Under time, time is continuous and has a certain unit of measurement. How much time a process consumes can be measured.

Within the river of time, time still maintains continuity, but time also exhibits "page nature".

Similar to the wave-particle duality of light, time as a whole remains continuous. However, when it comes to a specific point in time, time is like a page of pictures. At this time, no matter how difficult it is to calibrate the standard unit of time, it is impossible to measure one. The time consumed in the process.

For example, when Barry Allen created the "Flashpoint Universe Timeline", Harley entered the river of time, stood in the middle of the river, and held the timeline that was about to spread out on the river in her hands. .

The Flashpoint timeline is like an infinitely long snake that has just hatched from its eggs and its body is balled up.

When it falls into the river, the body will spread throughout the entire river of time.

When the snake hatched, Harley covered the egg with her hand.

The position where she stood was the moment when the reality of the main universe was about to be covered by the new timeline.

She has been holding the Flashpoint timeline and has no concept of time, unable to measure how long time has passed.

It seems that only a moment has passed, and it seems to have gone through a long process from the birth to maturity of the universe.

"Harley, Harley Quinn!" shouted one after another, making time make sense to Harley again.

"Who?" Harley was still like a stone statue that fell into the river. Not only did she not move, but she covered the Flashpoint timeline even more tightly.

"It's me, Rip Hunter, remember me? We worked together during Crisis on Infinite Earths."

"Oh, it's Hunter, where are you?" Harley asked.

She released her mental power, but did not sense Rip's figure in the nearby river.

He was not communicating with her through mental power, it seemed to be a scientific signal wave.

"I'm on the Waverider time ship. The Waverider is now in stealth mode, hiding itself in the timeline to avoid being destroyed by the out-of-control power of time."

After a pause, Master Time said solemnly: "The Mother River of Time is experiencing rough waves and huge waves, do you know?

The timeline of the main universe is like a road on the earth, and now the whole road is dancing disco.

And the newly born road is like a steel ruler, rubbed into a ball by you, and the river of time is shaking violently from head to toe. "

"Don't worry, I can still hold on." Harley said.

Hunter was speechless. This is a question of whether you can hold on?

If you show signs that you can't hold on and are about to collapse, I won't show up yet.

"Harry, to be frank, it is precisely because you have shown your determination and ability to fight a protracted war that the Time Council sent me to deal with this 'Flashpoint Incident'."

"How do you want to deal with it?" Harley asked.

Hunter said: "Either you let go of the newly born timeline and let the restart happen normally; or you completely destroy this new timeline. What the Lords of Time, the Time Council, mean is that you'd better let the new timeline happen." unfolded smoothly.

Everything in the world has its origin, and the root of everything in the multiverse is destiny.

Destiny is higher than time, and ‘Origin’ maintains the stability and balance of the multiverse through destiny.

You've been involved in universe reboots many times, so you definitely know what I mean. "

"Tell me, what is the purpose of this Flashpoint restart?" Harley said.

"People in the linear group said that Flashpoint Reboot is the final patch of Final Crisis, and it seems to be related to the gods. You are the God King, haven't you noticed the difference in the Flashpoint universe?"

If the Flashpoint universe was launched directly, Harley would definitely be able to detect the changes in the world, but now the restart is not completed at all.

"Call the people from the linear group over here. I remember there was a guy named 'Treading the Waves'. He had been to Earth during Zero Time Crisis and he was considered an old friend." Harley said.

Hunter said vaguely: "It's not convenient for people from the linear group to see you."

"You can come and see me. They are much better than you. What's the inconvenience?"

Hunter was silent for a while and then said: "You are famous, and linear people are worried that their linear power will be robbed."

"How can I, the majestic Martial God King, see the power of a mere linear human? You haven't felt the vast power of time in me? How could a giant elephant covet the muscles on an ant's legs." Harley was angry and funny.

Hunter said seriously: "It is precisely because they feel the linear power in you that they are worried.

All the power you have comes from linear groups.

Even if you kill the entire linear group, you won't be able to accumulate such strong power. "

"Oh, you don't know where my strength comes from, and you are worried that I am a murderer." Harley suddenly realized.

