I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1769 The sense of crisis among the three goddesses of destiny

Early February 2024.

Harley once again enters the ocean of entropy.

She closed her eyes, concentrated, and activated the story perception of the Wind of Nothingness defense feat.

"Sister Harley, how's the situation? What's the progress over there?"

For a long time, Hades, the king of Hades who stayed in the stomach dimension, couldn't wait any longer and asked anxiously.

"Haha, it's good. I have already sensed the birth of faith. Judging from the scale, at least thousands of people know my story and believe in the content of the story.

They should have started burning my idols, chanting my scriptures, and forming a small-scale religious belief in a certain area. "

Harley's tone was full of excitement and happiness.

"The effect is so good? A belief on a scale of thousands of people, Thai pants are hot!" Hades, the king of Hades, punched hard and shouted excitedly.

After being excited for a while, he said curiously: "At the end of last year, when we came to the Ocean of Entropy to sense the situation in the multiverse next door, the effect was not very good. Your 'Story of the Heavenly Martial God King' was only someone's memory, and it did not spread, let alone Generate faith.

How come such a big change has occurred in just one month?

Could it be a problem of time flow rate? The time flow rate in the parallel universe next door is faster than ours?

But that's not right, we have been here several times, and the changes before are not that big. "

"The time flow rate of the two multiverses is definitely different, but there is no reference object, and I am not sure about the time flow rate ratio of the two universes." Harry paused and pondered: "It is very likely that the time flow rate of different multiverses is different from the parties involved. feeling related.

Today I am staying in the ocean of entropy to perceive the universe next door. The flow rate of time there is constant a. Today it is you who perceive it, and the rate of time flow is constant b. At another time, it is me who perceives it, and the rate of time flow becomes constant c again. "

"Can it still be like this? Why?" Hades, the king of Hades, could not understand.

"I'm just guessing based on my feeling, not sure if it's correct."

Harley has the ninth-level Time River Defense feat.

In the DC multiverse, she will not have any confusion about time. No matter which parallel universe she enters, she can immediately determine the time flow rate ratio between this universe and the main universe.

If the time flow rate of the main universe itself changes, people in the main universe will not notice it at all, but she is sensitive to the subtleties and can accurately sense every small change in the flow of the mother river.

Even if she enters the ocean of entropy and theoretically leaves the DC multiverse, she can still sense the flow rate of the mother river of time.

As powerful as King Michael, after following Harley into the ocean of entropy, he was unable to determine what year it was in the main universe. It was very likely that he felt that only a few minutes had passed, and that reality had changed drastically, completing several epochal reincarnations.

Therefore, even if they can resist the damage of the power of entropy, Michael and Hades dare not leave the scope of the mother river of time. Well, Michael no longer cares about the fetters of the DC multiverse, and he should not care about what the main universe is. time.

It's a pity that Harley's Time Mother River Defense expertise must be upgraded to level 10 before she can initially enter the "Great Omnipotent Universe Level".

Now she can only rely on stories and weak faith to vaguely perceive the time mother river of the universe next door. It is like a surging river. The higher and faster the waves are, the faster the time flow is. Therefore, she can perceive the universe next door at different times. The flow of time is different.

At the same time, she can sense the mother river of time in the universe next door. The mother river can also sense her induction and react accordingly. The wind and waves on the river may become faster or slower.

In this way, different observers will also cause changes in the flow of time.

All of this was speculation based on Harley's experience, and she wasn't sure whether it was accurate or not.

"My story can spread quickly and gain so many people's belief. It must be related to your thinking consciousness. Only by showing extraordinary power can mortal believers believe it. I guess it should be fully awakened." Harley road.

"You sensed my thinking consciousness? What's going on with it now?" Hades said excitedly.

Harley said: "I can only sense the spread of the story and the power of belief in me by all living beings. Although your thinking consciousness is transmitted by imitating my brain waves, I have not set up any backdoors or secretly assimilated it. You, you are completely independent.

Just like when we were inside the multiverse, I couldn't sense your situation.

That thinking consciousness is in the next universe. To me, it is another person, and I cannot sense it either. "

These words were loud and high-sounding.

