I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1676 The Three-Body Original Sin

Quinn Manor.

Bruce explained: "After being rejected by you, Wonder Woman quickly followed the violent shadow magic elements to find the center of the disaster.

On a farm outside Baton Rouge, the enchantress pulled the time and space around the farm into the shadow realm.

Well, the real culprit behind the magic turmoil is the Charming Witch.

He has covered the entire earth with shadow magic. Weird phenomena such as cows giving birth to chainsaws are all due to his shadow magic. "

Harley asked: "Is the Charming Witch herself, or is she the one chosen by God?

I remember that His Favored One, like Dr. Fate, was also an archaeologist.

She was also chosen by Amanda Waller to become a 'glorious' member of the Suicide Squad. "

"It was the Charming Witch herself. Joan Munn lost her divine power." Bruce glanced at Madam Xanadu and said, "I asked Waller. She said that the reason why Joan Munn was separated from the Charming Witch was because of Madam Xanadu's treatment. Effect."

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "Yes, about half a month ago, Deadshot and Luther took Joan to Greenwich Village to seek treatment from me.

Joan often went on a manipulative rampage, hurting her fellow members of the Suicide Squad.

Unlike Shazam, Dove, and Wonder Woman, although Joan is also a favored one, what is fused with her is not the power of the Charming Witch, but the Charming Witch herself.

It's equivalent to the fusion of the Charming Witch and Joan. "

When she said this, she specifically raised her head to look at Harry, "Not everyone has as much magic power as you, and your divine power is almost endless.

The total divine power of most gods combined is not as much as what you can give to Wonder Woman alone. It is also difficult to support a person favored by the gods.

They often choose to merge with those favored by God. "

This is the truth and the harsh reality of the wizarding world.

The unit Harley uses to measure the amount of magic is the "duke."

That is to say, the total magic power of a demon duke is 1 point of magic power.

Demon Dukes are already equivalent to medium-strength gods (level 100). Due to their better innate conditions, their magic power is often stronger than that of human median gods.

The old wizard Shazam, who has become so famous in the main universe, is just a mid-level god. According to Harley's standards, he is at level 100+, which is the same level as the Demon Duke.

The Demon Lord above the Duke is level 110, equivalent to the Lord God, with an average magic power of 10 points; the Demon King above the Demon Lord is level 120, equivalent to the God King, with an average magic power of 100 points.

The arrogant God King of Naboo is only the peak god.

The total amount of blood power that Harley possesses exceeds 10,000!

She first gave Gaia thousands of points of thick-skinned divine power, making the earth her divine favor.

Then, in the multiverse reboot, a large amount of divine power was invested in the "Thick-skinned Harley Project" - Harley Quinn and Harley Quinn's successor in the multiverse can obtain the thick-skinned divine power by shouting "Hallelujah".

When she entered the Martial God King Era, her bloodline power was less than 3,000. During the Martial God King Era, except for the gods that could not be killed, all the old gods that had been destroyed had their souls and marrow sucked out by her, harvesting a massive amount of divinity and power. The current bloodline power has exceeded 5,000 again.

With abundant blood power, she was naturally very generous to Diana, Neptune, and Dinah, the favored ones of the gods.

In terms of thick-skinned divine power alone, they are richer than most gods and wizards.

"Judging from the storm of shadow magic elements covering the world, the Charming Witch does not lack magic power." Harley said.

She estimated that Charming Witch was a main god, higher than Shazam and lower than Naboo, with a total magic power of more than 10 points.

This is much better than Wonder Woman. Selecting one or two gods will not make you weak.

Mrs. Shangdu said: "The human body has its limits. When the magic power increases to a certain amount, the physical body is on the verge of collapse and is gradually eroded and corrupted by its own magic power.

In order to cope with this situation, the gods will transfer all their divine power, divinity, soul, and wisdom into a certain artifact.

The body will decay, but the artifact will be passed down forever.

This is the origin of the natal artifact.

The most typical example is the God-King of Naboo,

As a genius among human wizards, his magic power is extremely strong, but his body still cannot escape the limitations of mortals.

But he was lucky enough to get the most powerful N metal in the world as his natal artifact.

