"Hey, why are they leaving?"

Hal Jordan only killed more than a dozen new dark gods, and was surprised to find that the two dark elites he was entangled with were getting farther and farther away from him, and finally disappeared into the distance.

The shadow demons and demon-like creatures that were as dense as dark clouds all around him also followed them, staying away from the "Kui's Origin Wall" where he was.

Thousands of kilometers around him were deserted, without a single enemy.

Even the floating continent emitting golden light in the distance quickly left the "Stomach Wall" range from near to far.

"They didn't leave. It was us who moved. We are moving away from Doujie." Dinah said from a distance.

Although they were far apart, their voices were as clear as if they were speaking face to face.

She continued: "After all, we are in Harley's stomach, and as long as her stomach moves slightly, it will be an earth-shaking change for us attached to the stomach wall.

Look around you. The stomach wall has been smashed by them. If you continue to let this side resist the invasion of Doujie, it may cause gastric perforation.

At this time, it only takes a few movements of Harley's stomach to push Doujie to the opposite stomach wall, and we will have a chance to breathe. "

Hal looked around. The colorful wall of light that was flat like a mirror before seemed to have been washed away by artillery shells. Huge potholes could be seen everywhere.

The colorful crystals on the pothole are uneven, and bright red blood oozes from the bottom of the hole.

Some potholes are dozens of meters deep, almost turning into lakes of blood.

"Eh!" Hal rubbed his eyes and looked down again. It wasn't that he was dazzled. The potholes were indeed healing quickly.

In just half a minute, the colorful light wall that seemed to have been washed away by gunfire became as smooth as a mirror again.

Hal looked up, a look of surprise gradually appearing on his face.

The colorful crystal fragments that had been chipped by the new god of darkness and floated on the periphery of the light wall were all melted away in the mist of gastric acid.

Those colorful chips carved out of the colorful light wall are all crystallized emotional energy.

After Harley used stomach acid to digest and recycle it, the hole in the wall was perfectly repaired.

"In a few seconds, the fighting world is tens of thousands of kilometers away from us. The movement of the stomach bag alone will not cause such a large position change. Harley must have changed the nearby space laws." He said.

"I know that Harley has changed the rules, but the explanation of stomach peristalsis is more vivid." Dinah said.

"Harry, I'm injured and a little hungry now. Give me two beef burgers." Neptune in the distance suddenly shouted loudly.

"Can we still eat hamburgers here?" Hal asked in surprise.

"Whoa!" Two bowl-sized fat beef burgers teleported directly to Neptune.

It seemed that this was not the first time for Neptune to see this scene. He was not surprised or panicked. He simply reached out to catch the burger, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Hal could even see the burger steaming.

There are small bubbles of hot juice on the surface of the pan-fried meatloaf.

"Gudong!" He swallowed and said in confusion: "Why are there freshly cooked burgers here?"

Neptune's mouth was vague and he said: "What's weird about this? Below is the 'Ark Continent'. Many people from the Celestial Dynasty live on the continent. They built communities on it before the era of King Martial God. Now the Ark has expanded several times. Even more passionate.

While building the house, they were also reclaiming land, farming and raising cattle, completely achieving self-sufficiency in food. It wouldn't be too easy to help make hamburgers.

Not to mention burgers, even if you want to eat Chinese delicacies, they can be cooked quickly. "

"Really? Hearing what you said makes me want to try it." Hal rubbed his belly and suddenly remembered that he had not eaten or slept for 200 hours in a row, and had been relying on green light energy to maintain his physiological needs.

"You don't need to eat when you are in Green Lantern state, right?" Dinah advised: "If you are not replenishing energy and recovering from injuries like Aquaman, don't eat. If you eat too much, you will feel nauseous.

Hallie will definitely not let you stand on the stomach wall to defecate. You have to go to the toilet in Noah's Land below. "

Neptune also said: "I was besieged by seven or eight dark elites just now. The defensive golden film was torn, my body was slashed seven or eight times, two holes were broken in my belly, and I lost a lot of blood. I had to activate the thick skin power. Digest food and recover from injuries.