But she has no ability to do anything to the consciousness that has been turned into life. If she could control it silently and secretly, she would have done it long ago.

But what she said was indeed very nice, and Hades was both pleased and disappointed when he heard it.

He was glad that she had not tampered with his thinking consciousness, it still belonged to him completely.

But he was disappointed that there was still no news from his consciousness.

Harley asked: "That consciousness belongs to you, do you feel anything?"

"No feeling at all." Hades said immediately.

When she sensed the story delivery situation just now, he also tried to sense it for a while, but he sensed nothing.

"Will that consciousness generate an independent will and never come back from now on?" he asked worriedly.

Harley didn't do anything to the thinking consciousness, and he also couldn't restrain it across the omnipotent universe.

Whether it can be taken back depends entirely on its own attitude.

According to the plan Harley gave him, after the thinking consciousness went to another world, he could understand the laws of the other world.

In addition, it has transformed into a thinking life, and it will definitely become very powerful in the future, and even truly possess transcendent power.

At that time, it did not need story projection, and could pass through the barrier between the two multiverses and return to the sea of ​​consciousness of Hades, the king of Hades.

But now Hades began to worry that it would completely separate from him.

"Don't worry, it will definitely come back." Harley said with certainty, "If it grows enough to cross the omnipotent universe and returns to your sea of ​​consciousness, it will definitely not be assimilated and absorbed by you. Instead, it will become the main consciousness and absorb you. The current consciousness is all assimilated and absorbed.

Since there is no crisis of losing oneself, one can still absorb the original body and return oneself to integrity, so there is no reason why it should not come back.

And most importantly, the "Thinking Sutra" is barely 40% complete. It requires subsequent exercises, otherwise the realm will always be stagnant. If you were it, how could you endure it?

Well, it is you, and you know better than anyone what it will think. "

"Well, that makes sense." Hades was completely relieved.

Well, he is not worried at all or does not mind that the current main consciousness is absorbed and assimilated by the thinking consciousness.

Even in his heart, the thinking consciousness of leaving is his main consciousness.

To a certain extent, it makes sense for him to think so.

The consciousness that has transformed into thinking life is the essence of his soul.

"Go back. We will come back to investigate at the beginning of next month. We will definitely receive more information by then." Harley said with anticipation.

At the beginning of every month, Hades, the king of Hades, would wait for her at Quinn Manor on time.

She put him into the stomach bag dimension and brought him to the ocean of entropy.

She explores the spread of stories and beliefs in other worlds, and he senses his own mental consciousness.

Record the results of the day's exploration, then leave the ocean of entropy and return to the main universe along the river of time. After arriving in the main universe, the two parted ways, each busy with their own affairs, waiting for the beginning of next month.

It’s not always at the beginning of the month.

For example, last time they moved a week in advance and chose to enter the Ocean of Entropy at the end of December, because Christmas and New Year were coming.

Like the previous times, after jumping from the mother river of time into the main universe, Harley vomited Hades out.

Hades said "goodbye" and immediately left the main universe and returned to the underworld, one of the eight divine realms.

"Hades!" He had just stepped into the underworld, and before he could enter his "underworld realm", two burly figures exuding the most powerful aura blocked his way.

"Zeus, Poseidon?"

Seeing the two brothers, Hades had no time to be surprised and immediately raised his hands to cover his head.

The next moment, the head that looked like shit turned into a normal, thin face with a dark fire on top of its head under the blessing of illusion.

Since he began to practice the Sutra of Thought, he rarely saw outsiders unless he needed to capture experimental materials.

With his realm and strength as the "First Death King" in the underworld, as long as he doesn't want to see people, others can't see him, so he doesn't deliberately disguise his image on weekdays.

However, this kind of illusion can only deceive ordinary people and ordinary gods who cannot see him.

Zeus could intercept him halfway, so he would definitely not be deceived by illusions.

"Cover your ears and steal your bell!"

Zeus snorted coldly, and his flashing thunder eyes directly pierced the illusion that enveloped the "dish-shaped shit head".

"Hahaha, Hades, why did your head become like this? It looks like a piece of shit." Poseidon laughed out loud.

