This was the first time Harley had fought with Superman, and the initial freshness and excitement had long since faded.

She hooked her finger at the Yellow Lantern Superman and said, "Come on, use your iron fist to prove that you have the ability to make rules, but don't allow others to question your rules."

"I am protecting the world. I will not allow another dangerous lunatic like the Joker to be born, and I will not let a second family go through the pain I have experienced.

This is my philosophy and it is what drives all my actions.

It is this concept that gives me the power to transform the world.

People have the right to live a stable and peaceful life, even if they are not aware of the price they need to pay for it. "The Yellow Lantern Superman has a serious expression and a strong and powerful voice without any hesitation or confusion.

"Now you won't listen to anything I say, and you are completely dissatisfied after hearing it. Let's go through two moves first, and then I will evaluate your words." Harley continued to hook her fingers, "No, mother-in-law, come on."

No matter how great the truth is, it is not as convincing as what a standing person says to a lying person.

"Be careful, I'm about to take action."

The yellow light Superman's eyes are like fountains of blood, shooting out two wrist-thick thermonuclear rays.

Harley put her hands behind her back, her expression calm and her body motionless.


A golden film of light appeared two meters in front of her, and the thermonuclear rays falling on it were like torrents hitting rocks.

"Uh-huh!" Yellow Light Superman gritted his teeth and shouted, with veins on his face and neck bulging, his upper body leaning forward, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes output more, half of his face was blocked by the red light of thermonuclear rays , the thermonuclear rays ejected also gradually become thicker, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, thick as a thigh, thick as a waist, and as thick as a bathtub.

The defensive light film in front of Harley also changed from rock-solid to a little shaky, and her entire body was almost buried by the scattered thermonuclear energy.

"What's the name of this move, big sister? It looks so easy, so handsome, and so powerful." Hallie No. 22 took Ivy's arm familiarly and asked excitedly.

Even though she was just Harley from another world, Ivy still had an inexplicable fondness for her. "Do you know what a 'force field' is? Harley is a defensive god-king. Her body defense is so strong that she forms a layer of force around her body." A force field with purely defensive properties.”

"Only defensive?" Hallie No. 22 was a little disappointed.

"Do you know how strong the previous anti-monitor was?" Ivy asked.

No. 22 Harley nodded vigorously, and the thick powder on her face could not hide the frightened expression, "Before you arrived, Superman's reactionary ruling group had already launched a siege on him.

There are Sinestro, Hal Jordan, Wonder Woman and dozens of other villains.

Sinestro was torn into pieces and died miserably. Wonder Woman was wailing miserably in the scarlet flames. I don’t know if she was dead now or not. The Superman army was almost completely wiped out as we were scurrying around like rats. "

"Such a powerful counter-monitor cannot easily break through Harley's force field." Ivy said with a proud look.

"Wow, it's so powerful!" Harley No. 22 became even more excited, "Such a powerful defense, even if it can only defend, it's powerful enough."

"Who said it can only be used for defense? It has many functions, but when facing Superman, Harley doesn't need to use all her trump cards." Ivy said.

"What are their functions?" Hallie No. 22 asked with a happy face.

Ivy frowned and said, "Harley's defense field is so powerful, why are you so excited?"

Harley No. 22 pointed at herself and said excitedly: "I am also 'Harley'! The eldest sister said that as long as I can awaken, I will have the same power as her."

"When did Harley become your 'big sister'?" Ivy said.

"She is already 60,000 years old. What does it matter if I call her 'eldest sister'?" said Harry No. 22.

"Don't have random relationships. You can't call me 'eldest sister' casually."

Hallie shouted on the 22nd: "I call her 'Big Sister' out of respect for her, she should be happy."

"Harley is the majestic King of Gods and the most powerful person in the multiverse. If you call her 'big sister', won't that mean you have a relationship?"

From now on, the angels in heaven, the demons in hell, and the gods and demons in all heavens and realms will look down upon you.

Even the supreme beings of the multiverse treat you as a human being.

To put it bluntly, when you die and go to hell, calling yourself "Harley's little sister" will allow the hell judge to arrange a good place for you. "Ivy said.

