I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1662: Copycat Harley vs. the Weakest Superhero

"Why are you looking for 'Rip Man'? There is no Rip Man in this world at all. Even if he still exists, he is not the person you want, and he is not helpful to our current goal." Thomas Wayne said .

Barry asked while cleaning the bandage rags on his body, "What is our goal now?"

Thomas said: "As you promised me before, run up, run into the river of time, modify the timeline, and return history to its original state.

To be more secure, you can find Harley Quinn first.

When she went to Central City to find love, it seemed to be related to modifying the timeline. Maybe she would give better suggestions.

No matter what you do next, finding a missing Tearman is not a necessary option. "

Barry glanced at Cyborg beside him. Like Cyborg in the original timeline of the main universe, he was used to listening and positioning himself as his younger brother. At this moment, he only listened and did not speak.

He said: “I think our first priority right now is to prevent Diana and Arthur from continuing to fight.

Captain Earth spends 20 of the 24 hours a day fighting around the world.

It's not that she wants to fight, it's that wars are happening all over the world all the time.

Find Rip Man, you, me, Cyborg and her, the Justice League is barely resurrected, we will end the war first, and then we will find Dr. Reverse-Flash Swann.

After finding Swann, I seriously considered how to change the timeline back. "

After hearing this, Cyborg immediately nodded in agreement: "Restarting time sounds illusory, but the war in front of us is real and imminent."

Thomas said solemnly: "If I understand correctly, when the timeline is restored, the world will be greatly changed, and your 'perfect world' will return? In this case, what does it matter how many people die now?"

"Theoretically, Thomas, what you said is not wrong, but"

Barry thought of his mother who was still at home waiting for news about him.

Do you really want to erase this timeline?

He couldn't make up his mind.

"Are you hesitating?" Thomas' eyes were sharp. "Boy, I want to remind you that the only reason why I help you is to return history to its original state. To put it simply, it is to bring my son back to life.

This is both your promise and your mission as The Flash. "

Barry immediately defended: "I didn't hesitate. I just wanted to be more secure, find Ripman and end the war, so that I could devote myself to searching for Swann."

Thomas looked at him suspiciously, "You mean, only Reverse-Flash Albert Swann can change history, but you can't?"

Barry sighed: "Just like every positive charge corresponds to a negative charge, I don't know how Swann did it, but the nature of his Speed ​​Force changed and became the negative Speed ​​Force corresponding to mine.

He was using my Speed ​​Force before.

In the 25th century, he extracted part of the remaining Speed ​​Force from the Flash uniform I left behind, activated that Speed ​​Force to open the door through the Speed ​​Wall, and finally stole the Speed ​​Force and became the 'Professor Speed', that is, Reverse Flash.

Now he is using a force that is opposite in nature to my Speed ​​Force, a kind of 'negative Speed ​​Force'.

The Negative Speed ​​Force has given him many abilities that I don't have, and modifying the timeline is just one of them. "

"You clearly can travel through time. Since you can travel through time, why can't you change the timeline? For example, you went back 20 years ago and saved my son in Crime Alley." Thomas said.

"Thomas, I can do that, but fixing the timeline isn't as simple as you think."

Barry said with a serious expression: "If I really do that, I will be irresponsible to you, Bruce, and the entire world.

You must have heard of the butterfly effect.

A small change can have a huge chain reaction on seemingly unrelated events.

When I say that I do not have the ability to modify the timeline, it does not mean that I cannot modify the timeline, but that I cannot modify the timeline in a targeted and controllable way.

For example, when I went back to 20 years ago when I rescued Bruce, I couldn't judge the trajectory of Bruce's life next.

I know a man who is very good at manipulating time. We call him Dr. Manhattan.

He can exist in the present, past and future at the same time. When he plucks the strings of time in the past, he can hear the strings of the future at the same time.

In other words, he can adjust the cause according to the result.

What kind of future he wants for Bruce is as precise as a scalpel to modify a certain part of Bruce's past.

If I could do what he did, I would be Dr. Manhattan too.

But in fact I am not, I am far behind him. "

Now Thomas understood.

Barry can only create "causes" but cannot control "effects".

And his hope that history will return to normal is a kind of "effect", or a very huge "big effect", and the "cause of the big effect" is more complicated. Barry couldn't figure it out at all, and random modifications would only make the results worse.

