I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1790 The storm is fierce

Mid-March, Metropolis.

On the street in front of the Planet Daily Building, hundreds of thousands of "white vests" crowded together, holding banners or raising big flags, and everyone was shouting.

"We are the bright new race of gods, and we are good people!"

"Against stigmatizing all new human gods, we are clean!"

"No me too, we didn't do it!"

"The Guangming New Gods are the embodiment of light and justice, and General Galaxy is also the martial arts instructor of the Guangming New Gods."

"Don't confuse us with the fallen Dark Gods."

"Lois Lane, you don't distinguish between black and white, and you want to be the name of the universe."

"Give me my job! We also have parents, wives and children. Do we need jobs? Give us our jobs!"

They are all new human protoss who own the Mother Box, and the white vests on their bodies are mechas with a metal structure.

Similar to Iron Man's Mark suit, the mecha is made of nanomaterials. At this time, other parts of the mecha have disintegrated, and all the nanoparticles have gathered on the chest and back to form a bright white or bright silver vest.

"NO ME TOO" is printed on the back of the vest, and a golden "G" is printed on the chest, which represents Genesis.

The marchers did not move forward. They surrounded the Daily Planet Building from all directions and shouted only in the direction of the building.

Their target today is the Daily Planet, the famous cosmic diary Lois Lane.

At this time, more than a month has passed since the first episode of the special program "The Sins of Didi Drivers in the Universe" was launched.

Before the first episode of the program was broadcast, the Justice League collected evidence of the crimes of dozens of "Cosmic Didi Drivers", and Louise had enough material to create a high-quality special program.

Sure enough, once the program was broadcast, it immediately shocked people on earth and aliens.

Just like today, American people habitually took to the streets, gathered together, and started demonstrations.

The theme of today's demonstration by the New Gods is "No me too." At that time, the slogan of ordinary American people was not "Drive all cosmic Didi drivers off the earth" or "Severely punish the new dark gods of mankind."

Today, humans on earth have become seriously dependent on the convenient, fast, high-quality and low-cost "Mother Box Travel" for life, production and even spirituality.

For interstellar travel spanning millions of light-years, the cheapest spaceship ticket costs more than 100,000 Rann coins. If you exchange it for a cosmic Didi driver, it usually costs around 1,000 Rann coins, which is about 1 million US dollars.

As long as there are enough people in a group, even the ordinary middle class can afford it.

With only a few thousand dollars, you can travel and work on alien planets millions of light years away. How could the people on Earth not be crazy?

Driving all cosmic Didi drivers out of the solar system and no longer giving them the opportunity to harm us can indeed completely solve the "cosmic driver murder crisis".

But they also lost the chance to travel easily.

This is unacceptable to them.

Therefore, the rally slogan of ordinary people at that time was "We are all Americans, and Americans must not harm Americans."

Some extreme people on earth are still preaching in public: The universe is so big and there are infinite aliens, why can't we just target them? Even rabbits don't eat the grass beside their nests. Why do Americans have to trap Americans?

The video was immediately posted to the alien network, attracting unanimous condemnation from the governments and people of all major civilized countries.

In the end, the commander-in-chief specifically charged the two crimes of "undermining the great unity of all nations in the universe" and "provoking confrontation between earth civilization and alien civilization", and arrested the "radical" who dared to tell the truth.

Because "Mother Box Travel" has become an urgent need, even if Louise did a program on "The Sins of Didi Drivers in the Universe" and even if people held a demonstration of "Americans don't harm Americans", the Didi Drivers of the Universe near the solar system They were only slightly affected, but their numbers did not decrease.

The only thing that has been reduced is the massacre of tour groups.

The new dark god of mankind who has embarked on the road of "falling into godhood" has already had the consciousness to give up on humanity, and has the "magnanimity" to destroy human tour groups.

How could you give up your own path just because of a show and a parade of lambs?

Although the Mother Box is very powerful and can be teleported immediately with a thought, there is still a corrupt cosmic Didi driver who was arrested by the Justice League - Zheng Lian disguised himself as an ordinary person and hid in the earth tour group, waiting for the cosmic Didi driver to send the sound The explosion tunnel was opened in a strange and remote star field, and the hero immediately knocked them out with lightning speed.

