I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1723 Causes and Consequences

Amanda Waller knows Bateman's true identity.

Bateman also knew that Waller knew his true identity.

They often serve as representatives of the government and the Justice League, communicating privately on behalf of the two groups.

This time Waller notified Zhenglian about Luther's escape from prison, and he also found Bateman directly.

Compared with other heroes, Bateman is also more reliable.

Although Bateman was warned by Harley to be careful of the Big Luther, he himself also thought hard about at least 3 defense plans against the Big Luther, but there is an old saying that "Wang Mang is still innocent when he is humble and not usurped." .

No matter how wary Big Luther is, before Big Luther commits any crime on Earth in the main universe, he is always the "only hero" recognized by everyone.

The whole universe is full of villains, but Luthor is the only one who sticks to the path of justice.

Even Bateman admires him from the bottom of his heart.

So after receiving the news, he personally dialed Big Luthor's phone number. In addition to informing him that Luthor had escaped from prison and was targeting him, he also shared his analysis: all super villains have escaped from prison, with the exception of Luther. Very rational and calm, there may be a conspiracy in making an exception this time.

Finally, he made a suggestion to Big Luthor: The two of them could temporarily live in the Hall of Justice, or arrange for Green Arrow to work as a bodyguard in Luthor Mansion for two days.

Letting Green Arrow serve as a bodyguard is not because Bateman looks down on Oliver's identity.

Ever since his return from the War God King Era, "Dead Eyed Yi" Oliver has been very idle and has almost nothing to do.

He has been a Martial God for tens of thousands of years and managed a huge team of Martial Gods. Now he has completely lost interest in his own Quinn Collective.

After handing over the company to his mother and sister, he stopped taking care of everything.

As a superhero, he has transformed from a mortal into one of the most powerful gods of war. All the "Green Arrow Fans" in the past have been eliminated, and now they are no longer qualified to play various games with him.

Even the once strongest boss "Barbarian" Vandal Savage did not dare to provoke him again.

His wife Dinah is actually in a similar situation to him. After receiving the blessing of divine power, her once "lifelong enemy" immediately became a thing of the past.

Then Dinah focused more on the Justice League, and she also became the nominal chairman of the Justice League.

Now Oliver, like her, stays at the Zhenglian headquarters every day, but there is no second "chairman" position for him to sit in Zhenglian, so he is very idle.

Oliver's hard power is definitely not as good as Thunder Xantha, who has absorbed the superpowers of more than a dozen Criminal Syndicates, but Luther Jr. may arrange a trump card based on Big Luther's abilities, and the trump card against Big Luther may not be useful to Oliver.

Big Luthor rejected Bateman's kindness.

"How about I squat outside the Luther Building? I also think little Luther will cause big trouble." Oliver suggested.

"Alexander Luthor absorbed Speedmaster's body of steel and has super hearing and super vision. If you get close, you will be discovered by him, and the scene will be very ugly." Bateman refused.

"What else can we do?" Oliver also wanted to find a task for himself.

"Alexander Luther is not an ordinary person. He is very powerful. Now that Harley is out, he is almost the strongest person on earth. He is confident. We have reminded him that it should not be a big problem." Bateman said this. He said, but his tone was not very sure.

So, he then added, "Let's catch the escaped Luther as soon as possible and solve the problem from the root."

"How to find them? Superboy and Supergirl are both on the Dome. Only Big Luther can use his super hearing to find someone and cooperate with him?" Oliver asked.

Bateman thought for a while and said: "In addition to looking for Luther directly, there are two entry points, Lena Luthor and the secret society's intelligence expert Calculator.

I estimate that Luthor will use Lex Group's equipment, equipment or funds, and Lena Luthor may be able to provide some information.

Of course, she probably won't cooperate with us, and no one can force her. We have to investigate secretly.

The Calculator is very well-informed, and he knows almost all the big moves the villains are making. "

Oliver sighed: "It's harder to find him than to catch little Luther. He was arrested and imprisoned several times in the first few years of his career. After he became famous, he was almost never arrested."


While the two were talking, the "Global Public Security Monitoring System" next to them suddenly issued a piercing alarm.

