"Does the scene you still remember now have any special meaning?" Dachao asked.

Bateman pondered for a while and said: "It's hard to say. Most of those pictures are related to Gotham and my Batcave, but the pictures are very blurry and the specific meaning is hard to tell clearly."

"In other words, you have traveled through time many times over the past 50,000 years, but each time you have wandered around the Batcave?" Oliver asked in surprise.

"Roughly the same."

"Is there any big secret in the Batcave that even you don't know? How about we conduct a comprehensive scan of it?" Hal suggested.

Bateman declined politely: "I will handle this matter myself. If necessary, I will ask you for help."

Dachao looked at Harley and asked, "Can you check his experience from the timeline?"

"It's hard."

Harley explained: “The timelines of everyone in the universe add up to form the river of time in the universe.

If I were to find your timeline, it would be like finding a hair in the solar system. It seems difficult, but I know that you live in Metropolis in 2023.

When I enter the river of time, I will first find the time point in 2023.

This eliminates 99% of the area.

Then, I used my consciousness to receive the information of the ‘river water’ at the time point of 2023.

In 2023, all the information generated in the entire universe is coming at me. It is difficult to find your information, but as long as I lock on to the Milky Way, the solar system, and the metropolis, I can greatly reduce the difficulty.

Spend some time and you can always find the timelines of people you've interacted with in Metropolis.

For example, if I happen to find your colleague's timeline, I can follow his timeline up and down to find the moments when he interacted with you, and then enter your timeline.

The next step is simple. Look back along your timeline and you will see your past.

But Bateman's timeline in history is not a straight line, but many points. Those points are scattered in the vast river of time, like a few grains of sand thrown into the forest.

I met him in the Era of the God of War. I could find his time period in the Era of the God of War based on the intersection of my timeline and his. But the next moment he jumped to tens of thousands of years later, and the time period was interrupted. Nowhere to follow the clues. "

Dachao pondered: "In other words, the river of time only records events that occur in the material universe. Traveling through the river of time itself is not recorded by the river of time?"

Harley nodded and said, "I said before that the Evil Owl had two purposes for letting Bateman travel through time. One of them was to rewrite reality in its favor by participating in historical events.

Apparently, the evil owl doesn't want us to know its purpose.

It deliberately makes Batman jump through time, making it difficult for us to check his detailed experience through the timeline. "

"But Darkseid must understand what Batman has gone through. The power that allows Batman to travel through time comes from the Omega Effect. Darkseid's will is hidden in the Omega Effect," Diana said.

Harley frowned and said, "Darkseid did tell me about Bateman's experience when we were in the center of Apokolips, but he didn't go into detail.

When he told me about this, he obviously had the intention of making us fight the evil owl god.

If he really knew the reason and key to it, he probably wouldn't hide it. "

"What's the second purpose of the Evil Owl that lets Bateman keep traveling through time?" Dachao asked.

Harley sighed: "Help it come to the timeline of the main universe.

Bateman is a coordinate. He leaves a mark on the entire timeline, which also means that its existence covers the entire timeline.

It has become our history, and it has also become a historical necessity.

One day in the future, it will surely make its debut in a way that we cannot stop.

Its arrival is destined to become a reality, and we can only defeat it head-on. "

"Harley, you had dealt with it during the Little Black Bean incident. That was before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and it came at that time." Dachao said.

"This shows that its plans for us began long before the Crisis on Infinite Earths." Harley said.

"Long before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, it predicted the arrival of the final crisis, and predicted that Bateman would be sent to 50,000 years ago?"

Harley shook her head and said, "It's not that it predicted that Bateman would travel back to 50,000 years ago, it was that it had already decided on the plot that 'Battman will definitely travel back to 50,000 years ago in a certain event in the future.'"

Darkseid simply followed fate when he used the Omega Effect on Bateman.

Just because he understood this, Darkseid was particularly angry and frustrated.

Of course, I have no right to laugh at him.

My time travel also came from the arrangement of fate, although the script of the history of King Wushen was written by myself. "

"When will the Evil Owl God come? How strong is it?" Dinah asked.

