I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1718 The Unparalleled Love of Super Queen Louise

"King of anti-supervision, please stop and listen to me!"

Before the tide of antimatter covers the crystal world, "Sophon" delivers a message to the core of the wave.

"Metron? No, you are not Metrotron. Metrotron is dead. You."

The scarlet antimatter energy, like a sea of ​​burning blood, turned back and condensed into a two-meter-five-meter silver metal-skinned anti-monitor in front of Tomoko.

"I know who you are, but you are so courageous that you dare to appear in front of me."

In Universe 3, the anti-surveillance and criminal syndicate, Luthor, the only hero, have been fighting for several months, and both sides are familiar with each other.

"It's me, we meet again."

To be honest, Night Owl really didn't want to face the Anti-Monitor again.

Before getting the Mobius Chair, he was just a country bumpkin with a very smart mind but little knowledge. He had never even seen a god, didn't know the concept of "supreme", and had never been in contact with the "DC Creator".

Like his fellow members of the Crime Syndicate, he calls the Anti-Monitors "unknown and horrific creatures that have invaded the universe," or simply "monsters."

Night Owl had never heard of antimatter energy or anti-monitors until he got the Mobius Chair, which represents the collective knowledge of the DC multiverse.

At that time, the Criminal Syndicate had been fighting the "monster" for a month and a half (ps), Gotham was almost in ruins, Supermaster had given up on the Gotham battlefield, and only Night Owl was still holding on in his hometown. Then he accidentally picked up the ball in the center of Gotham. That magical chair suspended in mid-air, stained with blood.

After sitting on the chair, he became the God of Knowledge, his eyes widened, and he knew many unimaginable secrets.

For example, the "monster" invading the universe is the Anti-Monitor, whose real name is "Mobius", the original owner and manufacturer of the Mobius Chair.

For example, the previous owner of the chair was Metron.

For example, the Möbius Chair itself is the godhead of the God of Knowledge.

For example, Metron's divinity is the path of knowledge and balance.

For example, after Metron, the god of knowledge and balance, discovered the antimatter crisis, he came to Universe 3 to persuade the anti-monitors not to break the new balance that had been finally formed without authorization. As a result, he was attacked by his anti-monitor accomplices and was directly killed for the second time. On the Möbius Chair.

Well, Nite Owl knew through the chair that Metron was shot in the head by Darkseid in Final Crisis.

When facing the Anti-Monitor, the former God of Knowledge Metron was more experienced and stronger than him, but he was still killed instantly with one move. He could not even drive the Mobius Chair to escape into the river of time. Night Owl is not a "Yelang", and he is not arrogant enough to think that he is smarter or more powerful than Metron.

But the outsider Ah Fu's revenge must be avenged.

The Eclipse Lord has withdrawn, the inner dragon is unable to come out, the Three Houses II, Lucifer and Desire are embarrassed, and the partners of the Criminal Syndicate are greedy for life and afraid of death. Although Witch Harley has countless enemies, it seems that apart from the Anti-Monitor, he You can't count on anyone else either.

"Metron wanted to stop you and offended you with words, so you killed him. He and I are different.

I am now just the 'god of knowledge', balancing the ways that are not mine.

I don't care if the balance of the multiverse is upset.

If you agree, I am even willing to bring my companions to join your team, as long as you follow your lead. "

Although it was only "Sophon" who came to the anti-monitoring king and not the Night Owl himself, he deliberately behaved tremblingly and fearfully, with a very low attitude and a very sincere tone.

"Be loyal to me?" The Anti-Monitor King was a little surprised. "I destroyed your home universe and killed so many of your companions, relatives and friends. Don't you hate me?"

"We hate Witch Harley even more." Ye Xiao said.

"What did she do to you? To make your hatred of her surpass me?" Anti-Supervisor asked curiously.

"She killed." Ye Xiao paused and changed his words: "She wants to kill us all."

Although his hatred of Witch Harley is mainly due to the death of outsider Ah Fu, compared with the anti-monitor destroying Universe 3 and killing countless people, the death of mere Ah Fu seems very unconvincing, at least it is difficult to convince the anti-monitor.

"This reason is difficult to convince me. With your current ability, it is impossible to deal with the Witch Harley, but it is not difficult to cause trouble with her and avoid her tracking." The anti-supervisor still did not completely believe him.

