I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1762 Harley wants to be the goddess of fate

Yellowknife, Canada.

On the outskirts of the city, there is an empty snowfield.

It’s not yet five o’clock in the afternoon, and the darkness is already like orange fruit that has settled to the bottom, a thick layer weighing heavily on the ground.

"Whoosh!" A shadow flew quickly against the ground in the darkness, leaving a shallow trace on the flat snow layer blown by the strong wind.

The traces spread all the way to the two men standing quietly in the snow. The snow foam brought by the strong wind made them squint their eyes slightly.

"Lex Luthor, General Lane? I heard someone calling my name in Kandor City. Is it you? What do you want to do?" The black shadow suddenly stopped, two meters away, with determination and hardness. The Chinese character face is clearly visible.

Surprisingly, it was Gore, the military commander of Kandor City.

The men standing in the snow waiting for him were General Ryan in a black woolen coat, and Luther with a green mecha covering his body.

"Hello, Commander Gore." General Lane took two steps forward and extended his hand to express friendship.

Gore hesitated for a second or two, but finally did not refuse the Earthling's handshake.

"It's me who called your name. We want to see you, but it's not convenient for other Kryptonians in Kandor City to know - it's not something shameful, I'm just worried that they will misunderstand." General Ryan explained with a candid expression.

"Your method is stupid. Every healthy Kryptonian has super hearing. If they listen carefully, they can hear your call." Gore said coldly.

Luther smiled and said: "We know the Kryptonians very well. Although you have super hearing, you can't hear everything.

Your brain cannot handle such a huge amount of information.

Only by saying specific keywords can your super hearing be triggered.

Each Kryptonian has different thoughts and experiences, and the keywords that touch them are also different.

For example, the citizens of Metropolis screaming "Help" in a panic can touch Superman, but they will not alarm Super Girl, let alone attract the attention of the Kryptonians in Kandor City.

Supergirl is a superhero, but she's not the protector of Metropolis.

She has her own city.

According to the unspoken rule of "one person, one city", superheroes generally do not go to other heroes' cities.

You don't care about the life and death of people on earth.

If we just shouted 'Gore' near the North Pole, that should only activate your sensitive words. "

Gore said calmly: "You only know Superman and Supergirl, they cannot represent all Kryptonians."

General Lane took out his mobile phone and added: "We can't see the scene inside Kandor City, but the satellite in the sky can see the scene outside Kandor City.

If it wasn't you who flew over, but other Kryptonians, Luther and I wouldn't show up at all. "

A picture of Al Gore appeared on the phone's screen.

Although he was flying very fast, exceeding 50 times the speed of sound, his face was still clearly captured by the ultra-high-speed camera.

Gore glanced at the phone screen and then looked up at the night sky.

Even though the sky was dark, his super vision could still see more than fifty satellites over the North Pole.

Locking onto the city of Kandor below with almost no blind spots in all directions.

Seeing his movements of raising his head and his somewhat ugly expression, General Lane said meaningfully: "According to the universal standards of the Milky Way, Earth is barely considered a first-class civilization.

We can't even build the most rudimentary sublight engine on our own.

But we are fully capable of protecting our planet.

In fact, we even have a limited excess of power.

Many times we also take the initiative to assume the responsibility of guarding the main universe and protecting the multiverse.

Just like the Darkseid War that just passed, it was originally a big crisis that could destroy the material universe, but we managed to withstand the impact of all the new dark gods on behalf of the entire universe.

Advanced civilizations also understand the outstanding contributions that the earth has made to the universe, and have donated money and materials to help us rebuild our homeland. "

Commander Gore frowned and said, "General Lane, you seem to be telling me something? Are you calling me out just to give me a hint?"

General Lane put away his phone and said directly: "I heard that you plan to release General Zod from the Phantom Zone?"

Gore's pupils shrank and he said calmly: "Who did you listen to?"