The Charming Witch is unlucky and has no chance to obtain N metal or other divine gold. She can only use shadow witchcraft to make her heart into a magic weapon and transfer the power beyond the limit into her heart. She still uses her corrupted body. .

What's even more unfortunate is that the pottery that sealed the heart of the Enchantress was obtained by Amanda Waller.

Waller is just a mortal, but he wants to control a powerful shadow wizard god through his heart!

Naturally, the charming witch was not willing to be a slave, and Amanda Waller was ruthless enough to actually destroy the clay pot.

The Charming Witch had no choice but to gather up the remaining divine power and divinity, and integrate them all into the body of Joan Munn, the beloved of God.


Mrs. Xanadu glanced around, "I don't know if you guys still remember, it was in 18 years, when things were quite big, and the Charming Witch and the Suicide Squad had a decisive battle in the metropolitan subway center.

Dark magic penetrated the sky, and half of the city was shrouded in evil magic.

At that time, the charming witch also wanted to pull the earth into the shadow dimension, corrupt vines grew in the city, and weird poisonous insects crawled wantonly."

Selena nodded and said, "I remember that at that time, the Commander-in-Chief called Harley to the manor for help. Harley called Waller again to ask about the situation. Waller said he could handle it, and then Harley ignored him.

Waller also successfully solved the crisis, and her Suicide Squad became famous in one battle. "

Mrs. Shandu said: "From that day on, Qiong Miao En began to lose control intermittently, and there was a crazy evil god in her body.

My method of treating her was also simple.

It is to separate the body of the charming witch from Qiong's body, so that the God's favored person can return to what the God's favored person should be. "

Harry frowned and said, "What do you plan to do with the separated Charming Witch?"

"Let him be free. He is a god and should not be bound to a mortal body. It will be no good to himself, Jon Muen, the Sky Eyes, and the mortal world." Madam Xanadu said frankly. .

Then she sighed helplessly and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't expect that the charming witch Danzamo had collapsed due to heart damage and almost became a madman."

Harley took a deep look at her, turned to ask Bruce, and said, "How did you deal with Him? You have locked His location."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Bruce's face, "It's not difficult to lock the position, but the Charming Witch created a shadow realm with her teeth.

Tens of billions of yellowish-brown teeth that smell of tartar are denser than torrential rain, more violent than tornadoes, more penetrating than bullets, and more confusing than dense fog.

He was as powerful as Superman, but he was also shot by his teeth, covering his body with blood. The wound was also infected with voodoo, with yellow pus flowing out. The infected area was inflamed and swollen like a steamed bun. It was so miserable that his wife cried after seeing it.

Wonder Woman and Aquaman had thick-skinned powers and could still withstand it at the time, but they were lost in the storm of teeth and couldn't tell their direction. They couldn't find any trace of the Charming Witch, and they couldn't use their strength. "

Harley glanced at the new magical heroes of "Justice League Dark", "How did you get together when you are so far apart?"

Zatanna said first: "Baitman asked me to help clean up the city polluted by the Demon Realm, and then Constantine came over."

Constantine held a cigarette in his mouth and said in a vague voice: "I was sunbathing in Argentina before. Suddenly, I had a spiritual feeling and had a premonition that my dear Xiao Zha was in danger, so I started teleporting to the United States."

Seeing that Harley was focusing on him again, Dead Man Boston also told his own experience.

"Joan Munn, who lost the power of the Charming Witch, found me and brought the Charming Witch to me.

Although she lost her power, Joan kept hearing the chattering of the enchantress. She was going crazy and wanted my help.

I'm not a particularly famous hero, nor am I good at healing others, so I can't figure out why she came to me. "

Without waiting for Harley to ask, Zha Kang took the initiative to tell the result, "In the end, Xanadu brought us together and sealed the charming witch into Joan's body. The crisis was resolved and everyone was happy."

Harley felt that things were not that simple. They or someone among them must be hiding some secret from her.

"Why did you come to my house today?"

Zha Kang smiled and said: "I'll get you to join us! When Xanadu formed the Justice League Dark, he said that he would invite you to join. Everyone was very happy and agreed to Xanadu's plan without hesitation.

