I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1764 The humble and kind Zod

"Father, your injuries haven't healed yet. The doctor told you to rest for at least two months. It's only been two days. And you're not the only general in the Pentagon. Why are you anxious?"

Lucy Lane pushed the wheelchair reluctantly and kept complaining.

Sitting in the wheelchair was her father, General Lane, who had broken both legs.

Ryan reached out and patted his knees and thighs, and said with a smile: "Look, I don't feel any pain anymore. Harley used holy healing on me. She is a serious God of War in Heaven.

How powerful is the God of War's divine healing technique? How could it be understood by a mere mortal doctor?

In fact, if you hadn't been so frightened, I would be able to get out of the wheelchair right now without you having to take care of me. "

His leg was broken in Gotham the day before yesterday and he was still lying in the Metropolitan Hospital yesterday. This afternoon he received a mission from the Pentagon and drove to the entrance of the Hall of Justice with his daughter.

Looking up and looking through the open door, you can see seven or eight Kryptonians in military uniforms talking to the heroes of the Zhenglian.

General Lane withdrew his gaze, turned his head and sighed in a low voice: "Although there are many generals in the Pentagon, most of them chose to ascend during the 'Global Ascension' incident, and there are only a few who are truly pure humans.

General Zod is the most prestigious, radical, and racist Kryptonian. His return will definitely be a major event that affects the relationship between Kandor and human civilization.

Compared with this big thing, my leg injury is nothing—"

"Clang!" The front wheel of the wheelchair suddenly tilted, turned away from the edge of the slope, and landed heavily on the side steps.


The front wheel came off the slope, and the wheelchair leaned forward suddenly. General Lane fell out of the chair without noticing.

"Ah, Dad, how are you?"

Lucy quickly let go of the wheelchair, jumped to the side nimbly, came to General Lane, and reached out to help him up.

"Oh, your head is bleeding. You must have fallen just now and hit your forehead on the step."

"I'm fine." General Lane shook his head, feeling a little dizzy. His knee, which had no pain at all, once again hurt like a bone fracture. His right wrist also sprained when he was standing on the ground, and there was a dull pain.

But he didn't want his daughter to worry or feel guilty, so he could only hold on.

"General Lane, why did you fall?"

The two fathers and daughters had already arrived at the entrance of the Hall of Justice. The superhero had noticed them early and rushed over when he saw him fall.

"It's all my fault. I was distracted and accidentally pushed the wheelchair out of the bounds." Lucy pointed to the steps and said with a guilty look.

From the square to the inside of the Hall of Justice, you need to climb more than ten steps in front of the door. There is also a ramp for wheelchairs in the middle of the steps. Lucy was pushing the wheelchair on the ramp just now, but the front wheel of the wheelchair was tilted outside the scope of the ramp. , fell heavily down the steps.

"I don't blame you, it's just bad luck. And I feel pretty good, so you don't have to worry."

General Lane tried to force out an indifferent smile, but unfortunately his old face was waxy and his expression was a bit distorted.

This isn't the first time he's had bad luck.

From the time he was admitted to the hospital to now, he could no longer remember how many times he had encountered similar minor accidents.

Harley didn't hide it from him either.

They made it clear when they rescued him from the burning car the day before yesterday: The three goddesses of destiny have placed a curse on everyone they see with the "Blood Eyes of Destiny".

However, Harley also comforted him. When the curse came, she reacted immediately and counterattacked, causing the curse to have a major deviation. No matter what kind of danger he encountered, he would be able to turn it into a disaster.

Moreover, the power of the curse is limited, so he does not need to hide specially to avoid disaster.

Unless it's within Harley's field of vision, there's no point hiding anywhere. However, as long as he encounters more "setbacks", the power of bad luck will be exhausted sooner or later, and then the curse of the three goddesses of fate will completely disappear.

In order to help him resist the curse of the three goddesses of destiny, Harley also promised that she would work hard to study divination and acquire magic crystal balls within the multiverse.

She wanted to constantly harass, spy on, and torment the three goddesses of fate, making them unbearable, annoyed, and exhausted, with no energy or time to torment him.

At General Lane's insistence, no one sent him to the hospital.

The "four-party talks" between the U.S. government, the Justice League, the Kryptonians of Kandor City, and Luther, the Lord of Apokolips, were held normally in the Hall of Justice conference room.