General Lane smiled and pointed to the sky, then pointed to the mobile phone in his hand, "The enemies we have encountered in recent years are all too strong, including technological madmen like Brainiac, and the dark ones who master mysterious powers. In order to cope with these crises, the New Gods have upgraded the earth’s security system many times, and it is also at the top level compared with advanced civilizations in the universe.”

"Are you monitoring us?" Gore looked ugly.

General Lane shook his head slightly, "More than five million Kryptonians have entered various cities and regions on the earth in the past two days. It is impossible for us to monitor everyone. We can only track a few important targets."

Gore understood that as the leader of Kandor City's military system, he had long been targeted by the people on earth.

He was annoyed in his heart and his face became even worse.

Luther smiled and smoothed things over, saying: "Even people on Earth cannot deny that General Zod is a great Kryptonian leader.

I remember that more than ten years ago, just after the invasion of Krypton, Harley commented on General Zod in an interview with the media. She said that he was a true patriot, but it was a pity that he was not of my kind.

So we wouldn't be surprised if any Kryptonians miss and want to free General Zod. "

Gore quickly thought about the purpose of the people on Earth, and the expression on his face became better.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"I guess the Kryptonians in Kandor City have doubts about the release of General Zod, or at least they are worried about the reaction of the people on Earth." Luther pointed at General Lane and said: "In fact, you can directly ask the US government for its views on the release of Zod. .

And I can tell you the answer right now. The US government will not object.

After solving the diplomatic problem, there should be a lot less worries when discussing General Zod's issue within Kandor City. "

Gore scanned their faces carefully and asked in surprise: "Are you serious?"

Luther said: "Any crime must be released after serving the sentence. General Zod invaded the earth more than ten years ago, and time flows very fast in the Phantom Zone. He has actually served decades of prison time, and even more than 10 years ago." century.

You don't need to think too complicated at all. The most you can do is prepare a good lawyer for General Zod in advance to help him complete the legal procedures. "

"He once led the Kryptonian soldiers to invade the earth. Aren't you worried?" Gore asked doubtfully.

Luther smiled strangely and asked, "Do you have a mobile phone? I mean an electronic device that can connect to the Internet on Earth."

Gore didn't know why, but he still raised his right hand and showed his watch to the two earthlings.

Luther said: "You can anonymously post a message to the hero forum of Puppy Video - 'Guys, a new deadly crisis has arrived! Kandor City has revived, and the Kryptonians may release General Zod from the Phantom Zone.' .

Well, the headlines are sensational, and the clicks are even higher. "

Gore's eyes were strange and he stood there motionless.

"You also need a reason to convince Allura and the others, right? I promise you, this post will be your best reason." Luther encouraged.

Gore was confused, his expression was tangled, and he remained motionless.

Luther sighed, "Mother box!"

"Buzzing." The shadow of the Mother Box was projected on the chest of his green mecha.

“Enter the puppy video forum as a tourist and post ‘Urgent, urgent, urgent, a new earth crisis is coming quietly’. The content of the post is that the Kryptonians in Kandor City may release General Zod.”

There was light flashing on the surface of the mother box for a few times, and the post had been sent out and projected into the air.

After a few seconds, no one commented.

Luther frowned and said, "Such a sensational title, but you didn't catch any fish?"

"How long has it been? There's not even enough time to code." General Lane said.

Luther said: "Mother Box, recharge 200,000 US dollars to promote my posts."

“Visitors cannot recharge and cannot promote posts.”

Just as Luther was about to say something, there was a "ding dong" sound and the first replyer had appeared.

"Silly pen!"

Just two words.

Luther said with a dull face: "Mother Box, use my trumpet to recommend this post and recharge 300,000 US dollars!"

"Ding ding dong dong!" A series of reply prompts sounded in the empty snowfield, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of likes appeared behind the "silly pen".

A full half minute later, the second official reply appeared: In what age is this, can a mere Zod still become a threat to the earth? Can he withstand one finger of the Galaxy Admiral? You are so "hurried", I think your IQ is so low that your mother is "hurried".