The process of her acquiring linear power happened outside of time, and this event was not recorded on the timeline.

"Where did your linear power come from?" Hunter asked curiously.

The linear group suspected that she had massacred them, and the current linear people had gone through at least one reincarnation.

Due to unknown reasons, or her amazing means, she actually erased the traces of the time when they were slaughtered.

Since you have been reincarnated once, your memory will naturally change.

It is normal not to remember what happened in the past life, but the mother river of time will record everything that happened in the multiverse.

For example, in Zero Time Crisis, the linear group was exterminated by Cunmo, and many linear people did not know how they died.

When the Zero Hour Crisis is over and the time mother river is restarted, all linear people will also be restarted. Their memories will be new memories after the restart, which is similar to mortals in the material world.

Unlike mortals who cannot find memories of past lives, linear people are the managers of the timeline. Once the timeline is entered into the super-time stream, it will be recorded forever and will not disappear. They can find the death record of their "previous self" on the timeline. .

This time they found no record of Witch Harley massacring them.

"Picked it up." Harley said.

"What did you say?"

"I said, all the linear power in me was picked up."

Hunter was silent, but he was roaring excitedly in his heart: Even if you want to fool people, you have to find a better reason. I am not a fool, and neither are linear people.

"Do you still remember Cunmo's ending?"

Harley also guessed that he didn't believe it, so she told him the process of picking up Cun Mo's body.

Hunter was skeptical and said: "This matter is difficult to verify."

"Ask Big Daddy Time. He will probably have an impression." Harley said.

"Who is Big Daddy Time?" Hunter asked doubtfully.

"The Master of Time, the Big Daddy of the Endless Family, and your final BOSS."

"This," Hunter said awkwardly, "We have heard of the legend of the Time Master, but it has nothing to do with him and has no contact."

Then he said excitedly: "Harry, can you introduce me to the Master of Time?"

The master of time is to time life what God is to Christians.

"It's not impossible if it's just an introduction, but I'm very busy now."

Harley wouldn't say "I want to see him too."

Even if it was just to save face, she would pretend to be familiar with Big Father Time.

Harley's words also reminded Hunter that there was still business to do now.

"Harley, think about it carefully. Flashpoint restart is the general trend. It will change reality, but it will not affect you."

Harley snorted coldly and said, "Are you deceiving me? The world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it can even be said that reality has changed beyond recognition, but it still doesn't affect me?"

Hunter said: “This is the first time that the Flashpoint timeline covers reality.

If you are not satisfied with the new reality, you can immediately restart it a second time.

The third 'original timeline' will cover the reality of the Flashpoint world. "

"Being able to restart once is already a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, and you have restarted twice in a row. Do you think restarting is just a blackboard report?"

Hunter mused: "Theoretically, it is very difficult and very rare for the universe to restart.

Even if there is a restart, the vast majority of people simply cannot afford the price of restart.

For example, Crisis on Infinite Earths, you were responsible for controlling the restart, consuming all the Anti-Monitor origin.

But the Flash didn’t consume that much energy this time, which reminds me of the ‘Snow Sphere Theory’ proposed by the Time Masters. "

A snow globe is also called a snow globe. Miniature landscapes are stuffed into a glass globe. The glass globe is filled with water, and fine sequins are added to act as snowflakes.

Shake the snow globe vigorously, and the snowflakes will fall around the landscape, just like a real snow scene.

“When you restarted the universe in Crisis on Infinite Earths, you not only changed the timeline, but also the physical universe.

This time the Flashpoint reboot created by The Flash only changed the timeline. The physical universe is still the original universe. This process is like shaking a snow globe.

Harley, have you ever seriously played with a snow globe?

Just shake the glass ball vigorously, then put your face close to the ball, and watch carefully every subtle change in the scene inside.

I've played it, many times.

I clearly remember the process of snowflakes falling on the house and the little people. I was thinking, if the wind and snow were so heavy, would it be very cold for them and would their life be difficult?

Well, I grew up in an orphanage, so you can definitely see why I would think that way. "

With a sigh, Hunter continued: "Every time I shake, the little world in the snow globe will be turned upside down.