"When it comes, it depends on its will. As long as it is willing, it can probably come now. Its strength is similar to that of the Monitor and the Counter-Monitor."

Hearing this, Dinah smiled, "It's just an anti-supervision, but it shouldn't threaten us now, right?"

Harley said seriously: "If it comes hard, it will definitely not threaten us, but the problem is that the counter-monitors and monitors are very clever in their methods, and they rarely directly confront the strong.

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, the anti-matter storm, anti-matter energy cannon, and cosmic frequency difference zeroing device created by the anti-surveillance king are scary, aren't they?

Final Crisis, the Monitor's doomsday virus, and Mandrakization, don't threaten us?

In fact, during the restart of the fifth world, both us and Darkseid were cunning enough, but we were both played by the monitors. "

Dachao sighed with deep feeling: "Darkseid faked his death to blame Harley and deceived the entire multiverse. Heavenly Father and the New Gods of Creation were fooled around, and his methods were extremely subtle and sinister.

It turns out that the monitor, Mar Nou, had everything figured out and even planted a secret for the brothers during the multi-dimensional restart.

The new dark god of Apokolips, who originally had an absolute advantage, was wiped out overnight.

Darkseid, who had the overall situation decided, was almost killed.

If the shadow universe hadn't happened to block the doomsday virus, the earth would have fallen into a tragic situation similar to Apokolips.

As long as the Evil Owl God has half the skills of Marnou, we should be terrified and on tenterhooks.

But judging from the fact that Batman traveled fifty thousand years and became the coordinate, the evil owl god seems to be more sinister than Marnou.

Alas, why is the earth so troubled! "

"The target of the evil owl god is not just the earth." Oliver said.

"Okay, why is the multiverse so troubled?" Dachao followed the good deeds.

Before, Harley would have just dismissed Da Chao's complaints as nonsense, but now she has some thoughts, "Maybe it's because a mysterious person is collecting crisis power."


"The reason why the multiverse is in trouble may be because someone is collecting crisis power."

Facing the surprised and uncertain gazes of the heroes, Harley sighed: "Darkseid once talked to me about crisis power, and he said that crisis power is the source of disaster.

Crisis forces lead life into crisis-causing frenzy.

At the same time, crisis power can also be born in disasters and crises.

The multiverse is like a machine that keeps running. When any machine is running, it will cause energy loss and parts wear.

This kind of loss and wear often manifests itself in the form of crisis, and the crisis force is the heat loss emitted by the machine.

Because 'heat loss' comes from the origin of the multiverse, crisis power is almost the highest energy level and has great utilization value.

Maybe someone is collecting crisis power on purpose.

In order to gain more crisis power, the mysterious man also took the initiative to trigger various crises, causing the multiverse machine to continue to overload. "

Bateman was shocked and confused, "Why does Darkseid know so much about the Crisis Force? I feel like he didn't lie and explained it very clearly. If he didn't have a very deep and direct understanding of the Crisis Force, he wouldn't be able to say this. Kind of words."

"I'm curious too, but he won't say more."

"Who is collecting crisis power?" Dachao asked.

Harley had some guesses in her mind, but she still shook her head and said: "They say it's a 'mysterious man', how do I know its identity? And the network crisis power itself is just my guess."

Neptune pondered: "Is there a possibility that Darkseid knows who is collecting crisis power, but he can't deal with the mysterious person, so he deliberately lures you into the bait?"

"It's very possible that that bastard took one step at a time and looked at ten steps. Now that the equation argument has failed, with his character, he will definitely start looking for a new way out." Harley said.

Dachao glanced at Bateman, "You have been hiding before. Is it related to Darkseid? What did he do to you?"

Bateman said: "The Omega effect on me has disappeared, and nothing abnormal has happened since I returned from time traveling.

There were three reasons why I didn't show up immediately. First, there was something wrong with my memory.

There was a time when I didn’t even know who I was.

Even now, my memory is a bit jumbled.

Secondly, I have a feeling that there is someone behind me as I travel through the timeline, and I don't want to bring danger home.

Find him before you go home.

Finally, it's easier to investigate things by staying in the dark.

