I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1708 The most valuable general equivalent on earth

"Pandora represents selfish innocence? I thought she was able to open Pandora's box through pure kindness." Harley said.

"In a normal world, are there people who are purely kind and have no evil thoughts?" Dog God asked.

Harley glanced at Chris, a high school student who was holding the dog God but didn't say a word.

Before, he was hairless and his head was as smooth as a little Luther's. Now, thick black hair has grown on his head, and he has a "Cai's" haircut in the middle.

"Even Superman and Chris have evil thoughts, but I'm afraid there are no absolutely innocent good people in the world," she said.

"In the beginning, human nature is as pure as crystal, neither white nor black, neither good nor evil. Only education and environment can distinguish good from evil.

But the innocence of man at the beginning carries with him the selfishness unique to life.

From birth in the mother's womb, life will subconsciously rob the mother of nutrients in order to survive.

This kind of selfishness is the original sin of mankind and the source of many evil thoughts in human nature.

Pandora was born in a barbarian tribe that had not been taught etiquette and had no faith. Their way of life was primitive and natural, and was not contaminated by foreign doctrines.

On the eve of picking up Pandora's box, Pandora still maintained the selfish innocence that all living beings once had but quickly lost.

This is why she can open Pandora's box.

People with destiny always have special circumstances and talents. Otherwise, why would destiny belong to her?

This characteristic of Pandora gives her the destiny to conquer selfish innocence. "

Harley asked curiously: "For outsiders to open Pandora's box, do they rely on pure evil or innocence?"

"Do you think outsiders have innocence?"

Harley shook her head, "But I also feel that he is not a purely evil person. He has good thoughts towards his master Thomas Wayne."

"You are right, even the Criminal Syndicate in Universe 3 has a trace of kindness, just like their opposite - the superheroes of the Justice League of the main universe all have a shadow in their hearts.

But the prophecy that "only extremely evil people and the most kind thoughts can open Pandora's Box" only applies to people in the main universe. People in Universe 3 can open the box as long as they think about it. "Dog God said.

Harley was speechless.

——Why bother making nonsense predictions? Just say that the program is set by you.

The Dog God continued the previous topic and said: "Ordinary people can easily lose their selfish innocence. They don't need anyone to teach them. As long as they grow up a little, they will be affected by the environment.

From a baby to a girl, Pandora always retains her selfish innocence.

If we call it 'talent', this kind of 'talent' is very rare and rare, and it is rare to see it even among hundreds of millions of people.

But this also means that it is hundreds of millions of times more difficult for her to defeat this 'talent' than for ordinary people. "

Harry thought thoughtfully, "So, you sent the wizard council to try her. Do you want to remind her through the trial that she has original sin and needs to be corrected?"

The Dog God nodded lightly, "Ordinary people know that Pandora opened the magic box and released the Seven Deadly Sins into the world. They think that she has committed a heinous crime and should be punished.

People who know a little bit about the inside story will feel that Pandora is very unjust, and there is no reason for her trial or the name of her original sin trisomy.

If you get a deeper understanding of the inside story and guess that the power of the Wizards Council to judge the three original sins comes from heaven, you will start to conspire and believe that the three original sins must have a deep meaning. "

Having said this, He also glanced sideways at Harry.

Harley noticed his gaze and understood what he was thinking.

She is the third type of person, who thinks she understands the truth, has various conspiracy theories about the Three Body Original Sin, and has various dark speculations about God.

Harley wanted to say: You used the Trisomy of Original Sin to help Chris complete the nightmare demonization of "All Sins Are Unified". Isn't that considered a conspiracy?

"The world is so stupid. Brother God, please be more open-minded and don't argue with those idiots." She advised with a serious expression.

The Dog God turned around and continued: "As I said before, selfish innocence derived from the survival instinct of life is the original sin of life.

Pandora is the incarnation of this original sin. She deserves to be called the "Three Body of Original Sin" and deserves to be punished. "

"Brother God, you are right." Harley nodded repeatedly. No matter what He said now, she would not object.

There was no way, who could tell him that his methods were so clever that she could not match them?

It is also a perfect nightmare demon. Compared with God's "all evils return to the seven principles, the seven principles return to the three bodies, and the three bodies return to one", the 108 evil thoughts and good thoughts she was once proud of are like a joke, so low that she even thinks about it. Reincarnated and rebuilt (ps).

"But the purpose of all punishment is not to punish." Dog God said.

