I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1747 The conflict between humans and the new gods of humans

After the Darkseid War officially ended, the earth fell into the debate over "whether humans collectively ascended to become new gods." This process lasted for nearly a month.

Then the collective ascension officially begins, and the earth breaks away from the gravity of Apokolips and returns to the main universe.

Almost on the same day, Harley received an invitation from the old Shazam to become one of the Six Gods of SHAZAM.

By the time all members of the Shazam family gathered together and regained their powers, nearly half a month had passed.

"Philadelphia has changed a lot. The last time I left with the Dome, it had just returned from the dimension of Sister Harley's stomach bag, and only two-thirds of the buildings were preserved.

Highways, subway stations, and gardens have disappeared, leaving only empty yellow land.

In less than two months, the city has returned to its original appearance, with many more amazing buildings. "

In the night sky of Philadelphia, the six members of the Magic Family are floating in the sky, and Magic Mary overlooks the entire city, with countless emotions in her tone.

Philadelphia is the city of the Magic Family. In order to make room for them, Harley moved the "Young Watchers" to the once extremely popular Young Watchers in Cleveland. Since then, it has lost traffic and almost disappeared.

Philadelphia is only 200 kilometers away from the metropolis, which is exactly within the scope of the "Doujie Continent".

Like the metropolis, the buildings in the city also need to be rebuilt.

Billy said: "Ever since I obtained the ruling godhead, the wizard has locked me in the Eternal Castle. I can only watch the news on my mobile phone, and I don't know much about the collective changes in the city."

"You always know about the 'Alien Friendship Assistance Plan', right? It was a global sensation at that time, and almost every TV station was broadcasting it." Freddy said.

Billy nodded and sighed: "I know this. The U.S. government has announced to the outside world that the 'Galaxy Admiral' believes that the earth has borne the damage caused by the supreme battlefield for the entire universe. Extraterrestrial advanced civilizations have the responsibility and obligation to protect the people of the earth." Rebuild to provide whatever help we can.

Before this news could spread through the galactic media, at least two thousand alien civilizations immediately announced their intention to donate to us. "

Freddy said excitedly: "This is the reputation of the Galaxy Admiral! You don't have to show up in person, you only indirectly express an attitude, and the alien advanced civilization immediately responds positively.

Not only donations and supplies, but also millions of alien engineers personally came to Earth to support city construction.

Seeing how enthusiastic their alien allies are, the American people are not to be outdone and actively respond to the major infrastructure construction to rebuild their homeland.

There are alien engineers and alien construction tools, and there are 'one-piece buildings' donated by higher civilizations - similar to the Planet Daily Building, which can transform into a spaceship and float up in the air when a disaster strikes, or retract into the ground. .

In just half a month, the city returned to normal life, and in another half month, even the suburban roads and railways were repaired. "

"All building materials and technologies meet the highest standards of the Galaxy. Our trains will never roll over again!"

His tone was excited and his voice was high-pitched, and he pumped his fist vigorously as he spoke, showing that he was really happy.

He also has good reason to be happy.

Compared with reality, the United States in the DC universe has more fantasy elements.

Iconic buildings and infrastructure, such as the rail system, are virtually indistinguishable.

In real society, trains roll over every day, and in the United States of the DC multiverse, trains still roll over every day.

In reality, Americans have become numb and have no interest in understanding about minor rollovers. Railway companies suppress the news of major rollovers that cause major accidents, so the public has no chance to understand.

If the people don't know, it means no accident happened.

The DC multiverse is different.

Even if the railway company can suppress the news, it will definitely have to pay a price, and the overturned train itself will cause huge losses, so every time there is an accident, no matter how big or small, superheroes are rushed to help.

Superheroes are very efficient, don't have to pay wages, and can help clean up pollutants. It's perfect.

Freddy from the Wonder Family rescues train wrecks almost every day.

Once or twice is okay, but if it happens more often, it will bother him.

The places where train accidents occur are often far away from the city. Not to mention sparsely populated, at least the scene is isolated. There are not many people watching. Even if they carry the huge train carriage with their steel bodies, no one applauds.

"Freddy, you're too happy too early. It's just that there will no longer be trains rolling over around Philadelphia. The trains further away will not be swallowed by Sister Hallie. The original buildings and rails will still be retained. When it is time to roll over, they will still be there." Turn it over,” said Pedro, a bronze star lover and obese patient.

