I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 170 Raven’s Gift, Acharath

After hearing Harley's description, Xanadu was surprised and said: "I didn't expect your situation to be so serious. I'm afraid you need some psychedelic drugs."

"You don't mean Du Ping, do you?" Harley frowned.

"Ordinary people's Du Ping will do, but some magic herbs are more effective. I have some seeds here. Do you want Ivy to take them back and plant them?" Xanadu said.

"I don't want to touch that thing. Is there any other way?" Harley said.

"As for the final transformation, the main thing is to rely on oneself to resist."

"How long will it last?" Harley asked again.

"It depends on when you can restrain every ounce of mental power. Some people will end it in a few months, and some people will be entangled in illusions for a lifetime."

"Illusions? But I think they are real undead." Harley asked doubtfully.

"Well, they are indeed real undead, but they are not ordinary undead."

After pondering for a moment, Mrs. Xanadu added: "In the Bible, in the records about the creation of the world, whatever God said would come into existence, it appeared.

What is the main difference between humans and gods?

Power and awareness of the universe!

In fact, in Limbo Prison, some powerful mages can also "follow their words" and even create a different world.

Because Limbo itself is a ‘dimension of thinking’ that transcends time and matter.

Based on this, can you, who is weaker than the spiritual mage, also be able to follow your words and act according to your strength?

So, you get it?

Those illusions are the ‘existence’ given to the undead by you.

In other words, you are like God, like gods and wizards, creating a special world that belongs only to you, and they all stay there.

Others are a world away from them, so only you can see them. "

"So idealistic." Harley sighed.

"Magic is an idealistic worldview."

Archimedes is being modified, and the Duke Demon's blood diamond heart cannot be seen by the three witches.

Harley prepared a lead box and wrapped it with plant leaves that blocked the magic radiation.

After taking care of the blood diamond heart, she began to meditate with peace of mind, trying to control the fluctuations of thoughts that diverged from the sea of ​​consciousness.

If she could completely control every ounce of mental power, let alone drive away ghosts.

She can also be greatly improved in magic.

The control over oneself will also reach an incredible level.

Therefore, Harley is not only not depressed about the future, but also very motivated.

After a day of meditation, she found that the effect of meditation during the "peak period of transformation" was completely different from before.

Previously, meditation could only make you more focused.

Reading novels or watching TV, even if you are relaxing, you will still feel tired.

But for ten minutes between classes, if you close your eyes and empty your mind, you will feel more energetic even if you don't sleep.

The effect of meditation is better than emptying the mind, but there is no essential difference.

Now, for the first time, she felt the mystery of meditation - she could "see" her own sea of ​​consciousness, which was like the universe.

At this time, there were countless chaotic planets in the universe - every thought she had.

Entering a meditative state, she can control the movement of the planet - control a single thought.

Let multiple planets form a system - collect the scattered thoughts.


The next day, Harley went to Madam Xanadu's place.

"Madam, I found that several sets of meditation methods have different effects on restraining mental power.

For example, when it comes to spiritual power in a certain area of ​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the tantric meditation method is highly efficient, while the sorcerer group is least efficient.

But when you move to another area, the efficiency changes again. Maybe the wizard group is more efficient. "

Xanadu nodded and said: "This is normal, meditation is a method of exercising mental power.

For example, physical exercise methods, some exercise methods target the chest muscles, some target the abdominal muscles, some practice strength, and some practice speed.

Meditation methods also have different emphasis on mental exercises.

Therefore, for ordinary mages, the meditation method has always been Duoduoyishan.

When you become a great magician, have more experience, and have more mature magic skills, you will be able to choose the most effective ones from among the many meditation methods.

Some magic masters can also create their own unique meditation methods, just like martial arts masters create their own martial arts schools. "

Then, without waiting for Harley to ask, Xanadu gave her 20 sets of the most common meditation methods.

With Xanadu's gift, Harley became more efficient.

She is confident that she can put all her thoughts to rest within three months.

A month later, the number of ghosts around her had decreased by one-third.

The effect of practice is very good.

During this period, she also went to the water tower and signed for the three witches' newly renovated Archimedes spaceship - it was full of patches and rivets, rusty, and the parts jingled when shaken.

Although it looks a bit frustrated, the new Aki has a very powerful function: Limbo flight.

Once Harley pours hell's magic into the engine, she can turn on the ghost engine and jump into the shadow realm with the entire spaceship with a "whoosh".

It's a pity that Harley doesn't even have ordinary magic power, let alone hell magic power.

At this time, she didn't have the energy or mood to study alternatives to the magic of hell.

He casually threw the heart of Count Mary of Hungary to the three witches, and she continued her previous practice.

Before I knew it, it was winter, mid-December, midnight, in the meditation room of the glass attic.

Harley opened her eyes, looked at the last undead in front of her with a complicated expression, and said, "Andy, why are you still refusing to leave?"

"I am different from them. In addition to the mental connection, there is also a blood bond between us. You know, I am the first person you brought here."

Andy's smile was hideous and terrifying.

Harry's heart moved and he said: "That day at Gotham Cathedral, I suddenly felt a chill on my back and felt like someone was peeping at me. Is that you?"

Andy chuckled and said, "Yes, you were frightened and didn't sleep well all night."

"Why are my calves so black and blue? Are you kidding me?" Harley said calmly.