Although my memory is vague, I also know that I have traveled through time many times, and each time I have traveled through Gotham, I seem to have intersected with certain people and things, and those people and things seem to be a series of events.

I want to find out what happened back then. "

Harley asked curiously: "How is your investigation going? Who is following you?"

"We haven't found the answer yet." Bateman shook his head.

Oliver said: "Is it possible that you are overthinking and no one is following you? At that time, you were constantly traveling through time. No one should be able to track you except the evil owl god. But you will definitely not be able to notice the evil owl god's prying eyes. .”

"I think my feeling is correct, but I don't rule out the possibility that my feeling is wrong," Bateman said.

"Maybe you are right, the person following you is Reverse-Flash Swann." Harley said.

"Swan? How could it be him?" Barry asked in surprise.

Harley said: "The person sitting in front of you now is my true body. I have returned from the river of time in the shadow universe."

Dachao's heart moved, "You stole Swann's negative speed force and searched his memory?"

"Well, the Swann in the Flashpoint incident was the Swann who went to murder Barry's mother in 1998, the Swann at that point in time.

Similar to time trappers, speedsters, as "advanced time beings", can also give birth to "time points clones" with independent will at a certain point in time.

Of course, time trappers can have many time clones, but the birth of the speedster's time clones relies heavily on destiny.

To put it bluntly, Swann's resurrection is God's arrangement.

God allowed him to remain as an independent entity in the afterimage of 1998 in order to trigger the Flashpoint incident.

Then during the Flashpoint event, Barry came to reintegrate the two split timelines back into the main universe. "

"No wonder I was obviously tracking him, but in the end I caught up with the '98 Swan' who was about to kill my mother. It turned out to be him." Barry suddenly realized.

Harley continued: "Swan was born in 1998 when the fifth world was restarted.

At that time, the era of the God of War was unfolding, and Darkseid's Omega Effect was taking Bateman to jump through history.

Swann, who had just been resurrected from the mother river of time, immediately discovered the aura of Omega Effect in the river.

He chased that breath, trying to get the power of the Omega Effect.

He definitely didn't get all the Omega Effect, but after studying the Omega Effect, he created a new Speed ​​Force, the 'Negative Speed ​​Force' that is opposite to Barry's Speed ​​Force attribute. "

"So that's what happened. What a coincidence." The heroes exclaimed.

"All coincidences are fate." Harley said.

Neptune said with a strange expression: "Darkseid used the 'Grand Millstone of Time' to send you back to 60,000 years ago. It is an arrangement of fate.

Darkseid used the Omega Effect to send Bateman to 50,000 years ago, which was also an arrangement of fate.

The Omega Effect inspired Reverse-Flash and allowed him to create the Negative Speed ​​Force. It was fate.

It can be seen that the ultimate goal of all actions of Ke Said is to break free from restraint and escape from fate.

As a result, his struggle and efforts to escape fate became a powerful promoter of fate.

His fate is so cruel that I feel sorry for him. "

“The new god’s divine power and divine personality all come from God. Using God-given power and wisdom to oppose Heaven is naturally as difficult as ascending to Heaven.

Darkseid must also understand this, but he is still working hard. It is not an exaggeration to say "courage is commendable". " Harley said with emotion.

"I was just joking and mocking him. Do you really sympathize with him?" Neptune said in surprise.

"He doesn't need sympathy, and I'm not qualified to sympathize with him. To sympathize with a person in a certain way, you must at least surpass him in that aspect. Probably no one in the multiverse is qualified to sympathize with Darkseid," Harley said.

"Why do you have to break away from the multiverse? I really can't understand his crazy obsession. I won't sympathize with him, let alone agree with him.

It's okay for him to mess around on his own, but if he dares to threaten the safety of the multiverse, I will treat him as an enemy. "Diana said in a sonorous voice.

The heroes nodded in agreement.

The venue was quiet for a while, and Bateman asked: "Harley, I have a question. If Reverse Flash is tracking me, at his speed, I shouldn't be able to escape, right?

If he catches me, he will definitely take action against me for the Omega effect.

So, he has been chasing me, but he has never been able to catch up. Why? "

Harley said: "He is tracking you in history, what has happened in the past.

