I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1816 Xanadu finally became a god

Time rewinds back to two minutes ago, when Harley turned off the Destiny Defense Specialty and only used the power of the God King to stagger after Big Brother Destiny in the Destiny Garden.

Stomach Dimension, Island of the Gods.

"Oops, Sister Harley fell down!" The Gypsy wizard saw the scene in the Garden of Destiny projected on the screen in mid-air, turned to the projection of Harley floating on the other side and shouted: "Sister Harley, are you okay? "

Harley's projection eyes were slightly closed, and she did not move or speak. The mental projection was still like a 3D projection with poor signal, flickering erratically.

"Ah, Sister Harley, what's wrong with you?" Another grandmaster asked worriedly.

"Don't disturb her, she needs to concentrate on dealing with the 'fate information flow' in the Destiny Garden." Zha Kang frowned.

"What is the fate information flow?" Dr. Mist asked.

"The Garden of Destiny is what we often call the 'River of Destiny'. If you have never been to the River of Destiny, you should have heard of the legend of the River of Time. What will happen if an ordinary person falls into the River of Time?"

Although Zha Kang was also worried about Harley's condition, his tone was quite calm.

"Harley is not even a grandmaster. Can the exclusive magic spell at the archmage level withstand the impact of the River of Destiny? Xanadu asked worriedly.

"It seems that her exclusive magic spell has broken down." Zha Kang guessed.

"With the collapse of the exclusive magic spell, wouldn't it mean that I can no longer peer into the river of destiny, and can no longer divine for others?" the octopus-headed master exclaimed.

"For ordinary mages, the collapse of the exclusive magic spell is almost the same as the shattering of the soul. Not to mention the future as a mage, even the life cannot be saved. But Harley is the God King, and the exclusive magic spell of destiny is not her foundation."

Zha Kang raised his chin in the air, "Look, she doesn't even have nosebleeds or bleeding from the corners of her mouth.

Apart from a dull groan, it had almost no effect.

When this incident is over and she has free time, it will not be difficult to re-concentrate her exclusive magic spell. "

After hearing this, the masters only breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces and eyes were still full of worry, because Harley was really not in a good condition at this time.

"Constantine, do you think Sister Harley is showing weakness to the enemy? Since she dared to enter the Garden of Destiny, she should have considered the flushing of destiny information, right?" asked the Gypsy wizard.

Zha Kang wanted to jump up and hit this idiot on the head with his stick.

He activated his Grand Master's Law with all his strength, with a natural expression of nervousness and worry on his face. He shook his head and sighed: "I don't know, Harley may have a trump card, but she is indeed not the God of Destiny. There are no laws either.

If it weren't for her god-king powers, any one of us would have done better than her in the Garden of Destiny. "

After a pause, he hesitated and said: "Honestly, I would rather hope that Harley didn't pretend to be weak or show weakness to the enemy."


All the masters looked at him in confusion, and even Big Brother Destiny quietly gave him extra attention.

Well, Big Brother Destiny holds the "Book of Destiny" and is observing the fate of Harley and the people around Harley every moment.

"Harley must have some trump cards, but not too many. If she was confident, she wouldn't be so low-minded as to find us low-key grandmasters as helpers." Zha Kang sighed.

The masters felt very uncomfortable and wanted to argue loudly: You are a low-key. I am a majestic magic master. I have understood many master laws. In the thousands of magical worlds of Limbo, I can be considered a "little giant" level existence.

But they must admit that in the conflict between Harley and destiny, they are indeed inferior.

Harley's behavior of asking them to be helpers is also very low. After all, the big brother Destiny is the enemy, and the younger brother under his command is also the God of Destiny at the very least.

They are not as good as the Destiny Alliance in terms of quantity and quality.

Zha Kang continued: "She has limited cards, and maybe she only has one trump card. Then I can only hope that her trump card can be used to fix destiny in one move. At least it can be used to deal with the Destiny Alliance led by the three goddesses of destiny.

