I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1759 Seven Million Kryptonians

When preparing to leave the Sea of ​​Entropy, Harley brought up the old story again and asked: "Your Majesty, now that the story has been passed on, can you introduce me to Angel Amla later?"

"I will help you convey your message. I can't guarantee whether she will see you and whether she is willing to give you the origin." Michael said.

——No guarantee at all means no guarantee. No guarantee means no hope. Don’t have any expectations.

Harley now placed all her hopes on the Angel of Destiny, she wanted 100% guarantee.

"Hey, Your Majesty, you know my situation very well. I really need the Source of Destiny to save my life. Please help me to persuade you. As your Majesty, even I will give you face. Is Amra more important than me?" Rebellious and unwilling to listen to advice?"

"I'm not you. You are used to stealing other people's origins. When it comes to stealing origins, you don't feel any guilt or shame at all. But I can't say it out loud, let alone help you persuade others to let you steal their origins."

Having said this, a strange look appeared on Michael's handsome face, and he asked: "If you are a Muggle who doesn't understand the common sense of magic, and doesn't understand the meaning of origin to a transcendent, and make such an unreasonable request, It's excusable.

But you're not a Muggle.

With your current status, you should be very clear about how important the origin is to extraordinary people. It is almost the most important thing.

It is not only the energy foundation of a mage or spirit, but also contains all the secrets of spiritual practice of extraordinary beings.

How do you manage to be so calm and keep asking others to hand over their origins to you? "

He truly cannot understand.

Even between good friends, the original power involving core secrets should be a taboo topic that must be treated with caution. It should not even be discussed in public, but she asked for it unscrupulously.

"I have robbed the anti-matter source of the Anti-Monitor, deceived Lucifer's magic source, and stolen the monitor's creation source. I once rushed directly to the Black Death Emperor's house to feast on it."

Harry counted down his fingers and named the most powerful people he had stolen and robbed one by one. Finally, he concluded with a matter-of-fact expression: "Even the origins of these supreme beings and creators are not secrets to me. What good can others do?" Shy?"

Michael said with a dull face: "What you mean is that you have seen all the ten most beautiful beauties in the world. When other women face you, they don't have to worry about being disadvantaged even if they are naked and naked. ?”

"Your example is inappropriate." Harley glanced at him in surprise, shook her head and said: "Not wearing clothes is always a shameful behavior, and you are always in a state of worry.

But I generally don't steal the secret of the origin, so they don't need to worry. "

After a pause, she continued: "Don't say that I have always only stolen the power itself and have no interest in the secrets contained in the origin.

Even if I covet the secrets of the original laws, there are so many supreme and creator gods that I can't decipher, but someone who is not even the Supreme God-King tightly covers his own little broken origin. Isn't that a little arrogant? "

"You are indeed a weirdo! But you are the only weirdo in the world. We are all normal people. If you ask me to take the initiative to persuade Amra to 'lend' the source of destiny to you, I am too thin-skinned to say anything." Michael said.

Harley thought for a while and said: "How about this, you can use your magic to help me shoot a VCR.

You don't need to say anything when you go back. Just call her to you and play the magic vcr for her. If you have anything to say, I will explain it clearly in the vcr myself. "

Michael waved his hand and said: "It's not necessary. We are not mortals. We know some things without saying it. Using such low-level methods will only make us look more shameless."

"Let's shoot vcr. The more face-conscious Amra is like you, the more unable to refuse other people's shamelessness. As long as I am completely shameless, the chance of success will be greatly improved." Harley insisted.

"You still know that you have no face?"

"Compared to what I want to do, my face is not worth a dime." Harley said.

Michael's expression was complicated. Her purpose of being so shameless was not for herself, but to save her friends.

Although she was very shameless, He had to admit that she was really loyal.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Silver City no longer refused, and honestly followed her request and helped her record a magic VCR.

Just like when they entered the ocean of entropy, the process of leaving was smooth and fast. Half an hour later, they broke away from the mother river of time and returned to Limbo.

"By the way, Gabriel's heart was poached by John Constantine and the succubus Ellie, do you know?" Harley asked before parting at the bottom of Limbo.