Hades became angry, clenched his fists and roared: "Don't go too far, this is the underworld, not heaven!"

"You are the one who went too far. What did you just do?" Zeus shouted.

Hades' expression froze, "I, the mighty God King of the Underworld, why do I need to report to you, the 'God King of Heaven'?"

"Hades, don't pretend to be stupid. Since we are here to find you, we must have solid facts." Poseidon said.

Hades' eyes flashed and he said calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it clearly. I can't guess your thoughts, and I don't want to guess."

"You went to see Witch Harley, not just once. You have been in frequent contact recently and met often." Zeus said.

Hades' expression remained unchanged, "So?"

"Witch Harley is the mortal enemy of all gods in heaven!" Poseidon said.

Hades mocked: "Only those who threaten my interests are my mortal enemies.

Anyone who can bring me benefits, even if she kills my father, will still be my friend.

Do you still need me to teach you this common sense about communication between gods? "

"Don't be fooled by her. She is the witch Harley. No matter what benefits she promises to you, they are just like the moon in the mirror!" Zeus shouted.

Poseidon couldn't help his inner curiosity and asked: "What benefits can Witch Harley give you? Has she taught you the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra"?"

Zeus glared at him sharply.

Poseidon waved his hand indifferently, "Hades is right, our gods have always put profit first.

If Witch Harley no longer hates me, and doesn’t take away my magical power or drain my essence when she sees me, I will be willing to show her a kind smile.

Whenever she can provide me with the slightest benefit, I will affectionately call her 'old friend'. "

Hades glanced at him and said strangely: "If you can't provide her with huge benefits, calling her 'old friend' will only get a slap in the face. Even if you can bring her a lot of benefits, you have to call her 'Sister Harley'" '."

Zeus's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "You actually called her 'Sister Harley'? You are the God King of the Underworld. You have disgraced all the gods of Olympus."

Hades sneered: "During the final crisis, you led us to call Marnov 'Master'. Marnov's strength and character are not as good as Harley Quinn. What's wrong with calling her 'Sister'?" ?”

Zeus's body surface flashed with thunder, his expression became distorted due to excessive anger, and the sound coming out of his mouth was like a thunderstorm.

"You bastard, when did I call you Master Marnou?"

"Except for not shouting at the mouth, we shouted everywhere." Hades laughed at himself: "With our submissive and cautious attitude, what is the difference between us and the owner's dog?

Wait until that bastard Marno'u turns into Mandrake and directly shows off his cards, treats us as cannon fodder and lackeys, and forces us to fight against the Justice League. In that case, you can still comfort yourself, we are his collaborators. partner? "

Zeus had nothing to say, his heart became more and more depressed, his expression became more and more angry, and the thunder surrounding him became more and more violent.

Poseidon glanced at Big Brother and sighed: "We three brothers have gone from being an indigenous god on a planet to now. What kind of misery have we not experienced?

There is no need to pretend to be proud in front of your family.

After all, face is for others to see, but your own family still doesn’t know about your own affairs? "

Then he turned to Hades, with envy and expectation in his tone, "Even 'Sister Harley' was called, you must have gained a lot of benefits, right? Have you learned the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra"?"

"How do you know the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"?" Hades asked.

"Witch Harley can successfully survive the nightmare and demonization, relying on the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra", who doesn't know now?"

Hades hesitated for a while, pointed to his "shitting head" and said: "This is the sequelae of practicing the "Thinking Sutra"."

"Thinking Sutra? Isn't it the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons?" Poseidon asked doubtfully.

"I also heard Harley Quinn talk about the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons". It consists of three parts: the demonization of perfect nightmares, the evolution of thinking life, and the final great transcendence. What I practice is only the evolution of thinking life.

Although I call her "sister", in fact, my relationship with her is not very close.

She also created the Sutra of Thought from scratch, long before the beginning of the Martial God King Era.

When the gods and I were captured by her in the era of the King of Martial Gods, she used us as guinea pigs to experiment with her techniques."

In addition to him, there were other old gods who were captured and transformed.