Instead of using a trump card to adapt to the environment of the Garden of Destiny.

After all, she is a thick-skinned god-king, and she has survived the nightmare demonization perfectly. Her soul is very powerful, and as long as it lasts long enough, she can adapt to any environment. "

"It makes sense." The masters agreed with his words and their hearts sank.

——Sister Harley is probably not disguised. She is really not suitable for the environment of Destiny Garden.

At that time, even Big Brother Destiny was a little convinced by Zha Kang.

Well, Zha Kang left the land of white magic and could use the "Law of Lies" again to get through. Even the Demon King was deceived by him many times.

"Oh, I can't stand it anymore. Sister Hallie is so miserable."

When he saw Harley yelling "Destiny, come back" at the top of her lungs, but couldn't catch up no matter how hard she tried, a grandmaster closed his eyes with an uncomfortable expression.

"Until now, Sister Harley has not even met the God of Destiny Alliance, and it is already so difficult. Is it possible that the God of Destiny Alliance is hiding on the side and can see the scene in the Garden of Destiny like us?"

"It's no wonder that they must have been placed somewhere in the garden or palace by fate. I bet they must be very happy to see Sister Hallie in such embarrassment, and maybe they are laughing."

"Alas!" The masters let out a long helpless sigh, and they all fell silent until Harry tilted his body and fell into the lotus pond.

"Oh, Sister Harley, be careful-" They let out a cry of surprise, but the cry was only half over and ended abruptly.

The whole audience was silent for a while, and then someone asked weakly: "Am I dazzled, or am I hallucinating? What just happened?"

"I didn't see it clearly, but I seemed to hear Sister Hallie laughing arrogantly and saying that you guys were so happy when you laughed."

"Omaika, I saw it. She suddenly moved and instantly found the location of the God of Destiny. Then - I seemed to see blood?"

"John, what just happened?" Xanadu asked.

Zha Kang had been staring blankly at the mid-air projection screen. When he heard her question, he said dryly: "Harley destroyed the Destiny Alliance with one move."

"What?" Even though the masters had some vague guesses, they still couldn't believe it.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and attack the sea of ​​laws!" The projection of Harley floating in the air opened his eyes and let out a loud shout.

A grandmaster was so curious that he couldn't help but ask: "Sister Harley, how did you find the God of Destiny, and how--"

Zha Kang perked up and interrupted him: "Stop talking nonsense. This is the best time. Follow me to attack the Sea of ​​Law immediately. Let's hold high the God of Destiny together!"

——Idiot, the secret you know will also be known by fate!

He also cursed in the mental network.

The masters completely calmed down.

Those who touch the threshold of the divine wizard immediately push their master's laws to impact the sea of ​​laws.

Harley's method of defeating the God of Destiny is somewhat similar to her process of entering the Garden of Destiny.

There are two major difficulties in entering the realm of destiny from the main universe. The first is to lock the location of the Garden of Destiny.

If you don’t even know the direction, your natural strength will be useless.

Secondly, it has the power to break through the dimensional barrier between the fifth and sixth dimensions.

Harley incarnates as Mrs. Shandu to divine fortunes for the people of the main universe, deliberately disrupting the fate of all life in order to find the location of the Garden of Destiny.

Once she finds the right location, she can break the origin wall. No matter how hard the dimensional barrier is, can it be harder than the origin wall?

After entering the Garden of Destiny, there are also two difficulties in finding and killing the God of Destiny: locking the location of the God of Destiny and breaking through the time and space barrier around the God of Destiny.

Destiny Garden is the domain of Destiny Big Brother.

He can control the rules of space and time here and even the rules of dimensions at will.

The Garden of Destiny is a six-dimensional space.

In the corner of the garden near the "Palace of Destiny", there are 398 gods of destiny hidden in a five-dimensional space.