Michael frowned and nodded: "The Voice of Heaven is paying attention to this matter. But everyone has their own destiny. Heaven has never restricted Gabriel's behavior in the world, and there is no reason to help him resolve the cause and effect. unnecessary."

Harry smiled weirdly and said: "It's not easy to sort out the cause and effect. The main reason why Constantine and the others succeeded was because Gabriel had a big problem with himself."

Michael said calmly: "Of course there is something wrong with Gabriel, but Constantine is by no means as innocent as he told you."

After hesitating for a moment, he added: "If you have no requirements for the quality of the God of Destiny's origin, you can consider cultivating the God of Destiny yourself.

Many human mages have shown very strong prophecy talents, and they are all your acquaintances.

What they lack now is opportunity. When the opportunity comes, they will become gods instantly.

With your strength and realm, you are fully qualified to provide them with opportunities. "

"Cultivate the God of Destiny yourself." Harley looked thoughtful.

She first thought of Mrs. Xanadu.

Xanadu masters at least two exclusive laws, one of which is the Tarot cards related to destiny.

"What else did Constantine do that I don't know about? Do you think he also has the talent to become the god of prophecy?" she asked.

Just like every mage has some exposure to black magic, and at the master level, human mage knows a little bit about divination. It is not surprising that Zha Kang studies divination.

She originally didn't think that his proficiency in prophecy was high enough to assassinate an angel king, but the reality was that an angel king was successfully assassinated by him.

"Whether he could become a god or not, I don't know, but I'm sure he blocked Gabriel's view of his destiny."

"He's not even a god, how can he block the Angel King's vision of destiny?" Harley asked.

"Because of the incident between Lord Eclipse and Chris, Gabriel has been in a bad state recently. Your friend is very smart and seized the best opportunity." Michael said vaguely.

"How do you feel about Chris? Have you been as stimulated as Gabriel? Have you ever done dirty work for Brother God?

From what Constantine said, it seemed that Gabriel, like the Stranger, had also been Brother God's little black hand.

Also, what position will Holy Chris occupy in heaven in the future? Will God force you to bow to him like he did back then? "Harry was indeed curious and asked a series of questions.

"I have no idea, goodbye."

Michael's handsome face was stiff, he turned his head and waved his hands vigorously, his body became transparent, and disappeared in front of Harley in the blink of an eye.

Harley shrugged and took a step back to the main universe.

As soon as she entered the yard, she saw Selena squatting in front of the door with her 10-year-old Helena, taking out items of clothing one by one from several boxes and throwing them into the large plastic basket placed next to the corridor.

"What are you doing? Do you want to dry your clothes?" She raised her head and glanced at the sky. Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was gray and there might be cold autumn rain in the evening.

“Select out old clothes that are no longer needed and donate them to slave camp refugees.”

A layer of sweat broke out on Helena's little face, but her expression was very excited and she looked very motivated.

"What? Where's the slave camp?" Harley didn't react for a moment.

Selina said: "The slave camp on Apokolips. Lex Luthor kept his word. When you were not at home, he had liberated a slave camp with a population of 20 million, just three days ago.

He also invited the earth and extraterrestrial television media to conduct on-site interviews in the slave camps of Apokolips.

TV stations have been broadcasting similar live broadcasts in recent days.

Alas, the new dark gods in the slave camp are having a hard time.

Many people were half-clothed and didn't even have a single piece of clothing.

This is not an exaggeration. When interviewed by reporters, many slaves said they had never worn clothes in their lives.

After the news was broadcast, enthusiasts around the world began to donate money and materials to them. "

"Nonsense, how can clothes from the material universe enter Apokolips?"

Harley found a lounge chair and placed it at the door, while taking out her phone and flipping through the news.

Sure enough, there are many videos related to the slave camps of Apokolips.

Even on the Puppy Video Network, a video with the title "Shocked, the life of ordinary protoss is so miserable" dominated the headlines.

Entering the live broadcast channel, many new human internet celebrities actually used mother box cameras to broadcast live on Apokolips. Hundreds of millions of people on earth watched the live broadcast.