If you're just hungry, it's best to hold it in.

Eating too much is not conducive to fighting.

You don't have the power of thick skin to save your life. You can't be attacked and killed by the dark elite when your head is drowsy. "

"Okay, I won't eat it."

Hal used the green light energy to create an astronomical telescope and observe the floating continent in the distance.

Although when they are close to the stomach wall, the shadow demon and the demonoid will attack the stomach wall, when they reach the floating continent, the two sides are fighting brutally.

Shadow demons, demonoids, and even the New God of Darkness and the Dark Elite are not the protagonists on the battlefield, and their power fluctuations combined are not as conspicuous as Anti-Monitor and Darkseid.

The battle between the two supreme beings is like two stars colliding with each other.

Each move and style exudes endless power, and the aftermath of each collision will shatter time and space, revealing black nothingness.

The continent under their feet is a hundred thousand miles in diameter, but it is like a paper boat floating on the sea. At this time, the tsunami is coming, and the sea is stirred up by rough waves. The paper boat is teetering and will capsize and be torn apart in the next moment.

Hal was horrified to see it.

"Harley, Harley?" he shouted.

"What are you calling her for? Although we are not fighting at the moment, on the other side of the stomach bag dimension, Dachao and Diana are fighting fiercely. Harley is also providing them with guidance and repairing the wounds on the stomach wall. Very soon Busy." Dinah said.

"Can you see the battle in the Doujie?" Hal's face turned pale and he said in an excited tone: "Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor were fighting each other. They kept using anti-matter energy explosions, and one omega ray... They never stopped, and kept waving their fists, which were bigger than the Ferris wheel. Fake, they are all true bodies, they all showed their supreme true bodies, each one is hundreds of meters tall, without leaving any trace behind."

"They are fighting for their lives. At least one of them will die today. They must go all out." Poseidon said.

"I mean, if they are so fierce, will the Doujie be shattered? I feel like it is like a small boat made of paper, floating on the stormy sea." Hal said.

"Well, we were frightened at first, fearing that it would be torn into several pieces like a bread bag in a hungry man's hand, but it kept rising and falling and shaking violently, but it never broke.

Harley tells us not to worry, Doujie is not just a continent dug out of the surface of the earth, it has its own spirituality. "Neptune explained.

"What spirituality?" Hal asked curiously.

"The earth is also Harley's favored one, you know that, right?"

"I didn't know it in the first few years, but now everyone in the universe knows that the low-altitude basins on the earth have become the most valuable land."

Neptune said: "The earth has its own planet spirit, which is the 'Earth Goddess Gaia'.

It was actually Gaia who got Harley's magical power.

The earth is like His body.

The continents with a radius of thousands of miles around the metropolis can be neatly separated from the earth, all thanks to the cooperation of the mother goddess Gaia.

That piece of land contains part of the will of the Mother Goddess Gaia, as well as part of the divine power and divinity.

After entering the stomach bag dimension, under the urging of the Mother Goddess Gaia, it grew from a thousand miles in radius to a hundred thousand miles in radius. "

Hal suddenly realized, "No wonder the surface of the floating continent is covered with a layer of golden light. It turns out that the goddess Gaia activated the defensive golden film."

The golden light on the surface of Doujie does come from the defensive golden film, but the power contributed by Gaia is not even one percent.

It can survive the aftermath of anti-surveillance and Darkseid's attacks, but remains unbreakable, all thanks to Harley's secret support.

How much effect the God's Favorite can exert on the thick-skinned divine power is mainly determined by the thick-skinned divine nature.

How much divine energy is activated can be directly controlled by Harley.

In most cases, Diana, Dinah and other gods' favored ones can only activate part of the thick-skinned divine power. They cannot enjoy the special defense that Harley has.

Although Neptune is a VIP customer, he is only slightly better than them.