He only wrapped a layer of gauze around his head to stop the bleeding.

However, Ryan was not defenseless. He quietly pulled his son-in-law to the side and told him to protect himself.

He believes that with superhuman reaction speed, many "minor crises" will be easily resolved.

It's a pity that Dachao is not in the mood to pay attention to his father-in-law's "little accident". At the moment, all his attention is on General Zod, who is about to be released.

"Allura, why must Zod be released?"

He was very excited, and there was still anger in his heart about being betrayed.

Because the entire incident of Alura's negotiation with the US government to release Zod was done without telling him.

They didn't find him until they were about to set off for the Kryptonian system.

He was sought because he needed to personally take action to free Zod.

Although everyone knows that General Zod is imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, the Phantom Zone is a very large and complex dimension, and they do not know the specific location of General Zod's "prison".

Even prisons have house numbers.

General Zod was originally sent back to the "Phantom Prison" by Dachao, and he was the only one who knew General Zod's "house number".

If it weren't for the fact that Da Chao could not be avoided, Allura would not have found Da Chao after secret talks with the US government and confessed everything.

If she can release Zod by herself, she will definitely let Dachao know about it after Zod returns and everything is settled.

"Why not release General Zod?" Hearing Dachao's question, Commander Gore was even more excited than him. "Even people on Earth know the importance of General Zod to Krypton. The Galaxy Admiral was still being interviewed. Praising General Zod as a great Kryptonian patriot.

I simply can't understand why any Kryptonian wouldn't want a great man to return to Kandor. "

General Lane coughed lightly and said: "Commander Gore, you can use 'Admiral Galaxy' as an example, but when quoting her words, it is best not to make artificial adaptations.

She did say that 'General Zod is a Kryptonian hero', but she never 'praised' him.

Her original words were ‘He is a hero and I am an enemy of bandits’. "

"The meaning is enough. There is no need to be literal." Luther said.

Da Chao sideways glanced at his old father-in-law and old rival, continued to stare at the Kryptonian representative, and said: "I do not deny Zod's love for the Kryptonian civilization, but his love is too extreme and too deformed, and it has no influence on the current Kandor." The city does more harm than good.

Before Krypton was destroyed, he had already put his personal will above the race, stigmatized and slandered Kryptonian scientists and officials who opposed him, and even brutally assassinated them——"

Gore interrupted him angrily: "That's enough, Kal-El! You weren't even born before, so why are you so conclusively slandering General Zod?"

"Although I was not born, I have Jor-El's simulated AI. He witnessed the trial of Zod and others by the Kryptonian Parliament."

“How can the winner prove his justice and greatness if he does not brand the loser as the embodiment of evil and sin?

Unfortunately, reality has proven that General Zod is right.

The members of the Kryptonian Supreme Council are a bunch of idiots, and your father, Jor-El, is a huge hypocrite.

He knew that General Zod was right and that Krypton was about to be destroyed, and he secretly built you a small rocket with a hyperdrive engine, but he still stood on the side of the parliament and ignored the life and death of the people of Krypton. "Gore shouted.

Dachao's face turned red and he clenched his hands tightly into fists, but it was difficult for him to say anything to refute.

As early as the Krypton invasion crisis, Harley had already proven Jor-El's "hypocrisy" to him.

General Zod and others were summoned to Earth by Jor-El. He actually wanted to revive New Krypton, but he had a higher moral level and could not be as ruthless and decisive as General Zod, so he acted tangled and twisted. , like a hypocrite.

"Karl, neither the Earth government nor Harley Quinn opposes the release of Zod." Allura looked at her nephew, with a little bitterness in her tone, "The earth is powerful, and we are not worried at all about Zod causing another crisis. Why are you so worried?"

Zor-El also said: "Even according to the existing laws of the earth, Zod has served many years and can almost be released on bail.

We have discussed it with the US government and will fully follow legal procedures.

Even if Zod comes out of the Phantom Zone, he will still be subject to behavioral supervision by the US police system according to the "Bail Regulations". "

General Lane patted his son-in-law's arm and said softly: "You are just a superhero, but releasing Zod is a political event."

Diana said coldly: "The Justice League does not have the power to interfere in politics, but when you mess up things, you will eventually call us out to clean up the mess."