Selina sighed: "After liberating the slave camp, the young and strong new gods were organized into the 'Mecha Legion' by Luther to prepare for the liberation of the next slave camp.

Each of them was assigned a general-purpose mecha, and the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled were sent to the main universe.

Luther spent money to buy a resource-depleted planet from the Ranns and named it the 'Apocalypse of Hope'.

It is only 8 light years away from the solar system.

The clothes, money and food we donate can be sent through the sonic boom channel. "

Harley stared at the live broadcast on the mobile phone screen and said: "You are completely self-motivated and self-impressed.

With the productivity and production efficiency of the New Protoss, how many new nano-suits cannot be produced, so why do we need the old clothes of mortals? "

"In an interview with the media, Luther personally called on the people of the earth to show love to the refugees. He said that they need our care and help. The commander-in-chief also burst into tears and spoke loudly on TV." Selina said.

Harley typed "Commander of the United States" on her mobile phone. More than 60% of the entries displayed were related to the former commander-in-chief Tesla. Either Tesla scolded the commander-in-chief for not being human, or the commander-in-chief scolded Tesla. Provoking ethnic antagonism.

Most of the rest of the news was about refugee camps.

The current leader seems intent on saving his image in the hearts of voters through the just event of "liberating the refugee camps."

Seven of the top ten hot news items on "American headlines" today are related to the Apokolips refugee camp.

Many media people also directly praised Luther for bringing freedom, equality and democracy to the people of Apokolips.

She even saw a hot-button article called "Who is the Greatest" specifically praising Luthor.

"Luthor has no good intentions. There is no need for you to mess around with him."

Harley felt obvious traces of manipulation behind these hot news.

"Whether Luther has good intentions or not, we always feel the same way when we donate money and materials to the elderly, weak, sick and disabled."

"I'm afraid you will end up doing bad things with good intentions." Harley sighed.

Luther wanted more than just public praise.

Only the praise of the people cannot help him improve his dangerous situation on Apokolips.

"What can be done by donating clothes?" Selina disagreed.

"By the way, where have you been these past few days?" She seemed to remember something, looked sideways at Harley and said, "Since three days ago, Superman and Lois have been coming to see you every day, and Bruce has also been here. Twice, I sent you messages using the Guardian Dog system, but I didn’t get a response once.”

"What are they looking for me for?" Harley asked.

"Superman's search for you seems to have something to do with Kandor City. Louise probably stopped by and wanted to interview you." Selina said.

"Will you leave today? If you don't leave, I will send a message to Louise now to tell her that you are back." She asked.

"Is it so urgent? I have sent Hades away. If nothing unexpected happens, I will stay at home for a long time. They can come to me at any time." Harley said.

"I think they seem a little anxious." Selina took out her phone and sent Louise a message.

Then she asked curiously: "Have you completed sending the story to the parallel universe next door? I still don't understand. Isn't it the story you sent? How can you still send people out?"

Harley pointed to her temple and asked, "Tell me, in what form does the story exist in my mind?"

"Memory?" Selina asked.

"Thinking!" Harley explained simply: "The story in my mind is a piece of thinking. To pass the story to the destined person in the next universe is to project your own thoughts into the destined person's mind.

Hades, who has turned his thoughts to life, has essentially become a ball of thoughts.

As long as he is completely obedient, he can disguise himself as a piece of thought in my mind. I use this piece of thought to record the story information and transmit the story to the next universe, which is equivalent to helping the thinking Hades complete the time travel. "

"Hey Harley, you're finally back."

When Selina was frowning and thinking about how thinking life turned into "thinking" in other people's minds, a red light flashed in the sky, and Tear Man had appeared in the yard.

"Harry, where have you been these days? I've been looking for you for several days."

"What big thing happened recently that I don't know about? You are so anxious to find me." Harley asked strangely.

"Is it convenient for you now? I will take you to a place. You will understand when you go there." The expression on Dachao's face was half excited, but also half uneasy and confused.

Harley became more and more curious, "Where to go?"

"The Fortress of Solitude."

The Fortress of Solitude is Superman's "Batcave", built from Sunstone crystal.

The Sunstone Crystal is one of the Kryptonian crystal technologies.