If Harley is paying attention to the battle of the God's Favored, she can temporarily help them activate their divinity to 100%, which is almost equivalent to her using the defensive gold film herself.

She has not activated the defensive gold film on the stomach wall. One reason is as Hal guessed, so that the new gods of darkness have hope and will not completely despair. Then Anti-Monitor and Darkseid give up the confrontation and join forces to deal with her.

She is not afraid of a single Anti-Japanese prisoner or Darkseid.

She could even have the upper hand in a one-on-one fight, but once they joined forces, Harley was overwhelmed.

She can definitely save her own life, but it is a delusion to want to prevent the two of them from destroying the main universe at the same time.

Another reason is that she spends her main attention on the "fighting world". On the surface, Gaia is extremely brave and blocks the aftermath of the battle between the two supremes. In fact, it is Harley who is secretly supporting her.

Anti-surveillance and Darkseid are the focus of her attention. The New God of Darkness is left to the heroes of the main alliance. The shadow demons are even less worth mentioning. They can't even get through the gastric acid mist level.

"Be careful, they're here again!" Hal suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

He had been observing the supreme battle in the Doujie with a telescope with green light energy, and was the first to notice that the distance between the Doujie and him was rapidly closing.

Just a few seconds later, the brutal offensive and defensive battle started again.

After half an hour.

Hal has already gone through seven rounds of battles, ignoring the shadow demons and demons, specifically targeting the new god of darkness.

The Dark Elites were too powerful and experienced in combat. He only killed two of them in total.

The dark elites are all main gods. Calculated by level, they are almost 110+.

Those below the main god are ordinary new dark god warriors.

Their strengths vary, some are as strong as the Dark Elite, and some are just a little stronger than the demonoids.

Hal mainly kills the powerful New God of Darkness.

"Harry, how many enemies are left?"

A round of high-intensity fighting almost every five minutes made him mentally tired.

"There are tens of billions of demonoids, billions of shadow demons, tens of millions of new dark gods, and there are about two-thirds of the dark elite left," Harley said.

As long as she is within the dimension of the stomach wall, she can hear it no matter where she is shouting.

It's just that people's energy is limited, and her consciousness will be focused wherever the stomach wall is at war.

Hal was still fighting the New God of Darkness at this moment, and his call was answered by her.

"So many dark elites died?" Hal was a little shocked.

The total number of dark elites exceeds one thousand, almost fifteen hundred, and two-thirds are left, which is equivalent to five hundred dead!

He was already very strong, and he had only killed two people, and the process was still very difficult.

If Harley's "God Descends to Earth" hadn't banned the opponent's divine spells and forced them to use physical attacks, he might not have been able to defeat them.

Each round of fighting only lasts for a few minutes. Even if he is strong, it is difficult to defeat a main god in a few minutes.

"Your efficiency is a bit low, but someone is very efficient." Harley said.

"Superman?" Hal first thought of Superman.

Superman has a body of steel, making it difficult for his enemies to use magic.

This kind of environment is the most advantageous for Superman. He can find the target accurately, hit it at the speed of light, hit one, and explode one.

"Chao, Diana, Jon (Martian Manhunter), and Raven are all very efficient. Basically none of the dark elites they target will survive," Harley said.

"Forget it about Jon, Raven is also good at melee combat?" Hal asked doubtfully.

"Have you been fighting the enemy hand-to-hand?"

"Of course I use the light ring"

Hal was stunned for a moment before he realized that the enemy could not use magic, but they were not restricted.

The energy of his light ring has not been weakened, so Rachel's magic will not be affected.

"The number of dark elites and new dark gods has decreased, and the pressure in the stomach dimension has also been reduced a lot, right?"

The dark elite masters the laws of the Lord God.

Most of the new dark god generals have also understood the laws and possess divinity.

Harley has only mastered the basic power of creation, and her understanding of the basic development of a certain universe may not be as good as that of her professional counterpart, the Dark Elite.

The rules competition is about the depth of understanding of the rules.