The video wall, which was bigger than the IMAX movie screen, had a map of the entire earth. At this time, the location of the American metropolis was rapidly flashing a red spot as big as the palm of my hand.

"Red alert?" Oliver was stunned for a moment.

The alarm colors are divided into four types: blue, yellow, orange, and red, which correspond to the four super power levels of B, A, S, and Super S respectively.

Super S belongs to the out-of-control level and cannot act alone. At least a team of heroes must be mobilized.

At this time, when the sky is eclipsing the law, the criminal syndicate is killing people, and the night owl is on the run, a super-S-class red alert actually appears on the earth? !

Bateman moved quickly and tapped twice on the keyboard. The detailed map of the metropolis replaced the global map, and he quickly located the source of the crisis. The satellite surveillance picture appeared on the other side of the screen.

"Luther Building?" Seeing the picture on the screen, the two immediately understood why the alert level was Super S.

"The Only Hero" Luther's strength is judged to be super S-level, and the crisis he encounters must be super-S level.

The 30-story building is collapsing. If no one intervenes, it will inevitably cause thousands of casualties in nearby blocks. It can be considered a super S-class.

"Battman, you are in control of the situation. I will go over and take a look immediately." Oliver pulled up the "Green Arrow Hood" and put on a green eye patch. Without any transportation, his two long legs could run faster than a cheetah.

If the God of War does not specialize in flying magic, he will not be able to fly in the clouds or use biological force fields like Superman.

Oliver actually wanted to learn a flying magic, but Harley dissuaded him.

Harley placed a ban on all human warrior gods, and they were not allowed to touch magic until the magic debt crisis was over.

She herself had converted the stolen magic power into the power of her bloodline, and naturally she didn't want her little brother to be saddled with magic debt on the eve of the "magic debt crisis."

When Oliver arrived, Flash Barry Allen had already begun to save people, and Green Lantern Simon Baz appeared in a circle of huge green supports to support the rapidly toppling building from multiple angles.

"What's going on? Who is Big Luther fighting?"

After Oliver became the God of War, his strength became much stronger. He could carry huge cement slabs, but he could not stop the collapse of huge buildings. Now he could only help Simon Baz and jump into the rapidly collapsing building. Rescue was still calling. security guard.

"Didn't you say that Little Luther escaped from prison? He should have blown up the building." Simon Baz guessed.

"It can't be explosives. A mere explosion can kill Thunder Xantha? Little Luther is not that naive."

"Don't think about this now, hurry up and save people!" Bateman's low and hoarse voice came from the earbuds.

Simon Baz's green light ring can detect the vital signs of living people within the starry sky, not to mention a mere building.

As the Super Queen and the security guards in the building were transferred, two lives ten meters underground became the focus of attention.

"Green Arrow, I have probably locked the location of Alexander Luthor. His life force is very strong! Besides him, there is another person. In this position, I will support the main structure of the building. You go in and dig them out."

He projected a three-dimensional structural diagram in front of Oliver's eyes and guided him towards the basement.

"Alexander Luther doesn't need our first aid. These bricks and stones are no different to him than air." Oliver said.

Even so, he moved the cement block in front of him and dug underneath.

"Zansha!" Just when Oliver was within 10 meters of the two life points, a shout accompanied by thunder as thick as a bucket suddenly exploded in the sky.

"Boom!" A huge thunderstorm fell right next to Oliver, and his body was blown away like a cannonball.

If he were still the same mortal Green Arrow, he would be blown into two pieces in just this one move.

Everything that stood in the way of the lightning, whether it was masonry or Simon Baz's green light energy structure, was shattered into pieces in the thunderstorm.

"It is indeed Alexander Luther below." Simon Baz exclaimed first, and then shouted in confusion: "He should have been Thunder Xantha before, but now he is released?"

He had doubts in his heart, and his body subconsciously drifted towards the big hole blasted by the thunder from the sky.

"Zansha!" Unexpectedly, there was another cry, and another thunder fell from the sky.

"Ouch, Fuck!" Simon Baz was almost directly hit by thunder like Oliver before.

Even if he was just touched by lightning, the green light energy on his body would flicker and become very unstable.


Hearty laughter came from the hole.

