I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1683 Criminal Syndicate

"Pandora Pandora is back?!"

Harley was thinking about the words in her mind, how to use her own guess to explain why Pandora could destroy the original sin demon without blaspheming or slandering God.

But suddenly, she felt Pandora's breath again.

Pandora, who had already left before, was now approaching Belle Reve Prison.

But she didn't come in this time and stopped outside the prison.

"Waller, turn on the prison's surveillance system. Pandora is in the southwest, on a mound about 50 meters away from the wall." Harley said.

Waller worked in front of the screen, and sure enough he captured the eggplant-red figure outside the high wall.

And just when the surveillance camera was focused on her, Pandora seemed to sense it and looked up at the camera.

"She seems to be waiting for us? Then why did she run away before?" Diana asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "The matter in Belle Reve Prison is over, and it's time for us to leave."

She glanced at Waller and said, "The responsibility for this accident lies entirely with the secret society. From Superman being manipulated to kill, to the chaos in Belle Reve prison, it was all a conspiracy by the big boss of the society, in order to take advantage of the chaos to steal the magic box."

All the heroes looked at each other.

Waller hesitated and said: "It is easy to shirk responsibility, but to convince the people and the government, there must be a more reasonable explanation."

"Do you think I am shirking responsibility for Pandora? She is looking for the most kind person or the most evil person with the magic box. Who is she provoking?" Harley said calmly.

Waller glanced quickly at the heroes.

If Pandora is not responsible, then the responsibility lies entirely with the impulsive and reckless Zhenglian heroes. They violated the law and broke into Belle Reve Prison without authorization, and were the main culprits that caused the chaos.

If they don't come, even if the prisoners in the prison are affected by the magic box, they will be locked in their cells, unable to get out, and they will not be able to cause big trouble.

When the Zhenglian hero saw Waller's eyes, he felt a little embarrassed and also a little angry.

"If your agents and the Suicide Squad hadn't rushed in to cause trouble, the first batch of heroes to enter Belle Reve Prison would have taken Pandora away, and there would be no further turmoil at all," Wonder Woman said.

Waller replied: "Yes, you tied up Pandora tightly with just one move, but then you picked up Pandora's box, cracked the third eye on your forehead, and degenerated into a violent rage. 's 'Evil Wonder Woman.'"

Diana's face turned red and she argued: "Although my evil thoughts are boiling, my sanity is still there. I just want to take away Pandora's Box and I don't want to hurt anyone.

It was you who attacked me indiscriminately. "

Waller sneered: "The first person to attack you was your companion, right?"

"We didn't attack her, we just wanted to take away Pandora's Box from her hands and let her regain her composure," Neptune said.

"This is a confusing account. Listen to Harley and just pass the responsibility to the secret society. There is no need to argue." Zha Kang shouted impatiently.

Harley said: "I didn't frame the secret society. Pandora's Box appeared decades ago. Who knew about it at that time?

If you are interested in talking nonsense here, why not cooperate with each other and find out the people behind the secret society as soon as possible.

I can assure you that the secret behind it will shock all of you. "

"What's the secret?" Flash Barry asked curiously.

"If I knew it, why would it be called a secret?" Harley rolled her eyes at him angrily and used the green lantern ring to open a portal and go directly to Pandora outside the prison.

Before her steps were steady, she saw a flash of red light, and Barry appeared beside her with a smile.

The rest of the heroes did not have teleportation enabled, nor were they extremely fast, so they could only walk with their feet.

"Are you waiting for me?"

After completing the equation argument of "I am who I am" and perfectly integrating the phantom, Harley's spiritual power is close to transcendence, and she can see through the energy and law essence of things at a glance.

Well, in her eyes now, everything can be broken down into laws and energy.

At this moment, she didn't even need to activate her defense expertise to sense the huge and pure power of God hidden in Pandora's body.

It's like Pandora is an archangel in human skin.

But unlike angels like Zauliel and Raphael, the power in Pandora's body is more "advanced" and "cleaner".

Harley has personally met the dog god. The power of the dog god is more vast and sacred, and it has the power of omniscience and omnipotence.

The energy in Pandora's body is not higher than that of Dog God, but it gives people a particularly clean and pure feeling. Harley wants to take a taste.

