I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1642 Ivy and Harley

"Are you collecting emotional elements? This history is so real that it even has emotional elements?" Darkseid was a little shocked.

"Is this the next question?"

It hesitated for a moment, nodded, and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

One question per person, it has already been asked just now.

"The fifth world has been restarted. The new Genesis Star and Apokolips Star will definitely appear. Then Heavenly Father and you will also be reborn. What is the connection between the newly reborn You and the current you?" Harley asked.

It had a somewhat complicated expression and said: "Gods seem to be nobler than mortals, but as long as they cannot break through the limits of the multiverse for a day, both mortals and gods will be ants at the mercy of others.

When faced with a reboot, there is no difference.

Mortals are involuntarily affected by the reboot. After the reboot, reality may be distorted, or even oneself may be distorted, or even be erased inexplicably, disappearing, and no one remembers it.

In the restart of the fifth world, the new gods know more than mortals, but they can only comfort themselves - I am still me after the restart. Even if there are surprises in memory and personality, it is just another side of me.

If you can return to reality, you will probably encounter a familiar yet unfamiliar ‘Darkseid’. "

Harry frowned and said: "One question, one answer, and each other must be sincere. This is the rule, but you seem to be cheating this time.

You deliberately said that Darkseid is no longer you because you expect me to let you go after returning to reality and not beat 'him' until he cries for his father and pleads for his mother on his knees. "

"You just asked me about my contact with him, and I told the truth, that's all."

After a pause, it said with a calm expression and a confident tone: "No Darkseid will be afraid of you. You can only see him crying for his father and mother, kneeling and begging in your dreams."

Harley asked curiously: "Where do you get your confidence? I can't even imagine how strong I will be in 50,000 years."

Even if I don't take into account fifty thousand years of hard training, just now, I can beat the ordinary form of 'Darkseid'.

Darkseid, who was at his peak, had personally experienced it and fought with me. He had no choice but to use dirty tricks against me, but in the end, the dirty tricks were useless. "

"Witch Harley, if you have the guts, beat Darkseid to death when you return to reality." It said with provocative eyes.

Harley stared at it for a moment and marveled, "You seem to be serious."

"You definitely didn't want to commit suicide, so why did you provoke me to kill that Darkseid?"

"I said, no matter which Darkseid you can kill," it said calmly.

Harley took a deep look at it and said: "With your character, you will definitely not tolerate being restarted, and you made it clear before that you had planned a backup plan in advance.

Obviously, your backup plan can ensure that the newly restarted Darkseid is you. Whether it is now or not, it will definitely be in the future. "

It was silent for only a moment, but did not deny it.

"You used the 'Collection of Life Dreams' in the reboot to preserve the realities of all the people you interacted with. Naturally, I have similar means.

My method is indeed not effective when restarting. At this moment, I am different from him.

If my back-up plan fails, what you will see when you go back is a new Darkseid.

Of course, my backhand couldn't possibly fail.

It’s almost impossible to erase the ‘I’ in front of you.

As long as I live to the reality fifty thousand years from now, I can stabilize my own reality. "

"You are quite confident." Harley glanced at him calmly and said, "Your next question is about the Age of the God of War and the emotional elements, right?"

It nodded slightly.

Harley didn't hide anything and told everything she knew and analyzed.

After thinking for a moment, it said: "We may not be in the mother river of time, and the current era of the God of War is not history, it is reality."

"Don't you also feel the breath of the river of time, why are you not in the mother river?" Harley asked strangely.

"We are in the mother river of time, but we are not in the mother river either. There is another possibility." it said.

"What's possible?"

It said in a deep voice: "We are in the restarting time mother river!

I completed the proof that the Time Mother River belongs to Darkseid, so when the fifth world is restarted, the Time Mother River will definitely be involved in the restart.

All the gods in the fifth world have been involved in the restart, so the gods you encounter are all true bodies, but their consciousness was obscured during the restart process.