In fact, we came to see you yesterday afternoon. We didn't see you back until the evening, so we came again today. "

Zatanna and Deadman Boston had unconcealable excitement on their faces.

If you look carefully into Mrs. Du's eyes, you can see obvious expectations.

Harry did not refuse, only thought for a moment, and nodded: "It's okay to join, but my time is not fixed. Things like today's morning trip to the East China Sea and Mu Cangwu will happen to me often. Don't expect me to go. The Dark Zhenglian headquarters is on duty."

Bruce asked: "Have you met Val in the 31st century? What's the situation like there?"

"The timeline of the 31st century has restarted again. I met a young boy named Val, but he was not exactly my old apprentice Val." Harley gave an overview of her experience with Universe 51 in the 31st century.

Zha Kang clicked his tongue and said, "You have really become a fairy now. Traveling across time and space is like taking a walk after a meal."

"Why, do you feel the difference? Looking back on those days, you were exposed to extraordinary powers earlier than me. Hehe, you can't even see my car's taillights now, right?" Harley said with a smile.

Zha Kang had a complicated look on his face and said sourly: "All miracles have a price. Infinite power is not a good thing."

Xanadu and Zatanna's expressions on the side were even more complicated.

When Zha Kang and Harley first met, they were both magic apprentices, and there was not much difference in their realms. However, they were both masters back then, and they were like gods in front of the magic apprentices.

Twenty years later, they are still masters, but Harley has become the God King.

"Actually, we don't go to work every day like the Justice League. The Justice League Dark is more like a 'secret society of mages.' They strengthen communication on weekdays and help each other in times of crisis." Mrs. Shandu said.

After confirming to join the Dark Alliance, Harley discussed the future course of action with them, established the alliance's headquarters, and the sky darkened.

Halli left them with a sumptuous dinner and chatted until midnight, before the mage heroes took their leave one by one.

Bruce left long ago when they were discussing the internal affairs of the Dark Alliance.

"Xanadu, please wait a minute. I have something to ask you." Harley left Xanadu alone and took her into the meditation room. He stared at her sharply and asked, "Did you do the crisis of the Charming Witch intentionally?" Made it?"

Xanadu looked a little unnatural, but his eyes did not dodge, "Why do you ask?"

"It was you who separated the Charming Witch from Joan Munn's body, but the only way to solve the crisis was to reunite them. So what's the point of separating the Charming Witch?

You, an experienced old witch doctor, should not make such a stupid mistake.

And you proposed the formation of the Justice League Dark. I know your personality very well.

Isn't it strange that you don't even want to take up the position of magic consultant in the Justice League, but you actively form a heroic organization to deal with magic crises?

So, you are tossing this out just to promote the birth of Justice League Dark.

I just wonder, what's in it for you? "

Xanadu was silent for a moment and said: "Do you think I can deceive Constantine? That guy is more cunning than you."

"Constantine must also have discovered that you played a disgraceful role in the incident of the Enchantress."

Harley was very confident that if she could easily see the flaws, Zha Kang would also be able to spot them.

"After sealing the Charming Witch into Qiong's body the day before yesterday, he also questioned me like you. He also guessed that you would find out the clues and then ask me for questions." Mrs. Xanadu sighed and said: "I admit that the Charming Witch will The separation from Joan Munn was intentional on my part.

I also induced the Charming Witch to take the initiative to attack White Dove, Constantine and other magic heroes, so that they could gather because of the same enemy.

But the Charming Witch's loss of control had nothing to do with me, and her random killings were not my fault.

Everything I did was to avoid a bigger disaster. "

"What kind of disaster? You're not so naive as to rely on the Justice League Dark to deal with Hecate, are you?" Harley asked.

"It's not a magic debt crisis, but the process of my revelation has something to do with magic debt. That night, as usual, I used tarot cards to divine my fortune in the magic debt crisis, but I unexpectedly saw a revelation."

A look of fear flashed across Xanadu's face, and he became a little excited and said: "I saw corpses piled up in mountains, and countless people died tragically, including Zatanna, Constantine, Deadman Boston and many other mage friends I am familiar with. .