Hallie No. 22's eyes shone, "Just calling her 'big sister' will have so many benefits?"

Ivy gave her a disdainful glance, "Stop thinking about it. You haven't awakened 'Hallelujah', you haven't gotten rid of your fascination with the clown, you haven't found your true self, and you haven't even met the basic requirements of Harley's 'little sister'" .”

Harley No. 22 hesitated and asked: "Many Harleys in the multiverse have broken up with the Joker?"

Ivy doesn't know much about "Harley and the Joker" in the parallel universe. Based on limited data, she said: "Only a few Harleys I know have never liked the Joker at all. One Harley even regarded the Joker as Dog raising.”

"Treat Mr. J as a dog" All kinds of wonderful and inappropriate scenes immediately appeared in Hallie No. 22's mind, and the shock on her face gradually turned into excitement, "Oh my god, is that Hallie playing so wildly? I I also like puppies very much, if the puppy and Mr. J become one”

Her legs were shaking with excitement.

While Ivy was talking to Harley No. 22, the battle between Harley and Superman in mid-air was almost coming to an end.

Seeing that thermonuclear rays are ineffective against Harley, the Yellow Light Superman assumes a classic Superman flying posture: his fists are stretched forward and directly in line with his body.

Harley is still the same, only using the defensive gold film to block.

Everyone below saw Superman transform into a beam of yellow light and attack Harley from all angles in a short time.

His speed was so fast that the air was filled with afterimages of his flight.

From a distance, it looked like Harley was enveloped in a huge yellow light sphere.

With such high-intensity and high-frequency attacks, even Harley's defensive golden film has been broken several times.

But her level is already 136, which is 100 points beyond the limit of the material universe. She can hold up the golden film again before the next attack of the Yellow Lantern Superman.

Later, she secretly superimposed a layer of thorny black vortices on the surface of the golden film.

Now the Black Vortex of Thorns has reached the level of divine law, and its counter-injury power is so powerful that it is incomparable to what it was during the Archmage period.

Every time Yellow Lantern Superman's physical impact is made, energy equivalent to 250 tons of TNT is absorbed by the black vortex, and then bounces back to Yellow Lantern Superman's fist in the form of a physical attack.

It cannot cause fatal injuries to him, and it can also hinder his ability to exert force smoothly.

After Harley's golden membrane is attacked, it will also cause trauma to her, and the real damage she receives will cause a mental shock to Superman in a certain proportion.

You can't tell anything once or twice, but Superman's attack frequency is very high. He hits Harley hundreds of thousands of times in one second, which means that he has to endure hundreds of "replacements" and soul damage every second.

The higher the attack frequency, the greater the damage to Harry's golden membrane, and the damage he himself takes will also increase in the same proportion. Let's see who can't use it up first.

Anyway, Harley was always calm and calm, not even moving her hair. The yellow-light Superman was already pale and panting, with two nosebleeds coming out from under his nostrils, and his eyes were bloodshot and red.

"Your defense is strong, I'm going to use my real power."

He gave up the ineffective physical impact, wiped the blood from his lips, and said solemnly.

"Isn't the body of steel your real power?" Harley said.

"I am the Lord of the Yellow Lantern, the Lord of Fear!"

The yellow light Superman raised his right hand, the yellow light ring on his finger shone brightly, and the yellow light rays filled the air.

Harry said amusedly: "You want me to fall into a fearful mood? Do you know what 'doing the same thing' means?"

The yellow light Superman's expression was still solemn, but his brows were slightly wrinkled.

No matter how he activated the power of the yellow light, Harley on the opposite side still showed no reaction and did not contribute any fear. In other words, after he activated the light ring, she did not feel any fear at all.

Harley sighed: "This is not the first time I have encountered a Superman who uses a yellow light ring, but you are the first one who can master the origin of the yellow light.

But you are ‘Superman’!

Your body of steel is your foundation. Other powers can be used, but they cannot be your greatest reliance. "

Like her, this superman also masters the origin of the yellow light. He can activate the fear in the hearts of all living beings through the yellow light energy, and then obtain energy from the fear emotion.