Harry, the mighty god king, was a little dizzy when he entered the six-dimensional space for the first time, and it took him a while to adapt to the new environment. Except for the three goddesses of destiny who often come in and out of the Garden of Destiny, many of the other gods of destiny are not even the main gods, and they still cannot survive freely in the Six-Dimensional Garden of Destiny.

Just like ordinary people would die if they were thrown into Limbo.

So Big Brother Destiny used the technique of hiding the world in a small space to create a five-dimensional space-time in a palm-sized space in the corner of the garden.

The entire Destiny Garden is only as big as two football fields side by side, but when Harry first landed in the garden, he couldn't see the five-dimensional space in the corner, let alone the people in the "mustard space".

What's even more powerful is that in the Garden of Destiny, Big Brother Destiny can control everything. Even if Harley finds the "Mustard Seed Hidden Sumeru" in the corner of the garden, he can change its position and structure with a thought.

If Harley wants to kill those gods of destiny, she must not only find their location, but also be able to completely lock them in person.

This is very similar to the process of Harley entering the Garden of Destiny. The Garden of Destiny also has no fixed spatial coordinates. What Harley locks through the "Gate of Destiny" is the "Book of Destiny".

No matter how the location of the Garden of Destiny changes, the "Book of Destiny" will always be the core of the garden.

Harley twisted the thread of fate of all beings and followed the clues to lock the "Book of Destiny"; now Harley locks the gods of destiny through emotional resonance.

Emotions come from emotional thoughts, which are part of the soul.

If you resonate emotionally with it, you can lock the soul of the other person.

However, there are conditions for achieving emotional resonance. First, the emotion must be strong enough; second, the real distance cannot be too far.

An alien at the edge of the universe saw Harley's documentary and felt fear in his heart, but Harley certainly couldn't sense it.

If there is only one person in a universe and he is afraid of Harley, even if Harley is outside the universe and has a semi-transcendent spiritual sense, she can still feel it.

In order to cooperate with Big Brother Destiny's suppression of Harley, the location of the three goddesses of destiny and the 395 gods of destiny can see Harley's every move with the naked eye.

The emotions caused by Harley's actions will definitely be sensed by Harley's 108 pairs of phantom thoughts.

Anger and hatred are strong emotions.

The same goes for laughter.

When they burst into laughter because Harley was stumbling forward in the Garden of Destiny, Harley's cheerful emotional phantom received a strong "happy emotional signal wave", allowing her to directly lock into their souls.

Moreover, Harley also deliberately said that she wanted to enter the "Palace of Destiny" to find the God of Destiny, and kept approaching the corner of the garden.

When she fell into the lotus pond, the straight-line distance between her and the corner of the garden was less than 10 meters.

Harley can break the "big dimensional barrier" between the fifth world and the sixth manager dimension, but what does the man-made "small space barrier" of Mustard Hidden Sumeru mean?

When the fifth-level destiny defense expertise is activated, the Destiny Garden becomes an ordinary garden; when the ninth-level space defense expertise is activated, the surrounding space is completely controlled by her. Even the big brother Destiny in the distance was frozen in space for a moment.

The next moment, Harley came to the "Fifth Dimension God of Destiny Alliance Space".

Below her, there are 398 gods of destiny with different shapes but all smiling and very happy, arranged in a six-pointed star formation of destiny.

The Five-Dimensional God of Destiny Alliance has a large space, enough to accommodate hundreds of Gods of Destiny without appearing crowded.

The Six-pointed Star Destiny Array is also very large. After all, it has to carry nearly 400 gods of destiny. Its side length is almost 300 meters and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. It is more than enough for 400 gods of destiny to sit cross-legged.

But Harley is now level 141, and the diameter of the defensive golden film that can be opened has reached 100 kilometers (PS).

Not to mention the 398 gods of destiny, even the "Xumi Mustard Seed" space where they are located is entirely wrapped in a gold film.

The essence of the golden film is a physical force field formed by too strong physical defense. Specialties can also play a role within the scope of the force field.