The fainted human Dark New God cannot use his mind to give orders to the Mother Box, and cannot escape instantly.

When the arrested new dark god of mankind was being tried by the heroes of Zhenglian, he said with an arrogant sneer: "I want to become an immortal god, how can I still treat ordinary people as the same kind?

They are no different from weak lambs in my eyes.

Without this kind of awareness, what kind of new god would I be? "

What made the heroes of Zhenglian both angry and shocked was that after the criminal said these words, his head seemed to be opened and he suddenly fell into an epiphany.

Right in front of the hero of Zhenglian, his eyes lit up with golden light, and densely packed transparent light filaments, thinner than hair, flew in the air. The light filaments surrounded him and penetrated into his skin, and his body It also gradually lit up with a faint divine glow.

He actually condensed his divinity and became a god in front of everyone!

"Hahaha, our choice is indeed correct. Since we have become the God of Darkness, why do we still care about humanity? The so-called 'humanity' is nothing but a shackle that prevents us from getting closer to the truth and 'origin'!" The guy stood proudly, Look down at the heroes and laugh boldly.

He was really bold and proud, with no fear on his face or in his heart.

Because even the aliens know that the Justice League doesn't kill anyone!

Since there is no danger of death, why not wave hard?

A few days after the incident of "picking up the butcher's knife and becoming a god immediately", the famous reporter Louise recorded the second episode of "The Sin of the Didi Driver in the Universe".

She issued a warning to everyone: The new dark god of humanity from the United States is still harming ordinary people in the United States.

Even so, people on earth still cannot completely abandon the cheap and efficient "mother box travel".

They can only continue to demonstrate and chant, "Please, Americans don't hurt Americans anymore."

Well, they were really begging, not cursing.

Then a week later, the third episode of "The Sins of the Cosmic Didi Driver" was released on time. In the show, Louise's face was filled with sadness and anger, and she once again took out a stack of cosmic Didi Drivers who showed no repentance and still harmed the people of the earth. More evidence of alien travelers.

Now the ordinary people on earth are finally angry.

However, they still did not chant the slogan "Let the new human race of gods completely leave the solar system."

"Any new human god who enters the solar system to work as a 'cosmic Didi driver' must undergo strict occupational and identity review to ensure that they have not broken any laws before and have family and friends living on the earth." They made a new demand.

As of today, the "Universe Didi Driver's Crime" program has been broadcast for four episodes, and preparations for the fifth episode have begun.

The criminal activities of mankind's new dark god have never stopped, and the demonstrations of ordinary people have never stopped.

Now even the new human race of gods have joined the parade.

Although ordinary people have always just marched, and the review and supervision of Universe Didi drivers will be strengthened after each large-scale demonstration, they have never really stopped hiring Universe Didi drivers to travel.

It’s just that the number and scale of trips are constantly decreasing.

After all, no matter how beautiful the alien scenery is or how important the alien work is, they are not as important as your own life.

But alien planets are different.

Advanced alien civilizations already have systematic interstellar transportation systems.

The drivers of Unisex Didi only stole their business and did not become an irreplaceable "hard need".

A few days ago, when the cosmic Didi drivers were at their peak, workers in the interstellar transportation department even went on strike to protest against their government for allowing "cosmic Didi drivers" to enter their planet, take away their business, cause their performance to decline, and forced them to Layoffs.

If the "Galactic Admiral" hadn't been so famous, all the major civilized planets would have promulgated the "American Exclusion Act" to drive away the new human race of gods from the earth.

Well now, the Didi driver in the universe is so cruel that he even kills Americans and is extremely cruel to aliens. Excluding them is not discriminating against earthlings.

Without the need for public appeals, all civilized countries immediately announced that they would prohibit the new human race of gods from carrying out transportation services within the star domain until the security risks are completely resolved.

I just stopped them from continuing to be Didi drivers in the universe, but didn’t drive them away directly.

Even now that the "Way of Falling to Become a God" has been spread throughout the universe, there are only a few among the new human race of gods who choose to abandon humanity and embrace depravity.

More Didi drivers in the universe are really working people who just want to change their poor and hopeless lives through mother boxes.

