I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1706 True and False Waller

After receiving Nick's "Anti-Shazam Curse", Luther was very motivated and controlled three mechanical bodies at the same time. He worked day and night continuously, working without sleep, and finally assembled the "Magic Fission Cannon" before the 24-hour deadline.

During this period, Nick and Faust have also been using the "Quality Inspection Curse" together to conduct quality inspection and bug repair on each component.

The quality inspection curse was specially invented by Nick for the magic fission cannon.

The essence of magic is the exploration, understanding, control and use of the laws of the universe.

The laws of the universe are essentially no different from scientific rules such as physical laws and chemical principles.

Therefore, unlike the masters in the martial arts world who become more demonic and powerful as they get older, the DC magic world is very similar to the technological production of modern society. Efficient innovation determines strength and fame.

There is even a "Law of Spells" in the wizarding world: no spell is perfect.

Just like no technology in material society can always be labeled as "the most advanced".

Science and technology can be cracked, and then targeted and eliminated by new technologies; no spell is perfect, no matter how powerful it is, as long as it has been used and the spell is known, it may be broken by targeted spells.

The more innovative magicians are, even if they are low-level and have little magic power, they can still defeat the old masters in actual combat.

The most typical example is Zha Kang.

Zha Kang had a rich ancestor, and like the Zatala family, he had the bloodline inherited from ancient ancestors. However, by Zha Kang's generation, the Constantine family was completely in decline.

Except for his thin wizard bloodline, Zha Kang has neither inheritance nor guide (mentor). In his twenties, he still hangs out with "magic hunters" such as middle school student Harley and warehouse manager Richie.

At the same time, Zatanna and Nick have become well-known "leaders of the young generation" in the wizarding world. With proper master strength, they have also entered the "Wizard Council" circle of Naboo and Shazam wizards as official members.

But Zha Kang is very smart and has a very flexible mind. He can understand the essence of any curse at a glance and create a targeted curse or a stronger curse as soon as he thinks about it.

With just a shrewd mind, he crushed the former "number one of the young generation" in just a few years. If Harley hadn't been born out of nowhere, this magical era would have belonged to him.

Before the rise of Zha Kang, Nick was the magic genius who knew best about eating brains.

He can understand Zha Kang's "Anti-Shazam Curse" in a very short period of time and innovate new ones. He can also create a "Quality Inspection Curse" specifically for the magic fission cannon.

It is a fusion of various magic tricks such as material analysis, prophecy, and energy simulation.

Even if Nick and Faust know nothing about science, through the quality inspection spell, they can detect energy operation errors in machine parts more efficiently than any scientist.

Relying on Luther's efforts and Nick's spell, they finally assembled the magic fission cannon within 24 hours.

Luther knew that Nick and Faust wanted to rob the Sky Eye Society's treasure house, so he naturally did not want to put the magic fission cannon in his home.

There is no magic power fluctuation before the magic fission cannon is fired, but when it is fired, it must be very noisy, and even leave a huge and obvious magic aura.

Placing the fission cannon in Lex Group will inevitably attract the Justice League.

Two magic masters, Nick and Faust, used long-distance portals to teleport huge machines directly to the back of the moon, and then officially invaded the Sky Eye Society.

And when the invasion encountered difficulties, he decisively activated the magic fission cannon.

".That's what happened. They guided the fission cannon directly to the door of the black room. Alas, I knew the fission cannon was powerful, but I never imagined that the magic fission could be so terrifying. It could blow up the entire building with just one shot.

I guess Faust and Nick were also shocked. After firing the cannon, they... I don't know what they did specifically. They probably took away the "Book of Magic" and ran away. "

In front of everyone, Luther briefly explained the forging and firing process of the fission cannon.

"There is no "Book of Magic" in the Dark Room of the Sky Eye Club," said Harry.

Luther said: "It is a magic artifact related to the Book of Magic. If you get it, you can find the Book of Magic."

"What are the magic props?" Zha Kang asked curiously.

"I don't know, Nick didn't tell me."

"You are really courageous." Harley looked at him with strange eyes, "You were obviously imprisoned in Belle Reve Prison under the Sky Eye Society, and you also joined the 'Suicide Squad' in charge of the Sky Eye Society, but you dared to team up with the enemy to bomb the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society. .

Are you bullying Amanda Waller for not being as dark as her skin?

Or do you think that having money can solve everything? "

Several Sky Eye officers around him glared at Luther.