Harley immediately praised him: "Brother God is generous and merciful, and all your punishments are for redemption."

The dog god gave her a satisfied look.

Except for her lack of piety, everything about Halle pleased Him.

She is very capable. Jesus and the 12 disciples were busy all their lives, but they only spread Christianity to the Western European continent. In just a few years, Halle's Christian teachings have spread throughout the universe, and leaders of countless planets have become His followers.

Her understanding of God's teachings is also very deep, almost close to the essence. Many Holy Spirits and most angels are not as good as her.

“As soon as Pandora opened Pandora’s Box, she was pulled to the Eternal Castle, sentenced to the Three Body Original Sin, and cursed.

The purpose of this trial is to remind her and help her complete her self-salvation.

But after the trial, she stayed alone near the cemetery of her relatives, doing nothing, until a hundred years later, the forest covered the cemetery.

She didn't leave her hometown until she felt unfamiliar with that place and could no longer find any traces of familiarity.

For nearly a hundred years, she never thought about the harm that the Seven Deadly Sins she had unleashed would bring to the world.

She clearly saw with her own eyes the scene of the Seven Original Sin Demons massacring her tribe's relatives.

The Wizards' Council also clearly told her the dangers of the Seven Deadly Sins and her crime.

But Pandora has been immersed in her own emotions.

Even though she later left her hometown and saw the original sin demons wreaking havoc on the world around the world, and established the determination to eliminate them, her fundamental purpose was only to atone for her sins.

She believed that she was cursed by the Wizarding Council to have immortality, always sharp senses, and full vitality because she released the Seven Deadly Sins. As long as she could eliminate them, the curse would disappear and she could sleep completely.

She went to eliminate the original sin for herself, not for the sentient beings harmed by the seven original sins.

Without my guidance, if her greatest interest is not to eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins, and if she lives normally in a barbaric society where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive, how many crimes will this selfish innocence push her to commit? "

"It is indeed not unfair for Pandora to become one of the three original sin bodies." Harley sighed.

Because what was released when Pandora's box was opened was the Seven Deadly Sins, and the way to atone was to eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins, Pandora has been entangled with the Seven Deadly Sins for thousands of years.

If she releases the "Seven Saints" who are opposed to the Seven Original Sins, and the Wizards Council requires her to eliminate the Seven Saints in order to complete the atonement, Pandora will most likely stay in her hometown for decades, waiting for the tombs of her relatives to disappear, and to wait for her familiar hometown Becoming a stranger, when she longs for eternal death to end this painful life, she will most likely hunt down the Seven Saints for ten thousand years.

Selfish innocence does not distinguish between good and evil, nor is it taught by good or evil. It only follows the selfish instinct to live a better life. If you really want to do evil things, you will not have any psychological burden, and it is more terrifying than evil people.

"Fortunately, Brother God, you took care of Pandora and finally made her realize that there is no difference between the suffering of all living beings and the suffering in her heart.

In the beginning, human beings are pure in nature, without good or evil. If you teach good, you will get good, and if you sow evil, you will get evil.

Because of meeting Brother God, Pandora has become the incarnation of the ‘Light of Humanity’.

If she had met Lucifer, she would have become the second Eclipse Lord by now. Uh, Brother God, go on, what's going on with the stranger? "

Harley was upset because she was too emotionally involved and accidentally slapped the horse's ass on the horse's leg.

Although the Eclipse Lord is a collection of the evil of human nature and the darkness of the human heart, and is the opposite of the light of human nature, the birth of the Eclipse Lord has nothing to do with Lucifer Morningstar.

The Eclipse Lord, like Pandora, is a masterpiece of the Dog God!

According to her flattery of "teaching good and reaping good, sowing evil and reaping evil", Pandora's transformation from innocence to "light of humanity" was because she encountered the kind guidance of Brother God.

But the spirit of anger turned into the Lord of Eclipse because he met Brother God. The Lord of Eclipse is the evil of human nature, and God.

"Eclipse Lord is different from Pandora." Dog God said calmly.

"Yes, there is only one 'incarnation of selfish innocence' in the world, Pandora." Harley agreed.

The Puppy God said: “The Original Sin Tribody Stranger, Pandora and the Questioner, each have their own ultimate pursuit and final redemption.

The Stranger also wants final redemption, but what exactly is redemption?

Get rid of the silver coin necklace around your neck?