"I'm waiting for you and the Justice League. The Justice League has a big misunderstanding of me. I hope to explain it clearly in person." Pandora frowned slightly, feeling unhappy.

She could sense the peek from the soul level, but she couldn't stop it.

Just like the curtains couldn't stop the breeze from blowing into the room, this helplessness made her even more uncomfortable.

When he heard Pandora's voice, Barry's eyes flashed with doubts.

Harley smiled slightly, withdrew her spiritual power and said, "I'm sorry, I'm very curious about you, so I can't help but want to find out what kind of existence you are."

"I'm just an ordinary girl. Just like you, I have practiced magic and martial arts, that's all." Pandora's tone was still a bit stiff.

The confusion in Barry's eyes turned into surprise.

However, neither of the two people nearby noticed the change in his expression.

"You are not ordinary. Can't you feel the energy in your body?" Harley said.

Even if Pandora is really an ancient tribesman raised by her mother and father, it does not mean that she is a mortal girl.

Jesus’ parents are not mortals, but who dares to say that Jesus is ordinary?

Pandora hesitated for a while, then told the truth, "The energy left behind by the original sin demon after its death has not disappeared. Every time I kill an original sin demon, a strange sacred power will be transformed into my body.

The original sin demons in the prison before came from the evil thoughts of heroes and villains.

They are more powerful than the original sin demons born from ordinary people, so I gained a lot of power. "

This time Barry finally couldn't help it and got ahead of Harley and said, "Miss Pandora, can I ask you a question?"

"I stay here waiting for you just to answer questions and clear up misunderstandings." Pandora said.

"Have we met before?" Barry asked.

Pandora was stunned for a moment and said firmly: "No, we have never met."

After a pause, she added, "I've only seen you on TV and short videos. What do you want to say?"

Barry smiled awkwardly and said, "I think your voice and even your breath are a bit familiar."

Seeing the suspicion shining in Pandora's eyes, he quickly explained: "I really didn't lie to you. We had a random fight in the prison before. I was affected by the magic box at that time and didn't communicate with you, so I didn't notice anything unusual.

But when I came to you just now, when I saw you for the first time, you seemed vaguely familiar.

When Harley used the power of her mind to sense the energy in your body, you seemed to be struggling and resisting, right? "

Pandora didn't speak, and her eyes didn't express anything.

Barry continued: "When you resisted, you leaked a power from your body. I felt it, and it started to feel familiar again. Then you spoke, and I felt like I had heard your voice somewhere.

But when I think about it carefully, I still can't remember where I saw you, so I take the liberty to ask."

Seeing his companion Zheng Lian walking towards him quickly, Barry scratched the back of his head a few times and said, "Sorry, maybe I'm too sensitive."

Harry glanced back and forth between his and Pandora's faces, feeling that something was fishy, ​​but not sure why.

"Pandora, didn't you leave before?" Diana came over and asked.

Pandora said: "I didn't leave to avoid you. When I killed the fifth original sin demon, I suddenly found that the magic box had been stolen.

I quickly cleared away the remaining two original sin demons and chased them in the direction where the magic box disappeared, but found nothing.

The opponent should have activated space teleportation, or a similar method of movement to instantly get rid of breath tracking. "

Then she took the initiative to explain: "I don't want Superman to lose control and kill people. Maybe he was affected by the magic box. I am willing to go with you to see him.

If the evil thoughts in his heart have turned into demons of original sin, I can help remove them. "

She was so straightforward that Diana didn't know what to say.

Bateman asked, "Do you know who stole the magic box?"

Pandora said: "I don't know, the other party is very fast and very crisp. A second ago, the magic box was still being fought over by everyone in the prison. A second later, it has disappeared from my range of perception. At least it left the prison." Hundreds of kilometers.”

"It's probably the Atomic Girl. She is a spy placed by the secret society in the Justice League." Harley said with an ugly face.

She couldn't sense Atomic Girl's timeline at the moment.

Bateman had also heard about her suspicions about Atomic Girl, but he still couldn't let it go. "Her identity is really clean."

Although a large number of new blood joins every year, Zhenglian never takes care of the selection of new members. Their thoughts and behaviors from their birth to the awakening of their powers will be thoroughly investigated.

At the final review stage, Zhenglian giants will personally participate in it.

Bateman once spent a week studying Atomic Girl.