Harley did not agree to talk to Luthor alone. Not only did she allow General Lane and several Green Lanterns to listen, but she also brought over several living senior cadres of the Sky Eye.

She understood what Luther meant and wanted to establish a relationship with her to make this case a minor issue.

But Harley herself is a director of the Sky Eye Society, how could she favor him in this matter?

Not to mention partiality, if the US government intends to let Luther go, she will still seek justice for the fallen agents.

"What an injustice!" Luther shouted at the top of his lungs, "As you said, I am a member of the Suicide Squad myself, and I have been looking forward to accumulating merit and leaving prison.

It was too late for me to curry favor with Waller, so how could I deliberately harm her and the people in the Sky Eye Society?

It's all Nick and Faust's fault. They were the ones who wanted to rob the black room and find the Book of Magic. They were the ones who forced me to assemble the magic fission cannon within 24 hours.

In the end, it was their attack on the black room. At best, I was an innocent researcher, just like the scientists in Hollywood movies who were seduced, deceived, and forced to conduct research for the villain. "

"Luthor, do you think we are all fools? Or have you become a fool yourself and waste your time saying these stupid things that no one will believe?" Kyle sneered.

Luther's eyes flickered, "I am telling the truth, and I will say the same to the judge."

No matter how they interrogate him now, the judge will have the final say when it comes to sentencing him.

During the trial, his lawyer will work hard to exonerate him from the case, and he is confident that neither the police nor the Justice League will find evidence that he is the mastermind.

Because he is not the mastermind in the first place!

Everyone understood his little idea, and the officials of the Sky Eye Society and the Green Lantern all showed anger.

Harley said calmly: "Even if the judge finds you not guilty, you will still have to return to Belle Reve Prison to serve your sentence. The Sky Eye Society will still be responsible for supervising Belle Reve Prison."

——Guess how the agents of the Sky Eye Society will treat you then.

Luther also understood the unspoken words.

His eyes swept over the angry face of the Heavenly Eye congregation steward, and the expression on his own face changed continuously, and finally he looked at Harley and said, "I'm not completely innocent, but I am really innocent.

I have no intention of hiding anything for Faust and Nick. I will tell you everything you want to know.

But I hope that in accordance with normal judicial procedures, people like me who proactively provide clues can be given the preferential treatment of reduced sentences for meritorious service. "

As he spoke, he turned around and looked around, and asked, "Is Waller really dead? In fact, from the beginning, I planned to confess everything to her and use the murderer's information in exchange for a reduced sentence."

Hal pointed to the mud mountain in the distance and said: "Amanda Waller's office is on the highest floor of the building, and it is now at the bottom."

"When the accident occurred, Minister Waller was in the office directing the combat team to contain the intruder. It seems that Deputy Minister Steve Trevor also came to the headquarters today." A blonde female agent said.

Harley frowned and said, "Kyle, John, you two, dig out the buildings below."

General Lane said quickly: "The treasures in the black room are still scattered everywhere and are being collected."

"No matter how valuable the treasure is, it is not as important as human life. Moreover, magic artifacts are not long-lasting and will not escape if they are left there for ten thousand years. We can arrange for a few magicians to search for them slowly afterwards.

The people who were pinned below had no time to delay. Every second might be their last chance. " Harley said.

Several officials of the Sky Eye Society nodded repeatedly and looked at the Green Lanterns with expectant eyes.

General Lane also glanced at Green Lantern and thought to himself: Things don't have arms and legs, but people have arms and legs, so they can touch the treasure.

"Theoretically, if you are thrown hundreds of meters away and then pressed down by hundreds of thousands of tons of earth and masonry, there will be no survivors." He said with a look of dissatisfaction from the director of the Sky Eye Society.

"As long as the death time is not too long, even if they are really dead, I can bring them back to life." Harley said.

She said so, and General Lane could only keep his mouth shut.

It's useless if he doesn't shut up. Harley is the boss here. When she spoke, several Green Lanterns had already flown into the air, manifesting a huge green lantern net, penetrating the ground and arriving at the bottom of "Mud Mountain". Be prepared to turn it over.

"Luthor, stop daydreaming. Your sentence will only be increased this time, not reduced." Harley turned to look at Luther and continued the previous topic, saying: "You three are the lackeys of Lord Eclipse. A cosmic crime against humanity."