But in the end, when the small world completes its reorganization, it will still be the same as before.

Of course, no leaves are exactly the same in the world. The big scene in the snow globe remains the same, but the landing point of the snowflakes must be different. "

Harley frowned and said: "You mean, our universe is also like a snow globe, because it shook due to an impact, and a shake is equivalent to a restart?"

"Well, this is the snowball theory. The restart occurs within an isolated system and does not affect the reality outside the system at all.

The Flash bumps the glass ball, and the timeline reorganizes, subtly changing the landscape.

As for why the Flash can hit the glass ball, I don't quite understand. "

Harley almost got it.

The Flash's ability to hit glass balls is related to the Speed ​​Force Wall.

The main universe and countless parallel universes exist within the Wan Tian Yi. The parallel universes are filled with heavenly blood. The heavenly blood is equivalent to a lubricant and buffer. Outside the heavenly blood, there is a wall of divine speed force!

The universe is a miniature landscape in a snow globe, the sky blood is water in a glass globe, and the wall of the Speed ​​Force is like a glass wall.

Suppose there is an absolutely transparent, infinitely thin glass wall, through which light and sound penetrate directly without any obstruction or loss.

So, for light and sound, the glass wall is equivalent to non-existence.

When Harley enters Limbo from the material world, she will theoretically pass through the walls of Skyblood and Speed ​​Force, but she is to them what light and sound are to the infinitely thin glass wall.

But the Flash can easily touch the glass wall, if he hits it hard.

Harley was not sure whether the "Snow Globe Time Theory" was correct, nor whether the main universe had encountered a "Snow Globe Collision Incident", but she was a little impressed by the "Time Master" at the moment.

Their strength is not as good as hers, but their research on time theory is definitely much better than hers.

"Hunter, let's pay attention to each other. I'll go and play with you when I have time." She said in a friendly tone.

The words were a bit abrupt. Hunter didn't react at first and was stunned for a while.

When he realized that she was showing kindness to him, Hunter was very happy and proud.

But then he remembered the character of "Witch Harley", and he suddenly woke up and said with a wry smile: "What do you want? We Time Masters only engage in scientific research and do not practice magic."

"Who do you think I am? When I interact with people, do I covet them for their strong magic power?" Harley said angrily.

What she covets is the research and wisdom of the time masters!

"I apologize, I'm sorry." Hunter apologized sincerely first, and then tried: "Is it time for you to stop?"

——We have become good friends.

"Can't stop!" Harley's tone was firm and did not waver at all.

She then explained: "First of all, we can't prove that the Flashpoint universe was a Snowball accident, and you can't be sure that The Flash can restart the world again and again, right?

Secondly, even if the snow globe theory is correct, The Flash could reboot the world twice.

But once you restart, things will change. If you restart twice, will my friends still be my friends?

I am not doing it for myself, I want to protect their reality. "

"You are already a linear person and often see your past and future selves on the timeline. Why are your thoughts so backward?" Hunter said excitedly.

Harley said calmly: "You mean, do you think that the you who restarted time and the you at a certain point in the past and future are still you?

I heard that you also have a wife and children in the 22nd century. If you come home one day and find an old man from the future, Hunter, lying on your wife's bed, will you accept it happily without any grudges? "

Hunter's expression was twisted, and he was a little angry, and he shouted: "How can this be the same?"

Harley's tone remained calm, "If you can't even accept this, why can you calmly face the fact that after the reboot, you completely possess everything about you?

Know that your wife is only a small part of everything you have. "

Hunter thought for a while and then said: "I can think at this time. At that time, the 'me at this time' no longer exists, and naturally there will be no 'backward mortal thoughts' like you."

Having said that, his attitude at this time was no longer as firm as before.

It's not that he was persuaded by her and changed his "advanced time life thinking".

But after understanding Harley's thoughts, he knew that he could not convince her.

"You can't keep going forever," he said.

"I don't need to insist all the time. When Barry Allen awakens his memory, he will take the initiative to erase this timeline." Harley said.