In the main universe, even Sinestro needs to merge with Parallax Monster to do this.

But for Superman, any strength other than the body of steel, no matter how strong, is evil, and the more he persists, the more he loses.

However, Harley, who has read the timeline of the Yellow Lantern Superman, can also understand why he became the Lord of the Yellow Lantern.

Superman has a body of steel, but the body of steel is not invincible.

From the beginning of his confrontation with Bateman, Superman was destined to encounter a kryptonite attack.

In fact, Superman's "poisonous reign" was almost ended by a kryptonite bullet, and at the last moment a yellow light ring selected him. After using the power of the yellow light to remove the bullet from his chest, Superman became dependent on the light ring.

Superman plus the Lantern Ring can indeed perfectly overcome the weakness of Kryptonite.

What's more, the people under Superman's poisonous rule are afraid of him. The fear of all living beings allows Superman to gradually master the source of fear.

From then on, Superman became more able to control the power of the yellow light, and even Sinestro became his little brother.

"You win, I am no match for you." Yellow Light Superman withdrew his yellow light energy and said dejectedly.

"Ah, you win now? The eldest sister hasn't made a move yet."

No. 22 Harley yelled in confusion, then quickly opened her mouth, clapped her hands, and laughed: "Oh, my eldest sister is so powerful that she can conquer the enemy without fighting. Our world is saved. Superman's poisonous weed rule." It's over.

Friends, why are you still standing there, shouting "Hallelujah" and "Praise Halle" loudly? "

While screaming, she took out shredded reflective paper from her pocket and threw it into the sky.

I don't know why she has so many strange things on her body.

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched slightly, and she tried not to look at Harley No. 22. She only focused on the Yellow Light Superman and said, "I thought you would stubbornly ask me to give up my defense and fight you fist to fist. .”

Although this yellow-light Superman is a "poisonous vegetable" and has killed many superheroes, even though he has understood the origin of fear (in Harley's heart, except for herself, anyone who masters the two emotional origins of fear and greed is not a good person) , but her sense of him was not bad.

The experience gained each time she is attacked is determined by the actual damage caused to her by the attack and the maliciousness of the attacker.

The person who has a greater impact on the world has a higher total experience value.

There is no doubt that Superman is one of the biggest experience packages in the DC world.

But the Superman of the main universe can hardly provide her with experience, even if he has a lot of experience. Because he didn't have any ill will towards her, and without ill will, there would be no experience to offer.

Yellow Lantern Superman goes all out every time and has strong attacks, but the experience points provided by each attack are not high because his malice towards her is also very low.

She has clearly threatened his domineering rule, but he still doesn't have much ill will towards her, which shows that his nature is not bad. He is not like the hopeless superpower of Universe 3, but more like Universe 51 who is also on the same path. The old Batman who went astray.

She kills Speedmaster without any hesitation; towards the "misguided" heroes, especially Bruce and Clark, she is more sympathetic and tolerant, and will try to understand their thoughts and behaviors.

"If you only know how to defend but have no means of attack, the Anti-Monitor will not be able to run away." Yellow Lantern Superman said with a complex expression.

Harley nodded slightly, "You are very sensible. If I want to attack you, you won't even have a chance to do it."

After saying this, she turned on the two defensive force fields of level nine yellow light and space, which not only restricted Superman's yellow light energy, but also solidified and squeezed the space around him, forming a "body-holding technique" effect.

"Kui's Body Holding Technique" can only freeze ordinary people, but then Harley used a layer of transparent gold film to cover his body.

The yellow light on Superman's body flickers erratically, and it is difficult to move his body.

Harley instantly withdrew her special force field and golden film, and said, "Are you feeling frustrated and powerless? Amplifying this powerlessness ten thousand times is probably how ordinary humans feel when facing you."

In fact, she would rather say "desperate".

I said it softly, I just don’t want the scene to be too embarrassing and the yellow light super show to be too embarrassing.

Hallie on the 22nd shouted: "Sister, just judge him directly. It's useless to just preach, because no matter how good you are, you are not as good as the old bat. Even the old bat can't convince him, let alone you.