Not only is Freddy tired of being a "firetruck", the Magic Family and even the entire heroic community are not very fond of working for the railroad company for free.

The smile on Freddy's face froze for a moment, "At least it's better than before."

Magic Mary glanced around the streets below and wondered: "The layout of the city has not changed much, and it seems that the population has not even decreased."

"During the Darkseid War, no one died on Earth, so how could the population decrease?" said the little black girl.

Miraculous Mary said: "Although no one died during the crisis, after the collective ascension, didn't more than 2 billion earthlings choose to give up their identity as earthlings and become refugees in the realm of the new gods? Don't we have many escapees in Philadelphia?"

Freddy said with a complex expression: "Nearly two-thirds of the people in the entire United States have ascended to the 'New God Realm', and Philadelphia has exceeded the average, with 70% of people choosing to join the New God Clan."

"Oh my God, the rate of ascension in the United States is so high?" Magical Mary asked in surprise.

"What's so strange about this? Everyone wants the power of the New Gods. After becoming the New Gods, they will at least have a long life and be immortal for thousands of years." said the little black girl.

Magic Mary said excitedly: "But Sister Harley made it very clear that day that the probability of ordinary people awakening to divinity is not high, and their lives are not as good as those of us on earth.

How can we live without equality, freedom and democracy?

Moreover, the global population is close to 8 billion, and the growth rate does not exceed 30%. Why is the United States so much higher than the global average?

Don’t Americans love America anymore?

Obviously everyone loved the United States so much before, and everyone wanted to come to the United States. "

The Asian boy Eugene Choi, who has always seemed relatively silent, sighed: "This is the problem. Before, they thought that the United States was rich and noble, and American people were superior people, so they all loved the United States and were eager to come to the United States.

Even if you are not an American, you still love America very much.

Now it is obvious that the Gods are more glorious and greater, and the new gods are not just 'human superiors', they are gods!

As a result, they loved Apokolips and Creation Star even more.

In the final analysis, their love has never been "the United States".

The "American country" is just a symbol of strength, wealth and wealth that can make them appear superior to others.

The symbol has never changed, nor has the human heart. It has become just the location where the symbol is posted. "

After a pause, Xiao Cui continued: "The famous journalist Louise revealed in her column that the monitor went to her office and was interviewed by her together with Sister Hallie.

The supervisor is called ‘Wu Tan’, and he is an out-and-out Chinese man.

I estimate that the Celestial Dynasty on Earth 51 has received a "symbol" because of such a big man, and many Americans must admire the Celestial Dynasty. "

"Eugene, don't judge others by yourself, we Americans are not what you think." The dark-skinned girl yelled at the yellow-skinned boy.

"I'm not targeting Americans, I'm talking about those exquisite egoists! And I'm also an American. I was born in the United States and grew up in the United States. The United States has given me everything. I truly love the United States!"

Choi Eugene has a loud voice, ensuring that everyone can understand what he means.

"Don't make a fuss." White-skinned Freddy shouted, "We are just discussing the new gods of mankind now, don't take the topic too far."

The younger brother and younger sister both nodded honestly.

"Since more than 70% of the citizens of Philadelphia have chosen Yimin Divine Land, why are the lights of thousands of houses still shining brightly at this time?" Mary changed the subject again.

"Because of the 'New Americans Act', in order to prevent a large number of new human gods from ascending to the divine realm, the earth's population has dropped sharply, and civilization has experienced a great recession, the US government has issued an emergency bill: Even if Americans who love the United States become new gods, as long as they are against If you swear to love and be loyal to the United States by wearing the national flag, you can obtain a second nationality and stay in the United States forever," Freddy said.

Mary was stunned, "You mean, those new human gods have returned to the earth, returned to their original homes, continued their original work and life, and only had an additional household registration of the 'new gods'? How many billions of people are there? , how did you come back?"

"How else can we come back? Just like Orion and Beka, it's very simple and convenient to open the sonic boom channel.

However, not all 2 billion people will return. Those who come back will be people who are not having a good life.

The powerful new human god is domineering on Apokolips. He is so happy and homesick.

Although the new human gods who returned are still the same people, their roots have changed.