"He can't do it. He is bound by you in the timeline. He can't hit the 'snow globe'." Hunter said.

Barry Allen has indeed not awakened, Lightning Ha has confirmed it.

Even though he was beaten into a pig's head and still registered in the ICU, he did not awaken his "past life memory".

Harry said: "Tell me the theory and related applications of snow globes in detail."

"What do you want to do?" Hunter asked curiously.

"Maybe I can create a snow globe (ps) with a timeline on it." Harley said.

Flashpoint Universe.

London, in a five-star hotel near the coast.

"Sister, what do you mean is that I don't need to escape the military camp as soon as possible and go back to the United States to knock Barry Allen on the head?" Lightning Ha asked breathlessly.

"What are you doing now?" Harley felt that her breath was unstable.

"It's okay to do exercises. I pushed her down and she can talk now."

Harry cursed secretly in his mind and said, "No need to keep an eye on Barry Allen. I have to be busy with other things during this period and will not contact you again. Please take care."

After saying this, she cut off the connection with her divine power.

"Hey, Caitlin, I can move around freely. Next, let's kill everyone in Europe!" Lightning was stunned for a while, then lay on the bed and laughed.

Two days later, the White House.

"Amanda, are you kidding me, 'Captain London' Harley Quinn blocked the Alpha-class particle cannon of the underwater people?" the dark-skinned commander said in disbelief.

On the screen, Amanda Waller looked calm and said: "It's absolutely true, if the 'London Squad' hadn't destroyed the submarine people's main battleship in time, we would have failed in the second London Defense Battle."

With that said, she also uploaded a video.

The picture is not very clear, and the shooting angle is not good enough, but you can still see a golden-haired twintail holding the same harpoon as the underwater man, roaring and rushing towards the Atlantis cruiser slowly rising from the sea.

The cruiser already had various powerful energy cannons, and with the nearby frigates and speedboats, the twin tails were swamped by dense and colorful energy beams.

But she was still roaring and waving the harpoon, shooting beams of blue beams towards the opposite side.

Her harpoon is a powerful energy weapon from the Undersea People general.


Only the sound of dense explosions could be heard, and the screen was filled with firelight, which was blurry, and "Captain London" could not be seen at all.

"Okay, Captain London is mighty!"

"Kill those fishmen!"

But the White House bosses at the scene applauded.

Because the explosion mainly came from the sea, and there were only submarine people's warships on the sea.

"God bless you Milician. I have seen many superpowers, but this is the first time I have seen one as fierce as Captain London." Admiral Ryan exclaimed.

"No matter how strong other superpowers are, they will bleed and die. After all, the enemy has more powerful people. No one can survive under the siege, but Harley Quinn seems to be unable to be killed no matter what." Amanda said.

"Amanda, you can't call her 'Captain London' anymore." The Secretary of State said slowly, stroking his fat chin.

"'Captain of London' was the title given to Harley Quinn by the Queen in excitement after the victory in the first London defense battle, as well as a medal of royal certification." Amanda said.

"I know how 'Captain London' came about, but we need 'Captain America' more."

"Captain of the United States?" Amanda's dark face wrinkled.

General Ryan said thoughtfully: "In fact, the military has always had the idea of ​​launching a hero as the flag of the United States.

This war is despairing from its process to its outcome. In despair, heroes who can inspire the morale of the military and the people are even more needed.

But it is too difficult to become the flagship figure of the US military.

To be a ‘flagship’, you must first go to the battlefield frequently; secondly, you must have a proven record; and finally, you must be easily controlled by us.

Almost no one does the first point.

The closer to the battlefield, the higher the mortality rate.

The more famous you are, the greater the chance of being targeted by undersea people or Amazons, and the easier it is to die.

As long as he is alive, we can help him create a record even if he has no record. But just living is already difficult.

It needs to be strong enough to ensure survival, but also easy to be controlled by us.

It is almost impossible to have such contradictory conditions at the same time.

I have read information about Harley Quinn. Her superpowers are severely limited, with strong defense and mediocre attack power. She relies heavily on high-tech equipment and super-powered teammates in tough battles.