Barry looked at Thomas with a complicated expression and said, "I can completely understand your feelings for Bruce, because my mother was also killed when I was 10 years old, and the murderer was Reverse Flash.

Countless times, I couldn't help but want to travel back in time to stop the Reverse-Flash from killing my mother, but every time I held back.

I cannot change the reality of my mother’s murder while ensuring that the reality of others in the world remains unchanged.

Probably even Dr. Manhattan can't do it.

I love my mother, but other people also have mothers and children.

If I really did that, my mother probably wouldn't forgive me.

Of course, I can't do it either, Harley won't allow it.

This reboot is weird, I don’t know what Reverse Flash did, and even Harley couldn’t stop it.

But there is no doubt that all the answers lie with Reverse-Flash, and we must find him first.

Find him, defeat him, figure out what he changed, and I can change the timeline back. "

Thomas sighed, agreeing with his statement and his plan to find Tearman first.

Cyborg said solemnly: "Can Reverse Flash control cause and effect like Dr. Manhattan? How can we defeat such a being?"

“Reverse Flash’s control of time surpasses mine, but it is certainly not as good as Dr. Manhattan’s, and Dr. Manhattan is not invincible.

When the Justice League was fully formed, there were far more powerful beings that we had defeated. "Barry said confidently.

"Who are the main members of the Justice League?" Cyborg asked curiously.

Barry pointed at himself, then at Thomas, and at Cyborg, "The three of us, plus Rip Man, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern Hal Jordan, are the founders of the Justice League."

"And me?" Cyborg felt flattered.

"Aquaman and the Queen of the Amazons have become the source of disaster. I have never heard of Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Which city is he in? Do you want to find him?" Thomas asked, pointing to the computer search page.

"Beach City, Rivers Airlines test pilot, Hal Jordan." Barry said.

Thomas followed the map and quickly found Hal Jordan's information.

Hal was an ordinary person who didn't get the light ring and had been working as a test pilot before the war.

After the Amazons and the Undersea People started a world war, he joined the Air Force and served at the West Coast Defense Headquarters.

"It seems like there's no hope for him." Thomas said.

"It doesn't matter, tearing apart Man is Zhenglian's 'strongest punch'."

Thomas put his hands on the keyboard, stared at the screen, and asked: "Ripman, name, age, home address, superpowers."

"He is an alien, the last orphan of Krypton." Barry looked at the year, month and day, then recalled the age difference between himself and Dachao, and said: "About 30 years ago, he was a baby on an alien spaceship. Landed in the small town of Smallville.”

Thomas turned his head and looked at Barry with strange eyes and said, "Thirty years ago, when Martha was pregnant with Bruce, an alien spacecraft landed in Metropolis."

Cyborg said: "I wasn't born yet at that time, but everyone on earth knows about the terrorist attack of the 'Metropolis Explosion'."

"Big bang?" Barry asked in surprise: "Did the original arrival not go smoothly?"

"The spacecraft crashed into the most densely populated neighborhood. Half of the city was wiped out in the shock wave, and the death toll was close to one million," Thomas said.

"I'm sorry!" Bali looked pale and said, "It's so much better than him."

Cyborg said: "The government announced that the big explosion came from a terrorist organization in the Middle East, and sent troops to occupy that country that year."

Having said this, he looked at Thomas in confusion, "Why do you insist that it is a spaceship? After I became 'Cyborg', I accidentally heard from my father that the military was secretly researching alien spacecraft."

"I have a lot of connections."

Thomas even glanced sideways at Barry. Just now, Barry dared to suspect that he had no way out.

"Is Dachao still alive now?" Barry asked quickly.

"It should be alive. According to relevant government files, the spacecraft was transferred to the Metropolis underground experimental base, and the 'thing' taken out of the spacecraft was called 'Experimental Subject No. 1'." Cyborg said.

"Experiment Subject No. 1?! God, what has Chao experienced in these years?" Barry murmured.

"Do you still want to find him? Even if he is still alive and has been a guinea pig for so many years, I'm afraid he no longer has the mentality and quality to become a hero." Thomas asked.

"Since we know that he is in a difficult situation, we certainly cannot leave him alone." Barry said firmly without hesitation.