For example, Susanoo no Mikoto was transformed into a forklift.

Harley did not break her promise and get fat, and the transformed old gods, like Hades, successfully lived until the end of the War God King Era.

The other prisoners knew that Hades had a dark history of being used as a guinea pig. Even if he felt humiliated, he had no intention of hiding it from Zeus and Poseidon.

In fact, I can’t hide it.

After Forklift Susan and other gods returned to the heavenly realm, they immediately caused a sensation in the eight major divine realms of Limbo Prison, and everyone knew about it.

"Suzuo and the others were just transformed and did not practice the Sutra of Thought." As expected, Poseidon was not surprised at all, he was just curious.

"How far can Susan and the others compare to me?" Hades's face and tone revealed obvious pride and pride, "Those lowlifes don't even know the true purpose of Harley Quinn's transformation of them.

Although she meant to torment and humiliate them, she also hoped to study the secrets of the evolution of thinking life from the gods. "

"Harley Quinn's achievements today are not a result of luck. Her vision, hard work and talent far beyond ordinary people are all key factors in her success.

You find it incredible that I am with her. In fact, when she and I got along, she never talked about past grudges and grudges. The only topic between her and me was 'the way to evolve thinking life'.

You are angry that I met her.

She must also have mortal emotions such as anger and hatred, but those emotions are worthless in front of the road. Harley Quinn is a true seeker. "Pluto looked in admiration and sighed with emotion.

Zeus was full of doubts, "When she was with you, she really only discussed the 'Way of Evolution of Thinking Life' and nothing else?

Your realm is not higher than mine, and your talents and talents are not as good as mine.

There are many supreme beings in the multiverse who are stronger than me. Why is she looking for you and not us? "

Poseidon also said sourly: "Even I am better than you."

Why didn't Witch Harley talk to him about "the way to evolve thinking life"?

He also wants to practice the legendary "Thinking Sutra"!

"Hmph, don't look down on me." Hades patted his "shitty head" hard, and said in a proud and loud voice: "With a brain like mine, I can't develop it without tens of thousands of years of skill!

Except for me, no one in the entire multiverse can cultivate the "Thinking Sutra" to such a profound level. "

Zeus became more and more suspicious. He looked him up and down, and then carefully felt the aura on his body and the magic power in his body. He frowned and said, "Is your brain disabled by training? I feel that you are weak now, your thoughts are scattered, and your origins are lacking. Even your soul is missing." They all seem to have been severely damaged. I believe you when you say that you were drained of your essence by Witch Harley, but as for any advanced realm, I really haven't seen it at all."

"Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Not only was Hades not embarrassed, but he looked proud and laughed loudly, his laughter full of joy and pride.

"Zeus, your perception is very keen, but you still haven't been able to see through my essence! At this time, I am not my body at all. My main consciousness has left the multiverse and gone to another multiverse!"

Zeus and Poseidon were not shocked and shocked, but their expressions were more doubtful, "You are really out of your mind, what nonsense are you talking about?"

When returning from the sea of ​​entropy and quietly returning to the underworld, Hades deliberately concealed his breath and movements.

After his brain deformed, he had been focusing on the Sutra of Thought and had no intention of interacting with other gods.

Once Zeus and Poseidon team up to intercept him, there is no need for him to cover up his aura of power.

As the God-King of the Olympus God System, Zeus could even sense the God-King Godhead in his body and knew that he was definitely not a clone.

"You are your true form now!" Poseidon said with certainty after sensing it for a while.

"Haha, do you think Harley Quinn's "The Book of Thoughts" is true or false?"

Hades could no longer hide his sense of superiority, and the slightly contemptuous and arrogant smile on his face made Zeus and Poseidon feel very dazzling.

"What do you want to say? No matter what you say, it can't cover up the fact that you are the real body at this time." Zeus's dull voice was filled with impatience.

"You answer my question first. Once you answer it, you will naturally understand what I want to say." Hades was still smiling.

"It should be true. I heard that Witch Harley's friends are also practicing the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra." Poseidon said.

Hades' smile faded and he was stunned for a moment.

He had never heard anything outside the window before, and he really didn't know that Hallie had spread the "Thinking Sutra".