What you experienced in the era of the Martial God King is what is happening now. There is a barrier between you.

Just like now, Barry is running along the timeline, all the way to 50,000 years ago. He can see my peerless grace that overwhelms the current world, but he can't touch me.

If he touches me, it will be like rewriting history. "

Bateman looked thoughtful, "If you don't interfere, can Barry and Reverse Flash rewrite the history of the King of Martial Arts?"

Harley said: "It depends on what 'God' thinks. If destiny exists, they can succeed; if they want to change their destiny against destiny, it will be difficult to succeed.

Just like Barry, Reverse Flash traveled through time, rewritten reality, and killed Barry's mother. It was destiny, so he could succeed.

Barry wanted to travel across the timeline to prevent Swann from killing his mother. Without the blessing of destiny, he went against nature and paid a heavy price for the "Flashpoint Universe" to be transformed beyond recognition and the world to fall into a doomsday crisis. "

Dinah said excitedly: "This is unfair. Why is it destiny to kill Barry's mother? Who ordained it?"

Diana also frowned and said: "Harry, there is a big problem with your logic. Your so-called destiny is nothing more than the winner taking it all.

Those who succeed are the children of destiny, and those who fail are those who defy fate and change their destiny, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the reason. "

Harley shrugged, "Reality is so cruel, the winner takes it all. Destiny literally means 'God lets him win', and losers have no right to talk about destiny."

After a pause, she looked at Barry again and said, "Have you discovered one thing? When your mother was alive in the Flashpoint universe, you did not become the Flash.

The Flashpoint timeline unfolds in the Shadow Universe, and Barry Allen appears in the world again, but he still has not become the Flash. "

Barry clenched his fists and said excitedly: "You mean, the price for me gaining the Speed ​​Force was losing my mother?"

"It's just a guess. After you understand the Speed ​​Force more deeply, you may be able to tell me the answer." Harley said.

"I would rather give up the Speed ​​Force to keep my mother alive." Barry lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice.

"Darkseid can't choose his own destiny, and neither can you. Maybe now you can understand Darkseid's pursuit a little bit?" Harley said.

The heroes fell silent.

Harley stood up and said, "That's it for today. As for the impact of the Flashpoint incident on reality, I have to rely on you to slowly observe it."

"Hey, wait a minute, Harley, what did you do with Reverse-Flash?" Barry yelled.

"Same as last time, dragged away by the ghost of time again." Harley smiled.

The corner of Barry's mouth twitched a few times and he said: "Because too much of the Speed ​​Force was taken away? How can we extract the Speed ​​Force across the river of time? No one in the Flashpoint Universe knows how to build a cosmic treadmill, right?"

"Now Reverse Flash, like you, can produce the negative Speed ​​Force by itself during running. There is no need to extract the Speed ​​Force from the Speed ​​Force space, so there is no need to build a treadmill."

"You also said that in order to generate the speed force during running, he still needs to run." Barry said.

"No, his legs and right arm were cut off and he couldn't run, but the high-frequency vibration of his body can also generate the speed force, and then the speed force is introduced into Lightning Ha's body in the form of lightning."

Losing both legs, only the torso remains, which still maintains a high-frequency vibration state.

A long magical toy appeared in Barry's mind for no apparent reason, and his expression gradually became distorted.

When Harley returned, Quinn Manor held a three-day party. After Bruce returned, Wayne Manor also opened its doors and held a grand banquet.

There were people from the Quinn Manor, the Gordon family, the "royal family", the "Kane family" brought by Uncle Bruce, and General Lane and other American celebrities who came with their little daughter on his arm.

"I didn't expect that a big shot like you would come here specifically to attend the Wayne family's banquet."

Although the female pig trotter tonight is Selena, Halle is also very eye-catching in her dress.

Wearing a simple white dress, her long blond hair was pulled up loosely, with only two strands of slightly curly hair hanging down gently. There were no accessories on her neck and ears, but she looked even more fresh and refined, and naturally beautiful.

General Lane's slightly stunned eyes stayed on her for a few seconds before sighing: "Real big shots would not go to Gotham specifically to discuss arms business with the boss of Wayne Military Industry, but who am I?"