He regarded her as Ray Palmer's heir.

Ray Palmer, the first-generation Atom, lived in seclusion. Ruian Cai, the second-generation Atom, was a scientist at the Red Room Laboratory. He was very busy at work and rarely acted as a hero.

Zhenglian needs an "Atom Man", so the giants of Zhenglian attach great importance to Rhonda and review her more strictly.

Rhonda has a traditional and privileged native family. Her family has no criminal history and no bad habits. She is also optimistic and positive, and is deeply loved by her classmates and teachers. \b

Her bedroom was covered with posters of heroes, and in elementary school she aspired to become as great a hero as the Galactic Admiral.

She is only 18 years old this year and is studying in college. She has not yet entered the society and lives a very simple life.

Why would such a person join a secret society?

"Rhonda has wanted to be a hero for more than ten years. Joining the Justice League has been her dream since childhood. She couldn't have started pretending since then, right?" He still couldn't figure it out.

"I only look at the results, not the motives or mental journey." Harley said.

Wonder Woman was more concerned about Superman's situation and said, "Let's go back to Metropolis first. Superman is still waiting for Pandora to exorcise the devil."

A moment later, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Sky Eye Society.

"There is no Original Sin Demon in Superman, and no Original Sin Demon has ever been born." Pandora only glanced at Superboy before giving a positive answer.

"Are you sure? If he hadn't been bewitched by the original sin demon, how could Superman take the initiative to kill people?

We have all seen how powerful the magic box is.

Neptune and I still have thick-skinned powers, but we still can't resist.

Superman is famous for his low magic resistance, so he should be affected. "Wonder Woman doubted.

Harley said: "Superman is definitely innocent. In addition to being exposed to the magic box, the eye movement nerves in his head were also tampered with.

Now that the suspicion of the magic box has been eliminated, it becomes even more clear that Atomic Girl is the murderer and a spy for the secret society.

Next, we only need to find Atomic Girl and follow the clues to arrest the leader of the secret society, so that Superman can regain his innocence. "

"You left a mark on Atomic Girl, can you pinpoint her specific location?" Bateman asked.

"I can only confirm that Atomic Girl is still on the earth. Someone has covered up her timeline - Eh!" Harley's expression changed slightly, "Atomic Girl just left the earth!"

"Could it be that it has entered quantum space?" Bateman asked.

"It's possible, it's possible to escape from Earth."

To Harry's chagrin, in addition to the reincarnation mark, she also has the heaven mark, which can accurately lock the location of the soul.

However, condensing the Heaven Seal and sensing the Heaven Seal require the help of the Voice of Heaven.

Asking for help from the Voice of Heaven is not only troublesome, but the effect is not as good as the Mark of Reincarnation.

The reincarnation mark left on Atomic Girl's soul is to facilitate the rapid locking of Atom Girl's timeline in the surging river of time.

The heaven mark is the location coordinate, but the soul mark can become the timeline coordinate.

By observing Atomic Woman's timeline, we can not only lock her position in the physical universe, but also follow the clues to find the timeline of the mastermind behind the scenes - when she has a direct connection with the mastermind behind the scenes in reality, the two timelines will create a intersection.

When Harley put her arm around Atom Girl's shoulders and left a mark on her soul, Atom Girl's timeline was still crystal clear.

Now for unknown reasons, Rhonda's timeline seems to be shrouded in thick fog.

The authority of Harley-Davidson and the God-King was unable to break through.

This shows that the person behind Atomic Girl has more control over the laws of time than she does.

Xanadu, who is good at divination, was kidnapped, which shows that the people behind the secret society have very powerful prophecy and divination abilities.

Mastering the laws of time, proficient in prophecy, and very good at conspiracy, Harley can't guess who the enemy is.

Is it a new Supreme Being? Or are gangs of gods and demons each with their own specialties committing crimes?

"To be sure, Atomic Girl is by no means the leader of a secret society. If Atomic Girl leaves the earth, she will not be alone. Is it possible that they will leave the earth in a spaceship?" Bateman analyzed.

Dinah immediately pulled out her phone to look up space flights.

"It took three minutes for a Rann merchant ship carrying Limbo satellites to leave the space dock."

"The other party is good at prophecy and will not leave such obvious flaws." Harley frowned.