However, considering the outstanding achievements he has made, it is not surprising that Harley asked relatives and friends to practice the "Mature and Stable Version of the Thinking Scripture".

"Since the secret book is true, I have been practicing the Sutra of Thought for tens of thousands of years, and I have been taught by Harley Quinn step by step. How can I have no achievements at all now?" Hades said.

The two god kings looked at him again for a moment and said doubtfully: "There is nothing special about you."

"Because the most special part of me is the soul consciousness that has become a thinking life, and it has been cut off!

Now that it has successfully traveled through the Grand Omniverse and entered the multiverse next door, of course you cannot sense it. Hades laughed triumphantly again.

"Why do you want to cut it off? Why go there? Are you sure it's another multiverse?" Zeus frowned.

Hades looked proud, with a relaxed and comfortable smile, and said: "I understand that you are not at a sufficient level to imagine that kind of scene, nor can you understand my state at this time.

But this is the truth.

Part of my soul is already a thinking life and can survive in the environment of the omnipotent universe.

Of course, it was Harley Quinn who found another multiverse, and she was the one who helped me transfer my thinking soul to the multiverse next door.

As for how she did it, and what plans we had. I swore to her to keep it a secret.

Unless one day my main consciousness returns and helps me achieve transcendence. "


Zeus and Poseidon could not imagine that their ordinary brother was quietly approaching transcendence. They were still worried about the upcoming magic debt. Transcendence was too far away from them.

"I still can't believe it, unless I see with my own eyes your so-called main consciousness of thinking life." Zeus said slowly.

Hades shrugged, "I don't need you to believe it."

Zeus took a deep look at him and said solemnly: "We are looking for you this time because we suspect that you have become the lackey of the Witch Harley and that you threaten the safety of the Olympus God System."

Hades sneered: "Even if I become her lackey, what have I done to disgrace the Olympus God System?"

"Have you revealed the secrets of the Olympus system to Witch Harley?" Zeus asked.

Hades was both angry and ridiculous in his heart, and said with a half-smile on his face: "If you can crush a certain force by yourself, do you need to use conspiracy and tricks to find out their secrets?"

"I don't believe she hasn't asked you about the secrets of the three goddesses of destiny." Zeus said.

"The three goddesses of destiny?" Hades was startled and said thoughtfully: "Did those three guys ask you to come to me? What did Harley Quinn do recently to irritate them, or are they another Planning to curse her in the next big crisis?”

"Answer my question first."

Hades said helplessly and angrily: "Even if Harley Quinn asked me, what secrets could I tell the three goddesses of destiny?

The three of them are your forbidden concubines.

You have always had their power exclusively, and we never even had the chance to see them alone. What can I say to Harley Quinn? "

Poseidon felt sad and wanted to nod his head repeatedly to express his sympathy.

But after glancing at Big Brother beside him, he held back.

Zeus's eyes were sharp, "She really asked you about the three goddesses of fate."

"Era of the Martial God King, I followed your command and led the gods to raid the Martial God Mountain, but I was captured by her. She is a knife and I am a fish. What secrets are there in my mind that she can't forcefully take away?" Hades asked impatiently.

"It's just that in the era of the God of War, she hasn't asked you about the three goddesses of fate recently?"

Zeus asked again, and before Hades could answer, he sighed and said, "The three goddesses of destiny came to me recently and told me that Witch Harley had taken action against them, and they felt a sense of crisis that seemed not to exist."

"First of all, let me emphasize again that I don't know anything about the three goddesses of destiny, and I don't know the secrets that can threaten their lives; secondly, the last few times I went to see Harley Quinn, I only talked about issues related to thinking life, without digressions; Finally, I don’t care about the life or death of the three goddesses of destiny. I don’t even care about the demise of the Olympus pantheon. Don’t use any divine justice to pressure me from now on. I won’t follow your example. I only care about myself and you. Don't pretend to be competitive, you also only care about yourself."

After saying this, Hades turned into a beam of light and shot towards the underworld quickly.

"Hey, Hades, don't leave in a hurry, let's talk about "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"."