From soul to body, they have been reborn, have a thousand years of life, and can awaken the new god's divinity. "Freddy said.

"But Sister Harley has clearly stipulated that after collective ascension, human beings will be human beings, and the new gods will be new gods. The two races and two civilizations will be separated by dimensions and will no longer be involved." Mary said.

"Sister Harley also said that even if she becomes a new god, she will still retain her original feelings." Freddy said.

"Is this a reservation of affection now? Except for the addition of a new nationality, it is almost the same as before. It is still a part of human civilization, but it is interfering with the normal process of human civilization with the influence of the New God." Mary said excitedly.

Freddy shrugged, "I'm just repeating what the 'Returner' said. It's useless for you and me to be anxious."

Billy patted Mary on the shoulder, pointed to the city below and said: "Look, the city is as calm and peaceful as usual now.

As long as the people themselves are satisfied and happy, we should respect their choices even if we have different opinions.

After all, the highest mission of a superhero is to protect justice and peace for the people. "

Magical Mary always felt that something was wrong, but there was a hazy membrane between her heart and the answer, and she couldn't express it with her mouth.

Xiao Cui next to him opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It was not until the next morning that Magic Mary finally discovered something was wrong.

"This is the planet of mankind, get out of here, New God bastards, get out of our world!"

Early in the morning, she was awakened by noisy shouting. The sound came from the streets outside. Hundreds of people were shouting in unison, and the roar was loud.

Mary, the eldest sister, was already a senior in high school when Billy first joined the family. Several years later, she is now an adult and has her own small apartment.

Fortunately, the apartment building was not destroyed in the "Battlefield of Doujie", and she could still move in immediately; unfortunately, the destroyed building next door was replaced with a new building built by Galaxy Building Materials for free, with higher floors and a larger area. .

"Long live the human race on Earth, long live the pure-blooded humans!"

"The Garden of Eden belongs to God's people, the New Gods get out."

The parade had moved away from the street in front of the apartment, but the shouts of the crowd could still be heard in the distance.

Soon Mary also heard people crying and yelling. It seemed that the marchers had clashed with others, and there were even gunshots.

She hurriedly put on the Shazam uniform. She didn't even have time to wash the guano from the corners of her eyes. She turned her face on her face and flew out of the window towards the place where the conflict occurred.

Sure enough, just as she heard, the march was blocked in front of the city hall gate. Anti-riot police armed to the teeth lined up to block the marchers and shouted at them with loudspeakers to leave.

Emotional demonstrators threw petrol bottles at them, and police responded with water cannons and rubber bullets.

"Stop, you have already knocked this child unconscious."

Magic Mary was still a little hesitant about whether to intervene in the conflict between the people and the police. After all, in this situation, helping neither party would be flattering.

From her position, she is not suitable to help anyone.

However, the riot police were extremely vicious. After knocking the demonstrators to the ground, they continued to attack them with batons. Several teenagers who rushed forward had their heads bleeding and were unconscious.

She could only land a bolt of lightning in the open space, attracting many eyes and temporarily ending the conflict.

"Ah, it's Miraculous Mary. I haven't seen her in a long time since Final Crisis."

"Miracle Mary is so beautiful. Look at those long legs, white and strong. Gee, no wonder she can become Darkseid's beloved concubine."

"Do you think her bear has gotten bigger? Is it also due to Darkseid?"

The people were talking a lot, and what they said was not very pleasant.

Magic Mary's psychological quality is better than that of ordinary people. She can't bear the "lewd" looks from everyone, and her face becomes a little white, but she doesn't lose her composure.

It has been almost a year since the final crisis, and she has seen more explicit ridicules on the Internet. Some netizens even wrote pornographic articles about her and used AI software to create 3D animations of her and Darkseid.

"Miracle Mary, this is a march for humans on earth to resist the new gods who intend to enslave mankind. Which side are you on? Do you think you are a god or a human being?" After all, not everyone only fantasizes about Magic Mary's tidbits. There are people among the demonstrators. shouted loudly.

Miraculous Mary responded immediately without hesitation: "Of course I am a human being. The Miraculous family is only the favored ones of the gods, not gods, nor the new gods."

"Magical Mary is human, long live Miraculous Mary!" the demonstrators immediately shouted excitedly.