Then the third reply popped up: I am a primary school student and I don’t know General Zod. Who is he? Is he very powerful? How many Darkseids is he worth?

——Primary school students, go to school obediently. The poster is a idiot, so don’t pay attention to him.

——General Zod is getting older and might be able to defeat Darkseid. Well, I mean the current baby Darkseid.

——You are as stupid as the original poster. No matter how baby Darkseid is, he still has the full version of the Omega Effect. A hundred General Zods placed in front of him can't withstand a single move of Omega Rays.

The $300,000 promotion fee was very effective.

Luther's post instantly became a hot topic, with hundreds of text replies appearing in just a few minutes.

However, most of the replies mocked or insulted the original poster for his stupidity.

Luther's face darkened.

Gore looked even uglier than he did.

While netizens on Earth scolded Luther, they also showed extreme contempt for General Zod.

The words of one of the netizens are the most representative and lethal - isn't General Zod just an ordinary super villain? Does our planet still lack super villains?

"Ahem, now you understand? The people on Earth don't mind Kandor City releasing General Zod at all."

Luther turned off the mother box projection and looked at the gloomy Gore with a natural expression.

"What do you want to do? What good will General Zod's return do to you?"

The voice of the military commander of Kandor City was dull, slightly frustrated.

General Zod, who was highly respected and had high hopes by him and the Kryptonian soldiers in Kandor City, was so insignificant in the eyes of the people on earth.

He would rather everyone on Earth react fiercely as if facing a powerful enemy, and strongly condemn their release of General Zod. It would be best if Harley Quinn personally leads the team, leading hundreds of superheroes and thousands of American troops to Kandor City, to force the Kryptonians in Kandor City to give up their plan to release General Zod.

"Whether General Zod returns from the Phantom Zone or not, Earth will gain nothing of great magnitude, and certainly nothing will be lost.

The reason General Lane and I came to you and helped you rescue General Zod was just to show our sincerity in cooperation. "

Luther looked at Gore with burning eyes and said: "I do not deny that with the power of the dark elite, my 'Hope and Freedom Mecha Legion' will encounter setbacks sooner or later.

I am in great need of help. You Kryptonians are extremely talented. Each of you has a body of steel and is the most powerful warrior.

At the same time, you only have one Kandor city left, so that it will not dominate the scene and threaten my position on Apokolips.

So, you are the best partners I could find.

Of course, I have no intention of annexing your ideas. You know better than me what kind of character General Zod is.

If he becomes the leader of the Kryptonians again, you can rest assured that he will not allow anything that threatens Kryptonian civilization to happen.

You don't need to trust me, just trust General Zod. "

Gol was already very interested in "Krypton Ascension", and now he became even more interested when he heard Luther's sincere and well-founded words.

"Why don't you go find Allura?"

Luthor said frankly: "If Allura was not Superman's aunt, I would never look for you.

You should know something about my relationship with Superman.

I don't like him and he hates me very much.

No matter how much sincerity I showed, he would try his best to persuade Allura not to cooperate with me.

If I guess correctly, after I left Kandor City yesterday, both Superman and Supergirl advised Allura not to believe my lies, and also mentioned a lot of bad things I had done in the past to prove their words were justified, right? "

Gore nodded hesitantly.

After Luther and representatives of the US government left Kandor City yesterday, they still had a long discussion in the conference room.

Both he and the Speaker wanted to give it a try, at least sending representatives to Luther's Legion of Hope and Freedom for an on-site inspection.

He could clearly see that Allura and Zor-El were also a little moved, but Superman and Super Girl reacted very fiercely and their negative attitudes were very firm.

They said so many bad things about Luther that Allura hesitated.

Luther said: "Let's release General Zod first, and then we can talk about cooperation after Kandor City has a truly selfless and respected leader who can speak his mind.