"They haven't even revealed their identities, but they want to leave the earth quietly?" Neptune asked doubtfully: "Then what is the purpose of all their efforts in the secret society?

If it was just for the magic box, they could go to the Sky Eye to steal the magic box before Pandora did.

With the means they are showing now, it must be easier than Pandora. "

Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring and said quietly: "Let's tentatively assume that Atomic Girl is a spy of the secret society, and she took advantage of the chaos to steal the magic box from Belle Reve Prison.

The chaos lasted for a long time, why did Atom Girl choose that time to steal the box after Pandora killed many original sin demons? "

Bateman's heart moved, and he looked at Pandora and said, "Did the magic box change in some way at that moment? Or, after you changed and became able to kill the original sin demon, did the magic box change accordingly?"

Pandora frowned and said, "Do you suspect that the secret society is waiting for the time to come?"

"I do think so, but I don't know anything about the magic box." Bateman said.

"I was busy hunting the Original Sin Demon and didn't pay much attention to the Magic Box. Maybe, maybe, it really changed." Pandora said very uncertainly.

Zha Kang said: "The question is, why does the secret society know more about the magic box than all of us? Harley has studied the magic box for ten years and is an expert; you are the 'mother' of the magic box, an expert among experts.

Why do the people behind the scenes know the magic box better than you? "

Pandora hesitated and said: "Although I opened the magic box, my understanding of it is far less than that of Shazam Wizard.

It was he who came to me a week ago and told me that the most kind heart and the most evil thoughts can open the magic box, and when the magic box is opened, original sin will be cleared away.

It was also he who told me that the magic box was hidden in the treasury of the Sky Eye Society. "

The heroes looked at Thunder Shazam.

"I, I haven't seen Shazam the Wizard for a long time."

Billy was a little panicked. He had an ominous feeling that it was old Shazam who was causing trouble again this time.

He also had some complaints in his heart. The bad thing about Miraculous Mary has not completely gone away - at least Mary has not yet emerged from the shadow of "Apocalypse Beloved Princess", and now the "Magic Box Crisis" has appeared.

How can the Magic Family gain a foothold in the Justice League?

After complaining, he felt helpless. He and the Magical Family were just God's favored ones and had no choice.

"Shazam the Wizard is dead. He used his last strength to summon me to him. After explaining the magic box, he died on the spot in front of me and turned into ashes." Pandora said.

Billy was stunned at first, and then his face no longer looked sad, but instead had a strange expression, and he hesitated to speak.

Harley snarled coldly, not even bothering to taunt Shazam for his old routine.

Bateman said: "Can I understand that the old gods like Shazam and the Wizard have a better understanding of the foundation of the magic box?"

"That's right." Wonder Woman nodded.

Bateman continued: "So, the new head of the secret society is an old god? His purpose is just the magic box. Now that he has obtained the magic box, he has left the earth and abandoned the secret society."

"It's possible." This time Wonder Woman was no longer so sure.

"In other words, the crisis has been resolved? Anyway, the magic box originally belonged to the gods. If they took it away, we would not lose anything." Bateman himself felt a little ridiculous.

"At least we have to find Madam Xanadu before it's over." Zatanna said.

"We still need to find out what they did to my brain." Dachao said.

Harley said: "Do you have any familiar super villain friends? Let them contact the leader of the secret society to see if he has escaped."

The heroes didn't speak and looked at her strangely.

Harley was stunned, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact my villain friend."

She took out her phone and sent a message to Mirror Master.

"Sister, if you want to inquire about the secret society, please tell me earlier and I can go to the club as an undercover agent for you." Mirror Master shouted.

"So you're not a member of the club yet?" Harley was a little disappointed.

"Didn't I change my ways? Now I am the FBI, and I am currently busy investigating Tesla."

"Investigating him for what?"

"Looking for all the bad things about Tesla seems to be for the next election. Alas, the commander-in-chief ordered me to just work. After finishing this job, I can take two years off."

Harley contacted Datou again.

Dr. Neuro was very excited, "Sister Harley, you have found the right person. I have indeed joined the secret society.

You want me to help spread the rumor that the 'outsider' has escaped and force him to react, right? "

"The leader of the secret society is called 'The Outsider'? The name is really strange. Apart from spreading rumors, is there a more direct way to determine whether he has left the earth?" Harley said.