The expressions of the riot police and the citizens standing on the roadside who were clearly separated from the demonstrators changed slightly, and they showed a look of vigilance.

"Magical Mary, you are the beloved concubine of Apokolips, the wife of Darkseid, and you are the princess of our new dark god!" On the steps of the city hall building, a middle-aged man in a suit and ties shouted with a loudspeaker.

The fat police chief behind the riot police responded: "Mr. Mayor is right, Magic Mary, you are ours and our princess.

Now that Darkseid is dead and a new king, Lex Luthor, is on the throne, you can continue to be his queen. "

"Apocalypse's beloved concubine Mary, long live beloved concubine Mary!" Immediately a large number of citizens and some police shouted.

Mary looked ugly.

Looking at the cheering people, all of them were senior officials from the city hall, even the police chief. She also understood why the police were so cruel.

"No, Magic Mary is a superhero. Now she has turned her back and can no longer go to Apokolips to be her beloved concubine." Someone among the New Gods suddenly shouted a different voice.

"Miracle Mary, come to the Genesis Star. We, the Light God Clan, are living so hard. Why don't you represent the New God of Humanity and marry Heavenly Father? After you become the Genesis Star God, we and the New God of the Genesis Star will form a big family. "

"Marry the Heavenly Father, marry the Heavenly Father!"

"Long live Mary, Queen of Light."

His words were supported by many people, all of whom were the New Gods of the Creation Star.

Mary couldn't bear it any longer and let out a real thunderous roar, "Shut up!"

Her voice echoed through the streets along with the thunder, and the people felt their ears buzzing and almost lost their hearing.

"If you are not living well in the God's Domain, why do you want to join the New God Clan? Now that you have become the New God Clan, why do you want to return to Earth?

What do you think of the earth and the people on earth?

You have become a new race of gods, and you continue to be high-ranking officials on Earth, occupying important government positions. Why do you have this?

You still want me to go... go - shameless! "

"Well done by Magic Mary!" the demonstrators applauded vigorously.

"You said it nicely, Miraculous Mary. You have divine power, but aren't you also on Earth? Why don't you leave the mortal world? Since you can stay, why can't we?"

"Miracle Mary, you are a piece of shit and have no right to yell around here."

The new gods and humans immediately changed their faces, ridiculing and insulting Magical Mary.

The demonstrators exchanged insults with them, making the scene even more chaotic and the people's emotions even more agitated.

"Boom!" Thunder resounded across the sky, Thunder Shazam made his debut, and the scene fell into silence.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Several bolts of lightning flashed across the sky, and the Shazam family stood side by side with Billy.

"Mary, what are you doing with these demonstrations?" Freddy complained.

"Someone has been injured, or is the New God Clan bullying humans, and I shouldn't care?" Magic Mary was full of resentment, and her attitude must be very bad now.

"We are not government officials. This kind of thing is really difficult and impossible to control." Billy sighed.

"The officials in the city hall have become the New Gods, don't you know? Now they are oppressing ordinary people as the New Gods. This is worse than a super crime incident, and superheroes should not be involved?

Let me put it another way, if the dark elite of Apokolips invades the material universe with demon-like creatures and wants to rule mankind, would we be indifferent? "Magic Mary asked loudly.

"Magical Mary said it well. They are demonoids in human form. Human beings will not accept the rule of demonoids." The demonstrators were excited, shouting in unison, and striding towards the riot police. "Magical Mary protects us, rush forward." ah!"

Two hours later, the Hall of Justice.

There were not many heroes, but they all had serious expressions, and the atmosphere in the hall was serious.

"The great turmoil in Philadelphia spread from the city center to the suburbs, and more than a million people were involved in the chaos. Even though Zhenglian arrived in time, two citizens still died on the spot, 451 people were seriously injured, and more than 5,000 people were hospitalized."

Dachao glanced at the six members of the Magic Family one by one and said in a deep voice: "You are superheroes. You are supposed to protect the people, but now you have caused such a big turmoil. Not only the United States is a sensation, but the alien TV station is also broadcasting it live."

"It's Mary. Mary has been making trouble, and we can't even try to persuade her." Freddy looked sideways at Mary and said angrily.