Maybe he will give in on the surface, wait for you to leave, immediately tear us into pieces, and then continue to be the 'Superman Emperor'. "

"I will judge you first." Harley glared at her, a transparent gold film wrapped around her body, and pulled her to the opposite side of Superman, "Take a good look at him, he is like this now, you have to bear a lot of responsibility .”

Hallie No. 22 struggled hard but couldn't move at all. She couldn't even open her mouth and couldn't close her eyes. She could only move her eyes around.

Harry had an idea and removed the gold film from her mouth, "What do you want to say?"


"Don't call me 'big sister', you are not worthy now!" Harley shouted.

No. 22 Harley said happily: "You are not worthy now, but when I am worthy in the future, will you be willing to be my eldest sister?"

"That's not the point. The point is that you and the Joker kidnapped Lois, robbed the US military's nuclear submarine, dropped nuclear bombs on Metropolis, and hid Scarecrow's fear gas in Lois, causing Superman to accidentally kill her." Harley said coldly. coldly.

The smile on Harry's face disappeared on No. 22, he lowered his head and whispered: "I'm just pudding——"

Harley interrupted her with a disgusted look on her face: "You can call 'pudding' all you want at home, but now in public, don't deliberately disgust us."

"Pudding" is similar to "sweetheart." Men call women "sweetheart," and Harley Quinn likes to call the clown "pudding."

"Is it disgusting?" Harry No. 22 glanced at his companion.

Bateman deadpanned.

Zatanna nodded vigorously, with a look of agreement, "It doesn't feel disgusting to call anyone 'Pudding', but when I think of the clown, I feel physically uncomfortable and feel sick, especially when it is called 'Pudding', it makes me even more uncomfortable."

"But you've never said that before." Hallie No. 22 muttered, then continued: "I'm just Mr. J——"

"Instead of 'Mr. J', just 'Joker' or 'That Psycho'." Harley interrupted her again.

"What's the problem with Mr. J?" Hallie No. 22 said displeased.

"Don't think I don't know, 'Mr. J' means 'husband' in your mouth."

"I'm going to call him Mr. J. Even if you are the eldest sister, don't try to control my thoughts." Hallie No. 22 said with a frown.

Harley wanted to continue scolding her, but seeing the impatient looks on everyone around her, she could only wave her hand and let her continue.

No. 22 Hallie Baifen showed a victorious smile on her face, “I am just Mr. J’s assistant, I don’t know his plan.

I thought he was making a big joke with the superheroes as usual, but I didn't expect that Lois would really die."

As she spoke, she felt depressed, with regret and self-blame in her tone, "I knew Louise was pregnant, and I advised Mr. J to be careful not to hurt the child. He smiled and said to me -"

She looked up at Superman and swallowed the rest of her words.

The clown smiled and said: I will not hurt her or the child in her belly, because the only one who can hurt them is Superman.

She didn't understand what the Joker meant at the time, but when Superman pushed pregnant Lois into outer space, she realized that the Joker's real plan was not to provoke Superman, but to drive him crazy.

"You are so low. The clown only treats you as a follower, so you dedicate everything to him and regard him as your spiritual belief. Fortunately, you are still a doctor of psychology. You don't even know that you are PUA. Maybe you know, but you can't help yourself. "Harry said with disdain.

"No, you don't understand. No one in this world really understands me or cares about me. Only Mr. J can see my heart. Only he is willing to help me awaken myself and let me become who I am." Harley No. 22 repeated Shake his head.

Harley stared into her eyes and said, "No need to make excuses, you just have no self and are low.

Before you left school, you were your father's vassal, doing whatever he said and ruining your gymnastics career just to help him gamble.

When you graduate from school, your father's tactics no longer have any effect on you, but you are not truly free. There is still a hole deep in your heart that should be occupied by 'self-will'.

Then you meet the clown, he is very smart, he can see through the weakness in your heart at a glance, and immediately implants his will into the hole in your heart, making his will become your self.

You have lived your whole life, and you are almost 40 years old. You have been confused and never really understood what you need and who you want to be. "

Hallie stayed there on the 22nd, like a wooden post without a thought, not moving or saying a word for a long time.