The unique crystal technology created by the Kryptonians can store large amounts of information in artificial crystals and even make crystals into quantum computers.

Superman's mastermind is made of crystal.

Sunstone crystal is a crystal used in construction. As long as there is sufficient energy, it can grow indefinitely.

In conjunction with the already designed architectural drawings, Sunstone Crystal can directly grow large buildings with their own defense systems.

The Fortress of Solitude is formed by the growth and combination of tens of millions of sunstone crystals.

Those crystals are more than ten kilometers long and thicker than Da Chao's waist.

At this time, the sunstone crystals that formed the Fortress of Solitude absorbed the energy of the Earth's core and grew outward again, covering the entire polar region with a radius of dozens of kilometers, as if a lid was added to the Earth's North Pole.

And under the crystal ice cap, there is indeed a city.

"Is this Kandor City?" Harley looked at the Kryptonians flying fast on the city streets and said in surprise: "You finally cracked Brainiac's bottled city technology, and Kandor City and the people in the city were restored. As before?

When did it happen, and how many Kryptonians have been revived now? "

More than ten years ago, she and the Justice League captured Brainiac's spaceship, which contained many iconic alien cities in bottles, such as the Kryptonian city of Kandor.

Kandor City is not the capital of Krypton, but it is one of the most prosperous and dynamic cities, similar to New York on Earth.

Before Brainiac was captured, a special slumbering smoke was released on all bottled cities.

Including Kandor City, all the bottled cities in the cabin fell into deathly silence in an instant, and the alien residents in the city suddenly turned into "Sleeping Beauty", lost consciousness, and fell into a long sleep.

They cannot even be taken away from the bottle city. Staying in the bottle city can at least ensure that their bodies do not rot or lose vital signs.

If alien citizens are forcibly taken out of the bottle city, not only will they still maintain their nanoscale figures, but they will also quickly disappear - their bodies will evaporate and disappear.

As soon as Brainiac and his spaceship were captured, the Crisis on Infinite Earths broke out. At that time, Harley and Zheng Lian were mainly focused on the antimatter crisis that affected the entire multiverse, allowing Brainiac to take advantage of a loophole and quietly escape from prison. .

For more than ten years, Superman has been studying the "sealed" city in the bottle, until today he finally succeeded.

Dachao looked down at the Kryptonian city below, with a happy and satisfied smile on his face, and said: "There are a total of 7.35 million Kryptonians in Kandor City, and they are all awake now.

When they were first 'thawed out', they were still very weak, like ordinary people who had been bedridden for many years.

Fortunately, they can also absorb yellow sunlight. At this time, they are in good health with almost no sequelae, as if the coma in the past ten years has never happened. "

He spoke cheerfully, but Harry frowned slightly.

"Kara and I have almost despaired over the years. Brainiac's technology is too weird. We have tried every means, even if we can get the city out of the bottle and enlarge it to normal size, we still can't wake up the people inside.

They were able to wake them up this time, thanks to Bruce's help.

The 'God of Knowledge' lives up to his reputation. After he sat on the Mobius Chair, he immediately became an omniscient god.

Especially in terms of scientific and technological knowledge, it is almost truly omniscient and omnipotent. "Da Chao said with emotion.

"It turns out to be the 'God of Knowledge'." Harry suddenly realized.

With the power of the Mobius Chair, it would be easy to break Brainiac's technology.

However, Bruce's willingness to help Da Chao restore Kandor City was a bit beyond her expectation.

"Hey Harley, you're here!"

The two stood at the edge of the city and watched for a while before attracting the attention of the Kryptonians in the city.

At this time, all Kryptonians in Kandor have bodies of steel, super vision, and super hearing.

Supergirl Kara was also in the city at this time, and she flew over first.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my mother, Allura, and my father, Clark's uncle, Zor-El." Kara was not alone. She was accompanied by a middle-aged couple with kind faces.

Allura and Kara look very similar. They both have golden hair, fair skin, and beautiful faces.

Compared with Kara's energetic appearance, Allura's temperament is obviously more noble and elegant, with the intellectual beauty of a superior person.