The silver coin necklace was indeed heavy and painful, but he knew very well that playing Judas, approaching the Savior, becoming his disciple, and finally betraying him were all orders from the voice of heaven.

He himself is guilty, but he should not regard "betraying Jesus" as his biggest ideological burden.

The stranger actually doesn't know what he wants, which is the biggest original sin. "

Harley asked: "Brother God, all your arrangements are to get him out of confusion?"

——Let him do some dirty work for you by the way? Or, being your little gangster is your main job, and redeeming yourself and no longer being confused is just a side trip?

The Dog God asked: "Do you know the stranger's past?"

Harley said: "I heard that he was an angel before. He was deceived by bad guys during the Lucifer Rebellion and went astray. However, he found his way back at the last moment and ended up standing on the opposite side of the fallen angels."

Puppy God said: "The stranger is a confused person. He has no self, no opinion, and no persistence. He is like a dandelion seed suspended in the air. Any fluctuation in the air will cause him to deviate from his original direction.

On the eve of Lucifer's rebellion, a fallen angel found Stranger and ordered him to join Lucifer's camp. Stranger sided with Lucifer.

When the rebellion officially began, one-third of the fallen angels were in opposition to the other two-thirds of the angels. Another angel asked the stranger to return to the right path, and the stranger returned to heaven.

His behavior of having no independent opinion and completely obeying other people's orders did not please others.

Both the fallen angels and the angels in heaven despised him and considered him a shameful traitor.

After the rebellion ended, no angel interceded on his behalf, so he lost his angel wings and was demoted to the human world.

He was also stripped of his name and became a stranger.

The name is part of the self. Since he has no self, he naturally does not need a name.

He is neither an angel nor a fallen angel, nor is he a human being. He is neither a human nor a demon nor a god. This is his punishment and a test for him. He can decide what he is and what he is called. "

Harry thought that walking was just a companion to chatting, and they had been walking aimlessly.

But when the poodle said this, a person appeared in front of them, the stranger.

Before Harley even noticed, they had arrived in front of the stranger.

The Stranger is not at "Philip Stark's" old house in Valley Creek.

That home had been burned to ashes, and there was nothing worth remembering.

The stranger was sitting alone on a bench in Battery Park.

Before she knew it, Harley had left Long Island, traveled more than 20 kilometers, and arrived in Manhattan.

She didn't react until she saw the stranger.

"Master" Stranger was surprised and quickly stood up from his chair, his expression a little uneasy and a little confused.

"Hallee, Chris, you guys"

He wanted to ask what they were here for, but felt that the question was meaningless.

"Stranger, I promised you that you have reached the last step of redemption. As long as you complete the task I assigned, I will help you remove the silver coin necklace."

The Dog God seemed to be doing nothing, just lying in Chris's arms and talking. But before he finished speaking, the long necklace of silver coins around the Stranger's neck automatically fell off.

The silver coins fell to the ground one after another. As soon as they landed, they emitted a gray, smoke-like light, gradually turning into light and disappearing.

The stranger instantly felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and his whole figure seemed to be reborn.

"Lord, what does this mean? I disobeyed your order." The stranger asked doubtfully.

“No matter how many times you perform the mission from ‘Voice of Heaven’, the silver coins around your neck will never really decrease, and there is no progress bar for your redemption.

As long as you awaken yourself, no longer be confused, and can oppose me firmly once, you can truly be saved, and the silver coins around your neck will lose the meaning of existence. "The Dog God said calmly.

Even before today's meeting, Harley already had vague guesses in her mind, and it wasn't too shocking to hear the Dog God's words at this time.

The stranger was stunned there, unable to react for a while, "I, I don't quite understand."

"You betrayed Jesus because of the command from the voice from heaven; you betrayed Madam Xanadu, even though she showed her love for you so obviously; you betrayed Jim Corrigan (the ghost of the previous generation), you knew that he He is a righteous police officer who hates evil and is a real good person; you betrayed Rachel, the daughter of the Three Palaces, and you also know how kind she is. Even though she is being hunted by the servants of the Three Palaces, she still uses magic to remove the pain from the hearts of the suffering people. Transfer it to yourself, even if it hurts to tears, you betrayed her."

The Dog God's eyes flashed silver, and he sighed: "In the past countless years, you have done similar acts of betrayal countless times. Even if you know you shouldn't do it many times, you will feel sorry for the victim, but you still will not violate it." Voice of Heaven's command.