If they activate their own laws and interfere with the stable operation of the laws in the stomach bag dimension, it may cause the small plane to collapse.

The opponent did not use divine power, and Harley's divine defense field could not block this interference.

In fact, in addition to time and space, other basic laws in the stomach dimension have been destroyed several times by the dark elite.

For example, the four elemental laws of earth, water, wind, and fire in the dimension of the stomach bag are now completely out of control.

If Zatanna comes to the stomach dimension at this time and uses elemental magic to attack the enemy, every spell cast may fail.

The essence of magic is to use magic to leverage laws.

There is no stable elemental law in the stomach bag dimension for Zatanna to pry.

Of course, even if the dark elite has an advantage in understanding the laws, they cannot use divine power to leverage the laws because of the existence of the divine defense field.

They are also unable to cast spells stably.

The power of the law of the new dark god cannot attack the heroes of the Alliance in a magical way, but can only destroy Harley's stomach dimension.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the laws in her stomach bag dimension, she would not be able to survive even one round.

The fact that it has persisted until now without collapse depends entirely on the two basic laws of space and time being strong enough.

Even if there is a dark elite who surpasses Harley in understanding the laws of time and space, Harley can forcibly stabilize the laws of time and space she created through the space-time defense field.

"On the contrary, I'm more stressed now." Harley sighed.

"Ah, why?" Hal asked in surprise.

“Theoretically, as the new dark god who controls the laws is eliminated, the law turmoil in the stomach dimension will become smaller.

But the biggest threats have always been Anti-Monitor and Darkseid.

All the new gods of darkness combined are not as good as one Darkseid.

If the Dark New God has the upper hand, those two bastards can continue to worry about the "civil war".

When the new gods of darkness are killed by the 'wall heroes', they will definitely give up the "fight between clams and rivers" and will not let me become a profitable fisherman. " Harley sighed.

But it's useless to understand this. The new god of darkness attacks the wall of the stomach wall, and she has to stop it.

After listening to her explanation, Hal was silent for a while and then asked: "So, you are still going to run away in the end?"

"Probably, I hope that anti-monitoring can be more forceful and impulsive, and insist on distinguishing between superiority and life and death with Darkseid——"

"Darkseid, we cannot be controlled by Witch Harley."

Before Harley could finish speaking her beautiful expectations, the Anti-Monitor King let out a long roar and his body began to fly into the air.

"She asked us to fight in the so-called 'fighting world', so we have to listen to her? Today, of course you must die; but today, Witch Harley must also learn a lesson.

Darkseid, fight with me to the end of the plane! "

While roaring, he also activated the anti-matter energy blast at maximum power!


Even as powerful as Darkseid, he was thrown hundreds of meters into the air by the powerful shock wave.

He had been blown away by anti-matter energy blasts before, and each time he quickly landed on the "Fighting World" ground, and then killed him back with faster and more ferocious fists.

This time Darkseid was light and fluttering, like a piece of catkins in the strong wind, flying outside the fighting world.

"Darkseid, I will beat you to death!"

The anti-monitor roared, and his huge body, two hundred meters tall, was as fast as lightning. He caught up with Darkseid and punched out an afterimage with his fists.

"You are a loser and can never defeat me."

Darkseid replied coldly, and also made fists with both hands, fist to fist, and anti-monitoring fist to the flesh. Every time the fists collided with each other, a circle of spatial ripples visible to the naked eye erupted.

Wherever the ripples pass, space is torn apart, revealing a large expanse of black nothingness.

Every time the fists collided with each other, Darkseid's body accelerated backwards, and the anti-monitor also accelerated to follow.

The two of them turned into two overlapping beams of light, flying towards the stomach wall at sub-light speed.

Obviously, Darkseid listened to the Anti-Monitor King's words and wanted to fight to the end of the universe. The end of the stomach bag dimension is Harley's colorful crystal stomach wall. Penetrating and exploding the stomach wall would be equivalent to exploding Harley's body.

The two supreme leaders reached a consensus again.

"Harry, I'll stop them." Dachao and Diana said in unison.