I certainly don't want that to happen.

So I'm bringing you all together to form a coalition.

Justice League Dark was the solution to the crisis I saw in revelation, and then I did what fate told me to do. "

Harry held his forehead and said, "The last thing I want to hear right now is some kind of 'revelation'. Revelation is almost the same as 'conspiracy'. You have probably been deceived by some evil god."

"Unlike the revelations that the old gods deceived people in the final crisis, the revelations I saw from the tarot cards represent the true destiny." Mrs. Xanadu's eyes were clear and her tone was affirmative.

Harley showed disapproval, "Who gave you the confidence?"

"You." Mrs. Shangdu said.

"Me?" Harley asked suspiciously: "Did you take drugs again during divination? I have warned you before that even if you are a magician, your mortal body will still be destroyed by drugs.

Especially the brain. The damage caused by high fans to the brain is irreversible. How come you, an ancient person, don’t know the importance? "

"You don't have to worry about me. I am a 'Forest Fairy' who has lived from ancient times to the present. I am the best at preparing magic potions."

Xanadu pointed at Harry and said: "I saw you in the tarot cards. I dare not analyze your tarot cards, but other people's tarot cards point to a revelation - in order to cope with future crises, Dark Justice The alliance will be formed.

The beginning of the revelation was fulfilled the next day when Joan Munn came to my door.

I was still a little hesitant.

Under normal circumstances, if you encounter a crisis with a charming witch, you will definitely take action yourself and easily solve the problem.

In that case, the members of the Justice League Dark would have no chance to get together, and naturally they would not form an alliance.

In the end, I chose to believe in my tarot cards.

guess what?

Well, you don’t have to guess, you are the person involved, you didn’t pay attention to the charming witch at all, you went out to visit friends.

What does this mean? I don’t need to say more, right?

Even you can't escape the fate revealed by the tarot cards. "

Harry was a little confused now, "You didn't lie?"

"Is it necessary to lie? As you said, I am not a character who takes the initiative to assume the responsibility of a hero.

In this life, only Tarot cards will not let me down, and only Tarot cards will not let me down. I will never make fun of Tarot cards. "

Mrs. Xanadu's face shone with steadfastness, like a Christian saint holding a Bible in her hand to preach to the ignorant, and the Tarot cards were her Bible and the Lord of her faith.

Harley looked her up and down with strange eyes and asked, "What is your master's rule?"

She felt a little scared when she saw him.

She swallowed and said, "Didn't you already know that? My natal curse is related to the preparation of potions."

Harley said: "You are right, I originally planned to deal with the Charming Witch myself, but I encountered something recently that made me reflect on my past behavior.

Eventually I changed my mind and decided to minimize my impact on the mortal world. "

"Reflection. Reduce Impact Hermit" is thoughtful.

"What did you say?"

Xanadu said: "Your card is 'Hermit', which on paper means to let yourself be alone, think outside the box, and find the path deep in the soul. What have you experienced recently that made you change the way you do things?"

"I encountered a strange 'story world'."

Harley recounted the "real comics" of the original Earth.

"It's not that I changed myself for the sake of comic performance, it's just that this matter touched me in some way." Harley said quietly: "You know why Thinking Superman is in Superman form, and why the comic company of 'Original Earth' is called 'Detective' Comic'? (ps)"

"I don't know anything, and I don't understand what you want to express." Xanadu said in confusion.

"I want to say that the multiverse has its own will. It may choose a protagonist that meets its own expectations. Maybe the revelation you see is its will. Maybe it's just my random thoughts and it doesn't mean anything to you."

Seeing the confusion on Xanadu's face, Harley shook her head and sighed: "In the era of the God of War, I took the initiative to take the human God of War out of the sight of mortals, allowing human civilization to develop freely.

Now that we have entered modern society, I cannot turn back history and regard myself as the nanny and mother of mankind.

I don't care about my identity as a god or a god-king, but this is the fact.

Taking the initiative to reduce my influence in the mortal world is beneficial to both myself and human society. "

Harley once again cast her expectant gaze on Xanadu, "Can you condense the 'Law of Destiny'? I think based on your attainments in Tarot cards, your future achievements will definitely not lose to the three goddesses of destiny."