During the war, we can equip her with the best equipment and the strongest teammates; when the war is over, we can take away her equipment and teammates, and she will be completely under control. "

The commander-in-chief agreed: "Harley Quinn is indeed a good choice. Regardless of whether she can be a good captain of the United States, at least she is an American and one of ours. We cannot let her become a British star."

The next day, London war zone, Super Self-Defense Force headquarters.

"No, I don't want to be Captain America." Lightning Ha shook his head and refused without thinking.

"This is an order from the commander-in-chief, and it is also the highest honor given to you by the military. It is a good thing, so why refuse?" Amanda asked confused.

"I only do what I want to do, and I don't like others to teach me to do things. You tell them, or let all countries recognize that I am 'Captain Earth' and the boss of all super warriors on the battlefield.

Either say nothing and continue to let me be 'Captain London'.

At least the British were obedient to me, fully cooperated with my actions on the battlefield, and provided me with queen-like services off the battlefield. "

"The British regard you as their ancestor because they need you now. When the war is over, you will be nothing." Amanda sneered.

"What's the difference between the U.S. government? As long as I have no desires and desires, and have the consciousness to return to Gotham and continue to be a 'big brother' when the war is over, no one can blackmail me." Lightning Ha said calmly.

Amanda was speechless.

After all, Lightning Ha failed to become "Captain Earth". If she just asked for the title of "Captain Earth" and paid lip service to the title, no country would object. After all, Lightning Ha was indeed fighting for humanity.

But she also demands command over all the power warriors on the battlefield, which is pretty damning.

However, Lightning Ha really doesn't care about power and position.

She simply enjoyed the joy of activating the thick-skinned power and charging through thousands of troops.

This is also the only "side effect" of thick-skinned magic - enjoying being beaten.

The more "Alien Harleys" like to toss, the more experience points Harley gains; the more contented they are, the smaller the experience points Harley gains. So from the beginning, she made certain corrections to the thick-skinned power.

In the days that followed, Lightning Ha led his "hundred-man super team" to fight against the underwater people and Amazons in London and coastal cities in the UK until the Atlanteans used seismic weapons against Europe.

That day, everyone on the earth heard the planet beneath their feet groaning in pain and roaring in anger.

Even on the other side of the Atlantic in America, people felt the earth shaking like chaff.

A corner of the European continent is like a crunchy biscuit in a giant's mouth, chewed to pieces by a mysterious and powerful force.

The next day, Lightning Ha was called by Amanda to attend a video conference with senior leaders.

Amanda remained calm and composed, pointing to the satellite image and introducing to the bosses: "Not the entire continent has sunk to the bottom of the sea.

It can be seen that the land only close to the Atlantic Ocean has completely disappeared and been replaced by sea water.

An area of ​​about 400,000 square kilometers.

But for humans living on land, this result is not much better than the sinking of the entire land.

The earthquake spread to all cities, and gaps several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long were seen across the continent.

There is not a single human being left living on it. Europe is finished, completely finished.

It will probably be the UK's turn next, or the Americas? "

"Have you found any weapons used by the Atlanteans?" Admiral Ryan asked with a solemn expression.

"We can only confirm that the weapon that caused the earthquake was not a purely technological device. We detected powerful superpower fluctuations." Amanda said.

"You mean, it was a human being who destroyed the European continent?" The commander-in-chief of the London battlefield panicked: "If the undersea man approaches the UK, we won't even notice it. How can we defend ourselves?"

Amanda looked at Lightning Ha, "Captain London proposed to me a combat plan of turning defense into offense."

All the bosses looked at Lightning, who was wearing a red dress. When they saw half of her snow-white balls exposed, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and at the same time they couldn't help complaining in their hearts: Europe is sinking. , you are still dressed like this, are you going to attend the banquet later?

In fact, Lightning Ha's dress is an adjustable nano battle suit.

The reason why I switched to sexy dress mode that exposed my flesh was because I was worried that my clothes would be damaged.

She was not afraid of being beaten, but she was afraid of her clothes being beaten to pieces. The more flesh you expose, the safer it is for your clothes.