"It's just releasing General Zod, how else can we mess it up?" Luther said impatiently.

"Just because you were involved, we were worried that things would get messed up." Diana pointed at him.

Luthor sneered unceremoniously: "The release of Zod is a diplomatic incident between the two major civilizations of Earth and Krypton. What do you have to worry about? How can you still disobey the US government's decree if you worry about it?"

Diana opened her mouth but was speechless.

"I will take you back to Krypton to release Zod." Da Chao stood up and took a deep look at Allura, "My concerns about Zod are never just for the earth, I am more worried about Kandor.

Now I really hope you won't regret it in the future. "

"Karl, don't worry. After Zod returns, the political system and social order of Kandor City will not change. He is only a military commander and will never become a poisoner." Zoel comforted his nephew.

The projection of Earth on Limbo is called the Shadow Realm.

There is a complete earth world there, with all the landforms and buildings on the earth, including the shadow realm.

But the entire shadow world only has two colors: gray and white. There are no plants or water sources representing life. The buildings seem to have experienced tens of millions of years of corrosion, and countless low-level demons are wandering in it.

Although the Shadow Realm is connected to the Gates of Hell, it is essentially a part of Limbo.

Limbo is the dimension of the mind, and the Shadow Realm can be seen as the embodiment of the last memories of the Earth's dead on Earth.

In the same way, Krypton also has its own "Shadow Realm". The embodiment of the last memory of Krypton by the dead of Krypton in Limbo will also form a special space with Kryptonian characteristics, that is, the Phantom Zone.

However, Krypton's Phantom Zone is very different from Earth's Shadow Realm.

In other words, the three views of Kryptonians and Earthlings are different, so the "thinking space" formed by their final thoughts when they die is also different.

The Shadow Realm is the Earthlings' fantasy of the world of death. It is based on reality and full of fantasy. Therefore, the Shadow Realm presents the scene of the decayed real world.

Kryptonians are more scientific and rational, have a higher level of civilization, and have a more comprehensive understanding of the universe. Their fantasy of the world of death is a bit like the physical universe. The Phantom Zone is the environment of the cosmic starry sky, and the space structure is extremely complex.

In the outer space of the Kryptonian star system, Lucy Lane stood on the bridge, looking out the window at Superboy who was busy building the "Phantom Space Gate", and curiously asked: "Are there demons in the Phantom Zone? Are you sure Zod is still alive?" ?

If it were in the shadow realm of the earth, let alone more than ten years, if a mortal fell into it for less than one day, he would be swallowed whole by the demon, including his skin and bones. "

"We don't know much about the Phantom Zone. The use of the Phantom Zone to imprison serious prisoners only started in the past few hundred years. It also has the purpose of allowing prisoners to explore the Phantom Zone." Allura said.

"Kryptonians believe in Rao. Rao is not an illusory belief. I heard from Harley that he still has a kingdom of gods in heaven," Diana said.

"Of course Rao is real, Rao is as real and great as your God." Kryptonian Gore said excitedly.

Diana waved her hand, "I am an Amazon, I believe in Zeus and Hera, but not God.

What I mean is that since Rao is real and has a divine kingdom, he must have also created a divine realm similar to hell in the underworld.

Theoretically, the Phantom Zone, like the Earth's Shadow Realm, is the last reminder of the world for the dead, and it is also the fantasy of the living people on the planet about the world of death.

They are all connected to the "hell" of their respective civilizations. There must be "demons" in "hell", or Limbo beings similar to demons. "

"Even if there are 'demons' in the Phantom Zone, they can't harm General Zod." Zoel, chief scientist of Kandor City, said: "I don't know much about the shadow world of your earth, but I know that the Phantom Zone is like the universe.

There are many planets in the universe, and the planets are far apart, making communication difficult.

The Phantom Zone is composed of countless ‘strip spaces’ and has a very complex structure.

Those ribbon-like ‘strip spaces’ are similar to planets in the universe, and it is difficult to communicate between different ‘strip spaces’.

The reason why we need Carl to help release General Zod is because he was the one who imprisoned Zod in the first place, and only he knows which 'strip space' Zod's cell is in. "

"Karl is going to open the Phantom Zone." Commander Gore suddenly called out, unable to conceal his excitement in his tone.

Everyone stopped talking and turned their eyes to the dark space outside the window.