Now they have not only lost their way to make money, but are also discriminated against and guarded against by aliens as if they were devils. They feel aggrieved, helpless, and angry.

The angry compatriots on Earth not only did not help them, but took the lead in adding insult to injury and created one appalling episode after another of the "Crime of the Didi Driver in the Universe" program.

"Don't explain. Even the people on earth say that the 'Cosmic Didi Driver' is very dangerous and cruel. Your compatriots don't trust you. How can we trust you?" When they explain to their alien neighbors, they often get something like this. reply.

Well, after Harley's "New Human Gods Restriction Act" was enacted, the New Human Gods who chose to continue to retain their identity as New Gods and who had obtained Mother Boxes all moved away from the earth, and most of them settled on alien planets.

It not only provides a better educational environment for the children, but also makes it easier for me to work.

Now their children are being discriminated against in school, and their neighbors are guarding them like thieves. They cannot even maintain a normal life.

So some people returned to Earth and protested around Planet Daily.

At this moment, the Daily Planet Building, Louise's office.

"Aren't you worried at all about the big commotion outside?"

Perry, the black editor-in-chief, looked at Louise in surprise. She was sitting behind her desk and immersed in her work. There was no panic in her movements or any worry on her brows. She looked exactly the same as before, working selflessly and not even giving up because of his arrival. Hands, stop typing on the keyboard.

Louise didn't even raise her head, "What are you worried about? They were just protesting peacefully. There were police at the scene to maintain order, and there were live broadcast helicopters from major TV stations in the sky. Maybe some Zhenglian heroes were hiding in the corner watching all this."

"They accuse you by name, saying that you can't tell the difference between the New Gods of Darkness and the New Gods of Light, ruining the normal lives of all good people. Don't you feel sad and have huge psychological pressure?" Perry asked.

He was just worried that she was feeling uncomfortable, so he came to see her, but he didn't expect that she looked fine on the outside.

"Hmph, the New Gods of Light, why do they say they are the New Gods of Light? Paint their mechas white and print the mark 'I am the New Gods of the Creation Star', and they are the New Gods of Light?" Louise sneered.

"Why do you say they are not the New Gods of Light? Some of them did choose to go to the Genesis Star when they ascended collectively." Perry said.

Louise said: “Unless you understand divinity and are recognized by the origin of the creation star, you cannot distinguish between light and darkness, and there is no meaning in the distinction.

They claim that they are the New Gods of Light, and they just want to distinguish themselves from the criminal, fallen New Gods.

The problem is that not even the Justice League can determine which of the 'Cosmic Didi Drivers' is secretly practicing the 'Way of Falling to God', which one is hesitant, and which one is determined not to commit a crime.

It has been more than a month since I first exposed the crimes of the new gods of mankind. During this period, some new gods of mankind also said that they chose to ascend to the Creation Star, which was different from the dark new gods of Apokolips.

He also provided evidence to prove that he was not lying.

Some people are really doing business honestly and making money, while others have evil intentions and were captured on the spot by superheroes lurking among the passengers. "

“Even the bright new gods on the Genesis Star will choose to betray Heavenly Father, go to the Apokolips Star next door, and seek refuge with Darkseid.

Or they can't stand Darkseid's evil behavior, escape from Apokolips, and become a new god of light.

For example, Ma Hedron, the ‘God of War’ from the Genesis Star, he and his lover were Darkseid’s subordinates.

Human hearts are fickle, and divinity and alignment also change instantly.

Darkseid and Heavenly Father are both defenseless.

Those people outside said with absolute certainty that they were the New Protoss of Light, which was completely nonsense. "

Perry sighed: "You are right, but the vast majority of people in the parade are ordinary people who have settled on alien planets, have fixed residences, and families. They have indeed been severely affected."

While talking, he took out his mobile phone and opened an interview video.

Even Planet Daily, which was surrounded by the "Bright New Gods", sent reporters downstairs to broadcast the news live. Of course other TV stations would not let such big news go.

The video Perry opened was a live interview conducted by a CNN reporter with some of the Bright New Gods.

“.I left the earth in September last year and obtained a temporary residence permit in Tamaran as a ‘Cosmic Didi Driver’.

In addition to my wife and two children, my parents and brother also left the earth and lived temporarily on the planet Tamaran.