Magic Mary was also very angry and shouted: "Am I wrong? Before the collective ascension, Sister Harley had already made it very clear that the New Gods are another race, a civilization that is different from humans on earth. Humans Separate from the new human god, give each other good blessings, keep good memories and friendship in your heart, and have no other connections.

But if you look at Philadelphia now, I'm afraid it's not just Philadelphia, but the whole United States.

They are clearly new gods, but they want to occupy the wealth and positions of human society. They are still superior and treat humans as lower beings. "

"How can you be an alarmist and treat them as lower beings? Before you came back, although there were parades in Philadelphia, there had never been such a big conflict." Freddy said.

"Whether they say it with their mouths or not depends on what they do." Magical Mary took out her mobile phone and played the scene of the initial conflict between riot police and demonstrators. "I didn't understand it at first. The people just shouted 'The earth belongs to mankind' What's wrong with the slogan, why did he attack so harshly?

Later, I gradually felt that although the aura of the New Gods in them was so weak that it could almost be ignored, they were indeed the New Gods.

The mayors, congressmen, and police chiefs of the New God Clan no longer regard the demonstrators as members of their clan, and of course they are cold-blooded. "

The heroes of the Magic Family and the Zhenglian Hall all looked at the mobile phone screen.

The riot police did injure and knock out several people, but they did not use offensive weapons.

Batons, shields, rubber bullets, and water guns are all normal explosion-proof equipment.

"What is this? In the past, when there was no collective ascension, similar scenery was not often staged in European and American countries. Why didn't you make a fuss then?" Freddy said.

Miraculous Mary retorted: "According to your statement, there were human tyrants who oppressed the people in the past. If Darkseid did not destroy the world, but ruled the earth as a tyrant, would you be able to accept it?"

Freddy's face turned red with anger, "You are completely changing the concept."

"Did I secretly change the concept, or are you still unwilling to face reality?" Magical Mary said loudly: "The reality is that the new human race of gods is no longer human!

The two groups should not be mixed together, at least not in this way.

Human cities can only be managed by human mayors, and human police should protect humans from the new gods of humanity, not the other way around. "

"Bah, bang, bang!" Fierce applause came from the door of the hall.

"Miracle Mary, you said it so well!"

Mary was a little surprised, "President Tesla, you have resigned. Mr. Tesla, why are you dressed like this?"

The person who came in through the door was none other than the former commander-in-chief, Abao Tesla.

He wore a red peaked cap and a star-and-striped robe, somewhat like a papal robe.

He holds a large cross in his left hand and a flag in his right hand. There is a line of large characters on both sides of the flag, one side reads "Galactic Admiral is Humanity" and the other side "Make Humanity Great Again."

There were more than a dozen people following him, all dressed similarly, and all looking at Magic Mary eagerly.

"Mr. Tesla, you are supposed to be hosting a rally in Square Park now. What are you doing here?" Dachao frowned.

"Tear Man, I'm not here to find you." Abao looked at Magical Mary and said excitedly: "Mary, we already know what happened in Philadelphia, and I'm here just to support you.

I am not alone, I represent billions of real human beings like you.

I want to tell you that you are not alone, we are all your like-minded partners. "

"Uh, thank you." Magic Mary smiled stiffly, "Are you also holding a big parade?"

"They are happening all over the country these days." Abao pointed to himself proudly, "I am their spiritual leader, and I vow to lead mankind to retake the earth.

Now that you have joined us, we are even stronger.

You have a beautiful image, a firm will, and a strong strength. You can be our 'saint'. Human beings all over the world will worship you and love you. "

"Holy Mary!" he shouted, holding up a cross.

"Holy Marry!" the believers around him shouted in unison.

Magical Mary looked embarrassed, her scalp was numb, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to stuff Po and the others in.

"I'm not suitable. You go find him." She scanned the Hall of Justice and finally set her sights on Superman. "Superman is more suitable to be a representative of mankind. He is powerful, kind and just, and perfect."

"Superman can't do it!" Before Superman could decline, Abao took the initiative to deny him, "He has the godhead of power and is the main god of power, so he is not qualified to represent mankind.

Moreover, when Superman was being interviewed, he kept hesitating and hesitating, sitting on the wall left and right, only fighting in the mud, not offending both sides, and lacking the will and spirit of a human warrior.

You are different, you are just a favored person of God, and a favored person of God is still a human being in essence.