"I told you a long time ago that you can't just sit back and wait for death, you have to take the initiative, but you didn't listen."

Lightning Ha was very aware of being the protagonist, pushed Amanda away, stood in the center of the big screen, and casually spread out his battle plan.

"Listen to me, don't hesitate any more, and immediately hand over the command of the army to me. I will lead everyone to counterattack the European continent."

Admiral Lane's eyes widened and he looked at the A4 paper in front of the camera. On it were written a few large characters: Counterattack Plan for Europe.

Below is a scribbled map drawn with a pencil. It can barely be seen that it is the European landform after the land sinking. Could it be that the red watercolor pen marks are the combat objectives and action routes?

"Is your plan too sloppy?" The commander frowned.

"I worked on it overnight and the time was tight, so it was inevitable that there would be some irregularities."

——Not only is it irregular, I have been a general for decades, but I still can’t understand your tactics.

Admiral Lane complained in his heart and said seriously: "Captain London, please explain the specific steps to us."

"To put it simply, the entire army is dispatched to alert the enemy, let the undersea people's army move, and then determine the position of the Sea King based on the power distribution of the undersea people's army.

The seismic weapon must be very important and must be by Neptune's side.

We rushed over, killing everyone we saw, and destroying any equipment we saw. "

Seeing her triumphant and confident look, Admiral Ryan wanted to yell: This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a bad battle plan.

"Captain London, I'm afraid you think too simply. It's very difficult to get people under the sea to move. It's not too difficult to find the Sea King, but it's very difficult to get close to him. It's as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill someone in front of him.

We had the idea to capture the thief first and even fired nuclear bombs at Neptune's position.

The results are disappointing. The magic civilization of the people under the sea is much more advanced than ours. The energy shield can even defend against nuclear bombs.

But we can't guard against their 'nuclear bombs' - battleship energy cannons that are more terrifying than nuclear bombs.

We can still resist now only because the underwater people and the Amazons are restraining each other. They actually don't regard humans as their main enemies, and their main forces are useless against us.

If you mobilize your entire army, you will inevitably enter the main battlefield where the undersea people and the Amazons confront each other, and the consequences will be unimaginable. "Admiral Ryan said bitterly.

"Hey, I want to remind you that Europe has just sunk and countless people have died. It will be London and America's turn soon. Do you think we still have a choice?" Lightning shouted.

"Captain London is right, we have no choice."

Although Amanda also dislikes Lightning Ha's crude battle plan, she also feels that they cannot sit still and wait for death.

"We can't defend against earthquake weapons, that's for sure. We can't defend, we can only attack." She added.

A group of big guys quietly communicated for a while, and finally the leader made the final decision, "Harley Quinn, on behalf of the United States, I now appoint you as 'Captain of the Earth'. You can select any superpower in Europe and the United States to form a 'Suicide Squad' of one hundred people." .”

Flashpoint universe, half a month later, the capital of the United States.

"Long live Captain Earth."

"Captain Earth, you are so beautiful, I love you!"

"Captain Earth, you are the light of America!"

"Captain of Earth, God of War of Earth, Fishman Krypton!"

The streets were full of people, holding banners and large photos and shouting slogans, completely surrounding the bus where Lightning Ha was sitting. Lightning Ha and several of his suicide squad teammates also stood on the top of the bus, waving to the surrounding crowd.

From time to time, Lightning Ha would blow kisses to the calling citizens, making the atmosphere even more lively.

Everything at the scene was recorded by the Daily Planet's cameras and spread to thousands of households through television signals.

"Deathstroke, you also participated in that battle? How did you win?"

At the Pentagon, Luther, who was wearing a suit and leather tie, was watching the live news on his tablet and asked curiously: "According to my deduction, you should not even be able to see Neptune's mothership."

"To be honest, I participated in the whole battle, but the whole process was just about swinging a knife to kill people. Harley Quinn didn't tell me the specific tactics, and I couldn't understand them very well." Deathstroke said in a complicated tone.

"Just tell me what you know."