"What? How did we become Lord Eclipse's lackeys?" Luther was excited, "Harry, based on our friendship and your relationship with Nick, even if you want to enforce the law impartially and ignore personal relationships, you can't frame us!"

Everyone also showed expressions of surprise and confusion.

"Lord Eclipse admitted it himself, how could it lie?" Harley said lightly.

"Lord Eclipse." Luther was stunned and said blankly: "What relationship do we have with Lord Eclipse?"

Harley was too lazy to talk nonsense and glanced at Zha Kang, "You explain to them."

Zha Kang is even lazier.

He and Harley came here just to find out the secrets between Chris and the Eclipse Lord. Now that he had heard what he wanted to know from Harley, he planned to leave immediately.

But the name "Nick" was like a ten-meter long nail, driven from the top of his head, through his neck and chest, and all the way into the ground. The nail made his thoughts fly wildly, his mood complicated, and he could not move his feet.

"We blocked its door all day long, and no humiliation could stop it."

He told the Eclipse Lord's abnormal reaction, and then asked: "What's going on with Nick? Didn't he go to hell?"

"Faust spent half his life in exchange for Nick's soul from the devil." Luther frowned and said, "I still don't understand how the three of us became allies of the Eclipse Lord. What can we do?"

Harley also couldn't understand, "For Nick, Faust sacrificed half of his life? What did he want?

I remember Faust had a son, Sebastian Faust.

Old Faust sacrificed all his son's life force to the devil to help himself pay off his debts.

So now he's sacrificing his own life for someone else's soul? "

"Faust is selfish. Saving Nick is definitely not a good thing." Zha Kang said slowly, lighting a cigarette.

Luther said: "Nick has the secret of the Book of Magic. Faust wants to find the magical world with ownerless magic power. When he becomes a god in one step, the lost vitality will be doubled."

He glanced at Zha Kang and continued: "In addition, Faust is your lifelong enemy, but he has been defeated many times when facing you in the past few years and has never gained the upper hand. You also like to mock him. He can't bear it and plans to rely on you. Nick’s wits on you.”

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Poor old Faust, doesn't he know that I inherited my contempt and contempt for him from Nick?"

He had been exposed to black magic since he was a child, but he never met a qualified mentor until he reached adulthood.

Because of the giant beast incident, he met Zatanna's father and became his apprentice. As a result, Master Zatara died tragically in the joint channeling within a few months.

Later, Zha Kang joined Nick and Zatanna's team. No matter in name or in reality, he was Nick's apprentice.

Zha Kang not only learned magic from Nick, but also became a magic hero with him.

At that time, Nick was recognized as the number one young man in the magical world. He was similar to the famous young knight in martial arts novels. He often went out to do chivalry and justice: following the orders of the "Martial Arts Leader" Dr. Destiny, he cleaned up the magical creatures that invaded the material world and repaired the material world. The space rift between the world and the other dimension, and destroy the black magicians and demons who harm ordinary people.

When Harley first joined the "Black Witch Cult" and attended a cult gathering for the first time, didn't she meet the "chivalrous girl" Zatanna and the martial arts master Zatara, who slayed demons?

Well, Harley was still a little demon witch at that time.

For a long time, Zha Kang did similar things to Nick.

Faust has always been the most famous "martial arts scum". The two sides often clashed, and Faust returned in defeat every time. Nick treated Faust with all kinds of heartfelt contempt and ridicule.

Later, when Nick went to hell, Zha Kang did not change his habits. When he met Faust, he was full of contempt.

"Harry, Faust is cunning and cunning, and secretly colludes with the Lord. I am an innocent person who was deceived."

Luther suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, Faust is the person of the Corruption Lord. The Corruption Lord used the power of original sin to stir up evil thoughts in my heart, making me obsessed and became their puppet. He is so treacherous and evil!"

Harley was speechless, "There is no need to say these words to me to fool the judges and public opinion. I want to know the truth and don't want to listen to nonsense."

She pointed to the magic fission cannon placed nearby and asked: "The Eclipse Lord originally had high hopes for it, so why did it perform so poorly?"

General Lane said: "Isn't this unbearable? From the moon to the surface, there is a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and one cannon can lift up the ground a hundred meters deep. It is more powerful than many galactic naval guns.

The key is that the energy cannon spans the spatial distance and lands directly on the target point as if teleporting. The accuracy is very high and it is impossible to prevent it.