At this time, Dachao has successfully built the "Phantom Space Gate" in outer space: four fist-sized balls forming the four corners of a rectangle.

The surface of the ball gradually lights up with blue light, and emits bright blue light to the ball on the side.

Four small balls and four rays of light combine to form a square portal.

The space inside the portal is like water, with tiny spatial ripples rippling.

"One last confirmation, are you really going to release Zod?"

Dachao held an instrument the size of a tablet, turned around and looked at the bridge of the spacecraft with a serious expression.

"It's now like this, why are you talking nonsense?" Luther said impatiently.

"Karl, Kandor City needs Zod now!" Allura said firmly.

"As you wish." Da Chao pressed the switch.

"Buzzing buzzing~~~" The four light balls flew in four directions. The light door formed by the light emitted by the light balls gradually expanded, eventually forming a huge "glass door" ten meters high and five meters wide.

The square space circled by the laser ray is like a piece of transparent glass, and you can see a scene that seems to be compressed into two dimensions inside the "glass".

Various strange landscapes flashed rapidly in the "glass door", and finally several human figures appeared.

They are like pictures of people in a photo frame, their expressions frozen, motionless, thin and without volume.

"It's General Zod. General Zod and the others did not encounter any accidents!" Gore and other Kryptonian soldiers shouted happily.

Zoel quickly said: "Karl, General Zod is coming out, quickly record the time flow rate in the space they are in."

Da Chao asked confused: "They have already been released, why are they still recording the time flow rate?"

Zoel explained: “The time flow rate in the Phantom Prison multiplied by the time he was imprisoned in the material universe is equal to the real time General Zod served.

If the actual sentence served is greater than or equal to the sentence sentenced by the current Galactic Court for the crime of invading Earth, he can be freed directly without signing additional diplomatic clauses for supervised release. "

"The Zod who invaded the earth has returned" became the headline news of the earth's mainstream media the next day.

After returning to Earth, General Zod didn't go anywhere. Allura and Gore took him to the Kandor City multimedia conference room and forced him to watch the "10 Years of Crisis on Earth" series by the famous galactic legend Lois Lane. Topic".

Every time we encounter a crisis on the earth, the universe, or the multiverse, Louise, the famous galactic legend, will make a complete series of special programs to introduce in detail the entire process of the crisis from beginning to end.

The programs are often accompanied by a large amount of video material, which are all battle scenes shot on site.

On the fourth day after his return, Zod wore an Earth suit and tie, and shaved off the aggressive and domineering mustache on his face. With an amiable smile on his face, he publicly accepted interviews from Earth media.

Facing the extended microphone, Zod, a man in a suit, bowed sincerely, then bowed again, and then took the microphone and said: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you for the crimes I committed on Earth. Everyone apologizes!

But I swear to you, we were anything but normal Kryptonians back then.

Kryptonians love peace and have high moral standards. Just like Kal-El, the ‘Superman’ of the Justice League.

He is a model among Kryptonians, but not an exception among Kryptonians.

The 's' on his chest is the emblem of the El family, which represents 'hope'.

My family’s name is ‘Z’, which stands for loyalty.

Our Krypton family regards all kinds of beautiful qualities as our family motto.

But even though Kryptonians have bodies of steel and correct education, they are still just ordinary people. We can also become desperate and crazy.

Facing our home planet that was shattered into pieces of meteorites, my companions and I went crazy in despair, so we committed the sinful act of invading the human world, which went against Kryptonian ethics."

After the press conference, Zod also led the Kryptonian soldiers who invaded the Earth and a large group of reporters to the "Monument to the Victims of the Krypton Invasion Crisis" in Metropolis.

Facing the stone tablet, he knelt down in public.

When Zod invaded the earth, Harley was far from the strength she has today. She didn't even dare to confront the Kryptonians head-on. She could only use strategies and magic to control the minds of the Kryptonians, and use the Kryptonians to fight against the Kryptonians. During this period, there were ordinary people People were killed, and the military and police were overrun by the Kryptonians.

For example, Harley's old friend in the orphanage, the black girl Raina, participated in the "Earth Defense War" as a special forces soldier, and her legs were severed by the Kryptonian's thermonuclear rays.

After the crisis ended, the U.S. government erected a monument inscribed with the names of all the victims in the neighborhood park where the fighting was the fiercest and the casualties were the highest.