Harley put her back on the ground again, leaving her unconscious. Then she put a golden film on Bateman and pulled him into the air to face Superman.

Before Harley could speak, Bateman said first, "This is not a debate. Superman's cruelty and poisonous nature cannot be whitewashed or defended.

Harley Quinn, all we expect from you is to stop his violence. You put him down and imprison him, and leave the rest to us. "

Harley said calmly: "Although it is a coincidence that you asked me for help, it is not an accident. If the Anti-Monitor had not invaded your universe and I had not come to rescue you, you would have gone to the parallel universe to find helpers to deal with the 'Super Emperor', right?" "

A look of surprise flashed in Bateman's eyes, and he nodded: "Yes, I am currently researching ways to open a channel to parallel universes. But this is absolutely confidential. I am the only one doing the experiment in secret. How did you know?"

"No, it's not you alone, it's Mr. Excellence. He was the first to propose the theory of parallel universes, and he is also responsible for this project." Harley said.

Bateman's pupils shrank and he looked shocked, "You——"

Harley sighed: "I can see your timeline, and I see that you have knocked down Superman more than once. But if you had murderous intentions in your heart and were ruthless, your fight would not have lasted four years."

Four years have passed since Lois' death. Bateman has created many opportunities in these four years. As long as he is cruel, Superman's corpse will be cold.

Of course, Superman shows mercy to Bateman many times.

They are each other's enemies. They had many opportunities to end each other, but they never made a killing move, so they can remain in a stalemate until now.

"You had the opportunity to defeat and kill Superman, but you didn't do that. So when you opened the parallel universe channel, what did you want for help? Is it the power to defeat Superman, or the opportunity to resolve conflicts that are getting increasingly out of control?" Harley got it right. his eyes asked.

Superman didn't immediately turn into a poisoner after Lois' death.

At first, he just wanted to kill the Joker and Harley Quinn. The superhero protected the two culprits in various ways, and tried to dissuade Superman in various ways.

Superman begins to lose trust in them.

In other words, he has doubts about his past ideals and no longer insists on absolute justice of not killing people or breaking the law.

He demanded that the prisoners in Arkham Prison, regardless of felonies or misdemeanors, be transferred to the underwater prison so that they could no longer escape and harm others. Bateman had objections, and the conflict between the two intensified.

Superman began to interfere in politics, appearing directly in countries and regions where the United States provoked conflicts, disarming parties to the conflict, and forcing them to live in peace without Americans causing trouble or instigation. The forced peace eventually evolved into real peace.

The U.S. government can't bear it.

Just like the U.S. government in the main universe has always known about Ripman's true identity but pretended not to know, the U.S. government in the 22nd universe also knows who Ripman is. The commander-in-chief of the United States personally ordered the agents to disguise their identities and raid the small town of Smallville. , to take down the Kent couple and threaten Superman.

Unfortunately, Superman heard his mother's cry for help.

After failing to kidnap the Kent couple and being threatened by Superman, the commander did not give up. He personally went to Gotham to find Bateman. The two sides conspired with Superman, which eventually led to the "Fortress of Solitude Massacre" (ps).

The trust between the two parties was completely broken, and Superman officially fell into the abyss of "cruel poisonous vegetables". He abolished the government and police and completely took over the country.

Bateman led a group of heroes to officially become the "resistance army" against the rule of the unjust Superman.

"I do hope to end this nightmare conflict, but now that it's over, does he still have a chance to turn back?" After a moment of silence, Bateman said hoarsely.

The Yellow Lantern Superman looked at him and said, "I don't need to look back, because I'm on the right path, and it's you who should turn back."

Bateman looked at Harley with his eyes, "Look."

Harley did not directly judge whether they were right or wrong.

"Do you know what my biggest feeling is after observing the timeline of your world?"

As soon as she asked, she answered herself: "Death in this world is a bit unfair."

The two parties involved and the audience below all looked puzzled.

Harley raised her fingers and said: "You are not missing any of the seven giants of the Zhenglian Alliance. Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner are all famous Green Lanterns.

The Green Lantern Corps has a good relationship with you. There are not only Oa here, but also Gunther and a group of other little blue people.