Xanadu shook his head quickly, "How can I compare with those three great goddesses? They are destiny itself, I am just a charlatan."

Then she asked doubtfully: "You seem to want me to condense the laws of destiny. Why?"

——Because I want to taste the power of destiny! If you condense the Law of Destiny, your magic power will be contaminated with the attributes of destiny. Eating it may open the "Destiny Defense Specialty" and peek into the realm of destiny.

Harley quickly cut off the thoughts in her heart to prevent fate from taking any action.

"I need your help against the Three Fates."

Harley recounted the grievances between herself and the three goddesses of destiny in detail, saying: "I want to take revenge on them, but I can't even find them. If you condense the laws of destiny, you may open the door to the 'Garden of Destiny' path of."

The Garden of Destiny is the Garden of Destiny of "Big Brother".

Zeus himself told the gods that the three goddesses avoid disasters in the realm of fate.

This kind of thing can be said directly. After all, the gods all know about her grudges with the three goddesses, and they also know that she has the character of revenge. It would be strange if she has no idea about the three goddesses.

"Actually, it is possible for me to condense the Law of Destiny, but I don't want to be too ostentatious." Xanadu said hesitantly.

Harry's eyes widened and he shouted louder: "You are an old fairy who has lived for almost three thousand years. From primitive society to the interstellar age, you have always been just a master of magic, and your realm has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Your two biological sisters, the Lady of the Lake and Morgana, are both famous gods. You are the worst, don't you feel ashamed?

Even if you don’t compare with them, Zatanna, Constantine, well, don’t even mention Constantine. In two years, you won’t even be able to beat Constantine’s niece Gemma, so how can you say you don’t want to? Too ostentatious?

If you can be frustrated like this, you are already very arrogant, right? "

Xanadu's face turned red with anger, "You think I'm frustrated, you look down on me?"

Harry sighed softly: "Based on our friendship, if the God King dares to look down on you, I will chop him twice for you, but when we talk behind closed doors, of course we have to tell the truth from the bottom of our hearts. You have to be self-aware.”

Xanadu said excitedly: "I used to be a god. Only because I was cursed by that bastard Merlin, my godhood was shattered, my power was lost, and I was rejected by the earth and the forest. I could only leave England in a hurry."

"Merlin's lifelong enemy is Morgana, why doesn't he curse her?" Harley said.

"Merlin could curse me because I was casting a magic spell to control the thorn vines to seal him. He tried his best to die with me, but I was caught off guard and suffered the most serious magical backlash." Xanadu said bitterly.

"Oh, I don't want to waste my time just to prove that my friend is frustrated." Harley waved her hand and said, "I just want to tell you, you don't have to worry about being too ostentatious.

Standing next to me, the most peerless god-king in the universe, even if you condense a hundred laws and weave the laws into a garland and wear it on your head, you will still be a green leaf and not eye-catching. "

Xanadu sneered: "Do you think I care about other people's eyes? I just don't want to attract the attention of the magic goddess Hecate.

Now if you ask any apprentice in the magic world, he will probably predict the coming magic debt crisis.

Hecate will reclaim the magic within all transcendent beings and drain our souls.

This is fate, it must happen.

But when the sky falls, the taller person will bear down first, and the shorter person may be able to shrink down and escape the disaster.

Having understood two laws and half-stepped into the divine realm, she is definitely fatter and taller than the old fairy who has not moved a muscle for 3,000 years. "

"Oh, you are afraid that you are too strong and will be treated like a fat pig by Hecate." Harley smiled easily and patted Xanadu on the shoulder with a smile, "You are just worrying in vain. I am here, just Hecate Hey, why are you afraid of this?"

Xanadu said seriously: "Even if you never awaken your magic power and only convert the stolen magic and divine power into the power of blood, it does not mean that you are not burdened with debts.

The power of your bloodline still bears Hecate's magic mark, and your name is written in His account books.

It's just that you haven't awakened your magic power, your soul hasn't left a mark, and you won't be directly controlled by Hecate. "

Harley has a defensive specialty, but she discovers a hidden danger that's difficult to solve.