At this time, the world was in chaos, and the era of the God of War was slowly unfolding like the same scroll, so it was obviously a historical era, but it was almost the same as reality!

It is happening, and what is happening is reality now.

Even if the gods awaken the memory of reality, they will only remember the memory of the moment before the restart, and no memory after the restart is completed. "

"Maybe you are right and it is being restarted now, or maybe you guessed wrong. The Era of the God of War takes place on an independent and special river of time.

It doesn't matter, we can't control it, things have already happened, the most important thing now is to grasp the moment. "Harry said.

"You are right. The mysteries of the multiverse can be explored after you have enough ability and knowledge. The important thing is now." The act of killing you seems to be part of my fate.

Obviously I had completed part of the argument that "everything belongs to Darkseid"

Could it be that as long as we live within the multiverse, we will never be able to break free from the shackles of the highest destiny?

I can't get over it and neither can you, it's so pathetic. "

"No, I'm different from you. I wrote the Era of the God of War myself, and my life is not sad at all." Harley said.

It shook its head and said: "What's the difference? You can modify the reality when you restart the universe. When others take control of the restart, they can also modify your reality."

Harley said confidently: "Others may not necessarily be able to change my reality. I can struggle and break free."

"Hehehe" it mocked with a smile, "If you continue to maintain this confidence, I am looking forward to your next fate."

"The next fate." Harley looked at it and said thoughtfully: "It seems that you also know that my fate line has been interfered with by some bastards."

It was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Since you also know this, why are you still so confident?"

"Do you really think they changed my destiny?"

"Is not it?"

Harley shook her head and said, "To be honest, I'm not sure whether it was destiny that they adjusted my destiny, or whether they tried to curse my destiny and failed miserably.

Anyway, judging from the current results, I have made a lot of money this time.

The restart authority I worked so hard to gain from Crisis on Infinite Earths has realized its value at this time.

It's really worth the money, I'm making a lot of money this time.

The day I return to reality is when the King arrives, and everyone in the multiverse will tremble under my feet. "

It fell silent with a gloomy expression.

"One question and one answer, it's my turn." Harley reminded.

"You ask."

"What is your method of using equations to prove that 'everything belongs to Darkseid'?" Harley looked at it with burning eyes.

It gave her a look of contempt, "I thought we were both smart people and would tacitly avoid questions that the other person would not answer unless they became stupid."

Harley smiled and said, "You can ask me the same question. My talent, at least in equations, is indeed not as good as yours.

But the problem is that more than four thousand years have passed since I came to the era of King Wushen.

Even though my talent and knowledge are not as good as yours, I have still figured out a set of techniques for using equations to make proofs. "

"You mean, we can exchange our answering skills with each other and improve together?"

It uses Ivy's eyes and face to fully reveal the inner sarcasm.

"Exchanging knowledge with each other, we all have double the knowledge, this is easy to understand, right?" Harley said.

"The problem is that you said from the beginning that you would use equations to completely obliterate me. If I help you improve now, doesn't that mean you are killing yourself?" it sneered.

"We are just exchanging equations to prove the technique of 'everything is me'. I will use another way to obliterate you." Harley said seriously.

It stared into her eyes and said coldly: "You are lying."

"No, I swear."

"Your expression has given it away," it sneered.

Harry touched his face and asked in surprise: "Did my eyes flicker or blink? It shouldn't be."

"If you blink and twinkle when you lie, you are not the witch Harley. I am not looking at your eyes, I am seeing through your heart through your eyes. Harley, we have known each other for so many years, how well do I understand You, you know? Your lies can deceive anyone, but they can’t deceive me."

In the last sentence, it not only used Ivy's voice, but also her tone and expression, with eyes full of love and resentment.

The next moment, Ivy's expression and tone all disappeared.

It smiled strangely and said: "She has never shown such passionate emotions in front of you, right?

Do you know the reason?

In fact, she wanted to do that, but she was too scared.

Not only will I not be able to get closer to you, I will be afraid that I will not be able to maintain my previous state after failure, but I will be further away from you.