Even though the original monument was destroyed in the "Darkseid War", when Metropolis was later rebuilt, a new alien alloy monument was erected.

Now General Zod and the Kryptonian officers who had followed him in the invasion of Earth came to the monument and knelt down to repent and mourned for a full hour and a half.

"Since General Zod is so sincere, maybe we can try to accept him." The BBC anchor who was conducting the live news broadcast was full of emotion, and the live broadcast screen was also filtered with rich colors and warm tones.

The day after kneeling at the monument to the victims, Zod and Allura came to Metropolis together, and again in front of reporters, donated Kryptonian technology valued at more than 30,000 trillion to the Commander-in-Chief.

It's not the Kryptonians bragging.

An assessment of the value of donated science and technology from an authoritative institution on the planet Rann.

Another day later, Zod put on the "Z Super Uniform" of the same style and different color as Super Super.

He began to learn from Dachao to be a superhero on earth, fighting criminals and saving disasters.

General Zod is not a human yet.

After he set an example and atone for his sins to the people on Earth, the Kryptonians in Kandor City followed suit, wearing tights of various colors and red cloaks, with their family emblems printed on their chests, imitating Superman's posture and Behavior.

It was as if there were thousands of Superman clones on the earth in an instant.

Two days later, General Zod came to Quinn Manor and wanted to visit his "old friend" Harley.

When Harley is not at home, she still transforms into Madam Xanadu, doing divination for others at the "Madam Xanadu's Cabin" at the foot of the mountain.

However, Zod's identity was very special, and Selina did not dare to block him out at will, so she could only call Shangdu's phone number immediately.

"Harley, you'd better come back. General Zod has done a lot in the past few days, and the global media, American politicians, and celebrities have all rated his actions very highly.

Many netizens even say that General Zod is more like a "bridge of communication" between humans on Earth and the Kryptonians in Kandor City than Superman. "

"With your knowledge, can't you see that he is deliberately showing off?" Harley said lightly.

Although she was busy learning divination, she was not blind to what was happening outside the window.

She took the time to read all the recent hot news.

To be honest, she was quite satisfied with Zod's showmanship.

A "Hero Zord" who knows current affairs can cause a lot less trouble than a "Stupid Zord" who doesn't know what's good and bad.

The less trouble the earth has, the more comfort it will have on her.

Selena said: "Whether he is just showing off or not, at least he has a good attitude.

The key is that now he has a strong reputation on Earth and is being watched by many media both inside and outside Earth.

If you act too cold and just shut him out, what will the reporters think and say?

If the people on Earth and the Kryptonians in Kandor City see your indifferent attitude, will the relationship that has become increasingly harmonious become cold or even hostile?

You are not an ordinary person, you represent too much meaning, that's why Zod comes to visit you so formally.

He definitely doesn’t want to see you, but he’s still here for the sake of the overall situation. You can’t be worse than him, right? "

Harley said: "You bring Zod to the manor and let the Black Warrior entertain him. You can also open the watchdog and call Fiora from Paradise Mountain (Zod's former adjutant and Kryptonian combat commander).

Zod and I really have nothing to say, and there is no point in talking politely.

If you tell him directly, he will definitely understand and understand. "

"How much time will it take for you to come back in person? We don't need to talk much if we meet. If it's quick, it can be done in two minutes." Selina said.

Harley said helplessly: "It's easy to go back, but I really can't see people now. Whoever sees me will be in extreme misfortune. Even if Zod has a body of steel, there is a high probability that he won't be able to withstand it."

"Aren't you divining others? They are not human beings?" Selina said.

"They are guinea pigs. They will also have bad luck after seeing me, and I can peek into their future. I can guide them to avoid dangers and be blessed everywhere. If I succeed, it means that I have defeated those curses. If I fail, I have nothing to lose." Harley said weirdly.

"What on earth are you doing? It sounds very sinister." Selina asked curiously.

"I now divine the three goddesses of destiny at least 48 times a day, once every half an hour, 24 hours a day without sleeping, without interruption.

In addition to those three Bichi, since yesterday I have also begun to try to divine more powerful existences.

Every time I divined them, they would repay me with curses, and I didn't know how much bad luck accumulated on me. "

"Who is she who is more powerful than the three goddesses of destiny?" Selena asked in surprise.

