You will definitely get more and more real insights than me.

Then help me untie the loop of cause and effect, and even improve my own realm to a higher level, becoming the true God King of Destiny. "

"We won't leave." The three sisters said in unison.

Leaving the stomach bag dimension, the soul enters the "place of origin of destiny", that is, it enters the "Book of Destiny".

And the "Book of Destiny" is in the hands of fate, and they may escape again at any time.

Harley observed the "Place of Origin of Destiny" with her spiritual sense and did not speak for a long time.

The three sisters of destiny also cooperated with her silently and helped her transform the information she received into insights.

"I don't believe you, but now, I have to believe you again." Harley suddenly spoke seriously.

The three sisters looked hesitant and did not agree immediately, nor did they refuse.

"Remember, you swore an oath. If you break the oath, you will be caught by me again. If I catch you next time, someone will definitely die."

Harley warned them sternly, opened her mouth, and spit out the souls of the three sisters to the place where their destiny originated.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Before they could even stand firm, their souls disappeared instantly.

Ps: Tomorrow, in the first half of the chapter, the plot of Garden of Destiny will end. Today’s chapter seems to be a bit repetitive with the previous chapter, but it is actually paving the way for modifying the Book of Destiny. Harley wants to take away the "Book of Destiny" and learn from Sun Wukong. Using a pen to change the "Book of Life and Death" is actually not possible, because fate is not a dead person, and Harley cannot defeat fate.

Therefore, to modify the "Book of Destiny" and save Sandman Morpheus, we have to use other methods.

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