Worrying about gains and losses, being cautious, how sad and humble!

By the way, she also has emotional elements, there are seven of them, and each one is full of emotion.

Do you want to know what they mean?

Alas, it’s useless to know, they were digested by me, and their owner became me. "

Harry's hands were clenched into fists under his sleeves, and his fingers were clenched until they turned white.

"You're going to die sooner or later, why worry?" After a while, she calmed down and said coldly.

"Hehehe" it smiled, very confidently, "Witch Harley, I may die, but you have lost the most precious thing forever, no matter how hard you struggle, it will be useless.

After all, you still haven't escaped the curse of fate.

The Age of the God of War is not your big opportunity. No matter how much you win now, what you lose will be countless times more than what you get.

No matter how happy you are now, eventually you will have to condense the emotional elements that represent pain and regret.

You are too conceited. If you had left her in the Hall of Justice that day, maybe she would have returned to normal now, but you would regret it for ten thousand or one hundred thousand years in the future.

You will regret and suffer every time you think of her.

Of course, if you really leave her in the Hall of Justice, you can't be sure whether she is still yours at that time.

Even if she is no different from before, you will always care about her. According to your personality, you will definitely not be able to tolerate a situation where your destiny is not under your control.

Therefore, even if you go back in time, you will still stuff her into the stomach dimension.

So, you will spend the rest of your life in entanglement, hahaha! "

"Am I conceited? Are you too conceited?" Harley smiled angrily and sarcastically, "I now hold two equations with eight thousand emotional elements, and you are just a salty man lying on the chopping board. Fish, get this reality straight.”

"Eight thousand emotional elements." A look of shock appeared on its face, "How come there are so many emotional elements in the virtual reality that is just being restarted?

My equation signal wave spread throughout the universe, and only 20,000 emotional elements were extracted. "

"Are you afraid now? Without the rich foundation accumulated over thousands of years and the certainty of killing you, I would release you?" Harley sneered.

"Thousands of years?" It was stunned for a moment, and then said with relief: "So that's it, you must have deliberately lengthened the battle between humans and gods, and most likely you have tried your best to make the emotions of mortals even more intense.

But even if you have eight thousand emotional elements, it is not enough to complete the proof.

My original equation had more than 30,000 emotional elements. Adding in the 20,000 I made on the 'last day', the total amount exceeded 60,000.

You only get a small piece of the original equation, and the emotional element does not exceed seven thousand. Add the eight thousand you get later, which is less than one-third of sixty thousand. "

"The larger the goal of the demonstration, the more difficult the question, and the more equations required." Harley said meaningfully: "What topic do you think I will demonstrate?"

"Although you are as ambitious as me, you probably won't imitate me in doing 'Everything Belongs to Harley Quinn'." It frowned, thinking and shaking its head: "I don't know what theme can reach your level. Purpose.

You can't even change the reality that 'Ivy belongs to Darkseid'.

Because this reality has become an unchangeable conclusion after being demonstrated through equations.

Even if you have better 'scores' and are better at using equations than I am, don't even think about denying a correct answer.

Anyway, I can't think of any way to get 'your' Ivy back intact. "

Harley said calmly: "The theme of your argument is 'Everything belongs to Darkseid.' Ivy's belonging to Darkseid is not a conclusion, but a step in the argument of the big theme.

‘Ivy belongs to Darkseid’ does not have a high weight in the entire proof process.

The key is that you failed to answer the question and didn't turn in the paper, so you got zero points.

As long as I can hand over the answer sheet completely, I will be able to cover up the reality that 'Ivy belongs to Darkseid'. "

"Listening to what you said, I am more curious about the theme you are going to argue next." It said with interest.

"It's very simple. I want to prove that 'Ivy is Ivy.'" Harley said softly.

"Is this your thesis?" It was stunned for a moment, and then there was obvious doubt on its face. "Did you know that the equation can only be used once? Once used on a certain topic, it cannot be taken back to prove other topics again."

"If I don't even know this, how can I do the questions?"