Harley was silent for a while, "It's no good if you know."

"I won't see you, what's the harm?"

"I'm still divining the fate of the Endless Family," Harley said.


Selina didn't have time to finish her sentence before she let out a scream, which was accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling from high altitude.

"What's wrong with you?" Harley asked quickly.

Selena kept "hissing and inhaling", accompanied by the sound of moving debris.

"My head was smashed by the chandelier and it's bleeding. Oh, it hurts so much. There's a long gash on my face. No, I'm disfigured!!"

Zedd never saw Harley after all.

He was brought into Quinn Manor by the housekeeper Angela, and he only saw Selina, whose face was covered with blood and her image was miserable.

And he hasn't had a chance to enter Harley's living room yet.

A huge metal chandelier weighing 300 kilograms in the center of the living room suddenly fell off the roof. More than fifty crystal lamps on it were smashed. The coffee table was also smashed and the leather sofa was scratched. The room was in a mess and was not suitable for receiving distinguished guests.

"Harley has become a disaster star now. She doesn't come to see you purely to protect you."

The next morning, when discussing alliance matters in Metropolis, General Lane touched his knees and said with lingering fear.

After Selina bandaged the wound, she went to see Zod and explained the curse.

After meeting today, Zod took the initiative to tell Ryan and others about his experience at Quinn Manor yesterday.

"Why does she have such bad luck?" Zedd asked curiously.

He asked Selina yesterday, but Selina just shook her head and said it would be no good for him to know.

General Lane glanced at the Kryptonians and said mysteriously: "She has been challenging fate recently."

"What's the meaning?"

"Literally, she wants to surrender the law of fate and become the goddess of fate." A meaningful smile appeared on General Lane's face, "When she succeeds, she can arrange the fate of mortals at will.

Even the fate of a civilization is like the lines in her palm, clearly visible and easily controlled. "

"It sounds very fantasy and scary."

Even though Zod has watched Louise's "Ten Years Crisis Series" and knows about Harley's various achievements, he is still full of doubts at this moment.

"Just last year, in the early and middle stages of the Final Crisis, do you understand the various overt and secret struggles and conspiracies between Darkseid, Harley, the Old Gods, and the Creator?" General Lane asked.

Zedd looked solemn and nodded slightly.

In Louise's "Ten Years of Crisis Series", the event that impressed him most was the Final Crisis.

The great battle between the gods and the Creator in the fifth world, the magical thinking life, and the miracle machine surpassed his understanding of the real universe and reshaped his three views.

Even if he was very resistant in his heart, he could only reluctantly admit: Times have changed, they have changed so fast, and now is the era of the people on earth!

"Darkseid is so powerful and cunning, and Harley is so smart and perceptive, but they have always been secretly plotted by the old gods.

What the old gods relied on was the 'Great Destiny Technique' of the three goddesses of destiny.

This is why Harley is working hard to learn divination now. She doesn't want to be manipulated by others.

She wanted to seize fate by the throat, and now she was halfway successful. "

General Ryan's old face flashed with pride, and his small eyes occasionally glanced at the surprised and shocked faces of the Kryptonians.

The more shocked they were, the prouder he became.

"General Lane, the topic of today's meeting is not Harley. Don't go too far off topic." Luther reminded.

General Lane turned his gaze to him and said seriously: "It's not a digression. I was just going to warn you. A few days ago, I asked Harley to help the 'Hope and Freedom Mecha Legion' divine the future. The result was that the future was uncertain and bad. .”

Luther glanced at Allura and the others, whose expressions changed slightly, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? The Mecha Legion is in a great situation now. When Kandor City joins us, our situation will only get better."

General Lane waved his hand and said: "I'm not cursing you, I just want to warn you, you must be careful and don't rush into anything greedy for credit."

He looked around at all the Kryptonians, and then said: "If Kandor City is not willing to ally with you, I suggest you just give it up and stop attacking the slave camps of the Dark Elite.

The reason why I joined your alliance negotiations is not to serve an interest group.

My purpose is very simple, try to preserve the life of mankind's new dark god.

Even if they choose to become a new race of gods, they are still humans from the earth.

I hope that the city of Kandor will form an alliance with the Dark New God of Man, simply because both parties will benefit from an alliance. "

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