"Does this seem to be filled with resentment? What happened recently that I don't know about?" Harley asked curiously.

General Lane just shook his head and said nothing.

His daughter Lucy couldn't help but feel aggrieved for her father, "When the news of your sacrifice first spread, alien civilizations were ready to move and sharpen their knives against us. The commander-in-chief asked my father to represent the United States and the earth to take full responsibility for all foreign affairs. The star represents the affairs.

It was as if he had become the leader of the earth.

But when you returned alive, the alien's attitude changed 180 degrees, and he began to provide all kinds of condolences and assistance to the earth. However, my father was revoked as the plenipotentiary representative and even stayed away from the general staff.

Now he has returned to the position of minister of the Department of Super Power Affairs.

To put it bluntly, he is just a general who wipes the government's butt. "

"Ahem, Lucy, I am a four-star general, one of only three four-star generals in the United States today." Ryan said, pointing to his epaulette.

Lucy said disapprovingly: "It's meaningless to have fame but no power. Many of the mediocre people in the Pentagon who have been through qualifications have the honor of four-star generals when they leave."

"This year is already 23 years, and the next general election is coming. General Lane, do you have any ideas about the 'General Commander'?" Harley asked.

Ryan's eyes lit up, and he shook his head and sighed: "It's hopeless."

Lucy beside him was worried about him and kept winking, but he ignored her.

Harley said: "If you don't give it a try, how do you know there is no hope? I will definitely support you. To be honest, there is really no one in the United States who is more suitable than you now.

You are experienced and capable, have participated in many major events, and have sufficient qualifications and experience. "

Without waiting for Ryan to express his position, Lucy said: "I think we can give it a try."

General Lane hesitated for a while, then approached Harley and whispered: "Actually, I also have further ideas, but they won't allow it because my daughter's husband is Superman and they all know it.

Even today, when my grandchildren are in elementary school, Superman is still the object of their wariness and fear. "

"Am I also afraid of you? With me here, why do you need to be afraid of Superman?" Harley frowned.

"You are from Earth, and everyone knows your character. You will firmly safeguard the interests of Earth people. Superman." General Lane looked around and lowered his voice, "In fact, after so many years of ups and downs, they all I really admire Superman who has 'traditional American values'.

But Superman has always preserved the miniature city of Kandor on Krypton, and there are millions of Kryptonians in Kandor.

Superman has never given up on awakening those Kryptonians. Especially after Supergirl came to Earth, their siblings became even more eager to research Brainiac's miniature technology.

After all, Kandor has Supergirl's parents. "

"Kandor City has been here for more than ten years!" Harry looked thoughtful, "If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten about it."

On the eve of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the earth was invaded by Brainiac, and the metropolis became a "civilized sample" and was poached by Brainiac's spacecraft.

The huge city was reduced to the size of a chessboard and enclosed in a glass cover.

In the Brainiac spaceship collection room, there are many similar miniature cities, including the "North, Shanghai and Guangzhou" on Krypton - Kandor City.

Kandor City is not the capital of Krypton, but it is one of the most vibrant and populous cities on Krypton.

Although Brainiac and his spaceship were captured by Harley and others, during the process of seizing the spaceship, a major accident occurred in the main control room where the miniature city was stored - and Brainiac was also involved in the plan. reason.

The accident caused most of the miniature cities, including Kandor City, to be unable to thaw.

The city cannot be enlarged to its original size, and the nano-sized humans in the city fall into a permanent coma.

It was like their time had stood still.

Just after the Brainiac incident ended, the Crisis on Infinite Earths broke out. The captured Brainiac escaped, and the work of restoring the miniature city came to a standstill.

To this day, more than ten years later, the city of Kandor is still "sleeping".

"At the time of your sacrifice, many advanced civilizations secretly made requests to me. They wanted Brainiac's technology, miniature city technology, cosmic shield defense technology, and robot technology with space flight capabilities.

They even want miniature cities, and they plan to steal other people's advanced technology from those 'civilized samples'. General Lane said angrily.

"The aliens have not forgotten Brainiac's spaceship. Brainiac's spaceship and technology have always been our core assets. Everyone remembers Kandor City.