"That guy is too cautious. Even Luther doesn't know his identity." Dr. Neuro said.

"Luthor is in jail, and he still cares about the secret society?"

"He was probably not convinced that anyone could be more vicious and cunning than him."

Harley said: "Then you can spread rumors, it will have some effect."

When she hung up the phone, Zha Kang said: "Even if it is confirmed that the leader of the secret society has escaped, it will not help the rescue."

"I certainly wouldn't rely on just rumors to push people."

Harley sneered: "I didn't take him seriously before, so he could always be an 'outsider'.

Next, I will seal the river of time in the main universe and prevent anyone from entering or exiting.

I also want to keep an eye on the borders of the universe. No supreme being can even think of quietly approaching or leaving the main universe. "

"If they weren't the supreme being, wouldn't they be able to take Shangdu and leave calmly?" Zha Kang frowned.

"If he were not the Supreme, there would be more ways to deal with him." Harley's eyes swept over his and Zatanna's faces, "You also know the art of divination, and I will protect the river of time. You can Calmly and boldly divine Xanadu's situation through the timeline.

If he still wants to cover up Xanadu's information, traces will inevitably be exposed in the river of time. I will kill him and catch him directly.

If he doesn't want to be exposed, we can find Xanadu. "

"What if he doesn't expose himself and doesn't want us to find Xanadu, so he just breaks up with us?" Zatanna asked.

"Well, we don't rule out this possibility. We've tried our best, Xanadu will definitely understand." Harley sighed.

The corner of Zha Kang's mouth twitched, "Xanadu will definitely not want to understand."

"Stop talking nonsense, just do whatever you have to do. I will enter the river of time immediately and protect you at a higher level." Harley left a projection on the spot and jumped into the mother river of time.

First, activate the talent of timeline stabilization to ensure that the reality of the main universe is blocked.

At this time, anyone who tries to enter the main universe through the river of time will be blocked by her.

Then activating the talent of linear people, Harley's mental power penetrates the timeline of the main universe, ensuring that any changes from the timeline cannot escape her eyes.

Even if the enemy's control over the laws of time far exceeds hers, it will at least alarm her.

Alert her and she can chase him along the timeline.

Finally, Harley also projects her will to the edge of the universe. If a huge being approaches or leaves, her spiritual sense will be touched.

Pandora was the first to leave.

She followed them to the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society, just to exorcise Dachao.

Surprisingly, Da Chao had no inner demons, so she no longer had the need to stay.

Dachao himself still stayed in the Sky Eye Society, and the heroes of Zhenglian used their own methods to search for traces of the existence of Mrs. Xanadu and the leader of the secret society within the United States.

Their targets are primarily supervillains.

Zha Kang summoned the House of Mystery (ps) and led the Justice League Dark into it.

He will team up with Zatanna to perform divination on Santos.

"Harley, Harley?"

After all the heroes dispersed, a bolt of red lightning suddenly returned.

He shouted several times in the conference room where Harley disappeared, calling back Harley's mental projection.

"Barry, what else do you want?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Barry also has a very important mission: to go to Gotham and run into the timeline near Xanadu's apartment to see if he can directly find the "Time Master" who covered up Xanadu's traces.

"I just ran to Gotham. Just when I was about to enter the timeline, I suddenly remembered something. I knew where my familiarity with Pandora came from." Barry was a little excited, "She is the mysterious woman!"

Harley didn't react for a moment, "Which mysterious woman?"

Barry said: "It was the mysterious existence on the second floor of the River of Time during the Flashpoint incident that asked me to re-sew the three disconnected timelines back together.

The mysterious woman's voice and the supreme divine aura exuding from her body were exactly the same as Pandora's. "

Harley frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Based on her voice and breath, I think the mysterious woman is Pandora. But rational analysis seems to make no sense.

Pandora is just like you. She is just a mortal practitioner, and her realm and strength are far inferior to yours.

You can't even go to the 'second floor', but she can do it?

Many heroes and villains have been able to defeat her in previous Brawls.

She shouldn't have the ability to transcend time.

And she also said she had only seen me on TV. Her expression didn't look like she was lying, and there was no need to lie. It's not shameful to overstep the timeline. "Barry looked confused, with obvious uncertainty in his tone.