Whether General Zod agrees to cooperate or not, at least it won't be as dilatory as it is now.

If you agree, naturally everyone will be happy.

If General Zod refuses, I will give up completely and no longer need to waste time on Kandor City. I can leisurely find other partners. "

This was said so frankly and simply that Gore could not refute it.

After exchanging contact information with Luther, Gore returned to Kandor City and immediately found Allura and told him about the release of General Zod.

"Do you know what Zod has done?" Allura said with a serious expression.

"I know that in order to fight against the Council, he even launched a mutiny. I also know that he tried to conquer the Earth after the destruction of Krypton and transform the Earth into New Krypton."

Gore looked at Allura's eyes seriously, "Not to mention that the above information was told to us by Kal Al, and it contains too much of Kal Al's subjective emotions.

We only look at the current results.

Krypton exploded, and Kryptonian civilization completely perished. The city of Kandor, which was snatched away by Brainiac, was completely abandoned by the Supreme Council. They never thought of rescuing us, and even stopped General Zod from building a super-light spacecraft to find us. Zod The German generals were absolutely right to rebel against the parliament.

If General Zod overthrows the Council, he will build many faster-than-light spaceships, revoke the laws prohibiting foreign colonization, and when Krypton is about to explode, all Kryptonians will be able to escape Krypton in a spaceship like your nephew.

Kryptonian civilization will continue to exist and even become more prosperous and powerful, and General Zod will become a hero regarded by everyone.

If General Zod succeeds in transforming the Earth into a new Kryptonian and modulates a new Kryptonian population through the Life Code (Kryptonian Gene Database) in Kal-El's body, now we will see a new Kryptonian reborn from nirvana. General Zod is the 'Father of New Krypton' and the greatest hero. "

"How can we endure the greatest Kryptonian hero being locked up in the Phantom Zone like a prisoner?" He was emotional and his voice was loud, and he even sprayed dozens of spittle stars in the face of Allura opposite.

Allura wiped her face, feeling a little angry at Gore's rudeness, but unable to refute his words.

"I also respect General Zod, but we have to consider the reaction of the people on Earth. At first, the people on Earth were too angry and wanted to kill General Zod completely. Kal-El actually wanted to protect them by sending them into the Phantom Zone. Life."

A smile appeared on Gore's face, "These days are different from the past. People on Earth now don't mind General Zod returning to Kandor City at all."

"Why do you say that?" Allura asked in surprise.

Gore hesitated for a moment, and then told him what Luther had called him privately.

"They said that even if General Zod had committed crimes on Earth, after being imprisoned in the Phantom Zone for many years, it was almost time for him to be released.

At least we can hire a lawyer to fight for General Zod's bail in a galactic court. "

"Luthor." Allura looked a little ugly, "What does he want to do?"

"His purpose is very simple, to cooperate with us. But don't worry, I didn't promise him anything, and he didn't ask us to promise anything."

Gore sighed, turned on his watch, and projected Luther's post into the air.

"You see, the people of Earth really don't care if General Zod returns."

His tone was bitter.

At this time, the number of replies to the post has increased to 100,000+, 99% of them are mocking the poster, and more than 80% of them despise General Zod.

In the process of searching for posts, he also saw a lot of soft articles related to General Zod, all of which ridiculed "a certain netizen" for his unfounded worries.

Obviously, because of the $300,000 promotion fee Luthor invested, "Zod is about to return" has become a hot news, but unfortunately there is not a word in the news that Kryptonians find pleasant.

Allura read through the content of the post and blushed, feeling embarrassed and angry.

"Since the Earthlings don't care whether General Zod returns, let's open the Phantom Prison."

Gore was stunned, "You decided so soon?"

He thought it would take a while.

After all, Zod's return will definitely threaten Allura's power and prestige in Kandor City.

Allura sighed: "Commander Gore, we have been together in the bottle city for decades. Do I love Kryptonian civilization less than General Zod?"