Harley sneered and said, "Don't be impatient. It's not that easy for them to fight to the end of the universe."

"Brother Anti-Surveillance, what are you doing? You went to great lengths to launch the 'Second Crisis on Infinite Earths' just to avenge Darkseid. Why are you putting the cart before the horse now?"

At the same time, Harley's voice appeared in the sea of ​​anti-monitoring consciousness, very kind and gentle.

"Now you know how to call me 'Brother'. Didn't you call me 'Brother' before?" the anti-supervisor said sarcastically.

"Whether we are brothers or brothers, we are all loyal brothers who have helped each other. We are different from Darkseid! Now I apologize to you, and you forgive me. How about we join forces to trick Darkseid into making blood on his face?" "

"Witch Harley, have you ever heard of the story of the 'Devil in the Bottle'?" Hearing her apology in person, there was a hint of pride in her voice, "Once upon a time, there was a troll who was sealed in a bottle by the gods. A hundred years later, the troll made a wish that whoever could rescue him would be given gold and silver.

No one rescued him.

Another five hundred years passed, and he made another wish: Whoever could open the bottle and set him free would become the king.

But the third five hundred years are also over, and still no one saves him. He curses and eats whoever opens the bottle.

Then a young fisherman opened the bottle and let him out. The troll said - you opened the bottle, which is 10 points of kindness to me, but every time you refused and trampled on my kindness before, it was equal to 20 points of harm, so, You can die in peace, hahahaha! "

Harley was speechless, "Brother Anti-Supervision, even if you want to randomly adapt the story, you should still bring yourself into the protagonist role. Even the villain BOSS will end well, don't you know?"

"Don't call me 'brother,' you are not even qualified to be my 'brother.'" the anti-supervisor roared.

There was no spiritual transmission, just shouted directly.

"Brother, you will soon find out that you just told a very prophetic story."

Harley dropped this sentence and enveloped Darkseid alone with the divine power defense field and the power of God defense field.

When the two of them fought before, she was fair and impartial and did not interfere at all in their fight for their lives. She also wanted one of them to be beaten to death as soon as possible, and of course she would not use a defensive force field to reduce their strongest output.

At this time, Darkseid suddenly felt that the divine power in his body was stagnant, and the force he used was not 70% as expected.

Anti-monitoring was not affected, and he still acted with all his strength, still fist to fist.


Darkseid suffered a broken arm.

The anti-supervision punch was very fast, one punch after another, dozens of punches per second. Although he sensed something was wrong, he couldn't react and punched him again.

Darkseid's arm was broken, and he was punched hard on the bridge of his nose before he could raise his hand to block.

"Pfft~~" Darkseid's tall nose dented directly, and a huge fist mark appeared in the center of his face, which looked very scary.

"You-" Anti-Monitor finally closed his fist and stared at Darkseid in surprise.

"Witch Harley is up to something?" he asked in a low voice.

Darkseid said nothing, touched the nosebleed from his mouth, and rushed towards the anti-supervisor again.

The anti-supervisor hesitated for a moment, then restrained his strength slightly and raised his fist to meet him.

After a few punches, the two regained their balance again, and once again punched each other while flying quickly towards the wall of Harley's stomach wall.

"Are you still shameless?" Harley was angry and sent a message to the anti-supervisor: "Are you worthy of those anti-supervisory clones who desperately squeezed the origin of the parallel universe and were eventually brutally beaten to death by me?"

"You still have the nerve to say that? Aren't those clones all me? I want to avenge myself, Witch Harley, you are dead, no matter what conspiracy and trickery - click - oh, my hands, my face! "

At the last sentence, he howled miserably, and the sound was very loud, resounding through the sky, and everyone could hear it.

But it was Harley who suddenly took away the defensive force field covering Darkseid's body, and at the same time enveloped the anti-matter defensive force field on Anti-Monitor.

The anti-monitoring force was originally suppressed and was shrouded by the force field. If the force was a little weaker, the power of the punch would be less than half of the peak.