If Faust and Nick's target is not the black room, but the center of the metropolis, how many casualties will be caused? "

Harley said disapprovingly: "For a normal terrorist, this kind of power is indeed enough, but the Eclipse Lord is the supreme existence!

It risked being defeated and publicly humiliated to come out and hold me back, not letting me return to Earth, just to kill hundreds of thousands of Earthlings?

So dignified and supreme, so easily satisfied?

Judging from the price it paid, the magic fission cannon could at least destroy the entire city. "

"Well, since the fission cannon is placed on the moon, the entire earth is covered by its attack range. I'm afraid Gotham will be the first target." She guessed.

"Harley, you are right." Luther said immediately: "Theoretically, the power of the magic fission cannon has almost no upper limit.

Judging from the actual performance this time, the power of magic fission is indeed infinite.

As long as there is enough 'ammunition', not to mention Gotham, even a planet or a star system can be easily destroyed.

But you are worrying too much. I am the designer of the magic fission cannon, so I will naturally set up a backdoor to limit its output limit to prevent it from being abused. "

"You are at best its assembler, and its owner is definitely not you. If you don't believe it, you can test it now to see if the backdoor you left still works." Harley said.

Luther smiled, "I know Faust very well. He doesn't have a bright mind, and he doesn't have that kind of heart or ability."

"Just because you think Faust is behind this, I'm 100% sure that you can't control the fission cannon at all." Harley said calmly.

Luther was surprised: "Isn't it Faust who secretly surrendered to the Eclipse Lord and planned all this?"

"Compared with Faust, I believe it's you who is causing trouble. Faust is just the scapegoat you pushed to the front desk." Harley said.

"You're kidding, right?" Luther forced a smile.

"If the person secretly colluding with the Eclipse Lord is not you or Faust, then it is Nick." Harley said.

Luther frowned and said: "The magic book recording the idea of ​​the magic fission cannon did come from Nick, but the content in the book is very rough. I actually created the fission cannon from scratch.

Moreover, Nick couldn't help himself and couldn't even free his soul. How could he plot everything secretly? "

"If it's not Faust or Nick, then it's you. Anyway, one of the three of you must be the culprit." Harley said.

Luther was speechless, "Why must it not be Faust?"

"I can't imagine that a fool who exchanged half his life for the freedom of other people's souls could play with you and Nick, two smart people, between applause." Harley said.

Luther hesitated and said: "But I think his reasons are very good. Nick knows the secret of the Book of Magic and has long-term interests in mind."

Harley sighed: "Now I believe you are not behind this."

"Why?" Luther looked confused.

"The way you act is that you're not very smart. You've been tricked and counted money on your behalf."

"You call me stupid?" Luther was unhappy. He would rather Harley say he was vicious and inhumane than accept being criticized for being too stupid.

"I admit, I don't know that the fission cannon is related to the Eclipse Lord, because I haven't paid attention to the Eclipse Lord recently, and it is too far away from me.

But even so, I still took all the precautions I needed to take.

I even planned to make a deal with Waller to sell Nick and Faust when she came over.

I am Lex Luthor, I am the only one who plays tricks on others, unless he is a Supreme like Darkseid! "Luther said proudly.

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Luthor, have you ever thought about this question: Will demons do business at a loss?"

"Devils are very cunning." Luther vaguely noticed something was wrong and felt a little uneasy, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "But if it were me, with my wisdom, I might not be able to make them suffer a big loss." "

"If Nick's soul is worth less than half of Faust's life, will the devil sell him? If Nick's soul is not worth half of Faust's life, how will Faust get his money back?"

Zha Kang had a complicated expression and sighed: "Harley is right, Faust was tricked by Nick. Like you, he is a puppet put on the stage by Nick. Of course, Nick himself is probably also a puppet of a higher existence. "

Luther was unwilling to accept the fact that he was being played by a dead ghost, and that he not only knew nothing about it, but was still arguing for him.

"Maybe the value of Nick's soul is not easy to estimate, and the devil doesn't want to take the risk of finding the magical world." He argued forcefully.

Harley lost her patience, pointed at the magic fission cannon, and said, "You'd better check that iron lump to see how much the backdoor you set has been modified.

If possible, pull out the operating data and find out why it didn't fire the second shot. "

General Lane quickly advised: "Harley, you can't let Luther get close to the magic fission cannon. It's too dangerous."