Gore was shocked and said with a complex expression: "You, like General Zod, are both patriots and great leaders worthy of the trust and respect of all Kryptonians!"

The next morning, Allura went to the White House in person to discuss with the commander-in-chief whether General Zod could be released after serving his sentence.

At noon, General Lane came to Quinn Manor and wanted to see Harley.

"Harry seldom goes home these days. Do you know Mrs. Xanadu? She is at Mrs. Xanadu's house." Selina said.

"I remember that Mrs. Xanadu's house in Manhattan was destroyed by bombers. She now lives in the woods behind Lishan?" General Lane asked.

Selena nodded slightly, "You can walk north along the back mountain path until you reach Madam Xanadu's courtyard."

"What is Harley doing at Madam Xanadu's house?" General Lane asked curiously.

Selina led the way and said, "I heard they are practicing divination."

"Harley practices divination, or does Harley help Madam Xanadu practice divination?"

Selena said uncertainly: "It seems that she is practicing dual cultivation. I don't understand it very well. You can ask her yourself."

She led General Lane to the back mountain and ignored him.

General Lane knew that many of the trees and vines around Lishan were magical plants, so he did not dare to wander around and walked honestly along the path.

About 20 minutes later, the field of vision suddenly widened.

Surrounded by flowerbeds and fruit trees, an elegant three-story building was erected, and a sign reading "Mrs. Xanadu's Cottage" was hung at the door of the yard.

Unfortunately, a guest was visiting Mrs. Xanadu at this time.

There was more than one person, there were three people sitting on the bench in the yard.

General Lane hesitated for a moment, crossed the bench and walked to the door of the small building. He looked out the window and saw no one except the furniture.

"Is Mrs. Xanadu in there?" He turned around and asked the person on the chair.

"Wait a minute, we're waiting in line too." The person on the bench said politely.

"I'm not looking for Madam Xanadu." Ryan knocked on the door and shouted inside: "Mrs.

"Squeak!" Before he could finish his words, the two mahogany doors that had been tightly closed opened automatically.

General Lane raised his feet and walked inside. The three people on the bench behind him all showed expressions of envy and awe.

There is only one mountain behind, Lishan. Being able to come down from Lishan must be related to the one on the mountain.

Since we are related to that person, it doesn't matter whether we cut in line or not.

"After you go to Lann Planet, you will meet many women, all of whom are aliens. Remember, don't touch women with purple hair. No matter whether they have hair or tentacles on their heads, as long as the top of their heads is purple, no matter how beautiful they are , No matter how rich you are, don’t mess with me, you can’t afford to mess with me!”

After entering the door and walking a few steps inside, General Lane heard a familiar voice.

Much like Harley.

But listening to what she said, it sounded like Mrs. Xanadu was divining for others.

He was curious and walked quietly towards the direction from which the sound came.

After turning a corner, General Lane came to a wooden door. The voice became clearer and he became more confused.

"You will see a woman with a gauze covering her head in the Heavenly Mountain Cathedral in the capital of Lann. After seeing her, you immediately go to the side of the stairs and wait. She will tilt her body and fall forward.

At that time, you immediately flew forward, using your body as a pad to catch the woman—"

"Madam, you said I was standing at the edge of the stairs." A young male voice interrupted her.

"Yes, it's right next to the stone steps. Let me see. There are seven, seven and forty-nine levels in total. You should probably be on level 14. Well, counting from top to bottom."

"It's such a high step. If I throw myself over it, won't I fall and get a bloody head?" the man asked worriedly.

"Hey, if you don't endure hardships, how can you be superior to others? You want to eat soft food, and you also want to eat the richest alien soft rice, how can you not pay a little price?

Or, if you think about it differently, how could the noble alien princess be moved if you hadn't broken your head and suffered a bloody blow? "

"That makes sense."

"Now that you understand, let's go."