"We are both members of the Criminal Syndicate, but each of us has different demands. The Super King and the Super Queen don't know that I have obtained the Mobius Chair, and they are all worried that the Witch Harley will come after me.

I was out for revenge. My butler, the outsider Ah Fu, was killed by her, leaving not even a trace of his soul behind.

Alfred is more important to me than all of Gotham. "

These words can be regarded as Ye Xiao's heartfelt words.

The anti-supervisor thought for a moment and asked, "Tell me, what do you want from me and what can you provide me."

"We invented the magic fission cannon." Night Owl introduced the principle and power of the magic fission cannon in detail, and said: "Now a new fission cannon has been assembled, and using quantum technology, it can be reduced to the size of a palm. .

If you can create an opportunity so that Witch Harley cannot have a spiritual crisis, or even if she has a sense, she cannot return to the main universe, we can blast the earth to pieces. "

The anti-monitor expression was strangely silent for a while, and he said: "Your purpose is just to destroy the things that Witch Harley cares about and make her suffer and sad, rather than directly killing her?"

"You know Witch Harley's weakness. Is there any way to kill her directly? If possible, of course I want her to die." Ye Xiao looked forward to it.

The rebels remained silent.

If he had known a way to directly kill Witch Harley, he would have done it himself.

From his silence, Ye Xiao understood something and sighed: "Witch Harley is too weird. With the blessing of God coming down to earth, there is almost no energy that can severely damage her.

And she is a thick-skinned warrior god, with extremely strong defense against physical attacks.

Coupled with her thorns and black vortex, even if she stood and didn't fight back, no one could exchange injuries with her.

What's even more frightening is that she is proficient in the laws of time and space. Even if many god kings join forces, they cannot block her space transmission.

Such a person cannot be beaten to death or trapped, so who can kill her?

Since he can't kill her, he can only kill her heart - destroy the things she cares about, making her miserable.

There is no doubt that the earth is her biggest emotional bond in this life. She can continue to live without the earth, but she will inevitably live in hatred and pain. "

The anti-supervisor nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. Where is the Criminal Syndicate now? What are its specific plans?"

"We were repairing in the Crystal World before and escaped to Limbo before the arrival of the antimatter tide. Next, we will probably choose an affiliated plane of the main universe.

Once the magic fission cannon is adjusted, I hope you can come forward to stop Witch Harley.

She is looking for your identity everywhere, and you can easily find her own identity.

Then as long as I stop her for three minutes, I can make her miserable. "Ye Xiao said.

"Okay, that's it." Anti-supervisor readily agreed.

30 seconds later, in multiple parallel universes, many anti-monitor clones shouted at the Harley clone flying towards them: "Witch Harley, you still have the mind to care about my business, do you know that your home is about to be stolen?" Already?"

He didn't know which Harley was the real person. All the clones who saw Harley said the same thing.

"My hometown? Who wants to attack the Earth in the main universe, is it Nick?" Harley stopped in mid-air and asked in surprise.

"I can tell you this big secret that can affect your life, but you have to swear to leave these parallel universes immediately and return to your main universe. I also swear not to take action against the main universe and the node universe, how about that?"

"You don't have to tell me. Anyway, I have already made a guess and made arrangements." Harley said disapprovingly.

"You don't know the details of the other party at all, and you think Nick is the main culprit. If you can't know yourself and the enemy, your arrangement will be ineffective." The anti-supervisor sneered.

Harley said: "I know Nick is not the mastermind. There is someone behind him. That mysterious person wants to form an alliance with you, right?"

The anti-supervisor yelled: "Don't try to talk nonsense to me. I won't talk nonsense to you at all. If you know what you are looking for, make a poisonous oath and I will tell you everything."

Although you have little credibility in the multiverse, I am reluctant to believe you. "

Harley smiled faintly and said, "Have you forgotten Lord Eclipse? The mysterious man's former ally was Lord Eclipse. Now Lord Eclipse has declined and has been taken over by my brother God. Do you think I don't know the identity of the mysterious man?"

She asked Chris, but Chris just shook his head and said he didn't want to interfere with the fate of the world.

The anti-supervisor was stunned, "If you know who he is, why don't you tell him directly?"

"I'm going to pretend I don't know, make him lose his vigilance, and wait until the 'anti-supervisory crisis' is resolved, and then take him down with lightning speed." Harley said with a smile.