With just a level 9 space defense force field, the space of "Xumi Mustard Seed" is as fragile as a pancake.

At this time, Harley's 14 defense specialties were all activated, and in conjunction with other defense specialties, the golden film holding the entire Sumeru Mustard Seed was like the palm of the Tathagata Buddha. She tightened it suddenly, and the space of the Sumeru Mustard Seed collapsed, and the internal time and space collapsed instantly. At one point, the 398 Gods of Destiny were crushed with great force, red juice splashed everywhere, the bones turned into mud, and howling was everywhere - the soul was howling.

"Asshole, stop it!"

Big Brother Destiny was shocked and angry. In one thought, time and space changed. Harley's position did not change. The soul of the God of Destiny, who was crushed to death by her slap, and the Xumi mustard space that was crushed, were transferred to a new one. dimensional space.

Harley's body hung in mid-air, and the surrounding scene changed instantly, from the blood-spattered Sumi mustard space back to the quiet and simple garden.

She first looked down at her right hand, and there was a small blood-colored ball the size of a table tennis ball in her palm.

The surface shimmers with light golden light, and the inside is bright red. Faces that are either fearful, ferocious, or confused, appear on the surface of the gold film through the blood red.

The defensive force field that previously enveloped the entire Sumeru mustard space has now shrunk to the size of a table tennis ball.

The blood inside is the divine body of the God of Destiny.

Harley killed 398 gods of destiny with one move, but the gods were not mortals. It was only their bodies that were crushed by the golden film, and their souls were rescued by Big Brother Destiny who reacted in time.

For gods, the divine body is of course important, especially the true body.

But the soul and godhead are the core.

However, not all souls slipped through the net. Big Brother Destiny reacted quickly, and Harley reacted not too slowly, even intercepting some of them.

The faces of the gods that appeared on the surface of the "ping pong blood ball" were the souls of the dead ghosts. They tried to struggle to escape, but were blocked by the golden film.

Harley held the "bloody ping pong ball" and quickly secreted gastric acid mist. The gastric acid mist transferred directly through space and came to the inside of the "bloody ping pong ball".

The blood-red color gradually faded away, replaced by pure gold.

From the pure golden source of divine power of destiny, a purer power of destiny is separated.

The power of destiny penetrated the golden film and was absorbed directly into her palm, and then entered the destiny defense expertise experience jar.

"Gudong, gudong!"

The Destiny Defense Specialty is already almost level 6, but now you get a lot of Destiny Power, and the Specialty Experience Tank is immediately overflowing.

With a thought, Harley emptied the jar and raised her expertise to level six.

But Harley immediately lowered the effect of the fate expertise surrounding her body back to level 5.

Big Brother Destiny was staring at her with an angry expression and red eyes.

Any change in her body would attract his attention.

Harley didn't want him to discover that he could enhance his "forbidden power of destiny" through the origin of the god of destiny.

In other words, she doesn't want anyone to guess that she can absorb the source of energy to improve certain aspects of defense.

When her expertise can no longer be upgraded, she will shout, "Brother God, Sister Hallie needs your help, God has come down to earth" as usual, then her body will be filled with holy light, and she will quietly activate the full-level destiny defense expertise.

Brother God is her forever brother. Not to mention today's DC multiverse, even if we go to the omnipotent universe, this trick will still work. God is omniscient and omnipotent. He promotes himself like this, and everyone thinks so.

Since it is omnipotent, it must be able to defend against everything, including the negative effects of the power of destiny.

"Destiny, do you really want to force yourself to stand up for the enemy of all sentient beings and the misfortune of multiple evils?"

While absorbing the power of destiny to improve her expertise, Harley secretly sensed the fear and pain of the other destiny souls. With a serious expression, she continued to use words to strip away the power of Big Brother Destiny, killing his heart and disrupting his thinking.

"Do you know why I was able to find them? Why didn't you notice my little trick? You have been disqualified! Because you bent the law for personal gain, you lost the favor and recognition of 'Origin'.