"Why didn't you tell me when Pandora was here just now? Just ask her directly." Harley said.

She was 70% sure that Barry's feeling was right.

In this matter, feeling is more important than reason, because there are too many unreasonable factors in Pandora, and she cannot be regarded as an ordinary warrior or magician at all.

It is not impossible for Pandora to transform into a "little god" when necessary.

It is not surprising that the "little god" transcends the river of time and climbs to the "second floor".

Pandora seems to have the need to do the same.

Just after the Flashpoint Crisis ended, the "Original Sin Tribody" incident happened immediately. Is this a coincidence?

Barry said: "When I was about to enter and run into the River of Time, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered the last scene in the River of Time, and then recalled the mysterious woman."

After a pause, he added: "I suspect that asking Pandora directly will not be effective. If the mysterious woman is really her, she has obviously lost that memory."

"She definitely won't remember the 'Three Time Lines' now, but if we tell her, she might have some insights. Just go to Xanadu first and ask Pandora next time."

Harry wasn't too interested in mentioning this matter the next time he met Pandora.

Knowing the truth of the matter and confirming that the mysterious woman is Pandora, what can we do?

The strength of existences like Pandora and Stranger is very unstable and cannot be relied on as regular combat power.

God wanted them to work, so he gave them "the destiny". With the destiny, they immediately became super gods and exerted a power close to that of God.

When God treated them as used chamber pots and left them to fend for themselves, their strength was mediocre and they would even be knocked to the ground by mortals.

The Pandora who transcends time is probably the "Future Pandora" at her peak.

As for why Pandora in the future appears in the past, it transcends time. The past, present and future naturally exist at the same time.

Atomic Girl left the earth, but did not leave the scope of the earth. She hid in the quantum dimension.

"Tomoko, why should I hide? The outsiders have already obtained Pandora's Box and can release Johnny and the others immediately." Rhonda asked, looking at a blue light spot the size of a firefly in front of her.

If in the material world, "sophon" is almost invisible, and its existence can only be intuitively perceived by entering the microscopic realm.

"You can't be with them. You have the reincarnation mark left by Harley Quinn on your body. It is the coordinate!" Tomoko said.

"But you said that you would interfere with Harley Quinn's sight on the timeline and destiny line." Rhonda said excitedly.

"That was before, in order for you to steal Pandora's Box, I spent a lot of computing power to cover it up for you, but I could only cover it up for a moment, which cost too much. Now if you enter the main universe, you will definitely be arrested by Harley Quinn ." Tomoko said.

Rhonda shouted: "We don't need to be afraid of her. When the Crime Syndicate comes, it will be the day we rule the world. We have nothing to fear."

She screamed wildly, but her face turned pale, and there was a tremor in her voice.

She vaguely felt something.

"Of course we are afraid of her, and we should be afraid of her. The reason why we fled our hometown is just because we tried our best and couldn't defeat that monster.

The reason why we sneaked into the main universe is because the Justice League and Harley Quinn in this universe have defeated that monster many times.

Harley Quinn plus the Justice League is stronger than that monster, and that monster crushes us, so Harley Quinn is enough to completely defeat us in terms of strength.

Insufficient strength, can only win by outsmarting.

Under rational thinking, we can only give up on you and save the lives of others. Tomoko said coldly.

"No, you can't do this to me. You are just a tool, an advanced artificial intelligence developed by 'Night Owl'. You are not qualified to decide my fate!" Rhonda roared.

Tomoko softened her tone slightly and said, "Ronda, this is the best choice, and you don't have to worry about your personal safety.

Even if you get arrested by the Justice League, they won't kill you.

Everyone knows that the Justice League adheres to the concept of absolute justice.

The best they can do is put you in Belle Reve Prison.

Doesn’t Amanda Waller admire you? You can continue to serve her. "

"Aren't you afraid that I will expose your secret?" Rhonda said bitterly.

"Don't be afraid. When the Crime Syndicate comes, our secrets will be worthless. However, I also advise you not to do stupid things and stay here honestly. Unless the Witch Harley comes to find you, don't show up proactively and try to buy us time. How long can you delay? For your own life and for the sake of your lover Johnny, you don’t want Johnny to be hunted down by Harley Quinn, right?"