"A small crisis?" The anti-supervisor's face turned gloomy, "I originally planned to deal with him, but now it seems that I must teach you a big lesson and teach you how to fear the power and wisdom of the Creator."

"I'll stand here and you teach me." Harley said.

In each of the invaded parallel universes, the powerless clones of Harley continued to stand around and talk nonsense.

Harley's main body was no longer paying attention and was beating the anti-monitoring clone fiercely.

Two hours later, the main universe, Earth.

Justice League Dark Headquarters, Zha Kang's House of Mystery.

"Zach, do you have any clues about Boston, Nick and Faust?" Dinah asked.

"A week ago, according to the information John got from hell, we saw Faust in an ancient ruins in Peru, but he was prepared for it. After snatching the holy objects from the ruins, he left a trap nearby and waited for him. He wants us to take the bait, so..." Zatanna looked a little embarrassed.

Dead Man Boston said: "Dina, you don't have to worry, we have caught Faust's little tail. Even if we cannot arrest him and Nick immediately, we can ensure that they have no chance to use the magic fission cannon against the earth."

Dinah looked around and asked, "Where's John?"

"Constantine is at Nandal Peak, which is the place where white magic originated. The entrance to the legendary 'Magic Plane' is at the top of Nandal Peak. If Nick finds the "Book of Magic", he will definitely go there." Zatan Na explained.

Dinah said: "Just now, news came from Harley that the mysterious man behind Nick has approached the Anti-Monitor, and he wants to form an alliance with the Anti-Monitor.

Similar to the Eclipse Lord, the Anti-Monitor is responsible for stopping Harley, and the mysterious man takes the opportunity to fire on the earth. "

"Ah, the new magic fission cannon really appeared? Nick and Faust were abandoned?" Zatanna exclaimed.

"Currently, Nick and Faust are not part of the mysterious man's plan. It's time for us to change our goals." Dinah nodded.

"What are Harley's plans?" Zatanna asked.

Dinah said: "Harry has some guesses about the identity of the mysterious person, who is the remnant of the criminal syndicate headed by Night Owl.

In theory, the hatred between the Criminal Syndicate and the anti-incarceration team is greater than the hatred against Harley.

Harley just killed them and killed several of their companions. The anti-supervisor not only killed them, but also destroyed their mother universe and their 'kingdom'.

Under normal circumstances, criminal syndicates will not take the initiative to join anti-supervisory agencies unless they happen to do so. "

Boston wondered: "If we encounter someone, you won't start fighting directly. How can you cooperate?"

Dinah pondered: "It was not a direct face-to-face encounter. According to the reaction of the anti-supervisor, it should be the Syndicate who took the initiative to find him.

After leaving the main universe, the Criminal Syndicate presumably hid in a small plane within Limbo.

Just a few days ago, Anti-Prison sent half of its force into Limbo to search for and devour the magical plane in Limbo.

If the Criminal Syndicate happens to encounter a tide of antimatter sweeping through their secluded magical world, they are likely to request cooperation from the anti-supervisory authorities during their escape.

Harley speculated that there was not much trust between the Syndicate and the Anti-Monitor. The Anti-Monitor would not deliberately keep the small plane where the Syndicate secluded, and the Syndicate would not dare to reveal its location to the Anti-Monitor.

In order to avoid the tide of antimatter, the Syndicate is likely to hide in a small plane closely connected with the main universe. "

Zatanna thought thoughtfully, "What does Harley mean, let us take action immediately and go to the nearby magic plane to find the criminal syndicate?"

"More than that, she wants you to go to the Forgotten Bar to issue a wanted order, mobilize the magicians, search for any abnormal people, and monitor any abnormal plane travel." Dinah said.

Zatanna laughed dryly and said: "Don't Harley know her reputation in the multiverse?

If she encounters trouble, the gods, demons, and mages will only laugh at her and not lend a helping hand. "

"The wanted order tells the truth. The Criminal Syndicate has a magic fission cannon, and each fission cannon requires more than ten magic masters.

In the eyes of the Criminal Syndicate, all divine magicians are cannonballs.

To bombard the earth, the Criminal Syndicate must have captured many masters and even gods and demons. "

Zatanna nodded slightly, "If the fission cannon is made public, the Criminal Syndicate will definitely become an even more hated existence than Harley."

