I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 173 In the magic world, life is not easy for everyone

Only then did Harley realize that the goddess was not a master of retaliation, but a master of hiding.

"Please ask the teacher to clarify my doubts." Harley said sincerely.

"Hey, who said that to study cost magic, you have to stand there and let others beat you? That's not a fool.

Just continue to improve the human body's microcosm until the origin of the blood is strong enough to allow the 'microcosm' to transform into a real other world in Limbo.

My exclusive world!

And I never had magic power in my body, and all the stolen magic power was turned into the power of blood.

Without magic power, there would be no mark left by the supreme being - imprint on the magic power.

In this way, in a world that is entirely my own, I can use magic as I please. Asal said proudly.

"Ah, it turns out Acharath is your true body!"

Harry suddenly realized, then looked around the floating island and land, and shouted: "My dear, Mr. Asal, how much magic power have you stolen!"

"What is it called? Compared with the entire multiverse, the magic power I stole is not even a drop in the bucket."

Harley said in a strange tone: "Teacher, the 'way to escape' you mentioned, is it to hide in the small universe created by your own flesh shell so that others can't find you at all?"

Asal said calmly: "The Flesh Shell Universe is just the first step, and there will be more complex cultivation later.

You see, there are many different worlds in Limbo. They may be able to prevent others from entering, but they cannot hide themselves. "

Harley thought thoughtfully, "Rachel stayed in hiding on Earth for several years even after leaving Acharas.

Only when she inspires magic power, Sangong can determine her location. At other times, she also practices your air escape technique? "

“Three Palaces achieves the purpose of controlling her and making her a portal by instilling power into her soul.

As for me, I will help her trace all the power from the void universe back to its origin and turn it into the power of blood.

Imprinted on magic.

Therefore, as long as Rachel remains in the air demon state, the Three Palaces will not be able to find her.

But Rachel is different from us. Her bloodline comes from the Three Houses. No matter how the magic is stimulated - temporary awakening, or cost magic - as long as the magic emerges, the mark in the magic will attract the attention of the Three Houses.

Her best choice is to never use magic for the rest of her life.

However, as decades passed, the more power Sangong input, the stronger her bloodline became, almost infiltrating the human half of her bloodline.

Therefore, Rachel cannot be my descendant.

For more than ten years, she has only studied one magic technique to suppress bloodline riots.

She left a mark on your eyebrows and asked you to come here in the hope that you could avoid all the magical marks of the supreme being.

In other words, let me accept you as an apprentice and practice the entire set of escape techniques. "

"Rachel" Harley looked in a daze for a long time and said, "Since you want to hide in seclusion, why did you add the name of the god to the 'Nine-Nine God List' and bring Rachel's mother in?

I thought you would completely isolate the Acharas from the rest of the world. "

"Escape is not seclusion. What we want to avoid is not a certain person, but to escape in front of magical marks such as the Seal of March.

The magic power has been imprinted, and it's useless for you to hide wherever you go.

Hide your magic power and avoid the mark. Even if you hang out in front of people every day, the supreme being cannot take away your soul and magic power.


After a pause, Asal's tone became complicated and he said: "Moreover, gods need faith to maintain their existence and enhance their power, and I am no exception."

Harley was silent for a moment and then asked: "Why does the bloodline transform into a different world after its origin is strong? Is it a special skill or the rules of the universe in Limbo?"

Asal did not answer the question directly, but instead said: "Do you know Dr. Fate Naboo?"

"I've heard of it, but don't know much about it," Harley said.

"Naboo is the Lord of Order, a divine mage, and the god-king of the Order God system.

But even as powerful as he is, there is only one helmet left now, and the body has completely disappeared.

Well, his magic, knowledge, thinking, and soul were all poured into a golden helmet forged from the ninth metal. "

"I didn't expect Naboo to have such a powerful background, God King."

Harry sighed with emotion and then said: "I got a piece of news from Madam Xanadu. Someone dug up the Naboo helmet in the tomb of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt. This generation of Doctor Destiny has been born.

Well, when the host puts on the helmet, he can transform into Dr. Fate. "

"As the most outstanding human mage in the past 100,000 years, why does Nabu have no body?" Asal asked.

Harry's heart moved and he guessed: "He definitely wants to keep his body, but he can't. What's the reason?"

"Because the human body has limited strength and cannot withstand too much, too powerful magic.

The moment Naboo became a god, his physical body was reduced to ashes and all his essence was injected into the N metal helmet.

Not only Naboo, but also many human gods had no choice but to place their souls on artifacts. "

"Why don't they exercise? The magic warrior chosen by Thunder Shazam is invulnerable and powerful." Harley asked doubtfully.

"You also said that he is a magic warrior. Without the blessing of magic, he is still an ordinary person." Asal said.

"If someone has divine power and a body of steel, can they avoid this?"

Harley thought of Dachao and herself.

"Angels, demons, and even gods from other dimensions can preserve their bodies, but the strength of their bodies is not reflected in their resistance to physical damage, but more importantly, their ability to withstand magic power."