Deathstroke thought for a while and said: "First, the 'Suicide Squad' group was formed. Harley Quinn made a request, and Amanda Waller selected superpowers from Europe and the United States based on the abilities she needed. That's how I was selected.

The number of death squads was small, only 50.

Relying on the help of psychics, it only took half a day to search for the main force of the submarine people in Europe.

Next, there was a direct confrontation with Aquaman. This should have been the most difficult part, but Harley Quinn inexplicably managed it.

Wearing a rocket backpack, a harpoon in her left hand, and a high-power energy cannon in her right hand, she rushed straight towards the main fleet. "

"The Undersea People's fleet should be at the bottom of the sea, right?" Luther said.

"Well, she said she didn't need air to breathe. Anyway, she didn't drown and her movements were still very flexible."

"Even if she can dive and resist the energy cannons of the underwater people, how can she find Neptune and break the mothership's energy defense system?" Luther asked confused.

"She seemed to be able to paralyze the energy shield of the Undersea People. Theoretically, the weapons in her hands could not break the defenses of the Undersea People's fleet. But not long after she sank to the bottom of the sea, we saw flames on the bottom of the sea, and some battleships were destroyed.

By the way, she also carries a special speaker that can spread sound waves in sea water.

While fighting, she mocked Neptune for being a coward, a coward, and the like.

In fact, she didn't need to yell or scold, as Neptune showed up right away.

After Neptune appeared, she did not fight him, but rushed to the mothership where he was.

After all, our goal is to find earthquake weapons. It is almost impossible to kill Neptune in the sea.

Aquaman's speed in the sea was unrivaled, but he didn't expect her to run straight into the mothership.

After approaching the mothership, Harley Quinn's rocket pack exploded immediately. It was so powerful that even Aquaman flew several hundred meters away - I personally saw Aquaman fly out of the sea in the light of the fire and do some somersaults in the air. He even vomited a few mouthfuls of blood before falling into the sea again. "

Luther's eyes lit up, "If the rocket pack was more powerful, wouldn't it be able to blow up Aquaman to death?"

Deathstroke shook his head and said: "Amanda thought so too afterwards, but in fact Harley Quinn had planned to self-destruct from the beginning.

She specifically asked the scientific research team to create an energy battery that can self-destruct and has the most powerful self-destruction power.

Exploding Neptune and vomiting blood is already the limit of the rocket pack, and it cannot increase its power any more. "

"That's not necessarily true. Their limits are just the starting point of my wisdom." Luther said proudly.

"Neptune is not stupid. Being bombed once was an accident. If he is bombed a second time, he is a fool." Deathstroke said.

"You have to try." Luther looked at Harley on the screen, smiled slightly, and said, "You continue."

"Harley Quinn is the coordinates. Saturn Boy locked her mental power and passed the location to Phoenix Faust. Faust opened the portal and sent us directly to the mothership.

At the same time, all European coalition forces were dispatched and took the initiative to launch a general attack on the underwater people.

They contained the undersea people to a certain extent.

Finally we find the earthquake weapon, which turns out to be both a machine and a superpower.

Do you know the ‘Earth and Stone Man’?

He has the superpower to control gravity and earth and stone. He was active in the United States for a period of time and then disappeared. "

Luther suddenly said: "It turns out that the earthquake weapon is the Earth and Stone Man."

"It should be said that Aquaman transformed Earth and Stone Man into a seismic weapon. After confirming that the earthquake weapon was just an exception and not a reusable technology, Harley Quinn self-destructed again, directly destroying the mothership and killing Earth and Stone Man."

"The Earthstone Man asked Harley Quinn to kill him through Saturn Boy's psychic connection." After a pause, Deathstroke added.

Luther frowned and said: "I understand the process, but is it too easy? If nothing else, how did you break through the mothership's energy shield?

As far as I know, the mothership shield is extremely powerful, a product of magic and technology, and even the Amazons cannot break it.

The mothership's weapons and intelligent defense systems are not just decorations either.

By the way, there are ocean mages on the mothership. Couldn't they have imagined that the enemy can teleport through space? "

"Oh, I'm confused too." Deathstroke raised his chin towards the door, "Captain Earth is here, you go ask her."

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