In fact, all commands are deliberately designed to stimulate you and force you to resist and refute.

Many times, the 'Voice of Heaven' will first give an order to let you contact them, giving you the opportunity to recognize their kindness and beauty, and establish friendship with them. Finally, the 'Voice of Heaven' will let you use the cruelest and most unforgivable means. treat them as betrayal.

There are nine levels of hell, each level is more sinful than the next, and the sin of betrayal is in the final ninth level.

It is difficult for people with dignity and honor to endure the guilt and pain of becoming a traitor.

I hope to use the greatest pain and the greatest mental torture to awaken your self-will.

If you can resist the ‘Voice of Heaven’, your salvation has already been completed.

It's a pity that after being demoted, you are almost the same as you were during the angel period, and you are still a confused person. "

The Dog God sighed: “More than 90% of the evil spirits in hell regret from the bottom of their hearts.

If they had not been confused when they committed the crime, they would not regret it now.

Losing oneself under the temptation of money, fame, power, desire and other interests, losing perseverance under the pressure of authority, life and death, gains and losses, not knowing what one really needs and what kind of person he wants to be, and eventually giving birth to all kinds of evil thoughts and making All kinds of evil deeds are the confusion of the corruption of the three bodies of original sin. "

He looked at the stranger again, "What I am to you is far more than the oppression of the superior by the inferior. I am everything to you.

It will be the most difficult thing for you to resist my orders.

Therefore, as long as you can resist me, it will definitely mean that you have found yourself and come out of confusion.

You fell in love with the wife of the mission target 'Philippe Stark' and began to enjoy life for the first time. I knew it all, but I didn't bother you. I gave you a few years to indulge in it and let you gradually develop your own will. Mature.

In fact, by relegating you to the human world, I hope you will be moved by the life of a mortal.

No matter how confused mortals are, when they get married, have children, or when their parents grow old, they will find perseverance in responsibility and no longer be confused. This seemingly ordinary talent is what you need most. "

"So the sin-eater came to my door and killed my whole family, just to make me resist you?" Stranger murmured.

"Kill your family, burn down your house, and finally let you betray Chris and resurrect Chris. The price for Chris is the chance for your wife to return to the world. You were very angry and finally broke out.

But your outburst of anger didn't last long. I pushed a little harder and you retracted again.

You need more power."

At this point, the Dog God cast his shining silver dog eyes at Harley, "Harley Quinn gave you a hard push and gave you the courage to insist on saying 'no' to me. I'm very pleased that you didn't after all." it disappointed me."

He was really pleased, but Harry felt very uncomfortable.

"Brother God, since everything is according to your plan, then I can also be considered as a 'complete meritorious deed'? I am looking forward to the ultimate reward you promised me."

"Well, you have indeed accomplished your merits, and your reward has been distributed to you at this moment." The Dog God said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Harley's eyes widened, "You mean, the explanation about the Original Sin Trisomy is my reward?"

There was no unusual expression on Dog God Dog's face, "What else? Do you think I need to explain something to you and resolve your misunderstanding of me?"

Harley wanted to lift her leg and give Him a kick, causing Him to scream.

"Brother God, you are right. It is the greatest favor to me that you can resolve my misunderstanding about you." She said with a sincere smile.

The Dog God glanced at her and said calmly: "My detailed analysis of the three bodies of original sin is not just about making you wake up, right?"

"Well, my understanding of God's teachings is more thorough, and my own realm has also been greatly improved. Listening to my brother's words is worth reading ten thousand years of books!" Harley said with emotion.

Although the Dog God is a bit stingy, this conversation did give her a deep understanding of God's "Three Body Concepts of Original Sin", which is more beneficial than practicing alone behind closed doors for ten thousand years.

"What's going on with the questioner? He doesn't seem to be involved in this incident." She asked again doubtfully.

The Dog God asked: "The Stranger died once, did you know?"

Harley glanced at the Stranger and said: "I don't know when the Stranger died, but in the crisis of Lucifer Desire usurping the power of ghosts, we need to find the gun of Longelus to bring Lucifer Desire and the Spirit of Vengeance together." Separation, according to Sirtin, he stabbed the Stranger to death with the Spear of Longylus and then threw the gun into outer space."

"The real culprit behind seitin's attack on the stranger is the questioner." God the Dog said.

"Why?" Harley asked confused.

"In order to satisfy the endless desires in his heart. The stranger did not give him the answer he wanted, but ended his request with mercy and sympathy." Dog God said.