The law is selfless, but you have selfishness, and there is an irreconcilable conflict between selfishness and selflessness.

Even if you are the incarnation of destiny, you are gradually breaking away from the laws of destiny, and then losing control of the garden of destiny.

This gave me an opportunity.

If you had 100% control over your destiny, you would be able to predict my words, deeds, and thoughts in advance in the Garden of Destiny.

After all, I am also in destiny, and my destiny line is in the "Book of Destiny" in your hand.

You can't do it, not because I have any taboo power, but because you violated the taboo. "

She sensed strong anger coming from the fateful big brother on the opposite side.

She made him angry.

Big Brother Destiny has lived his whole life and respects everyone who faces him.

Even his brothers and sisters from the Endless Family were only meek and courteous in front of him.

No one dared to mock him or scold him in front of him.

If Halle was angrily and unreasonably cursing after failure, with his "broad mind", he probably would not only not be angry, but would magnanimously shake his head and sigh to express his heartfelt pity and sympathy for her.

But now Harley isn't messing around.

She succeeded in assassinating the Destinies in front of him.

Even if he knows that she is lying, he may not have 100% power, but it will not leave a huge loophole for her to easily take advantage of. She can find the location of the God of Destiny and make them lose their sense of fatal crisis. Are there other reasons, perhaps the "forbidden power of fate" that he has always been afraid of but cannot fathom?

The fact now is that she did succeed and successfully destroyed the God of Destiny Alliance.

There is no point in arguing about whether she lied in front of the facts, and it only makes him look petty.

But being ridiculed by Harley but unable to argue point by point, he felt even more depressed and resentful.

In addition to the resentment from Destiny's Big Brother, Harley once again captures the fear in Destiny's soul.

Through the emotional resonance of fear, she once again locked onto the location of their souls.

As long as they are still within the scope of the Garden of Destiny, as long as this extreme fear of her is not eliminated, they can't escape her perception even if their positions keep changing.

But Harley didn't act immediately.

At this moment, Big Brother Destiny was highly concentrated and was 100% on guard against her.

As long as she moves, he can judge her target and either block it directly or transfer the God of Destiny's position again. If she is just moving in the Garden of Destiny, Harley can continue to chase her, but he is afraid that after she has accurately locked the target position many times, she will let her go. Big Brother Destiny discovered the clue and moved the God of Destiny outside the garden.

She probably has one more chance to "mow the grass unparalleled" against the God of Destiny.

It caught them off guard for the first time.

Next time she can only attack hard, try to raise the Destiny Defense expertise to the highest level, and try to make Big Brother Destiny foul.

To improve your destiny defense expertise, you must absorb the power of destiny. Now she is holding the "bloody ball" to perform the "Star Absorbing Technique", and Zha Kang is leading a group of masters to attack the realm of gods and wizards.

If you want to make Big Brother Destiny commit a foul, you have to use words to stimulate him and make him be a "villain". For example, take the initiative to attack her, confirming the fact that he violated the rules and stood up for the three goddesses of Destiny.

After being ridiculed by Harley, Big Brother Destiny really clenched his fists.

"Witch Harley, your words are of no use to me, and they will not affect my control over my destiny.

No matter what grudges the three goddesses of destiny have with you, they are my guests here and now, and I have the obligation to protect the safety of my guests.

You dare to attack my guests in my home. No matter what method I use to deal with you, you will be the punishment you deserve. "

"Your Majesty Destiny, kill her, kill the Witch Harley." In the new "Sumi Mustard Seed" space, the woman looked crazy and yelled out of control.

"Your Excellency Destiny, Witch Harley is extracting our origins, and I can clearly feel that the power is disappearing." The old woman's face was also twisted, and her eyes were full of resentment.

Girl, uh, girl is screaming in the little ball in Harley's palm.

She was so unlucky that she didn't even escape her soul.