"Then let's set off." Thomas said.

Barry looked down at his naked body covered with bruises and said, "I need a uniform. If you don't have nano-fireproof cloth, at least put on clothes first. Thomas, ask Afu to prepare a sportswear for me."

"There is no Ah Fu in the manor," Thomas said.

"Who is the steward of the estate now?" Barry asked.

"Oswald Cobblepot, but he can't prepare your clothes. He's looking after the place for me."

"What kind of place?"


Barry's expression was distorted, "You chose Penguin to be the butler and also run the casino. Why?"

Thomas said: "Why do you ask why? Cobot is smart, capable, and very loyal to me. I also like his character. What's the problem with letting him be the housekeeper?"

If I don’t run a casino, where will I get the money to buy advanced ‘Batman’ equipment? "

"Where's your Wayne Group?"

"After Bruce died, I had no interest in managing the company and was kicked out of the board of directors every two years." Thomas asked curiously: "Bruce, didn't he want to be Bateman, so he would have time to deal with complex company affairs?"

"He has so much energy, he only sleeps half an hour a day, and he has a wife, Selena, who helps him with the chores."

"How can half an hour of sleep a day be enough? I also have to sleep six hours a day." Thomas frowned.

"He knows kung fu and can regain his energy through meditation. Anyway, he is very healthy and strong."

"Selena is 'Catwoman' Selina Kyle?" Thomas hesitated.

"You know her too?" Barry's eyes looked strange, could it be

Thomas's eyes and face were covered by the bat mask and could not be seen, but the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

"Should we set off?" Cyborg asked.

Thomas said: "I also have a spare bat uniform, which has good thermal insulation effect. You can wear it first."

Barry spent three minutes using atomic resonance to change the style and color of the uniform, turning a black Batman uniform into a red Flash uniform.

"It's amazing." Cyborg exclaimed.

"It's a pity that the material itself cannot be changed. I have to carefully wrap it with the speed force to prevent it from rubbing with the air."

The alien research base is located 80 meters underground in the metropolis. It has a very powerful security system. Unfortunately, when it comes to Cyborg and The Flash, they all become decorations.

They easily arrived at the warehouse where "Test Subject No. 1" was stored.

"Oh my god, he is indeed Superman!" Before entering the warehouse, Barry determined the identity of the person detained inside.

Because there is a huge "S" engraved on the five-meter-high silver metal gate.

This is the symbol of the Al family and represents hope.

But Barry's hands and feet were cold, a little sad, a little desperate.

In an instant, he knocked down the two armed American special forces at the door, opened the first steel door, and saw the Superman of this world.

"They actually, actually" Barry clenched his fists, his heart full of grief and anger.

There is also a special glass wall behind the iron door, at least half a meter thick, with a row of exhaust holes as thick as a thumb.

Behind the wall is a cage of less than six square meters. The space is too small and can barely accommodate a low single bed, a chair, and a wooden table.

The narrow room was shrouded in the red sun's rays, making people's faces turn red.

Superman was sitting in a chair in a daze. When he noticed someone coming, he immediately stood up in panic.

When he stood up, his head almost touched the ceiling.

It's not that he is too tall, in fact he is a lot shorter than the 19 meters that Barry remembers, less than 18 meters.

Not only was he short, he was also very, very thin. Skinny was not enough to describe his figure at this time.

Barry estimated with the naked eye that the weight at this time might be less than 30 kilograms.

He was so thin that his thighs were not even as thick as his wrists.

"Ang ang ang ang~~~"

Just as the three of them were looking at Superman inside in surprise or shock, a rapid alarm suddenly sounded in the cage.

"Oops, there is an independent alarm system inside the cell." Cyborg shouted.

"The Flash, is he the 'strongest person in the Zhenglian' you are talking about? He looks more fragile than a stick." Thomas asked.

"It's him!" Barry affirmed.

Although his condition was very bad, Da Chao still had a somewhat familiar look on his face.

The lab coat he is wearing also has an "S" logo on it.

Thomas hesitated and said: "Are you sure you want to release him? Have you considered his mental state at this time? If anyone is treated so cruelly, even if they are not crazy, they will have anti-social and anti-human tendencies. "

Barry said without hesitation, "I believe him. No matter where he grew up or what kind of childhood he experienced, he is a good person."

