I want to have a date with Superman

PS to the previous chapter

(First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. It’s a little late today. I slept for a while after dinner and my head is still a little drowsy. From now on, you can watch it after 10 pm. I will try my best to update before 10 pm.

Then the PS of the previous chapter

The total amount of energy that can be loaded into the experience jars at each level of the Black Vortex of Thorns

A level 1 can is equivalent to the energy of a half-pound grenade, which is nearly one million joules.

If you are injured by the thorny black vortex of a level 1 jar, it is equivalent to a half-kilogram grenade caught in the armpit and exploding, but if the armpit is wearing armor, the damage can be offset.

That is to say, this kind of counter-injury that retaliates is not "real damage" and can be blocked and dodged by the enemy (it is difficult to dodge).

For example, Sea Overlord relied on his suit to block part of the damage.

This is different from the mind curse. The mind curse comes from the real damage suffered by Harley. The counter-injury to the enemy also directly affects the soul. The enemy has to bear it 100% and cannot dodge. Of course, some people are born with strong mental power or have magical weapons to protect themselves. Even if they can withstand 100% of the damage, it does not mean that they will receive 100% of the damage. Some people have low magic resistance. If it is negative, the damage will even overflow.

Level 2 cans, increased by a hundred times, half a pound times a hundred, 25 kilograms of TNT energy, an aerial bomb.

Level 3, 2.5 tons!

Level 4, 250 tons

Level 5, 25,000 tons. The first nuclear bomb, Little Boy, was only 15,000 tons. If someone attacks Harley and Harley stands still without fighting back, it will be equivalent to two Little Boys detonating next to him.

Of course, at that time, few people could deal such damage with one blow.

Level 6, 2.5 million tons, the tactical nuclear bomb attacked Harley. She stretched out her palm and caught it easily, without even a spark flickering. As a result, the enemy suffered a nuclear explosion.

Specialties from level 0 to level 6 are all in the "low-intermediate" stage. Specialties begin to undergo qualitative changes at level 7, with one qualitative change at each level.

Level 7, 2.5 billion tons, a thousand times more than level 6. At this time, Harley can bathe on the surface of the sun even without relying on her own defense.

Level 8, 25 trillion tons, 10,000 times more than level 7.

Level 9, an increase of 100,000 times, 25 billion billion tons. She will only feel pain when the jar is full. Who can hurt her then?

You can take a look at it. Now Harley's level 4 jar will only be upgraded to level 5 in the plot part before the finale. Therefore, it is enough to pay attention to levels 4 and 5. The rest are for reference only.

As for when to upgrade, you can look at Harley's magic level. The Black Vortex of Thorns is her exclusive magic spell. As the magic level increases, the Archmage is Level 2, the Grand Master is Level 3. Now Harley has just broken through to the Divine Wizard, Level 4. The jar is level 5 for the main god and level 6 for the god king.

According to the timeline in the book, the finale comes within five years, and Harley obviously has no chance to rise to the level of God King.

However, 250 tons is not the limit for level 4 tanks. One tank is 250 tons, but two tanks are 500 tons?

Harley's Dark Vortex of Thorns isn't limited to just one jar.

When she is unable to increase the level of the jars in the Black Vortex of Thorns within a short period of time, she will try to increase the number of jars.

As for how many jars she has, you can look at her expertise. Every time her defense increases by 10 levels, her body undergoes a qualitative change. When she adds a specialty, she also adds one jar.

Of course, she couldn't use all the jars to fuse the black vortex of thorns, she had to keep some jars to improve her expertise.

For example, the Tears of Death defense feat is only level 6, and she needs jars to accumulate tears of death.

If she encounters a small amount of tears of death in daily life, she can absorb and store them in a jar. When she reaches level seven, she can upgrade them all at once (allowing her body to complete an evolution).

PS2: About the fire storm matrix sealing Harley.

This plot actually refers to the original comic.

In the "Eternal Evil" event in the original comics, the Crime Syndicate took control of Firestorm and used his Firestorm Matrix to seal all the superheroes on the scene, including Superboy, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter.

Very buggy, just one move wiped out the Justice League.

Even in the end, the Justice League couldn't break through the Firestorm Matrix on their own, they couldn't.

It was Bateman and Luther who cooperated to free them.

However, the Criminal Syndicate did not use this method to deal with the anti-supervision king, and it was definitely ineffective.

The Anti-Monitor King is at the multiverse level, while Firestorm is at the single universe level. If Super, Diana and the others don't cheat, they will be lower than the single universe level.

Personally speaking, except for Diana, the other heroes are just mortals - in fact, Diana is more like a favored one than an Olympian god of war.

If she is the real God of War, she should be able to contact the projection of the parallel universe, but in fact she has no projection in the parallel universe, only a peer.

Only mortals have peers.

Even second-rate gods like Shazam and the Wizard are unique, with only projections and no peers.

As for Harley, Harley was not the same person as Harley Quinn from the beginning. Not exactly the same person. She is a time traveler. Her soul has no connection with Harley Quinn, only her body.

There are three reasons why Harley can be sealed by the Fire Storm Matrix: First, the Fire Storm Matrix is ​​really strong. It is essentially equivalent to treating a universe as a cage.

Secondly, it was the first time she encountered this kind of seal, so she was caught off guard and was careless, so she didn't dodge.

Finally, it is true that she has many defensive specialties, but she has not activated the Fire Storm Defense Specialty - she has had the idea before, but has always used it as a backup. Harley feels that the atomic energy of Fire Storm is not advanced enough or universal enough.

In fact, her expertise is already taking effect. Even if her life information is entered into the Fire Storm Matrix, her will is still clear and independent.

After Da Chao was sealed into the Fire Storm Matrix, everyone was confused and unable to struggle.

Harry was conscious and able to struggle, and he struggled free only a few times.

If it were the Anti-Monitor King, the Fire Storm Matrix could trap him for at least three to five days, or even longer.

The God-King can finally break free of the Fire Storm Matrix on his own, but that doesn't mean they can break free immediately. )

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