Luther's face was full of humiliation, and he shouted loudly: "Ryan, do you really think of me as an ignorant and reckless person? With Harley here, I did something small because my brain was filled with water."

"Hal, John, you two keep an eye on Luther. I'm not afraid that he will do something wrong. I'm just afraid that he will be fooled by Nick or the people behind Nick, and he won't even be able to detect the malfunction," Harley said.

Luther was filled with embarrassment and anger, his face flushed, "I, Lex Luthor, can suffer any injustice, but I cannot allow you to insult my wisdom one after another!"

"Stop with the ink stain. You don't have any wisdom, you're just a little smart." Hal pushed him hard, causing him to stagger and look embarrassed. "You are the only one left with the three suspects." Waiting to be caught and becoming a scapegoat without even knowing who the real culprit is behind the scenes, why don’t you insult the word wisdom?”

Luther became angry with embarrassment, but could not refute. The more he listened, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Finally, he became depressed, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

"Why did you knock him out? He still wanted to check the fission cannon." Harley frowned.

"I just pushed him twice, why are you so weak?" Hal squatted down, used a green light energy tool to reveal a water gun, and slapped Luther's purple cheeks a few times, and Luther suddenly woke up.

Harley was afraid that he would not be able to think clearly and could not complete the task of detecting the fission cannon, so she comforted him: "Luthor, I don't really blame you. You are a pure scientist and know little about magic, so you were fooled by Nick."

"Harley, you understand me. I just suffer from information asymmetry." Luther said with emotion.

His face became radiant and his eyes became lively.

While Luther was retrieving the fission cannon operation data, Harley rose into the air and came to the Sky Eye Building, which had been turned over by Kyle.

"Waller was found. Unfortunately, her body was cold. But Colonel Trevor was lucky and escaped by hiding under the table."

Kyle used the green light energy tool to create a stretcher and carried a bloody body to Harley.

Harley looked at the body twice from head to toe. The upper body was intact, only the left knee was crushed by a heavy object, like soft noodles.

Other than that, his face was black and purple, with no other scars.

"It seems to be suffocating." Kyle said.

Harry's heart moved, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number in Paradise Mountain, "Rich, please help me ask if Waller's soul went to Hero Island."

"Amanda Waller is not a superhero, right?" John Stewart frowned.

"She's not, but she must have secretly obtained a patriot quota for herself." Harley said with certainty.

Richie quickly replied: "Harley, the original Star Man was on duty today, and he didn't see Waller."

"Well, it seems that extreme rescue is possible."

Harley put away her phone, and disappeared into the material world in a flash.

As long as the soul is intercepted before it completely enters the realm of death, forced back into the body, and then the dead cells are repaired using holy light healing, there is a certain chance of rescuing the person to the limit.

Really catch people at the gate of hell.

"Hey!" As soon as Harry entered Limbo, he saw a bit of light floating "up" like dandelion seeds.

In the dim light was the frightened and confused soul of Amanda Waller.

"Waller, you are so lucky!"

Harry smiled and flew to her, stretched out his hand and grabbed the soul in his hand.

Even if the soul is found, it may not be possible to save it to the extreme.

For the deceased, every second was crucial, so she didn't waste much time and immediately "sinked" into the material world and returned to the ruins of the Tianyanhui Building.

"Come back so soon?" Kyle asked in surprise.

"Luckily, I met Waller's soul on the way."

Harley activated her Heavenly God of War "wage" (the power of God from heaven), the bright holy light covered Waller's body, and healing energy traveled through every cell in her body.

When her swollen face regained some of its vitality, Harley raised her right hand and slapped Waller on the forehead.

The soul in the palm silently penetrated into the body.

"Puff, puff, puff." Waller's body twitched like an epilepsy, white foam gurgled from the corners of his mouth, his eyes popped out, and an unknown black light flashed in his pupils.

Harley's expression changed slightly, "This is impossible, it shouldn't be, Waller hasn't gone to hell yet, how can he have the aura of hell?"

"What's wrong?" Kyle and others looked at her with doubts, "Isn't she resurrected? Her body is shaking."

"No, she is not resurrected, she is a corpse."

Harley activated her semi-detached spiritual sense, and the scene in front of her changed slightly. In addition to Waller's twitching body, she could also see the black hell magic slowly generated from her body, and then overflowed from her body and surrounded her.

But what she injected into her body was the power of holy light!