Every mage or god who uses magic power will leave his own mark on the magic power. He can lend the magic power with his own mark to the next family and become a creditor. In this way, countless marks can be superimposed.

Her expertise can cleanse away lower-level magic marks, but cannot completely erase higher-level marks.

As for Hecate's mark, it can only be suppressed, but cannot be removed at all.

And every time you use magical power, it is equivalent to threading an invisible chain through your soul, and the other end of the chain is held in Hecate's hand.

Even if the mark is not removed, the chain will always remain, and Harley does not dare to risk her own life that Hecate cannot pull the chain.

By not awakening the magic power and only storing the magic power in her blood, her name is still on Hecate's hunting list, but there are fewer invisible shackles, and she will have more choices when facing Hecate in the future.

"Do you know why I agreed to join the Justice League Dark?" Harley asked.

Shangdu was stunned and said: "I'm a little confused too. I thought you would refuse, at least not agree so simply."

Harley sighed: "You know the magic debt crisis is coming, and of course I know it too.

I thought you formed the Justice League Dark to unite forces to deal with the debt crisis, and you wanted to recruit me into the alliance to use euphemistic words to find a big backer.

You, Constantine, and Zatanna have all been my friends for many years. I am not interested in being a magic hero, but I will not let you struggle miserably in the debt crisis. "

Harley only guessed that Madam Xanadu intended to promote the establishment of the Justice League Dark, but she did not expect to see the "apocalyptic apocalypse" in the tarot cards.

She believed that the Justice League Dark was similar to the "Wizards' Council" in the past, which was to unite forces to deal with common crises. Mages are a group of very self-centered and proud people. They often choose to deal with trouble by themselves and rarely ask friends for help. Zha Kang is an exception.

Well, Zha Kang hasn't been looking for her in the past few years.

Now they are so enthusiastic to invite her to join. If she refuses indifferently, they may think that she wants to be alone and is unwilling to face the debt crisis with them.

If he encounters serious trouble in the future, he will naturally not come to her for help.

Harry didn't want to receive the news that an old friend was gone without any warning one day in the future.

"So that's why you didn't hesitate to join the Justice League Dark." Mrs. Xanadu looked complicated and was very moved.

Harley has not activated her magic power so far in order to minimize her disadvantages when facing the debt crisis.

The resistance of flying with these oil bottles was no lower than the magic mark, but she chose to bear it actively.

"When the magic debt crisis is over, I will condense the laws of destiny to help you." The expression on Mrs. .”

Harley looked trusting, "You have to have confidence in yourself. There is no need to wait for the debt crisis to end. Those three bastards may not survive the debt crisis. I have to deal with Hecate before they break free of the seal."

The establishment of the Justice League Dark caused almost no splash in society.

Ordinary people have no idea that such a heroic organization exists, and magical heroes don't promote their ideas.

However, Louise was well-informed. After knowing that Harley had also become a "dark hero", she repeatedly used Selena to insinuate herself and asked if she could conduct an in-depth interview with her.

Harley did not accept an interview. She did not form the Justice League Dark at all, so she has nothing to say.

She recommended Lois to Zatanna.

Zatanna is the 'manager' of the Justice League Dark.

The newly formed Justice League Dark is not just a decoration. The magic heroes have tasks to do almost every day. There are tasks they found themselves, and there are tasks transferred by the Justice League and the Bureau of Shadows.

Before forming the Justice League Dark, Zatanna and Zha Kang often "slayed demons and defended the law."

Nowadays, the establishment of a formal hero organization only allows them to change from working alone to working as a team. There is not much change in life.

Harley's life is as usual, banging Superboy through the fourth wall and discussing comic plots with comic editors.

Hades, the king of Hades, has agreed in principle to use his mind as the carrier of the story and go to other worlds to pan for gold.

When Harley develops the technology to use the "Original Earth" as a story information amplifier, he will be officially sent out.

The days passed like this, very calm and leisurely, as if the crisis was finally far away from the earth.

Well, the crisis never ends on Earth.

Ordinary people can enjoy tranquility and peace because there are others carrying burdens forward in the darkness.