Thomas took a few steps forward, his eyes as sharp as an eagle's, staring at Da Chao's face and eyes.

He only saw panic, confusion and confusion. There was no violence, no forbearance, or even anger. His eyes were as gentle as if the Arkham Psycho patient was not sick.

Based on his 20 years of experience as a police officer in Arkham, the prisoners behind the glass wall are either really born good guys, or they are the top psychopathic villains.

"Cyborg, blast open the cell door."

Thomas himself didn't want to bet that Rip Man was a good guy, but at this time he could only believe in The Flash.


The explosion was not violent. The steel frame adjusted the sound wave frequency to resonate with the glass wall, causing it to shatter but not explode violently.

Except for the harsh sound waves, the wall-breaking attack was almost perfect.

Barry quickly stepped forward to support Da Chao, who was holding his head and squatting in defense, "Hi, hello, I'm Barry, we are your friends, here to save you."

"Friend." Dachao's accent was jerky, like someone who had just learned to speak.

Barry met his eyes and said, "Yes, friend!"

"Flash, come on, they're coming." Cyborg shouted from the door.

"I'm going to take you away now, don't struggle, okay?" Barry asked.


Barry picked him up. It was very light, really less than 30 kilograms, and his skin was very white, pale and transparent, with every blue vein visible.

Without much effort, they broke out of the encirclement, left the underground base and entered the city sewers.

A few minutes later, we left the sewer and came to the sunny seaside.

Just after bathing in the sunshine, Dachao slowly floated up.

"He's flying?" Cyborg asked in surprise.

Barry looked at Chao with relief, "He is Superman, of course he can fly."

"Hua Hua Hua~~~" Six Comanche armed helicopters were divided into two teams and flew over from the front and rear directions.

"Cyborg, you are the government's most trusted hero, and you, Bateman, although your methods are cruel, you have always been a hero who protects justice and the law. Why did you betray the country?"

Admiral Lane's voice echoed through the helicopter's loudspeaker.

"Lane, are you General Lane? Are you the person in charge of the experimental base?" Barry shouted to the sky: "Do you know what you have done? You are torturing the father of your own grandson!"

"What are you talking about? Forget it, you have only one choice. Put down your weapons immediately, raise your hands high, and kneel on the ground." Admiral Ryan said.

"Don't worry, their bullets can't run as fast as mine, we just rush out." Barry whispered.

"Eh~~~" Dachao, who was floating in the air, suddenly covered his eyes and groaned.

His eyes seemed to be bleeding, and large areas of bright red shot out. His palms could not stop it, and dozens of beams of light spread out in the sky along the gaps between his fingers.

Like every Kryptonian, Dachao also lost control of his powers when he first basked in the yellow sun.

"Stab--" By chance, a Comanche was in front of a beam of red light. It was like a hot knife cutting butter. The helicopter was dripping with red molten iron and was slowly cut in two.

"Keep your distance and attack immediately!" General Lane shouted.


Vulcan cannons and missiles were like heavy rain, splashing towards several people.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The bullet fell on Dachao, like rain hitting a banana, nothing happened.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The Flash did as he said, catching the flying bullets one by one and throwing them to the ground.

Cyborg was not idle either. He raised the sonic cannon in his right hand and detonated the missile in the sky.

"Buzz buzz-"

But the next moment, a bucket-sized searchlight was lit below the helicopter, and red sunlight waves overwhelmed the sunlight and filled the sky.

Dachao immediately became unstable, with a look of pain on his face.

At the same time, the bullets fired at him were mixed with a little green light.

"Is it a kryptonite bullet?" The Flash has been paying attention to Super's status, and his dynamic perspective is enough to capture the trajectory of every bullet.

It's just that the missiles exploded and flames shot into the sky, and his vision couldn't catch all the bullets.

By the time he realized something was wrong, Da Chao had already screamed and fell heavily to the ground.

"General Ryan, stop! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Barry shouted anxiously.

General Lane ignored him and just ordered the soldiers: "Don't attack the vital points of Experimental Subject No. 1. He has been shot and is no longer a threat. Kill the other people first or expel them."

"Huhuhu~~~" A hurricane suddenly hung in the sky, and the helicopter could not stabilize its body. In the pilot's shrill voice of "Mayday", it slowly but firmly slid towards the sea.