"Dead man" Boston shouted: "Are you sure the mysterious man is the criminal syndicate? If you get the wrong target, the wanted order will be in vain."

"Harry's guess should be correct," Dinah said.

Zatanna wondered: "Why doesn't Harley ask Chris? The mysterious man has cooperated with the Eclipse Lord. It is impossible for the Eclipse Lord not to know his identity, right?"

"Harry asked, but Chris thinks he has a special status and doesn't want to get involved in human affairs." Dinah said.

When Harley called Zhenglian headquarters before, Bateman asked the same question.

He also asked what was the special identity of Chris, and Dinah herself was very curious.

But Harley only said that knowing too much would be bad for them and not good, and did not explain it to them.

The material universe has four dimensions, three space dimensions and one time dimension.

Limbo is "advanced" than the material world, with an extra "thinking dimension".

Each parallel universe has its own Limbo Hell, and there are projections of the eight divine realms in Limbo Hell.

The only difference between their "exclusive Limbo" and the main universe Limbo is the "thinking dimension". They are still essentially the same Limbo.

The Criminal Syndicate escaped from Universe 3 to the main universe, and then left the main universe and entered Limbo. The Limbo prison they are now in is "exclusively" in the main universe.

When the antimatter tide rolls into Limbo and submerges the Crystal World, they can only look for other small planes in the main universe Limbo.

"It's useless to kill me. Now the entire magic world is full of your fatwa. Not only did Witch Harley take out 10 kilograms of N metal and put it in the Oblivion Bar as a reward, but many gods and demon kings also issued orders to capture you.

Unless you hide in a parallel universe immediately, you will be caught by us and Witch Harley sooner or later. "

In the "Earth's Core Magical Plane" which is dimensionally connected to the earth, a lizardman grand master struggled and shouted.

Speedmaster stepped on his lizard head with his big and generous feet, and said coldly: "We didn't provoke you, why did the God King and Demon King arrest us?

And why are you alien mages so active and not afraid of death? "

"No matter where you hide, you will capture the masters or gods who understand the laws there and use them as shells for the magic fission cannon. If we don't take the initiative to find you now and find you out, will you wait for you to secretly shoot us and capture us one by one? "The lizardman master shouted angrily.

"You are overthinking, we have artillery shells - forget it, I don't need to explain to you." Speedmaster tensed his muscles and planned to trample the Lizardman Archmage to death.

"Wait!" Natanza stopped him and said: "Supermaster, you are right, we have artillery shells, but since he sent them to us, why not keep them to increase the power of the fission cannon? Night Owl said, artillery shells are not Quantity is limited, the more the better.”

Speedmaster looked around, "Ye Xiao, do you want to keep this garbage?"

"You can kill me, but you can't insult me. I am the 'Grand Master of the Flame Dragon' in the inner earth world. You are rubbish, a fool with no muscles." The lizard man cursed.

"Bullshit Flame Dragon Grandmaster, I'll crush you to death just as easily as I crush a bed bug." Speedmaster was so angry that he wanted to raise his foot and crush his head.

"Wait!" Ye Xiao said hurriedly: "If you kill him, you will set him free."

"How can people be free when they are dead?" Chao Bao said.

"His soul will take the opportunity to escape."

"Natanza, Power Ring, and Super Queen, you three keep an eye on his soul." Super Overbearing.

Night Owl said: "His soul has an owner, and robbing his soul will alarm the gods and demons behind him.

Keep it. After activating the fission cannon, you won't have to worry about exposing your identity and location. "

Speedmaster spat at the Lizardman Mage, "Just let you live a few more days. Power Ring, lock him up."

The power ring activates the green light ring on the right finger, and a beam of green light wraps around the lizardman mage, pulling him into the light ring space (ps).

"Night Owl, why are our identities exposed? Why is there a wanted order?" Speedmaster shouted.

A bit of faint light jumped out from the quantum dimension and turned into a ball of light the size of a table tennis ball in mid-air.

"We were betrayed by the anti-supervisor, who told Witch Harley about our secret creation of a magical fission cannon." Night Owl sighed.

"Why? Isn't he the mortal enemy of Witch Harley?" Everyone in the Syndicate asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Ye Xiao hesitated for a moment and said, "Just wait a moment, I'll go find him now."

It is difficult to find the original body of the anti-monitor, but it is very easy to find the clone of the anti-monitor who is invading the parallel universe and the small world of Limbo.