You make mistakes, and being able to make mistakes is the most important characteristic of being human.

No human being makes mistakes, even Harley, the essence of humanity, has made mistakes.

You still have firm beliefs and a strong will. You just came back from the Dome. When you saw the marchers on the first day, you immediately joined them and led them to fight against the evil new gods of mankind.

The understanding of yourself as a human being has penetrated into your bones and become your instinct. This is the most important virtue of the Saint. "

He spoke sonorously and forcefully, with sincerity and sincerity. Miraculous Mary was not moved or excited at all, only feeling extremely embarrassed.

"You know that I came back from the Dome, and you must understand that I can't stay in the main universe forever. In fact, I only have two days off, and the Dome will come back to pick me up tomorrow night."

"You joined the Incarnation of Justice to save the parallel universe, but now the main universe is in crisis and needs to be saved!" Abao Tesla said excitedly.

"Even if I join you, I can't change anything. I can't even change Philadelphia." Magic Mary said helplessly.

"No one can change the world by himself, but the huge power that can change the world consists of one individual." Tesla's eyes sparkled with faith.

"And we don't need to change the entire world all at once. While I appreciate your thoughts and will, I don't agree with what you did in Philadelphia. You missed the point of the problem."

Mary asked curiously: "What's the key?"

"The current commander-in-chief Zetas!" Tesla said in a deep voice: "The reason why a large number of human new gods have returned to the earth and we have not been able to drive them away is because of the 'New Patriots Act'.

Do you know who sponsored this bill and how it was passed?

In other words, do you know that our commander-in-chief, and even members of his cabinet, have all joined the New Protoss and are still seeking high positions in Lex Luthor's Dark City? "

Miraculous Mary was shocked: "Is he still the commander-in-chief?"

Tesla nodded vigorously, "On the day of the ascension, many people had actually given up the idea of ​​ascending to the divine realm.

Because Harley publicly expressed her attitude in the Hall of Justice - forget about the true new god with godhead, ordinary people's ascension will do more harm than good. "

It was after listening to her words that he strengthened his belief in "making humanity great again" and completely gave up the idea of ​​joining the new Protoss.

"After the GBS TV station played that video, the humans who obtained the new god's divinity no longer hesitated and ascended directly. Ordinary people without the divinity almost gave up their previous delusions.

In the afternoon, when Harley left the main universe, the Zetas urgently passed the 'New Patriot Act' and led hundreds of military and political officials to ascend together.

In the evening, a "BOOOM" sound above the White House opened the sonic boom tunnel. Zetas was high-spirited and energetic, completely getting rid of his old and senile appearance. He gained a thousand years of life and was full of energy again.

He returned to the White House, returned to the commander's seat, and drank and celebrated with the dignitaries of the New God who had returned with him in front of the media of the entire universe. He felt so proud.

Seeing such a scene, the mentality of ordinary people who had given up joining the New God Clan became unbalanced, and they all chose to ascend.

Especially government officials, the top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked. Even the commander-in-chief has done it, why don't they do it?

Before the new Patriot Act appeared, there were only 20 million ascendants for a full 8 hours.

The 20 million also include 10 million people with dark godhead.

In just one hour after the Zetas returned, 1.5 billion people ascended! "

He was gnashing his teeth angrily, and said, "Mary, now do you understand who is the culprit and who is our target?

Just marching won't solve the problem.

The heroes of the Justice League will not side with the people.

Harley, she has done what she can. She said many times before her ascension that humans and gods are divided into two parts. Humans are humans, and the new gods are new gods. Humans and new gods have their own homes and do not interfere with each other. Keep only the best wishes and memories.

God never prepares good food and delivers it to hungry believers’ mouths. He only guides believers in the right direction so that believers can gain through hard work.

Now is our time to show our intelligence, determination and courage. "

Miraculous Mary was so excited by what he said, "What should we do? Kill Commander Zetas?"

"Mary, what are you talking about?!" Billy exclaimed.

Tesla smiled happily, "Mary, you are indeed a real human being. But killing people cannot solve the problem. The Zetas passed legislation and gave the New Gods a legal and reasonable opportunity to enter the earth.

What we need to do is to abolish the New Patriot Act, and even enact the Human Rights Protection Act to expel those new gods from the earth.

If they disobey, they are breaking the law."