General Lane opened his eyes and looked out the window, and saw the Flash stretching his hands forward, like two tornado arms visible to the naked eye growing out of his elbows.

Apparently, the hurricane that picked up the helicopter came from him.

"Command, call Captain Earth immediately and tell her that I have encountered an enemy more terrifying than Sea King and Amazon Queen, and the fate of mankind is at stake!"

As the helicopter crashed into the sea, Lane issued one last command.

Barry deliberately controlled the intensity, and the helicopter just crashed into the sea and did not explode.

After dealing with the enemies in the sky, he immediately came to Da Chao, his right hand turned into a ghost in the high-frequency vibration, slowly penetrated Da Chao's muscles, and directly took out the kryptonite bullet.

"This green bullet is his nemesis?"

Thomas' eyes flashed, and he knelt down and picked up a few bullets on the ground in his hand.

Seeing his little move, Barry frowned, then turned to Cyborg and said, "Open the sonic boom channel, let's get out of here quickly."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Cyborg raised his chin in front of him, "Here comes Captain Earth."

"Who is the terrible enemy?" Lightning Ha held an energy beam submachine gun in his left hand, a harpoon in his right hand, and a rocket backpack behind him, looking fully armed.

But the clothes she wore were very sexy. She wore short denim shorts that only covered the two small pockets on her chest, leaving a large area of ​​snow-white skin exposed.

"Hi, Harley, it's me, do you remember me?" Barry stretched out his hand to say hello.

Lightning Ha tilted his head and looked at him for a moment, then said, "You look a lot like the twin brother of that bastard in yellow."

She had only met Barry once, and he was unfamiliar with him. At this time, Barry was in uniform and most of his face was hidden under the mask.

His appearance also resembled an enemy she had just seen, which made her a little wary.

"Yellow clothes? Who is it?"

"Harley, don't let Experimental Subject No. 1 bask in the sun, capture him immediately!" Admiral Lane surfaced, stretched his neck and shouted.

"Who is the test subject? Is it this numb pole?"

In addition to the "S" on Dachao's lab coat, there is also an obvious "1", which Lightning Ha recognized immediately.

"That's him, the one with the 'S' on his chest."

"He doesn't look like a bad guy. Old Bat is still with him. Ryan, you're not lying to me, are you?" Lightning said.

"He is an alien. He was responsible for the bombing of the Metropolis that year. He killed millions of citizens. There is no need for me to lie to you."

Lightning Ha's expression was solemn. Although she was not yet born when the big explosion occurred, every American knows how heavy the casualties were in the Metropolis explosion and how much it affected the United States.

In short, it is a super max version of 911.

"Old Bat, why are you getting involved with aliens?"

Before her voice could finish, she had already arrived in front of Dachao, and knocked on the door above his head with the trident.

She didn't use any killing moves.

She and Batman are acquaintances, and she is more willing to trust Batman's integrity than General Lane.

Normally, she wouldn't listen to Ryan at all.

It's just that the explosion in Metropolis was too tragic, killing millions, and she didn't want to take any risk of letting the murderer go.

"Bang -" Da Chao was very fast, but he was hit by a kryptonite bullet and couldn't react in time, so he was hit by a harpoon.

But he was not injured at all, but he rushed forward with all his strength, like a cannonball, sending the lightning bolt hundreds of meters away.

Flying in the air, white light flashed on her body again, and she came to Dachao. Her speed did not slow down, but she changed her flight direction, and the harpoon in her hand was changed to a stab.

"Pfft!" Da Chao still didn't dodge this rapidly changing move, but the harpoon didn't cause any damage to him, and it just flew upside down a few meters against his body.

"Stab~~" The super scarlet ray surged wildly, and the lightning was caught off guard. Like a scarecrow held up by a high-pressure water cannon, it flew dozens of meters involuntarily and crashed into the sea.

"Whoa!" The white light flashed, and she teleported out of the boiling sea water. However, she did not continue to attack Dachao. Instead, she turned around and shouted to Ryan: "This alien looks thin and weak, but he is so strong. The defense is also strong, I can’t beat him.”

"Use Kryptonite bullets, or Kryptonite spears." Admiral Lane replied.

"What kind of stone is kryptonite? If you have a deadly weapon, you should take it out!"