"Whoosh!" Then a figure surrounding the thunder soared from below and came into the air.

"Alexander, you - you are not the big Luther, you are the little Luther?!" Simon Baz was shocked.

Big Luther and Little Luther are almost identical, but Big Luther has a red beard and thick red hair, while Little Luther has a bare head, like a boiled egg with the shell removed.

The "Thunder Xantha" who is currently hanging in the air and laughing maniacally is wearing a "Xantha Xantha" uniform, but his head is missing. Instead, the man in the shirt whose neck he is holding has thick red hair.

"Hehehe, little Luther." Zansa Luther looked down at his pectoralis major and thick arms, "Where am I smaller now? But it doesn't matter anymore. I couldn't stand your calling me 'little Luther', but now You can call it whatever you want, because there is only one Luther in the world, Big Luther, Little Luther, Luther, they are all me!"

"Luthor, let go of Alexander!" Oliver below bent his bow and arrow, pointing at Luther's shoulder.

Xantha Luthor did not look at him. He only looked around and asked loudly: "Where is Lois Lane? She probably didn't die in the landslide."

"Luthor, you are surrounded!"

Cyborg flew from a distance, and the mechanical arms quickly combined into an energy cannon as thick as a bowl.

In addition to him, there were more than a dozen heroes surrounding him from all directions.

"Lex Luthor, let go of my husband!"

Lois Lane roared on the streets of the safe zone in the distance with her pregnant belly.

"Well, your wife, look at her again." Xantha Luther pinched Alexander Luther's throat with his right hand, just like Alexander pinched his neck half a minute ago.

However, Alexander still allowed him to speak, but Lex Luthor immediately crushed his vocal cords. At this moment, Alexander looked in pain, his face was purple, he had difficulty breathing, and he was speechless.

Shazam Luther ignored the heroes around him, pointed Big Luthor's face at Big Lois in the distance, and said with a ferocious smile: "Watch it!"

"Crack!" He exerted force with his right hand, like pulling a lump out of dough. Big Luther's neck was crushed into mud, and his head was directly separated from his body.

"No~~~~" Big Louise screamed desperately.

"Beast!" The surrounding heroes were furious and attacked Luther at the same time.

"Stab - whoosh!" The electric light on Luther's body flashed, as if he was teleporting, and he moved downward for more than ten meters. While avoiding many attacks, he also raised his hand to catch the big Luther's head.

Big Luther's eyes widened and he refused to rest in death.

"Lois Lane, this is my son's newborn gift."

Luther threw the big Luther's head with his right hand like he was kicking a ball, and kicked it up, "Bang!"

The head drew a long arc in mid-air and landed just in front of Big Louise.

Big Louise was stunned for a moment, then pulled out the "Slave Lasso" from her waist, twisted her face and roared at Luther: "Lex Luthor, I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm right here, come on." Luther challenged.

"That's enough, Luther, you have been surrounded, you must surrender immediately, otherwise."

Dinah flew above Luther, her mouth facing down, "Ahhhh!!!"

Circles of gray-white ripples hit Luther, knocking him to the ground like a cannonball, and continued to make a 20-meter-deep hole in the cement floor.

The pit is very deep, but the affected area is very narrow, with a maximum diameter of less than five meters.

It can be seen how strong Dinah's control is at this time.

"I surrender!" Luther shouted with difficulty from below.

Dinah suppressed the sound wave, and Thunder Shazam shot into the hole like a bullet, and stepped heavily on Xantha Luthor's back, "How do you have the power of a wizard?"

"Guess." Luther was lying on the ground, smiling a little bit.

Billy took a deep look at him and lifted him up to the ground with a "whoosh".

"I want to kill him, don't stop me, let me kill that bastard!"

The Super Queen had already rushed over, her face full of hatred and her roaring.

Dinah, Wonder Girl, Starfire and other heroines held her tightly to prevent her from getting close to Luther.

Bateman also rode over on a motorcycle and shouted from the side: "Calm down, Luther is deliberately irritating you, he wants to murder the child in your belly!

He deliberately and brutally murdered Alexander Luther in front of you, just to make you lose your mind and even lose your child in extreme emotions and fierce battles. "

Upon hearing "child", the super queen who was still very excited returned to her senses and immediately felt discomfort in her lower abdomen.