It stared at her face, hoping to find traces of lies with "Ivy's heart, which knew Harley so well."

No, she didn't lie, she meant it.

It said in disbelief: "You spend thousands of years collecting emotional elements, and you only get one chance, but you use it to prove a thesis that is meaningless to you?"

"Didn't you just say that I would lose the most important thing?"

Its expression was stagnant, and it was a little speechless, "I'm just killing your heart."

After a pause, it said excitedly: "Do you know what you gave up? Even if you don't use equations to prove that you are the multiverse, you can still prove that a certain god-king law and a certain cosmic authority belong to you. Depending on your conditions, maybe you can Use equations to escape from the prison of fate, escape from the multiverse, and gain ultimate freedom."

"Why don't you prove that the authority of a certain god king belongs to you?" Harley asked.

"Compared to the entire multiverse, that little bit of authority is too insignificant. After all, I am the multiverse itself, so do I still care about that little thing in the universe?"

Harley said calmly: "I am different from you. There are people in this universe that I care about, and I don't want to leave the multiverse. The great freedom you yearn for is just endless emptiness to me."

"Stupid, I didn't expect you to be so stupid!" It flushed with excitement, its expression distorted, and roared loudly: "You don't even have freedom, everything you have now really belongs to you?

You can't understand such a simple truth. You are still the Witch Harley. You are so stupid. "

“Just because I don’t care about ‘greater freedom’ doesn’t mean I don’t have freedom.”

"You have the freedom to daydream!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Harley fixed its body with bubbles, and forced its mental power into its sea of ​​consciousness, turning into a golden giant.

"I want to prove that Ivy's mouth belongs to Ivy." The golden giant announced loudly.

Two rune chains flew out from the golden giant's eyebrows.

They are the original life equation and anti-life equation, which Harley intercepted from Orion.

After that, one after another "meteors" of different colors emerged from the wall of her stomach, followed her spiritual power into Ivy's sea of ​​consciousness, and floated in front of the giant Harley.

They were all emotional elements, previously stored in the lining of Harley's stomach.

Now the golden giant's hands are like knitting sweaters, weaving emotional elements into the equation.

At the same time, the golden giant used his will as a brush and equations as ink to write lines of arguments in front of him.

Each time a line is completed, it floats into the void, into the depths of its origin.

When no one is aware, the world is undergoing some subtle but far-reaching changes.

Harley spent two months slowly and meticulously completing the small argument that "Ivy's mouth belongs to Ivy".

"I want to prove that Ivy's brain belongs to Ivy."

This time she became much more proficient and completed the certification in just one and a half months.


Harley heard Ivy's voice, dull and dull, but it was Ivy's voice that truly belonged to her.

The sound is not controlled by the soul. It comes from the subconscious of the cerebral cortex and is very dull.

"Ivy, listen to me, I am using equations to prove that 'Ivy is Ivy', and you were betrayed by Darkseid."

Harley didn't say anything with her mouth, because Ivy's ears and soul still belonged to Darkseid.

Through scientific electronic brainwave technology, Harley transmitted her information into Ivy's memory cells.

The head is not equal to the sea of ​​consciousness, nor is it equal to the soul.

The purely physical brain is just a backup hard drive for the soul to store information, and is the basis for the subconscious and instinctive reactions of the human body.

Using electronic equipment to complete the information transmission, Ivy's pan-consciousness understood the current situation. Harley also used electrical signals to stimulate her brain cells and ordered: "Carefully recall the relevant information that proves the argument with equations, and then speak them with your mouth. come out."

This is why Harley first argued that the mouth and head belong to Ivy.

She wasn't sure, or rather, she didn't want to let Ivy take any risks.

No one can deny that Darkseid is the genius who uses the life and anti-life equations.

He used facts to prove the feasibility of using equations to prove problems.

Harley is confident but not arrogant. Not only is she not arrogant but she is very cautious when it comes to treating Ivy.