At that time, being a cosmic Didi driver was still a promising job. I also felt that I had a bright future, so I wanted to give my family a better living environment and planned to buy a big house.

Tamaran Commercial Bank quickly handled a 50 million tamalan mortgage for me, a 500-square-meter urban flat, only 1.2 kilometers away from Tamalan Royal Elementary School.

A monthly loan of 250,000 yuan, including interest, will be repaid in about thirty years.

At that time, I could earn more than three million ranns a month, and if I worked harder, I could even earn five million!

This mortgage loan is not stressful at all.

Our family was finally free from the squalor of the slums.

Standing on the balcony of the new home, you can even see the Tamalan Palace a few kilometers away.

Sometimes we can even watch the Black Fire Queen entering and exiting the palace from the sky! "

In the video, the middle-aged black man being interviewed pumped his fist vigorously, with an expression of uncontrollable excitement on his face. In addition to excitement, there was pride and pride in his eyes.

When he glanced at the CNN reporter opposite, his face showed an inexplicable superiority.

"The annual tuition for my son to enter Tamaran Royal Primary School is as high as 15 million rann coins, which is a bit much, but our family feels it is worth it. If the Queen of Black Fire has a child, she will also go to the Royal Primary School!"

The next moment, the excitement on the black brother's face was suddenly replaced by sadness and anger, "Now that I am unemployed, no one will ride on my 'Mother Box Channel' anymore.

I can't even pay the mortgage of a mere 250,000 tamalan.

My son’s monthly lunch fee is 100,000 yuan. Oh, let alone the lunch fee, because of Lois Lane’s “The Sins of the Didi Driver in the Universe” program, we have all become devils who do all kinds of evil.

My son was once very popular with the children of the Tamaran royal family, and even had a princess girlfriend——"

"How old is your son? Isn't he in Royal Primary School? How can he have a girlfriend?" a CNN female reporter asked in surprise.

"My son is 11 years old and is in the fourth grade of elementary school. He is not too young at this age. Admiral Galaxy dominated Gotham when he was 13. My mother gave birth to me when she was 14. My son became friends with the princess when he was 11, which is better than They are a little bit better!”

The CNN female reporter's expression was distorted for a while, as if she wanted to say something, but she finally swallowed her desire to complain and said doubtfully: "Tamaran has two princesses, Blackfire and Starfire. Princess Starfire is a superhero on our earth, and only Queen Blackfire is left. It’s impossible for her to go to elementary school, right?”

The black brother once again had a smile full of superiority on his face, and there was unconcealable contempt in his eyes when he looked at the CNN female anchor.

"You haven't seen this, right? Tamaran's political system is similar to India. A country is composed of many princely states. Black Spark Fire is a royal family, and the rulers of the princely states are also royal family. What is a daughter of a royal family if she is not a princess? "

"Even a princess from a kingdom is the most noble alien lady in the galaxy. Your son is very lucky." The CNN anchor showed a respectful expression and his tone was a bit softer.

"It's so unprofessional. He even forgot the purpose of the interview and still looked flattering. As for that?" Louise couldn't help but mocked, holding the mobile phone.

"It's not off topic. A child from a slum on earth wins the true love of an alien princess. Even at this time, it can become the focus of heated discussion among the audience.

As a qualified street anchor, first of all, you must not let go of any explosive content that can help increase ratings. "Perry said objectively.

Louise frowned. This was a live interview, a live broadcast. There was no way to fast forward, so she could only endure her impatience and continue watching.

In the video, after the black man heard the female anchor's words and saw her expression, he immediately showed a very happy expression and said proudly: "It's not luck, it's a combination of hard work, knowledge, charm and talent.

My hard work and vision, coupled with my son’s charisma and talent.

Hum, I know the recent news happening on Earth.

A group of powerful people tried to use divination to marry an alien lady. They were too stupid and impetuous.

A marriage obtained through conspiracy is like a mirror, how can it last?

The conspiracy will be exposed sooner or later, and once it is exposed, everything will be over. "

CNN's female anchor was surprised: "Could it be that you sent your son to the Royal Elementary School specifically to let him make friends with the alien noble girl, and naturally cultivate feelings, and ultimately..."