In fact, it’s not that girls are unlucky, it’s that women and old women are too lucky, too alert, and too capable of saving lives.

There are 398 gods of destiny in the six-pointed star destiny circle, but Harley hates the three goddesses of destiny the most.

The three goddesses of destiny are also the most powerful, possessing the largest quantity and the best quality of the source of destiny power.

So she focused on taking care of the three sisters.

I don’t know what tricks the woman and the old woman used. After the power of Big Brother Destiny came, they actually broke free from the suppression of Harley’s will. They used their semi-detached spiritual will to nail the three goddesses of Destiny who had lost their divine bodies, so that they could not be suppressed by Destiny. The power is transferred out of the "gold film ball".

Even the girl almost broke free. In the end, Harley simply gritted her teeth and voluntarily gave up on the stronger old woman and woman, and used all her strength to capture the girl.

The three goddesses of destiny are powerful when combined into one. Without the girl, the other two can only be the main gods, and the threat to her is greatly reduced.

"My divine body was also destroyed by Witch Harley. All the powers I left in my divine body have lost their sensitivity. They were all snatched away by Witch Harley." Other gods of destiny were also wailing.

It's really like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

"Witch Harley is so ruthless. She kills her without mercy. All 398 gods of destiny were destroyed by her. Only 320 of them were able to escape, and the rest were completely destroyed. 80 gods of destiny were destroyed by her. The gods fell together, the magic power was on top, it was too cruel and tragic."

"Witch Harley is so cunning. In order to make us relax our vigilance, she deliberately pretended to be crazy and acted stupidly. The majestic Supreme God King doesn't care about the face and integrity of the strong at all."

"Witch Harley is so terrifying. With so many gods joining forces and the environmental advantage of Destiny Garden, she didn't even block a single move.

No wonder Darkseid and the Anti-Prisoner were also beaten to death by her. Maybe we shouldn't provoke her." His voice became smaller and smaller, but the rich regret in his words did not diminish at all.

"Your Majesty Destiny, I can feel that my divine body is dissolving rapidly. Please, help me! My divine body is forged from the divine weapon of my destiny. If I lose it, it will be difficult to recover in a million years!"

"Your Majesty Destiny, help me. My wife's soul has been captured by the witch Harley. She is wailing in pain. Her fate line is gradually disappearing, woo woo woo."

Some gods of fate only care about the misery and misery of people.

Some gods of destiny begged loudly to their fate, and the two goddesses of destiny were somewhat moved after hearing this.

"Your Excellency Destiny, can my sister be saved?" the woman asked tremblingly.

The old woman bit her lips, which were as dry as loofah flesh. She said nothing this time, and only looked at Big Brother Destiny with complicated eyes full of expectation, pain and hesitation.

Brother Destiny said: "You already know that Witch Harley has the 'forbidden power' that interferes with destiny.

When I attacked her just now, the strange power offset part of the power of destiny, resulting in the failure to save some of the souls. "

The Level 0 Destiny Defense Specialty has a 10% immunity to the negative effects of the Power of Destiny. The Destiny Big Brother is facing a Level 5 Specialty, and the immunity effect has been increased to 60%!

Just because Big Brother Destiny's "attack" is reduced by 60%, it doesn't mean that 60% of the souls are blocked by Harley.

If Harley had level 9 destiny defense expertise at that time, no matter how hard Brother Destiny tried his best, he would not be able to save anyone.

"Now the souls of the gods of destiny have left the Garden of Destiny and have completely fallen into her control. Unless I snatch them directly, even with the blessing of your destiny power, I still cannot transfer the souls of the gods through the air through the power." Destiny sighed.

Immediately, the God of Destiny shouted: "Then take action, she has hurt your guests, that is, us. You have every right to punish her, and you have the right and obligation to take back the souls of the gods from her."

"Yes, she has already killed us, we can go to war with her directly." Many gods of destiny agreed.

Big Brother Destiny is silent.