It only took two minutes for "Tomoko" to see the anti-prisoner again in Limbo Prison.

"That's right, I plan to sell you to the witch Harley, as long as she agrees not to interfere with my affairs." The anti-supervisory king is not a magnanimous gentleman, he just doesn't bother to lie to Ye Xiao.

"Why? Don't you hate her?" Ye Xiao was calm and did not yell.

"If you have a plan to kill Witch Harley, I don't mind cooperating with you at all, but it will only make her heartbroken, and I will be happy for a while.

Next she would cling to me like crazy, fight me tooth and nail, and make me suffer for the rest of my life.

This is not the purpose of my entering Wantianyi.

I have more important things to do, and what I have to do has nothing to do with Witch Harley or the main universe, so there is no need to provoke her. "

Ye Xiao was stunned for a while before he realized that he had some wishful thinking.

He didn't even understand the fundamental purpose of counter-monitoring and launching the "Second Crisis on Infinite Earths".

But no matter what the purpose of counter-surveillance is, the top priority is to devour as much of the multiverse as possible to increase its power.

"But Witch Harley did not agree to my peace agreement, and I did not reveal any information about you at all." Anti-Monitor continued.

"There are rumors in the magic world that you told Witch Harley our news." Ye Xiao said.

"Hmph, I'm not surprised at all. It's unusual for Witch Harley to not use tricks." The anti-supervisor sneered.

Night Owl said: "I'm not surprised that she is sowing discord, but she not only knows that I control the fission cannon project behind the scenes, but also knows that we live in a small plane near the main universe."

"In addition to being cunning, Witch Harley also has intelligence and wisdom that no one can deny. But it doesn't matter, the wisdom and power of the Creator cannot be underestimated." The anti-monitor smiled sadly: "I proposed a deal to her. Of course I considered that she might refuse.

If she said no, I would act angry.

Every time I met her next, I would roar angrily at her and then fight to the death.

God of knowledge, do you know what I mean? "

Ye Xiao pondered: "I understand, you and Neilong are both afraid of being entangled with her, and both want her to scream in pain, but they don't want to leave any obvious clues.

She rejected your proposal and humiliated you. Of course you have reason to be angry, and then fight her desperately in anger.

Then, when I take advantage of your anger to get entangled with her and destroy the earth with one shot, she will have no reason to regard you as my accomplice. "

"Ye Xiao, you are a smart man." Anti-monitor smiled.

"Does this make sense? A domineering person like her will act as long as she has doubts in her heart. She doesn't need a reason at all." Ye Xiao sighed.

The anti-monitor had a strange expression, "I don't know what Neilong thinks, but personally, the main reason is that I don't want to embarrass myself in front of her."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Ye Xiao asked confused.

The anti-monitor said: "I sincerely hope you can succeed, but reason tells me that you will probably fail.

If I make it clear that I am an accomplice with you, and you are completely defeated in the end, Witch Harley will definitely ridicule me when she meets me, laughing at me for cooperating with a fool, and being a fool myself.

If she can't find evidence that I'm cooperating with you, even if she guesses that I'm connected to you, she won't ridicule me, and I won't be embarrassed.

She insists on ridiculing me, and I can retort righteously and confidently, and even ridicule her for being a slut. She cannot defeat me and can only imagine that she has defeated me in other ways. In the end, she is the one who is embarrassed. "

If Night Owl were in human form, he would be stunned, "As for it?"

The anti-monitor lamented: "When we reach a state of immortality, our skin can also be the purpose of our actions."

This was something he felt.

"The Second Crisis on Infinite Earths" is not about dominating the multiverse, nor is it about breaking through to the realm of the Creator. Eighty percent of the reason is for the sake of face.

The next afternoon, the magic plane in the center of the earth.

The "only hero" cell next to the Super Queen's bedroom.

"So far, we have met three magic masters who are tracking us." The Super Queen told her about the fatwa with her belly puffed out.

"Well, I heard Ye Xiao say that not only the Earth's core plane, but also hundreds of small worlds near the main universe are taking action.

The Lord of the Planes leads a group of mages to search for our traces.

It's not all about the rewards from Witch Harley. They are worried that they will be secretly captured and become cannonballs of the magic fission cannon.

Witch Harley did a great job and revealed all the basic principles and parameters of the fission cannon.