The black man nodded proudly, "I'm not even afraid that this matter will be made public. My purpose is not pure, but it is neither illegal nor immoral.

My son is completely innocent, and his relationship with the princess is sincere and pure. "

"Children's friendship is indeed more innocent." The CNN female anchor nodded in agreement, and then added: "But you can't say that 'divination and marriage' is stupid, insincere, and immoral.

Even if the alien noblewoman knew that her lover had asked Mrs. Shandu for divination, she didn't care.

No doubt, Mrs. Xanadu is so magical.

Her marriage divination is like Cupid's arrow of love, and like the red thread of the moon in Eastern mythology, which truly confers marriage. "

The CNN female anchor on the screen of Louise's mobile phone took out her mobile phone from her pocket and opened a video for the black brother to watch.

"You must have been bothered by the 'Universal Didi driver incident' recently and haven't paid much attention to earth news, right?

You see, this is Henry Zetas and Queen Grace of the Fenite Empire of the Aquarius Galaxy. "

The female anchor pointed at the men and women on the screen wearing exotic costumes, leaning on each other, and smiling.

"They are already married. Not engaged, but married! The wedding scene in the video took place in the Fenit Empire, an advanced civilization 5 billion light years away.

When they first met, Queen Grace curiously asked Henry if he came here because of Madam Xanadu's prophecy.

Henry was surprised and embarrassed, but he couldn't hide it because Mrs. Xanadu was already famous in the universe.

He admitted it and felt that he and Queen Grace had no chance at all.

Unexpectedly, the two chatted happily and eventually came together.

Henry is now a prince, and the commander-in-chief has also publicly stated that if he fails in the election at the end of the year, he will go to the Fenite Empire to serve as the queen's adviser. "

The black eldest brother was so shocked that his nostrils opened wide and round, "Henry Zetas is the poisonous son of the commander, the one who messed around with his stepmother?"

"Obviously, it's him."

"How is this possible?" he cried in disbelief.

The shouting was so loud that the "white vests" demonstrating around him stopped shouting and looked at him in confusion.

"When we first saw this news, we were also shocked, but if it was Henry, it wouldn't be worth the shock." CNN female anchor said.

"Isn't Henry a rotten person (the audience only hears "BB") not worthy of shock? If the groom were him, it would be even more shocking." The black man found it difficult to understand and accept.

Henry has now become the prince of an alien empire, and scolding him publicly would cause diplomatic trouble.

Media outlets that publicly broadcast the curse video will even receive a letter from a lawyer from the Finite Royal Family’s Legal Department.

Therefore, CNN has silenced the personally offensive insults.

The black man called Henry a bad person, but Louise who watched the video only heard "BB".

As for the big poisonous bug in front of him and his stepmother, because it is a conclusive fact and everyone knows it, there is no need to eliminate it.

"Henry is not the special one. As we all know, Henry once asked Madam Xanadu to divine his marriage. His ability to join the Fenite Empire was all due to Madam Xanadu's 'promise of marriage'.

Since it was a marriage divined by Madam Xanadu, it was only natural that it would become a reality. "The CNN female anchor said matter-of-factly.

"Why take it for granted? I have also heard of Mrs. Xanadu's reputation, but just because she is famous, Queen Finite should know that she has been tricked!" The black brother showed a typical black question mark face.

CNN female anchor said: "It has been almost two months since Madam Xanadu started her public divination, and her great achievements have been countless. You can find out by searching online.

If you are interested, you can wait until the interview is over and go to the Puppy Video Network to search for relevant analysis videos. It is guaranteed to feast your eyes, be convinced, and ultimately revere Mrs. Xanadu like a god.

Now let's continue the previous topic. You are unemployed. Has the relationship between your son and the little princess been affected? "

In the office, Louise breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought she would continue to talk about Madam Xanadu's great achievements, but fortunately, she finally remembered her news topic."

Perry said disapprovingly: "Don't look down on others. In fact, she has always been very sober and shrewd. She will only focus on explosive content, similar to Lady Xanadu's divination. Of course, this is also explosive, but discussing hot news that everyone knows, The audience is bored and the ratings are still lowered.”

In the mobile phone video, the black man’s expression suddenly changed after he was reminded, becoming sad, angry and desperate, “How could he not be affected?