"You pester him first, and I will contact someone immediately to send you equipment." Ryan said.

"Whoosh~" Dachao frowned and glanced at them, soared into the sky and disappeared under the sun in the blink of an eye.

"It's over, he ran away, and the world is really going to be destroyed now!" General Ryan looked ugly and complained repeatedly.

"Harley, don't listen to his nonsense. Superman is innocent. The crash of the Metropolis spaceship was a complete accident and had nothing to do with Superman who was still a baby." Barry shouted.

"Your voice sounds familiar, which one is it?" Lightning Ha asked doubtfully.

Looking at Ryan and the soldiers floating on the surface of the sea, Barry hesitated for a moment and then said frankly: "I am Barry Allen. You went to Central City to find me. Now I have finally awakened my memory and become the Flash."

"My dear, our story is coming to an end."

Lightning Ha suddenly realized it, and then showed a look of nostalgia and disappointment, "I just started to show off, and I haven't had enough fun yet."

"What story?" Bateman asked confused.

"Alas, Barry Allen's awakening means that the countdown to restart has begun. The timeline of this world may not be able to exist. Isn't our story over?" Lightning sighed.

Barry's pupils shrank, "You really know everything, but how do you know it?"

"Captain Earth, don't waste time with these traitors. Take me back to the base immediately to get the kryptonite weapon. Maybe Experimental Subject No. 1 hasn't flown far yet. You can use space teleportation to find him in the sky." Admiral Ryan shouted .

Barry said angrily: "The person who really threatens the security of the earth is you! Do you persecute and force Superman like this in the hope that he will hate mankind and become a deadly enemy of mankind?"

Lightning Ha also said: "Although the eldest sister didn't tell me about 'Superman', we can see from the battle just now that that guy is very powerful, but he has been holding back and refused to kill people. He is probably not a bad guy."

Barry's heart moved and asked: "Who is the eldest sister?"

"Hey, it's me in your timeline as you think." Lightning laughed.

Barry looked excited, "It is indeed Harley. Where is she now?"

"I'm serious, it's you who are ignorant, you self-righteous, arrogant fools!"

Admiral Lane swam to the shore, dripping wet, but regardless of it, he trotted up to a few people and yelled, "You have destroyed the earth and killed billions of people. Not only have you committed heinous crimes and betrayed the country and mankind, you have also Ignorance!"

"You are the ignorant person. In the original timeline, Superman saved the earth countless times and also saved you. You ruined his chance to be a hero, and also ruined the beautiful destiny of many people." Barry said angrily.

Ryan blew his beard and glared, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I can tell you clearly that the invasion of Krypton is imminent!

Soon, tens of thousands of Kryptonians as powerful as Experimental Subject 1 will enter the solar system. They will destroy the earth and kill everyone. "

"Where are the Kryptonians? Chao is the last Kryptonian orphan." Barry shook his head.

Ryan's face was mixed with anger and confusion, "Have you been bribed by the Kryptonians? Or are you a Kryptonian spy?"

Bateman frowned and said, "Do you have conclusive evidence that Krypton invaded the earth?"

"Otherwise, why do you think the experimental base exists? In addition to Experimental Subject No. 1 and Experimental Subject No. 2 (ps), what arrived in the metropolis that day was also the spacecraft that carried them.

The spacecraft's technology is very advanced and we can't crack it, but Experimental Subject No. 1 can activate its mission log.

Through some of the images in the log, we immediately inferred its purpose of coming to Earth - to colonize the Earth.

Krypton was indeed destroyed, but thousands of similar spaceships escaped before the destruction, and the earth was their new home. "

Bateman looked at Flash.

Barry was also a little unsure, "Could it be that the timeline of Krypton has also been modified? But even if all the Kryptonians are not dead, it doesn't mean they will invade the earth.

The universe is so big that finding new settlements is not difficult.

After so many years, the Kryptonians have never come to Earth, which means they have found a new home. "

Ryan said coldly: "Your idea is only one of the possibilities. The chance of guessing wrong is very high. If you dare to bet, we dare not bet."

"If the Kryptonians want to invade the Earth, your imprisonment and torture of their children will only make them angrier and will do no good in resisting the invasion," Bateman said.