Now the power of holy light is transformed into the magic power of hell.

"Um, I, where am I?" Waller gradually stopped twitching, and his eyes became brighter.

"Minister Waller, Miss Quinn has resurrected you!" said the secretary of the Sky Eye Club excitedly.

"Miss Quinn?" Waller looked confused, "Who are you? Am I dead?"

"Waller has lost his memory." Kyle said in surprise.

Harley frowned and said, "Waller, where have you been before?"

"You, you look familiar." The confusion in Waller's eyes turned into horror, "I remember, I clearly hold Harley Quinn's heaven helicopter card, why didn't I go to heaven, but fell into hell?"

"Did you give her a helicopter ticket to heaven?" Several Green Lanterns looked at Harley with strange eyes.

Harley stared at Waller, her spiritual sense seeing through the skin to the soul.

Waller's soul is surrounded by a layer of hellish atmosphere, and the fluctuations in his soul are 30% familiar and 70% unfamiliar.

The surprise in her eyes grew bigger and bigger, "Mother Fake, I seem to have found a fake Waller."

"False? Isn't she Waller?" Everyone exclaimed.

"I'm Waller, Amanda Waller," Waller called.

"Ding-ding-ding!" Harry's cell phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID showed a number from Paradise Hills.

"Harley, there is news from the original Star Man that Amanda Waller's soul has arrived at Hero Island. He asked you if you have any special arrangements. By the way, Waller wants to meet you." Richie said.

Harley held the phone in her hand and looked at Waller lying on the ground, not knowing what expression to show.

"Tell Ted (the original Old Star Man) to leave Waller on Hero Island for now, and I'll go see her later."

After hanging up the phone, Harley looked at "Fake Waller" curiously, "Which universe are you from? Or, how come you have my helicopter card to heaven?"

"Your helicopter card to heaven?" Waller looked suspicious at first, then her pupils shrank, and the suspicion on her dark face turned into shock, "You are the Harley Quinn of the main universe!"

Harley nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "I have had many paradise cards, but I never kept them in my hands for too long. As soon as I got them, I immediately distributed them to the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance.

There was only one fake paradise card, given to Lightning in the Shadow Universe.

Well, it’s the Harley Quinn of the Flashpoint world. "

Waller also showed a look of surprise, "It turns out that Harley Quinn didn't lie. There really is a main universe. The Harley Quinn of the main universe can contact the Harley Quinn of our universe."

"This" the director of Tianyanhui said with disbelief on his face, "how could this happen?"

Harley sighed: "It's such a coincidence that the Wallers of the two universes died almost at the same time. Maybe this is the connection of the same fate between the same bodies."

"How did Waller from the Shadow Universe enter our universe?" Kyle asked puzzled.

"Fake Waller did not enter the main universe. She was floating in Limbo. It seems-" Harley asked curiously: "Fake Waller, do you still have your previous memories? After activating the Heaven Helicopter Card, you went Where are you going next?"

"I'm not a fake Waller, I'm Amanda Waller!" Waller struggled to get up and looked around, "Is the Pentagon in the distance, and this is the Metropolis? I haven't seen the Metropolis in many years. .”

"Where has the metropolis of your universe gone?" one of the officials asked in confusion.

Harley sighed softly: "Their universe did not tear apart Superman. Superman's small airship crashed directly into Metropolis, exploding the entire city. The White House and the Pentagon were all destroyed."

"There is already a Waller in our universe. If I don't call you 'Fake Waller', what would you call him? Shadow Waller?" she asked again.

Waller's eyes flickered and he asked, "Where is your Waller?"

"Obviously, she died."

"Where's her soul?" Waller asked.

Harley smiled meaningfully and said, "Let's talk about you first. You haven't answered the question I just asked."

Waller pursed his thick lips and said: "In the shadow universe in your mouth, I eat and sleep, take care of everything, sleep and eat, work tirelessly day and night, work 20 hours a day, have almost no holidays, and can hardly develop normal eating habits. , finally I became loyal to the country and got cancer, terminal liver cancer."

Kyle said with a strange expression: "May I ask what position you hold in your universe, Commander-in-Chief, Secretary of State?"

Waller gave him a strange look, "Are you kidding? Except when delivering a speech, when has the commander-in-chief of the United States ever had anything to do with the words I said?"

"Like Waller in our universe, she is also the leader of the Sky Eye Society and the Suicide Squad." Harley told everyone.