Can Dachao withstand a lot of magic power?

Harley wasn't sure.

"Even if the demon angels are physically stronger than humans, I suspect there is a limit to their endurance." Asal said.

There is no limit to her upgrade points!

Harry felt proud and asked again: "So, if you use your 'Escape Technique' to convert too much magic power and make your bloodline too strong, your body will also face the crisis of collapse?"

"Yes, almost all of the many alien planes in Limbo are transformed from energy into entities.

With the blessing of the art of escape, there is no magic power in my body, but there is too much energy in my blood.

If left unchecked, it will collapse into a normal alien plane.

The whole process is just like what is described in Chinese and Western creation myths - the gods created the world, then collapsed from exhaustion, their bodies turned into the earth, and their blood turned into a surging river."

A thought suddenly flashed through Harley's mind, and she said, "Does this count as turning yourself into a demon from another dimension, like the Demon of the Three Palaces?

His body transformed into another dimension, and his soul was reborn as a demon in a small world. "

Asal said in surprise: "You are so smart. The birth process of the devil from another dimension has indeed given me the greatest inspiration.

But I didn't fully emulate those demons.

They can be the source of power for countless mages and even gods - for example, the Trinagon is the source of power for Rachel and her three brothers, and the Son of the Trin is the source of power for many dark wizards - but including the Trin The devil from another dimension still has a creditor on his head.

I want to avoid creditors, but I certainly don’t want to imitate them and become a demon from another dimension. "

Harry smiled bitterly and said: "Three Palaces are existences that even God values, but they still haven't gotten rid of their status as pigs. It's unbelievable and disappointing at the same time."

Asar sneered and said: "Why do you think the demon gods from other dimensions are all rushing to move to hell?

Many demons even moved their dimension of existence to hell.

Did the Third House give birth to Rachel, the ‘portal to the world’, really to rule the earth?

No matter how beautiful the earth is, how comfortable is it to have its own hometown?"

"Why?" Harley asked confused.

"After moving my family to hell, even though the Three Houses surpassed most of the First Fallen (fallen angels) in terms of strength, it is no match for Satan anyway.

It wants to enter the human world.

Not for domination and occupation, but for the destruction of this ‘God’s Garden of Eden’ on earth.

The achievement of destroying the world is second only to conquering heaven and can greatly enhance its status in hell.

He even reached heaven in one step, surpassing Lucifer in authority and becoming the second Satan. "

Harry was stunned and then doubted: "Can you avoid creditors by hiding in hell?"

"Don't say you don't know, hell is the reflection of heaven."

"I know, but I thought God would give Hecate some face." Harley said.

Asal said quietly: “The creditor of the Three Palaces is not Hecate.

The male mages did not have the Seal of March, and Hecate imposed a more terrifying curse on them.

Don't ask what the curse is, once you hear it, you'll be targeted too.

As for face.

I think you should think about it the other way around, should debt collectors give God a face and avoid His territory?

They dare not give God face, and God doesn’t have to give them face.

When the time comes, based on strength, who do you think God will fear? "

"Oh, I didn't expect that the glamorous magical world could have such dark and heavy secrets." Harry sighed.

"These secrets are still too far away from you now. Let's enter the teaching session. I will first teach you 108 sets of meditation methods to re-concentrate your mental power.

When the spiritual power becomes semi-substantial, he begins to construct the Escape Talisman Array in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, spreading from the inside out to every cell in the body, completely controlling the impulse of the blood to awaken the magic power. "

A week later, Ha Li barely completed the above practice.

"Your talent is somewhat mediocre," Goddess Asal said in disappointment.

"I'm quite satisfied with the progress of my practice." Harley said excitedly, licking her chapped lips.

This alien plane is in ruins, with no living things except stones, buildings and corpses. Since coming here, she has not drank water or eaten.

"But you have already completed a deathbed transformation. Forget about your spirit, your body can no longer hold on. Next, I will teach you the skills of stealing and transforming demons.

You can't just steal magic power.

Just like Rachel, the process of Sangon instilling magic into her soul is actually the same as stealing magic.

But why did she become the 'slave' of the Three Palaces, while I was free and at ease? "

You are so carefree, a mere storm of elements will blow you to the wall of origin, and you will never come down again.

Thinking this in his mind, Harry showed a thoughtful look on his face and said: "Because the magic power she 'stole' was too single, the bloodline evolved in one direction - the direction of the Three Palace Demons.

When we steal magic power, we should soak it equally with rain and dew, so that the properties of magic power can be balanced. "

"Harry, I take back what I said before. Your talent may not be mediocre, but at least you have a good brain." Asal said happily.

"I never feel like I'm mediocre." Harley said disapprovingly.

Asal choked for a moment and said: "To steal a demon, you must follow the principles of 'Yin and Yang', 'Light and Dark', 'Four Elements', and 'Five Elements and Four Symbols'.

Regardless of the Chinese or Western element theory, in short, we must choose a set of attributes that are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. "

"Teacher, whose magic power have you stolen? Tell me so that I can return to the path of glory." Harley smiled.

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