"I will kill you, Lex Luthor!"

She no longer struggled, but still stared at Luther with hatred and said in a bitter voice.

Luther stared at her big belly, not hiding the murderous intent on his face, "This is exactly what I want to say to you. As long as you are pregnant with this bastard, I will not let you go. You will all die." Just like I killed your fiancé and his father."

"Pah!" Oliver slapped him on the back of the head and said angrily: "Do you really think we are nothing? How dare you be so arrogant after being arrested?!"

"I even killed Alexander Luther in front of you." Luther sneered.

Oliver wanted to slap him again, Bateman said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense with him, take him to the Hall of Justice, and then notify Waller."

Even though he was being escorted by several superheroes, Luther turned around and continued to stimulate the Super Queen, saying: "Enjoy the days now being protected by the heroes of the main alliance. Without that fake Luther, you will soon be your true self in this world. Bi Lu, when the time comes...hehe, I'll be waiting for you at Bell River Prison."

Oliver put his hand on his shoulder and threatened coldly: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will take off my socks immediately and gag you."

Luther stared at him and said calmly: "Now I am a magical superman. When you talk to me, think carefully about the consequences."

"Are you threatening me?" Oliver smiled contemptuously and patted his head twice more, one harder than the other, making a "pop" sound.

"How?" He sneered and looked at Luther.

Luther pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Thunder Shazam looked him up and down and asked doubtfully: "How did you become Zansha?"

"you guess."

"Did you take away Alexander Luther's divine power?" Billy said seriously.

Luther chuckled, "Guess."

Oliver looked up to the sky, and there was still only one Green Lantern.

The building had completely collapsed. Simon Baz no longer supported it by force, but built a green fence to isolate the site from the blocks outside.

"Simon, have everyone in the building been rescued? Help us move Luther to the Hall of Justice." He shouted.

"OK, I'll be right away - eh!" Simon was about to turn off the vital sign sensing function of the light ring, when suddenly another green dot representing living life appeared in the ruins.

Just as he was wondering, the light ring detected the emotional energy of fear again.

"Be careful, there is someone in the ruins, it's a yellow lantern demon!" Simon loudly warned his companions.

The yellow light at the bottom of the ruins was not only not restrained, but also full of momentum. Simon, Oliver and other heroes immediately recognized his identity.

"Fake, it's Sinestro. Sinestro is hiding under the ruins. He is Luther's accomplice!"

Luther had a relaxed smile on his face, neither surprised nor worried.

"Boom!" Rubbles flew everywhere, and a beam of yellow light penetrated the ruins and shot into the sky.

"He wants to run, stop him!" Simon turned into green light and rushed over immediately.

"Why should I run?" Huang Guang hovered in mid-air and did not break away.

"Sinestro, it is indeed you. You and Luther collaborated to murder the 'only hero' Alexander Luthor. Don't even try to deny it." Simon shouted.

Sinestro put his legs together, his body straight, his hands clasped in front of his chest, and smiled: "I am indeed Luther's accomplice, but I only have two tasks.

First, help him record the video.

Secondly, if his spell fails, take him and run away.

It cannot be said that I had nothing to do with Alexander Luthor's death, but I was definitely not directly involved. "

Luther said quickly: "I can testify for Sinestro that the idiot Alexander Luther was defeated by me alone, without any help from outsiders."

Sinestro said angrily: "With your impatient attitude and panicked and argumentative tone, those who don't know may think you are excusing me.

But I know you now.

You don’t want me to take away your great achievement of killing the ‘only hero’ alone. "

Luther smiled and said, "You misunderstood, I just hope they don't misunderstand you."

Sinestro looked around the heroes and said, "You don't even care about their attitude and dare to kill Alexander Luther in front of them. Am I not as brave as you?"

"Fuck, I've had enough!" Oliver spat, drawing the arrow, bending the bow, nocking the arrow, and aiming, all in one go, all within 0.1 seconds.

"Whoosh -" The arrow penetrated the space with a sharp and piercing whistling sound, leaving a long black trail in the air. It was as fast as teleporting, and hit Sinestro's chest before he could react.