In the final crisis, in order to find Darkseid, she connected to the consciousness network of "Complete Darkseid" several times. Each time, her brain would be eroded by "Darkseid's will".

At that time, the argument that "Harley Quinn's brain belongs to Darkseid" has been completed.

To do this she had to cut off her brain.

Relying on this experience of directly experiencing the argumentation process of equations, it still took her thousands of years to figure out a relatively complete method of using equations to prove problems.

It's certainly not perfect.

But at this moment, Harley's own wisdom and ability can no longer improve the method.

She needed Darkseid's experience.

Darkseid is a giant in "The Question Maker". Standing on her shoulders, she can see farther than she can by herself standing on tiptoes.

The most direct way to get Darkseid's experience in solving problems is to prove that the soul belongs to Ivy.

Darkseid's memories must be stored in the soul.

But the problem is that the soul is the core of a person.

When arguing that the soul belongs to Ivy, Darkseid's resistance must be the most intense.

Once something goes wrong with the soul, everything is lost.

Harley wasn't sure if there were any loopholes in her method, but if there were any sequelae, or if the argument simply failed, there was no need to worry if her mouth and brain were damaged. It could still be cured. Even if it couldn't be cured, she could give up the body and become a "god of faith", Ai Wei is still Ivy.

In order for Darkseid to record the information in his will into his physical brain, Harley accompanied him to ask questions and chatted for a long time.

During the chat, Darkseid's will continued to strengthen its integration with his body.

After all, it has to speak, listen with its ears, and think with its brain.

When the topic comes to "how to use equations," Darkseid will definitely use his brain to think about and recall relevant information. In this process, the memory in the soul is recorded in the brain cells.

When Harley completes "Ivy's brain belongs to Ivy", the information stored in her brain also belongs to Ivy.

Harley cannot read "Ivy"'s mind directly, let alone use instruments.

Because at this time, "Ivy" has the will of Darkseid at his peak.

At that time, Darkseid was equivalent to half of the multiverse. How strong must his will be?

When he completed the thesis that "Ivy belongs to Darkseid", Ivy's own strong will supplemented the size of Darkseid's will.

Harley forcibly read her consciousness and was probably deceived by Darkseid with false information.

Orally narrated by Ivy, the process may be more cumbersome and the expression less precise, but it will definitely not go wrong.

Unless Darkseid predicts Harley's plan and memorizes wrong information in his mind in advance.

Darkseid had just been released from the stomach dimension and had no chance to think too much. Harley's plan was also secretive enough that theoretically Darkseid would not predict it in advance.

But just in case, Harley still spent three months analyzing the "Dard's Equation Argument Method", and another three years to extract the essence and upgrade and improve her "Quiet's Equation Argument Method."

After that, she was still cautious, avoiding the soul, and first used Argument Method 2.0 to experiment on various parts of Ivy's body.

After waiting for thirty years and finding no problems with Ivy's body, Harley finally took action on the soul.

Ten years later.

"Witch Harley, this is not the end."

With this sentence left, Darkseid in Ivy's body was completely erased, and Ivy once again belonged only to Ivy.

"Harley, I." Ivy stretched out her hand and gently touched the smiling face in front of her, "I'm really back."

"How do you feel?" Harley asked anxiously.

"It feels like thousands or tens of thousands of years have passed. We have been apart for tens of thousands of years. I miss you so much." Ivy's eyes flashed with a variety of rich but forbearing emotions.

Harley took a step forward and hugged her tightly.

A few days later.

"Ivy, you are finally back to your former self!"

Finally seeing an acquaintance who was not Harley's little brother, Oliver looked her up and down with great pleasure.

Her face was rosy now, her eyes seemed to be smiling, and she looked very good.

He felt relieved and happier.

"Oh my god, Oliver, how did you become like this?"

Oliver, who has white hair and beard and looks very old, actually startled Ivy.

"Alas, I'm not a magician, and I can't maintain my appearance through martial arts practice." Oliver touched the deep scratches on his face and said calmly: "After living for so long, I have become accustomed to this look.