"Hello, Allura, Zor-El." The smile on Harley's face was gentle and kind.

"Miss Quinn, although we have only been awake for a few days, we have heard countless stories about you and have been looking forward to seeing you." Allura acted more enthusiastically, with a bit of respect in her enthusiastic attitude. .

Except for Super, who was born naturally, all Kryptonians were born through genetic engineering technology.

Before birth, each Kryptonian's future is determined by their genes.

In other words, whatever profession is needed by Kryptonian society, what type of genes will be customized for newborns.

Almost all the El family are scientists. Superman's father and uncle both have scientist genes, and Super Girl Kara has warrior genes.

Although Allura and Zor-El are Kara's parents, they did not conceive of Kara after normal behavior.

When they decided to have a child, they selected warrior genes from their respective gene pools and combined them together to form a biological embryo, which was Kara, in a culture tank.

And Allura's profession is a politician. She has professional politician genes in her body and is a perfect politician.

When she wants to entertain Harry well, she must make Harry feel at home and attentive.

Harley reciprocated the favor and readily agreed to Allura's request to leave the confines of the Fortress of Solitude and enter human society.

Before today, no Kryptonians had left the North Pole, and no one on Earth knew that Kandor had returned to normal.

Dachao knew how much of a sensation the sudden appearance of 7 million Kryptonians on Earth would cause.

In the past few days, he had been limiting the Kryptonians' activities to the Fortress of Solitude.

Unless Harley gives him permission, he will not let 70,000 to 80,000 Kryptonians roam freely on Earth.

Harley's permission not only represents the earth's civilization's recognition of the Kryptonians in Kandor City, it is also a guarantee: if the Kryptonians cause trouble, or there is a conflict between Kryptonians and Earthlings, she will be responsible for handling it.

He believed in her and believed that she could handle all problems.

After visiting the famous attractions in Kandor City and having a Kryptonian meal, Harley said goodbye and left Kandor City. Kara still stayed with her parents, and Chao accompanied her back to Gotham.

"Harry, thank you." His expression was serious and his eyes were sincere.

"Thank you for what? Your uncle and aunt entertained me today, so I should thank them for their hospitality." Harley smiled.

"Thank you for accepting them." Dachao sighed: "I was always worried before today."

His expression became hesitant, and there was a bit of worry on Guozi's face, "I'll tell you the truth, the enthusiasm and humility that Allura showed when facing you today is not how people from Kandor City treat people on Earth. manner."

"What's the normal attitude?" Harley asked curiously.

"A bit arrogant."

"Only one thing? With the level of development of Kryptonians, facing the inferior earth civilization, it would be abnormal not to be arrogant." Harley chuckled.

Dachao sighed and said helplessly: "They are very arrogant. They look down on earth's civilization and think that earth's people are primitive, barbaric and ignorant.

I have shown them your story, which is the "Galaxy Admiral Series" produced by Louise. They have not personally experienced various crises in the past, and have no intuitive feeling for your strength. They have always felt that "Galaxy Admiral" Will' just be touted by the people of Earth. "

Harley waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, I won't use power to oppress them. They are guests of the earth. Sooner or later, the seven million Kryptonians will leave the earth. When they leave, no matter what they think about the earth in their hearts, it won't matter. .”

Da Chao said softly: "I really hope that you can show the power of the God King and let some Kryptonians understand that Kandor City is just a city of 'refugees' who were lucky enough to survive. There are too many forces in the universe that can destroy them.

Kandor City should indeed leave the Earth, but some of them are also discussing Zod. Some soldiers recognize Zod's behavior of transforming the Earth into "New Krypton." "

Then he added: "Only a handful of Kryptonian soldiers have this idea. Allura and Zor-El are very sensible. They have never thought of launching an aggressive war against the Earth."

"They said it in front of you?" Harley asked.

Dachao shook his head, "I overheard it with my super hearing. What you saw and heard today is not the real Kandor City. They still did not show 100% honesty when facing me."

The smile on Harley's face faded, "Actually, it's not surprising that they have this idea. People can talk about feelings and morality between people, but between civilizations, there is the law of the jungle.