There was no piercing damage. The arrow was very ordinary, made of ordinary bamboo. Before it got close to the target, it was shattered into powder by the huge power it carried. It hit Sinestro's chest, like a cannonball being detonated.

Sinestro was like a meteor, drawing an arc in the air and falling heavily into the ruins of the building, leaving a big hole in the ground and unable to get up for a long time.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Green Arrow with surprise.

Oliver held the wooden bow across his chest, glanced at the large pit in the distance, and then squinted at Luther who looked surprised, and sneered: "Don't pretend to be cool in front of me, it's better to be a god of war who doesn't have the principle of not killing." Wang Jiyuan, little bastards like you are only worth two bamboo arrows."

Luther swallowed quietly, but refused to admit defeat. He said calmly: "I can see your arrow clearly, so it can be effective in a sneak attack. In a head-on confrontation, I can shoot it with one hand." Catch it, do you believe it?"

Oliver pulled down the blindfold on his face, and looked directly into Luther's eyes with two shining eyes, "Do you believe that I can use air as an arrow to kill you with one arrow?"

Luther seemed to be stripped of his body in an instant, and his soul fell naked into the boundless sea of ​​fire. There were countless pairs of malicious eyes around the sea of ​​​​fire, focusing on every fatal part of his body.

The real danger of death gripped his mind. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he was speechless for a long time.

Oliver covered his eyes and said calmly: "Of course Shazam's power is very powerful, but Shazam himself has not surpassed the realm of the Lord God. I can't count the number of veteran Lord Gods I have shot with two hands."

Luther gasped for air and had no intention of teasing him anymore.

Oliver waved to Simon Baz, "Hand up Sinestro and Luther and take them to the Hall of Justice."

The Super Queen looked at him steadily, with a different look in her eyes.

Half an hour later, Waller rode his hoverbike to the Hall of Justice.

The preliminary trial of Luthor and Sinestro's "criminal syndicate" has officially begun.

"Let Sinestro go, he's just doing me a small favor, using the 'sunshield'. Well, just like lead can block Superman's vision and hearing, high concentrations of sunlight can blur Speedmaster's perception.

Sinestro put on a light mask to cover up the vital signs hidden in the dimensional gap in the underground parking lot, and recorded a video for me.

That idiot Alexander didn't even know he existed until he died. "Luthor said to the Zhenglian hero on the opposite side.

"What video was recorded?" Bateman asked.

Luther glanced at Sinestro, who looked gloomy, and said softly: "Look at it, Green Arrow is not an ordinary person. He has been practicing for 60,000 years in the era of the God of War, and he has been personally mentored by Harley.

Let alone humans, put a pig in his place, and now he has become the God of War Pig.

There is no shame in losing to a real god.

What's more, he also shoots cold arrows suddenly, hurting people secretly, and you are careless and have no time to dodge. "

"Are you insulting me?" Sinestro said indifferently.

"I'm comforting you." Luther said.

"You are insulting me by thinking that I need comfort." Sinestro's tone was slightly cold.

Luther sighed and got straight to the point: "Show them the video and let them see how despicable the 'only hero' is."

Sinestro did not directly play Luthor's "affectionate dialogue". Instead, he converted the data into a format and sent it to the Justice League's mastermind, allowing them to watch it themselves.

The entire video is very informative and evocative, yet very short in length.

After all, Luther and his father didn't spend much time alone together, and it took less than five minutes from the battle to the end.

The heroes watched the whole thing quietly, with different expressions, but they all remained silent.

"So, your secret organization of the 'Alexander Luther Assassination Squad' in Belle Reve Prison was just a cover." Bateman put down his tablet, frowned and stared at Luther: "You know that Waller will discover your assassination plan, and Know she won't go along with your plan.

Then you escaped from prison and deliberately used her to summon Alexander Luther, so that Alexander would step into your trap? "

Luther turned to look at Waller, and Amanda Waller's cold gaze fell on him.

"Waller, my purpose was just Alexander Luther. I deceived you out of necessity." He explained with a smile, then turned to Batman and said with an arrogant look: "Now you ordinary people know who is 'Da Lu'." Are you sure? Big or not, the comparison is not about size or strength."