Superman has been communicating with Earth scientists about the technical difficulties in restoring Kandor City. The Kryptonians in Kandor City have always been a huge hidden danger in our hearts. "

General Lane sighed helplessly, "A few days ago, the naked malice shown by the so-called extraterrestrial allies and extraterrestrial friends towards the earth made the novel "Trisolarial Crisis in the Post-Manhattan Era" you wrote in your early years become popular again within the government. Bundle.

The ruthless laws of the dark forest are indeed golden words.

We have clearly recognized the faces of those "beacons of cosmic civilization" in Lann and Kelu, just like the countries on earth no longer blindly worshiped the United States a few years ago. "

Harley couldn't help complaining: "You are self-aware."

"We can only pretend to be stupid, but we are not really stupid." General Lane waved his hand and continued: "They will not directly target Superman, but their vigilance is higher than before.

If I become the commander-in-chief of the United States and the city of Kandor finally recovers, can I face the Kryptonian refugee crisis rationally?

I can't even give a definite answer myself. "

"We don't know when Kandor City will be thawed. Even if you become the commander-in-chief, can you do it for the rest of your life?" Harley said disapprovingly.

Ryan said: "If I had your strength, the cost of hindering me would be very high, and they would definitely pretend that Kandor City does not exist.

Even if someone raised questions, they would explain to me - I don’t know when Kandor City will be thawed, and it won’t be too late to consider the refugee issue until it does.

But I'm not you, and the cost for them to 'persuade' me to give up running is very low.

Even if he doesn't regard Kandor City as a fatal threat, he doesn't mind making targeted arrangements in advance. "

"What do you think?" Harley asked.

Ryan shrugged, "Although I am ambitious in my official career, I care more about my family. It's good now. Once I become the commander-in-chief, more and more eyes will be focused on Louise's family."

He has said so, and Harley will naturally not force him to run for office.

"What happened to the Flashpoint incident, and what impact did it have on the world?" After talking about his personal matters, Ryan took the opportunity to talk about business matters.

"You didn't ask the Justice League?"

"I found it. They also said it. I want to find you to confirm again. The final crisis has just ended. I thought there would be a period of peace. Unexpectedly, the flash point suddenly came and ended suddenly." Ryan said with emotion.

Harley said: "Flashpoint has little impact on ordinary people. You can almost pretend it never happened. Its fundamental purpose is just to merge the three timelines.

If you observe reality more and see who and what events there are in the world, you can determine the impact of flashpoints. "

"But I don't know which people suddenly appeared, and our memories have been adjusted." Ryan said helplessly.

"The adjustment range is very small, you should be able to detect the abnormality." Harley said.

Ryan thought for a while and said: "It seems that your Gotham's 'Batwoman' just appeared out of nowhere?"

Harley glanced in the direction of Uncle Bruce's family, "Your feeling is correct, she comes from the new timeline."

"Why not let us keep our memories intact like Crisis on Infinite Earths?" Lane asked.

Harley said: "Crisis on Infinite Earths is a big reset, and the entire universe has been replaced with a new one.

Retaining memories is just a side effect, my underlying purpose is to retain familiar people through dreams.

This time it is just a soft restart, the people remain unchanged, the memory is fine-tuned, and the impact is very small.

Moreover, the restart process is not under my control, and it is difficult for me to preserve your memories. "

Two days later, Bateman brought "Batwoman" Kate Kane to Quinn Manor.

In Batwoman's original timeline, she had yet to meet Harley face-to-face.

Of course, in her real timeline, there is no "Galaxy Admiral" Harley at all.

The Flashpoint event also modified her reality, and her memories were rewritten with it.

Harley encouraged Kate a few words and promised to let her join the "Martial Arts Training Class", but did not discuss the merging of timelines with her in depth, and only asked Cassandra to take her to the martial arts field for basic training.

"Kate already knows the cause of the Flashpoint incident. She is a little confused." Bruce said.

"Hey, don't come to me for this kind of thing. I'm very busy and can't be her intimate sister."

Needless to say, just by watching Bruce bring Batwoman to find her, Harley guessed his purpose, but she really didn't want to be the "hero's spiritual mentor."