Pandora, the protagonist in the story "Pandora's Box", is also a hero who lurks in the darkness.

Ever since she opened Pandora's box and brought the seven deadly sins to the world, Pandora has never stopped her journey of atonement.

She is not as well-known as magic heroes like Zha Kang and Zatanna, just because her scope of activities is not in the United States, the "center of the universe".

She will only go to the poorest places on earth to help the people who need help the most.

Now in July 2023, in the Middle East, in a basement in downtown Aleppo.

A burly black man with a bald head, immersed himself in hammering a machete, asked: "Have you heard that Harley Quinn united with many magical people to form a new hero organization, the Justice League Dark?"

Most of Pandora's face is hidden under the wide red hood, and only the delicate chin and a few dark red lightning runes on the cheeks can be seen.

"The organizer is Xanadu, Harley Quinn just didn't refuse their invitation."

The bald black man stopped what he was doing, turned around and asked, "You haven't left this city recently, how come you know more than me?"

He specializes in forging weapons, preparing supplies, and collecting information for Pandora. His status is similar to that of Afu and Fox beside Bateman.

"Two days ago, Madam Xanadu sent me an invitation to join the Justice League Dark." Pandora said calmly.

"You refused?"

"I am not the same as them. My mission is to clean up the Seven Deadly Sins scattered in the world." Pandora's cold voice contained incomparable determination.

The bald black man sighed, "What a pity! You missed the opportunity to be teammates with Harley Quinn. This is a great thing that countless mages dream of. They want to join the Justice League Dark but are unable to get in."

Pandora was not even interested in talking about this topic, and urged: "Hurry up and forge my metal promethium scimitar. My task today is to kill at least one battalion of American soldiers. Time is very tight."

"American soldiers?" The bald man looked confused.

"They are the servants of the original sin demon 'Desire'. (ps)" Pandora explained simply.

"Be careful, Americans are not easy to mess with." the bald man reminded.

"I have an immortal body, no one can hurt me." After a pause, Pandora said with a vicissitude of tone: "If someone can kill me and help me lift the eternal curse, I will still be grateful to him."

The bald man sighed and continued to beat the scimitar in silence.

He has served Pandora for ten thousand years and is very skilled, and he quickly completed the enchantment and attack.

"Aleppo is not peaceful recently, so try to go out as little as possible."

With these words behind her, Pandora walked out of the underground stronghold with a scimitar in hand.

"Boom - click!"

As soon as they arrived at the ruined street, a blue lightning suddenly fell down and hit Pandora.

The next moment, lightning took her and disappeared.

"Who is it?" When Pandora came back to her senses, she had already appeared in a neon-lit metropolis.

Although she was in a dark alley behind the building, she could still see the bustling city.

It was obvious that she had left the war-torn place that was full of chaos and devastation.

"Pandora, it's me." An old, apologetic voice sounded behind her.

Looking back, Pandora saw the old black wizard bathed in blue and white lightning.

"Shazam Wizard? You brought me here?" Pandora looked around, "Where is this?"

"The United States is a big city." Old Shazan said.

"What do you want from me?" Pandora put away her unsheathed scimitar.

Old Shazam looked guilty and said, "I want to apologize to you. The trial of the 'Original Sin Tribody' was not completely correct. The stranger and the questioner deserved their punishment, but you are innocent. I'm sorry."

(ps1: In the comics, the "Hermit" in the Tarot card is Constantine, and Harley replaces him here. With Harley here, Zha Kang is not qualified to become a hermit. The hermit has the title of "Lonely Wise Man" in the Tarot card. The meaning is roughly "awesome", but not in harmony with the masses, and can maintain independent thinking.

ps2: DC, Detective Comics, is Detective Comics. Batman’s personal magazine is called "Detective Comics".

ps3: In this chapter, Pandora is going to kill American soldiers because they are slaves of the Seven Original Sin Demons, but in the comics, Pandora kills local people. They are the "angry" puppets of the Original Sin Demon. The location is in Aleppo. All I can say is that when reading comics about Americans, you must have a fun-loving attitude and don't take them too seriously. Those bastards are so capable of bringing in private goods. )

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