He tapped his temples and said proudly: "High intelligence means true 'greatness'!

Facts have proved that I am the real Luther. He is just an empty-headed reckless man whose IQ is not even half that of my sister Lena. He is not worthy of being named "Luthor". "

Dinah sneered: "Alexander Luther is your peer, you can call him a fool, and we will listen and won't refute, because he is you, and we can only treat you as very self-aware."

"He is not my peer. Like Harley, I am unique in the multiverse. Others are just parodies of me in the multiverse." Luthor shouted.

"Be like Harley, at least in the same realm. Wait until you become the God King before you say this." Oliver said contemptuously.

"My ideological state is similar to hers." Luther said.

Before Oliver could taunt him, Waller suddenly asked: "Where did the curse that took away Alexander Luthor's power come from?"

Luther hesitated for a moment and said simply: "Nick taught me."

Seeing the fleeting look on Waller's face, he immediately added: "Others can't use it. Only I can perfectly inherit Alexander Luther's destiny. We are the same person."

Waller was noncommittal.

Bateman held up the tablet and frowned: "This video cannot be used as evidence of your innocence. You killed Alexander Luther in public, who had no power to fight back. Your method was extremely cruel. We and the nearby people saw it with our own eyes. .

Even if you bring in all the lawyers in the universe, you still can't get away with murder. "

"Haha, do you think I recorded this video to show the judge?" Luther smiled contemptuously.

Sinestro's face next to him also showed a hint of sarcasm.

"Why did you go to all the trouble to shoot this video without showing it to the judge? If you just rob Alexander Luthor of his divine power, you can shout 'Zansha' when he just touches you, and you can even make him Die in the ruins and escape the crime of murder." Dinah said.

"You should ask, since it is not for the judge, who is its real audience." Luther laughed.

Dinah frowned and said: "Is this for us? You want to kill people and pierce their hearts. Murdering Alexander is not just an end, you also want to destroy his reputation as the 'only hero'?"

With all due respect, you are a bit too naive.

Adhering to the concept of absolute justice does not mean that one’s mind is as pure as a blank slate.

In fact, we have experienced more darkness than you have ever created.

Dark thoughts have also been born in our hearts, but we can conquer them with our own ideas.

Alexander wanted to kill you, and he also used a dishonorable plot to get you to say fatal words, which tarnished his glorious image.

But before meeting you, he has always been a great hero, and no one can erase the fact that what has happened.

Even if this video is released in the future, he will still be a hero. "

Luther chuckled and said, "Dark Phoenix, your tone is so gentle."

"Luthor, do you dare to molest my wife?" Oliver, who was sitting in the corner with his legs crossed and playing mini game on his tablet, suddenly stood up and strode towards Luther.

"I'm not interested in your wife!" Luthor's face changed slightly and he said quickly: "I mean, you heroes are talking to me now in a very normal tone, without gnashing of teeth or the bone-chilling hatred of eating flesh and sleeping on skin.

But what if there is no such video?

If Alexander Luther has always been perfect in your hearts, you must be very sorry for his death and hate me for killing him.

Now that you have seen the video, no matter how much you scold me, you will never be able to bury one thought in your heart - the two Luthers are dog eat dog.

Since it's dog eat dog, whichever dog dies, you people will not feel the same way.

Even if you think so, ordinary people who are used to seeing jokes about celebrities and rich people will only become more harsh and mean. They will even deprive Alexander Luthor of his hero status, thinking that he has been pretending and is a hypocrite, not as open and cute as me. "

The expressions of the heroes were a little strange.

They really didn't want to admit what Luther said, but they couldn't deceive themselves. They really didn't have much anger now.

Think back to when the telescopic man's wife Sue was murdered, and Barry's grandson Bart Allen was killed by a gang of rogues. Let's look at the reactions of the heroes now.

Bateman said solemnly: "If you really cared about us and the people's attitude, you would not kill Alexander Luther with brutal means.

You would crush him to death deep in the ruins and then pretend his death was an accident. "

Luther shrugged, "I care about your attitude, but I want little Alexander Luther to die more. You all know the grudge between me and little Alexander Luther."

After the interrogation, Sinestro was freed and left Earth.