Poseidon also turned into a line of blue water and followed Hades away.

Zeus stood there with a cloudy expression.

After a long time, a blue water line floated out from the inside of Hades again.

Seeing Zeus still standing there, the water line suddenly stopped and a splash of water exploded.

Poseidon landed in front of Zeus, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

"Did Hades teach you the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"?" Zeus went straight to the point.

Poseidon smiled strangely, understanding that Zeus was also tempted.

"He can't make the decision. The next time he sees Harley Quinn, he will ask her. If she allows it, he will pass me the "Thinking Sutra"."

"Hades is so easy to talk to?" Zeus asked doubtfully.

"This is nothing to talk about. He is just helping to convey a message."

Of course Hades was very difficult to talk to.

In order to convince him, Poseidon offered a lot of flattery, plus two more weird words to criticize Zeus.

And he didn't take Witch Harley's "Thinking Book" for nothing.

He is willing to make an equal exchange. As long as the Witch Harley doesn't squeeze out his essence, he will agree to any conditions, even if he sacrifices his wife, even if he betrays his elder brother Zeus, even if he reveals the secrets of the three goddesses of fate. Alas, it's a pity that he doesn't know how deadly they are. Crucial.

"Can Witch Harley agree? She has a blood feud with us." Zeus was really tempted, and he also wanted Hades to help deliver a message.

Poseidon shook his head and said: "The hatred between me and her is not as deep as that between Hades and her. As Hades said, in front of gods with endless life spans like us, no hatred can be more important than actual interests. "

"You go back to the underworld again and ask Hades to pass on a message for me." Zeustan said frankly and without any hesitation.

Poseidon was not surprised at all by his words, but said with a strange expression: "You understand what Witch Harley wants. If you don't have the consciousness of selling your daughter for glory, I don't think you need to let Hades pass the message."

The grievances between the gods and Harley are similar. She doesn't target anyone in particular, she targets all the gods.

It's not wrong to insist that the hatred between them is as deep as the sea, but if the benefits are sufficient, it is normal to give up that "ordinary hatred".

But the three goddesses of fate are exceptions.

They offended Harley to death, and there was no way Harley would let them go.

With an ugly look on his face, Zeus turned into thunder and returned to the heavenly realm of Olympus.

Before he could take the initiative to call, the three goddesses of destiny came over first like phantoms.

"Father, what did Hades say?" The old woman's voice was old and urgent.

"What conspiracy does Witch Harley have?" the middle-aged woman said in unison.

"Does the crisis we foresee have anything to do with Hades?" The girl was also very anxious.

Zeus said slowly: "Hades probably doesn't have a secret that could threaten your lives.

He was captured by the Witch Harley during the War God King Era, and all the secrets in his mind were obtained by her.

If there was any fatal information in it, you should have developed a crisis response. "

"Is it possible that Hades lied?" the old woman asked.

"We do sense a slight crisis." The middle-aged woman said.

"The crisis comes from the Witch Harley, she must be plotting against us!" the girl said excitedly.

"Why do you think the crisis from Witch Harley is related to Hades?" Zeus asked.

"Because we noticed that he was colluding with the Witch Harley." The old woman said.

The middle-aged woman said: "When we divined the fate of Witch Harley, we found that her fate was blocked by a layer of fog, making it difficult to see its reality."

The girl added: "We have also divined Hades, and his situation is a bit similar to that of the witch Harley. His destiny is also shrouded in mist, hazy and impossible to pry into.

So we have reason to suspect that they are working together to plot against us. "

"The main consciousness of Hades has left the multiverse." Zeus repeated Hades' words and guessed: "His way of existence has transcended the network of destiny and is not within destiny. Of course it is blurry."

"Is that so?" The girl was surprised.

"It seems that what Witch Harley and Hades are planning is really related to another multiverse." The middle-aged woman looked uncertain.

"So, the "Thinking Sutra" is not a lie by the Witch Harley. We also cannot see the content and future of the "Thinking Sutra" in the "Book of Destiny".

Father, can you get the original copy of "Thinking Sutra" from Hades? "The old woman's eyes flickered.