Darkseid has always tried his best. When he was enveloped by the force field, he had to activate his three-point potential more and more in order to parry the anti-supervisory attack. Now that the defensive force field on his body has been removed, he still activates his potential, and his punching power is more powerful than before. It was more than doubled just now.

One weakens, the other strengthens.

The anti-supervisor was beaten even harder than Darkseid just now. His helmet was smashed into pieces and his face was bloody.

He didn't bleed, and all that came out was scarlet antimatter energy.

One punch sent the anti-supervisor flying several hundred kilometers away. Darkseid was stunned for a moment, and just stood there with a gloomy expression. He obeyed the tacit agreement and did not go up to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Harley didn't rush him, she just ridiculed him, "The 'troll in the bottle' is going to be put back in the bottle, hahahaha!"

The anti-monitoring anger exploded in my lungs.

"Witch Harley, you shameless person!" He covered the wound on his face and cursed angrily: "Just wait, I will tear your stomach open and blow your body to pieces."

"Brother, you have to keep in mind the fact that you hate me because I stopped you from devouring parallel universes, and your purpose of devouring parallel universes is to seek revenge on Darkseid.

In other words, you hate me because I affect your revenge.

If you give up seeking revenge against Darkseid because of me, it means I win and you lose miserably. "Harry said with a smile.

The anti-supervisor's expression was distorted, his teeth were clenched, and his fists were clenched, but he hesitated and stood there motionless.

"King of Anti-Monitors, what are you still hesitating about? Darkseid is right in front of you, he is our ultimate target!"

Anti-Monitor and Darkseid stood there facing each other, motionless, and the atmosphere was strange. The Amazon female assassin Myrina became anxious.

It's not that she can't see the situation clearly.

In fact, she was very smart. Even if she didn't hear Harley's message about the anti-supervision, she still vaguely guessed what the witch Harley had done to the anti-supervision, which made her anti-supervision stance waver.

Counter-surveillance is the hope of completely killing Darkseid, and his position must not be shaken!

She would rather kill her Amazon sisters than hide the existence of her daughter, just for the ultimate revenge against Darkseid.

After paying so much to wait until today, she couldn't bear to fall short due to inexplicable reasons at the critical moment.

"Shut up, no matter what I do, it won't be your turn to scream." Anti-supervisor Gang scolded impatiently, and suddenly his heart moved, thinking of the special 'vibration frequency' power of Milina and her daughter.

"Myrina, Greer, please stop entangled with the Dark Sutra elites and destroy Witch Harley's stomach dimension immediately.

At the same time, use different vibration frequencies on it, tear it in half, and pull it into two different parallel universes. "

The dimension of Harley's stomach bag is a small plane, and of course it has a vibration frequency.

Now that she is in the main universe, the vibration frequency of the small plane is consistent with the vibration frequency of the main universe.

If you change its vibration frequency, it can be forcibly pulled into another parallel universe like Apokolips.

If it has two frequencies at the same time, it will be forcibly torn into two pieces and enter different parallel universes.

"Witch Harley, stop causing trouble. Let the Anti-Monitor King kill Darkseid. It will be good for the earth and for you." Myrina shouted towards the empty "starry sky".

"You are also an old monster who has lived for millions of years, and you have the brains to plan Darkseid to help you create a 'biological weapon'. Why have you become so childish now?" Harley was speechless.

Doesn't she hope that Anti-Monitor will kill Darkseid immediately?

But those two bastards were obviously trying to fix the match and wanted to destroy her first.

"I don't know what you did, but I'm sure that the Anti-Monitor King was determined to kill Darkseid, but now his determination is almost wiped out by you." Myrina said.

Harley said calmly: "Don't be naive, if he really vows to kill Darkseid, he shouldn't refuse my help.

If you really want Darkseid to die, don't hang yourself on the crooked neck tree of the anti-prisoners.

If you mother and daughter take refuge in me, I can beat Darkseid to death.