The battle he expected was for the witch Harley to become the real evildoer who angered the origin, and as the master and guardian of the "Book of Destiny", he would lead the gods of destiny to bring evil to justice.

This is not a delusion.

Witch Harley's behavior of snatching the "Book of Destiny" and modifying the destiny in the book will seriously distort the normal operation of the law of destiny and cause major trauma to the multiverse.

To put it bluntly, it is hurting the "origin".

"Origin" will definitely punish her and hate her.

Maybe the "world's self-protection mechanism" will automatically turn on: "Origin" will invest its original power and authority to create a child of destiny, eradicate the witch Harley, and relieve the crisis of the multiverse.

But now Witch Harley has not mentioned a word about revising the "Book of Destiny", and only talks about seeking revenge from the three goddesses of destiny. Even Big Brother Destiny has been passively involved in her grudges with the three goddesses.

Origin will definitely not be deceived by her lies. She is still "evil" as determined by "Origin".

But he and the three goddesses of destiny seemed to have been identified by "Origin" as one of the "troublesome fetuses", otherwise they would not have suffered heavy casualties.

In other words, if they had the favor of Origin, they wouldn't be so miserable at all.

"Witch Harley's attempt to modify the Book of Destiny is of course a heinous crime.

But the reason why she changed her fate was to save Morpheus.

Part of the reason why Morpheus suffered the backlash of fate was that he had violated the rules many times over the years, but the direct reason was that he interfered with the fate of the witch Harley and the earth.

The reason why he did that is because I cooperated with you and cursed the Witch Harley with the "Book of Destiny". "

Big Brother Destiny only whispered to the two Destiny sisters, "Today's disaster of tampering with the "Book of Destiny" is inevitable, and neither you nor I can escape the cause and effect.

My guess is that "Origin" is not on the side of Witch Harley, nor is it on our side.

She and we are both evil people and a disaster."

His voice was full of ominous meaning, and the expressions of the two goddesses of fate changed.

"Witch Harley is absorbing our origin, and she is constantly becoming stronger; 16 of the 99 masters in her belly are attacking the throne of destiny. Without the 'Fate Network' to stop them, their success is imminent." The old woman said solemnly.

In fact, after the little sister was trapped, she already had an unknown premonition.

The woman connected with her and gritted her teeth and said: "The matter has come to this, the only choice is whether she dies or we live. No matter what the cause or effect is before, as long as we kill her or seal her so that she cannot modify the "Book of Destiny", We are the heroes of the multiverse.

The origin will forget past cause and effect and favor us again. "

"She was stimulating me with words. She wanted me to take the lead in attacking her." For the first time, Big Brother Destiny felt hesitant, and for the first time he couldn't see the fate ahead at all.

The old woman said: "Your Excellency Destiny, I understand your concerns.

What the enemy wants to do, we should make it impossible for him to do it.

And procrastinating for time seems to be beneficial to us.

We can wait, Morpheus can't wait.

When his fate is over, it will be useless for Witch Harley to get the Book of Destiny.

But Witch Harley is not stupid, she will not really wait for Morpheus's fate to end.

After she absorbs the source of the divine power of destiny, she will definitely take action.

Which one is more beneficial to us, passively responding to war then or taking the initiative now? "

The woman said: "If we act now, we still have a chance to rescue the fallen God of Destiny. If we wait passively, it will definitely hurt everyone's morale."

Big Brother Destiny no longer hesitated, "You cooperate with me and take down Witch Harley now."

Stomach Dimension, Island of the Gods.

"Hahaha, it's been 985 years, and my law of destiny has finally entered the sea of ​​laws! From now on, I am the new God of Destiny." An old mage looked up to the sky and laughed.

Grandmaster Octopus Head also laughed excitedly, "Haha, I succeeded too. I didn't encounter any obstacles at all. Those gods of destiny have been destroyed by Sister Harley and can no longer be defeated - poof!"