The Didi driver in our universe has become an inhumane devil. My neighbors point and look weird in front of me.

My parents could no longer stand on the balcony and look at the palace in the distance.

Because they were watching the scenery upstairs, people watching the scenery on the street were also looking at them, treating them like monsters.

My son was even called the ‘Black Devil’ by the students and he cried so sadly.

Now I have lost my job, I can’t pay for my children’s lunch, and I can’t pay my mortgage. My house has been taken away by the bank, and my temporary residence permit has been cancelled. My life is completely ruined. "

Perry took the phone back from Louise and turned off the screen.

"He is not a special case. Similar to the 'Cosmic Driver Incident', there are tens of millions or even over 100 million new human gods whose happy lives have been affected.

As the saying goes, a mouse excrement spoils a good pot of soup.

There are far more than one rat turd among the New Gods of Mankind, but there are many more innocents. "

Louise sighed: "The Justice League has conducted a survey and found that there should be no more than 10,000 new human gods who choose the path of 'falling to become gods', not even one ten thousandth of the total number of 150 million.

But if we let it go, or even choose to conceal the matter in order to avoid further harm, then more than a million innocent lives will be murdered every day!

There are indeed innocent Didi drivers who have lost their jobs, but their lives are a little more difficult. They can't live in a big house worth 50 million yuan, and they can't send their sons to Royal Primary School. It's not even difficult. "

"Are you going to do the series "The Crimes of Didi Drivers in the Universe" next? They have already lost their jobs. If the oppression is too great, will it have the opposite effect?

For example, some new human gods who did not originally take the path of "falling to become gods" were unable to survive, had no choice but to feel resentful and resentful, and finally took risks and embarked on the path of sin? Perry frowned.

Louise was a little hesitant when she heard this, "The universe is very big. Even if there are many gambling companies such as Galaxy Magic Ball to help promote it, there are still many star regions that don't know the news about the 'Murder Case of the New God of Humanity'.

At this moment, many innocent passengers are still being murdered.

What is even more irritating is that in order to win the trust of alien civilizations, cosmic Didi drivers will claim that they are from the earth and that they are the same civilization and country as the galactic admiral.

Even if we want to protect the reputation of Earth's civilization and the Galactic Admiral, we cannot leave them alone. "

"Although the universe is large, it only has 3,600 sectors. Each sector has at least one Green Lantern. Is it okay to let them help supervise the Didi drivers in the universe?" Perry asked.

Louise shook her head and said: "The Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps have discussed it, but there is nothing they can do.

First, the Origin Wall began to crack again, with new cracks appearing every day.

Only the emotional energy of the Color and Light Corps can repair the Origin Wall. More than half of the members of the Green Lantern Corps are stationed near the Origin Wall and have no time or energy to pay attention to affairs in the universe.

Secondly, even Green Lantern cannot monitor or block sector-wide sonic boom channels.

They can only assist the Justice League and spread news about the crimes of the cosmic Didi driver in the sector. "

"We can't continue to be chaotic, right?" Perry said.

Louise glanced at him and said, "Admiral Galaxy, you are not in a hurry. As a news editor, do you need to be so worried?"

"You're right, Admiral Galaxy is not in a hurry, so why should I be in a hurry? I am never in a hurry, and I even have a leisurely attitude. I go to Madam Xanadu's section to 'comment on the lottery' every half an hour.

But now hundreds of thousands of "white vests" surround the Daily Planet building, and they have made your mugshot into a sign and held it in their hands.

The employees didn't even dare to leave the door. How could I not be in a hurry? "

Perry pointed out the window, his tone gradually becoming more excited, "You just said that there may be a fallen dark god hidden among them, and now they regard us who created the program "The Sin of the Didi Driver in the Universe" as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

What if, I mean what if, they take action against our family? "

"What do you mean, give up on the next issue of 'The Crime of the Didi Driver in the Universe'?" Louise asked.

"We definitely can't give up, but we don't have to go head-to-head with them." Perry quickly calmed down and said slowly: "Continue to promote the previous episodes of the program across the universe to let more people know about the fallen New Gods. terrible.