On the magic side, magic heroes such as Thunder Shazam, Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Constantine, and Wizard of Oz are also present. "

She looked around them and said, "Don't take this for granted, our main universe only has this configuration.

I know that you label your universe as 'Main Universe No. 1'. "

She focused on Bateman. In the past timeline she saw, Bateman and Mister Miracle directly defined this world as Main Universe No. 1.

"Universe numbers can be very subjective, but there is only one main universe, which is the universe where I am. All parallel universes are divided into independent universes.

The stronger the origin of the universe and the more similar it is to the main universe, the stronger the earth’s hard power will be.

Before Louise's death, your universe was almost identical to the main universe.

Well, except that there is no me, everything else is the same as the main universe. "

Harley, who had a broken face, raised her hand and said, "Sister, there is me in this universe, and I am 'Harley Quinn'."

"It's better to have you than not."

Harry rolled his eyes at her and continued: "Maybe you didn't understand what I meant.

What I want to say is that your universe is a node universe, with rich origins, strong hard power, and unlimited potential.

If you don't have civil strife and just rebel against the clones, you can solve it yourself.

As a result, powerful heroes such as Atom, Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter, Kyle Rayner, Guy, and John all died in Civil War.

Oa also suffered numerous casualties and was severely weakened due to its involvement in your civil war. "

A war between the Yellow and Green Legions also broke out in this universe, but the incentive was replaced by Superman instead of the Anti-Monitor King.

Superman's poisonous rule attracted sanctions from the Green Lantern Corps and also attracted the surrender of Sinestro. The Yellow and Green Corps had a chaotic war on the earth. The Green Lantern was destroyed, and only two or three big cats and kittens were left in the Yellow Lantern.

"The internal strife is serious and there is no help from the outside. When the Anti-Monitor invades, only Superman shows up to fight."

Harley looked at Superman and Bateman, who were looking at each other in silence, "If we aliens hadn't suddenly appeared, your world would have been over, and the whole world would have been swallowed up by the Anti-Monitors, earthlings, aliens, good guys, bad guys, poisonous... Vegetarians, rebels, billions of people, all reduced to ashes."

"What's the use of talking about this now? Who can predict the enemies outside the universe? If he knew that the Anti-Monitor would invade the universe today, he would probably be as crazy as Mr. J and wouldn't take action against Superman." Harley No. 22 with the broken face muttered .

As soon as Harry had a thought, the defensive golden film turned into a golden palm as big as a door panel, and slapped the door on the top of Harry's head with a broken face.

He slapped her and threw her to the ground with an "ouch".

"You can question me, but you can't beautify the 'human devil' Joker in any way, especially you can't say this while standing in the ruins of the metropolis he destroyed." Harley scolded righteously.

Then she looked at the two "judged persons" with a happy mood, "Haven't you ever encountered the invasion of Darkseid or the disaster of Doomsday?

The Justice League was established because you found that you could not deal with this level of crisis on your own, and only by joining forces can you protect the safety of the earth.

You cannot predict the Anti-Monitor crisis, but you must have guessed after Darkseid appeared that there are enemies in the world that are as powerful and as dangerous as him.

When you were fighting among yourself, did you forget the original purpose of establishing the Justice League? "

The yellow light Superman frowned and said: "I don't want to dismantle the Justice League. In fact, the main force of the Justice League is on my side. It's just that the heroes such as Cyborg and The Flash were kidnapped by the rebels and imprisoned in an unknown location, giving them no chance to fulfill their obligations." The mission of protecting the earth.”

Bateman said coldly: "Why don't you talk about the heroes you killed with your own hands? They only regarded you as a companion and were unwilling to surrender to you and become your ministers, so you killed them.

What you need is not the heroes of the Zhenglian, but the 'Superman Emperor's Guards'. "

The Yellow Lantern Superman said angrily: "You know what I really want. If you must say that I am poisoning the cabbage, this poisonous cabbage is just the most suitable method for protecting the interests and safety of the people in the current environment."

"The people you protect don't think so." Bateman said.