Suddenly his expression became frightened, and before he could issue a warning, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell limply on the spar.

"Puff, puff, puff—"

He was not the only one, almost at the same time, more than five masters vomited blood and "died" - their souls were weak and almost dead.

"Be careful, the French Open of Destiny is coming again, ahhh!" As the leader, Zha Kang's eyes were bloodshot and his expression was extremely distorted. "The French Open is stronger than before, more than ten times stronger. There are almost no loopholes. Damn it, it's fate. Destiny has taken action against us, retreat now!"

"Puff, puff!" Many more masters sprayed blood and donated blood. The rules collapsed and their breath was dying.

However, there are also masters who have succeeded in becoming gods.

The seven masters, including Xanadu, were enveloped in a beam of colorful light, and their auras became stronger, more sacred and refined.

Including the leader Zha Kang, a total of 16 grandmasters attacked the throne of destiny, but only seven succeeded.

"It's so cruel. Destiny actually took matters into his own hands. It's so tragic. I lost one-tenth of the Grandmasters in just one time, and they were all the most powerful veteran Grandmasters." Looking at the figure lying on the surface of the crystal stone, his vitality has almost disappeared. Corpse," a master said in horror.

"Fortunately, I held back just now and didn't hit the throne with the first wave." Some grandmasters were secretly thankful.

"Strictly speaking, 7 out of 16 masters will become gods. This probability is already very astonishing. Normally, among the 10,000 masters, there may not be even one who is promoted to a god or wizard." The gypsy wizard murmured.

"You can't say that. How can we have the opportunities and conditions we have now? If we wait for a while and wait for the Galaxy Admiral to change his fate, the success rate may be 100%." ​​Dr. Mist whispered.

"Buzz buzz!" Beams of holy light descended from the sky, covering the "corpse", and then Harley's voice came into everyone's minds: "I promised you that even if the ascension fails, I can at least save your lives. .

These people who failed to attack the throne only had their laws broken, but their souls were still intact.

When I help them calm down the rioting power of law in their bodies, they will wake up immediately. "

"Uh-huh." In less than half a minute, the octopus-headed master who had fallen down groaned and woke up.

"Sister Harley, my law is ruined, wuwuwu, it took me 996 years to condense the law!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, tears as big as broad beans fell down.

"It's just broken, not completely damaged." Harley said.

"The law is nothing else. Can it be continued after it is broken? I can feel the broken fragments of the law, just like the snowflakes under the sun, melting and disappearing quickly, and soon they will be gone completely." The octopus head said sadly.

"Under normal circumstances, the law of fracture will indeed disappear quickly, but now..." Projection Harley waved her hand upwards, and a ball of colorful light quickly fell down, directly into the eyebrows of the octopus's head.

"Ah, this is the Godhead, the Godhead of the God of Destiny. It is stronger than my Godhead. It must belong to the old God of Destiny!" The grandmaster who has become the God of Destiny exclaimed.

Harry smiled slightly, stretched out his hand again, and grabbed 10 groups of Godhead that shone with seven-color brilliance, and said: "The Godhead cannot help you directly become gods, but it can be used as nourishment to nourish your collapsed Grandmaster's Law and restore it to its original state, even Become stronger."

"Omaika, use the godhead of the God of Destiny as nourishment to nourish the master's laws."

The eyes of all the uninjured masters were red.

"Sister Harley, the 'leader' Constantine is injured. When will we collectively become gods for the second time!" Even if they knew their fate would end in person, they were eager to try and their morale was even stronger.

Harley glanced at Zha Kang who was in a pool of blood and said angrily: "Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly."

Zha Kang didn't move.

Harley said: "Now that my body has been sealed, if you cannot lead more masters to be promoted to the God of Destiny, all of us will be completely finished."

"Has fate also taken action against you?" Zha Kang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and got up from the ground as if nothing happened.

"Were you pretending to be dead just now?" Xanadu stared at his pale face and asked in confusion.

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