Magic masters are often wise men with rich knowledge. After looking at the parameters, they can guess how many 'shells' it will take for the magic fission cannon to destroy the earth.

They have reached a general consensus that we need to kidnap at least 30 masters, or two gods, in order to break through the earth's defenses with one shot.

Most small planes do not have 30 grandmasters at all.

In other words, as long as the small plane is targeted by us, the grandmaster will die and there is no possibility of survival.

They didn't want to die, so they had to take action immediately to catch us out first. "

Alexander Luther said solemnly: "We will act in advance, and we will act tonight."

The Super Queen hesitated and said: "Night Owl's magic fission cannon has not been optimized yet."

"No need to wait, the criminal syndicate may be found by bounty hunters at any time." Alexander said.

"Okay, get ready, I'm bringing Johnny Quick here tonight."

That night, it was late at night.

The super queen walked to the bed, unbuttoned her nightgown first, and threw aside her nightgown, leaving only a set of sexy underwear. She murmured in a low voice: "Ye Xiao, my dear, Ye Xiao?"

After shouting seven or eight times, a faint light finally jumped out from the quantum space and turned into a looming ball of light.

"Is Speedmaster asleep?" Night Owl's voice came from the light ball.

"Maybe he's asleep, or maybe he's messing around with another woman. Anyway, my spiritual sense tells me that he's not paying attention to me at all right now. Come on, I can't wait." She sat on the bedside and waved to it.

The ball of light turned into reality and slowly floated towards her.

The Super Queen's eyebrows were silky, but when "Tomoko Night Owl" approached, Lightning stretched out his hand to grab it, activated the divine lightning power with both palms, and pressed hard.

"Click - puff -"

From the center of the palm covered by divine power, there was a sound like porcelain being crushed by a steamroller.

After a full two minutes, she let go.

"Crash!" Fragments of parts as fine as sand fell on the floor.

"Ye Xiao, you are great. Even if you lose your body, you can still make me happy. I love you too, but the father of my child is not you. I'm sorry."

The Super Queen thought for a while, put on her nightgown again, bent down and pinched the fragments on the floor in her hands, rubbed them hard again, and crushed them into smaller pieces, then opened the window and blew gently into the night sky, "Night "Owl" floated in the air and disappeared with the wind.

After doing all this, the Super Queen lay down on the bed with a dejected expression, looking at the ceiling, recalling every moment with Ye Xiao over and over in her heart.

"Dong dong dong!" About two hours later, a knock on the door reached the Super Queen's ears.

It's strange that the knocking on the door doesn't sound like it's coming from outside.

She turned her head and saw Johnny Quick standing in the room, leaning against the wall, gently pushing the door open with his right hand.

"Did I misunderstand anything? After dinner, it was you who quietly transmitted my spiritual message to me, not some mysterious mage. Or am I dizzy and having wild thoughts?"

Johnny's eyes swept over the large exposed muscles of the super queen, and he felt his throat was dry and couldn't help but swallow.

"What are you thinking about?" The super queen lay on the bed and said with a charming smile.

"I want to do something bad to you, hehehe!" Johnny licked his tongue and said honestly.

"Where's the Super Queen?" asked the Super Queen.

"You should be asleep now, right? I saw him bring an indigenous girl into the house before." Johnny stepped closer to the bed, but his eyes were burning and he didn't dare to move.

The Super Queen stood up, took the initiative to hold his arm, and said: "Let's go, use your speed force to take me to the next door. My lasso is still tied to Alexander Luthor."

"Why don't you go alone? If Alexander Luther sees us like this, if he reveals our secrets to Speedmaster, Speedmaster will crush our heads." Johnny worried.

"Are you kidding? Super Queen dares to let him speak? If he really has a chance to speak, what do you think his first word will be?" Super Queen chuckled.

Johnny was thoughtful, Alexander Luthor's mouth was gagged, his body was bound with a noose, and no one from the Criminal Syndicate would let him speak.

"And he is just a mortal. If you are really afraid, I can use a magic spell to make him unconscious, even in front of him."

Before the Super Queen could finish her next words, she was enveloped by Johnny Quick's speed force. Under the high-frequency vibration of their bodies, they passed through the thick stone wall as if they were passing through air.

Alexander Luther still wore a hood, his head hung low, obviously asleep.