Yellow Light Superman said excitedly: "That's because they haven't met the 'Joker' who ruined their lives, and the reason they haven't met it is because of my protection.

I swear, once they really meet their 'clown', they will be heartbroken and regret not being able to enjoy the peace and tranquility they have now.

I would rather be hated by everyone than to make them regret it.

I have the consciousness to endure hatred and curses to protect their beauty, but you don't. You only know the simplest and shallowest 'freedom'.

"Let them choose freely" sounds so nice and simple.

Yes, they are the ones making the choice. No matter what the outcome, you don't have to bear any responsibility.

There is no responsibility and you can still get cheers and gratitude from the people, why not?

But are they really free?

If a migrant worker wants to freely decide his life after get off work, can he do it? How dare he not work overtime?

People in war-torn areas want to freely decide their beliefs and national development path. Who cares what they think?

People who suffer from hunger every year must want to be free to choose what to eat tonight, but there is not even a grain of rice in their pot."

"In addition to shouting the slogan of 'freedom,' you have never thought of truly handing freedom to the people." He concluded.

Bateman said calmly: "What you said are all facts, but you are talking about politicians and the government, not me and my companions.

We put on our capes and become superheroes fighting against evil. The core motivation is to make the world a better place by promoting justice and justice. "

"You didn't do it." Superman said.

Bateman lowered his eyes and sighed: "We just failed to protect your Louise."

Superman's expression became distorted, "She is my wife and does not need your protection!

If we could eliminate evil and strictly supervise society like I do now, she wouldn't even need anyone to protect her.

There is only one Louise in the world, but everyone in the world has their own 'Louise'. What they need is not the protection of heroic friends. They have no heroic friends at all.

Do you understand, only a sound system can protect everyone! "

"Is the poisonous vegetable rule you are establishing now a sound system?" Bateman said coldly.

Superman pursed his lips and said, "At least it's more perfect than before."

"Only you think it's perfect. Have you ever asked them how they feel?" Bateman said.

"They will only hand over power to hypocritical, ugly, glib politicians." Da Chao said.

Bateman said: "That is also the people's choice. What our superheroes have to do is to show beauty and promote beauty, so that the people know what kind of beautiful character a leader can have.

Then they will gradually grow and mature, and begin to demand the social leaders they elect based on the standard of 'heroic leaders'."

He looked at Superman with complex eyes, "You are the 'superhero leader' that we all have high hopes for, but what have you shown to the people? You have destroyed all good things and hopes.

After you, even if another leader is worse than the previous politician, the people will cheer because he is better than you. "

"They may cheer, jump for joy, and curse my name loudly, but one year from now, ten years from now, they will eventually meet their 'Joker' and lose their 'Louise'. By then Who do you think they will miss?" A sneer that mixed sadness and sarcasm appeared on Superman's face.

"They will not miss you, because justice never dies, light lasts forever, and heroes rise up one generation after another, becoming a signpost guiding the people forward," Bateman said.

"Hmph, you make it sound like all the superheroes are on your side. In fact, there are more heroes who support me. If heroes represent road signs, I am the road sign!" Superman sneered.

Bateman said in a complicated tone: "If Louise hadn't died, how many companions do you think would have supported you? They love you and trust you, you--"

"Don't mention Lois again, you have no qualifications!" Superman roared.

Bateman turned his attention to Harley beside him, and saw that her eyes were wide open, her eyes were bright, her face was flushed, her expression was not impatient at all, but she looked interested, as if she was watching the fun? Are you having fun watching it?

"Don't you want to make a ruling? Why haven't you spoken?" He frowned.

"I'm actually a middleman, responsible for making you open up and talk to each other. That's good. No matter what you think, don't hold it back. Talk about it, and the misunderstanding will be resolved." Harley smiled.

"There is no misunderstanding between him and me. If you have nothing to do or say, just leave. You shouldn't be in this muddy water," Superman said.

Bateman pointed at him and said: "We don't want Superman anymore, the world doesn't welcome him.

Harley Quinn, if you have trouble making a decision, take him away.

Isn’t the Anti-Monitor wreaking havoc in a parallel universe?

If he can save a few parallel universes, he will have completed his own redemption. "

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