He glanced at the heroes and sneered: "Faced with illegal 'aliens', the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance can't just hide on the side and pretend to be dead, right?"

Miraculous Mary said thoughtfully: "So, the top priority now is to get the Zetas down and choose a new human leader?"

Tesla nodded repeatedly, "Mary, you have finally grasped the key point. As long as I can become the new commander, all problems will be solved.

Mary, would you like to join my team and become my assistant?

With your help, we will avoid many detours. "

Seeing Magic Mary's expression of excitement, Dachao coughed lightly, stood in front of her, took Tesla's arm, and gently pulled her toward the door. As he walked, he said: "Mr. Tesla, please go back first. , we are in a meeting now, and Mary also needs time to clear her thoughts."

After Dachao sent the people away and closed the door, Magical Mary asked in confusion: "The conflict has intensified so seriously, yet you have been doing nothing?

You should understand that even without me, sooner or later a big conflict will break out in Philadelphia and the whole world.

You can't handle the conflict involving millions of people in Philadelphia. What if tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people break out together? "

"Mary, you don't really want to join Tesla's team and cheer for his campaign, do you? He is a politician and is just using your fame and power." Billy frowned.

"What kind of fame do I have?" Mary laughed at herself.

"Buzz!" There were ripples in the air, and the God of Knowledge suddenly appeared in the Hall of Justice.

“Mary, don’t belittle yourself, your actions in Philadelphia today have been seen by a global audience.

The popularity of the news and the intensity of public discussion are beyond your imagination.

Many humans regard you as a flag and symbol.

Tesla hurried over just after seeing the hot news about you on the Internet.

Moreover, although you have been Darkseid's beloved concubine and made many mistakes, those things have only reduced your 'reputation for justice', and more people know you and discuss you.

You have also been voted the most beautiful woman in the universe by Galaxy Monthly magazine several times in a row. Even Harley has never been in the top ten of the list since her debut. "

Before she became Darkseid's beloved concubine, Miraculous Mary was just an ordinary little hero on Earth.

With so many heroes, how much traffic can she get?

When Darkseid chooses her as his beloved concubine, the entire universe will be paying attention to her and discussing her.

Any beauty pageant magazine subconsciously regards her appearance as the standard of beauty and charm.

——Darkseid doesn’t even care about her status as a superhero. He is fascinated by her and chooses her as his concubine. Who dares not to admit that she is the most beautiful?

As for the former beloved concubine, Eclipse Jane, she was a villain, had a similar affinity with Darkseid, and had long been rejected by Darkseid.

According to normal people's aesthetics, Magic Mary is also charming and cute.

Jane Rowling's mohawk and yin-yang face look are too unconventional.

Miraculous Mary was happy to hear that she was chosen as the 'most beautiful woman in the universe', but she still retorted: "No matter what he is thinking, at least what he said makes sense."

"I know what he is thinking." The God of Knowledge said lightly: "He has actually struggled. Like Commander Zetas, he wants to become the eternal new god.

But he is no longer the commander-in-chief. Not only is he not qualified to trade with Luther, he is also worried that Luther will settle old scores. Do you still remember the grudge between Tesla and Luther?

Even if you join the new Protoss, you will only be a commoner at the lowest level, and your end may be very miserable.

This is not what he wants.

He wants to become the great commander again and become a hero who drives out the new gods of mankind and protects the interests of mortals.

Under the banner of the 'Apostle of God' and in the name of God, he led Christians and the new gods to fight for the 'Garden of Eden'.

If he succeeded, if not a saint, he would at least go to heaven after death.

Even if he has too many sins and not enough merit, he can still be included in the list of heroes, and Harley can't refute it. "

“I am telling you this just to let you understand that there is no essential difference between Tesla and Zetas.

The humans left on Earth are not greater or kinder than the new gods of humanity.

Everyone is pretty much the same.

From a hero's perspective, they are all human beings, living beings.

In fact, if you understood the experiences of ordinary people in the God's Realm, you might not be so angry, nor would you question the Justice League's seemingly idly attitude. "

"What did they experience in God's Realm?" Mary asked in surprise.

The God of Knowledge looked at Thunder Shazam meaningfully, "Why don't you go to God's Domain and see for yourself?"

Billy nodded slightly, "That's exactly what I meant."

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