"Can you tell me more details?" Harley understood what the Dog God meant. The questioner had completed the redemption before the crisis of the "Trisomy of Original Sin", but she was confused and did not understand the relationship between mercy and desire.

"Ask Stranger about what exactly happened. He has experienced it all personally."

Chris nodded to Harley and Stranger, hugged the dog God, and walked out of their sight in just a few steps.

"Tell me." Harley looked at the stranger.

The stranger hesitated and said: "I don't know, at that time I was preparing to seek revenge from the inquirer, but after meeting, I felt the pain he had buried deep in his heart, which was far deeper than mine.

I felt pity and told him that I didn't know his original identity or name.

Well, as the name suggests, the Questioner likes to ask questions to others, and his biggest question is ‘Who am I’.

According to the Wizards' Council, the questioner was once a famous figure in the world. He was very arrogant and had great ambitions, but I didn't know him well.

There were two reasons why he attacked me. First, I refused to answer his question "Who am I?"

He thought I was closely related to Tian Zhisheng and knew the answer but didn't tell him.

Secondly, he wanted to break the complete structure of the 'Three Original Sin Bodies' by destroying one of the Three Bodies of Original Sin.

If I really die completely and one of the three original sin bodies is missing and no longer complete, the curse will disappear and he can regain his former memories. "

"How did he awaken?" Harley asked.

"I took the initiative to resolve the misunderstanding and told him in the end that although I didn't know who he was, he could decide who he is now and in the future, and then he should have changed if he changed." Stranger said in an uncertain tone.

"That's it?" Harley was very dissatisfied.

Dog God's explanation of innocence and confusion touched her deeply and gained a lot.

But the stranger's words were as cold as boiling water, and he didn't taste anything.

"If I could see through the situation of the inquirer, I would have understood the Lord's arrangement for me." The stranger said.

Harry couldn't refute these words.

If he had enough understanding, he would have achieved enlightenment long ago.

"Brother God asked me to ask you."

"Maybe He wants you to realize it on your own." Stranger guessed.

Then he suggested: "Or, you can go to the inquirer and see what he thinks."

Harley looked him up and down, and finally asked: "What are you doing here alone? You are homeless and have nothing to do. How do you plan for the future?"

The stranger pointed to several families camping with their children on the lawn in the distance and said: "I am not idle, I can feel their happiness.

Just like Pandora can 'see' the light of humanity in others.

Now that the sin necklace has been removed by the Lord, I can enjoy the beauty of ordinaryness and peace even more. "

Harley took a deep look at him and said, "Then you can continue to experience the beauty of the ordinary. If you have anything to do, call me. I will call you if you are in trouble. Don't lose contact."

As long as all living beings are immortal, the evil thoughts in their hearts will not disappear, and the Eclipse Lord will also grow accordingly.

If the Eclipse Lord is equivalent to God's "negative emotional illusion", the three bodies of original sin after redemption add up to form the corresponding "positive illusion".

Since the Eclipse Lord continues to grow, if the balance is to be maintained, the three bodies of original sin must also continue to grow.

Now that Stranger has taken off the necklace of sin, the Voice of Heaven will probably no longer arrange a "sacred mission" for him, but he still has a mission - to improve himself in the process of realizing the beauty of the world.

"Why are you two here?"

When she returned to Quinn Manor, Harley unexpectedly saw Bruce and Kang sitting in the yard playing bridge.

Bruce is still wearing Bateman's uniform.

The two of them were playing cards, with the Virgin Dog Duoduo lying nearby and watching. Ivy and Selena were nowhere to be seen.

"Waiting for you." The two of them threw away the playing cards in their hands at the same time.

"Have you met Chris? Where did you meet him? What is his condition now? What did you say?"

Harley glanced at the two of them and said, "Chris has gone home. His parents have forgotten the memory of being visited by Lord Eclipse."

"I thought he would return to heaven." Bateman wondered.

"He will probably stay in the human world forever, but you must not disturb him." Harley said.

Zha Kang's eyes flashed, "Is there something he needs in the human world? The Eclipse Lord is growing, and the three original sin bodies also need to grow, and their growth cannot be separated from human beings."

"Since you know, why ask?" Harley said calmly.

Bateman frowned and said: "I don't understand, what are you talking about? Jesus came down to earth to redeem believers who were guilty of original sin. Chris also died and resurrected. What is his significance to mankind? He and Jebi, who redeemed fallen souls, What's the difference?"

