I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter

(ps: In the comics, Pandora's Box and Crime Syndicate are two connected major events, "The War of the Three-Body Problem" and "Eternal Evil".

In the original comics, Evil Eternal took place on Earth. After the Syndicate came to the main universe, it destroyed major heroic organizations including the Justice League, Justice Society, and Teen Titans, and ruled the entire world.

The whole process was quite exciting. The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were all tied up in the fight, which was very inconsistent.

The Crime Syndicate aims to kill, and it's wonderful to let loose.

For example, Johnny Quick single-handedly suppressed the Rogue Gang and destroyed many heroic organizations such as the Teen Titans and the Doom Patrol. They suffered heavy casualties without even being able to see him.

This is the strength that The Flash should have. Barry, who dared not kill anyone, was weak.

Almost every villain of the Syndicate has the ability to suppress the forces of the entire earth.

It's ability, not hard power.

In terms of hard power, Zhenglian is similar to them.

The plot of the comic is very exciting, but there are big loopholes in the logic, so you can't read it with your head in mind.

Why did the Criminal Syndicate escape Earth-3?

Wasn't he being chased by the anti-supervisor king, unable to defeat him, and escaping to the main universe with his life?

They knew clearly that the anti-surveillance king was chasing after them, and knew that they could not defeat him. They still destroyed the Justice League, made the main universe a mess, and wanted to rule the earth.

Wouldn't it be nice to leave the Justice League to fight against the chasing anti-supervisory king, and go to the stars and seas to become king and dominate?

In "The Battle of the Three-Body Problem", both the Outsider and Night Owl were very smart, with online IQs. In "Eternal Evil", Night Owl, who acted as a wise man, completely lost his brain.

You can't blame Ye Xiao, it's the comic editor who doesn't let him have a brain.

If the Crime Syndicate simply ran away like this fan novel, leaving the earth to Zheng Lian and the anti-supervisory king, the comic would be impossible to draw.

ps2, about Harley’s cheek being burned open by Superman’s thermonuclear ray.

Readers may have questions: Why was Harley still burned by thermonuclear rays when she was clearly level 136, which is far beyond the multiverse limit of level 120?

In fact, this question has the same answer as "Will Darkseid be burned by Superman's thermonuclear rays".

There is no doubt that Superman can hurt Darkseid.

Darkseid's physical defense is the extreme value of the multiverse, 100 points in the material universe and 120 points in the divine realm.

No matter how high Harley's defense is, as long as she doesn't leave the multiverse, she won't be able to show an effect higher than the extreme value.

Even if she is level 136, her physical body's defense effect is still only 100 points when she is in the main universe.

So she will be injured.

In addition, body defense can only reduce damage, but cannot completely prevent the damage of physical attacks. Even if it reduces 99.999% of damage, it is still not immune to damage. This is different from defense expertise.

The feat allows one to be 100% immune to the power of miracles.

Another question, is there no difference between 136 defense points and 100 defense points?

In the game, there is a concept of durability. Weapons will break down after being used for a long time.

Harley's defense above the extreme value is equivalent to a greatly increased durability.

Readers who have followed sports competitions should know a common sense: Fatigue can easily lead to injuries.

For example, football players are prone to injuries during periods of intense schedules, so except for the Premier League, other leagues have winter breaks.

The athlete is still the same athlete. If he is digitized, his defense value will decrease with physical fatigue.

Darkseid's defense is 120 points. After three days and three nights of fighting with Dachao, his body will be very tired and his defense value will drop to 118 points or even lower.

It was also a three-day and three-night battle, and Harley was very tired (actually she didn't need to be tired, I just assume she was very tired here), but her defense value would hardly drop.

Because her real defense value is 136 points, which has long exceeded 120 points. Even if it drops due to fatigue, it drops to 134 points, which is still higher than the universe's extreme value of 120 points.

Specifically speaking, Harley is particularly solid.

In reality, Harley's advantage would be very buggy, just like the protagonist in a competitive novel who has a buff that prevents injury and fatigue.

Most athletes are destroyed by injuries, and most warriors die from exhaustion. )

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