"Look at me." He pointed at his face.

Andy's bruised and swollen cheeks were covered with a light white frost, and the "air" he breathed out was also covered with tiny ice particles.

"I'm cold, but you are my daughter. I'm not a pervert. I can't sleep next to you. I can only hold your legs to keep warm."

Harley sighed and said, "Can you leave by yourself?"

"Don't say I don't know how to go back. Even if I knew, I wouldn't leave! I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Hell is too painful." Andy shouted with a cry.

While shouting, he squatted down and hugged her calf.

Harley frowned and subconsciously restrained her mental power with all her strength.

This was the first time since she surrendered her last thought that her mental power collapsed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's like a black hole appears in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, sucking in all the escaped spiritual power.

All thoughts come to one, all thoughts come to one point.

The process went smoothly, every mental fluctuation was a thought, and every thought was like an obedient soldier.

The moment they came together, Harry's heart felt warm, as if strange power was generated from his blood.

But before she could comprehend it carefully, a sudden change occurred in the next moment.

"Oh no -" Andy howled and disappeared into the distance as if he had been struck by a divine attack.

The holy sounds of heaven, the wails of the dead from hell, and the chanting of unknown meanings all sounded in Harry's ears at the same time.

It's like a dream or an illusion, it's hard to tell the truth from the false.

Feeling the mysterious power in her heart, Harley's face showed a look of joy and intoxication, and she almost ignored the voice in her ears.


The explosive crow suddenly resounded through the sea of ​​consciousness, and Harry woke up suddenly.

In an instant, the sea of ​​consciousness shines brightly.

The majestic silver power appeared out of thin air in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and turned into a huge crow. Before Harley could react, it flew out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness and rushed out between the eyebrows.

At this moment, time slows down countless times.

Harry "saw" a large silver crow emerge from between his eyebrows, and the crow's beak pecked forward slightly.


The invisible air rippled with transparent ripples, and the holy six-pointed star representing heaven appeared in front of the eyebrows and shattered under the crow's mouth.


The bloody pentagram representing hell appeared in front of the eyebrows and shattered under the crow's beak.

The next person who appeared in front of Harry was a strong old woman two meters tall!

The old woman wore a robe in the style of ancient Greece, and a three-month forehead protector with shining golden light - two crescents sandwiching a full moon and three moons.

The old woman had a ferocious smile on her old face, holding a red-hot soldering iron - the soldering iron also had the symbol of March, and pressed it directly between Harry's eyebrows.

It's like a master putting his own mark on a newborn animal.

Harley couldn't see them originally.

When the silver power was transformed into a raven, it pecked it with its sharp beak.

Harley saw it, her beak hit the soldering iron, and the crow's head shattered like porcelain. The old woman's expression remained unchanged, her body stagnated, and she continued to press the soldering iron.

But at the moment when the old woman's figure stagnated, a change occurred again.

The silver raven's head was shattered, but its body was still there.

The remaining body turned into a coat, starting from Harley's forehead and quickly wrapping around her whole body.

Then she disappeared.

Disappear in the meditation room.

The old woman was still smiling ferociously, her expression unchanged, and her figure slowly disappeared like a phantom.


Harry's vision went dark, and he squatted down, falling onto the cold stone ground.

"what happened?"

As soon as this thought came up, the remaining silver light on her body gathered together and transformed into a raven again.

"Harry, it's me."

"Rachel?" Harley asked in surprise: "Before leaving that day, you pecked me between my eyebrows. Was it to leave a spiritual mark?"

"After the power is activated, I can't stay for too long. Don't talk, run and follow me."

After saying that, the silver raven spread its wings and flew away.

Although Harley was full of doubts, she believed Rachel would not harm her and really ran as fast as she could.

As she ran, she turned around and looked around.

The more I looked, the more shocked I became.

She seemed to be in outer space.

In the cold and dark void, countless meteorites of different sizes float.

These meteorites should have come from the same continent, because there are broken temples, squares, ancient buildings, streets, and gardens on the meteorites.

It is the remains of the same city.

Now, she was running on the jade-floored square.

There are rocks, debris and corpses everywhere on the ground.

The corpse wasn't even completely decomposed, and you could still smell a faint stench when you got closer.

The clothing of the corpse is very different from that of modern earthlings, including armor, robes, swords, and wands inlaid with crystal balls.

Harry could imagine that a brutal massacre had occurred here.

It's not a war, it's a massacre.

Because judging by their clothes and armor, all the corpses belong to the same camp.

"How can this get over?"

After running across the square, along the stairs at the end of the square, and climbing hundreds of steps, there was no way forward for Harry.

"It's almost weightless here, you can jump over!" Raven shouted over another meteorite.

Harley really wanted to say that the gravity was obviously similar to that of the earth.

But she accidentally kicked a few pebbles out of the cliff, and they all floated forward as if they were weightless.

Is it possible to feel gravity only by standing on a meteorite?

With this thought in her mind, she had taken a leap of faith.

Sure enough, almost weightless, she floated forty to fifty meters and landed steadily on the meteorite opposite.

After following the raven for almost five or six kilometers, Harley saw a well-preserved statue of a goddess on the ninth meteorite, about a hundred meters in diameter.

The raven turned into a stream of silver light and disappeared between the brows of the sapphire statue.

"Welcome to Acharath, Hari." The idol spoke.

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