Jesus redeemed the living and Jebi redeemed the dead. Chris was completely different from the two of them.

The two generations of holy sons, Jesus and Jebi, were for the redemption of others and were “official affairs.”

Chris, on the other hand, is the result of the Dog God's verification of his spiritual practice, and is a "private job."

But this cannot be said to Bruce, for it would be blasphemy—Bruce is blaspheming God.

It is not blasphemy when you speak ill of God with your mouth, it is blasphemy if you think it in your heart.

"Jesus saves the living, Jabi saves the dead, and Chris removes the poison left by the gods. Do you still remember the dark atmosphere in Universe 3? It was the sequelae of the gods castrating the phantoms. If the poison is not removed, the harm will be endless."

Harry thought a lot in his mind, but he didn't hesitate for even half a second, and the lies came easily.

Although she didn't understand the nature of the Three Body Original Sin until today, it didn't stop her from telling lies that were logically consistent.

"Haha." Zha Kang's eyes were disdainful, and his laughter was filled with sarcasm.

Well, Harley's lies can only fool Muggles, not smart people like Zha Kang.

——Don’t you want to know about God’s method of demonizing nightmares? Today I also met Brother God, who told me many secrets about the Trisomy of Original Sin.

Harley whispered.

The sneer on Zha Kang's face instantly turned into a joyous laugh, "Haha. Hahaha, great. Once Chris eliminates the original evil thoughts left by the gods, the world will be pure again."

Bateman scanned his and Harley's faces several times with scrutinizing eyes. In the end, he didn't ask about Chris anymore. He only said: "Although the crisis caused by the Eclipse Lord is over, we still can't relax in the future, and Nick Deal with the Faustian criminal gang, the vanished Crime Syndicate, and the Anti-Monitor wreaking havoc across the multiverse."

Zha Kang said with a complex expression: "You don't have to worry about Nick and Faust, the Justice League Dark is responsible for finding them.

Now that the 'spiritual ring' of the Eclipse Lord has disappeared, we can use the searching magic, and it shouldn't take too long. "

The ring of the mind is the power of the Eclipse Lord to control the evil thoughts generated in the minds of all living beings, forming a closed loop that seals the mind's perception.

The most direct impact is that it is impossible to use magic such as super long-distance telepathy, such as person-finding magic, and large-scale telepathy.

In her previous sermons, Halli needed to activate her own emotional illusions and incarnate herself into an "inner demon" similar to the Eclipse Lord. She used the positive inner demons to offset the negative inner demons of the Eclipse Lord, thereby washing away the evil thoughts in the hearts of all living beings.

"Well, now that the spiritual ring is lifted, it will be much easier for me to preach next time, but the effect will be doubled," Harley said.

"You still want to preach? Wasn't the Eclipse Lord sealed?" Bateman asked doubtfully.

"The Eclipse Lord is the beneficiary of the proliferation of dark aura, not the source. Only by completely eliminating the dark aura flowing into the main universe from Universe 3 can the original sin turmoil be stopped," said Harley.

The big bosses in the US government were more happy than anyone else when they learned that Hallie was planning to give a lecture.

"Great!" The commander-in-chief said excitedly: "I was worried that the grand occasion of the coming of all nations to the DPRK would become a thing of the past!"

"Harry, how many months do you plan to talk?" He looked at her expectantly, "At least three to five months, right?"

"About a week is enough, no more than half a month at most. When the dark atmosphere dissipates 70% to 80%, I will enter the multiverse to look for anti-monitors." Harley said.

"One week." The commander-in-chief and several bosses looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Harry, Congress is discussing the appreciation of the U.S. dollar recently, you know, right?

As interstellar communication deepens, our earth’s market will eventually be opened to aliens.

Without openness, we will not be able to attract alien capital and technology, and we will miss a lot of development opportunities.

But once the market is opened, any third-rate alien businessman can buy up all the high-quality assets on our planet on his own.

The value of the U.S. dollar in interstellar trade does not match the Earth’s position in the universe at all. "

"We have made a lot of foreign exchange recently, right? As long as there is enough foreign exchange, and the U.S. dollar is linked to the foreign exchange, it will naturally maintain the value of the U.S. dollar." Harley said.

The Finance Minister said: "Harry, you don't know something. First of all, a lot of foreign exchange is in the hands of large companies. Lex Group alone accounts for 40% of the world's total foreign exchange!