And my physical strength and energy have not weakened, but are far greater than before. "

"You can't return to reality in this state, right? Dinah can accept it, but you will feel uncomfortable yourself." Ivy said.

Harley said: "As long as he reaches a higher level and awakens the magical power of martial arts, he can freely control the state of his physical body and regain his youth in a single thought."

Oliver smiled bitterly and said: "It's easy for you to say, but how to practice for the next level, even you, the martial arts god king, can't explain clearly."

Ivy also wondered: "What is martial arts magical power?"

"Everyone has seen my defensive golden film. It is a magical power formed after the martial arts realm has been raised to a certain level.

It is somewhat similar to the mage's exclusive magic spell. The reason why it is called magical power is to distinguish warriors from mage. " Harley explained.

To be honest, before entering the Martial God Era, her true martial arts realm had not even reached that of a Martial God, and the Martial Arts God King was completely unworthy of her name.

When her defense points increased to level 80, the DC multiverse recognized her behavior of earning experience and improving physical defense strength as a kind of martial arts practice. Then she was considered by everyone to be the God of Martial Arts, and she also called herself the God of Martial Arts.

With the approval of the multiverse, no one can find any flaws.

But Harley understood her situation. Although she had worked hard to earn more experience, this effort had nothing to do with the accumulation of martial arts experience.

She is a cheater.

At that time, she didn't even understand how or why the golden film appeared.

She has no idea how to divide the realms from mortals to martial gods, from martial gods to martial gods and kings, what are the characteristics of each realm, and how to break through the realms, even though she has become a martial arts god king recognized by the multiverse.

When she entered the era of the Martial God King, when she used the god-king-level Martial God authority to control the Martial God laws, and when she absorbed the martial arts experience of all human Martial Gods, she gradually completed the foundation of her castle-like Martial God King.

Only then did she become the true King of the God of War, able to point the way forward for the God of War.

Harley looked at Oliver and said: "Mystical powers are determined by your past martial arts experience, your current spiritual state, and your understanding and expectations of yourself.

To put it bluntly, magical power is the manifestation of Tao.

This is your path. It is up to you to decide where you want to go and how you want to go.

I can only point out the existence of this realm, but I cannot write a clear secret book for you. "

"Oh, anyway, there are still tens of thousands of years, so let's grind it out slowly." Oliver sighed and asked curiously: "How did Ivy get rid of the pollution of the equation?"

"Use equations," Harley said simply.

"I know you used an equation, what is the specific process?"

Ivy said excitedly: "Harley used all the equations on me. She helped me complete the proof of 'I am who I am'. She"

She turned to look at Harley, with a complicated expression on her face, both moved and worried, "The equation has been proven and can no longer be used. What will you do next?"

"What should I do? I don't need equations to survive." Harley said with a relaxed expression.

"Do you know the benefits of completing 'I Am Who I Am'?" Ivy asked.

Harley asked curiously: "What other benefits do you get?"

Ivy looked into her eyes and whispered: "My head has become smarter and clearer, and the speed of thinking about problems has changed from an abacus to a quantum computer.

Unlike Superman's super brain, he relies on genes and the speed of his physical brain.

I am a "super brain" in my soul. My thoughts turn faster. I can even run thoughts in parallel and think about the same problem in multiple threads.

It makes me understand your current situation."

Speaking of this, her eyes became more complicated, "I know you were thinking about the connection between equations, thinking life, nightmare demonization, and phantom people.

If it wasn't to save me, you should use equations to prove 'you are you', right?

Now that the equation is gone, how do you survive the nightmare demonization and how do you deal with the phantom? "

Oliver sighed: "Harry did plan to use equations to prove that he is himself. She has studied for thousands of years, but she didn't expect the end."

Harley shook her head and said: "You can continue to accumulate equations, but Ivy only has one life."

"The previous equations have been accumulated for thousands of years, and now the war between humans and gods has reached the end. Is there enough time?" Oliver frowned.