Leaving this sentence behind, Tomoko flickered a few times and disappeared.

At the same time, the fog surrounding Atomic Girl's personal timeline began to dissipate rapidly.

"Eh~~" Harley was immediately alarmed by the change.

"Are the people behind the scenes not powerful enough to cover up Atomic Girl's timeline, or did they regard her as an abandoned child after stealing the magic box?"

She stared intently at Atomic Girl's timeline, feeling a little confused.

At this time, she had directly "seen" Atomic Girl through the timeline. She was hiding in the quantum realm and still moving. There was no one around her, and she had not intersected with anyone's timeline in the past two days - her college classmates and Teachers don’t count.

While Harley was tracking Atomic Girl, she was on a deserted planet dozens of light years away from Earth.

The "outsider" held a three-eyed skull in his hand, looked at the air in front of him and asked: "Sir, has Atomic Girl been exposed?"

The outsider looked to be in his fifties, wearing a black tuxedo, a black bowler hat, and a cane in his hand, looking like a standard British butler.

Not only his clothes, but also his appearance is very British, he is a typical British guy.

"She should have been targeted by Harley Quinn, but Harley Quinn hasn't taken action yet." Tomoko said.

An outsider hesitated: "Giving up Atom Girl might piss off Johnny Quick."

"If he really has the guts, he can return to Earth and rescue Atomic Girl." Tomoko said calmly.

The outsider nodded and asked with a smile: "Master, can we start? I can't wait any longer."

"Let's start. We are already far away from the earth. Maybe Harley Quinn won't notice it." There was hesitation in Tomoko's tone for the first time.

"We still have chips in hand, Madam Xanadu's ticket, and we also have plan B." The outsider lowered his head and glanced at the ground at his feet.

On the uneven brown rock ground, a huge six-pointed star formation was drawn with a white paintbrush.

"When I was on Earth, I tested Master Natanza's magic circle many times. It can indeed pull nearby areas into Limbo."

Tomoko said: "I would rather leave the main universe and enter Limbo completely. We are still 'too close' to Harley Quinn."

"Master, you are now almost omniscient and omnipotent. There is no need to be too afraid of her, right? Before, you just had a small test, and you fooled the heroes and villains of the entire earth. They didn't even know who we were." The outsider said.

Tomoko said: "The more I know, the more I understand how scary Harley Quinn is."

"But we can't leave the main universe. Pandora's Box can only work here." The outsider said.

"I know, I just forget it, there is a plan B anyway"

—and Plan C to save my own life.

Sophon thought.

After being affirmed by the "Master", the outsider held Pandora's Box in his hand and muttered something.

Different from the situation after the people on earth touch the magic box, there is no evil red lightning, only dazzling white light emerging from the eye holes of the skull. The white light is sacred and majestic, full of holiness and cleanliness.

The vast white light brought up gusts of wind, blowing away the outsider's hat and making him unable to open his eyes.


With a muffled sound, the golden skull shattered into pieces like a walnut shell under a clamp and fell to the ground.

The energy inside it was fully activated, and the dazzling white light suddenly tightened and condensed into a white portal.

"We're finally here." With a long sigh, the "Superman" in red cape and blue tights rushed out from behind the door impatiently.

Dozens of "heroes" such as The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman, and Firestorm came out.

(ps: The Mysterious House is known as "the original embodiment of all house concepts". It is a bit like the house's belief in the god. It is actually alive, has its own consciousness, and can rebel against its owner.

Moreover, there are two mysterious houses, one male and one female, one female and one male. The combination of male and female can exercise the power of "DC house concept".

It can be simply understood as a portable space. They can do whatever the portable space can do. They can still do what the portable space cannot do.

It can be said that they can do everything a house can do.

It can simulate any natural or unnatural scene the owner wants in the room according to his wishes.

For example, if Zha Kang wants a hot spring, he opens a door and there is a hot spring pool inside.

Zha Kang wanted the forest and opened a door. Behind the door was a vast forest.

It can also travel between different dimensions and has the function of a multiverse spaceship.

It can be said that the House of Mystery is one of the most powerful magic props in DC. Its previous owners were all the top bosses in the universe. Zha Kang’s House of Mystery was won by cheating at the card table, similar to his Like the Zippo lighter, it is one of his signature products. )

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