The Super Queen's noose of submission was like the immortal rope of Fear of Liusun, tightly tying his body to the high-backed chair.

She walked to the chair, picked up one end of the submission lasso and shook it gently, and the lasso like a slender golden thorn fell off Alexander's body.

Even without the noose, his hands were shackled, his mouth was gagged, and he was under a spell by the Super Queen, Johnny Quick was not worried at all.

After getting the submission lasso, the Super Queen did not hesitate and threw the lasso at lightning speed while Johnny was still looking around.

Johnny Quick was immediately unable to move, succumbing to the activation of special effects, and even his will was suppressed.

The Super Queen turned her head and said to Alexander Luthor on the chair: "My dear, it's your turn."

"What did you say?" Johnny was confused for a moment.

"Actually, I don't mind waiting for half an hour, or an hour." Alexander said directly, with a touch of regret in his tone.

"Alexander Luther, you, can you speak?!" Johnny was horrified, "Who took off the gag on your mouth?"


Alexander Luther screamed to the sky.

"Boom!" Silver lightning shattered the roof and fell on him.

His height and appearance remained the same, but the scientist's withered figure seemed to have been inflated, with muscles bulging and full of strength, like a bodybuilder.

There is the iconic lightning emblem of the Shazam family on his chest, and his eyes flash with silver lightning. He is very similar to Billy, and he also wears a cape.

"Oh, No——" Johnny screamed desperately, his body vibrating at high frequency, trying to break free from the noose and run away immediately.

The next second, Alexander Luther was as fierce as a tiger and jumped on him, holding his head tightly with both hands.

"Johnny, your Speed ​​Force belongs to me!"

A large amount of bright red Speed ​​Force flowed out of Johnny's body and flowed into him along Luther's palms.

At the same time, his face showed an expression of extreme comfort and intoxication.

Johnny's wails gradually weakened, and his body visibly aged and decayed, eventually turning into a handful of ashes.

"Bang!" The door was smashed by a tall, naked figure.

Amidst the flying sawdust, Speedmaster appeared in front of several people.

He was awakened by Shazam Lightning and rushed over immediately, just in time to see Johnny Quick completely turn into ashes.

"Bastard~~" He fired two beams of thermonuclear rays angrily.

Alexander Luther was hit in the chest by a beam of light as thick as the mouth of a bowl. His body was like a batted baseball, smashing through the stone wall and flying out of the house, plowing a dozens of meters long dirt ravine on the ground.

"Whoosh!" Super Queen subconsciously threw the submission lasso at Super King.

Speedmaster was about to fly out to hunt down Alexander Luther, but he didn't expect that his wife would plot against him. He was accidentally tied up and tied up tightly.

"What are you doing?" He was shocked and angry.

"Idiot, don't you understand, she is my woman." Red and yellow lightning flashed on Alexander Luther's body, as if teleporting, he came to the Speedmaster from the yard dozens of meters away.

The action is exactly the same as The Flash.

In such a short period of time, he has become familiar with the newly acquired Speed ​​Force.

"Now it's your turn. I like your body of steel very much." He stretched out his hands and hugged Speedmaster's head.

Waves of dark green energy surged out of Speedmaster's body, flowed into Alexander Luther's hands, and finally merged into his body.

"Why? I am your husband and the father of your child. Without me, who will protect him!"

Speedmaster's eyes widened with anger, and the veins on his neck and face were exposed. He struggled desperately, but was tied up with a noose and was held down by Alexander Luther.

"You are not strong enough. My man must be the strongest person in the world." The Super Queen gave him a sarcastic sneer, looked down at her bulging belly, and said softly: "He is not your child, he belongs to me. And Alexander, you and Night Owl were both deceived by me.”

"Ye Xiao?" Supermaster was confused for a moment, and then shouted desperately: "Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao, come and save me, Ye Xiao, take me out of here!"

"Do you really think Ye Xiao is your most loyal friend? During this period, he has entered my bedroom many times more times than you know!" Super Queen chuckled.

"No, no, Night Owl, save me, save me." As strong as a superpower, his life force was also drained by the "Shazam Curse" at this moment. His voice gradually became weaker, and his body quickly aged and decayed.

"Stop shouting, he was already beaten to pieces and his soul was gone." The Super Queen said calmly.

"Splash~~people~~~" The Speedmaster turned into a handful of flying ashes.

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