"Tch~~" The lanterns gave Waller a look of disdain, "Like our commander, you like to brag about yourself shamelessly in speeches."

Waller said seriously: "I'm not kidding! My universe is different from yours. The underwater people and the Amazons are eyeing the human world. I have to rack my brains and do my best to fight against the gods with a mortal body."

Harley couldn't stand listening anymore, "Shadow Waller, don't talk nonsense. I understand the situation in your universe. Apart from putting bombs in the heads of superpowers and forcing them to perish together with the undersea people and Amazons, you have done nothing. "

She raised her hand to interrupt Waller's argument and said: "I just want to know the process of getting the Paradise Direct Card and your experience after using the Paradise Direct Card."

“After she was diagnosed with cancer, Harley Quinn gave me her helicopter ticket to heaven——”

Harley said solemnly: "Don't lie! If you are smart, you should know my methods."

That Heavenly Helicopter Card was requested by Lightning Ha specifically for his father, how could he give it to someone else?

Even if he wanted to give it away, it couldn't be Waller. Lightning Ha's sense of Waller was very average.

Waller lowered his eyes and said, "One time Harley Quinn was bragging while drunk and spilled the beans. When she was arrested by the Central City police, everything on her body was taken away, including a picture of Heaven Helicopter. Card.

I originally didn't believe that there was a card that could lead directly to heaven, but Harley Quinn's performance was so miraculous, and I had terminal cancer, so I had no other choice but to give it a try. "

At this point, a look of anger appeared on her dark face, "That's not a direct flight to heaven at all! My soul was sent straight to hell."

Harley nodded and said: "That is indeed a fake card, it's the 'Fall into Hell Card'. Lightning Ha was worried that after Flashpoint restarted, her world would disappear completely and the people she cared about would disappear, so I gave her that card. Ka, make sure her dad doesn’t disappear in the reboot, but he also doesn’t want to go to heaven.”

"Did you lie to Harley Quinn?" Waller's eyes widened.

"Harry even lied to 'himself', how cruel." Kyle muttered.

——What’s even more cruel is that she deliberately sent the homo-daddy to hell.

The people on the side were thinking to themselves.

"Although that card will send Lightning Ha's father's soul to hell, the Hell Judge is my little brother. It will definitely see the soul holding the black card." Harley thought thoughtfully, "Have you seen the Hell Judge? ? It’s that giant demon with a human body and a snake’s tail.”

Fake Waller nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I saw the Hell Judge. It talked nonsense and said that I deserved to go to hell for my many crimes. But I was holding a black card and needed to complete a procedure. It said it wanted to send me to which island. I can't remember. ”

"Go to Hero Island." John said.

Harley nodded and said: "If Lightning Ha's father is a good man, the grass-headed god on Hero Island will send him to heaven."

Kyle said thoughtfully: "In the end, Shadow Waller met you halfway, and you recognized the wrong person. Could it be that the two Wallers not only look exactly the same, but also have the same breath?"

Harley sighed: "It was such a coincidence, and I was in a hurry. I didn't think much about it, so I grabbed the soul and ran back."

"What should we do now?" Kyle looked at Waller and said, "Send her back to hell and bring back the real Waller?"

Waller's expression changed drastically, and he quickly said: "Harley Quinn, no matter what, I will hold your black card. Your black card also clearly says in English, 'Those who hold this card will be protected by me, and their souls will be honored after death. Go to heaven'."

"I am just like Harley Quinn in your universe. I often lie to others and have no superior demeanor." Harley pointed at Waller and said to the Green Lanterns: "Keep an eye on her. I will go to the Island of Heroes."

Before leaving, she even went to take a look at the magic fission cannon.

Luther looked ugly, sweating on his forehead, and was busy processing the collected data.

"It's basically certain that Luther was indeed tricked. There is another person's backdoor hidden in his backdoor. It's so powerful that he can't even decipher it," Zha Kang said.

Luther typed quickly on the keyboard with both hands and said: "Don't underestimate the largest brain in the universe! Harley, give me two hours, and I will give you the raw data."

But I am sure now that the mastermind behind the scenes is not Nick, he does not have this ability! "

He gritted his teeth, "Fake, don't let me know who you are and dare to trick me——"

Ps: The fake Waller is the Waller in the DC classic animated movie "Suicide Squad: Punishment", and the setting of Paradise Helicopter also comes from that movie.

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