The broadcast time of the next episode has been postponed. Anyway, the Milky Way today already regards mankind's new gods as snakes and scorpions.

There are a lot of hot news recently, you choose a program to replace "The Crime of the Didi Driver in the Universe". "

"Although there are a lot of hot news recently, they all lack sensation." Louise frowned.

"It is rare in ancient times and modern times for a trash poisonous insect like Henry Zetas to marry the queen of an alien empire. It has shaken the galaxy and shocked everyone. It can be analyzed in depth." Perry said.

Louise shook her head and said: "Henry is only the 20th Earth man to successfully marry a noble girl, and the 38th Earthling to marry an alien royal family.

So far, everyone has seen too many down-and-out men on earth rely on Madam Xanadu's divination to win the true love of an alien noblewoman, or a single mother in her 40s who has been divorced many times and has four children changed her destiny through divination. News about marrying an alien diamond queen.

Everyone is numb and has no feeling.

It is completely unreasonable to say that in-depth analysis cannot analyze it, but they succeeded. I can only say that Mrs. Xanadu is really awesome, even I am convinced! "

"Then let's change it." Perry thought hard for a moment and said, "Lucky Edward found the treasure of 'Star Pirate King Mario', maybe we can report it in depth."

"Sigh, I don't even remember how many people won the extraterrestrial prize and how many people found extraterrestrial treasures. Before, people were full of envy and had heated discussions.

When the news of Henry's marriage to the Queen came back, everyone said they were fools for wasting their fortune-telling opportunity. Louise shook her head.

Perry said: "The lucky Edward first married the daughter of the Wood family, and then followed his wife's advice to divine the 'galactic treasure with the least danger and the greatest harvest'.

Finally, with the help of the Wood family, he succeeded.

The value of the treasure is not too much, only more than 800 billion rann coins. In fact, it is quite a lot. The key is that it is risk-free.

There was no crisis during the whole process, it was as easy as traveling.

But when the treasure was distributed, Edward only received $5 billion, and the Wood family took everything.

Edward was naturally furious, but the Wood family's behavior was completely legal.

They signed a contract with Edward to determine the distribution of the treasure based on the contribution of both parties during the treasure hunt.

Edward took it for granted that it was a treasure map he had obtained through divination, and he must get the big head.

But he forgot that under Miss Wood's deception, he had given the original treasure map to his father-in-law as a birthday present. "

"Edward is not an exception. All those who have their identity exposed and are tempted to become sons-in-law or wives of chaebols or foreign royal families have been deceived and have suffered great misfortune in the end.

Even the smartest and most prudent people have lost more than half of their property because of getting married before divination.

You can analyze this trap of ‘catching a son-in-law offline’ in depth. "

Louise shook her head and said: "Just one word, greed, greed for money and sex, there is nothing to analyze."

Perry said helplessly: "People who seek divination from Mrs.

Since you are not interested in fortune tellers and marriage fortune tellers, you can only choose extraordinary ones. But I think their news is even less interesting.

The most indispensable thing on earth is the extraordinary beings that are springing up like mushrooms after a rain. "

Louise said: "In addition to wealth, marriage and strength, there is actually another category - divination performed by representatives of higher civilizations for the prosperity of the country. Each divination content is enough to affect the rise and fall of a civilization."

Perry quickly asked curiously: "Do you know the content of divination?"

Louise shook her head and sighed: "Personal changes are easy to see. It is clear at a glance whether you have become rich, whether you have married an alien noblewoman, and whether you have awakened your superpowers.

It is difficult to directly see the changes in a country in a short period of time.

After those in power receive the prophecy, they will definitely try their best to conceal it and act secretly.

Even if the prophecy eventually comes true, it will not be publicized.

If the prophecy does not turn out well, they can at most go to Madam Xanadu secretly instead of complaining in public. "

"You don't like all the topics, so you won't do the special program next time?" Perry asked.

Louise thought for a while, stood up and said, "I'm going to the Hall of Justice. They are going to the White House to negotiate with Luther tonight. Maybe I can also get a seat at the negotiation table?"

"For the Didi driver in the universe?" Perry asked.

"There are also the casualties of the New God of Mankind. Haven't you noticed? In the past few months, the cumulative death toll of the Luther Legion has exceeded one million!"

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