"He swore that he could only teach us the Sutra of Thought after obtaining the consent of the Witch Harley." Zeus sighed.

The girl shouted: "He has the memory of the Sutra of Thought in his mind."

The middle-aged woman smiled sinisterly and said: "If his memory is read, it will not be considered as breaking his promise to the Witch Harley."

The old woman said excitedly: "Father, you said that he has lost his main consciousness, and now his body's original source has been lost, and his strength has been greatly reduced, right?"

Zeus was a little moved, but kept a calm expression on his face, "The source of your crisis is the witch Harley. She is predicting you through prophecies. The crisis should be related to her prophecy realm.

The "Thinking Sutra" only allows the God King to evolve into a thinking life and has nothing to do with prophecy. "

"That's right, since the first time Witch Harley peeked into our destiny through divination, we have gradually developed a sense of crisis. As time goes by, the crisis is getting stronger and stronger," the old woman said.

"The cause of the crisis is not certain. It may be that her prophecy suddenly had a breakthrough. She is stronger than us and can directly predict our position.

As soon as she sees us, she is strong enough to kill us. "The middle-aged woman said.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Witch Harley's prophecy can't be stronger than ours, especially in a short period of time." The girl screamed.

Zeus nodded slightly, "You three are the most powerful gods of destiny in the multiverse. There is no way that Witch Harley can surpass you."

"But where did the crisis come from?" He frowned deeply, with confusion written on his face.

"The crisis comes from the Witch Harley, just make sure of this." The old woman said.

"The reason why we feel a sense of crisis is because fate is warning us. We have encountered similar situations in the past, and we are definitely not wrong." The middle-aged woman said.

"In the past, even if we couldn't find the reason, we could avoid the crisis by hiding. Now, even if we hide in the realm of fate, the crisis has not disappeared. If we leave the realm of fate, the sense of crisis will be even stronger." The girl said.

"The Sutra of Thoughts can help us understand the realm and state of Witch Harley, and then explore the reasons why she brings us a sense of crisis.

In addition, "Thinking Sutra" has been proven to have miraculous effects and can help us improve our strength.

If we evolve into thinking beings, we might be able to glimpse the fate of the omnipotent universe.

As your own strength improves, the crisis will naturally be eliminated. "The three goddesses of destiny said in unison.

"I understand." Zeus secretly made a decision in his heart: find an opportunity to give his old brother a slap in the face.

But he never saw Hades again.

Hades returned to the underworld that day, slipped out of the underworld quietly the same day, and has been missing since.

Even Poseidon didn't wait for his reply.

After Harley separated from Hades, she only glanced back at Quinn Manor. Seeing that there was no one in the manor, she went down the mountain to Mrs. Xanadu's house.

"Has the story spread in another world?"

Lady Xanadu knew what she was doing and was curious about where the story projection was going.

"I now have thousands of followers."

Harry was tickled and told the results of today's exploration with great interest.

At the end of her speech, she looked forward to the future with great expectation, saying: "Although my way of existence in another world is very similar to that of the ancient evil gods, my ideas are not evil.

The person who gets the projection of the story will not go astray.

According to the situation in the United States, as long as he does not go astray or break the law, he can easily spread his beliefs, and the U.S. government will not stop him.

When the number of believers reaches one hundred thousand, I should be able to answer their prayers and send down divine power or divine consciousness.

Believers are blessed by the power of miracles, and their faith will only develop more powerfully.

Hehe, eventually I will be able to create a clone in another world. "

Shangdu took out his mobile phone and sent a message while saying: "The future is too far away, you should solve the immediate problems first.

Not long after you left the day before yesterday, the Lutheran Army on Apokolips was besieged by the Dark Elite.

That's right, the Dark Elite finally took action against the Luther Legion.

From the night before yesterday to this morning, the Justice League looked for you four times, and the U.S. government, General Lane, looked for you seven times. He just left before you came back.

Now I sent them a text message to tell them that you are back and resolve national affairs first before talking about anything else. "

"The Luther Legion suffered heavy casualties?" Harley asked curiously.

"It's a bit tragic, but it's much better than what you predicted. It's far from annihilating the entire army."

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