If Lex Group wants to develop, it needs foreign exchange to purchase alien technology and equipment——"

General Lane interjected: "We can no longer let the Lex Group do whatever they want. Luther's magic fission cannon was purchased with foreign currency. Not only is it a waste of money, it also seriously threatens the security of the earth."

The commander waved his hand and said: "Luther's crime this time is not trivial, and he must be severely punished. But trying Luther is not the theme of today. Jenny, please continue."

The Finance Minister said: "Lex Group spends a lot of foreign exchange, but it also makes a lot of money. We'd better not interfere with its normal development.

Of course, there must be no lack of supervision, and things like the magic fission cannon must never happen again.

In addition to the need to consume foreign exchange for enterprise development, another reason that prevents us from using foreign exchange as a margin for the appreciation of the US dollar is that we have a lot of foreign exchange, but only for us earthlings.

On a galactic scale, the total global foreign exchange is probably only equivalent to a medium-sized alien enterprise. "

"A medium-sized interstellar enterprise is not too small. After decades of accumulation, the foreign exchange will definitely be enough." Harley said.

"Decades of accumulation may be enough. Compared with the long development history of other civilizations, decades are not too long, but this era is too special." Second leader Cameron Lincoln said: "Look, it has only been a few years. , how many times has our earth become the center of the universe?

This is an era of continuous super crises, and it is also an era of great opportunities unprecedented on earth.

If these decades are wasted, it will be an immeasurable loss to the civilization of the earth. "

Harley glanced at the Second Master in surprise, "Lincoln, it's rare for you to have such insight! But the problem is, apart from foreign exchange, there is no other way for a resource-poor planet like ours to appreciate the currency."

"Our planet is not barren." Cameron's eyes flashed.

"The quantity of metal promethium is limited and cannot withstand the looting by aliens." Harley said.

"I know, I'm not talking about limited material resources, but unlimited spiritual resources - faith!"

Cameron said excitedly: "Yes, we can sell faith in God to the outside world! As long as Hallie you hold Bible sermons regularly in the coming years, the tickets to the Bible sermons will be the best monetary anchor!

Harley, your lifespan is endless, and theoretically you can live until the destruction of the universe, so you can hold countless lectures, and we can sell countless tickets. The countless tickets are enough to offset the squeeze of any wealthy alien businessmen. "

"Uh, you mean, you can print out the tickets for 10,000 years in the future and sell them to aliens this year?" Harley said with a weird expression.

"Harley, you don't have to doubt that the essence of money is credit, and you are the greatest credit in the multiverse!" The finance minister's eyes seemed to be shining, and they seemed to reflect the golden light because he looked at Harley, who was glowing with golden light, "You As long as a commitment is made in public, the value of a Bible conference ticket will be stronger than any civilized currency and credit."

Harley originally didn't like their plans against her, but what they said was so nice.

Her promise is worth the currency of any civilization. This is to praise her promise of a thousand gold, oh, a thousand gold is nothing, she is now "one promise, one national currency".

"Are you exaggerating?"

Harley was happy in her heart, but deliberately showed doubts on her face so that they could tell more pleasant truths.

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Lincoln said seriously: "The value of an item is determined by its quantity and the demand for it.

Ever since you started preaching, everyone in the main universe has been discussing the wonder of your sermons. Everyone wants to be there in person and listen to your teachings.

In other words, tickets to a lecture conference are to people in the universe what gold is to people on earth in the 20th century. "

"Lincoln, you are too conservative. How can gold be compared with the tickets for Halle's sermons?" said the Chairman of the Federal Reserve: "The teachings of God told by Halle are the best food for the soul. Tickets are to all living beings in the universe, just like food is to hungry people. "

Lincoln nodded, "You are right, people on earth can live without gold, but people in the main universe cannot but listen to Harley's sermons.

The demand is so huge, but the venue for the sermon conference is so big and there are only so many tickets. The value of the tickets can be imagined. "

"The dark atmosphere is about to dissipate, and sentient beings no longer need to listen to my sermons." Harley reminded.

"Even if the dark atmosphere disappears, there must be many people who are yearning for the legendary 'Harley's Lecture'. If you don't believe it, we can give it a try." Lincoln affirmed.

(PS: In fact, Harley doesn’t need to belittle herself. Soon she will understand the truth of “being too greedy, even God can’t stand it”. Well, the dog god will be in trouble.)

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