"Is it enough to just be a meat pad for once? What should I pay attention to when I get to know her later?" the man asked.

"Just remember the following three sentences - be extremely flattering, don't be shy, and don't lose etiquette."

The man asked doubtfully: "Since you are so flattering and shameless, how can you still be polite?"

"As a young man from a well-known family in the Upper East Side, haven't you been educated like a beast since you were a child?"

"Uh, I understand, thank you madam for your teaching." The man's voice was full of embarrassment.

"Go ahead."

"Squeak~~" The door opened, and a young white man with oily hair and pink face walked out.

When he saw General Lane, the young man blushed and felt embarrassed for a moment.

After hesitating for a while, he still bowed politely.

General Lane had already heard that this guy planned to go to Lan'en Star to hang out with a rich woman. Although a polite smile appeared on his old face, the smile was very stiff.

After the young man left, Ryan looked into the room again. Inside was a meditation room, with spices lit and smoke filling the room.

"Don't you want to see me? Come in quickly." The woman inside said.

"You are." General Lane saw a familiar face, Mrs. Xanadu in a purple cheongsam, but her expression and tone

As soon as a look of confusion appeared on his face, the "Mrs. Xanadu" in the smoke suddenly distorted her face and turned into Harley.

"Ah!" General Lane rubbed his eyes, "Am I dazzled?"

"You're not dazzled, she's pretending to be me to do divination for others." Another female voice came from behind him, and Mrs. Xanadu walked in in a lake-colored cheongsam with her hair tied up high.

"Harry, you said it in too much detail. You even know exactly which step it is on. This is not okay. This is not a prophecy."

Qipao Ha Li said: "I'm just telling you what I saw. I can't tell you clearly which step I am on, and I can't say it intentionally vague, right?"

"Where did you see it? In the crystal ball or on the timeline?" Xanadu asked.

Harry shook his head and said: "The crystal ball divination you taught me is also about peering into the river of time, but I can already see the timeline clearly.

Now I hold the crystal ball with both hands and look at the river of time. I only know that I saw some information, but I don’t know exactly how. "

"Alas, you can see so clearly. You probably observe the timeline directly with the authority of the God King. This will not help improve your divination experience." Xanadu sighed.

"Practice slowly." Harley sighed, turned to General Lane, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

As soon as she asked, she quickly waved her hand and said: "Don't tell me, let me divine."

As she spoke, she covered the crystal ball with her hands and muttered something in her mouth. The smoke rising from the incense burner became thicker and the scene in the whole room became hazy.

"For General Zod? The Kryptonians in Kandor want to release him? Well, it's the Kryptonian commander Gore that you and Luther went to find."

"Harry, you are so awesome, you are absolutely right!" General Lane gave a thumbs up and praised.

"The past has been decided, so what's so great about divination of what happened in the past?" Shangdu said disapprovingly.

General Lane didn't know how to respond, so he just smiled politely and explained: "Although I went to meet Gore with Luther, he and I are not the same person.

The reason why the Grand Commander asked me to participate in this matter is only because I am now the representative of pure earthlings within the government and have a good relationship with you.

They have their own plans, but they are afraid that they will make you unhappy by taking unauthorized actions, or end up causing a big disaster without anyone being able to tell the truth.

Let me get involved, I know how powerful they are, and I will definitely let you know when something big happens, and they will ask you to make decisions, and they won't offend you. "

After a pause, he added: "Of course, like the Commander-in-Chief, I sincerely support Luther's plan.

The commander-in-chief hopes that Luther can unify Apokolips and be crowned the king of Apokolips again, and then he will follow the chickens and dogs to heaven.

I just want to solve the Kryptonian danger in Kandor City.

The appearance of a Kryptonian on Earth is a blessing to the people of Earth.

Ten Kryptonians coming to Earth could cause great turmoil.

The seven million Kryptonians are a complete civilization. If they stay in the solar system, they will definitely threaten the survival and development of human civilization.