Luther will remain in a solitary cell at the Hall of Justice until the end of the court trial.

That night, in Luther's cell.

"Your video is for Harley, right?"

In the darkness, I suddenly remembered a low and hoarse voice.

"Who?" Luther, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes with flashing lights, a look of shock on his face, "Baitman? What magic did you use? Why can you approach me quietly, but I don't know anything about it?" Sleep."

If he just saw Bateman standing at the door, Luther would be a little surprised at most, surprised that he came to find him secretly in the middle of the night.

But now he was in Thunder Zansa state and was still meditating. He could clearly hear the chirping of crickets hundreds of meters away, but he was completely unaware of Bateman's arrival.

If Bateman didn't speak, he would never know that he was staring at him.

"Simple stealth techniques can be taught by the masters at the 'Number One Martial Arts Hall in the World' in the city." Bateman simply said, then repeated what he said before, "How involved was she in this matter?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Luther shook his head.

"There are only two of us here. I come to you alone, which also means that the current conversation will not be leaked." Bateman said.

"What's the point of this topic if you don't do anything?" Luther sneered.

"Just to satisfy my curiosity." Bateman's voice was still low and hoarse. "In exchange, I will also tell you a secret about Thunder Shazam and whether you can continue to retain Shazam's magical power."

Luther shook his head and said: "You are overthinking, Harley was not involved in the murder of Alexander Luther at all.

Of course, I don’t deny it. I really hope she can see that video because I cherish my friendship with her very much.

Ordinary people's understanding of me will at best affect my reputation.

In fact, I am a super villain, how can I have a good reputation?

If I kill Superman or you, she will definitely kill me.

If I brutally kill an upright and great hero, she will not want to see me and will gradually become cold and distant from me.

If Harley knew that Alexander Luthor was as vicious as me and wanted to monopolize the destiny of 'Luthor' as I did, she would be very indifferent to Alexander Luthor.

I killed Alexander Luthor, and she didn't feel anything at all. "

"Well, in my friendship with her, I seem a bit humble. I have no choice. She has always helped me. I couldn't find a chance to help her even if I wanted to." He raised his head and glanced at Bateman, "You You must understand me very well, right? If one day she asks you for help, you will definitely be happier than if your life was saved by her in a desperate situation."

Bateman expressionlessly took out his tablet and played two videos.

The first video is of Harley going to the watchtower to ask for the orange light ring from Luther on the day of her sermon.

The surveillance equipment on the watchtower recorded the entire conversation.

The second video is of Luther returning to life in Belle Reve Prison after being taken away from the lamp ring. It comes from the prison's surveillance equipment.

In the past, Luther would not be monitored, but since he cooperated with Nick to trick Waller to death, his previous treatment has disappeared.

"What do you mean?" Luther asked confused.

Bateman said calmly: "Harley told you about Alexander Luthor's abilities."

"She's mocking me," Luther said.

"She also said that she would take away your light ring to prevent you from using the power of the orange light to escape from prison," Bateman said.

Luther said blankly: "What's the problem?"

"When did you escape prison?" Bateman said calmly.

"With the light ring, I have the ability to escape from prison." Luther said.

Bateman said: "You didn't understand this sentence at first. After you returned to Belle Reve Prison, you were depressed, angry, and full of anger. Then"

He opened a video again, which was the surveillance video of Luther in prison.

"This is three days after you returned to prison." Bateman said.

In the video, a sullen Luther suddenly sat up from the bed and laughed excitedly: "Hahaha, yes, jailbreak, so that's what 'prisonbreak' means.

Harley is definitely not as smart as me, but it doesn't matter to her, she is calmer! "

He stared at Luther, whose expression changed rapidly, and asked, "What do you have to say now?"

Luther looked at him deeply, "I won't say anything!"

Bateman put down the tablet and sighed: "I was wondering before, how could you be so brave and dare to bet with your own life that Nick's curse is true, when you already know that he is full of lies and completely untrustworthy.

And Sinestro, not long after you met him, he seems to be crazy and willing to play around with you.

You must have convinced him with 'Harry has figured everything out'.

He may not necessarily believe your reasoning, but he must be very curious about Harley's 'fate manipulation'. "

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