Civilization is composed of countless individuals, and the common interests of countless individuals are the will of civilization.

The greatest common interest of civilized individuals is survival.

Therefore, the core will of civilization is to survive better.

Earth's civilization is obviously inferior to Krypton's, but Earth's civilization has resources that Kryptonians are extremely envious of - the Earth has a yellow sun, is the center of the universe, and has a special destiny.

Once they occupy the Earth, the Kryptonians will have a bright future and the best future. "

"Even without you, even if I am the most powerful force on earth, I will not allow the Kryptonians to occupy the earth." Dachao looked serious and spoke firmly.

Harley completely believed that Da Chao had been raised by the people on Earth, and his subconscious identification with Earth civilization had greatly surpassed Kryptonian civilization.

"Don't think too much, as long as the Kryptonian's IQ is online, they will never have any unreasonable thoughts about the earth." Harley patted his shoulder and consoled him.

Da Chao said with expectation in his eyes: "Don't you like to compete with others? Why don't we find a reason tomorrow for you to have an intra-stage match with the Kryptonian warriors from Kandor City.

I believe that after the competition, all Kryptonians will respect you like a god without any petty thoughts. "

Harley looked embarrassed, "That's not necessary, I have full confidence in them."

There is no doubt that each Kryptonian is a huge experience package.

In the past, if she encountered 7 million large experience packs, she would have been ready to make a move.

Even if Da Chao didn't say anything, she would take the initiative to propose a competition with them.

But she is now level 140, her experience tank is almost overflowing, and she has not chosen her 14th defense specialty yet.

If you don't activate the expertise, you will never be able to break through level 141, and the extra experience will be wasted.

"To be honest, I don't have much confidence in them." Dachao said with a wry smile.

Harley said weirdly: "Luthor is quite popular recently, you know that, right?"

Dachao nodded slightly and said with a complicated expression: "He also sent invitations to the Justice League many times, asking us to join his 'Slave Camp Liberation Army' and follow him to liberate the slave camps.

He did not go to the Hall of Justice alone.

Luther was surrounded by many famous galactic reporters and cameras, and every time he spoke with righteousness and high-sounding.

There seemed to be an angel's halo behind his bald head, and the expressions on his face and the words he spoke were very provocative.

In the past few days, various news and television stations have also been broadcasting videos of him loudly calling on Zhenglian to join his "just action." Many people have left messages online, hoping that Zhenglian will act quickly and not fall behind the "number one villain Luther". "

"What do you think? Will you go to Apokolips to liberate the slave camps?" Harley asked curiously.

Dachao shook his head and said: "Baitman suggested that we ignore the comments of netizens and Luther.

He bluntly stated that Luthor actually wanted to drag the Justice League into trouble and help him deal with the Dark Elite.

We, the Justice League, should decide for ourselves what is right and cannot be coerced by the will of the people. Because public opinion can easily be coerced by villains like Luther, or political groups with special purposes, and end up doing bad things with good intentions. "

Harley nodded and asked, "Then do you think liberating the slave camps is the right thing to do?"

“There are many right things in this world, and some should be done. Even if some things seem right, we must act within our capabilities and treat them with caution.

The Justice League should adhere to the concept of absolute justice, but the Justice League cannot be so arrogant as to think that it is equal to the justice of the multiverse.

Protecting the earth and protecting earth civilization is a very clear concept. We are very sure about this and will not hesitate at all.

Freeing the slave camps was different.

Everyone knows that all the new dark gods come from slave camps, and most of the dark elites also grew up from slave camps.

The slave camp has the word "slave" in its name, but it is essentially the "lower class people" of the Dark New God.

Now we go to liberate the slave camp. Tomorrow, the dark new god in the slave camp will follow Luther to wreak havoc on the material universe, destroy civilization, and blow up the planet. How should we deal with it?

We cannot even judge the final consequences of liberating the slave camps, so how could we act rashly and bring war to the earth? "

"You are still sober." Harley smiled: "But everything has its disadvantages and advantages. Freeing the slave camps can at least help the Kryptonians in Kandor City recognize the reality and make their somewhat heated heads become extremely calm."

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