If all the Kryptonians in Kandor City follow Luther into Apokolips, the Earth will naturally get rid of its burdens and eliminate a major threat.

At the same time, the new human gods on Apokolips can also get strong help. At least when the dark elite takes revenge, the Kryptonians can help the new human gods share the firepower.

Alas, even if they choose to become the New God of Darkness, they are still humans.

As long as they don't come back to cause harm to the earth, I have nothing but blessings for them. "

"You don't need to come to me specifically for such a small matter, you can handle it well yourself." Harley said.

"You think my idea is good?"

General Lane looked excited, and the smile on his old face couldn't stop spreading.

Harley shook her head and said: "I don't think Kandor City's remaining in the solar system can threaten the civilization of the earth.

As long as you have ideas and can think for yourself, I will support you. "

General Lane's smile was slightly stiff, "I'm not a stupid person, of course I can think."

"Harley, I know you only care about big cosmic crises right now, but you can't underestimate the Kryptonians.

There were so many of them, seven million of them.

Moreover, Kandor City has a complete Kryptonian industrial system. As long as they are given enough time, 'New Krypton' is no longer a dream! he shouted excitedly.

"How long do you think it will take them to revive New Krypton?" Harley asked.

General Lane took two steps closer to her, lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Superman gave the Code of Life to Allura!

It's the database that records all Kryptonian genes.

As long as the resources are sufficient, Kandor City can have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of adult Kryptonian warriors in 20 years! "

"Do you think the current main universe can continue to be peaceful for 20 years without any major crises?" Harley asked again.

General Lane was stunned for a moment and said: "I will be satisfied if it can last for one year without any crisis."

"Then what are you worried about? As long as we encounter another 'Darkseid War'-level crisis, do you think Kandor City is still willing to stay in the solar system?

Most of them were so frightened that they peed their pants and ran as far as they could without looking back.

After leaving the solar system, even if the number of Kryptonians expands to 10 billion or 100 billion, what does it have to do with us? "

General Lane's mouth twitched and said: "Is this a combination of misfortune and blessing? Although the continuous crises are annoying, they can scare the young people away from the earth."

"It's okay if you understand it this way." Harley's face changed again, turning into the appearance of Mrs.

General Lane looked at her "Xanadu face", then at the crystal ball in her arms, and asked, "Why do you want to learn divination?"

"I want to be the God of Destiny, control destiny, and strangle destiny by the throat." Hallie raised her right hand and made a firm grasping motion.

"Why do you suddenly want to control your destiny?" General Lane asked again.

Harley said impatiently: "You don't need a reason to control your destiny. If it were you, would you like to control your destiny?"

General Lane still had many questions that he wanted to ask in detail, but seeing her impatient look, he could only hide his questions in his heart.

"Since you want to practice divination, can you divine the future of Luther's 'Freedom and Hope Mecha Legion'? Can they succeed?"

Harley once again covered the crystal ball with her hands and muttered something.


Without any warning, the crystal ball exploded directly in Harley's hand like a stepped landmine.

The explosion came so suddenly that Harley was caught off guard. She let out a muffled groan, her head seemed to have been kicked by an elephant, and her body was swaying.

The fragments of the crystal ball exploded "chichichi" and scattered like bullets in the meditation room.

"Ouch!" General Lane was close, and his face was pierced with more than a dozen small bloody holes. He turned his chair back, covered his face and fell to the ground, howling miserably.

Mrs. Xanadu was not spared. She flew backwards seven to eight meters and hit the wall hard. Her chest, abdomen and face were all bloody.

"Harry, you are seeking death! With your rubbish divination skills, how can you not dare to spy on the fate of the dark protoss of Apokolips without suffering backlash?" Xanadu continued to curse.

Harley patted her sleeves, stood up like a normal person, and said calmly: "It's not certain who will suffer the backlash. I just broke a crystal ball. I don't know how many liters of blood the Dark Elite will vomit this time."

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