"It's not enough this time. Keep saving next time. If it's not enough next time, there will be countless time and opportunities in the future." Harley said.

Oliver glanced at Ivy, who looked sad, and sighed inwardly without saying anything else.

Harley smiled and patted Ivy on the shoulder and said, "You are indeed much smarter now than before, but this advantage seems not enough."

Ivy forced a smile and said: "The super soul brain is just one of them. In addition, my mental power has become very flexible, my thoughts are strong and difficult to destroy, and my activity is very high. I feel like I rushed out of the wall of origin in one thought. I don't know what it is. It’s not an illusion, maybe you have to return to reality to verify this part of the change.”

"Super brain, immortal will, absolute freedom. That's probably not all. You should practice for hundreds of years and slowly develop its potential." Harley said.

"I don't want to practice now. We have been separated for too long." She looked at her and said.

"Okay, let's play for a few years first and then talk about it."

Two hundred years later, outside the "Tianjing City" formed by the combination of gods and kingdoms.

More than two thousand ships were lined up neatly, and tens of thousands of human heroes were suspended around the airship.

Directly in front of them stood Harley, the King of Martial Gods.

Different from the fully costumed human heroes, she was dressed casually today. She did not wear any armor or carry any weapons. She only wore a loose white samurai uniform.

But her sleeves were rolled up above her elbows, as if she was ready for a big fight.

"Drive out the gods, and the human race will surely win~~~"

The human heroes shouted in unison, their voices rising into the sky, causing a slight commotion in the coalition of gods on the opposite side.

"The glory of the gods cannot be desecrated, and the kingdom of the gods cannot be violated!"

Zeus, the head of the gods, let out a thunderous roar. As the sound spread across the sky, dense thunder and lightning condensed above his head, and the surrounding sky was dyed purple.


He suddenly waved the thunder scepter forward, and the endless thunder rushed towards the human army like thousands of troops.

"Follow me to kill the enemy!" Harley was also very straightforward. She shouted and rushed directly into the army of gods.

Today is the last battle and the first large-scale divine battle in the past hundred years.

Ever since Harley announced the new doctrine of the Martial God Cult of "Benevolence to the World" hundreds of years ago, the gods' tactics of using human heroes to deal with human heroes have failed.

The human heroes trained by the gods cannot compare with the Martial God Cult in terms of quantity and quality.

Cost and efficiency are incomparable.

Harley's human heroes can be reincarnated, and the gods can also reincarnate the human heroes who believe in them.

The problem is that the human heroes of the Martial God Sect became Martial Gods through practice. They were mortals before, but after reincarnation, they still started practicing as mortals.

Most of the human heroes on the side of the gods are descendants of gods and have some blood from the gods.

At least he is a genius among the ancestors, with a noble bloodline that is one in a million.

They become demigod heroes by blood.

If you are killed in this life, you may not be reincarnated as a god in the next life. In fact, the heroic spirits of the human heroes of the gods remain in the underworld after death and do not reincarnate.

The gods do not want their current heirs to be "seized" by the souls of heroes.

From the beginning, the gods knew that they could not defeat the human heroes who believed in the King of Martial God through this method.

They just hope to establish irresolvable hatred and conflicts through bloody massacres among human races.

To put it bluntly, I can't beat you, and I'll disgust you to death.

A hundred years after the new doctrine of benevolence to the world appeared, heroes of the ancestors even began to appear who betrayed the gods and defected to the King of Martial Gods.

How will this make the gods' "human race blood feud plan" proceed?

The plan failed, and they were unwilling to go to the battlefield themselves. They had been fighting for more than two thousand years, and the gods and demons were withering like rain. The major gods could not hold on any longer, so they launched the "Blood Vengeance Plan".

When the blood feud plan failed, they simply merged their respective kingdoms into one and built the strongest fortress of the gods, "Celestial City", which was also the prototype of the "future" Heaven.

The war between humans and gods has entered this stage, and Harley has no other choice but to personally lead the human warriors to launch the final battle.

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