"what are you busy with?"

"I grabbed a set of equations from Darkseid and am currently working on the proof."

Then Harley explained the process of grabbing the equation again.

Bruce looked her up and down and asked, "Are you not your true form now?"

"It's the real body, but I multitask, and 90% of my brain's computing power is used in solving problems. I have a successful experience, and I am familiar with it this time. I don't have to hide in the meditation room for a long time." Harley said.

"When will it end? What effect will it have?" Bruce asked.

"The end time is up to me. I can work slowly and carefully and make further improvements to the original argumentation method, or I can go completely the same way and finish it in a few days.

I'm also looking forward to the specific results, but I won't know until the demonstration is completed. "

Bruce was silent for a while and said: "I came to see you today. In addition to Kate's matter, I also want to know more about the evil owl god.

Since it uses me as a coordinate, if I leave the main universe, for example, hide in Heaven Mountain, will it affect its arrival? "

"It's too late now, the ceremony has been completed long ago." Harley shook her head and advised: "Don't think too much, it just chose you as the coordinate, its arrival is not your responsibility."

"Harley, Lena Luthor has come down the mountain, do you want to see her?" Ivy shouted in the front yard.

"Lena?" Harley was stunned and said with a smile: "She is probably here for her brother Luther. You should pick her up in person."

"Is it necessary?" Ivy was not happy.

"Lena is strong-tempered yet sensitive and shy. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to ask me for help again. She has a miserable life with a brother like Luther who is so inconvenient." Harley sighed.

Selina said: "Her life is not miserable. When Luther didn't have an accident some time ago, she was very prosperous.

In addition to Luthor Technology's new product launches, the Limbo Satellite Project, and the broadcast of the Strongest Galaxy Trainee, she has appeared on stage as the general manager. She is highly sought after by the media both on and off the planet, and is recognized as the number one socialite on Earth. "

"Did she offend you?" Harley asked in surprise.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Harley said strangely: "Do you also want to be the first socialite? Well, now that you are Mrs. Wayne, the first socialite in Gotham, you will definitely be compared with her."

"You're overthinking." Selina blushed slightly and turned her head, "Bruce, since Kate is going to attend the 'Martial God Training Class', it's best to arrange a bedroom in the manor, what do you think?"

"Let's ask her."

Bruce could only postpone the topic of the evil owl god, stood up and left the living room with his wife.

Five minutes later, Ivy brought Lina over.

After a few words of greeting, Harley got straight to the point: "I know Luther's situation. He is facing more than just accusations from the Lann people, and it's not just his participation in the program 'The Strongest Trainee in the Galaxy'."

Lina immediately said: "The program belongs to Lann, Luther Media just purchased the broadcasting rights."

"I know, but Luther was deeply involved in the broadcast time and scale of the program. In order to let more people see the program, he even took the initiative to pay for the copyright, and then gave the program to millions of civilizations for free.

As long as the signal can be received, he gives it away for free.

At that time, the Lann people thought that he wanted to take the opportunity to promote Earth's stars and culture, so they did not refuse, but instead opened the door to facilitate him.

The U.S. government thought so too, and gave Luther great praise and support.

The Limbo satellite he sold to the Lann people also became a tool for spreading Equation signal waves.

He even took control of the Rann Central Radio Station to ensure that the signal was not interrupted.

In addition to spreading anti-life equation signal waves, he has also been involved in many murders and terrorist attacks, all of which have solid evidence. "

"Luthor is controlled by the Anti-Life Equation. He has no reason to help Darkseid." Lena said excitedly.

Harley nodded and said, "I believe that. People who are familiar with Luther also think that he shouldn't be stupid, but now there is conclusive evidence, Libra. Do you know 'Libra'?"

As a super villain, he is somewhat famous and not a big boss.

During Final Crisis, he served as the leader of the secret society alongside Luthor, with Luthor as its president and him as Luthor's second-in-command.

At this time, Libra has been proven to be a fanatical believer of Darkseid, and he has not been controlled by the Anti-Life Equation.

Therefore, they doubted Luther's will to remain independent. "

"I contacted Luther and he said he was being controlled." Lena said.

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