Ryan looked at Lightning Ha. The person he needed to convince was not them, but Captain Earth.

"He is Experimental Subject No. 1. He can help us develop ways to restrain the Kryptonians, and he can also delay the Kryptonians' arrival on Earth.

We suspect that the spacecraft that brought him here could detect his vital signs.

If he is healthy, mature, and absorbs the power of the yellow sun, it means that the earth is very suitable for Kryptonians to survive. Then the small spacecraft sends a signal to the headquarters and calls for a large force to invade the earth.

Maybe we guessed wrong, but no rational person dares to gamble. The cost of losing the gamble is too high and tragic, and we cannot afford it. "

Lightning Ha scratched the back of his head and sighed: "There is really no need for this timeline to continue to exist. It is too broken and has too many fatal crises."

Barry wanted to tell her that there were more and bigger crises in the original timeline, and the invasion of Krypton wasn't even a plague of scabies.

"You don't have to worry about the Kryptonians, and there's no need to worry about the Amazons and the people under the sea." Bateman pointed at Barry and said: "He is the Flash. He can travel through the timeline and rewrite history. As long as history is adjusted to its original appearance, now All crises will disappear."

"What crazy talk are you talking about?" Ryan was confused and angry.

Bateman didn't want to waste time on him, so he looked directly at Lightning and said, "Has Harley Quinn told you how to restart the timeline?"

"The task she gave me last time was just to wake up Barry Allen. She probably had other plans after waking up Barry Allen, but since I joined the army, we lost contact."

"You can't call her?" Bateman asked.

"It worked before, but now it doesn't respond when I call."

"You try again." Bateman said.

"I tried it last night. Space magic consumes too much divine power and I can't support it. I also want to learn the "Martial Arts Code" from her. I thought that I, the descendant of the mighty King of Martial God, lost to the Amazon Queen in martial arts. It's too bad. It should be."

As Lightning Ha said this, her mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and she called out "Sister".

Still no response.

Bateman looked back at Barry, "It seems we still have to continue looking for Reverse Flash."

Barry looked up at the empty sky and said hesitantly: "The original plan was to find Rip Man, solve the Amazon and Atlantis crises first, wait for world peace, and then leisurely search for Reverse Flash. Now"

"Ripman has flown away now, there is no hope for him." Batman said.

"He is just basking in the sun in the sky. I can feel that although his experience has changed, he is still the same tear-in man. He will not abandon his companions and leave alone. Even now he is listening to our conversation." Barry said.

Bateman pointed to the special forces soldiers gathered around him, "Even if you want to wait, they won't let you."

"You're right, you can't go anywhere." Ryan said coldly.

"Ryan, stop fussing. If there's anything you don't understand, I'll explain it to you later." Lightning Ha ended his "Call of Faith" and looked at Barry and said, "The 'Reverse Flash' you just mentioned, is he wearing yellow?" Clothes, a guy with the Reverse-Flash logo on his chest?”

"It's him, have you seen him?"

Barry suddenly remembered that when she saw him just now, she said he looked like the "bastard in yellow" twin brother.

Isn’t this talking about reverse lightning?

Apart from the appearance and the color of their uniforms, they are almost identical.

"That guy wanted to kill me. I just finished the battle with Aquaman yesterday, and I was about to go to the bar next to the air force base to have fun. A yellow lightning suddenly appeared in front of me. It was so fast that I couldn't react at all." Lightning. He said with lingering fear.

"How did you escape?" Barry asked.

Lightning glanced at him, with a triumphant smile on his face again, "Hahaha, I escaped? Are you kidding? I am the captain of the Earth. If he dares to attack me, he will not escape death!"

"Did you kill him?" Both Barry and Bateman's expressions changed drastically.

"Only half of them were killed. If Ryan hadn't asked me for help, I would have cramped and skinned him."

Bateman breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't kill him first. We need to pry out the details of his restarted timeline from his mouth. Only by knowing how he modified the timeline can Barry change the timeline back."

Lightning Hack asked curiously: "Who said the culprit of the 'Flashpoint Universe' is Reverse Flash? It's obviously the timeline that Barry Allen restarted by yourself."

"What? My restarted timeline?" Barry pointed to his nose, with a look of astonishment on his face, "Impossible, I have never modified history, I remember this very clearly."

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