There is no need to devour parallel universes and accumulate strength like anti-monitoring. I can go to Apokolips to defeat him at any time. "

"By the way, you asked for anti-supervision cooperation after the final crisis, right? What did you think, why did you place your hope on him? At that time, I had already punched the gods of the heavenly realm and stepped on the Lord of Apokolips. Why didn't you come to me? "She said strangely.

Myrina hesitated for a moment and said: "Long before you were born, I had been searching for Darkseid's enemies within the multiverse.

I plan to form an 'Anti-Darkseid Alliance' and cooperate with my daughter Greer to fulfill her destiny of killing Darkseid.

I found them one by one and convinced them to join forces with me, including the Counter-Monitor after Crisis on Infinite Earths.

That was more than a decade before the final crisis. "

"Actually, before the final crisis, I did regard you as my best hope to kill Darkseid.

But it turns out you can't kill him at all.

What I want is for Darkseid to die completely, not to wait for the second or third reboot after death.

Moreover, after the Era of the God of War ended, you had the opportunity to kill Darkseid again, but you just humiliated him and did not act decisively.

You were indecisive, worried too much, and worried that the order of the multiverse would be unbalanced after his death.

Since then, I have understood that you are completely hopeless.

Not only can the Anti-Monitor King kill Darkseid, he can also use the Anti-Life Equation to destroy his soul and kill him completely. "

Harley sighed: "You don't understand, I don't care about any damn balance, I'm not Metrotron, Darkseid——"

"Mirina, Greer, what are you waiting for?!" The anti-prisoners roared loudly.

"King of Anti-Monitoring, my secret method can only open a vibration tunnel targeting living bodies, but cannot change the frequency of a small world." Milina said.

"Isn't the dimension of the stomach pouch a part of Witch Harley's body?" said the anti-supervisor.

"It's different. The size of the stomach bag is too big, so we really can't do it." Myrina said sincerely.


The anti-monitor suspected that Myrina was dishonest, so he turned his attention to the daughter of Darkseid who was fighting with Kalibak.

Greer and Milina, the mother and daughter, did not work hard.

They have been helping the anti-monitors stop the dark elites approaching the center of the battlefield.

Darkseid's eldest son Kalibak has been blinded by his sister's omega rays.

Greer knew that what he came over was not his true form, and it was useless to kill him, so he just used the sickle to cut oozing wounds on his body, causing him to bleed in pain and scream angrily.

Every time she opened a bone-deep wound on her brother's body, a bloodthirsty smile of satisfaction would appear on her face, and she was having a great time.

"King of Anti-Monitors, our target is Darkseid, not Witch Harley." When she heard the shouts of Anti-Monitors, she also put away the scythe and continued to cut the flesh with both hands, saying, "If you must want to take revenge on Witch Harley, , just stop pretending to fight Darkseid.

The two of you work together directly, first to jointly destroy her, and then to fight to the death.

Don't feel ashamed, Witch Harley is also the supreme power who single-handedly conquered the heavens.

Your idea of ​​making her scream in the aftermath of the battle is too petty. "

The anti-supervisor looked at Darkseid with a complicated expression, "You gave birth to a good daughter! Compared with her openness and magnanimity, our deception is very low."

Darkseid did not speak, but turned around, his back facing the anti-supervisor, his eyes lit up with scarlet light, like two fountains of blood.

"Stab!" Omega rays as thick as a bowl shot out, targeting Harley's stomach wall.

He finally gave up his worries and attacked Harley directly.

"Witch Harley, go to hell!" The anti-monitor flew beside Darkseid, and the two stood side by side, turning into two beams of light and rushing towards the stomach wall side by side.

Harley said angrily: "Do you still want to be shameless? Everything that happens now is recorded by the camera. As long as I have a thought, the video will be broadcast to the whole universe for people to watch."

"Hahaha, I just like hearing your desperate but useless wails." Anti-supervisor laughed heartily.

Harley said coldly: "Since you have given up your supreme dignity, then I am shameless."

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